HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-14, Page 1'Nr eta £HIRTY•SEVENTH YEAR -No 1904 ilii••••••••••••••••••�e••••••••••••••••••• 7R� JONES & MAY'S Phone No. 32. SPRWG-� UITS & COATS A nice Assortment of Ladies Spring Suite have just arrived in the very newest Shades and Tailored in the Latest Style. They are very swell and conte at the lowest prices. Also another lot of Ladies Spring Coats in Plain or Striped Fawn Covert Coating, long or short. Our Ladies Heady -to -Wear department is booming this . Spring. Be sure you wear one of Our Garments. They mean Style, Fit t and Econorny. Separate Skirts We are showing some ex- tra values in Ladies Dress Skirts for this spring. The styles are entirely new and every skirt has a particular style of its own. Voiles, Pan - antes, Merges and Broadcloths in all the leading colors. � Ladies' Waists K = All the New Ideas are shown stere in Our Swell New Waists.r Net. Silk and Laney Lawn Waists are shown here in abundance and in all colors You will do well to see them. Seasonable Millinery Just a word to make you think of your Spring Hat. Our Milliners are showing everything that is New in the llat Line. %Ve have a large staff at work and can Make or Trim Hate on the shortest notice. A Nice Hat is one of the Main Attractions. Ladies Whitewear The season is just here. We have a large variety to shote you In Ladies Skirts, Corset Covera, Night. Gowns, Princess Slips and Drawers. The best are here. • Ji Colored Petticoats I A nice collection of all the new colors in Underskirts. One suitable for any dress in Sateen, Alnrie, Regal Tn(ettx or Silk. Prices away down. Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums Do not forget us when housecleaning. \Ve can show you the Largest, and Best Assortment ever shown in Exeter. Rugs all sires and prices for any room in your house. Carpets the same way. Remember we carry nothing but Scotch Linuleutne, The hest and the (lest is what you want. Lice Curtains from 23 cents to $ti per pair. Tanes.ry Curtains from $2.75 to $`f per pair. Bobbirette Curtains made up rills at bottom $1 per pair Jones & Maytee( Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper ••••••••••••••••N•••••••• •••••••N•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Good Clothes I • • • • HURON &MAD DL +'SEX GAZET1 A EXETER, ONT , CANADA. THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 14.th 1910. WEED YOUR OWN GARDEN FIRST, LocalsMrs. Thos, Moulden 1;1 on the hick list. Mrs. E. Jones i,; 'i.itiu;; her sr,•r \\', JohnsMr, Trueman Elliott iv t:ti!orinr, for in Ciandeboy''• . MiSx 'lfaber Taylor wn.v off work a Al r. C, Luler left Ha;nrd:ay fur S. few day; owing to alines-. �0aehar»n..s Mr. and !Mr,. Gordon Manns and children spent Sunday in Clandebuve. lir. Geo. 'Mantle left Tuesday for High !liver. Sask.. will( a carload of weffeeekcts,. .Airs. Mantle will follow next Strawberry 1'trunn for Sale - i hate a choice lot of Strawberry plants of 'ten varieties for sate. Apply at Reports come front every direction. • 1f you would help to make all wrote; once 'to '8, Powell, 4-7-2p that "Alodel flour iv the best we ever things right. Piano for Sate -One :food second u;;•d," 11,•,;iu at Lotto(: there lies a 1»'e- hand piano. nearly new, American . :....SeN Ila and Alda Dinsda:e. time's toit. make. only $160. Apply to John lied-,liippen. visited Mrs. C. A. Sonihrott 1: r, Exeter, 'Alain street. south t-715 men's bight. 