HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-07, Page 7•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• WART'S 11 • PHONE 16 ter's Greatest in Store s Clothing • nt is full of Correct Spring and Sum- Z Men of all ages in a great choice of • ♦• if I: it tt••..• ♦: • $ 2.25 i• •• • 2• ••.........................• :: LOCALS s 2 • • : ••lay.•••••• •••••••• •• • Mrs. 1). .John.. was in London Tuna - c • • Mrs. Geo. Weeks is vie4tin; in St. • • Thomas. ••• • \i ss Kathleen Stewart is vitaitinze n London. 1'h.• new �eJ S( n .hould be a record breaker. Our Millinery • • Mr. T. Se:don. of in;ersoli. was in t nee meet and distinction that appeals to the cultivated taste • • I hese' not yet called. consider this a personal invitation to • • town las: rw•'o " new Mill fiery. We •can please you, • •• is Exeter e!ng 10 have a celcbra- • • , on on May 24th. • - Mr. Thos. Harvey teed Tuesday :or •W CARPET RUGS, MATTING CAR • • •♦ tell. through the cleat. • j It, .and Mrs. Hicks. o:' Crediton, f • • t.eited in town Tuesday. ♦ . Garvey Acheson returned Monday $10, $12.50 to $19 Wear A KING MAT ✓ All the New Spring Shapes art' here. Ask to See Them 'MILLINERY 1' ti r; t . 1•; 1 t. tt 1. 11(6 e, S APRIL 7th 1t►1O •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ituwe & Atkinson are giving a Wee.' •••••••••♦••N4N•••••••••• int discount cif F'urreiture for the next 30 days. See add iu another column. A fire took place ai illy'h ear:;1 Thursday morning of last week and wiped out Si veral buildings on the main street. The buildings destroyed were W. J. Andrew's boot sore, rah •re the fire broke out ; W. Beg- I••y's repair shop; T. Code's convey- rure'n t office : a Chinese laundry ; J. i;. 1•:,t'_'h's Uivirtion Court Clerk's office. Alex. A1eCrei•rbt's re•'id •nee across th • river was ditttroyed whi!:• the tire;ue•n were busy down town. AT 3 a.m. 1h fire was' under control. Decorators are at work in the J:urre•a street Stet hodfst church. Work has been commeneed on the Willis, tvhicb will be finished in Oil paintinz Mr. Jas. Walton. o: S;. Thontnx havin i the contract. New trained „lass win- dott$ are to he put in and other irn- proveulents made. The contract 'or th• enclosed eh. d has Leen let but work will not be commenced ti:1 after eh.. 21.h o: May. The shed will be• 160 ft. by 50 ft: with truss roof. the main entrance bein;r from Andrew str.•et. A meeting of those• interested in football was held in the town Hall on Frd.ty evcnin; last. Th • fol!ow- int ofritte•rs were elected ; Icon. Pres - :dent. !Foos. E. Iland'ord : lion. Vie.. -\'res.. G. W. Harrison : J're•si- d•nt. T. Royle: Vice Presdent, 8. liaw'den: mann;er Dr. Jtontriton ; .4ec'y Treas. Toru Carlini. i'tractic • has already commenced on the school zronnds and a good number are turn - in,. out. As rhe boy are without a baseball diamond. air. l?a Smell ha vin. purchased the old recreation perk stid intends seeding 11 ,:or the r{rr.•sent yens there should be plenty o: inter- tst taken in footbatl. TO HORSEMEN If you d.sitr ,rood and at- tractive cilia fur your route this season at a moderate cost. your wart , can be sup- pli d at ibis o ice on the short - t s; out cr. A ';u';;r r:utgr of choice cute i; at your lisl.onal A free notice of the tout.. will be printed in the Times. L ave your orders early and you will be sure of satisfaction. You %ill make no mistake by pine- Ilt an "ad" in our \Punt Column on telg,' four. