HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-07, Page 1p 1: i xrier rUIRTY-SEVENTH YSAR-NO 1903 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44••••NNNN "AAII�� JONES & MAY'S Phone No. 32. NEW ARRIVAL -OF- Dress Goods Every Day Brings Us Something New This is the time of the season when you are all looking for something NEW and NATTY. We have a beautiful range of Exclusive I atterne in Dress or Suit Lengths. All the season's Novelt;es are shown here in abundance. engt Block and NM Checks Are very popular this sea- son. The makeup very swell and are very becoming to any Lady.All sizes y in check tor 25e, 50c, 75c and $1 per yard. i 1 BIRK YOKES Are very strong again for a real dressy Lady. They are very fine in their weave and I cotne in plain or fancy Satin stripes. Prices FOc. 75e. $1 and $1.25 YOUR NEW SPRING HAT Should have the touch of Fashion's hest style. and it an have 1t at a moderate expense if purchased here. Our experi- enced designers will suggest your particular becoming Style in a Hat. Our Milliners are very busy. Conte along Early and they will attend to your wants. a imp SPECIIII $ I KID GLOVES \Ve have secured a regular SI 35 French Kid Glove that we are making a special price nn of $1 per pair colors Black, Tan or Grey. Every fair Guaranteed. NEW SPRING CHIS Just arrived another ship- ment of New Spring Coats. Nice short jaunty ('oats or the long ones, Striped or Plain Covert Coating $5. 167. $S, $11) ROOM RUGS ARE ALL THE GO Never before have we had such a season for Huge. It is easily seen we lea'1 the town as business talks and our business this spring is a surprise to us. Small Hugs or Large Rugs will found here to suit everyone. theIf you need a Rug for any of your rooms do not fail to consult us as we can lave you money. Rage from $1,010 ;up to $40.00 each. \Ve also have a beautiful range of Lace Curtains Curtain Muslin Carpets Tapestry do Dotted do Linoleums Frilled do Striped do Matting' Madras do Madras do Denims Jones & Ma T Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford • Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper 0•••..•......................................• ••••••••••••••••••• •••.•••••••••••••••••••••• i 1 Good Clothes May Not Make A MAN nut they can make hits )nighty proud that he is one. Our clothes WVi1•L. Try them and enjoy the luxuricus feeling, of being well dressed. Til EV ('r,.r No bioi:F: \cat n shabby or out -of date suit is not a badge of am- bition Or prosperity and there is no person of whom the world is lnorc shy than the slothful or unsuccessful than. Call 011 us and see our styles and pat. terns. Our prices are the lowest in town We take more pains to suit you and give you satisfaction than we do to sell you New Ties, Hats, Shirts and Shoes. Sandy Bawden ISlat Inc to !teat by which diamonds h^.vo , T, Compare Your Razor With the New Carbo Edge Don't be on0,flee' with the razor yner are tieing because you inertly think It Is the beat. (let the Carbo•Maenetic. Tt will lest bringer -It will give you a quicker, smoother shave. Try It for 30 days nt our expense - then you w11I know whleh 1a the best -for the sure test of value Is com- parison. "fight tempering" is the secret of t'arbo-Nlagncl`.e It aferrlority. The •.('arho edge" Is serene by an even electric heat of 2.500 degrees Fahren- heit -.a m esu " rarbonlz.ation s1m1- be••n pro/lured. The result Is nee hardest .offing edge known to eaten. e a blade that you ares luny t., tlono or grind. Don't take our word for it -the razor proven itself --soma In te"lay and get one on 30 (lays' trial -free. molt Poo fan ♦.set M nr ••••::.