HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-03-31, Page 14 . • HIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR -NO H CJRON&M1 D DL ESEX G AZETI 1903 EXETER, ONT • CANADA. THURSDAY MORNING. MARCII 31st 1910. *•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••4tHN4►••41'•••••••.••••••••••••••••••• JONES & MAY'S Phone No. 32. 1 if 1.1 NEW ARRIVAL -OF- Dress Goods Every Day Brings Us Something New This is the time of the season when you are all looking for something NEW and NATTY. We have a beautiful range of Exclusive Patterns in Dress or Suit Lengths. All the season's Novelties are shown here in abundance. Block oo While Checks Are very popular this Bea- son. The makeup very swell and are very becoming to any Lady. All sizes in check tor 2.,7c; 51►c, 75e and $1 per yard. 1 RICK IOIIES Are very strong again for a real dressy Lady. They are very tine in their weave and conte In plain or fancy Satin stripes. Prices Mc, 755, $1 and $1.25 YOUR NEW SPRING HAT have hosed have the touch of Fashion's best style, and it can arced desi neryoderate expense if purchased here. Our experi- i e g willruggest your particular becoming Style in a will at Our hfrlhners are very busy. Come along Early and they .tO your wants. s' HMI $ I KID GLOVES We have secured a regular 31.25 French Kid Glove that we are making a special price on of $1 per pair colors Black, Tan or Grey. Every Pair Guaranteed. NEW SPRING CRIS Just arrived another ship- ment of New Spring Coats. Nice short jaunty Coats or the long odes, Striped or Plain ('avert Coating $5, $7, $t3. $10 ROOM RUGS ARE ALL THE GO Never before have we had such a season for Rugs. It is • easily seen we lead the town as business talks and our business this spring is a surprise to us. Small Mtge or Large Rugs will be found here to suit everyone. it you need a Rug for any 01 ♦ your roou►s do not fail2to consult us as we can save you stoney. Rags from $1.(N) up to $10.110 each. \Ve also have a beautiful _ = range of Lace ('attains ('attain Muslin Carnets Tapestry do Dotted do Linnlettrns Frilled do Striped do Matting Madras do Madras do Denims I Jones & Ma Headquarters for the Cplehratt'd W. E. Sanford • Clothing also high grad( 8110643 and wall paper ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• i • • ZZ it • ZZ 2• � 22 2f S •••S • • S: 2• 2 Good Clothes May Not Make A MAN but th cy can snake him ,nighty proud that he is one. Our clothes 1V 11.1.. Try them and enjoy the luxurious feeling of being well dressed. TI1F:v ('O.T No Mom.: A worn shabby or (:ut•oldatc suit is not a badge of am- bition or prosperity and there is no person of whom the world is more shy than the slothful or unsuccessful Ina n. Call on us and see our styles and pat- terns. Our prices are the lowest in town We take more pains to suit you and give you satisfaction than we do to sell you New Ties, Hats, Shirts and Shoes. Sandy Bawden GUN CLUB HOLDS A SUCCESSFUL SHOOT School Reports 5111. 1). J1ItI\TNF:LL. OF, EXETER GUN CLUB 'WINS THE CHAMPION. 