Exter Times, 1910-04-14, Page 2LIYES IMPERILLEll'cOSJ1vS ITEMS on on a British Ship Caused a Panic at Sea. -------------------- RAPT'♦:NIN1:S FROM 11.1. OVER THE GLOBE. FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NEWS 111' '1.111. 1'11011 111E0 LAWN SHORES.Prices of Cattle.( -:elan, Cherie and Vice -President of C. P.R. Anticipates Great Tek„raphir [triers From Our Owe Happenings In the I:werald Isle 01 lad Other ('onulrit•� of Other Dairy Produce al Future for Canadian West. pilus!. from Doter, England, deck. Some of them were shock Recent Freels, !ulcers! to Irish- borne and Abroad. ,r• fe explusien occurred heti), injured, and one child was wen' Bltli:\USTIiFPS. A despatch from New Ynrk snys: o le.:k ayeii morning on the killed. The hatch was blown to C.1\.11):1. No fewer than 1^,312 awls of eggs ,- f being able to purchase more it nor Cairnrona, off fragments.lwontu, :anti! 1:. Flour -11'111- William Whyte, vice-president o[ t;rwds and to travel. ,('onsoquenf. Four hurolrld 11'innipeq tuilurq wort' exported from Belfast during Termite, wheat 9U pet cent. patents, $4. - year Canadian Pacific ltailtvray, who ly the effect upon immigration this t;hiah wrecked the wo- t terrible panic ensued, the en,i are (on •.trike• fur higher pa., IOU;,. 8 t , killing one child grants, mostly Russians, running up Tho slain,. hilt is :aho!isll ruse- Omagh told jail is undergoing the 20 to 131.2. iu buyers' sacks, on is at the 11'uldurt .lsturia, made a y,''ar is bound to be enormous. last number of women an(; down, screaming and wringing track g,uuhlior, Das defeated in the 1° ('i'ss of deuwlitiun by crowbar track, pronto, and *4.10 to $1{,15 prediction (on Wednesday that year we had the largest immigration e steamer caught their hands. Their teeter was in !louse .)f ('onuuons. :arid sledge. (outside, in buyers sacks, bdanito- ai western Canada ever had. We are ba !lour, first patents, $5.70; see- within a very short time the prey- getting rt great many hn fish ensued, in which creased by the yoluwo of smoke, The ('nuadiaiu General Electric' At the aye of 102 year', Win. 01111 patents !¢3.20 to ince of Saskatchewan will produce 6 , he possession of which poured from the burning Cerropaoy „iia ,pend iteeei,ono iia 1 ('arson ha, dies1 tot l.ontlaya:: $:i.30; and el Scctch and !rush nut city -bred. brat bud to be beaten hold. The captain and officers made ditinn to its 1'rterhur"' work;. 3,h. y' strong bakers', 115, on track, 'I'u• more wheat than Texas. And in the better classes from the coup - ('l Duty .%tura •fifteen or twenty years," Mr. try. Last year we bele 1. lite crew to allow the wo ieefreclaurl efforts to color thou,, Vert Churchill district has beet! Alts. .101 teasel. Hxmilt.ne, an in- r.:nte.got 90.000 Atn- r,,, ;, to I• • taken off first. A large and then signals of distress weer thrown (open for homesteading by „haat 11'orkhou„ , ice Manitoba %Wheat-• Nu. 1 North- •Whyte added, "it will be pruduc- pelicans; this year we shall g b J route "f 1teu3•e era:. ift.tl,:, I;ay p+,rts, and No, ;; tug more wheat than the whole about 155,000. and theyareget r.t,;,,L, r el the passengers were dun- sent up. In the meantime another the Dominion Goycrnur,rilt, er,t.ly celchrated her !alta! hull' Northern at 41.1J<1r., Bay United States. 