HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-14, Page 5T81'3 EXETER TIMES, APRIL 14th 1910 ••..•••••••••••••N. • e • Prevent and The Mons BankOl� Relieve Headache Incorporated 1865 •"It gives me great pleasure to • be able to refer to Dr. Allies' 2 Anti -Pain Pills as the best rem- • edy we have yet had in our • house for the prevention anti in Canada, and Agenta and Correspondents in all tt,he!' cure of headache. 'My wife who Principal Cities i - CAP TAL (paid up) ••. $3 500.000.00 RESERVE FUND •••• .... $3.500.000.00 Has 65 Branches or • General Banking Business Tratiescted. • Savings Bank Department i at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager • WIN•NNN••NNN•NN••• a •NN••NN•••••••••N•• • has been a constant sufferer for a number of }ears with above complaint joins Inc in the hope that they may fall into the hands of all sufferers." JOHN BUSII, \Vatervleit, Me. Used Them Four Years. "I)r. Miles' .inti -Pain Pills THE CANADIANarc the hest I ever trial fur tete ) relief (,f headache. hc, I have used BANK them for near!}' four years and they never fail to give the relief, 1 have trie(f many ot her rem- edies, but have never found any better." JOSEPH FRA OSEPI . r r K ICK, 854 "1'rombly Av., Detroit, Mich. There is no remedy that will more quickly relieve any form • r headache than OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABI-ISi)F.D 1847 S. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10.000,000 ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in -the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers and Others for the transaction of their banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL way with equal facility. Accounts may be opened by mail and monies deposited or withdrawn in this 122 Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, .i\I;tuager Branch also at Crediton. FREE TO YOU -MY SISTER P.Ras TO YOU AND EVERY SISTER SUFFER - 1 f 1 f \V nl etc ,, n at;•rloo, is ,.prud- Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills. The hest feature of this rc markable remedy is the fact thatit does not derange the stomach or leave any disagreeable after - t :Teets. Price 25o at your druggist. He should supply you. If he does not, send price to us. we forward prepaid. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto. tit'. .1 in I though/Iyou were. a better Me vet. than that. Ills a wond.•r that the (own -lathers wouldn't et op bicycle ridinz and roa- r skating on the streets, It's 'the it ' •r nuisance that ever existed, a . it day, bete he.p:0r to tell t' the house of i1rs. Stahl. 4Ir•, „,,h1 !. -n-ing pp housckexpinp and nit' mak • her future borne with her -on Levi. \irs. Uulbtch will be nccoul- 1,re!ed back by Mies Luetic Stahl. >Ii-. (I)r.) Urine. who has been vie- . INC FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. i am a woman. I know wouuul a ent erings, I hate found the cure. 1 wiu mail. free otany c charge. , hems treat. with all instructions too e any sufferer front wousen'sailments• 1 want to tells l Is omen about this cure -you, my realer. for yourself, your daughter your mother, or your sinter. I want to tell you Ihow to curo your -elf at home with the help of a doctor. Men cannot underbulndmom- ' in London for a :,•w• day., re - cies sufferings. What we vr^rnen know from ex. turned home Tuesday evening. portents. oeknowoeterthanato doctor. ! know A fond from here drove out to Cent that myhome treatment Maaattendsure core toe 1II-:t::,, Jlotiday and a1 tended 111.• so- Leucorrh Ira rWhl o fish discharge, Ulceration, Ms. - placement orFailing oftheWomb,Profuse,Scanty cal- They all spent a ideneant even - or Palnleal Periods, hterine or Ovarian Tumor. or • ,H r• Urowths,nl...opalnsInthe head, back sad bowels, Mr. Ana,,,t Ili•I and' daughter, A:- Ing up the nervousness,creeelegfeele Ing up the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hoteta event 'Sunday in Zurich visiting Met - fleshes. weariness where caused by weakness peculiar our eex, toalto. harry I)/ r and daughter star kidney and bladder troubles (r ••neis and reestn t I want tu.end yon a complete 10 days treatment entirely Tree to prove to you that son can cure jot:.