HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-07, Page 4THE EXETRR T1MESi APRIL 7th 1910. l .. • a I FROM VIOLENT LI NT CAT CS The Warning of Mr. Cleo. O. Fos Is One That Should ' Be Heeded by All. Yew men on the road aro better known than genial George Fox. whose Wends throughout the West are legion the following letter he expresses Wratitude for siganl services rendered by Dr. Hamilton's fill... He goes on to gay: "Until I used Pr. Hamilton's Pills and experienced their wonderful ltttlldn(•ss and curative power. 1 esti- youth of Canada; and that the shield Mated the value of every pill by its tviIl be presented on prize day, and activity. Talking about this to a tvell- known physician 1 (net on the train heel by the successful scholar for he:.d;uarters of 'the Nelson Shield (lose Teo. also Mo(lel' (':our by liars sehnu•, all Ito to prove hie many-sid- vey liras• which way baked by Mr. E. When the plan of [nak- , hull ick, itlulf•Ity of tN,•.tou. d" - net interest. up the metal from Lord Nelson's'hardy an eddre;s '41•al+ d,•liv.•le 1 • ;;; steps into ceaun.litura,iye and cum- Mos. M. Hyslop. orgau►izer of` fhe 111', p.•I:tivc shields fur le•hoohi gas C. T• !'- brought to his notice. reeine itistaur- .- how > : ch a ti oploy would t:.•i ve ••duratiuna1 ends of the highest t=ort, Lord i4trathcona gave $5000, that Centralia One day last week ne Mr. T. 1'en- rie; was I(adin a colt to tracer. the animal got 'beyond his control and many of the schoo'es of the Dominion kicked him 011 111e head. injuring hire ycn• may obtain this trophy which is of s •nary.ly, 1Stia-. Lnugford. o. London, is such historic interest. 11e popes that spending a (ear Jay, with her utut0- annually a pater may to writer o11 1 r. Mrs. D. luck'a u sailor ubj:ct, which will be of edu- Mr. Toohey. o; 11.ddulp0. st ho re- cationnl and 'patriotic value to the ceutly purchased a farm on th• Blinn tUle :ane, is improviser th • appear- ance of 'his property. lin is erecting a wir.• fence and o14 Monday of Inst week he drew a load of wire and Jell the coils alone the road=id^ ready for Athe other day. he ,xplainc•d there are the year. Ii was clearly not only the He. Ott FU.,day night t<(tut1' per,+4)u fferent kinds et drugs that act upon n'Ital ;tory o[ Ne son career. 'but or persons »er.• oras enuii h'10 attest el -bowels, the most active being known as drastic. Except in extreme di• ;rent lesson of temporary history;u ling coil of the tnre. 'rhi'•t•s are fasea where the life of the patient lo Az. Lord Strathcona bad in mind.to'ftt1n�in�yttfarJitery night acetas .lune depends upon speedy evacuation of ,t 'tilt' bast few months. When he received aha first of the sweat ohields struck for Canadian scbools at the Mansion House, Lon- don. hr said. "it would he difficult to Fink of a .greater scrvic, to the Brie. t ish Eutp:re 'than to have the thought. of its sons and daughters; annually directed to 'the sena its sailors, and its chips, and what the nation owe to i.s brave sons." Lord Strathcona's personal inter - et and frenerosay have given to Cas- ette a preference in tb• organization of the shield sch •itis to schools, Th.' d'd 1 he stork to an interesting and gon'y oiler pats o: the Empire which ofitub!0 114;lnnee find a111 appreciated ;[' sereit. •s. rwo representative, hs> b.•en 'touched with systematic ef- from lairutil: • tti, N. took up the * - fort is the colony of Natal, and that sees). at 'lethally. This int •rchange of teas undertaken as t hobby by Rev. workers is helpful to ail. The teachers of the 1slimville Sut►- A!tr.•d Hall of Durban. who has been (1413. school intend holding,• a monthly brought over to carry out the Caned- meet ine for t6 • study of th • lesson. 