HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-14, Page 6_....___._,__w
Ullexpocted Confession;
r. The Mary of Miss Percival's Early Llfe.
ER \L\'.--(Cunt'tl)
ppy ('‘ening followed.
eing n trifle chilly, a
lighted in the lib -
y sat around it,
homelike room
it t'Icy desc'uss-
t and future in
, eon tdential way ; and
and Elsie. who lure doing
work together and planning vete interview."
e morrow's needs. also talked E-thcr at once sent Jennie down
the wonderful occurrence of to ask her t. I 4'(11114' directly up t41
lust few weeksher private sitting rooms, and, as
she entered her presence, she was
paired to see how greatly she had
aged during the few days that had
elapsed since they parted.
happy losers, both of whom had -My girl," said the woman, with gens when 1 was young, I was de -
been so strangely associated with deep emotion. as she grasped both lighted to hat' that almost price -
her past. Lands of her fair young friend, '•d" less stone in its costly setting. Ac -
They separated for the night at you remember what I sauce said tudiugly, 1 wore it a great deal,
ft, ea _hour; for all agreed that ;•- a about trying to ►•ight a wrong :in I it was the envy of all nay
ether needed to husband her that • I had cunuuitted In my fr,, ,ids. When I broke my engage -
strength, although her glowing face yc:eth'1''
'neat with Lord Irvington, 1 really
and gleaming eyes seemed to inch- Yes said Esther, regarding (1K ('I; worse about giving hark the
tate that sleep and rest, were the Ler pityingly, for her lips were' ;.ul1s than 1 did about breaking thy
east mf her requirements. quivering and she was trembling t r. th that shows you something of
'I he next morning found her touch
stranger, and all the party in ex -
^client spirits; unless we except
s Percival, who still appeared forced her into a great 'furkisit 1 ,t,i,ld not part with the beautiful
rat MT preoccupied and taciturn. rocker and pulled n hassock to her ',act; I sat with it in my hands.
After an early lunch, Mr. King's feet. ' lo. king at it co% 'tlusly for hour.
carriage and one of the manor ''Now 1 allure you must be ;u,,.i then all at once I conceived a
equipages were brought to the door thirsty," sheettinned, idea at least, so it seem -
and our friends turned their faces "Jennie has just-'Ilade some dei 4.41 to ole. 1 las in Paris at the
once more toward London, taking i"us lemonade. acid after you hate. time, and 1 knew a maul who was
Elsie with them, the girl having had a glass you shall go on wltl)'t. ry skillful in imitating stones, l
pleaded that she might be retained your story." - t,.. '.. the ruby to him, telling him
in Esther's service.She •
went to the table, poured out. tha I had lost. its mate, but dare
Everyone was convinced that she a glassful of the fragrant heyerage,t nut confess the fact to my parent-,
was entirely innocent regarding the and brought it to the woman, who' who had paid a great sum for it.
},lot against her mistress, and, as quaffed it gratefully and felt great owl asked him if he could duplicate
it was evident that the monar ly refreshed afterward. it for me so that the fraud- would
would soon be reopened again, her Then Esther made her take off h r ,tut be detected. He said that he
request was granted. bonnet, after which she drew up her (•(,(,Id; at least, so that none but an
Sit -telly after their arrival in Up- ow.l chair and sat down beside her. expert would ever know the differ -
per Grosvenor Street, the detective "Well." began Miss Percival, (ince. When his work was clone.
