HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-07, Page 6--.1111111111.1111.111911111111111111.111plialles---, erns
tAii UConfession
Or, The ~tory of Miss Percival's Early Life.
mooed, -�... a e11.n.r.... ,6•
CHA1''I'Kfi I.V.\sure that she *ill be o% 1'.10 ed whets
S110 Lind~ you safe and well once
nt. tee. And--Esther"--Ler friend
eent1nued, bending a searching leek
open the fair face upturned to hers,
"there is some one else who is
anxiously awaiting permission to
conte to you.,,
"Why : to whom do you refer 1•'
E-ther inquired, with some sur-
"Some ono who is very fond of
you, (Icor."
The fair girl regarded her coni-
pat(iotl curiously.
")roll speak in eliigmas," she
said, smiling ---"there are so few
who, are really 'fond' of mo, for 1
have, as yet. net had time to forth
strung friend -hips since leaving
school. Now tell rte, -who is this whose patience had been sorely
'sante one so fond,' who is iitpa- taxed by the last hour of waiting.
tient for an audience with foe :" When at last e,.„„ a was sent
"Mr. Donald Lancaster, I•: -t` er.'' deep to tell hitn that lady Irving -
A crimson flush suffused the start- Ise would receive him, in her pri-
led girl's face at the sound of that set- parlor, he lost no time, but,
name. : (tatting up the stairs, two at a
"Donald Lancaster has no right
time, was soon knocking for acmis-,
to seek ane," she observed, with sive to the presence of his lived;
sonic hauteur. after struggling for one
"l hardly think the Ulan would
`lave dared to stain .. is hands with
Mood," Mr. King returned; still,
1 believe he is a thoroughly unprin-
lipled naam, and, having schemed all
tis life to gut possession of the title
siva estate of his ancestors, he
night have become desperate
tnuugh fir almost any crime."
After ha. ing satisfied their curio-
sity, regarding the strange place,
the gentlemen returned to the lib-
rary, where they fell into a cou-
sersatiou upon various topics.
It was after four o'clock when
Ether finally awoke from her lung
and refreshing sleep, to Lind Mrs.
Ring waiting by a window near by,
anti quietly reading a book.
Miss Percival having been w-eari-
e+.l by her long drive and the ex-
citement of the day. had also gone
to lie down, and tiffs Mrs. King,
ft cling somewhat lonely, had stolen
inter the room where Esther lay, to
watch beside her until she awoke.
The moment she moved and open-
ed her eyes her friend was at her
"Are you rested, dear 1" she
eagerly inquired, as she scanned,
with a thrill of delight, the lovely
face upon the pillow and into which
a delicate flush had stolen.
"Yes, indeed; I feel almost a new
creature," the fair la '. of Irv-ing-
A 11111I1.1-1IfEi" MIRACLE
Enterprise, Ont., October 1st, tgoR.
"I suffered tortures for seven long
years from a \Fater Turnor. 1 was
forced to take morphia constantly to
relieve the awful pain, and I wanted to
die to get relief. The (l'tctors gave the
up and my friends hontly expected my
death. Then 1 w is intlt:ced to take
"Fruit -a -lives'• amt this wonderful fruit
medicine has completely cured me.
When I appeared on tate street again
my friends exclaimed "Me dead has
come to lite."The dire tt':1S N positive
miracle." MRS. JAMES FEN\\'ICK.
Sec a box -6 for $, so --or trial box,
25e. At dealers or freta Fruit -a -fives
Limited, Ottawa.
self-control for n moment. A tow, sweet "conte in," thrilled
"Why not, dear'!" his heart like a strain of dclici"mea
"The tics which bind him to an- music, and the next moment h
(ether should restrain him; itis tin- stood before the fair speaker.
manly -ignoble in hint to ignore "Esther:" he breathed, as be
them and seek ole, when I have for- sprang toward the pink -robed fig-
ure• that arose from a reclining
eI'air to greet hies. •
Then his arras infolded her, andj
she lay passively within his cm -1
tel Mrs. King. brace, quit tly weeping upon his
"To his marriage vows, of breast.
course," said Esther, frigidly, and "At, last:- at last :'' he whisper -
now all the color was gone once ,.,i, with a deeply drawn breath of
more from the lovely face, while a ....Went. ":\h: if I could but hese
look of keen suffering had cone in en. ,tit the truth, we never would
to the great velvet -black eyes. have been parted three --almost
"You are mistaken, Esther : Mr. i fcur years! Oh ! they have seemed
Lancaster has never marl ie.', • like ages to mc. My darling, hew
gently replied her friend. "What ...old you have doubted Inc so
made you think that he has a wife ' • And looking up into his fund.