1 on Wednesday. \V(v'd your own garden fair for all Frank Sire ell called on friends Mr. I). Mill wag in London \V,.dnes- Before yott•plan to till another's soil. Saturday and Sunday. Ile is this day attending the funeral of his F. W, 'Wilcox, Ja-a, work rnovin,; his family from Kings- twice, Mrs, to to Guelph, Thomas. Pin. of Faratthar. i./ UBLIC SCHIDOL BOARD :Hiss 1), Dickson returned horn • last vi sting her aiss L. ndt.rMrs. Gardiner. of week tifter A nu'etinei of the h:xeter School past few months pleasantly hs inToronto,d:Montreal tuA!t work and no play retakes .Jack a� Hoard %teas held in the Totten !fall on and Renfrew. Monday April ilth with all the mem- dull boy. When you ne•e llrush you hers present. The 'following ire the Dr. Kinsman and Dr. Itoulston. Den- forget your troubles. order of business, duly.dubutitted and tits. dersire to again announce to theMiiss 11obt,4. o: llirr% visited her ions meeting. Reports of Committees/.Committees/.pproved. Per chair minutes of pees_ public that their offices will b clos.•d aster. N111/- Collins. 81 she En rlish approved.every 'Wednesday afternoon. church Rectory. Teachers Hupply, work divided in 'the Mr. Rich. Quance. sr.. Left Monday Primary claw by tho addition of Atiar Al r. John residence on has moved into his a for r t cls rraidence slain street London where he has accepted •+ Deward to the staff and the division Air. Thos Royle will move this week position wish the Helton Planin; Mi!t.' of the printery room. I'er Principal. into the residence on North street b_• Mr. Wm. 'Reid bas purchased 1 he improved condition noticeable in the recently purchased from Mr. 0 .o, res'dence on the old woollen trill pro - primary department with the division ;Mantle verty from Mr. M. Jackson, and will of 'the work. Miss Robot expected to rAnrn 'to duty Tuesday April 12th. Mr. Maxon Fitton has purchased the move into it at once. Per 11. Huston. the hoard's delegate property occ r d byAl W 'r to the 1:durational Association at Toronto, the drift 'of teducational thou•;he towards extt•nded industrial trninin;; the change of the Compul- sory Act t0 age• limit of 15 or J6; the urzent need of Tura! trustee conven- tions: ,the wide difference in 'the cost of pnhiic school education and hitb school and University work' and the need of a larger propel- ion being spent on public school work ai illus- trated by the cost of *1.25 for public school work to $40.00 to *100.00 for high :school and University+ training ; teachers contracts to be made unvoid-' able exc„pt at th • • lid of a term. and ltnan that to Al r. Fs cry r• boggy and th.• lessonint of bona work. the bthat t ; Per 8. 'Martin and F. W. Glne}mnu of het ern! dozen a r•;s that the extended report submitted by which he was bringing to town. our delc,tnte be gratefully hdopted The Young !►ten's Alible Class of :and his expensed in connection there- James street Methodist Church were wit li paid. very Wean: ntly entertained at. the Prr N. Martin and T. 11. Carling th _ home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Joey. Stephen II. Ruston and 1•'. W. Gladrttnn be a on Thursday evenint of fast week. An committee to confer with the council Interestint impromptus pro.zram wan in reference to a readjus;tnent of the ziven by the Young men. Mr. .1. 