HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-14, Page 4J. HE ZXETRR TIMES, APRIL 14th 1910.
le' ca, it it 1h •;,•%11' : • .';,le, p.'►•;nn+ .',f,tl ; lu,'tl Si 17.77.
spa ra who their ehoppieg till a late Council adjourned to melt 2nd
I flo • r, 1 h•• fact ;hat i.: u • know the; 11. F:i.ber, Clerk.
taut do '114. it h rind at t'n,o.; any _+_-
toiw:.r teads,bent top•It it off. and CENT1tALIA
Quickly ter: to 'the habit. if the rule were
hinds Sha. at 10 o'clock all door•+ be
t Medicine. 'ock:d. the 'public would -eon adapt
'1'h.• F:pttort b Lea pie anniversary
sta.: u 4re/it bucett`s. Rev. 1(. !licks.
of Crediton 'preached two fine sermons
thetwh,..s *0 th•e new order of thiu_94. on Sunday Yo good cou,tregationa. The
and iliore tt wild b; bract satisfaction tea on ':londay evening was well pat-
io decompose In ronized, large numbers from Exeter
Mr. Ralph Clem- it:I around. The suggestion that Fri- and Crediton bang present, to whom
e, P.O, '1 had a daY• MAO b; the opA/110114^u night doe3 not special 'thanks are due. A/110114 thele
In some way to lof our 'home talent who rendered vul-
lgention seemed met wit h'th,• Approval of the clerl►'s,'able •rattle;s were DMiirsei LuxtOD, !tact
tumurh bt came
std 1 grew U.lo and it i; d•,,,htfill it th,•y ivould con- I I'ow: roY' and 'Ii;sery,.0 so :lesser. Du.
apparently the s:ut to two:k thio• nights a week, tie- plan. Exeter contributed much to
(ten at night ..'41•N th,'r • ;s 1,7. the demand hor itho pleasure and enjoyment of the
At times I occasion, F:xc; Ilrnt addresses were
s, and at three open nichts,
( liven by Mea)II. Thos. Ilandford, Mel -
lost ter- -.." vin Soot bcott and hew. E. A. Fear,
en cured NOTE AND COJ1t111:N11 labile NI Lai 'lluwey u4 an able elocu-
1 me to tlouist, ]itis+ 1). Hobbs as violinist gad
egularIy. 'rh^ man who advertises not 11 r. Il;rb !Bou'thcolt at retell+l crave
it, lel my caro en Y mans. but duel busin:As. I;r•at satisfaction. The aero;;tam
IY',narvelous. Dr, Ilautlltu+s • • • • • _ from start to finish: wrra n most ex•
emoted the cause, strengthened ' , �cellc•nt .one. The r
°mach, excited the liver to normal '1'h • i:1 rte o. ore sh piled 'from Co- r M roeeeda trent over
on, the kidneys were released of •bait iu It 09 'ns 532,1151,190 while the tt30 which sten. placed in the hands of
eeeeive -work. Health soon glowed ;loans;;; it as 9.751 'ton. the t. IL'un•r.
within me. I can now eat, steep, and i e • • • • Jas, Itedley the baker, has closed up
levo like a live man:' shop and left for the Northwest,
`' Be advised -Use Dr, Hamilton's PIPs Canadian ;t:.mi.rration❑gents and Mrs. hurry .Wilson.oho for !tam(
',.they aro sure to do you g•, '. 25e !officials adv ttised for•imtuigrants In time has been threatened with typhoid
per box, at all dealers, or Tile Ca- a, vera! thousand newspap,ra and farm fever, is recovering; nicely under the
tarrhozone Co., Kingston, Canada. ! juurna!s of the United btatea Inst tl.,,arfnent of Dr. Oruro.
!year. It.•v. W. 1l. Mutt occupied the• pulpit
! i of t h • Crediton church on Sunday last,
Cu Thu rsd Iy 'a -t at North Bay.ora indl Elationi t\'nlltir Ho+ i oa+n„ EnglishmanThame8 Road
ilia was convicted 01 the murder 0f PercyItr ,l4. has a new notch Irick, that
�e Parkinson. farm •rly u: L-sborne, which area 11,., tweed mystery is last!. ante
'!tool: e'•:c^ at ltantore on D.c'mbc•r 9th to d.,rr:ho, t
east. (toss and
Inrki son
were part
! Fruw "Ocaan to 'Ocean" n trap
n; rs in a prospecting:; cult rprise. Geo. across Canada. illu,Ara(ed IIV .son.