'nn :•(tort. in 1111 interview in Lon- Dr. Bond as_sistt•d by Ilr. Ityndnuu►, Jan with .he High Commissioner. his fast iaturday morning removed a tumor from 'rbc breast of Niro. ,Iosh. Lordship expressed the kccnet$t. in- Johns. She t.. re•coveriu. rapidly. Last Friday nicht .1r. IJlelvil:d Skinner was 'presented with twins. Providence is kind and well may Mel - vide snit:,. it i► tat ill calves. Mr. It, '1\•i;cox. A.. .Johns and Wes. Stone t. : t on Tie-sd:ty In w ek home and 'fortune in the W, st. They tire followed toy 'the bast 'i-11 .s o; a hunt of friends. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. 'lobos., jr., stout Sunday i11 tl. Mar's visiting rela- tives. Mr. Jas. Beer, o: Exeter. :5 as+tenni the wagon -maker. Everybody is busy. no time fo- tuirth or ,ri,.. One fish 'htufiinbe n cau,tht. Th .• :int* 41eat h -r is affec:iu,r every- tiling- The eix year o'd boys and ;iris have ;tar:, d to school, the bowels, pills should never be dras- tic. Purgatives cause catarrh of the bowels and Inflammation; their dose must be Increased, causing even more harm. With such 0 clear explanation I eeuld see why Dr. Hamilton's Pills are curative and not Irritating, why • they are mild, yet most searching. "Froin my experienee I recommend everyone that takes pills to give up the old-fashioned harsh. purging pill. and, instead, to use Dr. Hamilton's. !They cure headache, biliousness, con- stipation. bad stomach, and keep tho system in perfect condition." Refuse any substitute for Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills; sold for 25c., all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation THE SPRING CLEAN-UP Our toff n was much improved last fall by ,a nl'mber of the residents fix - 0 rest 1n the props -as which are now cur up abets lawns and boulevards,0 'n•' submitted to Ministers of Edu- t3•ternl pieces have been • fixed cup cation and Principals o11 Unive'rsitles, th s 'i'rin r. Let the food work con- t' n : . (':can and 'pretty preuiis.o are % 1 ,..il,'.• asset to th• 'town. Do NOTE AND COMMEND 110i for , the flowers. It 1.s th - '1'h • St. C.air river :old Lake are •t'•• :11.11 rs that have great in!lu ', :r o' ler, A :cat! • r• rinses and tidiness add a T•h• p.cture post card which fags lot to•1'i -trance. and it works the had such an immense run during the opiros r • when ib: little things ata past few years. showci no align of de - not ata tided to. Do 1131 forgot the cr:as:nr. The present year promises back yards. Exeter ha; an enviable to b,' •:ar:;er than ever. repo ta.:on of being tb • clean t Inge in 'the l'rovinct•. and let us keep It up. Ars. E. Lnii j'ord spent Sunday with her sister. Mrs. F. Anderson, of Fullerton. Your correspondent 1as't w.'ek failed to utak: mention of the excellent ser- vice rendered by tho choir on Easter :Sunday. and indeed on every Sunday. This is a branch of church work which demands both time and *alin and yet does not reseive credit to any ex'lent 'but is taken as a mailer of course. Tho rev:c•w or the first •tuarter's lelons in 011r Sunday School ware con - duet el by Messrs Thee, i'nssnlore. and Ge or •e . . 11 1I1 I ams of Bethany. who THE TARIFF AGICE1:MEvT To avo•d a tariff war which :hreat- {'F ['tied to interfere with halt of Canada's foreign trade. and which' President e Taft len' been most anxious to avoid. Canad'1 .,.:reed to give the nec•s=Fry " by 1:rantin4r reduction-. on n limited ;ie. of tbirtoeu items in th• ' general sari f. Th s' r,ductions are gin•:•u not on:y to the United States but to the whole world. and consist • • • • • Another evidence of Canada's Mor - d wealth :es evidenced in the discovery or a great coal mine in Itritisb Colum- bia the estimate o[ which ht placed at Last 800,000,000 :on. Yellow ]lead 8 10:' post office address and the new Grand Trunk I'acific Railway runs within 20 mites o' it. A spur line to :b: mine is rnoo.c•t. IL looks as it a k'nd Providence had p:nced 'untold value within easy reach of 'the indus- trious sons and dau' h:er1 of this h' :h:y favored Dominion of Canada. • • • • • The Toronto tSaaurday night has re- cent.y warned th'• public against a few bucket -shop operators and ,get- r:ch-quick .,,ra'ters. who are willinx in a decrees: in duty o: approximate-Jto sacr:;ice through enestonnolc 1y tan nod a hat[ percent. upon gun- methods 'the 'lands that other (nen have accumulated through Ione years dry arlici. . the present imports o: which tar.