HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-07, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, APRIL 7th 1910
Principal Cities In the World,
General Banking BueIneas Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
The lVlolsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
CAP TAL (paid up)
*3 600,000-00
$ 3,600,000.00
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents In all the
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highebt current rate.
Dlckeon & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. H U RDON, Manager
$. Z. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
ALitZANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
$5 and under 3 cents
Over $5 arid not exceeding $10 6 cents
"$10 " „
„ $30 " $30 10 cents
$50 15 cents
These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered (lank in Canada
Coerce t in the Yukon) and at the principal banking points in the United States. They
are negotiable at $4.90 to the ,C sterling in Great Britain and Ireland.
bey form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety
and t small cost, and may be obtained without delay. tall
Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
X1'•0, -to F•bo�•: •: •: •10,.{. l . 1 •b•: o<," �• F to 3 0, t '
A Business Education is the
greatest legacy you can leaue
your children. \Ve get down to
the bed -rock foundation of living 4'
business science, and assist
worthy grruluatas to the choice
Enter any day. Indiuidual in- 4,
dividual instruction. 11 o ui e -
study courses in Senior Teachers
Matriculation and Commercial
fl66cDtcd 111116
to do that Painting, Pa-
pering of Graining, To
have it done promptly
and properly go to
for particulars, I MIItOH N.fldrrlsAffiliated with Commercial
Educators' Associasion of Cana-
MARCt1 iy.
Write for particulars
Clinton Business Crediton
\\'e beg 'to announce to the fartners
College '',ring seeds that the are offering
fur Sale a Targe stock of Red C:over.
Alsike, Timothy. Illue Grass, Millett,
Geo. Spotton, f tt n, I rincipnl, .,,. Alsikc and Timothy mixed, and Al -
1 : F :�• 3 '.i� :-;-'. fn:f:► Clover Seed. tvb:oh %vere ep;cial-
ly selected for our retail trade, and
- cannot be si rpasscd for purity and
germination. Get our prices brfore
((tfir �•7} making your purchases. We have
U1.1!ItlL also a limited quantity of "Kin;•
/•. Giant" Seed Oats for sale. Th's n w
•1 Sweden
o. t is frog
unndw•ast � -
ht n4
ntiration of all who saw it growing
T ONT. ..e��
,. last season. It is a heavy cropper
stands up well. and in sections where
WWconditions were favorable this past
rite 118 at once for our free ritlu and learn the nae season yielded FL bus. to the acre. if
CatCure of our courses in Com- you are going tq try a new oat, pro-
rcinl, Shorthand or Te- cur.• a few bushels of this variety. A
gen h SrthanWe call solicited. -C. zwICKER.
have y departments.Now is 'the time of the year w b n
ave the leading, practical. fanners abou'd be seeing about their
training school in hVestern eupp:y of Seeds for sprint;. We have
Ontario. ('tenses atethorough a large supply of Cover. Alsyk'. Tirn-
Instrnct•'ts experienced and • otby, \fillet A"falfa and other fold
we assist graduates to pini- seeds. When cod. e:rnn seeds ar
titions. Students are enter- • wanted. do no. 11/1.!.1`.. that %ie carry
ing each week. Yon s`tould : the h. - . C tel and ex:unin • there and
enter N01V. • get o'er forge, +. It It Ws.
La Grippe
"I had suffered several weeks
with LaGrippe. 1Iad pains in
111y head and eyes. It felt as
though there was a heavy weight
on the top of my head, until it
seemed that my brain ]would
burst. I was so nervous that
I could not rest or sleep. When
I dozed off I would awake with
a sudden jerking of my ]whole
body. Ur. Miles' Nervine, heart
Reined). and Nerve and Liver
Pills cured ale. A tttunber of
friends have since realized the
5:1111e benefits."
Seabrook. N. II.
The after effects of LaGrippe
are often more serious than the
disease, as it leaves the system
Iin a weakened condition that
itwi•cs more serious troubles,
as pneumonia, etc.
Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine
should be taken for some time
to thoroughly restore nerve
Price $t.00 at your druggist. He should
supply you. It he does not, send price
to us. we forward prepaid.
(milting bees are still on the go.
Anniversary services will be held in
the Evaugelieai church next Sunday.
Miss iva Essery, of Centralia, ,pent
Saturday in tutu.