51111' of WESTERN ONTARIO. The fifth Annual Shoot of the Exeter Gun Club. held on Good Friday was a decided success. The day was ideal. excellent weather .conditions prevailing. The attendance was good, shooters being present from. Brampton. Petrolea. Clinton, Barrow and London. The program of the day went oft without a hitch and altogether about 4000 targets were •hrown from the trap. The high average and the trophy for the chatn- udosni1 ofV ( sternOntario were r. both won by members of the Exeter Butt Cleo. The hich average was won by F. Kerr. The third event was for the trophy and D. lirintnell and Dr. Cass'dy toth made straight scores. In the shoo: of both misted the first round ; both got their second. and in the third Dr. Cassidy missed his shot. reavin Mr. Benda 41 winner. Aft. r the regular events a Merchandise shoot was held. In td's ,•verit Mr. Kerr carried off the h..t ',rise, a beautiful combination fruit bowl and a bou vier holder valued at $8. Ile ago (von a silver bake dish in the high average prizes, and n hand painted berry bowl in event one. D. 11dtleib will he seen cutting a dash with has gold -beaded cant which he won in the high average. Cantlron of Clinton. 'carried off the big Thermos bo,tle, All the pries were much appreciated and as there is a long list of them space will not p.•rmit of further mention. Two professional shooters were present 'epresentins their firms. The 'following are the scores: Event 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shot at Tot. F. 'Kerr 17 18 17 18 20 120 - J03 1 E. Can,e1on 18 1919 IG l l 17 J20 - 10:3 C. Frits18 11 18 • 17 17 17 120 - 101 1). Iiartleib ... ...15 19 17 18 18 13 720 - 100 .1. E. Ilovey 17 17 17 1.1 19 Iii 120 - 99 H, Fitton ,.-YJ 16 13 16 16 17 120 - 99 VI 15 15 19 16 15 120 - 9.1 18 11 20 L8 19 9 120 - 1S4 17 13 18 20 13 17 120 - NO 14 13 18 1 ' 1 19 11 129 - ..14 10 16 16 19 15 120 - 9G .,.....11 16 11 17 18 1e't 120 - 94 417 13 20 13 11 17 120 - 94 18 17 11 t8 13 13 •120 - 9:t ,.., 14 11 16 16 17 13 120 - 90 15 12 16 16 17 .15 120 - 01 111 11 15 18 10 13 720 - 89 •,. 12 16 13 16 15 15 '120 - 67 10 15 11 13 13 15 120 - 77 14 11 12 12 9 10 120 - fi 9 14 12 12 11 9 120 - ri s9 19 --'05"1•; 19 15 '20 - 110 ...I8 18 17 17 ii, 18 'tea - 102 R. E. Choate D. Jlrintnell M. Ilrode•rick• J. Triebner ,..... ,.. It, ,1• Scott ... E. A. •Webb i)r. A. W. Cassidy W. Johns ... ...... Dr 11. J. Kennedy. W. I:, Sanders _... .1. TTnnkin ...... . ,.,.., J. Passmore . •, .6. •t,.,t•'a .. F. Triebner F. J. l'('a'ker Professionals G. M. Dunk Court Thompson • ..• .. •n.,, ...se . For House Cl Use D u st ba Why you should use it:-• colt A LITTLE 110Y. slut while 1 live I want to be from quick and an ••y passion% Tree, With gentle thoughrs and happy face, and pleasant words in every plane. i pray whatever wrong I do. I'II nev- er say what is not true; lie tensing at my task each day. and a'.wnys honest in my piny. Make me unselfish with my joys. an , generous to other boys. And kind and helpful to the old. and prompt to do what I sm told. Bless every one I lave. and teach me how to help and comfort each ; r; e••• me the strength right living 11. S. Department FOlth1 IIS Ilonors. L. G. •Watson 60: P. Pick- ard 75 ; Pass. W. Monteith, 71, L. Mar- tin 71: .p. Copeland 7U; W. Jlirney 69. No. on (toll :10 average at.e•nd- ance 24. W. JI. 'Weidenharnmer. Principal. FORM II. Ilonors. S. Petty 76, Paixe, H. ilog- garth 73.8; F:. punkin 67.1: It. Dear- ing 65.3 ; C. Copeland 84.2 ; E. Case 62.3; G. Passmore 62.3, No. on (toll 26, average attendance 22. E. M. Robb, teacher. I'ORM 1. Ilonors. ('earl Brown 78: Pane, I. Ronnie 74 ; Florin Welsh 73 ; Iva Es- sery 73 ; Vercy Geiger 88; ►lamed Glenn 68; Madeline Carling 65; Mary Darch 61; Roby Wood 63; Ada Willis 62 ; Sidney Gieger 62: Stella South- cott 61. Commercial ; Sr. Stella Gil. lies 74; Gordon Hooper GO: Jr. Pres- ton Dearing 72: Chester IIarvey 67. No. on Mott 46. Daily average !i4. A. M. Johnston. teacher. P. H. Department R'00M IV. Sr. IV. lionors. Jean Seldon L2; G. Riase'tt 88 ; Nelson hill 87 ; Bert Cil - lies 83; James Walker 81 ; Myra Mor - gnu 80; Dnvid Hall 80; Joe Davis 78; Linden Harvey 76; Fred McPherson 75; !'ass Viola Itowe 72 ; Tren , Rivers 71: Nellie Jones 70: Ariel Beverley 70; Russell 11alkwel1 68; Florence Ar- nold 65: Willie Snell 64. Jr. IV Ilon ors Bruce Walker 79: Irno Sweet 78; Florence Rowe 78; Eric Hurdon 77: Maggie Case 76: !'ass, IJarp:'r Itivers 72 : Oliver Ilodgert 71; Ethel I)ay 86; Lolo Taylor 67 ; La Belle Handford 60. No. on BItoll 41: Average attend- ance 35. C. Vosper. teacher. ItOOM V. Sr. 111 Ilonors. W. Manson F7; 11. Ileywood 8t ; A, Knight NO t10. Davis 79: Pass O. McDonald 74 ; A. Day 7 1 : A. Bell 72 ; J. Fo:lick 71; E. Bowe)• • M. Knott 62 ; B. llodgcrt GO. Jr. -a. A, Mack 84. 1', Jackson • Pass M. '°run GS : F. liotvcy G7 : Miss E. Recites of St. Thomas. was I1! the guest of Stix, C. Knight during S2• Easter. F:. Davis 84 . DI. 8c d'ift. 62 No. on Dire. Motor Northcott and 31►s. Wm. Roll 32. average attend',n -n Northcote visited 11, ar 5'. T130:1155 J. S. Murray. teacher. Easter. Mr. Fred Armstrong, of Paris. vi,- Form 111 Jr, Ilonors Lila Zue(Ie 88 ; lied nt the home of h1r. 1. Armstrong, Nlarvin Vincent 88; Bonita Ilorney Easter. 81; Gcra:d Fitton 77; Dora Houlden Miss Carrie Scott. or Cromarty, 75; Karl Weidenhammer 75:Yes. G. visited her brother John 11. Scott. Wells 65; Dorothy Kuntz 68; Gordon last week. Ford 65 ; Dorothy White 64 ; Melville Mr. It. Hetdon hos r. rated Mrs. Gladman 61. Form 11 Sr. Ilonors 11. Crocker's residence on John street Cornish 94; Aliso Taylor VO: Mar - and expeots t(, eve into it it ext tesek. guerite Pickard 143 ; Millie Walker 31r, F. Rennie. who has b • n ,; stn- 81; Mildred Hardt- 80: Win. ,lncobi in; the barbering with I'enpras • & 80; Viola Welsh 77,t Pass Lillie Walk- er 74: -Mary Day 72; Milton Kydd 71 : Edna Johns 69; Archie Davis 67; C. Dearing 66; Grace Carling 60. No. on loll 32 average attendance 30. 11. M. Kinsman, teacher. (ROOM VII. Jr. 11. Ilonors. Vern Sweet 86. Mar- garet Sharp 86; iiarold Boyle 85: V. Marshall 65; Crar ilarn••se 83: i\lary Ise to tnc Public for the next thirty days the bruise and make me ^001 in lite Burke. tett Tuesday for F'robish •r. t le thins. flask. Locals Next Friday will b: All fools day. Sir. Arbert I'enprasr' spent Tuesday it London. Mr. .las, Walter spent Wedn.rday in Hamilton. \1r. •t\'m• \Vhi;a o' Ito'ervi I.•. i• with pneemonln. Ern'c Taylor. of London. is visit'nr• at his home here, Mrs. J. Dearing this week moved into her residenc• on Eziiab th street rea•nt.y vacats d b) Mr. and Mrs. It. Remoter. 31 ss Pennock. of '�1;. Carni�•1 and Misses Robb and t4leeth. of Reaforth members of the teaching staff of the Exeter school are• visitin t at th it homes this wee •k, Messrs. I'enpran • and 11ork,. who have conducted n bnrh••r busin.•r.s in the Dickson & Carling block, have dis- solved Fenn rsh•p. 31r. Burke t ik- int over th • basin-.-' 31r. Burl: 51 r. 11. !lassoo spent tb•• forepart o• took possession 'Monday and will con- son 94: (:lady. Harvey 92; Viol. Jones It saves labor in sweeping. It saves one half your dusting. It saves your carpets and rugs. It saves damage by moths. It saves taking up your carpets. it saves your health. It saves your money. Dustbane contains an antiseptic fluid that kills germs. 