• said to a;agregat'• about fire million do tars. No Canadian ndus:ry is s, riout4;y a:fee,^d. but th Canadian consumer still 'benefit o the ext,•nt of perhaps ee200 0110 or %,'300.00(l in •'cseened CastoIIY' taxa- tion. Canada had sindic:li••d its r• -0 to make tari'f bar;: lies with ny nth t nation it pensIrre8p.c- t'c. o: the Arn •rican tariff law. This cc.(.try has ob:ain-d for the first -Ono • et hi'tory an nss•Iranrc 'rout 111 • 1.411.(1 ('1-ttes that b.•tter trade I re:1,1111•tt' wet b • accorded in 10-' n sir ;lour, and fl erotiations with th :: • to 1 'r % • F th • direct re- set t•- r•.t u: .0 d:Iy'+ happy( announcement o' :1 le -illation that at on, threat - tied fer•r.acWnit and tlisaetralls re- u.ts to `Ioth countri s. ' The cone -a - •ens e!Orli a hot.' made In this as • • -1 •1 : r 11 i.. rid Laurier, "to c11 . %•• 1h:• d -irate,. nil are email. 'or I 0 - cone seem N .1 1'.•l pence ltd bet..'r conlnl •real r.•i:►tions with ;•r 11 ne ohhor. That poacn and Doff -tai I ar eorth t 1 the nuts and ':r itintey In cr•atiou. THE NELSON SHIELD -S • • t a ,Vred :1s the ven.'relet' High Corn- , miss:oner for Canada is. 11' lets n gleam in his eye tbai p•netretes the en( ere : and ne the future of any to. u• 1):e is '1.11.,' d 'JI' in its you. b. Lord F1rl.hcun, h is o t h J (b. o t. , ) of Cnunda much in hie ininrl. Th 1 i?8 s • .n i4) 11111 1%;I Ili= h 11 es. lions .0 .ilei: ll (1011 nth r 1141 1(1 41.1 bodes. his nl11nifieienr ' .. tor phy- sical collide. and his part in 1 er•at cdnrl1.0u'1I. 14:01 'Moll. 11 h ch is lits, Hort rrc-1 .11-, n! inio d ' n t • testa by tits ellit3! 0' .11 r ;n'.s ntative o; 10 • Suit sh and I'or-i rn Sailor's So- ciety jn Toronto, whie1( itt to b' Ih' of work. The intent exposure is that of Philip Harold Patriarchs. head o; h • (louse of Patriarch- & Co.. oho .broil di forge display adverti'e',nente art dee •iving 'the p'Ibac. Th • Satur- day Nicht says 'eeb• record o" 1'hilili Harold Patriarch- Is a record of rail- er•. A dozen or mor:' judgments for unpa d debts. ornonntine to many vho,isands o: dollars. t..nnd against Wm in 1h• courts." The !tit11rd:ly Night has done good service to the ':bite in exposing such men who have b e11 deign.' th • p •ope• and expen'lin.t hard-earned money in exe • i n le 9:One') a ,raneaction+. • • • • • We are nu.horiz••d to stet :0 :t 11'. Ilon Lord $1rathcona's n h Id has he en offer d by Rev. Alfred 11 el, of Toronto. to each o: lh• Helve, n the Weal Huron insp clout. . 'f0 r • are no char..^.• s or conditions. Flo • llr,,ish and Foreign 1'tai!or's Soc. .11 which received th • -Victory.' copper froth the Lords o: th • lIr tido Adrnir- al.y. has undertak n th •nse o; mounting. cneraving• and distribu- tin: these historic shield+; and only asks some vduntary con.r kation to reiulburs• them. and aid th it Sailors' Institutes for men of the Royal Navy. Merchant Ships, etc., in ('annda and nil over the wor:d. Th --8• Nelson Shields are highly l•3:11. d for : heir patriotic and educational 118:8 11 th• t nivcrsili s Colleg,s and srhoo'ts where th •y nre air ndy placed. Pri- vate collegta and schoo:i aro eligetle to sec -iv • th • Ne!eon Shied and Muted apply for them. • • • • to Ilan. 1. nt 1 Foster 0.11 r1....11. -111 or . % 1, 4- 'tool :err,v • po- !.toe II :if Ilia health hes n•en brok- %% , end Ire- , n lo %% 1k nl :h• r . ' I . 0 1 1 1 which . .� .� iii ., t 1 r01,!11 h :1 .I r 1h• -r.a! o• his li- t 1: . 141 e1 n" th • jury It as .u..' ..n %is• el J le i1 m. and 1►• ti - ., i 1.. It (1 In d n it. 1) :. .h ,:::1 month to tl.,- oly to to .1.' 10 1)• 011, •W-dnol+ 1.1 .