•. :eft 'fur .h ,r home in Detroit ittesclfathome, eaaly,cuikklyandsurely. Iteumember,that ltwill cost you nothiggtoglve atter sptvldIII a month et ills rola- one 1treatmontaconipletetrial; and ifyou ))should wi.•htocontinue. itwill feet you only about l3 lite t around here. •4stsendatets a yournam andr lees than i dress.tellmoh wyoueutter.ifyouwhenot interfere with t,a1(1lwillsur ork or enl occupation. \1 en !vat lessery. or Centralia, spent ktl/eatmentfor }yourease, entirel)• free . in gjainwra`{„`{er,b))retina mail. 1einalso send youfree Saturday in town. est,ruyl,00lc-"WOMAN'SOWN IitEpICALADVISEit'with1 ex{ ar t ill ti t ill Uy,,.thattnecando ora- loucandecide tpt e.Drystatesonshoulrs,, JOnce returned to her home sh,'vomenrn totndhowtheyself. Tilyeurenthetthcssthonie. I:verywotnnnohould .n \I:u:;tte. \lictl, affc•r at re It and learn to think for herself. Theuw•henthedoetorsa a_ •Yount. or yourself Thousands of worsen have cured them-e1veswith myhome Ila' lances! or her father. ,ll r. Mat - remedy. Retire -gall, old or young. To Mothers of Daughters, 1 will explain a simple home 111 u + Winer. fs�eatruent which aT'•iodilyarid effectually curry L4rt orrh•r•t, (:roesSickne,s'1, slid painful or r. Ed:e \V(•iner !e ]]�R�,+eefoliar Menstruation !n Young lattice Plumporsi4 and health always from its ns.e, `Vf t for Ilnnohereveryoulive.Icanreferyoutoladiesofyour own locality w'hoknow and will glad)y af' ' sP••ndini n . few weeks with nnysutfcrer[hat h 1.11 this Home Treat mime really cures all women sdireasesunittaste+,women ft' Ott. Tee11 stmng. plump and rohm,t. Just send me your address, and the free ten days' t reatmont Is your- ei-o the book. \['rite to -day ns y ou may not ave this otter agate Address MRS, M. SUMMERS. WINDSOR, ONT. ic.•:•e Albert. Rev. J. l'ilkbeinor• of Johannes - btu. : AWN '•Ir. Albert 'Murlock has his :vita 1! ,till 1cngine in good running order. Se F , FATHER! ! R �N MOTHER! A Business Education is the + greatest legacy you can leave .} your children. We get down to + the bed -rock foundation of living huffiness science, and assist ++ worthy graduates to the choice t positions Enter any day. Indiuldual in- + dividual instruction. 11 o m e •. study courses in Senior Teachers 1' Matriculation and Cotnniercial .i subjects,Send for particulars. W Is THE i 116660t6U retie to do that fainting, Pa- pering or Graining. To have it done promptly and properly go to d Milton N Hdrri A f111iated with Commercial Educators' Arend'seun of Cana- .(. di. .♦I Prices Right and sat isbtction + guaranteed. + Write for petticulane + + Crediton EASTER i ER,11 OPENS MARCH 2o. Crediton, Ont. Clinton Business College \\'c Avg to announce to the farms r- re elite fig seeds that we are offering for sa:c a large stock of lied Cover. Alaike. 'Timothy. Iliue Grass, Mi:lee. r' A.slke and " In 1 Timothy mixed, and Al - (leo. ~pollen, I'rint•ip:al, .1. fella ('lover Seed. wil:eb were ep cial N 'y selected fur our retail tendo, and +++•;•++1e-Se•:-••'r+•:+e•++Piel-i•:••1••N cannot be surpassed for purity and gel:Mu: t:on. Get ottr prices before making your pnrchasca. We have mise n limited quantity of "IKin;r /�.' 1 Ilii �(:/,.//' Giant" Heed Ont% for sale. Th's n -w oat in (root Heerlen and was the nd- mirat:nn of all who Raw it growing 'sat-w•aaon. Il V. a henry cropper strums up well. and in seetions where conditions were favurab:c this past season yielded F6 bus. to the ncr.•. 1: you nre going Iri try n new oat. pro- cure a few hnaht•'R of this variety. A ca:I so:icited.-('. %WICI Eft. `'ow. is the time or the year e h farmers ahou'.d t:c soeiu:f nitwit !heiI .11pp.y of Strdt for sprints. We have .1 .urge anpp:y or C over. Alsyke. •l ini- othy. Millet A Inffa ;Ind other field seeds. 