presented himself and announced abruptly. "I've made up my mind ttie imitation was 80 clever that I
that Harold Irvington had been ar- at last to free my conscience, as could not tell the real from the
rested the previous afternoon, and yt h: ail . isoti me t,." paste. At first I did not intend to
both he and his accomplice were in "But I. thought the man, whom k.t I. the real stones; those I felt
jai', awaiting whatever action yot. said you had wronged, was must be restored to Lord Irving -
be taken against them. de::d 1'' said her companion, iu sur• tuta 1 simply could not endure be -
The lean had been faluid in his prise. ling questioned by my young friends
rooms. still nursing his injuries, al- "So he is; but—but—well, look! as to what had become of my jew-
though he was gradually convalcsc- at this, and then, perhaps, you'll ei.. and so had iilntcnded the clu-
ing. understand," faltered Miss Perci- ' plicate for my own UMC after re -
A forced examination of his in- val as she nervously produced a si:;ning the other. But when I saw
jure(' (1) foot and ankle had reveal- small box from her pocket and I, ',: perfect it was, cupidity sugges-
ed the fact that he had met with passed it to Esther. t..1 to nee to send it to Lord Iry-
no accident—that he had been She took it --a small pasteboard ir,gion, and keep the genuine
shamming from the beginning. box, about three inches square, and stones. i was frightened at first at
This, of course, was a great point lifted the coyer. th•' thought; but it grew upon nae,
against him, and he was committed "Why!" she exclaimed. starting orad i finally told myself that, in his
for trial. to her feet, a look of mingled in- grief and disappointnn•',1. he would
when thc ease came before the credulity and amazement over- rc ver suspect the fr+uul ; and so 1
court, however, nothing could be apleiuliug her tae(, for upon a bed sashimi to the temptation, and
proven against hint, for Mrs. Itel- of snow-white cotton there lay a burdened my conscience for all
haws—or Sibyl Ladd, as she gave triplicate of the Irvington ruby, or, time. For more than forty years 1
Ler name—cenfessrd that she and nt least, what appeared to be such.
she alone was guilty of the charge"Where did you get it t—what does
brought against him.this mean f" she questioned, breath -
She stated that she had long 1(7 -1y.
been betrothed to M r. Irvington— ' • I stole it!" said the woman
bawl once been upon the point of st' lidly•
marrying hill, when their plans aOlt, I cannot believe that'." said
had Leen overthrown by the loss of E.tl,er, looking deeply troubled and
all his property. perplexed.
She atfhrnud that she had plan It is true, nevertheless. Sit
sed and executed the plot against down and I will tell yon about. it.''
'Esther, whom she called "a par- "1---i think I prefer you would
♦(enc usurper," fur the purpose of not," faltered the kindhearted girl,
✓ eslering his inheritance to her fi- in a tone of distress, while she cov-
e rve. and with the hope that she erect the glittering jewels and
sit ul•l thus severe the peahen
the box back to her com-
she had so long coveted that panion. ,
of urstress of lrsington Manor. She "No- keep it --it is yours," she
boldly sw..r" that her lover knew said, waving it impatiently away
malting of her plans, therefore was with her bony hand. "And of
responsible in no way for the con- course I must tell you how I came
sequences, tied 1►o amount tf cross- to have it. 1 have carried a guilty
questioning served to weaken her conme'cnce for more than forty
evidence at any point. scars, and I'mLound to free it at at them by the more forte .ate well -
Of course no one believed her— last. You know, 1 suppose. that 1 figured persons.
every one instinctively fiat that she was once the betrothed wife tf your
was making a vicariens sacrifice of husband's uncle 1"
het self to Faye the man she loved. ''Yes, Mrs. King told Inc that,"
But the law required that the 'mid Esther, with averted ryes.
verdict must be rendered accord- She was deeply pained to be
ing to the evidence, and she, was obliged to listen to the confession
pr( nounc1'd guilty ; although the which Miss Percival was about to
c4►nparatis('ly light penalty -- five make. only fur the figure but for the
)'('71 rs' p(ne! ser•it ode --which was "Well, then, 1 shall not be oblig- 1.i gilt eyes, pink cheek '4, red lips,
iml'used, plainly testified to the ed to go oyer than story again," the sad rigorous carriage which ac(v,m-
sympathy of the judge and jury in 1)0lunn observed, with n sigh of re I any a well-nourished body.
St rengtla health, beauty and
rl,,uld'halt alsomd, if the bl4.4.41 and
Il')tr cel ctm,arlll nourishment out
urn xamph'd fidelity. '114' haul sworn that 1 mtight• choose sanf•'tlliug. mf the t••.441 eaten.
so much. heartlessly left tier to her fn m the collection nR n seal to our This prescription aids nature;
fate, making no effort to lone her enyngenlent, or he would purchase 1,4110 absorption, digestion and as-
aenten(•41 committed. never once s.nncthing new for me. lie- autlt siu;il0tion; helps distrilmte the
set king to see Iter after her trial. i espied that mngnifteret r iiia, , and aland and nerve elements which
Immediately upon being 'Pleased I said i a'.uld rattler hate it. than Funke sound flesh, (1. t the ingredi-
f.t !111k .•f et!donee to prove his nn}thine else. He seemed pleased et .4 and make it at honer, and see
(;aa :,1114''igh alinest et4ly elle to hate 111e (•Laos( it, and told nm' 117 v. very fast you gain in weight.
in a half pint bottle, obtain
(lime ounces of essence of pepsin,
three ounces syrup of rhubarb.