Esther started violently as she honest eyes, Esther also wondered
listened to this denal of Donald's how she could have distrusted hint
marriage. end allowed the mere statement .,f
"Why, because -because-" site an ambitious woman to weigh in the
began, woman-like; then starting balance with his love.
to a sitting posture, she cried eag- Ile made her sit down beside him
erly : ")Wirt, told you so 1 --how d" upon a small sofa, and, with his
yon know that he is not married ! arms still infulding her, drew from
"I know. because he has this day her the circumstances which had
tol I rue so.".ised her to believe him untrue t.
•':\Ii : have you seen hint -to -day -"' :ili• t.
'Au.: and be IS BOW in the lime", tike would not tell him all- she •
waiting to .4 e V't11. He also hay be- tto nitl not shame him by an ac' -"nut
liesed sou to be bound all these of the disgraceful visit bit nletleor
years to another -he knew nothing End paid her when she land tried
of the eircunlstnnccsof your mar- to bribe her t.. Irate the city, and
bidden hint to do so," was the cold
ton replied, as she laid her arms response.
around the neck of her companion. "1•..n judge hint severely --to
drew her face down to her, and what 'ties' do you refer f" questuon-
kit:sed her fondly on tho lips.
"1 wonder if you would feel
equal to getting up to have dinner
with us," M rs. King observed, as
she regarded her thoughtfully.
"Humbert could carry you (Town
and you would not need to spend
your strength on the stairs."
"Oh, I ken not so helpless as
that," Esther returned, with a mu-
sical laugh, ''1 have been about for
several days; only, having lost
some of my courage in view of my
seemingly hopeless situation, 1 did
not recover my strength and ener-
gy. But your coming has restored
both to me, and. if coarse, I am
ge,ing down to have dinner with
you; only" --with a rueful glance at
her wrapper -"I have nothing suit-
able in which to make my appear-
ance at table."
'-\\'e will soon set your heart at
r. -t upon that score," the matron
lightly responded. "Your whole
wardrobe is nicely put away in the
closets and dressing
eases. and Jen-
nie will be here very shortly to help tinge-- until to -day; he had never linl used insulting language to ht r
y on dress --I ani 'ore it is tune that heard of the death of Lord 1rsing She related to him the convey .
Jack was back," she concluded, ton, and a more hopeless, unhappy•
tion which she had overheardglancing down the avenue from the fellow than he has hien, eines the store of Hilton. 11ughes A: l'.
w 111(1»(',V.
"My faithful Jennie -how I have
longed for her said Esther with
a wishful sigh.
"The poor girl has been heart-
bleken over your less ---she has
aro w -u almost as thin as yourself
111111 Constant grieving; but 1 tun
1'nduuhled1) It i• to 11on) a 11aids
en and l with While Ltell "I hove
\I ell tlong in 1e•ar. )'reefer \tell
meeting you in London, it would be I:n; Donald cool,! ni ll uuderslai
hard to find." hew, under such eircumstaunts, !.•
A sob heaved Esther's chest as, night believe that he had be. '
Mts. King concluded these expla-'playing a double part ; esp:'ciai
notions, but her beautiful eke? :►t she had mete him that same rt
were now shining like twin stars. ening acting as Miss Dexter's es -i
-Hew strange --how wonderful it 4.tit at the theatre.
sr, in- • she murmured, tremulous- At the same time he had his'
lr ' Of course I never sow any .11.1,i-i•'ns that it had taken even
announce anent of his marriage, but 01, 1t• than that to destroy her faith
I was hold, before I canoe to Eng- in him; and while he admired her
land, that he wits engaged to Miss ("I.the mantle of chsrity, which,
Dexter, and when I sate her in the b: her silence, she had thrown
curring" with him and his father around her, he felt sets. sure that
nt,d mother. that day on our re- his mother w -as pc rsonally and will-'
I'ig;tnr'+. turn from the drawintoms
drawing -room, 1 tos
1 she washis
Illtl'll l{ at
't f",r rt
o bet rid
orshe not n
1're•eri Itius Inerea-es lhciuht.