1Vhen good. e'oan 1l(•e•dt nr,• wanted, d0 110i foret.t. Ilial we enrry ihr tress. Call and examine 1bi•m and c. our pricee.-S. lilt 1V !rush e'w aye du. a hes Lest to de•m- 11. A. MtLA('11/.AN, on -drat strongly obit rats he :lccom- •.:ish d try fraud. ['disci' Is1, .'1 . s E. to 1\Ve µh. o:' Feet 'r, is vis - 1 r•;: li,•t• nun[ 'Mrs. .1. Corkwill. '1 ., nit Ilili. I t a 1 oho has 1 n.• ell --- one in 1). ; roil for a few weeke, S. S. No. 2. IiAY �re. .elned 110111• \londal •verl'n{• • fo'Iots:nt is the report of tb• e'en 1 t:Ilninntiotit heel its .. Ilay .eta! marks. '•iv -n. IV \Vi:frit '\olthrot1 4114; Ada i7 ; e.:1 Ione: .15e ; Edd• • iVe .vu III. \\ 1 Id 2'I2. 111 class -1V, 111; John Alerray 121; Ita'ph r 4112 ; \I •tin (lateen h 311: and oilmen -It's w , I;cddee bel. 11 elms --'; 11.1± :,1 .1;111 110(0.("11.1 /,-ns 011 r•xercitinr that (Io, good; try one nr ten Ferro- ; Vera .lone / 223; Willie We- h'• bore. .he (eh •r day- find 1►• mado zone Tablets with ynur meals -watch ; Herman \V .1 and 11'e. for ih• (11eh. Ile rtot oft very I:rky 1h, result. Fifty Bente a box, slx for Gro. Masson. Tench •r. 1'11 • cart Wet Slightly damaged. Now Si2.50, nil dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Canada. ".TRATFORD, ONT. 1Vrile u+• at once for our free ('81nlegne and Ieurn 1 110 nr► 1 lire ur ( lir cunrsen in Corso niercial, 1:hntlhand or Tele- graphy depnrttitent1. We have the leading, practical. training action) in Western Ostt.0 III. Courses are thorough Instruc•tot8 experienced and we MReiat gradnn;• s to (ou'i litions, Students es•" enter- ing *etch week. You should enter NO1V. burg s 8pendin.t n few dayti t ins his parents and brother talo is ill. Ile •''1 flit occupy the pu:pit in th • Et'fin• 3elicel church next 'Sunday! mornin.t, Our burg a well levee -d with paint- ers. No less than four. Ilob ,'t a good mechan:c and Tom is a great t•ain'ter. Mit certainly does not need to take a back seat 2nd Bert Lilt but not lea•t can certainly dob on the ' paint. Surely by next 191' there won't b•• a house in 'town that will nerd mint - ire; when there are four experts in teen. Mess Mary Ilcrirand resent Sunday in E%,•ler vieiting friende. A number of tittle children started school on Monday morning. WI! wish th-'m (•v •ry suet -este The women nr.• busy :these day% holtee-e•enn:nR. The contest in OODOectiott with the Lathe Adult illh:e Clams of 'tie!) Eyin- g •''cal church rand which crane to a vete. several weeks ago resu.ted in Bow a Woman Can Build Up Her Health This Open Letter From Mrs, L. Hermann Will Be Interesting to All Women Readers, The follotting letter written from her prettily situated tern, In uaeining. un the banks of the Madsen, gives Mrs. Ilerrnauses experience with 111 - health: "I was never very strung. "'Thousands there are just like me, who have to pay double toll fur every tittle extra effort or exertion. When the weather was tine, and 1 was able to get about, I enje ',-d lite told held my strength. But t thing always, happened --a little mu,11 done. or siune small siclatese would put me back, and I vetted drop Into the meat miserable despondent state, unable to sleep or enjoy my meals. 1 decided to take the most nourishing and strength- ening tonic made, and was strongly urged to use leerrezone.'1 After the first box I saw• F,rrezonc was dnh,g Inc good, so 1 Collett ed closely the 'herrozonc• Rules/ for Health.' and galled steadily. At first I didn't e:lt all well as 1 once did -1 couldn't expert t... Hut there tsps a gradual 1►nprirvc- Inent In my appetite, and this buoyed tip my flupe8, 1111,1 cnllv1nct (1 Mu le'erro- z'•rlr was what 1 needed. It 13 1083 Ulan n year mince 1 commenced Perro- zene rind already 1 am liken new wo- man. 1 eat mere, sleep better, weigh more, re, am etrunger, healthier, better looking than ever before." !r. Andr.•o '•Itt'eholtt. of Zurich., 11• 'I'Ir(•gil:1, -11 •014'1 011 iof+irt 'sr. , R 1VImt'. Ih• ►,,.el•er ailh the :'IIA • ,brat onT Th.