•111.• i • •ital rNlaaiemfthae ar o W. J. HEAMAN I i e .wttR'.11111$, HURON&MID DLE:SEX GAZET1 f EXETER, ONT , CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRII. 7th 1610. gimes. IF 1 CAN IAVE r If I can liveI Locals I Exeter Opera House To stake some• life the bright:r. or to' Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher is eeriouslyi Friday, April 8th give i, A second lustre to some tear dimmed ' eye, Mrs. Jos. Sutton is "'lite DI at her home, Main surest. Or e'en impart One throb of control t to an aching I it rank l o ''r has been ( n; afted as heart : barber by W, 1►. harks, Or cheer 3001•• wayworn soul in p,nr;- ing b3•: If I can lend 3 1 tate et., Teivitt A strong hand to the fallen, or de_ lot, t h 1' 1 pili 7 nh moria) Church. fend Piano tar iia -one• toed 3,•conI Miss Thomson is one of the floes! The rel!! ee•ai::;• •'ntr'e • •evio•• 1 hand piano. near!). nese. American a°prunes appearing before the public .;!coin. intake. only $$`100. Apply to John Ped -I to•ctay, She will be heard in old Folk M3 life. 'tiro bare, ler. Exeter, '11a;n street, south 1-7ti l song. in costume. Perhaps. of much that ra•t.mcth d :lir J1 r. Thos. 'E. Hand' shifrped a i This is what the Brantford paper says and fair load of show hors a to eW inn;pee F'ri- of bias Jardine -Thomson:- "The chief To tis on earth, will not have been laid.).. N1 r, Al. 11 3e,•tt accompnni,•el; artist on the program was Miss Mary alt'' them. i Jardine•Thornson of 'Toronto, and she gave great satisfaction. Possessed of a charming personality and a very sytti- pathetic soprano voice, her group of old English folk -lore songs were itn- rnensley enjoyed. In a most becoming Miss Mory Jordfoe - lhompsoo Strati berry Plants for (Hale - 1 Dramatic Soprano have a choice tot of $trawherr • ,I• of ten varieties for sate Apply Auspices of lbs Lada Me- of U Pots •, urC , The purest joy. The death 'occurred nr Star le on Most near to heaven. far from earth's Monday of 'th!a weeks of >.Mr'. 'W•0. alloy, \1'orden at n rite. old nee, The 'u n - L is b;ddin r reoud give way to .un and neral will be held on Friday, April Itth.i bi on Saturday last NI 1 he ; nd 'la ill 1a• wed, r• t, •,•I(lon old 1 efN► costurne she sang "Young If on that day of days the anew!; fel:I7he stock awns fo une trtlelen inches • of fall �h ne rne,"t"1'he,Blue Kerchief �to ' Keys [r of Of nte. she did her best for on • of and would he pretty haul to brat. for Heaven," and Great Grandmother" -a Th`n.. so early in the season, Helen )loot Jackson. The many 'friend. o' Mica Nettie dainty collection certainly, and very -�---- daintily sung, in the second part of .The many ii ho uud.rty"nt an opernlior, the program Miss Jardine -Thompson ESI?TEIt COUNCIL at the boap:tat. London. n ill be pl,•as-1 appeared in hoopskitt costume, and The Council of thu Village or Exe- id 'to 'learn taut the operation wnsl looked surprisingly well too. A num- ter met in the reading roost or the successful and 'that M'es K ddy islberof the "songs our mothers sang" Town Hall on Friday. April 1st, 1910 doing nic,•!y, at R p.m. All the members were pre- were sweetly tendered, and the clever a �i�-Z .1 eree•seette MlyrM tgltjjti;, sent. The minurt%s of the A e'nng of telephone nem haw,• L., n (artiste had to respond to ttvo or three = meetin{t working in'tou n during the vociferous encores. This is Mise Jar - held March 18th were rend and ap last we •ki proved. replacing many of the old po'cs withIdine•Thompson's first appearance in A petition sien•d by ,117 citizens °i" ori.s and making 0th r r,•pnirv, Brantford, but it is to he sincerely Special Discount.skin;. that 'rho Council repeal d1y_,;ttt.to the I;neL, Tb.