Miss Struthers returned Saturday
evening .after spending the Easter
holidays with her parents in Parkhill.
Mr. Ira Braun spent a few days in
London last week on bm3inee.s.
This is good weather for the spring
'fie. Epworth League of the \letho•
d at church purpose holding their an -
n. V.•rsary 00 Sunday and Monda)
n xr. Co Sunday the Rev. Rabe.
leeks. o: Crediton. will occupy the
lei • bot h morning and evening
%wrier ou the \londae- .•venins foL'on•-
u, n 'tea twirl bre s•rved fo:lowrd be
u choice 1,rogratt► consisting or Ho!o•t
rearlin:;s and inartet7 •, \Its,•., 11. L.
flew y. i). Ilobta of Exeter at well as
hunt talent have been engaged for
1 h.• evening.
Miss Mattie ilan(1'ord visited friends
Crediton, orte unl n- at %•'s in London lase week.
Mr. .John ]1',•eely Butt, left Mend.ty
for Ser.,' :f,,•:d wber• he has secured
I'1'lccs L'ight and satistt(ction 1 pox:tion in a !erg• departmental
guaranteed. Atlas E. Pomeroy. our Reboot teach-
er returned Saturday aftt;r emendate
h•r hol.dnys with her 'parents In Fill -
Maser L',zioin 11 •dden is visititt •
b's erandpar-nte Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
ard ilandford,
Mr. W111. Cnv,•s left' Friday for hi;
n,•w home in for North West,
Frank Royle. of Exeter, Visited
friends and tele Hetet hero last week.
'The fanners round about: herr' are
busy with their Spring work.
At the meeting of the 'W. M. d belt!
't h.• church ou Tuesday the follow-
ing of(ic•rs were elected for she ensu-
ing ye:.r. Mts. Mutt, Fres : "Mrs. Jae.
Dlitc ,• i \'Mrs. J. Colwill
It •c. S • 'ti'st R. Wilson. core
pend n. t:clary rind Mr..% ('tv r.
,or,;:•t the Epworth L shoe
A man's wife should always be
t he sumo cspeci:illy to her husband,
but if she is weak and nervous, and
uses Carter's Iron fills, she cannot
be, for they make her "feel like a
different person," so 1 they all may
and their busbnnda a.y so too.
..r( h'r ',rookie cur r :et' on 'Mos,
his been trnnerred to W•Ttgbarn
Meet on rand Thos. lloyt has b.•. n
eepo'arte•d ;oretnall ov r t h • tin,. left
by Mr. Brook)...
I). A. McLACHLAN. • Mr. .Ioshna Finkbeiner returned to
Detroit after spending a few days with
• his uncle, Mr. Ham. !triton.
\lis.. Meliud t Trick, .,1 Stratford, is
ta•••••••••••000000••000000 spending n few weeks with her pate
elite Mr. tied Mrs. Chea •click.
- Mr. 14.1111. thaw) is on the sick list
hit we hope he will soon be around
Miss lfwhel Wenzel aril Miss Mild-
red Kilter returned borne after rpt•nd
ing a neck in Detroit, ' Jot ,rg friends
and resat Ives.
Aloe. Bert ('lark returned borne ,.ire,
spending r► month in Exeter with lit r
Miss Susie Haulier, of Parkhill.
Western Canada speMr. ar to faun the guest of
Mr. r. and \t,Its. ('laude 131ue•If~
!direr Addie Moyer, of Berlin, i.-
spebding a few weeks itith her sister,
Are. Nam. Btanti.
Miss Love returned home biter
spending the holidays with her par-
ents it. Myth.
Mise !Alien Geist r spent Saturday
in London.
Mies Annie Vent ly, who event a few
months in Londo), teturned home to
visither o
e .
nr mis for
I er 't
Miss Eva BitIzel itturmed home ra-
ter spendind a few Ihs iu Capin' to
visiling her sister. Mtg. pert..
Miss Edna Meek, of Exeter, i•
spending rt ft w (ley a at the Royal
The Mts,es l;•allier's of Zurich, spent
n (lay in town hast tt eek, the guests rf
Mr. and MIs. %V. S%*'r.zel.
Mr. iii, -eel AI,tlrews returned to hie
hurtle in Illiterate niter spending a few
'lows with \)r. Het 1etI. Fanner.