1;. Board's financial position health the Jones. the President. actin! a•y chair - Village with any agreement arrived at man. The hoys were royally enter - to be reported back to the Board tor hired to ltlaple• syrup. maple taf:y, endorsement before taking effect. maple nu tar and other refreshment/ P. r le. Wood and 8. Martin that the by this host and hostess. There were • of the school campus be given to about forty younz men present and th Ext' . r Football club (Dr. 'totals- they enjoyed themselves to th fullest ion) for prnctis^ purpose'• until fur- extent. 'they are lookin z (onward to t her notice. another rnthering promised in a few Per T. 1i. Carling adjournment. weeks. .1. GRIGG. Secy. From the Revelstoke Alail-llera'd of If you are sighing; for ,► lofty work, 1: ;trued ant bit ions dominate your mind, Just watch yourself and see you do not shirk Tbo. common little ways of being 'kind. if you are dreaming of a future goal, \\'b,.n crowned with glory, men a•balll own your pow1.r. 1111. careful that you let no strutgling soul Go unaided in .he present hour. 'Meek. of London. was iu towu a few• days this week. ltich. ()wince. jr.. of Londona visited at h's home here Sunday. Air. \\'n1. Trout »K visi.iug Dr. Stan. bury. of Bayfield. '1r, Al. Ilissett returned( home A1ou d:1y eveninz from the \Vest. P'e' r. Taman Mr. C:runes !finers. of Alvinston, as a tai:or shop. front Mr. lough ion of 'Mr. Win. Miners. of town. hay Spackman. It is 31r. Fitton's inter -Ahem appointed Post -master at Flor- tion to erect an up-to-date j••welry ince. store on the prctn!eert and offers his WANTED -Good boyto ;earn present building for sale, printinz. Splendid opening for timers On Tuesday last while Mr. harry .ad with fair education. Apply at Rowe of the London Road south. was ibis office, coming along the road with a team The Public School Board have kind - hitched to a send drill and also bran.(- •y' granted the ore of the school in; along a third borne. the aniniatx grounds to the Football club. a pri- bec nme unmanl;rab!•• ^nd ran allay. t'L'e^e which the young men npprn- 1'hry crashed into Mr, John iss. ry 5 c rat:'. bu r, yy, throw•i,. Mr. F_sa:ry out and \Ara W. T. Acheson and two youn;-� breakin r the top. 1ortunat,•Is no on•• est children, are expected home Fri- day from Brookline. Mass.. where they hove Spent the past month with Airs. Acheson's !tinter. 31rs. Locke. -�--- a recent dnt•' we clip the following Whalen iltm: "Mr. and Mrs. G. Knapp %ver_• Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson hpent the ree'pienfs 'rat Friday of n hand- Stmday the guests of Mr. John White- aom' silver tea a•.•rviee. a weddinggirt ford near (Ironton from the members 0.' No. 2 Fire Dri- Mr. and Nes. Albert Gunning spent Rant'• Chief Foote made the presenta- Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pon on (vim 1: of the Jirirade. Mr. John Foster. Knapp tend • is snitaole• re ply. express - Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hodgson and in z h p'rasnre in rice lit in.; the son Willie spent Sunday the guests of Iher sistet Mrs. James ('(ttril of Ellin. I The W. Ai. S. held their annual 1meeting at the church which resulted 'in ten• return of all the old ofllretit and area~ tollowm:- Pie•sident Mw John drft from tier rollea,Tuen of No. 2." Mrs. Knapp (nee 'N1i•n Lon Ilrinancomo•e is F( STF:It-At the !Mind Lino Haya skit •r o' Min .1. N. Howard an 1 !