11'e had tine e the , 1 L, re e n Thursday night, many explosion occurred in the engine The Montreal Builders' hxehnnge'clay i., 1 a,, putts, repsibrat settlers we can get. They come i ah, •n in an exhausted condition. remit, injuring several of the en- i has entered a protea at Ottawa' Ontario Wheat--Ni..Dosed rc d last yerlr in the three prairie swan with their stock and their i►n,le '1'o the end of December 9,673 u!d J I,. all, a ,fleury persons were serious- gineers. r !age , %% a to or white, *1.07 to *cite in, e,>r e.f Manitoba, Saskatchewan • merits and their cash, and, above against the right ho►u -day bill. ►: pensions in Ireland, Duct 40! ; Harley Nu. 51 to 55c outside •an I %Iberia. wheat., oats, bade •' al: :,11(1 ,cut lees than fifty slightly, The Kanawha and Upland steam -1 '1'h,• first message sent from fort in Scotland bud been cancelled. J, with their experience in prair- iej1:1''f i,y the explosion and in the ed up quiekly, and the captain de-, .%ether wireless station w:ls (r:nn, Department of Agricultural `10. 3 extra, 51 to 51c; No. 3 at •49 1111.! hev all brine excellent. lie farming. So they strike work at t+wr 'hat followed. sided to transfer all tato iaxsrn- Mayor 11cUhelvs to President 'I'att. 1'he Ud, lu .,Uc, and teed, 47 to 48e outside. t „Th fetched good prices, and; once. They are settlingchiefly in 'I'll! Cairnrnna sailed on Wed- Kers. This was accomplished i The Militia Department has is - country. in Inland has thro2ughout trained Outs No, 2 Untar 9 white, 37 to that put the farmers in the position, south rn Alberta." Y ne cl:.y from Louden for Portland, speedily, but was accompanied by 'rues! an order that military bands - Melee. instructors at work throe holt tips .,_, -_ c(ouutry, • . ••e outside, and ad to 40c on _ _ --_ Make. She carried 900 passengers, scandalous scenes. Scores of men, men refusing to play with nun -un There have been a series of rut truck, Toronto. Canada West oats !!:,, and lambs at about 7c. Spring f.ee the must part immigrants, and tried to rush the boats, and mnuy;iou militia bands are to be reduced t'e drives within the last te., r1r. for No. 2, and 40c for No. 3, L•unba from $3 to tt8 each. Gno at • .!sera lecarg.,. By good luck the of then! fought with the women,' to the ranks. rnenths from the lands of Druu,. ally ports. a tuts of fat hogs at about art per lb. s +aiders Upland and Kanawha ten ring and dragging then! under] 1! r. 1). 1,. Rev, ( Sesta-(;eaeral 11'rry, "n •the t'arney estate am"' Peas No. fur shipment, 79 to ling prices showed a further de - sere close at hand when the Caine foot. The crew battled valiantly 1 fox Switzerland, is suing the city of Oldcastle. 80c outside. 2,1� cline of 15c per 100 lbs. . lona caught tire, and stood by and against the panic-stricken cult -1 Montreal for $1x.003 damages. He 1 new male national school (tor !lye NO.63 to 6 l 'c outside. • Toronto, s Aril t8. -Choice se - took offK several hundred posse«- grants, using fists and feet and was wounded in the cheek I,y a bol- l,I(.untmelliek has been erects 1 Duct! ! )fuckwheat-51 to 51!%c outside jetted steers) and heifers at G.GO Kerr; and landed them here. Sov any weapon they could find. Not int fired by a policeman after a flee - a long -felt want has been supe!:ec1 [or No. to $7; good to prime butchers' at era! of the first class passengers a few of the frantic mob of men ung burglar. Torr school has cost $:1,000. + Corn- -No. 2 American, 68 a to r,5 90 to $0.:,1p; r$s.to.rn to good and Amerman cattlemen gave were felled to the dick before the l'urriekmacross Urban Count-ill,681'c and No. 3 yellow, 65 to 65,1c, butchers' at $, to $5.!30. Cows and thrilling details of the accident. A hysterical, fainting women and Gltl:1T IIIIIT:11\'. his decided to erect fifty dwellings. 