HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-07, Page 2r
IN -34-1-3.44-1-1.4-1.++++41-1-144
Colored etrhruideries aro fashion-
In new hats many round crowns
aro 50011.
Foulard it coming in for some-
thing of its old time popularity.
Linings must be as soft as they
one be made and as clinging.
Black and black and w hate both
promise to be fashionable veiling
The popularity of the en►broidery
robe is mote Marked than ever be -
10 re.
Tiny white linen buttons are used
on the new talon suits and louse
Fine grasses and big vivid color-
ed wheat groups are used on the
now hats.
Wash lace', used in combination ,vett weaker still. What you neer!
with embroidery, aro strong for'to give you health and strength in
summer wear. the spring is a tonic medicine and
Maillot•s or tights are modish'
the one atones reliable tunic nrul
made or Jersey or of silk or woolen blood builder is 1)r. Williams' fink
wooer goods.
\11 smart dresses, waist=, and fills. These pills not only banish
spring ills, but guard you against
suits aro trinlated in the, new Rus -
the more serious ailments that fol -
man side effects. such as anaemia, nervous de-
\tarquettes, !ince, homy puns' bilin, indigestion, rheumatism, and
all now appear in checks, both gun other diseases due to bad blood.
club and shepherd. Ur. 11'illiams' fink fills actually
Hand embroidery and pretty make new, rich blood which
laces are the dominant notes in stengthens every nerve, every or-
flow to Get New Health and New
Strength in the Spring.
Ftt•n the most robust fool the
winter months r% ing to their
health. Confinement indoor, in
often overheated and nearly always
badly ventilated rooms- in the
home, the °nice. the shops and the
school—taxes the vitality of coca
the strongest. The blood becomes
thio, and watery, or clogged with
impurities. Sometimes you get up
in the morning just as tired as
ashen you went to bed. Some pro they hove no doubt that it is Keuu
plc hare headaches and a feeling ire It is certain, at any rate, that
of langour ; others aro low spirited a \1"ilIt is J°hnstontt was boy
nhd and skin still others have are 011 the Northntmberland when Na and skin eruptions. These' are Na-
poleon took that memorable oo ••
all spring symptoms that the blood
is out of order. Many people rush ago
c►lu,stone loves to tell nnncdotcs
to purgative medicines in the of rho Emperor', and of course,
cant.swing. This is n mistake. You never lacks listene;R. Ho general -
can't euro these trouble; with a ly begins • "I was retia buy under
general -
medicine which gallops through Mr. \\ dean and I used to look after
your system, and is sure to leave the Emperor's cabin. Vie used to
have maty talks and 1 think he gut
rather fond of me,"
When the play ".\ Royal Di-
vorce" came to Sydney, Johnstone
was taken to see it and thoroughly
approved of it. Ile said the man
who played the part of Napoleon
a•a3 just liko him—"same stand,
same walk, sante face and he had a
mark on his neck like Napoleon."
I NTE111:`7'I N t: 01,1) MAN.
106 yearn Old .tc4owpaaied Na-
poleon on 'Trip to '•t. Helena.
There is a roan in a Sydney, New
S. 0th Wales, institution, presided
"ver by the French Sisters of the
Little Company of \Jury, who was
1J6 on alarch ''(;. Ifo is William
Johnstone and in lair) he was ca-
bin boy on 11. M. S. Northumber-
land, the )British warship that took
Napoleon to St. Helena. For a time
afterward he remained on the isluud
as one of the lwrsonal attendants
of the fallen Emperor.
His story has been sifted by the
sisters and less unworldly folk, and
many of the new blouses. Butt and every patrt of the body. Safety Dolce Being Tested on Brit.
An odd fancy of the moment is 'Iry this medicine this spring attd
the use on dressy toilets of belts of is+4 ilailroad t.
varnished leather. you will have strength and energy
A new lace grenadine, more often to resist the torrid heat of the corn art a Midland Railway siding out
called net than grenadine, is shown utg suunmer. i:, Kettering, England. last week
among the new materials. Mr. Cleo. W. Johnson. I1cmh,r`I' alt ingenious mechanism for warn -
\ S., says: "A couple of years ago ing locomotive engines!, was tried.