Tate Blackstock. .tetra pro=eeutor,laill b; riven by !telt. W.'„ 11. ;hull. of
had a theory that Parkinson was Centralia. on Wednesday. April 20th;
sitting down with his head in his band tin Bethany church. h:verybod should
when the lu- sonrr fired at him. Ili 1try to hear this i llustrated lecture and
made several scathing remarks refer -lace how vast an Ernpir. they are pub.
ring to Ross in his addrest' to the jeers o(.
jury. At each of these the pr:=onerl Scottie intends ,tiling I'M.' his nin-
on:). smiled. •When the verdict• re- c•rt on April 22nd, and it dots not
(turned Justice Mu:lock told the jury.atter whether you uphold the Sham.
they had done th •'r work cc,•lI. Hass rock. Rose or Thistle. Scottie extender
will pay th,- o,•na:ty on M tv 30th. to you a h:'ar'ty invitation for a small
fee. to b. held at the Thames (toad
STEPHEN COUNCIL (Presbyterial! church, "United we
stand, divided we fall,"
Th;' Coiinc I o: the Township of Whar about 4he upholders of th •
Stephen convened in the Town Hall. Maple Lcaff +I suppose 3011 will •let
Crediton. on :Monday, the lib day of than go if'they want to. -Ed.
April. 1910, nt 1 p. m. All meulbers r. u,ge an\4.r. Fred El.
were present. The minutes pt tLe !,.ril11natoPan in:lcttd+:1ad1t•nwidn:t for1.'
previous tneetint; were rend gind;on April 10th.
adl pt d. Anderson's- 'Yearly -that! While some of the farmers have (jo-
lly -law tore- • � by-law
Ily-.alt o. !G_. beta„ a(►shed seeding. other -r are just start -
peal Jly-Laws.118 and 119, having teen Ing. The fall wheat is picking up
read three Dints bo passed and ptlned'well. the 'grub not doing .!nit.. as
a t :, Directory That :copies'by the tree. and clerk and the s utne6 damage ns was fir' thought.
( tb r
attached ion at 7'
corporation h_
. co
around was
o. th nd as little
i% i uf�o rulcbuu n. stock breed- i 1 6 aon the dry
-Carrnd.-lndcrson-Yearlyhalls'd fast week and this+. who had
I- - rotaries of [arm rA' institutes, By -Law No. 163 b•in; a Bylaw to i,:onghing to do 'poke as though it
a- r .aural aoci:lies. live stock aeso- commute statute labor in the Joliet' gent a little tough. Taking things
.:,guns. and 0. hers who may apply `tiiay'es of Crediton. Dashwood and'
ou Ih; aho!c. the• crops have been put
Centralia nt 4.he rat- o: 75c. per d,)y.,in on well tied soil. mor:• time beta;
!or Ih:m. 1V. notice amen; others hnvin; been read three times be pass-;sp u1 on the 'and on account of :t b:• -
h • agate o' 'J r. lit:tlrt Smith. o: cd and signed by the R. eve and Clerk lin; u :arty and the good weather
r:ngbursl Farm. and ihr figures and th: neat of tit's corporation attach-,et.,:nf •o 'Ong.
ow that h: has one of the 1argeF0 cd thereto. And further that By-laws, __f___...____orlhorn hard; in the Provinra. No. 161 'and 165b.••n; by-laws to altowI ELIMVILLE
th; South Huron Telephone Co. L'mit-i
ed and 1)r. J. W. Orme to ,-recti, little magic now and then is r,:-
op. !.,bed by the olsest men. Brush de -
t• u:p and operate a Telephone
tem on `the highways or th • Township ;:roes the goods.
fy�/sou. consid. r the ho;. 11; toils of Stephen. subj •et to the pptcifica con -
Special Evangelistic s twice• next
t. n•:ther do's be spin, but h. is tions. fixity; the standard lrc;nirc-, �actldv 1» ibn3 in the church. t ()rat eros • on to 10 cent e a 'reglad m=ats of :Municipal Tel -phone Syatenli' neo+: tmuortbtnte l'tallOAtlO)1ttAns er'd."
u t l4. hoof. and h. is •tuna yO and ? Municipal d down by
rd oGl 1111: I'rosince Ttt'r:• is going to be stet cin! blessing.
c c'.-:ve that only flit very h.=t cir- of Ontario; and further in accord -Corn'! you are specially invited• so
cies are able to entertain him. He tine pith an act passed by th. Leas• don't forget.