62 ton to freights. Canadian corn, bull were very strong; one extra tether of women with children in children could be gotten to the within the loon boundary underto t}:. r arms were sittingon a hatch beats. In the stampede four per- bur. Asquith's nsuhcdell to pro- the ata tot of the Working Class Bran ---$22.50 in bugs, Toronto when suddenly n violent explosion suns fell or were pushed into the molt the Lord; trona meddling with ;1st a t"tal cost of $16,500. *21, t3 hurled thew to all parts of the sea and were rescued with difficulty. 111°13e; nils passed in the Commons 'I'hdnlas Coleman was arrested te- en Thursday. cerely in Dublin on his state:loes, TI1E WORLD'S MARKETS til:POIITS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. A GREAT WHEAT OIITLOoK KING'S HEALTH GOOD. Officially Denied That Nle !Majesty Ilas Had Inllienza. A despatch from Biarritz says! Sir James Reid; physician -in -ordin- ary to King Edward, who accents - pitied :ied his Majesty professionally to this place, said on Wednesday: "The King has not had influenza. realized Therefore he is not suffering from and shorts �' .Stockers and feeders at $5 to $5.- itz after-effects. Ho is leading his $_3 50 to in bags, usual life herr.." The weather con - Toronto. 50• Calves were slightly easied. 1 Sheep and lambs steady and un- times sternly, even Wintry. Con - Mr. HOURS. II HIGHER PAYPAYDemand or Men in Building 'Prado In Germany. 1 despatch frons Berlin says: The - - a1 ,1 qu ths motion authorizing that he murdered Sirs. Mary Pete - SHORTER S•I'It}.I ('HiNG l 1 NORTH. th P tl'n ef the el ,ore t" , the committee stage of his veto re- c I, "flu was found with cut an r c„ttage in the city.hthreat Homestead Entries for Fort Chine ',elution's was curried by u major . it: of 84. ata meeting of the Aero r'I e•i; chill District. of Ireland. in Dublin, it was epc- ` despatch from Winnipeg says: UNITED) ST.ITES. ,r: •ors of the Government are do- Heiticateads are now open for entry "c- what it:,•y can to avert the in the Fort Churchill district and Lard Kitchener has arrived in COUNTI(Y PIIODL'CE. changed. Hogs, $9.10 to $9.50 f.o.- scrluently Lite King is outdoors less b., and *9.65 to $9.75 fed and wit- than he wishes, but the alarmist Apples -$1.50 to *2.50 per bar- ered. rel. according to quality. Beans• -Car lots outside, $1.85 to 81.95, and small lots at $2.10 to BIG RAN'KI R INDICTED. ciacd to establish n prize fund with $'.20 per bushel. !bur Months for Selling Without a view to encouragi)g aslatie' aid Honey-Courbs dozen, $2 to $2.- .Another Sensation Sprung in Pitt/. making ..f aeroplanes in Irel-t..L •fin; extracted, 10% to Ile pct. !b. License. burg Graft Scandal. In HOTELM.iN SENT TO J.1IL. stories about his condition are ab- surd. erg • t ateu, d strike in the building •hr vicinity ..f Iludson's Ray. Th., San Francisco from Tahiti. the town of Carrick-on-Sutr a Baled Hay -No. 1, $15 to *1e.75 .1 despatch from Niagara Palls, try tes. tierce 350,000 men, meal-, Winnie land 1tide has The selling of cocaine t., e•h.