• . Ili • \\ ('. T. 1". 11 • d an • le 'r1:11u- r'e to :u , I 1.1111 • I r • t '\1 • hadist en,'rc11 on Fray I, n r1 r ass. Tea was server) In 10 1 .- rn nt o; the ehe rch. TO • : -1 - .. t • iprovided t. It In ,-,e1 I , .1!(1 1{1 (1 .,.salsa, Alcohol to Children Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. Ile will probably Fay, "Very, very rarely. Children do not need stimulating." Ask him how often he prescribes a tonic for them. IIc will prob- ably ans\\er, "Ferry, very frequently." Then risk luta about Aycr's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla rt: a italic for tlic young Follow hisrl'l"Ice. He knows. J.C./1.,c r •I ;1T1�! .�r•.t."r�.1/�t wR+l'+1C30J!•1-*w.r�:�'�-�+•j y.4./.11L[3 7 er verse first great lute of health "Daily el.:sent nl (( the le a,:.." l\sk leer,!oxtouJ WS is not bl. Then asst bit) about Ayer's i'i:k. Fed i•.r nearly sixty yc_.1. Ministerial Association The monthly nt ,! o; th • elinin t erin1 Association 11'•embled on Mon- day afternoon ill the school -ronin of the Trivi, t Memorial church. th l'rt•s:deni Rev. Colin Fletcher, M.A.. pres:dinr. A !arae number or 'the breYhten were pr.aent. The subject which elicited much discuss:on wall on "The Lord's Day" Ther.: WAS n unity of thoutht upon Ile subject participated in by all the brethren. After the meetin; the association was moat kindly entertained to luncheon nt (0' It.'clory by: the Itev, '(Ir. and Mrs. 0011 ,, , Th • ns•'ocitetion ex- pressed Iti- it deep appreciatian for the generous hosp.tahty extended by tb:ir host and bosteni. 'rh• followin; is the resolution r • '••1•h • Lard's Day." The commute • t% h+ch 11t.1' led the res- olution sunt, At the rt•adul : ur the same in 1111 the 1)11: s or th • atsocia- t"on next Sunday. Ibis beim: the epee - !at tiundn_r Cor th:► Lord's Day Alli - One •. ''\, t0 members o: :he South 11 .'ori `t o. tial A,xociatinn in tee. 1-'n,' nine d rl. ter duo de - 1.1 ''n t •, yr '.bat more 4'rny.•r• r n„ h ,hou'J b,• rite!' in r. -card 1 6 STORIA '•• The Hind YGu Iiuvo Always; Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has bet a iiuttlo under had per.. ;: , *tonal supervision sinco Its Infancy. •e � Allow no 4)11(1 10 deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-go4NL" aro but Experiments that trifle with Saul endanger the health of Infanta and Children-Experleico against Exper!uent. What is CASTORIA Cafeteria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opltun,I3G►rptttio nor other Narcotic) •Abstance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys'Worms and allays Fcyerishncss. It cure,( I)Ltrrluea tun! Wind Cale. It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Chlldreu's 1'unacea-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC COMPANY. Tr MUNIA• .1 salsa . NC W VOea Crrv. Miss Maggie Moodie was the guest of Miss Jennie Monteith. Miss Jean Hamilton Is staying with Mrs. Harry Rundle for the summer. Mrs. Fletcher is visiting in St. Mary's. A woman who is weak nervous and sleepless, and who has cold hands and feet, cannot feel and net like a well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove ner- vousness, and give strength anti rest. Friends of Mrs. David Duncan, of iligrh River, Alberta, who recently underwent nn operation, will be glad to know that 14110 is improving in health very nicely. ASPECT OF 7.1 '' ::11:111 ,(•il. 9.1'IIIIA t.,y u t b1,p• pro • uslwa(i, wife or semi) member of the (amity ■uatains a eta or Lail eerntch,tabichfesterl or turmtoblood• p iestene. Re -tilt - elf work 1 What (toes teat noon at pa : day i Zaire Birk tt 11 1 • t i •r keel -met o; ' the Lord's Da)iDa) I.,Ib as n day u 1 •1 :'4)d o: "1rrublnts wounds, cut• or injuries t I g•Itinq'he wrong way." Api;y it worst) 1• Ind 1631 s !grass sreiosi I•. i in.•i:.AP:t anal it, ki'I. the ,loon .on o: 1.s 110: kee.r m • 1 11 rt :•h 4)1 7 .. rand ° d tp tul11:4114 htote . • -t 4)'e tore,( t" . 