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••♦•••••••♦♦•••••••• elerket Iteport.-Tb, following is the report of Exeter markets. cor- rec ell up Yo April 7th. Wheat from 81.01 to 81.07. t a1s '17 to :1!) cents. Peas 80 10 185 cents Harley 50-52c. Shorts e21.00 Bran 822.00 Mode: F tour 1',•••d Flour $1.45-$1.1"i0. Hay 40.00. $10.011 Coal, $7.25 a ton. Ilu,;s. liv.•w,•iht. 80,35. Butter 20c and 21c. E gs 1Fc t'er dozen. Potatoes 50 to 05 cents. ('lover seed 87.50 to 88.00. Timothy seed 81.50 to 82.50. 11 yke• $5,-:U to ?'16.77,. PETS and LINOLEUMS • ♦ :'t r spendtn•r a week in London. • • • Mrs. E. A. Mcleaula, of Seaforth. is new Spring showing is direct from the Manufacturers Z • c • • "' • h r daughter, Misa K. -Nic- ked at prices for prompt selling, • 1 • el as Grnc • leickhant. or Amherst - See the NEW ROOM Rugs _• • :.,,:.r. • ♦ r is visiting 11 r. and .11rs. W. 3 ♦• %.y, erupt her we Cut, Fit. and Lay Linoleums without any • • left M�. nds. ay RobeDown )orKindersley.tand lls Mask,. additional charge • • with .leo carloads of settler's '•ffect)t. }Values for every Dollar you spend here your money hack • • Mir.; Victoria Miners left Monday • for any just cause, ♦• to r -mime her studies at th • London _ ♦• Normal. bi Mrs. Prank '.Mullett. jr.. and three 1 kinds Produce taken as Cash o °hi` cit o see tvisitin; r-Intice;a in •• Ai artmt•nta To Let -' Furn'.ahed, ♦• or unfurnished. M. llaikwill, An - .A.. S'TEWART :• dr s!rect, 4_7_1 Mr. J. T. Wood sheeted n carload •♦44 ♦•••♦••• ••••••••••♦♦••••♦♦••♦•♦•• totrdaycatt!c to the Toronto ••••••••••••••••••••••••••markt Sat- •••••♦••♦♦•♦♦•♦ ••••••••••••••••••••••••s•, AN and PIANO Repairing and Tuning G. I'EDLi:R, late of Chicago. hate decided to remain in Fxe- er for some time (indefinitely) and will wart on the music -loving ;colic in the capacity of Piano and Organ Tuning and Repairing. 'hie line hag been his life work and he is thoroughly practical nd competent in all lines connected with Pianos, Organa and 'ipe Organs and Guarantees his work. Old Pianos and Organa verhauled and anode even like new at lowest possible price. Following are a fe.v Prices :-New Strings 3tic each ; Tone tt•-tllne.rng $:f up ; Once Tuning $2; Key Levelling 50c ; Over - :line from $111 to *2.1 ; New Action and Ilamnters for Old I ire View:, freer $25 up. 1)sIII carte Pelle. Springg. Regulat- e.; Serves, Bridle Tape Etc., furnished reasonably. Ile•varnieh- tee. Polishing (leaving like new) done at lowest figures, also F. -timate.. on Pipe Organ Tuning and Repairing furnished on re- luest. A 1 Reed Organs conte under the aside Price List. A11 fork (.uarenteed. A11 orders left at JOHN PRDLER'Y resi dente- south Main Street, or a Postal (lard addressed to G. Ped - ler. Exeter, will receive prompt attention. G. PEDLER, Exeter. a?.0 M. ssrs. Robt. Wilcox. Alden John , and \Veal Stone. of t'aborn e, left Tuve- day for Saskatoon. Bask. Mr. N. lieddy 1e't for Lerhbr:dg.. Sask.. with n carload of effects for .lir. 11. Morton. M . tt (Berrie Cobb!edick was in 11 - Berton over Sunday visitint her ris- t'r. Mrs. Caner. who i.s itl. Mr. and Mrs. Penal Winer. of Flint. \l.ch.. who visited re etivea around here returned horn. Saturday. 