•.,1 thriving Irish industry in 'he n,a'c- too track, and No. 2 at $12 to *l. Ont., says: For selling liquor with- A despatch from Pittsburg, Pa., Winnipeg j rst bre n children is said to be lrecalenl in Mr of baskets, ,oultry :anm .rr' 1 , says: The grand jury on t ednes- �_�at:: of the Socialist Federation uf' authorized to accept entries for , I 1 haled Straw -$7.50 to $7,75 un out a license. at the Queen's 1 ark ,toy recommended the indictment of To !lea !lir .IIA nod the Christian! lands that have hien tries ed I hiludelphiu. and wicker armchairs, is being :tor• track, Toronto. Hotel, W. D. i)ashney, proprietor '1'. Ides Inions, including builders.' there, giving clue regard to the The peer health of .Andrew Car- ried on by Messrs. Shanahan & Potatoes-Ontarios, 35 to 40c per way en Thursday nftern,on sen- Frank F. Hoffstot, president of the '' e' e's claims of squatters 1111.( others Regie is causing considerable noxi- Sons. I bag on track, and New Itrunswicks, tensed to tour months in Welland Pressed steel ('tor c neat buy and claims right of entry has been re ety in New fork. I At Limerick Thomas Mammo., 40 to 15e per bag. J.t:I by Magistrate Fraser. He one of the most prominent busineaa cognized by the department. 11'. A bill forbidding the use of long t i'ker, charged with the wilful nrur.: Poultry ---Turkeys, dressed, 18 to pleaded guilty. !'our months ago melt in the city, on the •charge that Bruch, the fiat whirr settler to L, het pins in Washington has been der of his wife at Itatlikeale, was: 19c per Ib.; chickens, 15 to leer and he was convicted on a similar ha paid $5:.',5110 to Chas. Stewart, catty in that c. t. white , who hag hero' introduced in ('engross. i found guilty of manslaughter, and' living at Fort Churchill for some It is reported in Washington that I was sentenced to nine novths yearly was the first to be granted Secretary Knox and Secretary' hard labor. ah entry for a homestead d there by. \IacVeaglt may withdraw from the' Mrs. Colvin, an inmate of the •rue Dominion Government. All . Cabinet. 1►rernoro West Union Hospital, te- minol'al rights are. reserved by the! A bill giving the brand Trunk gently received a telegram hue) Guvernnteut for the pre•e nt, no permission to enter Rhode Island King Edward congratulating Iter on mineral locations being ; seal. war passed in the State :Assembly, the attainment tof her hundredth on Thursday. . biethday. --______ 1 ----- M(ilwaukec'a new Socialist Mayors The Downpatrick Rural Diaries t11'!:R !1.11.1' .1 N11.1.101, Iris announced to the citizens that C's unci! has received the lancer in of _, there will be no attempt to force a the Local (:uterninont Board for e I'opulAlin) of the 1'ily and !)i,triet n,illenium on thein. loan of $181,1:,0 for the Coulters Women who tried to boycott the fourth improvement scheme once: I e•tty -Due to. ' ••..table 4'::;/.4'I fere of llnutreal• sellers of kosher meat in New the Laborers' Acts. 1. 'Jotted 1, to Ontario .1 c::tg -a ,l,. iris,', fern! %Montreal says, York's East Side on Thursday At n recent meeting of the Por• Match, which is a larger ue,..h •r :1 stat •n;en1 was en 'Thursday morn_ fen/slit the police with bit pins, tadown '('own Council the clerk tt+•.e in the hen nu•ntb•: 1,l e:iiuu(i• i,►g submitted to the I:earl of ('ton minket baskets and bottles. staled that the joint water scheme 11 a of the un lesirrtbl• s were t•el showings the pet•ulation of the fur Pertadewn and Banbridge ri. arts from the !'nitryl States. ' rey and &strict of Nuutreal. Mayer GENERAL. nould be completed in September bacon, 19 to 20e; backs, 20 to 21e. Te : hang aroltnd freight yard.: and (:cerin stated, though it gave hitt . Jfeunt Iona is showing more ac- next, and that tate approximate' Lard --Tierces, 16;.i to 