41r 41'01114 ') herr 1► r.11 there -ours sate,••( that tho :rife W1011- otl.,•r P n;; on Saturday ni riots b• di+con• • • If you have in tee (Amity, te- t tos,r.ngwona, 11 rrotion or tiny akin disease, (' try 'Zam•It,tk 1i rat - don't ap-nd 1, tinned. and if poseiblc ho.h m-rcha1114 and people corn • ton ;rank and •r -I standing and that Friday evening be' (h • open night, when all trading could be done ; ;that places of busneset b•. cloud on Saturday evening' nt 1 east by clock, t6: delivery nt 9 ti (•'ec'1 i 1• • uey c)•1 expert• hence all persons can have full oppor• 11, rllinx 1 Y .n (•, ttnity to prepare for -The Lurd'+' r '• ti h ro to '• Day.' We believe that such a ell 10e• • 1 Koe' L'►n' • �' ( \8. /1 41011:d not only b,• in k.• lima nit), -. 1 Mak greet - sentiment r ,l of the Ilo.y Scriptures and ' ' `It• I''' /] epedAf the spirit of "The Lord's Day'' blot : i ' ea 1 end (, 1 sults in labor, and labor 'evco d y• 1 every week rem Ire in h •sisal ii• ,r t!,.r• .steins: - c E 3 ;Sari :le. A. M Ereek t, 1\'nllin�t"n Street, moral degeneration. hence nat'on•ts .1;:ruled►,t)-t.,a,%.: •• if "11,1.1.44 decay must inevitably 'follow. For-' I; et Z.mullnk nt tint, it w•.u141 b..%n thermore we believe Ihat V lie Eta r'•v'I (00 .ores of dollars; ae well as churches and Christian peop!t' do not 1 h•NtncdaR•pny." !11 r. Its ,ke has ip'4'1I (bus take our stent) for the O'lteri n n•rInfe.-zoma. Hemp': •• Myneek, ;nerd:ng o: 'rbh• "Lord's Day' as .11 cl;.•tscl.l bnlywere c•..erect wall an day of rest. then trade and labor or- 2r-ri' ht disease. '1'h0 tithing, bnrmng or- ganization!' will :sad 0 i in the pre.- to ! s•la disc I suffered. nano who h,4)+ +% at s•rvir•. God has ;riven us a rich ►'.' is t'rotles it ce t t -III I)rwtora' her:( ,. n c + n ,r tine s . bt , Ga a• + sb:rt*9 neo , n 1 n•sr wines ad 1 t r s d' 't ► o' 1 r 1 didn't ours---th? � p ha! h. I f has not been told -Let sty • syr • u n:4) a bit of easel l an 1 from onn h -•r foundnt Dns de -p and build d cp. ', s �rnother 1 pasted, only to Sad :y that we may have a nation ' eh r; . •r ta. ',either \1',th 7..,m-ltuk it was (and is the Lord." On behalf o . .11 'i c. •".1, a , 1 w:t'•o„t going through s Messy. rial Association. Rev. Co, n •TT sl err. 1 ca,► acv that a fe.v week r' would also Hoak • for :arrer pnlr.o1- ; . r roti of Mate° tam. b••cana,• a wade open sundst- )(Co rthinga .ch r. Jt,,'(. llov. Snm1el h. Hhar r, 11. 11. Thames Road Mr. Paul Madge arrived horse fir 11) Alberta last week. Mr, Madge tent over Shale it lot of country a'hi a he was out theree and he thinks flint ,1'- berla 1, certnn'Iy n fine coiner y. Mr. G. Julie" nes blot been 'akin): ad- %'illltetae of !lie flue weal h•'r. 111. 0 Is pal. a new tont on 1)111 yummier kit• 11'11 and ma 1t* s fete alfef•r/11mo inside •v.r .1 w; h 1144 great belling halm healed; . • .. e • r'.1 m • f •r ,r,.healed; the terr0Tte ••, w't i had held me in its grip for over • tt) k• 1 • r;'lierl z.•n•n•Ik in the rant puss • 1 •"' te• n`( the o h ► pr,l-lrati-n., 1 %eIm'segaloto•mon,, •• sp ' !.e. 6. F' 1c1.- 1. of 3'; t'ro'-,n'•her , ;.. )' $fi'e, rrtoniprq. ifs.. !tole ell •r•..: z ,•.wh1,41 le.arlie p,^.i.nnrd, aha rt 1oo8nta.te,r, n end dit,nl.•r,rl, and �+. te ten •,tall and thro' sit violent h•. 1 •.1 ..'eb•r a d he ir.'••d It. Y -n may . It r' 1 ref, ,a1, amid, .t d' a lh^ doet elr'• -- TWO 1113.1 wain fr.:eh.l, and gots 1 • •• .r r,• to go Into the :; • • I. ( dad, they ',old rot I1 +-' t- ^dtrsewere ad.•.. -1 re try '••• • 1. Ic - T ererythinz else and rave Miss hell is t•1?111f1g Area PIC C. till- „ • f Wel. itun•vtook shoot foot hell this week 1 • ••.t 0.0 •onus -s1 Thta, bit by The Miens 1\ Moiling ,ala the Rate a N.1 f'. hell, ellI 19 fere o;Tn throe • .1t their sister, Mrs I ' f..% •)►dv .