'Wog i, xzi. Fraync returned hoer,, from London Mcnday cvennee, lige was accompan'e•d by Mn. 11. E. Tom - neon nerd on Clifford. Mr. W. Goodson. of. garnet. visited it town Sunday. Ile return •d Mon- day. Mrs. Goodson and' .lack returns 'nz With him M a% 'Murk! 1•:vain. we, tie, re .n %exiting her era ntrnother Mfrs. Qn•anre. rturn -d Monday to her homi• n Arra Cram. Mr. "W. 11, Elliott. of rent rale :eft Tuesday morning for Langharn. n ie .h • r'r '''reel"" and towns In ;mask. wh re h w•i!I fp•nr1 a roll , Can0da and en ee account, o' :h • c'os'h months, p <' up o on • 'Chcatre on les circuit. 11 r. .acre oil had Inrush on h's han'la for Apri1 16t1). and 1bought 11 b iter to hay• h'In appear in Exeter on :hat n Alt ihat Io hav • 'oat a poi "orinance. '•Itrnsh the Great" enrr:e•d over three ton or magic paraphernalia to assist in his performance. he cnrriee Ducks. rabbits. guinea pitta. girds and ge d (''h which appear in his pertor,,Innc •. llrush is the only tnn;tieian in Ameri- ca (Irene the gfeat !tontine bask •t trick. Mr. Jordon rvi!I jay t l0 in gold to any person who has ever wit- nssed n Inter:rein who can co:legit a hat iii!I 0: r'oed from pock es o' h'et nude nce wi(bont Navin(' the .stag ('once and see ilrush do thes • , ten re. The chance of a life time Ex, :el -Iwo - tee. appreciate the fact that yon ar.. 7,....111 n e ty attraction at roan prices. 50e.. ti%e.. and 2'e. 1'!nn open April Ilth at Ilow 'y's Drug Store. Church Directory JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor Sunday Public Worship -10.30 a.mf, and 7 p.m. Class Service -Sunday 0.30 a.m. gnd atter ?doming Service and 1Vednes- day night. Young Mea'e Clam and aataabumeo,t Saaday al $ 0.111. Sunday Sehool and Bible C)steaes CSC Epworth League -Tuesday at 8. p.m I'rayer Meeting-Tburadatw at 8 p.m. Rev. Mr. 'M('Itotxrts trill preach Sunday.A Mighty Sale in Window Shades rn•x't Regular $1.25 Shades for 85c Men s S ui Regular zoo Shades for 75c is I Regular 8oc Shades for 65c Regular 6oc Shades for 5oc $2_AT- Curtains O.O O We have an exceptional range of Curtains from --- �.« 5o cents to $3.75 per pair. 4 pring Ie Here And we are offering Extra Special Lines in Housefurnishings After all it's the Tailor who makes a suit a SUCCESS or a FAILURE. The most fascin- sting style would be a fizzle if there were not careful needle work underneath. That is the reason our Suits at $20 are better than the suit you buy in town for more money They are perfect in every way if not you can have your looney hack. 11 si Hood. daughter o: Sir. Joseph Ilood, of the second cone-mein •nee ,a h TA AN ley. had ark exciting ex}n•rl •nee with W• •_t_ 9 strange dog on Tue_wlay even!ng'. Sh,• bad driven into the yard and Merchant Tailor. commenced to unhitch the horse. EXETER ONTARIO when she was attacked by a stranete• do,e. Iter clothing was torn. but on _ - _ -, The very Latest Patterns at Prices which will examination it was found that she • surprise you. was not injured and her skin hell not I Am selling the best thbeen broach by the oanimal.