1'do soft Berges and cashmere are molten 1 came home tit" a lufnl)cr
used to build travelling costumes It not only warns the engineer SOO
for the waren spring dabs. -1 ing camp where I had been employ- yards before he reaches it whether
blood such A CUnd1tV tl "
t1 t "danger" er" Cr "clear,"
11.ttItNS THE EN(.INi:I.It.
EASE CURED BY 11(1119'5
l;111N1:t PILLS,
She Suffered for 'leo Yearn hut
Now Advises all Troubled as She
Was to Give Uodd's kidney }'ills
a 'Trial.
St. Robert, Richelieu Co., Que.,
Mar. 28.—(Spoeiol).--"1 recommend
fronds Kidney VIIIA the
all my CR�JNYN $=
friends." 'loses,, aro the sorts of ' ldWard
Dame Joseph Parent of this place' slsmbera Trento Stock Etchsngs.
:\u(1 the good dame gives excellent $asi! {t1VlS�tri�@ntf write hr our w ekly
reasons why she does so, "l ul' eir:a:uou *scud
two years," she Rays, "1 Suffered l Belo.* to a.uliottoan) h,nk.
i Weh.tre res»•1 L, ee ft„„ Si. i0rOr1t0.
from Heart Disease, H<'a,la('he' ournuw lw,old,u„ 7 r
Backache and a dragging sensation
across the loins. Seven boxes of
Dedd'a Kidney Pills cured inc. 1
ht.pe all who are troubled as I was
wilt give Dwld's Kidney fills a
Some people may ask bow Dndd's
Kidney Pills, which are purely a
Kidney remedy, can cure Heart w�0 sale• rh.m wlthent Mnr
Disease. And the answer is sifll ,^� ��� fl., To
ple. Diseased Kidneys fail to drain t reels, BrlrgsBeed Co- Ltd, lcreatoJOnl
the impurities out of the blood. 11
these impurities aro left in the
'blood they not only increase the
work of the heart in propelling the iOPE FOR THE DEAF -IN AC0054100N -
blcod through the body, but act On i[ 1 on• id the marvel. , f the electoral ace.
vee thrvugbout the world. H rite for rata•
the valves causing disease. Pure o ue Urasral Aennetie Cu., of CaoaJa Ltd..
blood removes the cause of the dis- ettl vault Streat. Toronto.
ease. Dodd's Kidney Pills make MIir171tt'h Hair Promoter
pure blood by putting tate hotness Crows Hair on any Bald Head
IU condition to Strain all ;110 ]01- On tale at Me C .bt F.rot.-•.r, a Drug nr'
purities out Of it. pa ri n.• n'. 7 .r•>nto•. (an . •.r t%.• tl.,,!att
il.tr Provos r.e too. '101.011,, ( amts
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
ser• many common ailments whirls
ars very different, but which all
arts• from Ole same cause a ere.
Ie•% clogged with impurities. '11t•
pats cause the bowels to m•,v•
regularly. strengthen and stoma -
late the kidneys and open up the
pores of the skin. 'rhea,, organs
Immediately throw off the aecu-
nenlated intpuritiee, and Bilious.
nese. indigent Liver ('omplaint.
Kidney 'Trouble+. lleadaehea,
Rhertuattant and euullar ailments
vanlsb. Ur. Motae•• Indian RooS
Sage Doctor's Bilis
--EARN Tilt: IBAltl(i:Il 'Ill .tDE 1t:1Y
IA system constant prat -tit et careful
Instruction: few weeks cotnplet° course;
tools e tt teeny,, dollars dweekly; uates conte twelvearn toreat to
logue. 'toter Barber College. 221 Queen
THE LINOMAN TRUSS will hold any reagent!"
bsr:,ia. Briaorsea by for ern. -1 ,o••dla ti room
write fur particulars. 1L LIYDUAN. (Resod).
tt -otrr cal.
Old Lady—"What is the title of
the picture, dear i"
Daughter--" 'Dogs,' after Sir Ed-
ward Landseer."