•y are also putt;ns inIhoped that it will not be the las;. She Sal® No. 5, 1'!.09, Cimitlnx the number of °n ,Inder.rronnd cable acro.. Main ! is aclr.alalic soprano of much ability. lituor licenses to three , wasAtrret to connect with .the central' Next ! Yes n zt thin; is to h• ar The same was ordered (:teed, r:ad• station. Mr. Walter Gordon Cram on Friday, W. J. Carling. on behalf of ratepn3•. "Teddy". 'flit. hilly sole or C. \\' ' April 1eth. in his acplendid r.ndihiona erg on the Louth side of Huron street, Cross i3 erufferint from an attack of or wise! piece _a, ask,St. Vitae dance the result of a IrijhfE ARE starting nor Annual Discount. sale comprising d that the Council repair the drain between William and Carling received last week. Die brother Wil- v,/ every Article in our Large and NVell Assorted stock street., Per Leven- Luker -That he had the m;sroi;uu • t0 jet his hand Councillor Chris. Luker !caves on which we are offering at Special Discount for the the Reeve and Councillors Jlaikw-ill caught in a at -trap and it so ihoeked I'r'day for Ht. Catharines where be Nl:\'T THII(TS' DAYS, and Ileamen with the Commissioner the younger !anther that the above has accepted a s:tuntion, Mr. Lukee be a committee and report. -Carried, "°s the resell will ►now•• his family eller,. les soon n7 Mr. A.0. I) • . .r and J W. S no, ,Tay )or Mr. It, H. Lahr„ npp.'n exporter, will h • can dispose of h� properly. also -lies, 1lorrrll complained of the move front Si. Marys to Toronto drain in front of their properties not about May flexr where he propos •a BORN taking away the water. Per Hearnan'to mak' h:A borne. Ily his removal MIOHLEY-At 1Vhalc•n. to Mr. and and Italkwill (ha. the Reeve Council- St. Marys lawn and excellent citizen. Mrs. Oscar 'Morley. a daughter. lora Leven! and Luke- with the Coin- Mr. Lang will continua; in the apple GODHOLT-At Winchelsea. on Nlerch misaioner be a commit! end report Carried.bneiness nrnokin;t Toronto bits head - 24th. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Godbolt, )matters, -8t, Marys Arens, The following accounts were read March was a remarkable month, a son. _^ anti passed: The Exeter Electric Light Some of the older reaidents tell ma it NIEUU-At A1'inrhelsen. on :March 21. L. Co.. street lit;htine $63,00; ° 0 -Mr .and ,Mrs. W. G. .Medd, a = lighting $4/4.00 ; seri,' + n zood 'many years Ainc. we bad daughter, ! Town Hall lighti•• • such fin» wenth r Burin; the wIndy DEIJIt(JUGl•:-At Winchelsea. ,on $3.61): 11, llpnekman, gasoline and o.,s month. I, cant. in likea lamb and 1';7,10; Geo. (:udme.ore• labor. $3.00: went out the nee. The maple syrup . Marc?, 191 h. to Mr. and, Geo, Del. Sitars !landlord. do.. $3.50: T. ...rock Lf•nson was hr;cg n Lon' jr.. $'2,50: ; t'i dney \Near, do., 75c • ho> and i that luxury .will !MACK th • 5th Con. Hay II's-tete do.. $2.75: 11', \V A. he missed h} many this .ummor. The on March :10th. to Mr. find Mrs. tt1s,. 7 (atcotte do., farmers d:e) qui•.• n hit o: needin5 Charts (ltackwe:l, a dauthter. 