10';c; n.:. ago tel area across into ('unads a•, ;approximate ida•a of the peen- tette. c t+for both towns would be $flu,- tubs, 17 to 17%e; pails, 17/c. t• leafing ride en the care• lost iatidn, it was 119 exact as could he 1'iyil war is •in1►ninrnt between le deportltienl Kele at Wind- (utr►iethed irl any other wary than the .16ys%.bu•rn factier,s. The Registrar -General reports BUSINESS .1T MONTREAL. nrr(1 Niagara Pulls. The 110• by a strict census, 'rbc loptllali"Ir the people u[ Peru are -showing tont the number of emigrants (111 Montreal, April 12. Oats -No. 2 ion nutho,ities deport the un• o[ lho cit: proper is given as 530,- their desire for war with Ecuador tires of Ireland) who left. Irish Canadian (Western, •tt to 44!ac; No. s. trebles. Lot nu•st of the work alts!, and the suburbs as 62.1)00, by enlisting in large numbers for ports during last month was 890 3 41 to tl' "c: Ontario No. 2 shite - •le•ne by the provincial 1 r: eking a total population ••f 592,- the defence of their country. (5e.:, males And 331 fenutles) as cum• -----.1, 000. pared with sal (55.'t males and :1.31 40e; Ontario No. 3 white, 39e; (1n- -"-'$ -` females) in cortex responding month of tarn) No. 4 white, 38c. lia rley - put a , martens, bricklayers s•,d laborer:. have rejected the e age senle• offered by the toaster ',udders. The mon sock shorter hour% and intrrease..l wages, and in- sist that the new wage tariff shall be drawn up by an equal number of representatives of employers and employed. The ma:stcr builders have declined to agree to a mutu- ,.r •i:y decided wage scale. +------- 1:Nu1.MIR11tLES DCi'I11t1•1:1). Pnt•1)-0toe Tramps Turned Did of Ilntari,. A el••.t,at.•F, Iron, T. •r e,.. 1/4,1, s : fowl, Il to 12c. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter -Pound prints, 21 to 23e; tubs and large rolls, 20 to 21c ; in- ferior, 16 to iee; creamery, 29 to 30c: edits, '27 to 28c per lb. Eggs --19e per dozen. Chcose--13 to 13%c per Ib. for large, and 13! =e for twins. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon -bong clear, 1:'l ; to 1Ge per Ib. in ease lots; mess perk, $29 to *29.50; short cut, $31 to $32. Hams -Light to medium, 18 to 1';'-;.c; do., heavy, 16% to 1;e; rolls, 15!! Se ; shoulders, 14c ; breakfast 1111 .%GCS tall' 1111011 N.1 1 11.. t g ('0.11. N1;.11t 11'.11,1..11'I:It1 I1G. Inst year. s N+•• 3, tBoc; No. 4, 58c; feed barley, -- I Iby n recent unlet the beautiful bee Flour ---Manitoba a Spring (il.terrllnelU 11.1s Inc<•li;;^led 110.•1 , shrill' patents, firsts, $3,K0, do., In Neva Scotia. Discovery in %Western Ontario demesne and walks at Moore Ale Rush Capitalists. bee Jt., ) seconds. 03.30; Winter wheat pat• 1111111%11 1111111: I,It0)1 I\1;, M:.r•eh Statement shims inereese Brings Ito% of l np to i%t%. na.rtrrctan. the .1 .I, ,paleh frons 1ltlawa tarts roe . u. ,, t. Dominion Entomologist, has ;ti t !ellen I,•,1 frolr, Nc,v.s Scotia, ehen• 1,•• tea . •n it1V('-tigating the extent of the 1, struetiye• influeneo l I the 1, ..