Old Ludy—"I can see the dogs,
but where on earth is I.andsrer 1"
Narrow silk fringe Is llSed O ed mv 00t wan 111. •t `liana is A a tg r
edge mans of the new straw hats, tl►st ray whole body broke out to ;,tet prints a record on a tape alas COUGHED ALL NIGHT
c effect being to soften tho far(. boils --some six and eight in a nest- ,sine in the cab sheaving how each
Net, are again much liked for These were so painful that I wits sicttal has stood during a run. fill This Recipe Was 'Cried, Cure
and for three , • drrcd a si - urs.
transparent nudernleeves and cor,fsnrd to the house Tho inspectors first orS }oltovted In f, {lo
uimne purposes in the summer t°oaths R'IIS grated by my tarots' ,tai to be set at danger. Then,
6d(•c tar. }qct no better; in fact the leaning from the engine cab, they i A prominent medical man, who
hocks. sores bt• tunes
to rat auto tn}• Ilt•sll, ltsreeted tho engineer to approach suffered with a severe cough and
Billows of fluffy materials and and at times were so he to i.r thatg
- cebtvebbs• laces enhance nearly rocite signal at, a fast pact. Ata c�'1 on tho lungs, often being kept
I refused to sit at the table with ,(,int far enough away from the awake all night, and weakened by
try lingerie frock now being shown. e Dr. Willi point
for a train to have been lost of etre finally discovered a Minard's liniment Cures Dandruff.
Shallow yokes of not, lace, or my family. :1 friend asked me onop. Y
E, • cattyt.ideues are a feature of ars,' Pwilink Pols Pills a trial id not vaiitl 1 decid pulled up without overrunning it, simple
in fivelhours bytho clock. 1y
t small wheel projecting from a g THE JOLLIER.
many of the uew dresses. Sleeves; ed to do so. 1 gut. six boxes and , .ever below the engine touched a is a laxative tonin cough syrup
on the latest models aro short.
'before they were all gone the sere- w
rid on the permanent way• touched
a hick can be made at home by any -He doesn't always mean
- a Il be ;ams to disappear and my By lel11 ,lietcly a red label with the word one and the formula is hero given When he comes along each day
A MT 1F;1.1;I'11.1N'l'. aa, much strengthened. 1 had Whened1
Chief Rro'lelft Back Stolen Chick. twelve loxemall brass box before the driver's sleepless nights in painful parox- And a pleasant word to say.
s, 31hen every boi,,
l and c:cs, A small red lam) above flash Isms. Those who sato tried it any I know he has his troubles
to' When He Saw 11. sere had disappeared. and 1 have • ed out, and ibe whistle of the cn it is magical, .a•nd beats any high -And life isn't alt a song,
•arty,, enjoyed rho very best of gine sounded. priced, slow -acting cough medicine But he's trying to forget em ��•� 11`r[tt\t:ItY 111AnvcARFaass.
A spa. where things happen in the eve' old. As be jollies folks along. 3 � Iron and woodworking machinery.
true tales of adventure fashion was health. The label rhmv(•d. the taut re ors rnglnee, boiler,,. steam pampa, seminal"
Sold by all tliedii inr dealers or natltlinl lighted, and the whistle'; Nix in a bottle onC hall ounce t `o t I t' engines, elrrtHo muton, ^rntrat'tors
describeO to the tarsal Ge •Rrapiu h: mail at 5 cents a box or Bax. t...itinued to blow until the engin ' fluid wild cherry bark, one ounce lir isn't all unselfish � earn : s : oveITisr
1rry, etc. Pend for rmtalJRulr os
cal Society I s K. Turdny, who has 'C:'f tVllChCd a lever And released the p D !t0 Limited. Toronto. 'rm)tresl, t•nti%o.»rer.
boxes for El:'.:,0 from Tho Dr. 1Citoom ound essence cardiol and three As he greets his fellow -man;
over uoo machine.. H. P ;Rix
to t•n making an expedition la the tiaras' Jledicine Co., Ilruckoille. •ources syrup white pine compound. Ile'A quick to ask a service, t �M
t ,.t,};,r. 1
mechanism. Again. when the ell AGENTS WANTED. 'rite expedition entered the trrri-Illnt ,� g:),•; approached the lonered nigral 'Cake twenty drops every halt hour Rut 11,,'11 do ono if he eau.