•.The•`de- Hat Sale then attacked the borsr, which be- Woven Fence that is made, carne frightened and run away. The dols was frothing at the mouth and and I am selling at the following) gave other indications of being affect-�' 1 We arellin Hats to make room for other t -d with rabies. Immediately after its !ow prices:- se attack on Mies hood and the horse it trade its escape. Carpets At Prices which will defy Competition. Come and See Them Wall Paper A New Line just arrived at Right Prices and Latest Patterns. L,irioleums Because she did not have $25 on h r P-raon. Mot,. Carrick. a pase"cn ger on the Lake Champlain. from London. Eng.. was r:topptd at St. John. N. it.. on Haturday last. Mrs. Carrick was on her way to Clinton to work for the Jackson Manufactur:ne Company. Sh had come out under contract and al- though the firm were willing to con• form to the regulations in every re- spect to gain her ,tdmittanc • into th- country. the officials, however, noti- fied the firm that she would have to ix• sent hack. Such action is telt by tit • Jackson Company to be most on- fa.r both to them and (to Canadian manufacturers generally. The rnarrin^.e o` .lir. Fred Miners. son of Mr, \Mm, \liners of town. to Mest Jessie tiny Dunn took place at th. bride's parr!;s. Mr. and Mrs. 14. Dunn, Thorndale on Wedn-slay Mar. 30th at 4 o'eltil•k. in the presence of th • immediate re'ativ, a of the con- tracting parties. The ceremony war performed in front of a Lank of Palms and fern.; by Rev. Mr. !tenni- son uh:'e the wedding starch was played by Mrs. lfenn:son. The bride who was dr,»acd in white iCk. was •:;v . -n away'ny her father. and e.rried a 1 o'•e•uet or it her cnrnations. Af. t •r the ceremony a lunch was F rued in the dining -room. A beautiful ar- ray of costly wedding presents tex- t tied to the esteem or the s•ounte couple. Mr. and hlrs. Miners will'] make their home at 330 Ifamiiton hose London. where the groom has n peaitit11 as carpenter. Roth bride and goods, Regular $2.25 Hats for 6 Bar Fence at 24 cts. per rod If you want a cheap hat come to us. These are all Natty Goods. 7 Bar Fence at 27 cts. Per rod 8 Bar Fence at 3o cls. per rod I Hard wa re f • J. GL11TWORl f1 Y) We arc going out of this line and have a number of Shovels, (:::.,\TUN, Forks, Axe Handles, Hinges, Books, Etc. to sell at cost. Also a o` rAlt10 complete range of Paints, Varnishes, Etc. 1 4 $I.50 NJOYM E Medicinal Jelly For ('gapped /lands and Face and W. J ■ CAR LIN e ■ ALMOND ('REAM for Sunburn, Tan and Rough Skin TOOnH ('REAM, the finest Dentifrice fldI(I1Is Stove Nonpoironous, torttainenoacidst & IirOvdr6 Stor AMY.'I.Fti�i Catarrh and Cold Time - (Highest prices paid for Produce. N y. Q'iick relief geld cure for all af- fec•tiens of the Head, Throat. and Longs. Any of the above preparations for P..'c or 5 for $1.10sold only et THE PURITY J. W11.1.ti4 POwELL, - litANAOt4R Don't Forget we handle EDISON'S latest and stn".t. Itl..li -clot•' PIIONO- GRAPHS and Records. We sell on easy terms -room ere avr'I known by many n• our I April Fool Cards (3 for tic). eters Mr. M n• re o •in. an t'sborn • ev v a'bl'e 3t:sa Dunn n:It for Tette. White Wyandotte ten- milliner at Dattbwood. The Tim,.t j.' ns in nl.h;n;c them ninny years