\fis'i F'lotenre Dooley stent a fete
days in Keeler, visiting friends.
A nu,iher of ,11r. met Mtn linker's!
0lends Irlext•antly gathered tegethrr,
'fire -day et ening nod gave them n
kitchen show( r 1,•fore lea 'log ft r the r
home in Wetel,lt ck. hli,r Baker will
ne missed as err was very p. ',liar
int 'pal.
T( )
Through the int,ropoes o; ('li,ato.
thence vent i)uluth and Fort I r .Hees
or thrornth Chita •n and th• tt•77 civ
tics of Minneepo i . and S.. Paul.
AI ItiI. f,.h and 11 tie
'Winni) a and return. $;52,110
mention end return, $12;,0
'k l':T:i 1:111; -t 7
l 1) 1 t CO DAYS
tort;onate rates 111 'prin:Spa!
iu - •\inhiiobn. ttaek iteb•%t an
:n; rta. inclndin:c cer.nin touints
'rand Trunk I'ac.:ic Itai:way.
8 c t ck .e a. td eel in'onto ."toe
J. J. KNtOirr, Depot ,tgent,
or write J. H. NICttONAI.I), I; mot
I I,•r.n• Tornntn Oaf. -- - I
arFor Sale T,;(2,°,? vrRlarm.in1aSotec.Strr.a's +among the soling people of this lawn
Monet iv Bulletined Real MO41 Ito.,. Fin kheir er,
mauve,td.i.trrt.•d. 'sided fr•e; we i•sv ;who sp.,n
IRA, fire. E. A. STROUT CO., Book C I. 11'av treks in h titer visiting retslivcr
stalgwfermDodos, Usi.ersits •Syr! u IIT ;plumed home Huntley.
Gas Distended
His Stomach
Caused Palpitation, and Pre-
vented Sleep -When
Health Was Gone, Cure
Followed Use of "Ner-
viline." Ner-
"My last w•i,;h will be." writes Nims
P. Pollard. a well-known boot and
shoe traveler of Hartford. "that every-
one with a bad stomach may learn as
1 did- before It's too late, that Nervi -
line Is the one remedy to cure. 'tVtty.
I was In mighty bad shape, my diges-
ting► was all \wrong, and every night
I would waken
Testimonial w'Ith a start mill
find my heart
No. jumpinglike a
4880 thr'shing machine.
lie -gas n
s, n my
stomach pressing against ray- heart.
{Viten i started to use Nervlllne 1 got
better mighty fast. it Is certainly a
grand remedy for the traveling man,
{turps your stomach In order, cures
cramps. prevents lumbago or rheu-
matism, breaks rep chest colds and
sore throat -in fact there hasn't been
an ache or pain inside or outside for
the past two years that 1 haven't cured
with Nervillne. Do you wonder I ro•
commend It?" •
F'nr general honschold use Nervilino
has no equal: it will cure the aches
and ailments of the entire family -
refuse anything but Nerviline. rine Per
bottle. trial size 25e. all dealers or Tho
Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont.
A twit t but pretty w ddin, took
Wire i at the 1'resbyt •r:ntt rnaus •
'fhatu s Road. April the fifth the con.
t tact ing part i,5 being Mi,s Jeann.•t t •
(i:u•d'u, r, only daughter of Mr. and
\irs, .laws V. Gardiner. of kirk ton,
and 51r. George C. .1 lien. 1.Il is ',in •
It!:uisbard. by 1t. v. C. Flctch •r. Th,br'd; wore a beautirat dr••st of whit+•
s Ik ehatioille 1 ,'i, uu Ad witb see •n
ribbon and iia;rliou. and wore a sold
locket and chrli11 with pe:ud s•ttun
th • :rift of the groom. Aft,•r th • c •re- Throw medleln,' to the dogs, At
tions th • young catp!i drove to th • best they aro unpleasant, often use-
batIl or the br.d w h •,•,.
bog You are suffering true► Horne
dainty disease of the throat, nose, or lunge,
t' I'I Iruvr
, tlo �trtd1,�Iur1' hunt.%% j'jll Doctors call it lironchltis, Asttuna, or
Catarrh, ur It IH a blight ur severe
bride's uiul u%wuthy otet-s wu,+ u.d ruse cold. Cernrs cause these diseases-
wi•th soot ache 'bra idin z and she ti -m.• they have a COM rnuri root.
a hat 10 match anti steel rr.-y coat. Catarrhozone destroys disease germs,
Th • bride received l+lice a number but it does mon, it heals disease Use
of I s•fni `preseuts on ht•.iug a beau- sue,
tiftel) bound llib'e. toes •alt d by lh,. (ATAI!R1IuZoNE is little drops of
rho'r and young latli. a Bible craw of healing carried by air to the exact
tb.' l'resbyteriun church. Kirkton. 4 place where Catarrh c•xlstr. Observe.