\ire I Township. on the 3rd suet. to Mr. C \V'1 and Alrm. J.ouis }osier. n data niter. MARRiED n women who had Wren attacked by aITIIIEL-J'ItANG--In Zurich. on Wed. ndRson; Vice -President, Aiin. A. lap' being attracted to the place by Maas,.. April 6th. by Rev. C. C. J. May Not bake A MAN .he crus of th • woman. 1 t Maas,. `,I ,.a Elia prang. to Al r. G1.o. ((unninR ; Cort Hecretxry, Bessie Merle 'ihiel. both of %illicit, y : Recording Secretor A veru prrtl h t 11 IITrpN-CCHN1r'RE-At th • home rnakc him mighty trout! that . Treasurer AI J was herd t th fes eh• bride's Natoli - I.-. Airs. \\' ('admore, Exeter. on Tuesday. April 12th Wss Lula M. Cndmore to '1r. W. 11. Ilor:on. by .h.• Rev. Dr. '1 (Id of forest. Mr. tiro. Anderson. D. D. 11. C. It. o: the 1. O. 1e. assisted by i\Vm. Merry - 1• •'d. of \Ve+t \loukton. installed hr officers of ihr lirnsall lodge oat Tung. day of last week. A man's wife should always be the same especi:Jly to her husband, but if she is weak and nervous, and uses Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot be, for they make her "feel like a different person," so they all say and their husbands say so too. 'err. i t ,1 Bowden has purchased Air-. I). I: rtiick 5 residence on Gid - !+•y -tr, Ile has nlao purchased n horse or N1r. llnrry .tones. London road. oil, h. which ho will move onto .hr Kern;ck property and use in the winter tante for the manufacture of� comer: hocks. T'S $I.A0 per ye worth your while to Cleaning S (Curtain Stretchers at $1, $1,40, a, Step Ladders at $1, $1.45, a Carpet Whips at 10 cents and 15 Carpet Sweepers at $2.75, $3 and $3.25 Liquid Veneer 25c a bottle Galvanized Tubs 75c to $1 SVashing Machines $7,50 to $10 Wringers $3.50 to $4,50 Scrub, Stove and Whitewash Brushes Ready Mixed faints 10c, 15c, 20c `2.3c and 50c Beet Floor Paints 45 cents and 50 cents Varnishes and Floor Lace, Etc. at lac up to 85 cents Dusty Friday No Clore Use DUSTBANF, It Eats Dirt. 35c a package. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE S 'i1lil4111 'lllt•1,r„ crash: MEE Special Discount 8 of FURNITURE WE ARE starting our Annual Discount Sale compiling every Article in our Large and Well Assorted sleek which we are offering at a Special Discount for e.he NEXT THIRTY DAYS, INTENDING PURCHASERS Will consult their own Interests by examining our Goode and getting our Prices before purchasing their Spring Furniture ax we can save you many Dollars, • ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. BORN IIAItK-ln Nianl,•v on March, 211th. to we Mr. and 'Airs, John Park. is son. ';)VERHOLT-At St. .rose•pb. on the 6th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. !Over- t - . Over_ Lo! r •on. of town. \Ve also notice in the .same paper where Mr. Knapp, was Ih• means of snvin,J the life of but t hey can b y I he is one. Our clothes WILL. Try there and enjoy the luxurious feeling of beim; dressed. TiMEV COST NO MORE A worn shabby or out ofdatc suit is not a ha(- of am- bition or prosperity and there is no person of whom the world is more shy than the slothful or unsuccessful m.cn. Call on us and see our styles and pat. terns. Our prices are the lowest in town We take more pains to suit you and Mrs. F. (Harmingy u .i ii.i weddin, n e home of Mr.. •%V111. Mfllson. Arrangements have been ('udnror•. of Exeter. on Tuesday. April completed for the convent.' to be 12th at high noon. when her wo•ingest held on May 5th, when n splendid day dna rht •r. Loin M.. was united in mar - 'of Missionary work is anticipated by rine • to Mr. W. 11. Berton. of 1'shbrne all. Th • . •►nom• was t,errortne(t by Rev. DIED _.ss.