I the family. Oh: to think that, but
\ scrawny, eangling y"nth or for mly pride and coldness, this awl nil the wonderful events that
11“, dill is alma -.t invariably slight- might all have been expin ined long had followed it.
silo eserleeked or ridiculed in tiny ago, she concluded with regret- "lint 1 del not once dream that i
.o' ial gathering. There is some- ftd sigh. was marrying a titled Eneleli
thing aimed n plumper well propor- Mrs. King smiled contentedly as 1unn," she said, in conclusion. r
1i.eoetl lige,, re which al tracts net she caught the note of gladness that Hirt I was taking upon myself such
• friend big, but love and ndu per' ailed the girl's low, sweet be:tvy responsibilities. Ile spoke
Isaien ns well. •tore', fur site knew that the long- lightly of his wealth when urging
I'e"ply with it proper amount of borne burden had at last rolled mt acceptance of it• for the sake
114•1 are (attired in all walks of life.: fel her heart and she woold now of acquiring the ctlucalion which he
knew 1 craved, and you can imag-
ine that I WAS somewhat appalled
when, after it was all oter. i dis-
etecred that he had made the Indy
Irvington. And set i writ glad
when I found that I must sen' to
l:ugland to live; for it s..ened to
tltr That 1 could not ren :tin in New
Yell and meet you fr'tnl time to
(llhr. nt--nt----"
".\s the husband of Ma joric
De iter," interposed Donald, smil-
i.n�r, ns she faltered over the motels.
"Ms darling," Ile continued. grave-
,. 1,-. ' • 1 never had the slightest in-
\ \Bement Into .ft linie retie- fly- clil alien to marry, or intention of
ill:Tale the roots, tears of j.ty rails- enrol tying, llitrjorie Dexter. That
kg torr her cheeks, and rushing to es, Hing, after you refused to see
Esther's side threw her arms fn•' 1 went home, and my another
around her iti it transport of de- nt once teok inc to tnsk, because
light. she End seen lite walking with yon
It teak her some time to recover the previous day, and also beganlife composure, for the girl had to urge me to consent to a union
with Marjorie. It was just the op-
portunity that I wanted, and 1 at
(seer confessed my love for you and
declared my intention to make you
my wife - - '
':Ob. 1)o•inl,l
"!last,. dear: 1 am net Fining to
let sen reprnta(•ii yourself now," hp
"feel rept (el ' It is noteet.R.sl'tg01
that )un should (lisstr art' me, after
fully responsible for the tnisuader-
P them.
between l l
the story of
st ,r old 1
Esther also t l
her marriage to Lord Irvington,
vti'il4' the thin rte Iu,I,les.(•d, 1111 uveal.• to the real happiness of liv-
*441r4,n1t• and frequently miser:Oil, 114;:.
life. The difference Ties it, (het Sll, b, of down and 1 is•••41 her. as
)•west of 'lie d;grstiv( functions and a moth(r would hate kissed her
I'se o1 th•• hived and nerves datghter, when bestowing her bles-
t, ab.e11, and dist litotes. over Owl sine upon the eheice she had made.
bade the nutrilren extracted frtln1 Thin site suddenly e�elainacd:
the food eaten.
'fun thin fu'rson is abnormal and
Le ks tit • pewee Is. absorb nod re -
tans th, Ilt•-b and fat elements
v.{.ieb the gest fir juices in the sloe
titaell and intestines should extract
▪ "•!•'tat•• 11..111 :111 kinds of food
110 1 .bink.
recent accidental di-, •,t ort• 1114.
fel: t. m 11.:,1 telteturr e:1t1„tnenr when
Weeded e ith velem, ether deans.
vv I add fr''nl 11110• ist114.4• fs.nnds
of tleeli pct we• k during 1iratlnent,
vs11to' the general health and
it length also improve. wendt'►flllly.