'al it • of the Province of Ontario in �-
!taxes far at 654. I.i.+ur•. knotty no I1t1 Y•e•r 1!!10, cited as "Tb, Ontario HI(1.1'KA
labor and Travels 4o market ;n a 1','.rphou: Act of 1910",hating been A l'il't gathering; o: th•• Liund y
tepees! car. Just at first thoughb
•tb.• bot se, ins to b.• considerable of a
personale bet still he is only a hot
and h • r. illy isn't worthy of imu:a-
tion. Th •re tee a good many parsons
who adopt his wayi however. and fat-
ten on what other p. rsons have ;:nth-
cred to'.•th'r. Th••'r antb;tion runs
mor:• to the gross w,•;, -•ht than to
.quality. and Ilk! the hog th •y are dea-
yis:d. .1 ho;r i n't north a thin,; un -
IN ti • is brought to market. II, s:r- t•, streich. r. John hiumpp Ed. Car -
For 110 useful purpose whsle he lives. ro:1. Win. Gais.•r. '1, 1'inkbeiner. •f. For Infants and Children.
and :1 is on!). .; h • gathers ;at that ich`tarz. 4.'a+ Meek n•hue. Jos'pli the Kind You Have Always Bought
h Ad; va. i •. 11 • ,-1 ill • symbol of :. stir. Jae F.you, Ed Lawson; How
get:•d and brei ❑.drlh rs, has a bad M, hinny Marcus Wild. -'nm Itcav •Bears the
(.d:. Carus t' Day d 1, 11rien. I) am.
(Expo-Il$On %11d is g. nerally out -cast M'holt y. 51 ch. M Melt it Will. McCane, Signature of
--!crit 11 • :s scliin; al near:y lOccnts Jr.. A.tx Ne.•b. 11 nr; L. !era t, fl.'
n palled and that is why le is Ronne- alum:tom N t. ton (7:ark. Tho -►'keys
w ars, enlo'ut-A. Louis Will, rt. John I:rue•r••r. John
floninhan. J. try Itrol.h.). t hipkat C. - -t - I °th•, r Dai) 1'; tilrl.n ).. Ed. L:,nn.1 Spring Show of Entire
Ii.1ItLt' ('I.' SING SAT!:RI),t' port. m
111. Harrtllton's Pllis !
FiCT:'Ill" OF 13RREEDERi •lf.
1' 11: F: BRED STOCK
rau;1t of the Live Stork Coln -
r at. Ottawa has issued a re-
ition of lb,. .Dir:ctory of
• oa !+re bred live stock in
•ordinl; to Ih' l):eface
:I . rk is a compilation of in-
c,•ived 'through corres-
1,, u:u breeders in all Lite
- regard to the size of their
�I1 1: rd.!. and the number of
I females of the several
a4. :u y have for sale. The Direc-
tory • pr. pared to assia persons in
loot r: Lords. studs and flocks in
• •.jive neighborhoods, or in
,evinces from 'It hick pore
•.,ads a • ) 1
m bo roc nest!. Itis
read three times be passed and earned :,•I$(, class of Mr, 1, s„•eieter took
by th- Ite.•v, and Clerk and the s.•al p' 1,••)t his house on 'Tuesday cvcnin t.
of th• corporal:on attached 1h••reto.'M•arch I5tb. wh,•n they presented him
-Carried. The folfowinz arc th••Ittith a 0.autiful shaving set as an ex-
i'ath-mast •rs, found-ke•p•rs and ,pi%ss!on of appreciation or his service
Ft nee -viewers appoint,d for the ,}cnr:Iwo teacher. After npendini several
Path•master. Win Dilatable.. This. hatra of social chat etc. they returned
Oliver. Daniel MiCnrdy. Ed. Itnitht Ito their homes with the o:•st aisheet to
W. Whiff lord. t'.. 11. .'liott. :i,•Ili 3a.itz.r.
Omen, Itob.•rt Carroll. Saar. I'reszc !-
tor. Jas, :Shipton. G.ao. I'enhal-•, J.
itephern. it. Davey. Jer. Heawan. I d.
John!. IirI A. Box, Crrdie t3tanlnkc. J.*n ASaT'OR I A
John Ilirt.t,•l. John• \\'c:n. .Herm In
. i-nu1P,11 xIIW::11flNallmlilLl rt,ICryaa„�uta.