---- Dr. '•1 •dd. o' Forests in th • presence I)KN(.31V-in liar. on Sunday. \ of Ih • intrnedil;e r••!:t:ices of the con- :Ird. Mra. Ile • I Til (.'alve% for Sale -Mr. Chapman will lrnclinrt panties. The bride sans mar- tot ,lis \• Uenonty, in u• r b• at sheCentra; 11 tel. le. on r:erl In a ;town of w ,• Ih bite embroidery year. W•dnesdny. April 20th. ne 12 oelock Swim. After the c•re•tnony the Rue•j, wit h a load of calrea for stale. ant rlour% to n dimity %:'ddinz dinner 'I It. curlers held a me'etine(, last Th• rifts 10 the grid.• were mamerons yenr. 'They report everythingweek to nettle up the hominess for Ilrcin oand coat 'y. Air, and Mtn. Horton left n the eveninz train or Toronto. fond condition and a surp:us in the \\'»nnit).t and Les hhrid•re. A'It •rta. :rrasnry whirr th •p will r sins• 1' trav,•'!in1 suit was a nr:v n!,r,• broadh. - s% iv 'th Tusran hat. Al •_ ('.:d,unr • h IIAU1'Lf:Y . as n n a r •s dent o' Exeter a iitt!r .. Most of the farmers in this ne•ilth-'nw,•r a year com:n, herr from Happen, boyhood are thronth with their npring h r father nein; th !ate Wm. Cud- a+•ed:n give you satisfaction than we do to sell J.F'1!l'Vhaiand3.oiinc:os.,.r wntercd and atl-nn h,.•. more tt--- Grand The .'Lbsrn 1►berritls were vi.itin .•yindr� • roup ,, many penes o" happ n •ss • their Hinter, Mrs, Arch» • Webb. of lh; i,ro•1 rl �, A. 11, lino on Saturday last. On Thursday la .y 11:•nnnnnnre•rn'nt 4l .s Vita 11•reterd. who has ,pent "ins nisi• by N' 8. 11rrw�t •r. you New T h has e , t n: e Co) • she mad^ many friends with • ies,Hats Shirts and Shoes F' d 1\ i:Barna Ilan moved a hone +h • Times joins in w; tiro ; r r, . Hats, . 'end Ib ref. Sandy Bawden "20 000 Razors for Free Trial!" A new selenttnc discovery -a seere•t pr.. ,.,,t --hien reit olultonizeel 1110 111.u111- fae•are of razors. This discovery '11 nblca 115 tel ,,nee leu a blade of Garbo- steel -(steel 11,15 1rl,orl p--whteh lois do net ha we to hone or grind; a bl:ado Basal stays shat al 3 p ways. To prove It we will distribute Carbo- 111:ap:netie Itazor.a er1 31 1r.1c.i' fr,d1 ah- relnlely free -there la one here for leu. This Razor Is tempered by a secret electric l reres,s et an n!. ••tut, ly even temperature of 2..-rQ0 degree . The re- sult Is the hardest (loom; edge I,uown to 5rien•e. A blade of (',erldr-steel that we guarantee for a IIfellrne e1 yc,fcet wear, no honing -no grinding, W. J. HEAMAN, We want you In lino•• and enj •v the smooth aim v Ing r “rninrt you ,sue obinln Only through the hang sweep - Ing diagonal stroke of a etr.a ght blade standard razor --Ise Carbo-Magnetl.- whlrh e tits the hairs er lar 11 without t a Y t splitting them or turning the ends hark Into the skin to cause Irritation, pimples, and even worse. troubles. No Incc111 teddy and get t Carl,o•Mag- netie Razor on 30 i)aya' Free Trial. (005 R7'atnr3 TRAM NAM( tilt►ilmktrYhGdlt ur6o 6egi EXFTER, ONT. Ab» winter an London. returned home one day last tt eek. Mrs. Thos. Follh is on the sick lint. Inf'anima tory rheumatism id the Mr, and 'Alva. 'rout Love epent Sun- day evenint with 'ri ads 1t Jirettatrr. . 1 IN. Richard .1. ':serol. n ,form- er res dent o: I•:', •ter and hon of Mr. Al:d o :it Eacret 1. o: girl ittford. who twos for 25 yearn clerk or our vie'a :• and n'.o hrofh'r of 'Ir.. 11. W. ie. heavers of town. had b•^n 1l'i'o•n••,1 ,. a Lotti •'Jird,a sp int a few days !teensy commissioner o• flrnnt'•rrd. in :est wick with h •r friend Susie Di.