1u.httlf pint fettle. thief`
ItIit r(•4+ of r..0I14'14 of pep,xla, a11(1 hit ll literally crushed by the lots
11,1ee sinners 41f syrup of rhnbarl►; itf her friend) and the terrible
f!Ien :ld one tuner compound es- sitspru.4r ntt,•nding it.
54•10'. .':IId1„1 'hake and 1•1 stand Ittlt. as Stott as site was nble. she
1 e •. b"nls i then add one()liner tine- wrut cheerfully and energet ically
inti 41te1�.,lni1ne eelupound. (notcar- nbt mt Err li11tiP9, anal, n half-hour
eblmen). Slake well and take a ►at• r, Esther, looking very like her
tree-p.tenful LI f,trQ and nftcr meals. old eel( nand be'witrhingly lovely in
chunking Weil of water between n charming ten gown of pale pink,
' meal- and elauu retiring. - was ready to receive her later,
'•'there' I hear the semi(' of
wheels: 1 am sure flail J' Buie has
to -lived. w ill help yen to dress;
tit( ts inns. 1 tell \Ir. Lancaster that
oe, will .t.,. him
1.••.- s:ii'1 Esther, flushing ros-
il .. .•f c,.•ii- , l w ill s'•r
fit •v.
what you had heard ; but if you had
ret(ived tity letter which 1 wrote
that sante night and posted early
the next morning with my own
lintels all would !tate been well,
evert then. I cannot quite under -
eland how it (.4111141 have failed to
reach yeti that has always been a
perplexing mystery to me," he con-
cluded, ded, thenghtfully. .
Time sped on rapid stings, while
the lovers talked of the pant unci
planned for the future, but they
w4 re unconscious of every t !ling skive
their own happiness until at laugh-
ing voice lust. (411ts1(10 the deer ca-
roled mischeviouely :
"'Love keeps the cold out better
than a cloak,
It serves for food and raiment."
At the same time, my young fi
other people are hungry,- dinner is
ready, and I think the court ought
to take a recess.'
The next moment Mrs. King's
merry face looked it, upon the hap-
py I►nir.
"1 hope I nut not intruding tin-
e arrant:1111y,"
utwarrantably," she continued, d••
luurely ; "but I wished to inquire
if her ladtship will be able to juin
us at table."
"Of course I am able," said Es -1
ther, in a voice that was resonant'
with happiness, and rising she'
tutted a beaming look open her
friend: Leyte will both conte immedi
1114 Ise- she added.
'•Very well --I was sure you didn't
hear the bell," was the roguish re
tort, and then the matron discreet-
"My darling," said Donald,
again drafting her into his arms as
the door closed. "I have taken a
great deal for granted this after-
noon, but now I want to hear from
tett own lips that Lctic•etorth yeti
bl lung to Ire.,'
"Yes. es, Donald," Esther respond
(.•.l with grave sweetness, "I ami
Sours while time endures for us,'.
and then they went down together
to join their friends.
(To be continued.)
1- w ishes were horses there would
seen be a hay famine.
I a m.•!:.0 ern PI.:,e i st the Arnott In.titnte
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Camphor Ice
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eta Ea, ti for t o-ial purtoscs. it rite t
Free \'s;ellne [trot.
370 Grills tit. W.. rlontret.I
ttl !J. IP rA
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2 b,fed
There's a atisfulien to a rnfertlr
111u11.A hous..Imdartowhrnore'sMriir
Y trutertAI M g'.vl stout clothing.
gal. -coat. top-:o.t aril sturdy loot o.
l h.+ protection affordedprnl, rt m atter
the paint r•'alins 14 worn down to the
hare w.,nd Is no &Fetter Wan eatmeota
worn duan W the lining.
110om, Pure
prnteete tont prnperlr 0' the ItemOte.l
from at neer ea hardy. rrtga.1 and *trona
so 11 uoteet4. Vnenty Ates It. 11 wlta•
41.14'1. tho r1 r M of winter *tonne,
temiemsa, raptA chary** of IsmMratnrs.
hnrntdny cud the dt.tole/rating effect.
of .on wind. cold, rain. tta,l and ennw.
r },ins that %e0 yrs I. pot r* meet
thine ICti Arno'r n k/r ser That's why
Me yuatlty IUM.