35 cents per package. Curtain Stretchers, 1, 1.4o and 2.0o Step Ladders from 1 to i.�'" Galvanized tubs 75 to $1.00 1Vashing Machines 7.500)e"�0.00 Carpet Sweepers 2.75 to $1.50 Liquid Venue 25c Boa Carpet Beaters 10c and 15c Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleantier 25c Bag Furnace Work, Tinsmithing and Plumbing HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STO 1 FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING' 111 11 11 11 11 11 11.11 11 11 11 11'11 11 11 II 11 II II 11,111 11 11 Parlor Suit Parlor Tables ables Easy Chair Odd Chairs Music Cabinet Couches Sideboards Hall Racks Buffets Kitchen Cabinets Dining -room Tables Dining Chairs Dainty,well-made and at reasonable le prices. Bed Room Suits Bed Couches Mattresse& Springs, Brass and Iron Beds les and all at popular prices ROWE & RINSON The Leading Home Pni The Furnishers and Funera In order re. CLEARING SALE OF PIANOS to reduce are large stock of pianos. biggest lorlock 83 , Priscilla Collingwood 82 . money that was ever offered in Exeter. !rens F.asterbrook F2 ; Bruce Rivers 81; Alvin Cornish 1(61: ,Wray 11e•ddon 79; Leon I'nlmer 79; Willie Davis 71; Willie Moen 76. Pass, WS Gould 71; Leon Darin G6 ; Delem Charlton 61, Sr. I't 11. Ilonors. licnha .lack - the week in Toronto, tinny in he same old stand, 31r. P. n• 92 • Irene %sidle 89• Arto Delve S7 We are goin d ..f. value for Below will give you an idea of some of the bargains. Blundall Piano Case Walnut Mr, Thos. Hellon o7 insers.11, vis prase has sour- intention of Going Winnie Knight 84; Violet Mallet t 6-3 1 ft. 4 in. high, Ivory and F:hony Keys, guaranteed for an unlimited t west. r Norman Norry 12 ; Eddie Tay:or 77. ltegular Price $251103 Sale ('rice $17:: 0611 Pass ('oro Sanders 65. "e. on •itoll average a,tenA.da I e 3 ells teacher. Dominion Piano Mahogany Fin4. ish ,► • 160031 VIiI. 'feel In town this week. Mrs. SI. Sunders rind 31i.w C. Votp•r were in London Monday. The Public School Itoard k nd y r.• - lues. the rear,., 3 1.01 nil net(• pup::s en• 31r.. Thomas visited (dentin in Fit, cerin; for th East r t. rm co be Thmnns dor nx t he ho!idnc., handed in to the secretary before s Miss Willer,. of Ex.'tt'r North. hitt n'e ock Thursrl„y I,• m, 0f th r tt,, k returned home from Hamilton.Sittings in the public seboo! d part - Mrs. '~Brener. of For .t. int visit n • tnent are few and th.• Board re lu re a the home o' Mr,,fos• Sutton. to know a: once tvnit 1'rth r l,ra- lir, and ,Sire. G. A. K. McLeodvis•od is nccec,ary.-J, Grigg, H,•erc- slent Eater Monday in London, „try. Mss Seigle 1\'.:'(•11 or 1Vvmnin•r. is �Do not for •et th • cane 11 in • viaitfng her uncee, 51 r. W. G. ilisaett• t•pern House on Friday April Atb, MissSlerrill, teacher of I'drr(on, lye are not blowing a big trumpet %Salting her sister in Exeter North. when (a.• say it 116 1 b • th lira heard 1 •:a Bund. of llnmilton, spent the hn day it tt h he•r bro. her, Dr. A. T. (fond. Mr. J. W. ltorarth. of Avon. is spendin; the hotidnys nith his broth- er St.'phen. Mr. \\hiring. of London. spent Ens ,er nt the home o' Mr. John \V;:ash London (toad North. Mr. and hfrs. John linlc'iffe. o' Clinton. were un(s:s of Mr-. rho.. Russell over Sunday. 31r. and Mrs. W. P••-1 "v o' Ht, '1 •rvs. 'inert Fa a• r te:th Mrs. R•d- ,!.'• father. It s. .l.i-. 1;. . I• \, . 't•, .I „ fr. i• , .. "h ',i 111 I. 1.11••1„r • • r•.