•• '.,il Itoll•, which is Lunde scat $5.00; 1lnuttube says: Fred Henry. a farmer located tot the Earls of Drogheda, have en s, $ eau to twenty miles down the Winnipeg ill Inlpnrt+ and f:vpnrl+. A despatch from (;hnthnm snyx: been closed to the public. The strong bakers, $5.25; straight straight rel- !liver, Krug found den,! in bed The discovery of n vein of hard rounds had been public. bio torr lers, 05.10 to $5.25, straight rot ;patch !tear! L• u.l••n say,: coal, smen miles north of Wallace -'R , ; TI retire/lay morning, his brains hav- 'f•e• %larch statement ••f the llo+lrcl pl,blic recreation fruin time imine- Irrs, in bags, R2.4n to to >'I, Fred- ` burg, has created great excitement. Dwane bran, $21.30 to :?23; Ian- inv, been blown out by t shotgun, of 'trade shims increases of !tan,- Its eresentntiycs of :American cnpi moria!, it is sated. tar ie n,iddlin s a{2:1.,o t" ?. t ; ala- which he held in his hands. The t.1,5M) in imparts and $1" f it Oc)tl * hltuh;L 1►e311, i't11; Ni,l llll"h:1 sheit%, deceased at the time @tlffe rt`ll from $2:1: pure grain tnnuillie, *31 to mental derangennent. ATMOSPHERE 01' ('1111;s. 1!13;1; mixed mouillie, Iltl7 to *29. -- Cheese- White, 12', t., 12',e, and }irnvhine Lt•+•Trus ns I'opilatinn in. colend. 12', to 12',e. [bitter - t reasl's. Set.teti,lwr-! /ember creamery, est; ---- -i------ (;rl•rnnn cities are studying their t', 29e in round lets, and e9 to 29!::c �I 1:1)1 \ 1. I N THE N'1:�'I'. atmospheric conditions. The fact in single 1 ackages ; new milk that sunshine lessens as population creamery, 31c. Eggs -19 to 20c per Been Mum n. R} Sit 11....k. Earlier limn 113+ Ever beccnr►cs aunts! dense, And especial. dozen. ly when the activity of industrial IJNITI:h STATES �1.11tK1?TS. centers expands superficially and A despatch f, ,n, Regina. Sask., increases in int!•usury•has Ic•ng J[itu,eap••lit, April 12. Wheat increasing May, 1t in',; to x1.11►' .: July, *1.- 11 to *1.11!;; ea+h. No. 1 hard, ate s earn( r than the oldest In ed. and both ore effects of the urn- *1•12'•!; N.". 1 Norther,, i11. In', to - - perfect and incomplete coniburti„tt $1.11'.; : No. 2 Northern, $)I.Os'; of coal. to *Lie's; No. 3 N101 thetrn. $l.0:r', :1 •1.•••tuttcle fret/ Detroit, Mi.'... tion permanently. In the Nowak 1 \leder! industry pays sol! fur this to Al.lry';, Ilton - in lu0 I1,. seeks, .nl . • .after s set e s of uxpetin,e•n:s labor:! ee s. ha fur Large lasers of { k 1 t 11 Flour ---First In the injury of delicate fabric';, thepatent;. R5. au to Hynes featly 'week: Ile. O. tee t Iia o- luny*., fish and eyed grnernl depreciati••n in the value $t 50: second Intents. $5.10 to *a. - of \uveal•. of Austin. III„ :ln -,two nniiv:rete•I e,rd,tver�, which L, .tt t!u �elt:dl t n ninny article); ne trade and letee 3 e ., 3; see - charge and fined $100. Prank a former aelect councilman, as a Rras. 1)aslurey'5 bnrteuder, was liriI,e to be used in influencing fined *100 Ter breach ..f the liquor c"uncilmen in passing an ordinauoe law He pleaded guilty to the naming as city depositories three charge, laid by Jnsprct.,r Mains. ('7..11tIN.1'S HE.tI.'iIl GOOD. Is Able to 0111eiate at a Public Re- ception. A desl,ateh from St. Petersburg says: Empress .Alexandra furnish , ed the best pessilde refutation of Goodness without motive is n,ran- ingless. the recent reports that she was in serious ill -health when on 11'edh►es The only divine call a true man ` eLay she recniyed Knifed Stitt s I,4 cdis is a human nccd. .ltubassador ltoekhill. If one may The past is always J,.,or to the judge (ruin appearance her nlajes- nine who has lived in it all his life. ty had fully recovered her normal Lave for giving pelves likeness .rditinn. The audience marked to f,°d' the rv-umptiun of the social life of iI is a serous fault to know your the cutlet in full vigor, which had grips the sword by the neighbor'Malice s faults too well. been suspended practically since banks in which Hoffstot was inter- ested. 