III for four hours. Then take one butt His kindness is something send roe fres umpu to Dent. w. �. Na,
tory of the linkellRn, never before! � a green label marked "Clear" '_ prricnre needed. Hells on sight
' coinage! \O BENDING. calm, into view, in Ilse engine. A to one teaspoonful three or four That ill fortune cannot budge; Atonal Drug a Chemical co.. Toronto. Auto ...•.„;,, tofarmers.lDonr work
rrs.s, cti tribe
wlnte men. The c glgrudge. CLEANING OR ..f 30 men. Pays for it.clf is one hour.
of the triter lank the form of bars! The vi:tag( Cl;ndriy School trrnt�grrrn light showed, and an clrcttic, cording tteTag lvTb This tone up iLButnil sl))ettust �rl than a cud a LADIESg ovTtt•r, tsrito aide>, C. U. Adams Co. Harr.ta,
of iron weighing two (sound., vain- was in full swirl;, and after a vitt-; brill rang. and rid the system of deep seated • • • SUIT. Ont.
NI in Etlghatl Money at exactly sev- licking tittle, the youngsters vrere , t371sM Mn• Mr'sen/ M °" PP*** Peeesu r'9* Or ]1F: $ORTi(Ell \
+ coughs every rime. t $$TI$$ AMEUI0*N Sra1Ne 01. Company have good openluga for et -
••n pence. As Boort an the people not: engaged on n heavy tea.
g 1 YOOBRN MFDIC1fi)� .1t,♦awa roaurrca ot•r.w.. QOgD*O pining'v.d tn.nra,,,•e writer., also for
heard that the tn3ctlers' ,,tuck of :.ittle Johnny. though uuaeeii , SHE MEANT VIRAGO. /1_ young men who desire a0 make mictoe
iron was nearly fiui,hed they began foaled to very rich fare, had brc'1 FOR. YOUNG CHILDRENCOod t Address. dohn Lobi,. Managing ihrectoe
"( never dare to look llbon when Is Your Nearing 1 North* ru l.tt•, darn' S1j
Tn whom ref enncern Thl• Is to
I'm standing on a high place,"e.rtlfy thatill hart us,•.1 Mi\,tRI)81,ltit•' •. •uu th• _
liniment was rtquired benertit of *rod hearing. Siad for tree
said Mrs. 1.8p9tln(,•. "It always tut �Ta°liro]f whrrwell an prescribed it in The RP.ARi RptDi tr ularwill
e gene °ares Tet] Gz't oe w oo, Rln slh•• 70wnchlp of
gives WC am attack of verdigris.' and bars uercr failed to get the desired 4bottom. o Carador•, ire the ('.runty of Middle -48y
,,firer. of se1isfled tis
Alr•t 1
._ C. A KiNO, M. D. 1pselsl OR•r ler a Month's Home Trial ;.ltd, tet`teyfr;tmrlb'r,,.2ftamo acres
horns )n
A Pleasant Pitreative.—Parm0• THE eRAHO ELECTRO OZONE LIMITtO. other outbuildings, a few rods to pttbll�
i,t 5nadlna Avenue. Toronto
.,.hoot. and close to church. 1 toile, fr
1, r,'M Vegetable Pills are so rota s!,,throv market nod It. It Station.
p( united as to operate on tenth the APPENDICITIS O. f it n A(rii. i t?: Tilt: ntyof IS
of nlartdford, in the ('.,arty of GIS
stomach anti the bowels;, so that they fin,], aril, black clay loam, 2 ,,tures racy
act Moog the whole alimentary and fired without operations All wig ato he re st• rete house, frame hank barn with atabt
est passage. They aro not
Dieted with 1111, d%"5'• and wish quit
When n man fails in all til; on
erred perni•nentl,l. safely And (1 int tntder, other m11buildU:g•, building
llta-11C In their work, but mildly t erink111 4 1{e blames his parents with this Rtrat Itoroct-pthlc Ywhereemed• '11 (1rtly new and I, stood.repair. situated
elfgatte, And the pleasure of talc-
for1 e ay the brought him I1p, whirl( will he sent post -Dalt tlnn fir tut rtrarrl mad. 4 mil••• from tTdtnlru,ck
i only equalled by the the Jle toe world with
rtRrctila refmanent•curt'. mnnt•lappaar. i1,1 (virn200 • This advertise.
ing ahem is u , q•••••••• .slag t^ a lnquiMre will plrn•o Onto the paper U
Kratlf}'ttlft effect. they produce. T. 11315 HoTeen lh1• Pharmacy, shays they saw this mltrrti.cmrn} The
Pains Disappear Before It. \e Price f- Alt'' •
deists IV ..lrrn 1'.r at 1'-1.it0 t 1, hangs, Limited.