• '• PrcparationforAs-
1 As -
ring tI ToodaldRc ula-
I\I 1\ i' ( IIIL1)ltt.\
Qi ontolesD%stion,Cheerful-
messBpd11211.0 fttainsneither
m, orphine nor Ali11i'ltll•
Apetfect Remedy for Constipa-
tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrtioea,
Worms Convulsions,Fevcrislt-
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
lac Simile Signature of
.1I b *111,1 114 , old
1) 1)l►'I' _3 )CI ,tti
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
FOP Over
Thirty Years
TWS NRrau■ •OrrMSS. •• .l• SONS CM.
At the Store One Door North of the
Post (Mice. All Goode
Marked Away Down
to drake a
'Jenne early and get your share of
the Bargains while they last.
Rome Nice Patterns of %Vail Paper
left. Out they go at Half !'rice.
l'nt fain Poles complete, either 20
Oak or Mahogany
Balance of our 1Vrappetettes 8c
at per yard o
Clearing the Balance of Ladies Esc
Waists regardless of cost, each al
Ladies Raincoats, Just a few $3
left. They go tact. Each J
_t Men's and Boys Clothing at half
!i ; Price.` - --- -
`-- A Chutes Lot, of Felt ilial, $11,25
at Mich ep
Simon Mor:Lek .lain •s Hod 'ins,
•:cholas I o..ard Ilarwry lit +t rd. 1.
W. tat, Philip liak••r. Jos. Carruth•r y
Ilayt •r. itot.ert I'o rock. An, Th • Annual Spring Show of Stal-
Mollard. A:ex I';, iso. lrohy I\ + nb. \\', Fon* and hut's, and^r the auspices of
Lov::. Ernest flu ,r•1. l; o. I.•rv••• th• .:n'i,h Huron A;triculturnl society
Austin Doper. Geo. I) i u, . .l0•. G.-- w, : h held in
mot.... Jos. Itrenn •r. Er!.': 1 \\',
It •illy. las, ?Iclie•'v.•r. Ed. 11,1 ', It ch-
ard )'Itouk,•. Willem, 1-a tr. Fred
Tb,' re-o:uton 1 aosed by th • Minis-
tor'al As.soci:at' o: South Huron and
1,,,r,..,41,-41 in like Tina•s Inst week re
th • carry .!seethe o: stor + on Saturday
n ,tht is eon hw o: consid•rafi0n by
th • teiblic and .:orek••.p •rs. The .or-
t e: note ma. h: rack is tl •n it Suggest •
ad that :a'1 11;,,.11 .tor s o-• (:041'4 at 10
ole ick, d •liiery at 9 &clock Saturday
riot 11'11,f. that 1•.r•otn might have full
optortnn tY to instate fur th • Mao -
Lath. Th• Sabbath .s a clay o eh,' rind r. At and !ate shopping c •r-
ta ray encroach • upon it. le.•.•pinz
lh• • !ores op•n •.ntil a late hour Sat-
`"" t*r,Liy u• rh, ha. oven in vo:fu • •or
many years. but .he preen(
fuer • and more adopl'n; $)s:etnntic
/u.4Iiod+. &Iselin: the Dual.. and hnv-
111,1 •-chedu:rd 1 r4 for i.,bor. Wit •n
lb.., is don • .!ie i', h is rnu,,t con;ornn
to 111,' rues, Dud r proper readjust -
int tit doer• ani d not be th• denlnnd
for Int,.+hupp 0,r. It is not the coun-
try .end.• n a re' that delays the
• of snort e. h .1 in the ntaj•trity
Laundry Soap while it lasts 25c }
Halm ler
Fight 1'onnds of Oatmeal or 1
(',,tamest tot 25c;
Brucefield t'ry Our .11,1)tt1 'I't A Five $1 00
Pontius fol• .
Green. `►. Nlan'ak••. Jr.; I'. 1 , it', • Ott L
dors. Lon!.+ Itader. 11^nry krt:,y II. on Friday, April 29th,`evet
enarn(ilmupChhes fuurnneyaor testi- 25
8chro der, Samuel Miller, John Itolot•
Conrad Wit4,•r. found It e •p, rs. 11, I'ItE/E LIST
Mer a !Erato Shepton. Wm. R. Got- SrA1.1.1.:\M-Aged dra'r s,a.l:on,
a r 1' ('um, n'hanl.1(p.I1,-ke; 1: 7+6, $1 r-: ;1 yens old draft :stallion.