-g the 7etn tank the li 11 r. 1. rd t tra,,Uy healthy. If Only The horse speculation,. hae1ng q , r:. I, 4.,stat•t l ed down snrl.rst l,a►, the Int metro 411(1, ' ••1 ant dl•rwses are sures by dr toting ll. it nt V1111nn In the teem' t • ',+•rr'+ipt,on A, plmpl, uhrts, rat•, rot. Lar e, 11.11. sere., end 1111111• a 111.11.1,1 1• 411'1 1 e II. i -heli .• -•,hl. rote, bar virtue. are(ling by 1 b.• ei ti 1 1 11.0 n'• 1 k. 'rhe, ,..e:hi •t^M., nr per fr„' 11110 .1 rt .M 1, 111 1141' 1 Pigl.h Stinted alta / • 1.'r, oz.•, f t I tic,. tatAtot /n �1n1(II:Yl1h. Org. ;1`: SVS Manure Litters Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beat t.y Bros.' Steel • Stalls & Stanchions can he installed as cheap as hunker and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder These three things are Kut a labor -savers for fanners and necessities en a fau'm. For sale by W. T. Gillespie Phone 51, Exeter. Ont. j NEW TELEPH ONE DIRECTORY The Bell Telephone; Company of Canada is about to issue a NC %V Tele phone Directory for the District of Western Ontario, including Exeter. Orde•la far connect hot e, and change of thins names, t Feng l'4 t f street ad 1ressen, or for duplicate entries, should he handed in at once to A. MARCHAND Local 111anagcr. Spools. Plotless BETTER THAN SPANKING. 1 spanking does not cure childrn of bed- wetting. There isa eonstitutionat cruse for this tmuLle Mrs. Id. Summers, Iiox xll Windsor, Ont., will send trio to any mother her nierosaful hotno treatment, with full � instructions. Send no money,but write her ' lo•dav if year children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances Ire it can't help it. This treatment also, 1 sures adults and aged reoplo troubled with urine difficulties by day or night. Sl)TiCE TO ('REDITOitS In the platter of the estate of (:.•uric• 1.•1, 444(4 o all• \il:n'to o; Exeter. in th • County co" •1111ron. (tent!0rn3n. decens•d. Notice is hereby given pnrsnnnl to It. N. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the cstntc of the said ti ore feeses. who died on or :them 1' 20-411 day o: ,Mnrch. 191n. are 1 r required on h n or before the etel day of 'Inv. 1910. to send by post prepaid. or deliver to Messrs. Madman & Stanbury of the Village of Exeter, So- ri,ors .or .h• Adnlinistratri'c o; the -aid deceased, their christinn and sur- names rtddressea and descriptions s� 11 the full pnrlicnlnra of their claims the sintement of their accounts and the n0111re of the securities. if any held by them. And further take! notice that offer such last mentioned! l l .he s3'J Adrninistrntrix will !pro reed to distribute the 1898(040111..' de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the :•'.l nis o: a hick eh 1 80311 t hen her • 4101 c • and hat the said Ad►uinistr 1- r:x will not 0c) 'table for said :1st•Ir or any part thereof to any person or porwms of whose claim notice :h'l l not iia% • be .1) r••e 11.•11 by I, ,• nt the limo of such distribution. 0!,AIIMAN yoliei1ors for ohs Admin; testes:. Dated at Exeter this lth day of April 11(10, Times Want Ooi Residence for Sale .We 'offer by private sale one of the choicest residence properties in Ext. - ter. Moderate six, good repair, con- venient location. Good stable and garden. Apply at onoe. Gladman & Stanbury 3-311 Farm for Sale Notice of Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby .given that the part, nt•rehip heretofore subsisting betweele the undersigned as General Merchant! under '(be name, Style and firm 01 Fifty acres; being }')e south ball Carling Bros. in 'rho Village of Exe• of Lot 2, Con, el, Stephen, London ter i(1 the Countyof Huron, has Chid day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business' wit! be carried on ab the same stand by.Witliam J. Carlin* , Dated at Exeter this 4th day of 'April A. 11. 