T- ICutarrhe uzonout only destroys the
cause, but irnmediat.Jy repairs the
Brush ;t ''11':ch"-n;-Wizard. result of dist aged condition.
An o:d 1111111 hiI.:ittois "'a' l'").111.1I Catarrhozone means little drops of
a nickel's worth of nai:i in a bird- healing carried by air and placed over
trace store when Brush trach ti in the lungs, throat, and nasal passages,
amen: the nails and extract .d Catarrhozone is endorsed by doc-
tors, dru09ists, and by thousands of
fifty -cent piece, Th • old getit!eiri
ilCanadian people who have used it.
laid claims 'to the coin baying[. "It was.;
weighed up to nus" Itrush laid -All � �
r:itht it roust be ours." 130 1::let•d is a ar rhozone'
in h"s cke., The o'd : •n tern:►n
reached in his rocket that his fingers
Ili tut fondle 'the largest pier.• 0: mon- Yes, Sir. it is taken in air.
ey he had owned for some time. but "Little drops of healin0" carried by
a look of despair covered hitt lar• air to weak places in the lungs, throat,
and (living Itrush a a;nrcbing look and nasal passages.
said. "You didn't put it in there." Three sizes: 25c, 56e, and 51.00. at
Brush assured him tba; he had. but drugglsts, or by mall pastnald from
seal. "You may have a rule in lour Thr (tatarNlozo,ie Co., Ilutfato, N. Y.,
pocket." At this he stooped, *shook and Kingston, Ont•
his trouser !eft and sur' enough the
co'.n rattled out. The old gentleman
was surprised ea he could not find any Promotion Examination S. S. 'o.
hole in his pocket. Th • ,nest tions t Osborne. Sr. 1Ii to Jr. IV. 'tVILi:• l
Itrush p:aoed'thc coin in his hand but Strang. Wilfrid Dougal, Hazel Down,
It vanished from there Ile at last Elva Ilarvey. ()Feet Itoweii_f:•, Jr,
wrapped it in a pita• o. pa1..r and 3rd ;0 Sr. :Ird. (',•r ' IL•irr:s. F1os-1 •,
rove it to th s d it'ntleulan• but Neil. Harvey N, il. Ross Dick. Sr, III
upon op nine the papen sound it bad to Jr, III. El •In I o.1 c i (1. John i(.0 --
if ra
:r;;nin ;tone and caul. "1 and going ,tel Vera n .• tc__._: . g
to get out of here: you are a witch"
-fneanin;. o: course a wizard. Exe-
ter Opera nous... Saturday \evening
April 16.
Cares Permanently
We desire to call Ilio attrnttnn •.f all tLoso
armee ,nth out Blood or Skin Disease to
our New Method `I,eslment a; r. gu..triuuted
cure fur ,h• ae 0,1111,1:1114A. '1 r.• a la no (5.
t•use for any v person busing n d,,.e•urc,l face
tine ••n,ptio3 4 an•1 b:ut, h, ' u wafter
u hctler hereditary ,.r trcyu,. • i, our specific
ien,trlicx tau1 tru,uuenl c...'.... • • •.,t pet -
WWI In the blunt! and expel 11:. ut onion the
system. our vast exix•r,,,.• r ,.: 11 a trent•
meat or th..u,a, I t of the H:•r.t a.rrluus and
complicated cas:•s enables us to perfect a
cure unload e, .. rin,euliug. We do business
on the plan -pay Only for the Benefit You
Derive. 11 yon have any blued disease, cot
suit us Free of Charge and let us rote to
put how quietly our run, dies v+tlf remove
ell .•tideure+..r,lies.e. Under the Influence
of the New Method Treatment the skin be -
1,111,8 clear, t Iv'•rt pimples .u.d bi,.tchcs
heal up. enlarged glands aro reduce!, fallen
out hair grows in again. stet eves become
bright, ambit but and energy irti.rn, and the
victim realizes a m(te life Lae opened up to
Send for Booklet on Disease: of Men
11 unable to call, write for n Question List
for Home Treatment
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
NOTICEAll letters from Canada must be addressed
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart -
see us personally call at our Aletlitcai Institute in Detroent in Windsor, it as we) see and treou desire at
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
Write for our private address.