Then add one ounce compound es•
senor cardiol` shako and let stand
two. hours; then add one ounce
tincture endom(nn compound (not
n, 1 heirlooms,"
cardamom). Shake well and take
Later. Esther, whose synlpalhies a teaspoonful before meals and one
In., beet) st r"ngls ei'1isl 'd ter her Meer meals. Also drink plenty of
Ir. acl:craus bona ft' p(• r, mV ringed water between meals and when re -
1t d.. many little 'hags far the ate thing. Weigh yourself before be-
waras comfort during her inlprim- ginning.
''Regina, turn : i could very well
secured her admission into a house
for the aged and infirm, where sue
fared comfortably during the
no -Linder of her life.
One day, loss than a week after
lather's return to the home of the
Miss Percival again called
to see her, 1111(1 retiucsted "a pr►-
re -
Miss Percival was the least talk -
nye of the company in the lib-
rary. She sat most of the time,
tratching with sad, earnest eyes the
VrankviIte, Ont., Sept. 27, 19(14.
"I suffered for years from headaches
RIO 11:4111 in the back, and 1 cow tilted
d.rtor and took every remedy obtain-
able without any relief. 'then 1 began
taking "1'ruit-a-lives", the fatuous fruit
juice tablets, and this was the only
medicine that ever did ane any real good.
I took several boxes altogether. and
now 1 ant entirely well of all my dread-
ful headaches and backaches".
(Signed, \1RS. FRANK EATON.
Sic a box, 6 lot 13.50 or trial IK,c,
At dealer, or (tout Fruit-a•tives Limited,
nervously. "But sit down, dear t'.I•at a selfish girl 1 was—how
Miss I'erei%al your alkwhas tit"1 la, ling in principle. But wait -
you." she added, as she gently ilea... is worse to cone. 1 felt ae 1
have carried the Irvington ruby
from place to place, wherever I
have been, but it has been like a
millstone around my neck, and 1
have never known a mumrnt's cant-
ata with it. i have never worn 't
even once since, for it would have
'1'hinnes% f4 Elllbarrassing. 1'nheal-
1hy and Not Natural Fortnula
Now Used 11 Welt .111(14 From (Inc
to 'Three Pound'; a 1/•eek.
1.very one ought to have some
extra flesh on the bony structure
of the Ludy, both for the sake of
health and self-esteem.
Most thin people fire sensitiyo to
Cat harsh, unfeeling criticisms
which arc constantly lit ing hurled
Every one pities a thin, bony
!mime, but horses dun'( know it—
w•l:ile thin prattle are both pitied
n► •l i 141iculetl, it ought pot to he,
bur it i•(.
w411 emended figure, he it man
o r women, excises admiration; not
view tf the woman's act of self- lief. ".1t• the time of nay betrothal
abnegation. 1•. Leal liain.gaon, he .hawed nae all
But the roan, for ahem. in her 'f the f.umih• J4•wel and 1.4!.I 1st•
11 hint to have been the nlsti- thc story of It, Have you ever
gat '1 ,•f the pita he left the conn- heard shout the twin rubies, Es-
t►y But justice Swiftly tv.•►ttok ther2'' she que'ti0m•d, abruptly.
hire. for lie peri.hell miserably, be "Yes; young Lord Irvin;ltun re-
ing scalded to deal) by the beast rated the story to me."
istu .,f n bailer upon the steamer,
"Then, of course, you know that
while classing the English Chan- they were regarded as very preci-
ousMiss Percivalre-
sumed. "1h' lover said that it
would same day be thine, and, as
our marriage was so near, I might
as well have it then. and enjoy if,
and told me to wear it. whenever 1
D Lu,etit, nr.tl, 81l(44 it wag ended, liked. I was pas5.ivnatety f•'nd of
like a grand• upon me, mill SEALED LEAD PACKETS ONLY
gluroniuq uhy quilt to the world
aid 1 would have given untold ! •��e■ —...a.