%% s b Jos, Ede ardt, T.J. Amy,f:hr,A. r4. `I• -'. 2 ) ar old draft stallion. 4.
F.nkr 'ser. I'hi .p Hak •1. .los. lir •n- 3, 1' reh.•ron eta ll:on. 1. 3. 2; a_ .:
n r Fred 1 r r..4 as $inn •Ike, Jr.. el" t: stallion, 16 hands :and oi,•r
i'• nae ,. atm r. A Inert Mos r. C. 11. 6. 1 - . 3 y at -old carriage stallion, 1.
Wi:ron. Fence \ i•vers. Daniel Mc- '3 - • af••d roadster stallion. 6, 4. 2;
Curdy Isaac It !•.,rt, i, ter 3 ) :r old roadster stallion. 4. 3, 2.
McI' nz c. G o. M:,wninn y F: i tint. 111t:It3ES 1N ,IIAItNEla - i1,•:avy
11, it; ion G o. Down Au•1 n !lay- draft tenni. Ist prize. in•dnt donated
by she Farmers' Bank ; 2nd $6. 3rd $1.
A :r r:!(ural t. teat prim Masre•y.
1'h • fo:ioiwintt orderswere laid. Marr.loam.
. Acufft.r. valued nt $11. dollat:•i•
4.'i,. l" rk M.Le-l.nn's dra'nnze award•
, b F. Tomlinson. IJr'tc •field ; 2nd t(4
.11; .les. s n
Ilan rrv'nt ho:ac• o: ap- y `.)
,. a' ,e -Moi r son. 1.27 • C. 1'ro :t 3rd •. : carr•n;10 team 5. 3 ; single ca f•
:(;,.i i. •_',,1,0; A. 110(14,04 :i ('o_ rn:• hors,'. 4. 3, 2: rondster tenni f).
.,,:in; \\ all••r (' ark. rent ;or til•.
Y.trd 1u,011; Wiliam Whit... removing
snot. .'.SO: Jo'. Gtuntn. salary a,• As-
s a)or. 1.11,(:0; ,Ito Ili I:Il'na11. truant
+choo! beak 10.40; 7'p, t'ah0rn . rfr,)vel
Not a Drop of Alcohol
What is a "tonic"? A medicine that increases the strength
or tone of the whole system. What is an "alterative"?
A medicine that alters or changes unhealthy action to
h.':►!thy action, Name the best "tonic and alterative"?
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from
alcohol. AF.h; your own doctor all i-hout it. Never tat;c r.
medicine doctors cannot endorse. j, ` ( ,L f
(.. dr- •r _ n m1'cl., Aims.
a it
111r1vaitsann► amOSIM.
lithout daily ..tion of the bowels poisonous, rode; (s m rte Lc all:, sed. Then you I..ve
Ipstreblood,I inlet!<a.s;,headache. Ask your doctoral -Slit Aycr':1'i!Isfor ean:aa,..li..c.
3: +'n.:• roadster 4. 3. t• lip.•ci:al 1t
Hoeg •nherry Iflve,+ n sp.•cial prig.. 01 chelsra Creek Drain vette read to the
$5 for the bast harm•R• horse, style ratepayers present. After a lengthy
Find act on consid.•rcd, and Thorough discussion weed consider -
III. 1.1,8 -Ate -d shorthorn hull $8. 6. alum, it was decided not to adopt the
1: Shorthorn tail ca: v,4 a'1er N•pl, 1lcpot1. until it was tefrned hack to
1st. 1907 ?i. 6. 1 : Shorthorn bull rl,v- the Engineer for correction or septa•
•d niter Mew. lat. ]g01s. Pb 0. 4 ; 11ere- nation of a few points that were not
Giant fellow Intermediate 12
Mengel Need
Ia2c -
Manure Litters
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and Litter
Overhead Conveyors.
Beath' Bros.' Steel -
Stalls & Stanchions
can be installed 88 cheap
t•s lumber and last forever.
Beatty Bros.' Lad
These three things are iota
labor -saver's for fanners and
necessities cn a faun.
For sale by
W. T. Gillespie
Phone 51,
Exeter. Ont. 1
a .`
.• rp
The Bell Telephone ,
Company of Canada
is about to issue a New Tele
phone Directory for the District
(►f Western Ontario, including
(titters for c01)05(1io►.N, and change
of turns names, change.; of street ed
dresses, or for duplicate entries, should
be handed in at once to
i.ocal Manager.