( cnnpotluded only u( vegetable soh one.need suffer pain a'heii 1110;' lla30 Arnt►rter1, CanaNea. ;b t)unda, St , 1.•,n.l•n. tent.
statiern the curution qunlitics of atailable Ur. Thomas Eeleetric' „His., t'c)Lr>Innt nn:r ni.etllun
which were fully tested, they af- Oil. It not in the house when re- O rand., w,tt1.'•) a•rr, 1,1)te whr•s
tired nl the 1 OD and anted tanningr land,,. Hr•nd for ah
gnirod it can be pro(
nenre't store, as all merchants keep The famous new discovery of the ase, l.,5raphe and surveyors' n•pnrt+ 1'11•
'.1 ri.rht Ineestmrttt (•n., 1Mtntuton 'frust
it for sale. Its Jdinr, ' '1e tr. r. 11 t'.
1lhrun,allslll and all positively, quickly, completely`relieve,,
b01111\' pains disappear when it, is and Sweating., Iluuion•7 Thick
Quinsy, hr. sat,nn, {►{: N.3 Lt; OR Exi-fl3NIO:. 1ii'ILD1Y0
applied, rind Mhould they nt any or 6 to. S:.00, mailed on re :ear' 0! r'r,• •' by Int and turns land. . a•Y pay
n•tort+. Will buy we•aterri properly- H.
LV4 a MEDICINE CO., Toror►to. w Math••ws, ):oom 11 1.2 75 lunge street
The Doctor ---"Mrs. Murphy, you
must be at your husband's sick- bed
constantly, us you will need to
band hitt something every little
w )tile"
MT.s. Murphy-"Niver, doctor:
Fur be it from me to bit a man
Farmers admire a cut- rate grocer
until he cuts the price of butter and
Allan's Lung Salaam 1, e•yarlalty Intended to
break up oe,;le le•1 c •u h. and many 1, •F•less
'Ave, have been saved b7 its •e•. lbatata$ no
opium 1u any forum.
The hedgehog and the porcupine
ar,: truly a prickly pair.
whin 110'3 down.'
Kith• -"}tarry I)ix say!' you are
as pretty as a picture." ('Zara --
"Nonsense! He didn't means it."
Kitty—"Oh, yes, he did. But, of
course, you know Harry's taste in
pictures isn't anything to brag
;'AZO o1VTMIKVl is guaranteed to cure any
else of ltchint. Hlind. Wet lig! or Protradlag
Pam t• a t• It days or money rsfuaded. 30e.
Never judge a man's worth by
the amount of insurance he carries.
A Thorough Pill.—To clear the
stomach and bowels of impurities
and irritants is necessary when
their action is irregular. The pills
that will do this work thoroughly
111'3 Parntetee's Vegetable Pills,
which are mild in action but nighty
in results. They purge painlessly
and effectively, and work a per-
m:atclit cure. They can be used
without• fear by the most delicate-
ly constituted, as there aro no pain-
ful effects preceding their gentle
Few men appreciate freedom too
til they view it from the other side
of the bars.
Painkiller In winter checks cbtlih, breaks up
colds &nil thus pe
aria Rheumatism. Unega lie 1 ants le ai Bronchitis,
t I ,
treat buI'u. 0017 one J'aiukiller—Perri brukaa. sprain'. Dartsd .
One-half the world doesn't lie
awake at night worrying about how
the Other 111111 l n , s.
1linard'a Llniment fir Sale Everywhere.
The limit of satisfaction has been
reached when yon beat the other
fellow at itis own game.
Free to Our Readers.
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
for 48•pago illustrated Eye Rook Fry's
Write ■11 about Your rye Trouble and
they will advise as tn the Applica-
tion of the kiurine LYs Remedies s er An Your
Bpeelal Case, Your Drursil' will tell you
that Marine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strength-
ens Weak
vein a d e.pfls four 60c. TryScotties
Tour Eyes and in Flaby's EGranulation.Ryes our rarely
Eyelids and
The Sentimental One—":Use,
many a wiling face convents an
aching heart." The Literal Idiot—
"It scenes to me that an aching
tooth would bo more likely to be
Mrs. A. E. Bedwetl, of 837 Pro -
sandier Ave., 8t. Boniface, Winnipeg,
lays ;— "Some time ago my children
touts diphtheria, and while attend
tbern the poison enterodas°tallscra
on the second finger of my left head.