Mr. and Mrs. Thoma:, Gunn:ter. o
Grantor'. who r ern,. .y purchased th•
farm o: :11 r. A.u•rt l:uun:n;l. :lave \t. i n , h • approach 0 Spring our
moved onto it and we welcome th •ul un un 7 1 rs are 1 read
y back amongst us again. th • seed and a lar`;,• tluan;it Tl a l
Mr, Newton Gunning lett this week again be put in this year.
for th • \Neat to seek a bona • in the Sir. Jam's Coxworlh, who intends
prairie province. rebui!din l his hotel where the form -
Mr. Wm. 'McG-e, wha has for th.• er one stood, has now a number of
past year attended the Normal echool men at work ck•nring out the o:d
at Strat:ord. has finisb,•d his ex:unl foundat'oo and will tie • again the
and has '•cured a school near t.et. old brick and Ston' that will work In
towel, 11e has started his duticte as nicely. The new hotel wi.l b• a three
teacher, . ! gooey siructt;re, •f0xG0. o' so:id brick
:int' will contain
t•:sitedtr at elle horn•lig or ;Mr. �jna.n. allLetie. modern coOre proo: mfor.s and conven-
Ilunter on Sunday. !:nets and n iii 11 • er (ted a nice dis-
t{ •v. n. Snell. of hirkton. preach• tante in •frout the xtn•et.
d Educational sermons here on Sun- itev. Mr. Huetch. n Montreal, rep -
day. rescntri.ive or 'McGill co ie;;1•, in the
Mr. and Mrs. John Mor!oy visited tray of appealing more to young men
at th.• home of th.'ir eon Oscar on to en,er th • ministry and ante sol:c-
Sunday. Th•• Mork called ;h r • as trine funds for the colic;re. condu..ted
week and pres:•nted them Wilt a baby. services in Carmel church on Sabbath
girl. enornlo. and (-venin.; lost.
---(- The many retativ •s of 31. John
TilELATE It F: V 0,A
)A\ iD FOUItE:Sf
The follow ing c.lppin_i has ret •r-
t nee to the death or a form •r pastor
at Hayfield. It, memoriam o, kh •
Rev. David Forrest. who died very
suddenly. on F'thruary 21ith. 1910~ a;
les new home. 11 nm,vil: •, Ont. Mr.
Forrest vat born in the •luaint villa,Je
Itiineadsott. situated midst the heath-
. r covered bills of Scot and. and came
11 it h bis par. tits to Canada its the lat-
r fifties. II • was educated at 1'x-
11 •:d •,• !huh r
School. Torontoland
Queen's t n versifies, and Knox Co!-
k•ge. and after doing heroic pioneer
work as a s,ud,•n, miee:onery he was
ordained ill IMSA. Ile held pastorate:l
in nayfrold and Walton and at the
!at.er p:nee suffered with 'a es.vere
et.ack of In grippes which fini1'y
r.su:red in th•• paralysis of hie %oca
uremia to such an extent that h • wee
compelled to abandon the tcork to
it tech b.• heal devot •d a:1 ria power's
Th s wits n s ver • trial. but b • bore
t •.• oh ousel r:111 filial tictui;service
I) ems- o. h t froth in ;h: Divine or -
d r o' thintt. Ile cou'd :•ay:-
Sarrot.. Wei Dew. John Giber. "Katie
Sanders. "11111111•001'...�e
Sanders. .)r. 'Ind to Sr. IL .'n M:,ch•.
W.I. Clifford Mo:r, Alic' Dick, Laura
e 1. born • U4,
\\, iI. ltyda.!, teacher. If it is the Lest Hour VOU wllnt there is lent trite place
in ti]vn to get it -theft 1- fi•t,nl Its. The brands are:
Best F1our-.
, My oft n hop • is the sun oil 'dere.