Ilorses,len attention 1 The
time is drawing close when
}00 %till be 5* 111 jflt on .he
road .again. Volt will be
i%antmu cants printed. We
are prepared 'to turn Thein
out on the shortest notice.
We have a good lino of cuts
to choose from. The prices
are right. Do not forget
ilia: ne give n free ins,rt ion
in the paper if you ]tet your
cards printed nt the "Times"
Cf nee.
Hold under the Management of in the clatter of the estate of
G, nrte 1.,•twis.late o: fit • 1•ilin't•• of
I': ater. in :F County o'
r it:corm. (-teas •d.
Notice is hereby given pnrsunnt to
R. S. 0.. 11(17. chapter 129, that n11
creditors and other, having claims
against the est at. of the said
I: 0r e. Lewis. ago (lied on or about
th • 21hh day o: .Marek. 1910,
are required on or before the
21111 day of May. 11)114. to s.•nd by
post prepaid. or deliver to
Messrs. Gladman & Stnnbury
of the Village of Exeter. So-
licitors .or rh• Administratrix of 11.
said deceased. (hi•ir Christian and sur-
name+, addresses and descriptions
the full particulars of their clnirns'
the statement of their neeounts and l
the nature of the securities, if any,
held by then!. And further take 1
notice that after sash Inst mentioned!
dot • the said A,Imini.1rat rix will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of thede
Ccnsed among the ponies entitled
thereto having regard only to the
claims or which shit shall then hal• •
nota- • and that the paid Adminislra-
,r;v wil not b• 1:,hle for said as(•tn
or any ,art thereof to any person
or persons of whose claim notice
shall not haw • h. •n roe ;vett by her
nt 111 limo of such distribution.
Solicitors for the Adrnitlistratrift
Dated nt F:xpt r Ih.A lth day of April
B. W. F. Beavers
11814011NE COi'N('ll.
emitted suet at Township Hall Ap•
ill 2nd. All the members were present
The minutes of the last meeting were
rend and approved.
The Englneere Report on the Win -
ford Ito!! 6. I. 2; •l'0.led Anons hull. considered eat.inflNeter .
6. 4. 2.NtRU1tP islror Divisions RunitMre'l
A'1 . xh:bifors tuns! b'ew,i ' Ill 'Ili' end 1, 1V/eft 1, were changed by tak-
t) •ra n: h•• Soei•-(y by paying 0n.• do!. ung Wept half Lot. N, Con. 2. from
ar to th • ,ieeretary. Division 1. sued adding it to Division 2.
F.ru r:••+ can he mad • a;tit 1 h • N ,ere. Accounts stinounling to RIC were
dry at !loss •nln•rry'+ Rotel nest:! passed and orders i,slted in payment.
'1 o'c ock on :h:• niorn`n ! of • he Fl -taw. Council float Adlourned to meet on
• A II prix • money a 11 h • p rkl by t h • Saturday, May 7111, Rt, one o'clock,
8 cre•tary at Ilossenberry'e 114{.•:. Ir- FrAnk Nine ley, Clerk.
r •r he at,'ard4 have been made
Jude.. a.
Art is r •meals will h. rnad. to
ample stable aecomrfiodnlion for
W. 11, 11(.. IF. AN, S, e.. Sea 'orth.
'tv 1), !3\\DERS. Ileo=„ tae! 'r.
Children (Jry
Tiiaes Want Coluinn
"Wanted -bright, intt,iligent tnd
encrsetio lad from 8 to 13 years old
to work after school on Thursday, Fri-
day end on Saturdays. The work will
not interfere with school duties. Good
pay for abort hours, Mail your appli-
cation to -day. to the SaturdayEven-
in; Post, 12 Front 8t, E. oronto.•
Residence for Sale
We offer by privato sale one of th.•
choicest residence properties in Exe-
ter, Moderate size, gocd repair, con-
venient location. Good stable and
garden. Apply at once. Gladman &
Stanbury 3-3t1
Farm for Sale
Fifty acres; being fbe south half
of Lot 2, Con. sL Stephen, London
!toad. There is erected a frame front
and brick kitchen; barn 32z45 on wall
a never failing ,,Well. The farm ie
well fenced and drained and in good
state of cultivation. For futher par-
ticulars apply to ,\V. 'I'. IIuxtable,
Centralia, 1', 0. 27t1
For Sale
Cottage and three lots in Exeter,
being lot_! Nos. 55, 56 and 57 south of
Siwcoe Street. On this property is a
frame cottage (brick foundation) con-
taining five rooms and a good cel-
lar also a good well and a large
stable. Good garden and fruit trees.