- ,%••0 ':,t,•i church Friday even;n •, \I r, Wm. !Centhag rent d the r s'- •Ienc• joss south n'th• vil'n;,• recent- ', ,vacated by 311., John Treble, Tend erg wi:1 he i cei(•(•d nt a ile Petit Office for renting the Agrieii!- ,ural grounds for pasturnge and :11.0 for !heir ns • Mny 21. h, 'tee hilts. Mrs. It, S. 1d(tart's return d to h r 4 home in Same( Ct. r •ei,i.in.r Mr. and Mrs. E. tory. \Ife•e Lnnra Joey nceompnnied her and will spend a few weeks in that vicinity. Look out for the 1sreao•st tr at o' ) our C e. 11 •, h r! Hum a i. I n i a !velar• on 'Truly ('hem.:Ina, ,fames street 31 flood <t church os May :trd. i'nr!'en ars later on. Las, we •k r. I retire ens ninth, In the sewer timer Main street. Thi, ?l,rcii 2nih. in .\1r. ants Mr. John and (In !total- in ti;, 3larya ; 5f,ss 11. we •k another portion nitwit n rod t'reszeatnr in ilensall: Garvey Aeh :on;r caved in n ar .h• lent-nr ie 1 \Vr:.h a son. son. London; !Reis. Mout hen: t. it,uas Il -pair d I ::1r 1 t'uunl s ion 1 DIEL) Thomas: Miss 1L, Sanders, London : W. .1, Basset:. 11 iIlTI.-in Mitchell. on th- and ins? Stas. Lela Gould. l:dI:erlon : Mrs. 31. ,.►••tuber Ihnt Mr. \V, G. Crissis Mar.earet C. \\ Ste, nged 84 y -urs $he, re. Brantford : Miss L. Frayn •. a tiist•r'asa e'ocutionist. -n : ny a:! MCSN MCVE1 -In Ilibhcrt on March :6 to Mr. and .''?rs. John McVey. a son. Wilco')\ -In /sir ch. Monday. March 21. ,o 1)r. anti Mrs. Jas. L. Wi:son, n 500.CIIItIKTII:-.n S•eph 0. on Thnrsdny March 24th. to titre and Mrs. C. W. Chris; ie. a son. WF'1 SIi_ ItEAVELY-In St, Joseph'. hospital, London- on Friday March 25111. be- loved wife of Mr. Thos. Itt•nvely. of Cha. ha rn. tired 38 years, 7 mon'. hs and 21 days. in llcnr•tll on Saturday. Anson; those who spent Good Fri- day et of town were. Luta Mart and 4 months. M('LAI GHLA' -A Cromarty o 1 the 19th inst.. Donald McLau.h'an, a.e'rl 78 years and A months. 811.I.F:ItY-Ar 8:aila. on the 21):1) inst.. Mrs. \Vm. 8i'Iery aged 71 yr=. MI STA fill -1n llibhert. on tb.• 2.th London ; St's, V. fisher. Hamilton \Ir, ( ts,s. Fanders kineardbn ; Sirs J. 1llatchford and iianphter 3fsr:on Lncan ; j1. Foot hoot t i' ippon ; J. A. Ste" art. I,ondon ; Mr. 1.. Wilson. 1I- (ler:on: 51"ss i., Robbs, London; Gordon Mnnns. 1lensall ; Mra. Ed, ins,.. Janet Mustard. aced 69 yrs. Treble. London ; Miss (:Indyy Thayer t. ,Wl\ER-At Crediton. on Saturday. I'ar g. Mrs. Ford and Miss C. Eorrl. March 26th. 1919, Matthew \Vise, London ; Miss O. Jones. Brantford! nged 71 years, 9 montbs and 20 days. Gordon Tnylor. Sbakespenre. h n nn n rrp•rs. Th s w,Il b• a chance of your lis, s to h, nr two sp'en- d'd :trims.. Tielt'•ts :.t. Marsh:an l'e jew••I: r where the p'an w!11 ',•, Mr Gen. Pt (Far. o' ()fen •0. It h, 's v:siting in town he. d •eid•d to rr•rna`n for an ind ,finale •,ins • and w:'1 follow his !rade. that of lupine and rl-pnirint'• pianos and orgnns. Mr. 1 edlar commenced 'th•s lint o' work in Ester some forty years ago. for a long. long tines Bu:h the art- ists are really tiro -0 as., 3lisi ,Lar• dlne-Thomson has sung b•,'or: Her imperial dlsj••ety Queen Alexandra. and 31r. Craig has an A 1 reputat on. 31r. and 'Mrs. E. Curlier. of St. Thomas v•s ted Mr, ttnrl Mrg, !rhos. 6. 11 Ind nrd on i•.as e; r r Cut tler address -ft a imam in • t,n:r of the Mnin street and Jan, r: str• et Tourer Men's rinse, a in Slnin rl r ., t church in the afternoon. Mr. Cutller is a ;(real Ir•rNon:i' work, r among young ,nen and the bots were delight- ed with his remarks. Th, tventh •r Good Friday and Fos ter teas all ttrit could :J.