• committer hili t bet ow. A Woman's Tonic \V0 uudrr•�and 1 has Mr. fret fink-' No tonic has such n Is•lier in dols: sic and we hope he universal re- Is r eallinn e sn. palatines for restoring health t girls n omni, 3 i ill,-4nr the .r•de case:Mi a by k l.iuk, heistr i Ciiit victa'ioua and on N'rlday ui;ht last the lusiu s:de c sl a' e • c al + in d by C. semis! gave a crupper at 'the home of Mr. J. 11, 11u:unsafe Luring. the evening it vier) Interesting prograu, was given by the winning [side. th:• budges worn by the Hetes were by no means an iu- d•eatioil of their feeling as they al; evetued jolly. Mr, .184, L0W,oll ir{ renovating Ile. rear fir hies store with 'the intention of 1.tu1tiult an ice• -cream parlor this autuner. 1tev, Butt occupied the pulpit of the Nitahodi.t church last Sunday and l,r •:11he(1 two excellent ew•rmores I1ay.• you seen Halley''s Cuwete Mr, Fred l''inkbciner who hal been low the Fiat fell weeks ar rapidly ins - ['roving and is able 'to be up. 'I'll.' amen e•rsary in connection, with sir.• eeesseelicul church lase Smelly was 111.• 1110(41 ,•+ucc(•ssr111 ever held (I- nane a:ly. l(,V. E. 11. Bean, 'the pay - .or. preached two fin • si•rmous to !at- to con:treLaliune. Bad Breath Correclled fiddly ry the Use el Catarrhozone Catarrh !s an i1•ii'llllmiltiorl. 1Vher•u there le in fia in 118 iluti there is always mere or Use offensive secretion. in- flammation may be of the very active sort, but It Is often of the slow kind, and this is the particular fumes in 1 which the breath is rendered offensive and the presence of the mutterer be- comes an offence to every person of delicate sensibility. Bad urge your breath it, bee usef f+one dis- likes to be unpleasant to their friends, but this form of catarrh is dangerous because it supplies a hotbed for the TIASIIWOOI) 1 development of Consumption or of N. tet,yer's cow recent!! gave birth : I other diseases cf the throat and lungs. Had breath Is an ;evidence tont the to three calves all in a good healthy microbes They teen. 1 -- - r r uc • h,tso, I 1 h t I tond•l•on rh .. ?.e., ,,,,,ting )plct•are , Ij.Chas. s,l Jb Heaver tlo� • $10.011. t Lo i -a I inroadsrtinto the 1101thgof rthon•bo,ly.tll Ir pair- ur 111 in calves, and they were i ettipal these niirrrhozone tilte organisms, ,cts at once but (it purchased by Sant !taker. who still has I dote more --it heals the inflamed sur- th•'n1, \\ ho 4i1 say '1bIt • i.. not 11 faces In which they found nesting profiiab'• cow. I place and consequently r,nloves both A very pleasant et erling 4.118 spent ! cause and cifeets of their artier]. at the home of Mr. Jacob Kellerman. If we only highly estimated the on Friday. April lith, when the losing value of prevention and used Catarrh - Hide of the Y. P. A. contest.enter'taitted ozone at the beginning of a cold or the winning side to a banquet. The dining room, WAS tastily decorated with streamers and garlands of pink and white, the Y. P. A. colors. The table was beautiful with large cluster's of pink and white carnations and coy - .ere were laid for thirty. The color scheme being carr led out, even the icg cream being pink and white, A pet grannie of music was rendered during the serving. During the hatter part of the evening a 1•Icat.at:t hour wits spent in 11111bie, recitations and speech- es. Before leaving the Pinks and Whites joined hands around the table andsang Auld Lang Syne. A very pretty wedding was suletn• uized at the Lotherisn Church en Wednesday of last week, /then Miss .1. ., (nn Stine ion N 11(41 ell Ill II UII't'IN Ir(• to Mr. Fred. Dearing, of Ilen. ') About one hundred glle•r(8 afe•e•11)li ted at the. home of the bride after the t-crelnony when a pleasant tet ening teas :!lent. The bride received hand.en,e and t.sl• liable gifts. They will reside in Hen Fall. 48ENSATIONAI• EXIT:Itll?NCI:S IN SEARCH (:F A CI'I1E. f50 for On; Specialist Alone 1 Th•• varied and costly, experiences