wealth ii I could have mulatto the
wrung—without confessing One The native purity and garden freshness of
truth; that, my bride utttrly le -
fused to du. Upon nue or two oc-
casions 1 lluve loaned it to :►
niece ."
said Esther, looking up
suddenly. "Did she wear it seV0r-
al years ago, at a theatre in % -iw
Yt•rk, and has she recently worn it
here in Lond14)1 '
"Yes, she has worn it both hove
null in New York,,' Miss Percival
replied; "but why du you ask that
Hate you ever seen it before 1"
ialb( r then told her the story re -
gelding the mute which had besa
so long in her own possession, and
Oa. repent discovery of the paste+
genes that had been found among
the Irvington jewels.
('I'o be continued.)
"Yon will marry a tall, dark
gentleman," said the fortune-tel-
ler examining the lines in the fair
hand. 's
''That. <loeap't help Inc.'' despair-
ingly replied the lovely blonde who
haat called to consult her. "All
three of there aro tall, dark gentle-
Kinll Lady ---"Why don't sunt
brace up, poor man? Think what
ye it owe society."
Sandy Pikes. --"I
et•: nuttiu', lady.
t elk I've been
bride whist 1"
don't owe soca
What do ycr
Camphor Ice
12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes
espslcum. unrated. Mentho)ated. retie).
Isted. ( amf.nnralarl. wh.te tit ide of Zinc,
etc. Esrh for special t•urpuecs. t1 rl:e for
tree Vettllue Root.
ON1•gaR000N Mio. CO. ,Cons'd)
370 Craig et. W.. Montreal
Cares Sprung Tendon,
Collar and Saddle Galls
,•• .•norms.
• •..i,r, ilia ISA
"1 ta•• erg ,r•or aps•l. c,,. us s big.
'Wink* twin. sal r re:, Fru 1 a n
Ibe 4)44., and J If 1.641-.7.
Spavin Cure
1.s tier:es 4. ?,,nor., amt 0fi amen 1.. 1t. 5,11
4c scars a•,..l•.: • 1475411, C414. au 10•1411,7•60474
1111111006 0( dollen for a•.• ..+..r•
It .. saw ►t. rrrn►1, 1444 r•. shwa,.M e•,,•rt.t
"yn 144 alr.:.,l.:y ear• /paths. a'K)..,., 1. .t.
Spun! a.ellr.i err leror.•.
17...r 1451.0. ..v r.r tdaa tt. Nle .tat•.
As s vd 4.1 a.. e. •I r• r . -a st
[«1 Kaad4lt's , • 'a,dy. 01. s►•tu•—
<i tl N]. .. t • . .r drier Y. ire rm•
5(4414"' a ln.:.. .-- II --. f -,r
--.-r Veto .,
DR. 0..4.IItDI►t ea , futsb.rp r•ns• 1'1
GG%/Sl�l1tJ,i b,
is preserved by the use of
Bagley --"All of Mrs. Ifowe's
children call her the 'tenter.' Isn't
it nice to see such affection l" Bai-
ley -''That isn't affe( til it. She sue-
1'l:1;1:'1'.1It11N!; 1111: BECOMING
)11.000 '1'11ltii't'1'.
Editor'. Deplore the sl.rt:Ad of An.
1)rl11a in the I'r114444(5
Of India.
The sassassihal't1) of Arthur Ma -
1011 Tip(•tts Jackson, (.'Lief Magis-
11ate of Nasik, in the Pieside•ncy of
Bombay, India, on December 22,
emphasizes the curlew• fact that
tlas date was a day of assassina-
titat or violent•(' in St, Petersburg,
Set sal, and Bucharest, as well as
sealed lead packets. 1'1 mb.ay. , The times of rcvolulion-
al.; viul(n,•c arc eyil'otly not yet
passed away, and in tb, case of In -
'('(dell in nharrying off six <langh- d'a the native editors and public -(s
t rs iu silty
your•, :mid troy salt Ler arc asking whether the %eget:titan
the 'mater' Lcl•:tn>c they think she niryanie Hindu, world -famed forha, fairly earned the title." his scrupules against taking lif.', is
actually degenerating tut•• a vulgar
bomb thrower'1
Speaking recently it Ent:land
Mr. Surendra Nath Itul:narji, who
is called by bis couut11men, "The
Father of Indian Unrest." awl who
takes great pride in this titl,, te.-
statked :
"I re-echo the sentirri•r•ts of the
vast majority of 1)1y 1':ol•rymen—
tllat we deploro'these +,:.:.rcitiral i.-
i-icielhts and have coati,-n.ned them
A flavoring used the same *slimes or vanill
Hy diuuhlpg graunlaled sugar is water and
adding Napkin(, a dehcieus syrup is made and
a syrup better than maple. Na lint Is sold by
gr�r etc 11 riot send ..Gc for 2 .a. bottle and
tonic book. Vv..apr.. M(,. Ce.. wattle, War.