The property bas to be sold to wind
up an estate. Apply to
Exeter, Ontario.
Bake Shop for Sale
Bake Shop for sale, situated in first -
clam summer retsort ; ;cod building;
front !shop; residence above bak•:
shop ; flour and feed room ; bake oven
at back. Apply to Frank Germotte,
Grand l4.: nd. 4-7-1n, 1'•
Farms for Sale
That choice farm being composed of
parts lots 18 and 19, concession 1,
township of Osborne, in the village
of Exeter, 100 acres. On the prem-
ises there is an up-to-date 2 -storey
prick dwelling house with all r con-
veniences; Jorge bank barns .with
water in stables; silos, drive house,
ice house, and fruit of all kinds; 60
acres in hay and grass, 6 acres of fall
wheat, balance plowed last fall. 'Ilia
farm is in n high state of cultivation
and well adapted for a man that
wants to do a dairy business or gen-
eral farming. A
a0 lot south 1-
concession 1. township of HIay. con-
taining 50 acres, 2 acres of hardwood
bush, 33 acres in grass, balance all
plowed: also never -failing well with
windmill and tank. This property Is
well adapted for grazing or ordinary
farming. These properties will be
sold in part or whale to suit pur-
chasers. l'ossession given in March.
Easy terms of payment and must be
sold as the proprietors health has
LICA and he is retiring. For terms
and particulars apply to ALEX DOW
Prop. on the premises. or to TILOS,
CAMERON. Auct., Farquhar. 2-lOtf
Auction Sale
Mr. Thos. Cameron has been iu-
. tructed to sell by Public Aner on on
'E. 1-2 LOT 26, Con. 4, 179111Jit \ E
On Tuesday April 19
.tt 1 o'clock sharp :h • following Stock
Ind Inap'emeut-i:-
GORSES -1 hors! J years old. ,;en-
•r:tl purpose; I Mar:• rising 5 years,
old. ;r'1 ; 1 driver rising; 6 years 04:
1 driving mare rising 9 years; 1 colt
r:+int :t years old. Ilackn.y ; 2 coke
•Ir old. agr'I: 1 aged driver.
(' \TTLK,-1 Durham cow renewed
• calves; 1 cow due so Carl
t:11, n t'I ; 2 coins clue to calf Mi) -
1st ; -1 h •.rA Oath; 2 years old ; 1
brood so,.. t store' hogs,
\\ ars o; 1 sect
hens' n- . I drill & cultivatnor com-
b n d: I di -c harrow ; 1 colt ivator ;
1 dons • tt Ilking prow: 1 fannin,f
mill 0ilh bagger attachment; 1 bug-
gy: 1 root pnlper; 1 xcuftler 1
gravel box : 1 Capital separator No. 5.
o•ar:y iicw; .1 nater trough: -loan-
tc:y of man.zel seed: 1 set single 1iar-
n. =A; 2 sot double barn*••. one' act
n. w ; .114 pans. bucket.) nn11 spites:
hay 'ork. siin gs, car and rope ; 60 rods
o' !)w:r • ho;T fen.:: milk pails, tea
ehtin�. forks. lo.e,tin:t chain, h.•avy.
shovels. *1110,11 1500 feel elle prank+
:tied s)unre timbers; !adder 25 feet
.coat and one 10 foot ladder and other
article!' too unnterous to mention.
TElIMS-A!I maga of $5 and und•r.
cash: over that amount 8 months'
.rein still he ,riven on furnishing ap.
Prov, d jo'ni note.a, or a discount of
(i n r cent. per annntn off for
1', .1. 11(.11'IRF:. Thos.C.1J11:Re)�,
l'ropri1:*ror. Auetionoer.
Apr. 6, 19 J. 14, 28 Arf, 9, 23
May 3, 17, 31 'sly 12, 26 Sept. 6, 20
Leave Tomato 2.00 p.m,
oa above aero
Through First arr•1 Second 11:gym Coaehce,
Colonist bud Tour:At peepers.
Apply fn nrsrrot ( P.R. Agent
11 L Thompson, 1).P.A.. Toronto.
or write
Notice of Dissolutiop
of Partnership
Notice is hereby given 'that the parts
nership heretofore eubsigting betweeq
the undersigned as General Merchantlt
under the name, style and firm Of
Cortina Bros, in the Village of Ext.(
ter iu the County. of Huron, has 1hi11
day been dissolved by mutual consent.