Tuis became ver}'sere and blood poison -
1134 coon set in. For months after -the
chtldren were quite well I was suffer•
ing from a shock:ugly had finer. 'the
ecrstoh was caused originally by a pine
and in itself, was not et a'.1 serious.
Ths consequences, however, of nogleet-
Inathis scratch,werevery Berton' tome.
When the blood • polsonlpg net In 1 tried
poultices and a salve 1 hail U1 the holes.
These, however, did not hats the desired
••sect. unite on the oontrary the Auger'
Leconte mere and mere swollen and dis-
colored. 1t then began t0 fetter, and I had
to call in • doctor. He lanced the finger
to let out the pus, and you can Imagine
how painful rtes finger weal Ineuita bis
oer•, hewer -r, tt again festered and the
obcruentw, liniments, tort other prepara-
tions which the doctor gars me eeemed
al»oI'ttely unable to bring abnutany relief.
' The dnotor thereupon•dvi•• ' n,esogo
( tato the 8t. lto�tltaee Ilo•pitt • feared
that If I went to the Hosplto.. ,e floor
would he eanautated. We were told of s
case similar to my own to which Zan -Bak
Lad effected sours when everything •1N
had felled and the doctor had mild that
only ampot••ton could save the petfoa's
b3'11117%17% the; oro, derided to give Zara.
Ask • trial A supply was_ procured, mad
we oonttuetr.d the 7.aru tisk treatment.
It only nee:led • taw days to show the
swin.'ern mruanor�pver�br•dlu�SDth pale
b•otme lea ,,sate, and 1t was eviddent
very shortly that tho trouble was being
reduceI to a less and still len arca. W
per.er•retl with the Zam But sad In the
•n.i the fos'ering sore was thoroughly
cleanei then heeled. In tinder three
weeks from fir»; coramnring wtth Zam-
It ski the finger WAS entirely well; and
had we unpile{ 7..m Atikinthedratt piano,
instead of trying ordinary p D oo�t�
no doubt 1 a'tou:d i sro saved myself
hours .. nd tour* or acne SSon y.'
♦2.1 mothsrs.t,oald ante this naw. ram•llak
is • ears etre for bteol•poiw,ulnS, f..tenng,
woe. eoret%bee from barbel rets,,. br 'bee,
saccus rune" tetter, salt rheum. tsar fora;
ulcers, pthe. b d le(. vatic°.• rrine, and •a
skis leluri•t and d.e'aUN. i(st • hot • •11 drag -
ate endorry cr pn.t f r• rem*. tum nnk Co•,
Tatoronto. for rrix. Mend In stamp for postage
or Free MI.1 bnr. Relit.• all l ,ltetlows. _•]
OUTIi At RI( .1N 1t:tFl:.INS WAND
rants Mniuht and sold, 320 acres.
Di, Motion, floo,n 23. 43 Scott t t , TnrnnW.
"TA\Tt:D - S01.T1( AFI:I(•AN WAR
`` r rants. highest price paid. Fut
Rote, Scott Pt., Toronto.
to show hostility. rating until 11e cottltt not accoutre,.
"the chief," said Mr. Torday, date another mouthful. and be Sin No sane )notifier would hi.la her
"brought about the climax by os- consequently (echos 'lightly un self treated under the condition of
atetrtatiously stealing our chicken•, con,fortah:e, modicinr or surgery of half A ren•'
rt,! this WUS ..f course A Oeel:►rn ''Shull l Lift yon down. my little tut;• ago. Why then Mhenld she
tion of war. :\ less itnls,rtant chief - men 1" was the gentle inquiry of a!
f;ivn her tender little child the old
came to me awl explainc.l that th.• la,Iv helper who had noticed the fashioned medicines that have not
great chief had decided to kill t1!. sr'tith wriggling about on the seat. Limner() in halt a centras. and
I replied 1 he wanted V.11 r he cr,nl.l '1' n•, Please, mum," aasentcdivrt,ie h more likely than not contain
Lave. it, and 1 aoultt slay all lie: ,Johnny, %chose di teudrd anatomy, p(.ISonous opiates that will asst
pa( id, with toy elephant. math, hien ho.d himself as still ns acute the child, but merely drug t>
•-He expressed doubts as to the poker. "Yer can lift me down,'. i into temporary itts••ngibilitc.