1910. Witness T. JI. Carlin; Lewis 1I. Dickson \V. J. Carling. !toad. There is erected a frame trout and brick kitchen; barn 32z45 on wall a never failing Well. The farm is well fenced and drained and in good state of cultivation. For futher par- ticulars apply to 'W. T. lluxtable, Centralia, I', O. 27tf For Sale Cottage and three Iota in Exeter, being lots Nos. 65, 50 and 57 south of Siwcoe Street. On this property is a frame cottage (brick foundation) con- tainiug five rooms and a good cel- lar also a good well and a large atable. Good ,garden and fruit trees. The property has to be Fold to wind up an estate. Apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, 13arristera, Exeter, Ontario. Bake Shop for Sale Bake Shop for sale, situated in first- class summer resort ; good building ; front !shop ; residence above bake shop; flour and feed roots ; hake oven at back. Apply to Frank Gerrnotte', Grand Bend. 4 -7 -lm',. Farms for Sale That choice tarrn being ,composed •f Parts lots 18 and 19, consession 1, township of ("shortie, in the village of Exeter, 100 acres. On the prcm- iacs there is an up-to-date 2 -storey hrick dwelling house with all / con- veniences; large bank barns with Crater in stables; silos. drive house, ice house, and fruit of all kinds; 60 acres in hay and grans, 6 acres of fall %%beat, balance plowed last fall. This farm is in a high state of cultieration and well adapted for a man that wants !o do a dairy ousiness or gen eral farming. Also lot south 1-2 b, concession 1. township of Hay. con- taining 50 acres. 2 acres of hardwood bush, 39 acres in grass, balance all plowed ; also never -failing well tyitb windmill and tank. This property is well adapted for grazing or ordinary farming. These properties will be sold in part or whale to suit pur- chasers, l'ossession given in March. Easy terms of payment and must be sold as the proprietor's health has failed and he is retiring. For terns and particulars apply to ALEX DOW DR. 6. F. ROULSTON I'rop. on the premises, or to THOS. v CAMERON, Auct.. Farquhar, 2-10tf L. D. 8. ; D. D. S,' Honor graduate of Toronto,University DENTIST sr000ls 011110 Cooadloo IMO lei HOMESTEAD jREO Or-anoNB. Any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 11 years old may homestead a quarter seotoni of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta, The applicant must appear in perms at the Dominion Lands Agony sr Sub-agenoy for the district. Entry ay proxy may be had at the ageagy. s1 certain conditions, by father. mother son, daughter, brother, or sisters! intending homesteader. Duties months residence upoa and cultivation of the land in enol, of three years. A homesteader may live within tine miles of his home, stead on a drum of at least 80 aerie solely owned and occupied by Sim sr bis father, mother, son, daughter. brother or sister. In certain districts a homeateadda in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his home•( stead. Price $3. per sore. Duties -el Must reside six months ineaob of sin years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and oultivtas fifty stores extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pie -eruption may take a pur- chased homestead in certain districts Price $3. per acre. Duties. -'Must reside six months in eaoh of three Yearn, cultivate fifty acres and crest house worth $300.0(1( w. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the nterlo• N. D. -Unauthorized pnblication o t fhb advert/IP went wlUnot be paid for Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of OFFICE: -Over Dicksonit& Carling's John Smallaeombc. of -the 'r iiloge Law Offices, Exeter. of Exeter, in tho County of Huron, PHONE 5. CLOSED WEUNEFOAY errettscoollif gentleman. deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1807, chap. 129, that all creditors and 011(0(5 having; claims against :he estate of the 'lata. John ymallacombr, who died on or about the second day o: .March. 1910. are required on or about ht.