'l'be 'business will be carried on hd
the same stand by William J. Carlin'.
Dated at 'Exeter this lth day of Aprlt
A, D. 1010-
Lewitt 11. Dickson W. J. Carting,
T. IJ, Carina
Syaopsis 01 Ide Coiiodioo Null] III
Any person who is the Bolo head
of a family, or any male over 16
years old may homestead a quartet
seOtoni of available Dominion land in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta.
The applicant must appear in person
at the Dominion Lands Agency •r
Sub -agency for the district. Entry Id
proxy may be had at the agency, co
certain conditions. by father. mother
son, daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties :-Six months residence up00
and cultivation of the land in each
of three years. A Bowe tteader may
live within nine miles of -!tie horns
stead on a darn, of at least 80 Soros
solely owned and occupied by him se
his father, mother, son, daud'hter•
brother or sister.
In certain districts a howeetealds
:u good standing may pre-ompt •
yu•u to section alongside hie homer
stead. Price $3. per acre. Duties -f
9lu;t reside six months ineaoh of [14.114
yeara from date of homestead entry
(including the time required to earn
homestead patent) and oultivta•
fifty acres extra.
A hatnesteader who has exhausted
bis homestead right and cannot ob:
tain a pre-emption may take a pur-
chased bomestead in certain distriete
Prose $3. per acre. Duties. -Most
reside six months in eaoh of thread
years. cultivate fifty acres and creek
a house worth $300.00,
w. W. CORY,
Deputy of the Minister of the nterloe
N. B.-Unauthorisedo on blicati of this advert*
went will not be paid for
t e
L. D. S. ; D. D.. S.
Honor graduate of Toronto University
OFFICE: -Over Dickson) k Carling's
Law Offices, Exeter.
I Il4tS6 1 ('I.oSEn 44'E1'NEETR
strAY A1N00$3
Dlt. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & 8tanbury
Main street -EXETER,
. BROWNING, M. D.. M. 0
• P. 8„ Graduate Victoria V
►strife. om.e and nldenence. bondable
Laboratory. Exeter
Associate Coroner of Huron.
TZ R. Blight, M. D., MC. P. and
•S„ Honor Graduate Toronto Un.
iversity. Two years resie:ent physician
Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office
and residence, 1)r. An)ob' old stand
Andrew Street, Exeter.
aWe have nnUmlted private foods for laves.
en upon farm or village troperty al lows,*
r t
ttarristers, Solicitors, No:•ries, Ct.uve aacaea
Coeimtsatvnen, bollclwr, km the Idoliser
Bank, Rho.
Sow 10 Loom at lowest rates of la wages
O1110E1-WAIN STI,ki*T, =KM .
S. CARLING A. A. L. A. Oleate!
are have a luxe amount of private tams
sen co farm and village propertle. at Itwy5
Banisters 8011o11on, Msln et. Exat4e
On Fan., and 3NUage Prop, rti.(4 at Ina est retire of
interest. Improted aro! other Nretliaf PI Ian,$. and
Town Lott for male. ,,tone) to lean on such property
('(xlre)ant et, ttr Office, Main St. Exeter
BULLS 1041 SALE: --1 am again on the market.
NMI n (41111,1) of sl% Young pure brad Shorthorn
loots. These are good Itdirhluals, got by (count
K) h anus, These are good color and ail! 1.e rtgiater•
ed and sold well worth the 'glee, to make room for
Ole )otmger ones, (•en also spare n few females,
Scotch nrey, a 1s-autiful roan lull, and one et the
best to 1.e had, hears the herds and ail] be kept for
the lm1{roren.en1 of purr -144d 5I.orlhorn,, Apply
to J(thI34 KI.111:n, Lot, Ir:. 1outt•ssio11 2, IIaYor
KA 24, Ilen,all 1', O, '
The Usborne and Ribbon
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office. Farquhar,:Ont.
l'residt•nt. J. 1'. 141 SMl:L1,
\•in'JI'res,. \1' 11. ROY
ItoIIT. NI)ItItIS, Nta:.ffn.
Tll-tk4. RYAN l)nbltn,
IIltUCIC, Winchelsea,
Rl►HT, GA111)l\F:It, For Inbar.
JOHN E8811RY, Ezeter, agent tog
Lisburne and J3iddulph.
0LiVER HARRIS, Munro, alre•t
for Hibbert, Full+rton and Logan.
JOHN CAM I'i31:Li.
Seoy.Treas. F arquha