10 'nee (ta.lercannot snpl•1y tem./Intl/1r
titan/ea will gladly direct yo + t, abets
Oar paints are to 1.e had.
» Decline oft Substitutes
Writ. for Illustrated
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ReanufuI," and
Intereatira 4v+lor
card. Frei for
tb. -sitar.
1 Hata-Sews/ G.
7111,111. t
r. I I •- - ; r; t- i •l It 1. f'
:1f iiia 1 -it„
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Page Fences wear necl-Styles for !,awns, Parks, Farm. and Falls::eds. 11.000 miles o.i rate
Po ut ca ■u 1 74,000 1'3•e Gobs now 10 1154 rt, ('a mud a. our1'.111 Petters crs are beltthat, tvet. rage
Gales ata 1710 It,, Galvanised Frames. Get latest 1.14440 Rod t ,,k!tt.
Largest tree and rot- tua::rtach:rern In Canada 6a
A aatortag used the ea•ne as !coma et vaaill:,
Hy dissolving granulated sugar in watt,
addir.lt Mayleine, n dei.cioU0 -yrup 11 many s.:
a syrup letter than niap,e. May'rine is sold ty
orneers. 1f met send !rc frit 1 or. I.otlte and
recipe Look. Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle. We
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SAIDDlnO fever
A Catarrhal Fever
S:trecure and isedtire preventive, no matter how horses at any age are
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•sbo will get It for you. Fred Booklet. "Distemper. Causes and Curet'+
SPOON MEDICAL CO.. Chemists esti Baclulet..lsla AMEN. MM/, 11.3.4.
SHOWING THE Areytni going to take any old
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harid.omc.t booklet on house r•
eater towed. 1t is free. You should
h:tr it.
The Paint Makers, Montreal.
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SIZES 2, 3, 4, 6 N.P.
They are so simple that the average farm
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catalogue G.E.-toe, W.P. CO., showing fu11
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ihs/00 money saved for you.
TERMS -Spacial Terms to Farmers.
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A 1 111••
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n .if+'e
A o1 to..to ere root
V h p .ddttlee Is Jest Mina.r:ep'euE m•Ltu f t.•.Ss ISM as
50.1.1,7 the ee..,( and at •tt nit dale of Atla.ne ('.ty tt+H:. A new tea:ora I. tae 1aa.r:al
u. I the aW rn.:1 •, areraging 19 foot .tusro
gr.:, r •'r• c .,, .».•:d. an ,400. 94014. Astb .140.5.1 WWI ,,. a•td f--tb water r,,7-
0" 1.110 •r. I s..p•'atur• r.gulat•1 Ry l.,., .4
a.ta.11 the 1,1• 5...1 .pp•n.at u
stoma h.0Nag I ...rh sue to *mites room 0011 prissier). Capao,t7 au Writs 1., Illastras,
D. S. %%1111E, Pre►a.denl
The Dewnr t bate nee 'Trophy is awarded yearly by the
ROYAL Al"I'01d0Ii1i i- ('11'13 fcr the most nlrriteriou# per
fornlanee of the year snider the general regulations for 4:eiti-
fied trials.
The New Daimler engine has now been in the hands of
the public (tor nearly la months, quite hong enough to prose its
merit ; owners are sending in te>timeninit by every pose and
we should like to forward to any person or persons interest-
ed a eontplete set of literature fully explaining this mnreel-
lous new motor. Send also for our new illustrated beeklet.
"The Dewar Trophy and how it was won," a history of the
Greatest Engine Test vn Record.
The Daimler Motor Co., (1904) Limited,
Oac 11ade from an Old Mir(slioa
-Another Manufactured From
a Farthing.
1)uriaog the hearing of u breach of
promise ease tried at the Maeroon
Quarter Sessions, Co. ('crk, tro-
llied. it transpired that the engage-
nt-ring which the defendant had
pie stetted to the plaintiff was ori-
ginally trade for the purpose of
petting through n pig's nose.