'1'h; thieke.. c'oud (arth .•vig•
That :t`. •r last. returut the first.
Thou •b a wide compasa round be
"flint %that brgnn best can't end
Nor what God blest once can prove
'•lr. Forrest wan conservative in hie
11 loin-: the mighty aph• avcl in 14,1-
111:111 thou ;ht durit r th • last •}carter
u' n century did 007 naturally :.[.
( r h s thr•oloeic.tl opinions. but We
k ndn s. and :sympathy made hi.
prt•achint at.ractive, ('n• of hie t •ei.
was: • Ie• )e k red on to :uturh
tender-hearted. fur;ficin ; , aeh oth •r."
iIon. ter. h's power in 1h,• pa S.ornt
14 es We genuine fri••ndtetiip. flee hue,
twee n p"ire 0: itnrm hearted hoepi-
t a::,). No man could 1, truer to his
ronv:rr,ons of ri:hl or more fo=al to
h n id .tl incttru:lttd io J,•tus ('hrise
\\ h it he eou!d no Ion ter ,to to
ell loth with a nies-s;,• rend into the
l•, 1. 1 to zit his meesa;e to hill eel -
mw ret •n he 071.7 nlw•a)•8 in hie Wale •
111 worship : rid I h •re wet no mor
sytnpat he. a hearer nor one mar f -email
( litotes,. d in it the li'.• and Inkhani s
th.• church. Ile is n.urviv d illri•etable ('onttuig pt has done for me
this •t.r ,' ',
's R ret a•ru d. Complete
e •
r r
h devoted f. ( m I t
o d %t i'•• e
n d i • - i
a 1,Ih restoration to health means so much
1 •r. two brothers, 1)r. \'t t!liarn F'or-
t me h•i n
t .tf it e.•
✓ sI. Toren; o, nnd i)r. Robert '4 or h tike Kf other k, its -
r A.twrla. and two .:el^ttt, 1nR wouu n 1 am villin lu hake Insy
i I 01 whom hare Ihi' s:nc,rr rym},a- trouble public so you may publish
111; u" a hast o: (r: ndt twhn kne%r thio I'fter.' \I lie. (TIAs. HAIM LAY,
:incl !oval the departed one." Tbt•1{.1.1 .,I.r;►niteville, Vt.
d•.•cens'd w•71t an tine.. of Mr. 'In 1 Mfrs,
Woe eo►nmery Ile. of Csnorn • anti
was well known by nonny or mit ri ad-
.•rs whir) will re. -ret to learn o h • d
it's •.
()walk) 1'►:t iidt d)
(11'estern ('anatlit Ficnir .1i11>)
Leave your orders of t ail op Meow 2,
R. G. SELDON, Exeter.
!earn that the day Iht•y arrived home: A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAI.
Mr, Henry was taken -tulle err:ously To All Women : I will send free,
1•I• with full instructions, my =home treats
Mr. Seth. of Toronto and fortnt•r:} went which positively cures Leucorr,
of Scotland. spent the past week with hem, Ulceration, Displacements, Fall.,
h_'a old 'friends. \1r, nnd (Sirs. John ing of the Womb. Painful or Irregular.
1 uill. and it 1s m•ed:ess to fay hr l'eriods. Uterine and Ovarian Tumors
received a hearty Hcotch w•elom.• or growths, also Hot Flashes, Nene
from the friends of bis t•arlicst days. ousness, Melancholy. Pains in the
Wilfrid Stoneman. of Toronto. and rifead, Hack, 'towels, Kidney and
Ford. of Tuck. rs►nith. wile to pleas- Ifs brothers "Melvin and Geor;e. o' Bladder troubles where caused by
d to 'earn that b• is recovering nice- London. spent the F.:,tt •r holidays weakness peculiar to our sex. You
ly 'rein tem but b' it:n,•r,, with their Parents. can continuo treatment at home at a
11's% Fah •1 'Murdock. 11 r. ]Viliiat; Al r. and 9lrs. E \lot.:•r left born my
' grist of only about 12 cents a week:
Ilascb. Wet \Ictnvi•h and Mr. Jamese during the Past w•e(•le for their new Ad book, " Woman's s Own Medical
Hilliard. a I of London, were h^rs ho►n • in Mt'Ivil:r Sask.. followed h) Adviser," also sent free on request.)
th• good wishes or their many friend. •Write to -day: Address Mrs. M. Sumo
spending Easter with ✓•lances, improvements under the direction niers, Boa 811 Windsor, Ont,
Mrs. Al. Thome±on has been tee- of the Ladies' Aid Society are b in;:
ion.: b r daughter Mrs. Chas, South-
well, o.' Toronto. accompanied by her made in the interior of the Cann '-
prospects arc 'good for a successful
den error Wet 1:mmn. Ichnreb, seasons sport.