of happen -ss rind prosperity. Eggs for Hatching. The Jordon Munro Enteria'nm,ent Gond Utility Strain, Co. is 'nritteing ' 1Jruell the Great' to $1.00 per 1:3 1:ggr. 3 Set tinge $2 eo. Ex ter on tnterrdn)• ev nee; Apr 1 16, incubator i.uts $1.00 per 1110 Eggs. Mr. Brush ',t 'the grente•st ntagiciar► :n Anl-•ric:t to -day rind in hrineAre sarFertllitp F. itt)O'f!H la h m to Peeler is only by •p cial ar- CHAS, HOO'ier, I.tn.: mete, 111r. .Jordon mad • a eta_ Bot 15 i. Exeter, Ontario. Irae. e.th llrush art foil to pen)• Last week \Vi :f rid Northcott. of �aSL 11,y. slice •od •d in :ending' an eight- * pound suck r. It was caught in the anal\ xtrenrt runn'ne nrrosil hie (tithe res .'arm. School reopen d Monday aft r the East. r holidays. The school 'teach , rs have returned from th.•ir 'respec- tive homes and are ngnin on ditty. A numb r of little tote hnvc• started. i{ev. W. 11. Graham. of Chatham. has accepted nn invitation from the titre%hroy Met !torten Church to 1,t'- cotne the pastor in June. subject to i he stntioning committee re! the con- ference. Itreah went to ),ed one night and dreamed he could cremate n rabbs. Ittd then resurrect it• from it t rushee he perfected it at one •, and it is one of his 'crest. tricks, Excel- OperaA Illeacronary Storni Period is eche Hollow. Saturday evening April 16th telt on .h•. Si h, eth and 101 h. Moon Mr. I. N•'dun is Bus & Dray Business vase a over the e!efeevitiator re fides week ►novint int Fig. \,'w Moon fi' on the ere into Mrs. Crockc•r'a resident•,. 00 North and \loon's pergee is en the 10.h. !iaving purchased the sir •et : M. MiIte•r into It. GMtId'v refl. Tli' indienliona are I hit very ling •1. id •nre Nor; h Street and W, Kunt�t t!. el nttl threatening weather will eon - ;us and Dray business into Mrs. Treeeoe holm. London Itoad I:nne from the 1 erre,.dint period. and eon - from Win. Arnold, I eo- ` south. ihli renewed storms nigh !ow heroin - licit, a share of your pat- DR. OVENS EVE AND EAR BUR• Hind. high Nehru l temperature. Ihund •r and ronage. ( Freon. will be at the Commercial hotel, touch'n;r .ht• 8th itihnand 1111;hr E. ()niers ?Elft at (lours 9 n. m. to 1 pt m. Gentiles eereve w•nrn,Ih n( thii time. lviPh tate Advocate OIIice. lrrot'erIv fitted and diseases of ere. ranch hnm:dily and intigginess, will • ar and nose tented, N. ref •etit Hit- insure heavy hail storm; in tinny lo- nrrlet Apr: 1 301h. all day. entities with pos•ib'e Iornadoet: it v. Ila :h Fergeson. Agent for the Careful observers in every dopa:int• Ch 'den's Humane end Soci •ty. stay I as 13.in detern •• e-h�•th r eine'I rol)rietor. of Perth ('011nty. is about to reeeit•e storms are approaeh'nf' them. Ione from Mr. J. .J. Kelso. y,tperintendl h'•forc they strike, Item rub, r th Int of '.Ne-lecfed Children. a tine dates and carefully note prevailing preop of 5 little boyo and a brother conditions and an,herin•t storm termite and seater. lone e rib an :ICiiV, my i)o the+ haf,i,nn'iy nt a:i room] err- and two &:eters from other tensest, eels. It isinir earoneeer and chane Those w:'hine In adore any n' these Imfuul e• fronlltthe cVetoer tow th • 1r3th. pro - or nth^r d,-sirnh'e children should ape 'zr's.rt•ely from the ou k. to the last. Lely at once to