In another (ase heard some time
back, the defendant stated that he
did not consider himself called up-
on to fulfil his promise to marry the
plaintiff as the engagement -ring on
which much of the evidence turned
conte from the interior of t. ('hrist-
mas cracker. The jury, however,
while not traversing the truth of
this statement, showed by the ver-
dict that they did not consider that
the defendant's meanness had ing
veil -fated the significance of his
No niggard spirit was it that
prompted a young man to have itis
fiancee's engagement -ring made
front a portion of
which lie found when on his way to
the lady's house to put the fattful
Another iron substitute was n sec-
tion cut from tho barrel of a pis-
til which many years previously
loin been the instrument of aveng-
ing the outraged honor of a mem-
ber of the bridegroom's family. In
tris instance, however, the dull hue
of the grim memento was relieved
be the insertion of a ruby, an opal,
a sapphire, and an emerald, the
initial letters of which gems formed
CI • bride's Christian name.
Ily the advice of a lady on whom
his affections were fixed, a Liver -
pot 1 gentleman was rash (hough to
engage in 8 law action. Though
he gained the day. the nominal
damages of one farthing left hila a
heavy pecuniary loser. When sub-
sequently ho became engaged to his
fair ads icer, he had the small
br(.n7.e 4401 that had constituted
his legal award made into a ring,
which) was accepted by his future
wife in the same spirit of humor in
which it was offered.
Distinctly novel is an engage-
ment -ring
Such was the present made to his
fiancee by a member of a family
that owed its wealth to the posses -
.ion of extensive tobacco planta -
ti( nt. The fragrant leaf so saran
ly enlisted in (ipid's ser'.itee, w
by subjecting it to an itdurati
the con-
made to assume t
and appearance of iron,
the sombre tone of which was lit up
by a single brilliant of considerable
1 value.
Te be knocked over by a bicycle,
yen though its rider be a lady, is
I.',- pleasant ; still less so when you
ri,: from the ground minus a tooth.
Such some time ago was the pain-
ful experience wbleb gained a
Brighton gentleman an introduc-
tion to his future wife. On their
becoming engag(d he made the cus-
tomary presentation of a ring,
which took the form of a snusenir
f their initial meeting, being no•
1 hung less than his displaced tooth
surrounded by it circlet of gems.
.\ grisly memento in the posses-
si'tn of the wife of tt London clergy•
1111!.1 is n ring made from
' I
HI i
•. 11. )
Milo, was leIdly wotinded while fight-
ing for liaribaldi anti Italian free-
4Iem. 1/r. Vnnini, 4.1 Naples. the
celebrated pctrifter of }Hunan re-
mains, attended hint during his al-
t.,- and 411 hit consnleseeneo pre-
, I ted hint with n ring nook fr4,tn
blood. On his ritorn 18
I.r';;lain he gave this In his nephew,
then an findergrndtate nt t Inn-
bl:dge, whose whimsical fancy
• nlpted him, on hit becoming en-
, seed a year or two later, to use
1i is an engagement -ring.
In tutoleremrr to a comcntionnl
jet• tiler's bauble a well-known ac-
tress selected nA an engngetnrnt-
rin) an atnulc 1 that hail erstwhile
encircled the finger of an Egyptian
mimes:. An mitre choice c. Plain-
ly. milt net se ghastly /IS ons that
Of a young society lady whe'e lov-
er. at her earnest entreaty, lour -
chased .for her engagement riti
golden hoop that writ le puled
tae course of a comply .of conturi
to have been worn by no fewer 1
sex en mut (1(1 re :'s -- LUtl dl'll Tit
'4141 SC.1Pi:(10.1T.
Trncher • I shell not keep yete
niter school, .lehnoie. Yeti mai
go !pane now."
Jell nnie "1 delft wont ter ga
li(mr. Ther:' a baby just come to
our house."
Teacher `'Von night to be glad,
Johnnie. A (leer little 1,114
lohntti4• Relict»' ►tt -' i fiin•1
glad. T'a'll I,i.Inle 111,• 1.' 1,!an1�
Im for ever; 061,3."