Akar Mary Stetter/. o! the London The Maid Dent. of Stratford, tjt,•nt' ]Ira. Fr d Witter h r son Ronald
1 art
i 1 of Isar w• • •
!told. ,e
returned k and this t ht week rued born^ rec<•ntl)s from a I . k with newton'',
her daugbto o lits, Dan Kocher
neje do v d with rri,•ia. their sant. Mrs. James Suth^nand, and in London on Monday.
neighborhood of Cent/ glia. ;n th• elle W. .1. Perkins. proprietor o: Mr. 'Allan; Hader, eon of Mr .and
Mr. 1,11 'Mrs. Win. 11 now. r, Ht, 1`11' Conirnere-aI 4hetet. during the \los. \1'itliam Ita(1.r \las mixed up
Abet- Inrnhone r . itis frog❑!t'ast week bat had lh:• tlorthwesi,.
wine of 1h . hotel tak••n down. in_led- in 0 runaway on friday, 11; tele
al' lei 1 a toupee 0 17 I;: t.rh I driving into rh.• Li: theron Church
' iI 1 1 "ices and iri 11,1 t 111 11 n- I t ''rex the Hhed t and intends moving hid -h d when th • Nor;.• shied and upSrt
are! 1 e nits •,rel 1'1 will rcgr,.i t., sole barn .o the east end o[ his lot. ;h • burley. The horse got free from
and nt a good distance from the atrcrt I it • r:R and had vete a run before
0.I 'r. n'; the poet week w•i,itii" her
1 11 r. t. r. John Chapntnn.
Mr. F. theses olio has been in the
quit o)• o' \1r, E. !tannic for n num-
b r of )errs ha't s'cured a ;good pal -
During Change of Life t with a firm in C'inton,
Ir. T. W. 1'arlmer. ort the Mascot.
yhas had a silent salesman mad.• by
says Mrs. Chas. Barclay „ N. I' dd which
o order that be can erect an addition t was cap.ured. 'I'Le boy got off with
to the botel wh r.• th • sheep and etre , frtw brnisr
✓ parts forrtn r.y stood, Ile will , r c
reov sheds running along the north-
ern bonnd:rry of his lel. which Wil ON THE VERGE
mak • the premises rnneh mor.• eonvrn- THE VERGE
i tit and greatly Improved in app•nr•i
;Hits' and situation. OF BREAKDOWN
Mr. \,•!eon II'a1chford nnd Mr.!
John McEwen. son or Mr. ]Vin,
le recently ern,•rlain,d a large nein-
tor of their freinds a, a diner. in When You Think Yourself Only
(h • opera hall. Out of Sorts You are Often
Mee. D. A. Cnnte!on want itt London
Seriously Ill.
Thousands ire just on tho edge oft
the crater -just ready to topple In the
crater of III -health and nervous break-
dotcn. Such was the (ase with Mr.
E. E. Follett. a well-known figure in
all business social circles of (:rants
r. .. %r y, w is is ranch admired. Rapids.
I:r:anitrwifle, t. -- Mr. B;Ilrry. of Kincardine, spent "1 had not been well for a year or
"1 was passittg the pas, week with his son Dr. F. more. 1 had Fest In weight and could
through the(•hauce,tf t.ifearidsuferrd s,iit•ry. not pick up. 1 tired of my work -It
.: )➢Its front nervousness secmtd like drudgery -nn pleasure in
andulherallun)'ing _______.0.______.