of some plop • who suffer front akin &.senses and zct into the hands of so• called "specie:lets" are• rarely heard of. Almost daily the eroprietor4 of Zinn -Hui; are receii•ine fetters of gra- titnd-• from persons who hair • been cured by Zarn•Iluk. and in many- cases th •se '.et fere tel! a story of 111(fer- int in the search of etre which is tru- ly p:tiful. Mr, Arthur F'airbank. of 547, Lens. downAvenue, •:'oronto, says: "Som•• time aro i had a bad eruption on my forehead. which 1 attribute to getting infected at the barber's. This eruption became very pore and ?Tread over my scalp in the form of open a•r• I ., ,st went to a doe oho t b•I l re nt- e•U t• for until almost[ the tilNhoet• of my head ORM affected. A% th.• doctor's treat- ment did me very little good. I left it off and tried various home r.•tnedies, I n'so t r'. d laking varioue ap erien(a m.dicincs to try and cur, th • ouihr••ak t through th.• b.00d, Still it sins 11'1 ill vain! "Titn i tried li.00d nlixliar•s. bit not ono o' 'beat d d m • any good. i was by that time in a ahoekin;t condi- tion. and as a list r• Poe ree i w' •est to 9 akin c -[Sell fat. 11,• treateilp 1 and it cost m•+ over 5(I but th • ( oree got no better 1'h •y w•on:d itch and ourn at tirn:'a fel I was near:y m tel. 'Shu• day a fr:esel asked I•,. a.10 i had not tried /ani'Bak, and gave ale a tittle. That :idle tit: did 'me ruor• !God Than all the ion; Ireal ment 1 had had from eoctors end rpecia'- .31:s. 1 ilnmediate.y R •nt for n •vpply of lir • bn to and started right in to .live it ;i proper trim, Very soon I b• ran to see and. (e.•1 a ,trent differ - n„• in the sore- and i knew that at 1 had found •-entetbine that , - d cure tne. Y..nm•Huk cured m.. Ir:flin'r cost. Ind, ed only a were necc Bary to do il.' • fur skin- dieenses, but for erns. bra's •8. piles. ' inflamed • •11acCI,etc. Zani-Illik 15 110,lonlled, /:I dr0;rz eft and t•501(a Tac. holt. Or post free from '/am -Hak Co,. Toronto. to , 1 nre !leftist. imitation.. -' t1 r- ' ham sVe etableCom and ' with I ' • e s the leery' earnest letter of J 1!rei<is T11 L it (earl •.•t a holt Ion S h r children. for their new horse in J. 1 , r,,;• /chu Ilvet near \Vcllln o, fns :'c pIM l•h• t n 1'n to av i,et in MARi.T(IN, Y•.1.-1 feel 1hat.1,yd1:11', • 111 • seat is r.• Mr. Ibuttie ha. recur- t•nr 1-. le. ' i And n vera Valuable horgo 11 s p riorrnanc:'. lion'[ fill yo0rg^:( 1'itlkham's VC etablo Compound has I'd a rood position. thr.t leek distemper a month ago, and 1 Mits Gliders. of Toledo, Ohio', who was afraid i was going to loge him. de - e e • ••:rot. by miw.in.t this number. given the new life. I 7', • •• r: •w memo rg erre 1011intrt; 1 suffered for ten 'tin' ap ndinr a number of w •eke with i(Is throat swelled nest hard lee had dc- •n,u th' C. (t, P. h •r.•. on Tueg 0 r loot. Mrs. •1, 1:ili., relrn•dl sat veliptel• Ills nostrils ran and he a des} years with serious tt ek. and wens accompanied as far le terrible cough, i even n female trottbl('a, in. Th i.' thrrau church hag h1e,n years ulcer- ;London by her tousles Mtge Mattie tried different re - I Il' d with a numbem• of hand- alien, inrligestf„tl �F:l! g. Nerviline "It'd"' but was sow • electric lieht chand,ae•rs. and I 1► t \i ~r Ilcod of the third conccti%ion of unable to relieve nervousness, 811 (I !SI 1nley• s/ ho a as recently attacked my horse of his other furnish,n rt which add .treat ly Cottld not t bcp. ' (CURE8to h fipp,fir,nr o! chit .edifice, .Centura Rate n;0liy a etre) and nand doz [chile u• t.tln and suffering Th •death n Mrs. IteZia N. Drnomy up, as tllfyR;lld )I:y rhttehinit their home in their awn 1144 I started to use Ner- o( th • tin , 1, • 1,'ne. carni • as a Rmnt I troubles tyero I(nnn .,tee, ,a a ;rnnddnu rite r of Mrg, UICKLY Nerviline. 