4. - SENTENCE SERMONS. Religion expires when it does not aspire. Your rights cannot involve an- other's wrong. wrung end. the war with Japan. Yen sonnet. save the ship by - - '1'- -- - throwing the enmpass overboard. ie call se `a nt.• ft people their need of I(It theca He never succeeds who dare trot fail. Seale tempta(n'nt may be inl ita- tions to moral athl:•tics. 1 Discussing the plans usually de - la: s the doing of the will. The man who spreads pessimism 4 ought try go into moral quarantine. There's sntnething wrong with your faith if n teed duns not prompt ton deed. 7'he self-satisfied man is seldom content• with little things in any other respect. You can never find the divine in a hook if yen turn your back on it in tx•olle. Some ('hristians think they have the wholr armor AS soon as they bee n chevron. The 11111:1 wllo dues not know ahere he is smiling always complains of the winds. • There i% ne such thing ns divine seri ire to you if yeti cannot make all service divine. SIiOT HIMSELF IN tot:D. Farmer in Winnipeg River Used Gun to Suicide. .1 despatch from Kendra. Ont., pr. calls .1 r; (n t•:.:I,f tof the in eexpdrt%, TiM principal Il'' .'' . t.atists are 1111 the scene leasing prviiig+ of ti t • . fern! lands for prospecting Intrpos- ;• P.frotts e:; in imports acre in f•,udstuff::,net e;, as fast as the signatures can he are being ('ghl!:'n..i ,., . ,. tent the raw material, ane! Co experts 111 • ,reetlred. The leases invelt,• a inc•rense of the arca afro t, .i ;ranufncturerl geed,. royalty to talc farmers of ten a nts per ton. THE WONDERFIIL "GAO" A New Preventative Discovered By An Illinois Chemist. • Nays: Seeding 1- e,•ry grucral over been noted. :an g ten - the three i rairie Provinces, six dency to hog has also been observ- ••k. !' i habitant has known. Many :lmeri- Pan harmers are utilizing great trite tion engines drawing twelve plows t,, ,rea • t Ie , irgin sed. So great is the influx of .americans that trif- le. •• d ,e, 11 rc:n •:-day that he has were dipped in "(unary . • • gatewayca. in n f 't 1 1 I 30 first clears, to ((1 1 1 sal 1 ! 1 months tengie which stopped the trains )►,.Id use, and the inereased Cost 1.1111 clears, $3 to $3.30. disee.c*'t' dl ,t .rcp.aratie.n of skim- aster nal perfectly fresh in Appear Monday. 'The. rush from the States of cleansing. Sines the battle is Buffalo, April 12. 11' heat -- set - Sig Robert Perks Cas That a .Company mrel ,click which if noel as n pre- mice, the I,o.lie; with an nlmoett is utrpreeetict►tcd' waged with growing energy ngaiust Spring steady; X.' 1 Nirthern, e� p J se,lntitr rserci rs A vtottde•l'bit1 (d• life -like bury while the beef has the tuberculosis, physicians and stn- carload( store. $1.20: Winter, low - (••et upon almost all matter which feeling and odor of fre.b ,,leaf. Ilr. dents of s:,rinl science feel that the rr; Nn. 'reel. $1.13; No. 2 white, is orcli,,nrity subject, to procera of Notrnk believes his 'liseevery will 'indolent of purer air for the dwel 1?1.1'+. 1 ern Lower; No. a yellow, for w n dead hods he immersed rclelnlinuite many industries. 1v Inhothilr+nlee of Lanigan. Sisk., lets in cities has become primarily •}t►r e': No. t yellow, 6G!