Iter. thigh Fer,tnson. The lith to 12th. central on the lith, :s (i( rat ford. Ont, a marked v': rc period. KeNotioIC0Ii!! To Make Gdod Bread You Knead Model Flour Alannfa(tnre(i by arvey Bros. FEEL) CORN FOR SALE AT THE IIENSai.I. FLOUR- ING MiLLS, II. Cook, Sons & Co. If ENSAl,L, (.)NT. T. G. Creech, Mesh has a trick dark that h• has ,carred with him for over five years. has studied under ohms of the 18h • likes her work as well nt a train. ropean. East Indian, Cbinese,Ied fire horse, Ifer ?amuses 'being nd American Conjurers and fret he does not allow her to may any• 'IR, Exeter Opera 11o11ae.11hin;r during her act, Exeter Opera v'•nin„ April 10. Hoene. Saturday evening. April 10. D!BFi(41111ED-11. T N( T F. R L F1'. The el's:i;raring blotches. pirnit • and sores or childhood. comin; from :mpur•- blood, )•!eld prompt:y 10 the h •nl:n;:. curative iiitI.t c' o; Nyn''s IJ'cod Purifier. (' ;-serum ng sores. tetter. skin rape olts-t.tl'ai in;,' ti•rrta't 0' ::Id h ood-are pertnanently cured and t h • ek'n restored to its seri;;ins! imoot li- n si when Nyal's Blood f'uri:i_r Li taken as directed. The price, ks $1.00. \1e se:I ';t and recommend it as a truly acicniifie and trustworthy reln- edy. W. S. Howey. I Jur. 11., t'h m•st & K)lrtician. 'Exeter, Ont. Herbert Ween of Steph ne is learn - 'ret th • harness -teak net et; h M-, Fraync. 11 snp»rst't:ors tnuther,i dark: o couldn't walk on ; h • snme rid • o' t he - Ftr e. with Itrnsh off •r s ,,•inrt gin p r. forntane,•, Another wouldn't ride in; Ih• same car. ,-yeti though it w'na veled. ns e; customary in the Smith, Ev .ter tip ra ?louse. Saturday even- nte April I0. ,,, 1?, m n, tt 1? P1? If? ft? Altt?n11??mP1? Brighten. Up SHERW/N-W/LL/AMS tsisl PAINTS & YAHN/SHES Builders' Supplies. llousecleaning Supplies, Garden Tools. Special Paint for Housecleaning Housecleaning Time is House painting tine -•the Floors. the Rase -hoards, the (clipboards the ('hairs. the Tables and it dozen Pieces of Fur- Iiitule need re painting or re•varnishing. iVe brave to complete Line of Sherwin- Williams Paints and Varnishes at d have \'amts,. VR1nialiS and Stains for every Pautlatdp Article. Ask for cider ('ted. 1Ve c411 wrote ate yolr i ow'utt Prices on Cleveland Spring Coil Wire 1',,nitry Netting. (:arJen Toetls. I(uuseel•.art- ins 5tnpplir•s, I?'c. The Sign of the Paint Men HawKm'G Stove fldrdwdr6store One Door North of Browning's Drug Store SI:TEXCI'It 41\N ,,.,,Y i TAILORING! 1S\CI ItsiO\H, To Western Carlotta. April 5 and 12 it y'n Grand Trunk ltaPIwnr Hygiene from nil IIfnt'ont in Ontario. Kings- ton and west to principal! points in New SDrIoo SffltIoos Sankatelivoan and Alberta, \last cuse - ar nt:ention rolled to the faet tha low rates app')• to c •rta'n 1 otnts nn Weuarantee Rest Workmanship. (:rand Trunk I'nc'fie Railway. it new ) Rest Material, terrtory fill of "G0:den Opporlun• Best Pit and:Prompt Service. itirs". Secure• tickets and (metier in- it forrnntion from Grand Trmnk Agents, T► Como in and inspcct'our materials, - • ••d,lr.•i. .1. 11. 1lrllnnafd. 1). 1'. A., G. T. lty. Toronto. Ont 1 W. JOHNS. Children Ory 1 Merchant Tailor - Exeter, Ontario. 3 FO-..w...4..A1 . e C A - 1 a iii 111 US 11f J11 416 416 411 411 iii 111141 iii iii ill 111 i'C