1 mix - shock to h r 1111 in). (trod%, Mrs. i1, n- • chronic. I was ill I Hood, of 111:s villa ze. Fortunately ',1 a bottle of N(•r. only was town :he Frida • rrevioue her c othiut Raved her from beingoil and ru bed ti,,, mixture and sweet 3 I despair,anddid not ,01(Cy hilten hitt n+ n precn,htion Sh mtxturr nn the ands rn d a he in the beet of hesllh carewhethcrilived ,,t , throat and chest three times and Stei•-, About 5 ,h ren.• to the Pasteur institute• a day and to'clock 011 Gun. or died. when • I read about Lydia, You would I i E. Y old Rrnrcel (lay she received a [melee le stroke 1 ;Toronto. Y believe the any I'inkham's Vegetable Cum muesli• so I that horse picked up, 1 Nerine cured and before tweive She was a corpse, began to take it, and am well a, in and :e ni't ' a number from lenge 11 and Alm. i nllu, have used Ncrvlllne for ''t'' eaves, es her harthand n relieved of all niy sintering.' -Mrs. :`'ci"i'y intend tong out west in th • collo In horses and cows, and cnrneatl err • family n�lli:drrn to mourn rh • relieved of nnY, )leu 40, ring.' - N.J. j11 ar (blare, reremmcnd It to every man that le d • lrh o: n ov n; 4ite nest math •►. I Lydia E. 1'inkhanl's NarlblOCom- ,,; \its. ('hat. Troyer. is t'a%itinz re's_ raising stock." tih • ivat iu I h iRth y+ear o' beer etc, and, made .1' from native roots and : t: t and fri,'nds in 1111Ia Grin and For strains, Sprnnts, swcllingg, colic. Th se a Juliet i 1 00 placeTuesday morn- ; ictbs, cont:dns no narcotics or hs 11(1 t'icinity, tlnotenlper, coughs, and colds, no MO - int. interim est being in S1. Refer'.•. ful drugs, andto-dAy holds the record '1 r• Sales Nwny-ii,• :1114 Mr. Ed. Lin. !tient -en! prove so efficacious In the church tR ' h reI rtubi h c•n (c os • met •r D •..d'Ncn•I Ir rt/1 1 le- di.�•o r It•a oe J foror n i d , !thol rr point ft largest tu , g to number n rr r 1 e R of (lethal a n n tt' ,!cur s h 0 \m .1 W,an r f• c „ r,C. Ca r •c,•nt'y went out a•rat to n o •en. t, f r Mt0rnn1 or external cth:hited *his! of female diseases We knew of, an(1 fortunes. will be merit miss d from ' will vitro it. Is talo, N. Largo hacks y stallion al tieslorlh on Tit t. thousandsntvoluntarytestinu,tlfalsaro nor rillar and tb'trrh e,re'eg, a It. R tush substitutes. Largo day. and look first prize Inn Ilio 1tt th0 1'inkl 1 b I I (n betties 50e, trim size 25c, at nil deal- on front women [►110 have which they look :1 de •T interest incl ccs, or The Catarrhozone Cu., Ki igston. ' h,•I .rd 'letter \I r. Georre Tnie1. eon of Mr. and j 1 nn 'Mas f lam laboratory e ho: )est before it becomes well seated, the deadly ravages of Consumption would be stayed and the terrible agonies of sufferers of Asthma or Bronchitis com- pletely abolished. There Is no remedy as effective for bad breath. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asth- ma, etc., as Catarrhozone. Besides being healing and s•x,thing It is germ destroying. Nothing ever offered to the public can compare with it In its promptness. efficiency, and perman- ency of action, and you can buy it from any dealer in medicine through- out t Dominion of Canada., 25e, 60c, and 31.00 elzts. 1ty mail Irorn Tho Catarrhozone Co., Duffel* N.Y., and! Kliagaton, Ont, .111(1 is said to b.• Weil 4ua:lficd Tor the pos:;ion. (•rganizer Hares of Wroxei;•r. has been iu Town for sono days w•orkin, in • the interests o' the C. t). 1'. and has succeeded in securin r some new members. 8. K. No. 2 USBOIINR Th fo:loteine is file report of Pro- niol on Examinations for the 2nd. 3rd. and 4th. e!as,.s held on 22, 23 and 24 of March. Promotion so ter. iV, 1'as% war% :170_ Viole ilnnkin 1"0; Li,-w- elyand Stewart 4!11: Jean A' ..an 437; Charlie :\i: son 4'12; \Vi:lie .7effreyl 42j; M i:ton Ilod t: t t 'i0 i ; Je•s•i.' Ilod- eerl .1P5; !earl Catnl:G,•l! ';15, I'r, - mot:on to Jr. IV, rasa mark. 310; 11, Turnbua 5110; john Jiodge•rt :IFS. I'rotnot:on to Sr. 3rd. I'ass shark. 305 Hue punkin 471; Elam('-.itew-art 462; F:,h••i McDonald .372; (;arfield Brown 351; John Cott!. 245, Promo - `on to Jr. 3rd. lass :nark 210, G. Mineral 322; Char:,s Cottle 310: C. Turnbu:l 272; Ilaro.d Jeffrey 25.1. Clarence A. Gowans. teacher A. f4 • -m. 15. IIA1 Th following are ib• resu:t•o; the March eh promotion examinations s ' n n S l r - o. 15 II � Hay and . 