1t like the re used to be. When t Rat
symptoms, and I
thin, 1 'teemed to have 111(1.• blood and
can frilly say that my hands and feet were clammy and
Lydia):.l'itilihatn's lir. .lohn Fuss hie perehased Mr. told. 1'.) mils- matters worse t grc%rj
Vegetable ('ori- So omon Ku lifer's duelling for:31'taq nervous -got Irrl-
pound has prom! Messr.. Iter and Meliek. implement ferrozone table and worried
%%orlh mountains a rets de:i%. vered a ria lot o: imp- _ over mere trifles. 1
of gold to rte, as it mems !ass week. I Bullde Up tried dieting nr.d
restored my health M ss Adn le eerier of Toronto. vi ire various medicines,
and strength. 1 d her parents. \ir. and '\ire. P. ,,.r 1 rang but profited try
never forget to tell •kb.•h'er. Strength none of them. o
my 1'10711177 what Itvt'. A. D. G rchlrr rind Rev. 1,. K, i ins on the verge
Lydia 'dial: ..,. of n breakdown
F.:dt of Dashwood. cxchan -e:) po!pits 1 when my druggist recommended 'Per-
lis Sen(lay both morn n t and even- rezone.it wasn't very long before I
n,t s •rvice+. felt It was a true blood rind nerve
.It, 11
� 1
builder. ,m t 11 r o
f - 1 f was enc
n t it 1• ora o1 1
a ()imaged so much
e t 1
Iwr. wets e e ill to \1'..t so o•nt 1} after the third bete that I got rix boxes
't h re he w ill '' •i more, In et- •et •e
I ,it� r 1 v l weeks 1 gained sg
n k•s ed I
) son t R
fast on. t hnsl lr, li peu nds nnd wag looking the picture
\I r. Chris Gins rich of the Bronson of hralt't• i�crroznne has made a new
1,"n •, . (an'ey. lies pnreileit•ri a 1111 lid- nuut rf Ire."
No otter medicine for twomatl's Ills r. d acre farm nexr to his own from There Is n., 111) so quirk and lest
has received aitch wide -spread and un- \I r, Huber, 'Iio)es. for F3t (,00tt, on build you bl as Ferkt.z.,ne-_jest
gnalilied endorsement. ootle•r►n1'(I- Air. :(o:onion ISle,Vcr hos •, 1 one ofr two t tablets c. take at meal
♦o ttht for
3 try al. hater cents a • tt sIX
icing we knew of hats sorb a iecur<1 Mr. P. ('orriw en's Noise and 16 :tete. fir 32.60, all dealers or Tb ''.,tarrhs
of mires of female 111; as has Lydia E. of :and at th • 11th and Zurich !toad ozone Co., Kingston, Cannel..
l'ltikhant's V'egetahle ('stn ,orind• for l 100 and snowed don n , h'r week,
For more than ::Il )oars i1 has been Th, annual meeting T o[ t h • Zurich C CORNS C . ' RBD
curing fetuale complaints suer as llow-ting Club 11:IS held in the Town t\ . ttuCReJ
inllaminalion, ulceration, local weak- Hall, on Tit, sday evenin,r. '1'h r ]'ou can piItile :.tq remoc y tion,
Messes, fibroid tumors, irregularities, rotary Mr. A. 1'. Iles, either hard, ran, or r•. ;Ing, fry
r repot.. d 1 applylug t'uutnnt . (bon r' :(tor. ]t
periodic ;ming, baehaelte, lith e• boll balance of ohne, $12 on hand. The mew, r burns, leaven no eerie. otalns no
and nervous pruvtratietl, alit it is fnllowin'g officers stere e .els t.d for at hlr; Is harmless, because •,tnipnse(1
nnerpIalled for carrying women safely th • scar:-ilon. I'res,. F. 11 •'nlv err Inspire aunts nn1 balms, Fifty
thruwgh the tteritel of change of life. I'r s. Dr, Campbell ; Vice -Pr s., P. LI- by ill lidrug druggists. 21 guaranteed• fuses
It costs batt little to try Lydia E. nit,nt : 5, creiary. s r battles. Refuse
A. 1', Iter+, \ ubztltute�.
1'inktt stn's % egetahle Conlpotntd, and, e
riounds ron►nii,. • \1 a. nppeinted. f
as Mrs-BalrinZsaye,it, 18"at'urtllmoun. eompoe'd of \fe.aerlt. A. Heideman. ,1,� PUTNAM $ PAI LISS
tains of gold' to suffering women. A. ('onrianl:ne and .1, 1', ltas, The CORN IX'1'RA TOR
testi ,r s.+es
For Infants and Children.
flie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Hlgnatar+. of