51.25. Thos. do.. 75c: John which is an tiro:seat thin: during COltitl'I A1' -Al the $:u,h!e Lino. . Fre d ]lector. do.. Nlareh• lase i .. "I•rc:, 19th. to :\ire and $1.75. Geo. Ganders. do., Pile : David G !lis labor, fi2c.: 'Sara!, Ilradtl do„ bleated at theat Lfith% antch, rch. Dash. Mrs. ,lo• ph Corriveau. n son. rn, 75. \Vee. J. )1 sse,e. pt. e•:,lary. wood. on 1Vedneedap April Oth, abet it. 11.onIt-Ar the Goshen Lim• r. and - :1.00; C. W. Cross, pt. Palmy, cetne- M's, (hristinn lite , r. dautrht,•r of I'. on the 15th or Marc),. to :Mr. and : rye $'1`,,00: Jae. Connor. pt r-a!ar S Mrs Yainne•1 Braver, a daughter. 1 ratian.. 1•)5.00; '11 3 Mr. end Mrs. Nicholas Sieves. hecnm.• tiTEl BENSON -At the Parr Line. (Aker �0rth End Ifireihull,n�10,00 cart. , ,h.• t cid. or Mr. F'r •denck Urarin:r. o' Strinl''y'. on Mnrrh '20th. to Mr. and d,•rror. pt. halary. $4d.75 ••• T. iloulden• II 'n -all, former:v of Ex, r r. The Mrs. (:hurl •a titeph 0300• a dsuzh- .t► • c•rernony was p•r:ern,„1 :rr four "'r• In order to redree are large stock of pianos. We are going to of - part ea:ary.',leo week;, $5. arnoentint o'e'ock by the Hey. Mr. Than. The r ;n all 'to ?•Lt.fer- rive d on mo: ion of 1';m: L jo'na their many iris ndn in ox • MARRIED I fc r to the Public for the next thirty days the biggest value for the If PerIfe Luker llalkwcd, money that was ever offered in Exeter. Per Ii,•alnnn-Ilalkwill - That in !radiate congratulations. future all accounts LubniOted to the A m.e.:nt o' th bowlers ttaa held ,Ithe lil�3�D,'•'art.nt., left' ,indjelint •(otincil for 1ntor etc, anis! he fully at 11', 1\', Tamen', on Tu •+day ev:•n- 1'. D1:nn. Thornd•e . •.j Below will give you an idea of some Oi the bargains, done. -Carried, tr►nized nnd sit -city ober.• work was int. It was decided to ho'd the an• N1ay. to \ire Fred S. .'•t.1 r'. 00 nun) nit cline it/ .March instead tor Wednesday. March ;wth. 1'.•r Iw•veet-Luker-That the Clerk Auxnst as h••rntororr, Th o�y'Ji•leers UF.AItItG=aTEI•Kit-At ib - t,u.hcr- -- --- - not 'y N1 t. Cult in. ibe contractor for as '•'acted `n AOjust fast w,•rre a Blundall Piano Case Walnut Illi• water mains, of Ili,• unaatisfee. pointed to hold orrice until the n-•xt an church. lean Christina $l -t•+r t0 tory condition the .!cost ie 1 ft. 1 in, high, Ivnre and F.hemy IC••t•., to ur:tweed for an unlimited time now in annual m, er n, and w r • as follow.:' Mr. Frederick Dsarine. o! Ile e. ,.. Regular Price $2.)0.00 Sale Price $175 00 and ask to have the 'ante put in prop- f'r,s, W. 1\', Taman \ire -1'r ... C.IALLI:S-GAltl►1\Kit-At th Pres - •r _ •r comFtion as soon n pee ible. also 11. 14n -11. E(,•c'y {t, ' ('r eh. Tress. hyteran Manse, Them s Hold. by ai't • G. 1'. It. regarding completion of 1ominion Piano Mahogany► Finish N, D, harden. Th • 1 r e, '••rs Tire. en-, It •v, C, 1',t. rch •r, on Ti,T.day. April chnt�• d.pnt� and fr�zard,,- an addition treet 'info thd. for cthe Ind camin3 LummVrOnr,r,t. nr..; 5r b, 0 NInr. J'•nemet •ri G'ird'n r. to 4 ft 11 in. high, 7; •,etave. $peci.tlly designed in the• highest etyle of art. Reg - ! switch neceesary for the manufac. ij alar Price $: i3.txl time Price $200 00 t :rn.r (armee-Cern .d. �--- I' r Ilalktcil!-Luker-That 1TeA•r., 110A1ID Cr HEALTH I DIED Tay:or and Chander be offered $100.011 A in et•n,t of the 'oral Hoard of;1►EN - At Stn.'ra. on Niond.3. Morris Piano Mahogany Finish for the erection o. cement tibntmenta 11 •n:ih was held in the o.':ice of the 'i illi. Mrs. 11'm, 1\'orden, l ft. 7 in high, n ces•ary for water tower. -Carried.. Secre,nry on W:dnesday. March 30th, Price K� Keiu ent..d far ten }curs Rhe,ny and ivory Keye, Hegularlti011 jSTee�F:111.