$ppno•ltnr Lnndredt rt dollars In
hlildu,q a splendid home or barn
and then deliberate:y allow It to
sutler for ',amt.
Martin-Senour Paint
10001,, Pure, rateservc•
It feeds the hungry r r en pert.' of the
woad with pure In seed oil, lea -I and
aloe -making the surface absolutely
Ifnpervi,ua to c.matic ehensr s.
1t tees word 14.4,4 dampne.a—prn-
tenls it from splitting. cracking. from
sun and front. bl.r.terlite hear and blot •
Ira dust. which help the procets.t of
decay and ruin. Gond pure paint buy'
more Than )'4'crnta worth of insurance
against the ravage of time.
Tho IngreJient, of • pure painters
w. Il knot n. In the main they ar'l'ar-
b..nato of Leel, (Made of 7 r,• pure
('aloes, well groom] 111 11.7.0ullr adapt.
e] machlnrry. a,d thinrot with Loaf/
hnrred MI seri pure turperoln•d•yer.
A building or-rn•r who f:,i'• t.. roc,
rite age erect k'7.N,cr,rr eJ ,ek,5nr (4r
4101.(:nt will nee hia 1n„perty value
d•eream" while he ``row■ aged and
peevish wond.rirc why.
Notify ns If your dealer cannot sup-
ply you. we'ii !godly direct you where
flu paints can be hal,
''e Refuse All Substitutes
�n ,,J
ntuatrat-•t booklet
"Ramo Resutiful,'1
And Interesting
color card Free
for the asking.
is 19
P .n.ers Pyre Pottle
IT is lime to gel at painting. 1l is
time to choose now. So many
brands of paint arc offered that tau
must be careful in your choice. The
oldest alai most thorouglil: tested of
all paint, are
They Mand for .ir.ng-h, durability and
beauty on 11 an& of home', from
Cape Breton to \ ancouyre island, and
in foreign lands. They will beautify
ynnr home, and the 114:ee. is reason.
able. Drop a card .old ask us for
bt oklet •'K"' free. It is the handwm-
rsl booklet ever i-.ucd on louse paint.
ing• 1'ou should have it.
kotablitheel 1512,
The Paint Makers, - Montreal.
Gasoline Engines
SIZES 3, 3. 44 6 H.P.
They are so simple that the average farm
hand can run them, and are practically Fool
Proof and Frost Proof. Send to -day for
catalogue G.E.•tos, W.P. CO.. showing full
line of engines for farm use. 1t means
ism, money saved for you
TERMS Special Terms to Farmers.
Branches: -Tore nts, St. John, H.P..Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver
. 4: •
A10.14 1 -•
• e
,'!tear .i •Ill l
Ill u.',i �.r �.. •77:47".
-II- (• ,,, L,y, rL
g! 1 , 11..4 :..p
A 1sagM41ee14 ten $ori •re-pvnaf ARM Hee II jest tent{ enspletM, rnahl.re this Ism
hostelry the ,esreet and rn at up t" .tate of Atlantre City to .tel' A naw tea :u:• a tan an a.a*I
.111.1 It•• bed rooms- ••era.,ug le fest slow,
gist, rano e..laaaud. an .,eetn view. hath attaehe4 with sot and fresh eater (•4,s•&l.
g'sas In eery •ban her 1 •sp•ratere resaisted Ly thsra4s,lrltthe late l devil •rr,r•s it is
•1•0 410 beetles 4.+spb ,ne la every (mesa get! privileges Capacity eat Write f•r Must rate,*
Manager. U. b. \\ ill I E. Pram:dent
Canadian Appreciation
Innate -1m ilotel, London.