1.•phen-Jr. IV ;n Sr. IV. total 53:1. Gladys Tnrnbu'I NERVOUS DZBILIT Y^uOURINEW METHOD TREATMENT w 111 cure you padae tma en pimple', blotches and ulcers 0r 1 up; the starves become strong as tto.•l nertousnetc, bv.hfulnec•s tire , :puatencyy dlsappese; them eyes became 0r face full este cte'r, energy r . • -ns to the body, amt the mar•:1, phyikwl an ,�))•stems are invigorated; ell drains cease -no r :nm vttrl n•nsto Iron the you 11,•1 yourself a /nen amt Leos marriage cannot he a failure. Don't le and fakirs rob you of Our hard earned dollars. Cr- NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter 1:. Rummers relates his experience: •Y was troubled with ?crusta; leeway for tm:nyyears. llay it to ln.JLeitli,u, 4 and excemes In youth. 1 became rely• de.;prwdent and didn't can trh.•tl,cr 1 worked or not. 1 imagined everyLoey olio looked at me gueeted my secret. w ( Imaginntivo (Imams ut Dight weakened ♦ toe -my back ached, had pains In tiro back of ny head, haunts and text wee cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite, fingers wer0 shaky, eyes blurred. hair loose, memory pc.or, etc, Numbness In the lingers tlet in and the dost .r told aro he fennel paralysis. I took all kinds of !t, _ physieI i and tried mauls fill throe • - _ physicf ms, worn nn electric holt for tl:nrr menthe, but reeelved litho Serie/it. I ' was induced to consult lire. Kennedyy,• 6: Kennixly, though 1 Iuad lost all faille in Amen TREATMENT doctors. Like a drowning mast I e nmreneed the Nrw )Irritoo Tae.TursT and it .u.cd wy tiro. Tho improvement was like 1nag io-I could feel the vigor going through the n• n•t•s. I was cured mentally and physically. I have sent them many patients and continue to do so. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat and cure VARICOSE VEiNS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Diseases peculiar to Men, CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. 1f enable to call write for a Question Blanc for Hors Treatment. aerOax Tat*TMINT 44 DRS. KENNEDy KEN NEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICEAll letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence I)epart- leimgmeemooles eti desire to see us personally call at our Medical lInstitute it in nin Detroit as wdsor, Ont. If e see and treat to patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. )ement, time, rtin, Hort dn(1 Flovr Always on: Hand. Leave Your Order or Call up PHONE 2 R. G. SELDON, Exeter. ItitCCEFpF.LI) Mr. J. D. Stewart moved on to his A :ergo number from b^rc attended farm the week and 'Mr, A. Ii, the• stock show' in Clinton this week. King. railway tt„t•nt, has rented his Mr. J. F. Reid has return• -d from dwelling on ling Street, I'nrt!and, Oregon. Mr, J. Donaldson. and wife left here The cold weather of the last few last week for th:•ir neve home in Fort dies put a stop to seeding operation% Q1 'App:lle, Sask.. fo.lo.ved by the best fora short time. Wishes of their many friends, Th • c Farmers" hank o: Can .d 1 hire Mr. J. Procter. o_ L?atow:•ll has on exhibition in the stor:• of N'. Scott purchased Mr. J. Dona!dson'a barncple C. Co. n maeznificient silver cop. to bas:nems and has oik, n possession Mr, b • awarded i mete d toe ( t • r h owner r of the h he !' 