• th • 9111 day of April 1910. to send ,y post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Gladman & 8l anbury, of the village of Exeter. solicitors for the execu- tory of the said deceased their ctoristiclr1 and surnerncs, addressee :and deaeriplions. the full particu- lars of their claims, the statement of hair nccnnuls and the nature of the securilics, it any, held by them. And further lake untie that after such last mentioned date the slid executors will proceed :to distri- bute assets of the deceased ninon; the pastier. entitled thereto. Lavin: regard only to thea claims of which they shall then have notice and that said executors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part there- of to any person or persons of oiliest° claims notice nhnll not. have been fro• received by theut nt the time of such DICKSON & CARLING, dist Mott ion. DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over tiladman & Stanbory Main street-EMETIC/1. ir W. BROWNIND, M. D..111. O Id • P. S., Graduate Victoria U Lasrslty. once and ree(denence. DOsalak(w boratory, ka•tas Associate Coroner of Huron. R. Blight., M. D., M.C. P. and •8., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- iversity. Two years ze14itient physician Royal Alexandra liolpital, etc. Office and residence, Dr, Antos' old stand Andrew Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN w• sR�aovaeunitatlted primal hands for tarsal "embroes sr ladtom es or vitiates ;roomy s$ lowest DICKSON & CARLINU saobsr G 1.A I)\I A N & Si''(.N 111111 Y, It errs ter., solicitor*,Notaries, Coate aslesr• d Solicitors for Executors. Oommle„ner.,'olicitors roe the Moboa• Dated nt Exeter that 23rd dy o' March Sauk, lite. 11110. taoasy toLoaa at lowest raters of tai Ilors'nr•n attention! The time is drawing close when tool wi:I be martiter on the road again. 1'oe will b• st:entitle cards printed. We are prepnred to turn thetn out on the shortest notice. We have a good lino of cuts to choose from. The prices arc right. i)o not forget the; 11e give n free insertion in the paper if you get your cards printed nt the "Times'' (::rice. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS VIA WESTERN CANADA CANAOIAN PACIFIC LOW ROUND TRIP RATES GOING DATES Apr. 5, 19 Jane 11, 28 Ash. 9, 23 Vey 3, 17, 31 J•I) 12, 26 Sept. 6, 20 TFIROUOl! SPECIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WRST Leave Tomato 2.00 p.m. ca above da,- Through First and Second Class Gmchrs, Colonist sed Tourist NIrrpets. Apply to nearest C.P.11. Agent er write 11 I.. Thempa,n, I'4,R A , T"mntn ASI PO1 IOIIESEEiERS' PAIPILET O11IOlir-fsAUt STEP:KT, asari a. a. CARLING sl. a. L. R. MICMAC■ i1ONEY TO LOAN. We have a iaroce amount of private (sass 150 on farm and valises propene• st IOWTaOS Interest. OLADMAN R STANBURY Barristers boltoltora, Rain et. Reefs MONEYTOLOAN ton ruin and tIllarc Prop, mem at lowest rate* of int, re.r, In,pro. ed 0101 other Nor/l,11 II/1 (.ands and Toss Lots for Late. none) to Man nn ouch property ERNEST ELLIOT. Cot.ve)31,111 (te Office. Main St. Exeter p1 1,1. rtp11 SALE -1 am again on the market toll*. v ith a motley of lit you1K Imre bred Shorthorn Thew. e n ar• ,at Ind'r' 4 , nlu ,t`elm, got by (boot I anus, Theme are goal roger and s III Le register- ed and mold sell worth the for' 1, to nuke room for the youngernue.. ('an also spare n fes females, Scotch lire), a Lcaullful roan hull, and one of the (,est to he had, 11.1.14 the herd. and *ill IT kept for the Im .m(Into( of ons. -hr,.1 Shorthorns, Apply to NMS ELDER. Lot. le, :omission '2, flay, or Ito( 24, Ilensatl 1', 0, The Usborne and Nlbber1 Farmer's Mutual Fire Mur- ano Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar,' Ont. Pi lot. .1. l', RGSHELL "ice'l'res., \V \i. itOY DIRECTORS, 110117'. N( 111115. 'r1I1A'i, RYAN 11 11. IIItO('IC. I:011T, GAItI)I\lilt. AGENTS, JOHN F.88BRY, Exeter, ameet to Usborne and ilitldulph. OLIVER HARMS, Munro, amt for Hibbert, Fnitarton sled Logan. JOHN CAMi'IIFLL 8eoy.Treae. Farquhar OLADMAN • STANSUR?. soliaitIM *4141(111, i)11 blip. Wincheleem. Fnr}nhar.