(Ientlemen,—i wish In express my allprecinti(.n of the 33
h.p. Daimler which you have delivered to Ise. Before ship-
ping the ear 1.. Canada I made .h (1(1'1 ' weeks' trial (.: it, cov-
ering sone.- 1.200 miles. The car ren perfectly. and I never
had the slightest trouble of any kind, acid 1 think it quite lives
up to the many claims you ntaa' far it. The silence, smooth-
t:ess of running, and power of acceleration on hills is really
remit kablc.
My petrol consumption was 1(1 miles to the gallon, includ-
ing n great deal of drising in traffic. The tyres show no ap-
preciable signs of wear, and 1 think it will prove light on tyres.
I am really delighted with the ear.- Yours sincerely,
(Signed) C. A. BOONE, of Toronto, Canada.
"The most
Car of the
The Daimler Motor Co., (1904) Limited,
Trac mind, the judgtocl.t, and tits
conscience are arrayed against
them. I regard thein as a passing
phase of excitement whit 14 will dis-
appear under the soothing effects
4.1 progressive and '.4 nciliatut•Y
One Hindu editor, Shyamaji
Kril•hnayarma, who has been accus-
ed by many well -inform•'(' English -
111(.1 and East Indians of instigating
M::dan Lal Ohingre to assassinate
Lieut. -Cul. Sir William Hutt Cur-
-,o.,-1\'yllie on the night of July 1
hast, does not treat the bomb move-
ment. in India with such lofty con-
tempt. In his vitriolic sheet, the
Indian Sociologist, published from
Paris, he rejoicing writes:
'After surveying the situation
we come to the conclusion that our
enemies are exceedingly disconcer-
ted on finding that our doctrine')
arc effectively put into practice by
the advanced Nationalist party in
India and elsewhere."
11x1 (;angadhar Tilak, a native
«liter, who is to -day in jail con-
victed of fomenting unrest in India,
wrote an article some months ago
in his propaganda organ, the Mar -
Latta (Poona). extolling terrorism
as %indicating the Bengali charac-
ter. To quote:
''Th" Bengali youths engaged in
bomb -making and bomb -throwing
have committed
Bar, we fancy they have probably
one clear motive in engaging in
bc•mb and revolver practice, and
that purpose must be declared as
served. The purpose was to avenge
the Bengali nation upon Macaulay;
and that is done for all time to
come. National calumny is 0110 of
the must unpardonable crimes that
writers are liable to commit. Such
a crime was committed by Lor('
Macaulay when he penned his in-
fant ous libel upon the Bengali in
his essay 01) Lord Hastings. The
calumny struck ; and being conclted
it attrac•ti%e words was eagerly re -
1 card and handed down from one
c( aeration (If Englishmen to an-
ther as the quhite:serer of a so -
,a7 logical truth. But Nemesis was
walking an antidote slowly. Sho
t. ok more than fifty years to corn-
! ?ate her work. But it is now
tn•arly finished and is on view in
Bengali."—Literary Digest.
1 The crow sticks steadfastly to his
The chewing -gull girl ;iv(s from
hand to mouth.
The night key is not usually the
k 'y to success.
Iaen the wise t►1en are occasion-
a11y otherwise.
1 mortgage on the house ail
tea prevent the roof from leaking.
It isn't worth while to call in a
vete: illarinn for a had case id eggs.
The business of a promtter is t<►
petsusde your money into his pock-
A little vanity keeps a ratan keyc'f
1 1 to his best, while too much ren -
.I rs him nhnoxious to Isis follows.
There is many a stump speaker
aim would lnuct better be at home
pulling the stumps from his own
It"L i see Smith in dull. What
tit' brought given t Bull -1 rh'n't
know- for sure, but I think it was a
, Imeunlota-r.
One ought ale acs t47 get more in
iris work than be hop., s h' get by
Some of the real fnim(rs (4•m -
plain that the average city agricul-
turist doesn't know a corn on the
hand from corn in the car.
The man who sets aut. in life's
race expecting to have a walko,e
is likely to be tun user before 1
hat proceeded far urea his way)