1 • hest rt .tc r 's I a good henry draft team in h•Irn'si show no doubt do n o d bbusiness. sin s . Ile hal and will 1t the lrucefield spring fair. to be moved into NlissioBu'ttt'stdwelling on +Il; Itos_tta plater 37 Sr ill thr!d in the near future. Richmond str.ct, r. 1 i -total ,5011, Chi's 11 •,relin,z----�--- It••v, Mr. '1..lyard preached in 47 '• ,I r. 3rd to Hr. 3rd. tot II 500,_ wnik,•rvil:e last Sabbath, wh:•re Rev. Ile) ten'ake 458; S- R• No. 11 STEPHEN Mr. Toll, h.'s predrr. ser, es now sta. J{dith ifrckmnnp 57: 11•atrice Turnbull .leu; Wi li,, The follotiinz Ire the resu:tt of the [Lotted. Each •r 416, >ir. II to •J r 3rd tol.ti protnotion exarninetions and other ex- Mr. John A. Moore has moved his eir. II. Pfaff 212, ,ir, 11 •10 'ms held in N, S. No, 11 Stephens, household effects into 1'ctty's block 3r. 11. total 310 -Ado!: Ke for 1F1, Nestles are in order of merit. where h+ is now living: convenient ter. 1't. II to Jr, O. -Willie Fischer, r•ir, IV to Sr. 1\'• -Chess Stephen. Sr. to his repair shop in the same mock, iNonard lelirrecdcn•. .Jr. 1't, 11 to Kr, Ill to Jr. 1V -Laura Stephan. Fran. A grand concert will be held in Car - I t. iL-` i. s Tu Finn r. Fer.•u,T011. c'a Lafond. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd. Joseph incl church on Thursday Pifer/Star. Car - bull. .\ :n: s Turnbu 1. 1 earl K •Iter, Lifond. Irene '11'ill(.-t. erthynnrd April 14th under she• auspices of the jr. •1'r. I .0Jr. 1't. 11,-\lanford Dtophan, Emma %ell,•r, 14r. II- to Jr. Lit tn r. Eddie Ii••11er, Jr, 1't, i to IP•I-Ira Tctrean, O!in r N1 'Bert Jr, Nr, I't, L -Florence Turnbull, ll �1 illie Stephan. Henry: Lafond. •I'I, ii to Jr. 11-Ferond Lafond. \TMyrtic S choir it•ho have 8ecnred the services of O vee 'Smiley or Toronto. 'ebe well known enterts:n••r. Toronto. itev. J. tllere 1't, 11-Ileett•1 Wild. Pt.'1 choir nwill all orendf II erha number itofns. cc) to Pell Eddie Greh. Otto Stephan, A. Cone durinz th • evening. A treat i; `St plum. I t• i-\lerilla WiIlert, A. assured to all attending, Lafond Sara I Jlrokenshir e. No. on roll '.1. ay..rage• 17. E. it. ,Keys. Teacher. N iIENHAT,i, orae Distemper Don't forget that Saturday April Prince Edward Farmer Sol. 15 it the night that Brush rho w'orld's' ^hale%t prlsIodigitntor will he with emesis Declare$ iiNervi- iia lliIIe f f i$ a 11 A large ncrrnrto o: onion~ here been pacific, sown this Sprint and l,nsall w•i:l still retain itt anprcmacy in the on• «After fifty years' experience in rats - ion lift •. Ing horses I can safe! Cured by Lydia E. Pink.Ir., I naso- who tins be,•n tiefttnt r••n:.•,1 ! testify that no 11„..r prr0nts, Apr. and Mrs. Wen. McEw'- , gives snot' nie t results for an f !eft this week. accompanied tv• "'t alible !influent as at Mrs. Andrew Thiel and J1iaa CI , I been n carat from almntit el•ler form f t th •1111 ul tit, t k \\ 1 rant 4, 10 lin ted 1n marriage • on female complaints, inflammation, til- Wednesdny' even n r, by Bev. C. C. ,1. eeration,displacement,fibroidtumnrs, Maas[. 8t the holo• n' the- bride's irregularities,perfodiepains,backache, ;randneof her, M: s. J. rams. Sr. indigestion and nervous prostration. 11'.-. s ('para nest ;Mollie ,Ycbilbc•, 1 Every suffeiing woman owes It to her - left on Saturday afternoon for Detroit. j self to give Lydia E. I'inkham's Ve Mr. Milo-, Itnnn', his oak •n a po•i. table Compound a trial. Con in hi, hi of 11.•1-' , e. n tel rotor.., If you would like special (ulvice I1,•ns:i 1, about yyOUIrease wYriteacontiden- filal le Mr. It. -:(on. of (!;inion. has tnken fiD Mrs. I'illlllkbtlllm, at char .e of th, school n% principal, 11., Lynn, Mate. ilei vice Is tree, is n yount men with Went). of cner;tly andalma»belpfuL t'or .' unite Ont. 11 w ishinz Mem ani sarceee (Flit • n number took fidvanta,^.e 0f . C 0 R s C! QED the cheap rnil/t;ly tat, s to visit Lon.: o% ItOnRe don Iasi wr'ek and to ,.,.,, tins (;over- You can pairefeely remote v corn. nor -General and Party. 011ier herd, soft, or hl, to bat Mrs. S eitherng rd. so t ('ern h Iter. It math ani in Lu ran last wee k. never hurng. 10av0g nn sen:.. • halm~ no vision,? h.•r father !►r, llntgac, Welds; Is harmless, became „npnaed Th. bowlers tiro having their nett/ ^sly of healing gums and haling. FIG,lc1 gr • n nicely levelled and are sparing hsnrs In use. Curr gunrnnteed, Aold no pains to ha yo it first cings in every .1 silb ituteeg,tlstg, 2.c bottle::. nchtse reMrs.t elope rind little daughter are 1 yields r'ativee in (:res Township. I CORN EXTRACTOR • PUTNAM'S PAINLESS