1 Baby's Own Tablets Is a ntc.lrrn
medical science. This meth' 111,•'
tures all stomach. bowel, teething
and other ailment% of childhood anti
babyhood. And the mother has the
Rtmtnntee of a government analyst
that it contains no opiate' or p(►is-
011011s drug. Sold by medicine ine deal-
er5 or by mail at 25 iotas a box
frog The 1)r. Williams' ale.licInc
('u , Brock%ille, Ont.
Yen may have nvti('rd that people
with big hearts usually have !onn1l
p.,r•let br,oks.
existence of an elephant. Forte• . and here his look wa, truly path,,
nal(•ly, he had with tis n clockwork tic, "but pleaec don'1 bend ma:"
elephant, which waved ifs ttunki
an(', walt,etl. 1 wotunl up the etc- 1 111. FAILED 'fO S1:1'; 1'1'.
Onset and 111a(l4' it walk on rowel Mr. ('1.....•..,the (touring his wife's
boxes and then the tent door wood c1'ceptinn1 em lights;
thrown opal; the chief, seeing thn. ane giv.1,. , 0.,1; t. -he Rives 'cin
uncanny beast, w:►nt,•d W run away. food, fl thamphctne. and
Simpson, 111y comp,tflen,' that s what !.• ' .. ' ret'civing:
(tlnist+•d that ho %hould have ail-
other look. hut, thin wag too trach 'fh•' nr. • 1 as r, rtl,,!:t, . 11..1
for the ehirf. for shouting: 'I ala lowao•: 1••
Vint, to fat ch those chick(ns which kif.ds t , 5,..;
been st•.l.n,' he ran back into the In a yii t t oso cannot
thy, tillage, null in a few tnittutea withst.t:.4t tit, tt• l,• • s ,' teeiedy.
(,•'r property wits res.tered to IIS.
"1 f"l1,nteft mp IH ' tole 1. 1(1('- Tnu many mist.;=.•' slteir own
ftt.•intt to fight 4'11'1 i0 46 and et'- pathology of htc fur a sya.
et) thing with my elephant., and teal of divinito.
threatened (.t set tire to the yarns.
'lo illi<t►nla aurp oanet1 wburned
Only Ore "It0es1° (II 1N1VR"
51)11)1' 3'liiskey, and this quits eon- Tim t• LAXA(ISP IiRnttn'tl "iv5 C•,•+e
'tweed die 11:11 4'4 thnt die ss for th•.it;nat•.r• nr a us oltovtt. t oed the
wubl over to 1.,r• a cold is One Das ren
men were able to destroy :nly-
tlriuu." "You 1)1134' an e•nnrnr•rns app,,-
- — d tite " said a thin man enviouely.
1I1.1("ris1'; �f.\Ki'- I'I I I 1 T "What cin you take ter it:" "fn
OIO Lads •'1 want you ,Se all 111Y ('5510ri(•tiee, replied his
plump frieed. "i have found no
back that parent sun 3„1(1 nt' I Ilting nlr•sc s'litahlt' than fo,,d!"
fin.: that he S5Yr arM very btully.''
Ilir(I Dealer "Well, ,radar, it'<
a t,•ry t•••IIn5( hi rd. It'll learn t''
sw.111 better when it's a bit old-
r•., .a, all
The Powder 11111nfactnrer --- -
''i'un.y oh: 'I'o1n, of all peet'Ic, gn-
inC int° the guupeuder shed aith
a Tight, .l candle. 1 should has,
tie ;edit that that wont() he the In,'
thine hed .1.1 .. The llorkntnn
"1Ci,ich, properly sl.cakin'. it were, 1
ei r.
Ile why. knot.. 5 110 1 led outside hi,
oharch km,a1 none therein.
Try this
To •
• DY -O -LA
E ONEmr TOIIALL1ul*Os or aeons.
You don't hero 1• knew ;••hal KIND of cloth
ur (.,mt,a,ema,le of. SAME Dye for AL1,.
No chance of Mistakes. All color, to rents
ham your Dntggi•t or Dealer. Sam le Card
And Booklet Pros. Ths dshns•A•R�OIt•r•eert
wctr . Lie; ti,t�.MePtlY/.�'a�er♦
M•nard's tinintent Relieves neuralgia.
tattled is rimier so louthesnme as
when 0 assumes a holy name.