=c; No. :1 A despatch from 1)t1 wa says rentrortor now in this sou f.,l n Few midut.rc in the prepara- a preservative er rejigs -tad ties the•1 tical of skimmed milk, which is aie parntiem fan already proved its 11-orl.ed BendyAlly. important. cern, +p'rc.; Ne. •I rnrn, blk; N,+. (Anadi. is to hays t.wo immense dry ;ny••. that n t•nnlpnny to hui!e. ttI kne•wn t* .1,,uir' 71'. as •tone, it cc, rth end is now toeing uses! exte•n Statistics %rave been collected for white, �.Y;. O•rt� 1•:nsi:4; 0. darks. One will bn built nt IeviQ drydoem is being regi.+terr•el. "On 1 despatch (,,•t, I.ani,tnIt, Sa.k., some time. They drnn,nslrate how teLitr, t!+ ,c: die.:1 whirr, 4;c: No. A.ul the other at Sot. .john. fhe>v tl►i; company," he paid. "Iinrlottld a ill remain pc••.ercrd. Ito it. • u sr:cly by the Santa Fe lIailroncl. It says: This town land the narrowest lithe mnsltine falls to the lot of the 1 white. 16e. Itarie Fred to will net be less than fsN, feet lou 11'01 will tie 01ninaj. for not le tire/ two may he applied t.. stone, brick and ew ale in its history o❑ 1Wwlnr•alay residents of industrial cities cern malting, e;:! h. r.+. g i' ff be reprt•st•nted by Lor c.•ttnress of time, and poetiste: in concrete, and will terror digin ►, and 100 feet wide, and will haven Pitic: Canodian Peeltchy Sir Tho ' p frau nhne.l tofu! toe strurti'.n by 0 schen the wan is ohw nerd Ly smoke dr; th of 35 fee: un the sill. 11 is Si•ahghnessy; the .U1an Steams! d,•:,e4 ••!.. So peett1iar• k ti:.• .fl'••"t tegratt.ion. Evaporated and cony Nairn, fire. 'Floe mothers with th••ir J.,trtieles. 1n no German city has LiYI: STI)C'K M.111K1?T}t' ►rohnhle that in eotnection with'('.,. ply dared by tyle. imnn•r ion that pressed, it brronu•s an r, rtiliepil babies ted re ,Cared in the centre ,,f the l', 1 by one of ilial firm: McArth tLe (3rido, erases ..f deOelopnn+tt iv(pr ss which defies detection. while•1 of •in .line, flue le reg, Montreal, .lyre 12 A few of the the St. ,loam luck n steel ship- Perk; & Ce., by myself, and the lh,• ear•• 4rack Anil (*Very mato and equalled that e•f Lc•n1en, where the hest enttlo erre sold nt shout 0.• building plant will be established. mil Alan he as incur rotator% and! &body in the cells of the bulk' the most port!, brown paper he I w4,ii n w.•rked to ,tat eat the fire, fe y clays • d K / g 1 r •' ! RK. Inrieq the there mouths, ter lie I'rett•-,• ood animals. t!'r..T!te eyt•rnulent bill provides a I).bc II of Qurbre, �1r. I)al•ies are brought. 1.• an abrupt stand- cele•.+ water tight Inkier its Action. ; !well' of the eorkrrt; Feil exhaust. Deeenahrr, .1:Ii•nnry ane! February, t, se,' •, and the e.lmnon sleek 4e snbsidv of three and a half ser mil: And the Condition In which the! In many other watt "Gale"' ale, ed Several shacks ,Marl stables intlea,ed Tynan ei hteeeu fn (bitty- - i cent. Lr•t'1:1 and W. E. Fester of begin Jo body Hots alien first immersed in it, gives g to .c per Ih. Nide!' cows front for :1:r years oto tlrydecks n•.l Ire. 11'e: v: ill be prepnrr(1 to begin g promise of many wonderful humeri, hat the tee, rt wits tont (luring Om Inst butt of Ibe !ac:.t A3t! a., eon rarh ('sive: from :1':;r. than At1A feet. •st►sction ►reek soon attar the hall, dt "Gold" remains its condi things. gleed. ecnrur.. Ito es, per !t.. Sbocl, ubeut 5',r: per Sir Robert Perks, the Londe') decks' ski nlenstu'e becomes 1 CONCENTRATOR AT OTTAWA. Government Will Erect (inc to 'fest Cobalt Ores. A despatch frust Ottawa Says: it was announced on Wednesday that the Dominion Government is about to construct an experiment- al tore concentrator at Ottawa. Many tests will be ulnar with errs (rola the Cobalt district. 0 IMMESE BRYBOCKS y.11'F:11 F110M PR 11111E FIRE. Has Been Organized to Build Them.