- a'Icoch,tion to the 'etc .iohn Nlr('.Inn. Jrrd'ne o- thi• A. If. lin-. Th-' new offic"al it a prominent Nleth- if you onto try C:arter'a Lithe 1r1o`e• n foreman n; ..ho of•Tit. !vow on - Liver Pills for nick hea,lache, bio-Ago". orbs and I Leri A:dent of ata• li:un• ionnnes,, or counts eition, `It t 11 • r • ire afore On 1ifl p ;- never be without ithem. The ,aro o.oat h • ti. pa as forernnn anti snap r;- ptrrely vegetable, small end easy to `r 0 to leant Works to ass of 10 take. f)on't forget this. y e Till Vim. \\"orks to 1se+nue his mew 1I111 , . :end wail � •na'I}• honored by th •• In l II .•rs or : h • firin at four o'e'oel; tt hell he n :14 Tal:,.•d to ; h:• o(- f e . t'n \V. .r. Verity ! rese hehn'f of th:. firm mann- ret t w•"th a very bandaotr.e .o'tt watchl and eha n regretting his with- �j.E drew•! from the factory with FEED (()i<N FOR wh'rh h • hid nes n connect, d for over AT FILE 11ENs,11.1, FLOUR- 1w. IllY year., hasint stared it Oh lh• INC; M 1I.i.-, factory tt h 0 ; hey tw,•re• :n i•:xeter. Mr. Verity pod a tribute to the stir!. H. Cook, Sons & Co. i!'n-t wnrrit o: t.h• new in-;:•e,or and he ep end d r,rvie. to th^ Tirrn. Th.. 11F,NSAI.I., ONT, ree p:err. who was -mite tnk, n by sur• pr:se made a nent reply of thanks. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA lour AND Feed MI Good Kinds of Flour and Feed kept on hand Bran and Shorts .Sol,! 1►y the Ton. Wheat taken in exchange for Flour and Oats taken in exchange for Oatmeal. Rivers KXKTJIL, -- ON IA RIO. WEDDING RING ARE THE Order of The Day Have a Full Line of the Different Styles of Wedding Rings. O u r 18K Tiffany etre the Newest Designs. Remember AVE are Ileadquarters for WEDDING RINGS and MARRIAGE LICENSES S. FITTON Jeweller & Optician. flugHffl' Ddnacr-Ofl The Great Dandruff Remover and Scalp Remedy. DAND)i;tt' OFF is :t Scientifically prepared remedy for disea.a•s of the ww'p and promotes the growth of (lair, for itching Scalp, S i,f and I'ksu'ntic Affectations. One or Two applications will stop Itching Scalp, hive to Ten applications nue guaranteed to cure the worst cases of Dandruff, Scurf. Scrofulous and Rczentic Affect tont: of the `chip. 'Thoals;uuls of Testimonials. DANDER -OFF is positively guarante,•el. Money refunded if it fails to do all that is claimed for 0. Price 59 cents for M oz size or 10 cents an application. For Sale Only at W. D. 5urKc's Shaving Parlor. Lo }"EARS I;XPF:Rii:NC,; OF AN OLD NURSE. Alla 1\'inslow'$ ehoothing Syrup (s fhr prescriplmn of Ora of the best SETTLER'S rLClt'. oNF WAY 1•: NCI Itrlro\,y, To 1•:'estein ('aneda• April 5 and 12 watt Grand Trunk ltarlc-ay 8y51etn. from a:I siat'o115 in Ontario. Kings- ton and west to principal points in rs y enals physiciansand nitric *In thea• asklletiti10 ,nd A.b,rta, 1'e.ti co - United States, and has been used for rr ateenr on enEed to th • feet the• fifty yenrs with never -failing euccea.� !ow rates a • t: to c. rte n apt)), y po:nfs in by millions of mothers for their Grnnd Trunk Pacific Ifni:way• a new children. It relieves the child from !err tory" full of ' Go:de•n ()pportun- pain, cures diarrhoea. griping in i1iti", t;, cure tic•k;•ln and further in. the bowels and wind robe. By giving formation from Grand Trmnk Agent health to the child, It rests the a:• •,ddress 1. 1), , IcDona!d. 1). 1' mother. Twentytive teats n betels. (1. T sty. Toronto, Ont 11