(ISE-in Hrr,rrave. on 'li n• SRI.in$:_In Mr. Thos, llarrno!I n'k,d :env. to 119111. The follow in r members were 'I , \larch _'i. Itob.•rt Stonehouse. crass Carling Steell with n Benin hresenL r)r. tiw. e r. A. 11 ,"and. �. „' 1 7I' years. --- -`- nd if the Council would gran: hien f'amph, ll and Ilse Ilrotvn'n •• Dr UI:I It\ -in Cr, 'nwa)'• Thugs' Dominion Piano Pure Walnut F' • rl he would furn.h the nre..Lary sweet was .'act rl Chairmen on end ' etch 211 h. 1!'10;, y. itre Finish file and complete the• work.-Grnwee Con of H. ('ample 'I :end A. Holland! diet:; I. r, of \1r, and \ire. Wilbert f it. in. bleb, this is the beet. {,iecno rnanetfacturwl L Mr. P. 'W, rain! an orreep,od the I'h • n1 1111 tee of , b.• 'a+t nr• tin•• were '11ood1' :1 n, Piano Co. Itcguher Price $a:;, 00 SRI. Price $'215.tN1 y The Dominion Organ & Council re,tnnlin t corre,q,ond.nce read and approve,), with 1h • gone.. `Shapely, Muir Co'3•, Th • following caeca n: `scarlet fever maiert that th• compnnyl could not and Scarlatina were read. f� I Ennis Piano Mahogany Finish comp's• with 111.• desre•e of 1 he council of report and recovery : Dr. hfy n Inman C Children l d r e n C r 0 •: •1 t,n,t the materi,rl no the ground one ca.' at ti dne•y Sender'.+ and on • FOR FLETCHER'S ; 4 ft. 7 in. high, Colonial Design, Hegnlar Price ofet el Male Price $225 for th elevated water tower by the nt Enoch Itowc!'r'•'s; Dr. Itond thee. 1:,rh o: April. drsirin,' unr;i t he CASTOR 1 A \V. will deliver to \•our home complete with et.•91 and handsome drape. day of .lune rind .rection w0„Id gbh Dr, aNlct !l;ehddy. o ` 0 4;,4 •4ntll.John' Any of the above pinnas on 1':et meat• of $31,1NI and you 'terry pay the finlance within 40 days thereafter. Mr,. Glad- NI ,II I1's : 1►r. Mond one ea• ' 0" Scar• due at >K'2 a week. man was instr,ici%d to cotter \e;th !et na at Geo. Atkinson's; Dr. Drown- •, MARTIN th • I:h:sn, er Mi. Farm -omit ':bt :. nd make 'tit on • at A. feed:ord's and on • at IL r� RTI N & CON th- firs: Bat •. poer•:bl .. ABL by IMa.korvillr'.' SON � Ilalkwill• 1)r, Droten:net an,,aested (t,u Ili )�;\};j'}.}j� •f • M. MEN 1' lt. Cl •rk. secretary secure advice from the Pro.lour I ON "I'A R 1O vificial aulhori.ic•s rezardin't the Th' old water tank at the corner of proper time and ways o! reporting all \la n and James streets in caving in. Worn:mei diens.:; and ley cin::; in Th • Hew, Mr. Nfeltoberts will occupy r'terd to scar's, raver, How long A N 11 SLAEIGHTER T to• p•1lp:t of the.lam.,s at root Nletho- 411(11:d th: (11_es I,• in •Inarnntinet and • d s: church on Sunday fl-Nt. Lhon!d bet. pans b:.• !or th t n Tu.eday o' last week at Ili • NI tin prop t• liftin t of ,he ,I'i.,r:intro -1 ; r Plot ort h 1, alae the :'o!iowin•r1•' r De Lrou nine- seco•us d by 8. o t.c rs w,•r e:• red: 1 residnf. 9', 1•; Centel :I that 100 tole, s ,:,eh 0 Ili • 1'armilord; 1st Vice. Mrs. .1, N. How- to' 044 II • 113(1, d painter ons b• e•cur- erd: 2nd Vie•, Mk,. M. Brooks and i1 .or d':ilbulion, nuetees scarlet 11 a L. titre a : :Ird Vice. sirs. ,I. tl' :ever. lyl,ho d fever. der h •ria, Luta - ++ lbw •.1 • 4th \ ice ,ll:s..4. 11 atch•rord; pox and that th • usual nu►ubrr o: All (food Kinds o� I rr.witer. 1tev. Mr. 1'ellnnd; Secy.. 