Mother (Iraves' Worrn Extrrmin•
at•.r dues not require the help of
env purgative medicine to complete
ll►a euro. (live it a trial and bo
001)5 inCCd.
Foreman (explaining the accident
to the owner of tho building)
"Barney was working on the runt,
sir, and he slipped and fell the
elude four heareyr, bringing the
cornice down with him, sir, and
breaking both hie legs find four
ribs." Owner --"Oh, sell, never
mind. I intended that ('nrnic• to
CAnte (loan in any case."
fano relief without chards of iu-
Vit down and wait for things to
1 nme tour way, and the first thing
that comer will be the wagon toltime return, experience tenches the
heel you oft to the county infirm- it*c.. of the Oil how to deal with
A doctor prescribed 1 03 and
change for a small boy, saving that.
1113 system was quite tip -tet. After
he had gone the little boy •aid : --
"I knew f was upset, mamma, be -
rause my toot's asleep, and things
must be pretty bad when,yots go W
sleep atthe wrong end."
Ai Fire 144504515 ,try gram, s• 11, • atn'• .1,1
enge 0 In th•• throat g
]r•sl prompt'? with a •''1.1 a• with a t1,•, sod
when toil beam to tough um AlIse • Lung Halms.
11 INSilt V:\'I'iOX 1\ 1'()NVl:lt-
11 penplA only !raid what they
th• tight, there wouldn't be so much
t: !kit►g.
15.1'1; NO. 11 11.
The trouble with trouble is that
it. usually swoops down on ns be
fore we have a chance to sidestep
Mot is th• Out Thing l 11 sty rthenit wesak
bac%% • 'I1., t 1 1.
cora Ivmbae' anal rhe ion diem e. r,•11e mei,, I
sewn Y:e, p►sstrrt. Ua„e L Leveret:ice Co.,
s ' •
No man hclietr in any real hea.
yeti who does net saeat to snake it
reed here.
fn its initial stages a cold is a
local ailment easily dealt with. But
Pinny neglect it and the restos is
often the devel°pmcnt of di'tresling
Feiturca of the bremehial tubes and
lungs that tender life miserable fur
the unhappy victim. As a fust aid
there is nothing in the tinnily metli
ei1.0 line so certain in curative re-
sult^ ns 1)ieklc's Anti-('onsutnptivc
Syrup, the far famed remedy for
colds and coughs.
When You're Hoarse Use
The letter the cense the greeter
the mischief of a base method.
*Marto lieim•nt Cures Sons. Ete.
I 09
11131 Nt9KlM1 4011 C•1411Stitr�llS
Gives immediate relief. "Ile fret
dose relieves your aching 11,1 oat and
allays the itritalion. Guaranteed to
contain n0 opiates. Very palatable.
AllDrusyisto. "•Sc.
`• Toronto.
Railway's stew lib! •� r11Ye:aTTtl'•ens ;treaty
=tee. vet HMd•
cud, jai ache.
a.• 1 Hm��rtllrtttgt, t.ti,sbss�•r+
'� . " $s 1(u t t Q t•-��,
• aawe arotl ltd tai •
'n�sfvse o1•trlsl
sat on of al1rAM es.
sAi1►Ar• 11RABY IWO/.
Your t•'nr..t Las Lei om'thin snd weak.
The drain ulna your ttstem the past few
months Mgt leen very gest. Yeasrr(on.
a,iurntty Ire!mg '• all c,it al iris and
"run II, n." four •(Sei.te is La.l and
cru hardly have enough energy lrrt to d
your (lady dull.%. You should lalt
f'SYC1IINE. tt:egna'esl01Tonne.
out delay. ',lite -..11 put you on our feel
at on. e.
Gentlemen: --'I Lase used()SVC,IIW:
and 1 do think it ;$ 1h- gr -a1••1 10,,:- east
.)stem boater known. 1 w,,n1.1 ad..re all
who are tun -down or� `,hynt ally weak h.
tttrPSl't itl'i{..'rout.holy, Mitt ja..
1lrrtrasJ, West Toronto.
N tee ars wes'u ?STCHINI will este Tea or..t
F., 131. 3, .3 t renett Des1.0. Sec. A St
per boO.