'nn:troy notices be print:el and eli.- II ts11 11owr3 : Pianist. Mies Nl,rion tr'be,iied. 0f rcnmp a nt tv -r • ;off r 4 II atrhi1.td.Flour acid Feed and card by the Medical Of&er ne •ard tet the hole! -k •.p rs frcgnontlj kept on hand nlpty.n•t 'vas.0 wet •r with re(us• not on 'the :greet and into tnnin drain; :h • hoard to mak • an Inv all •ation. it is as recommend -•d that 1h • Hoard mak • nn early insp •rt'on of ih • rnnni- c pa it y. A conie nient date to ;e% f x tel. Mt'. S. Campbell mov>d that t • Hoard r, -commend (ha the tonne:! p,y lir. \1'm. Sweet. eh:Orman o? •h. 'oral hoard of IIcn:ih. $5 per ,,noun,. Adiner nment Jos. H. nor, Clerk, $x.00 per year In advaoco For House Cleaning Use Dustbane Why you should use it: -- J It saves labor in sweeping. It saves one half your dusting. It saves your carpets and rugs. It saves damage by moths. It saves taking up your carpets. It saves your health. It saves your money. Dustbane contains an antiseptic fluid that kills germs. 35 cents per package. Curtain Stretchers, 1, r.4o and 2,00 Galvanized tubs 75 to $1.00 Carpet Sweepers 2.73 to $1.50 Carpet Beaters I')c and 15c Step Ladders from 1 to 1.7 Washing Machines 7.50 to 10.00 Luid Veneer 25e Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleanser 25c Bag Furnace Work, Tinsmithing and Plumbing HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE .•iiii.i. ii.3ii'--:. ,�;=s;�i E=€ �1{i�+i tET£�$} of FURNITURE INTENDING PURCHASERS Will consult their own Interests byexantining our Goode and getting our Prices before purchasing their Spring l'ornittite as we c n sate you many Dollars, RO W E & ATKINSON The Leading Honer Fernishera and Funeral Directors. rrn!q_ 3_ TrrrITI "771.17111 .w ,q +....e,..+«ro® rs== 1 BIG CLEARINQ BAt� OF PIANOS Feed fASIIw'(N)D 1 have lane. stock 0:' Peerless and I' • fencing n'so coil and barb airy r, rh 1 will te•`1 nt lowest, prices,-: I,. Tioman, 0 1 EAIty I•:X1'EI4IENCE OF AN OLD NI'iI:SE, Mise 1Vins:ow'a Soothing Syrup 1!, the prescription o'. one of the heat Nina le physician, and sure,•. 'in the United States, and bas been used for fifty years with never -failing euce.A. by millions of mothers for their elordren. it relieves the child from pi HI, cures (iarrhoea. griping in the bewe:a rind wind colic. Ifs giving EXETEEXETER ON 11e515, (0 th.• child, ft rests the R, motbt.r. Twenty-five coots n bottle. Children Ury FOR FLETCHER" CASTOF Brati and Shorts Sold 1)y the Ton. Wheat taken in exchange for Flour and Oats taken in cxch:ulge for Oatmeal. W. Rivers ,�X1:Tttilt, ONFARR) At the Store One Door North of tlic Post Office lbws (fonds all going at. pt ices from sic (o Vie per pm' Silk Waists to clear at ftl.IN) Lidice Raincoats $:11'11(11 10 $o:x, Ladies Fancy Dells tit IIIc 071( Mens Percy 1 op Shirts let/tiler $l for 1;.i cents Mens Neckties rcgul,tr'9.w for tele Regular ale foe 30e Mens Linen Coll,us 2 far 13 cents Mens 14,1, 1'.,;(s from $2 Lq In $5 1.,((t. Cot t,cinan flee range of Pal tetrts:*sc to $3 50 per 'nit MAN(11•J. SEED -Mehl. Yellow intermediate 121e a pound Giant. Yellow Oval(tlacknge) 13c wound %VALi, 1'A PER (Tearing the balance of Ceiling and Nall without Herder at 2; cents a roll f,RO✓Ettl l':S--1'ar cent Shoe Polish for 15 cents 7 Barn of Soap for 2,5 cents Inv (lath Ilriek for 5c 5''c ilyson '1'.a for 40e 25c Japan Tea for 20c Hatter andiEggs 'i'aken. Sale cou(inett'(1 under the iiinflagrinpnt of B. W. F. BEAVERS :rser..i)Il