` (l , • Easter 1:d• thin, y at war •h .•.ri s with.n the memory of many p o;,: •. 1. broil th. wish i mos. ;seaman and most nnnntnral weather coed tions The show has nil' d-al'p:•ar• d; f:.rm- ers nn• into their p on::hiu•r and some have commenced n edits!. The run o' sap ,vas shot: 011 in•.' 10 1 h• warm d'ya and no erose a; n ::his. Amon.; those tt ho !p r,; th hol'da)', 'n town were 31:.. Monet \\'nitrrs. of London : blas Anni • II id man her• Ian; Miss 'Scary 111)114 London: Mitt; C'nra Dalin lo;reisoil : Sir, 6; o, Gib. bons. Inerro.l. .Ir. and 31r . .tack .a rr,fnb • an.l .11 ..1 8.111 01'11: H. Hac,'t CI'nton ; 31 ss Clara !took • arid little 8Ii119'Myrt: • Willis of Brass.I,t 1VaOnce Fish r. London ; John Itad- r i 'e (' ,11'011 v;... .10i , e: .i0 London : Mn •g a Coward 11 h ; 31is. Ethel Arrnstron r. l.urknou• ; 31 .s E. Moe n. harper hosp la:. I►. , r0 t : 'I•sses Winos• and 3lartha ('[rin;r. ilrnn: fo: d ; M ss Hc.•si \\ ; ,.h Lon (lot); 31 ss \ ern Rowe. London ; 631... Delia llnak•ns \\n'I.ervi I ; 3Ii.r 1.1 11.: Hey ('h , ham ; `•1r. E. 1' oh.l' . 1.00400 ; `1 .acv 'Mary and lien iia I Mack Toronto; A..1, Wood 1'derton., I1, !lesion (:lir..on; A'. 310,re. (.on• don 11. 0.e o y SI ,ch -;l; \ir. 00 tt ,s F, ( o; ni h and %V. .r:,tt malt, lesstoa; 31 r, and 311s. ins. 1) ant ch deco. L4111101 ; 31 ss Sl. tia''man and 31 ss 1, Ilriil, Zurich : 31i'. Ethel y(er•,t. 81. Marys:. O 4 ft 0 in. high, 7,' octave. Specially designed in the highest style of art. Reg - 3r. i'art 11. Honors Vcrdn 11111 94 ; alar ('rice $27500 S.sle !'rico $.261) 00 Thelma Conner 85; Earl Magee 143 : W. Gillespie 84; Ernie 'Wells A2; Jos pbine Davis 79: Mabel ilould_•n Pass Charlie Salter 69; Jessie Mow, y 60; Idella Davis 69. 1',. i Ilonors Clyde Denman 94: Mildred Bar vey 91 : Philippa harness 1-7: lido ted Yellow 77; ,'ass Harold Kunta 61. \o. on roll 411. Average attendance 33. 11. G. IS murk. teacher if you once try Carlee•'i. i.ittle Liver fills for sick headache, bil. i MU.ner's, 11► enn,tillat ion, pia trill 4 ft. 7 in. high, Colonial !)resign. Regular Price $061) Sale Price $2226 !lever be tt it trout t hero, They are purely vegetable, small and easy to We will deliver to your home complete with etas! and handson take. Don't lot get t hie, Any of the shove pianos on Vey merit of $211,111 and you may pay tet• due M $2 a week, Morris Piano Mahogany Finish 4 ft. 7 in high, guaranteed for ten years Ebony and Ivory Keys. Regular $*OiJ -- Sale Price 5240 Dominion Piano Pure Walnut Finish 4 ft, 8 in. high, this ie the pest piano tunnutacttired by The Dominion° Piano Co. Regular Price Ifni 0611 Side ('rice $215 1111 Ennis Piano Mahogany Finish 2 S. MARTIN f lo u r EXETER, SLAUGHTER SAL Fce(i itt the Store One Door North of the Post Otti All (food kinds of ! press Goods A big Mange at 2,1r a Surd, tome at 1'M, sntueafi3OC. Isere are Some of titer' ('I.E.11{1N(i l'It10ES : Flour slid feedSilks anti Velvets from 25c r( yard to rix, A few Ladies' ilain Coats to be cleated ant regardless of cost. kept on hi:llid Ladies' Kid (:loves regular S1 and $1.25 while they last at lin• per pair. Men's and Heys' Suits going nt your own price. A big Range of Cape 111 i5c, a bolter line nt 35r. All our Mens ilats at 51,25 each, itl'Atl :111(1 :lI(11'1 8 S(Iltl 1)% he Ton. 1Vhcat taken in t•Nsli..rage fair Flour and Oats liaise!) in exchange for Oatnt al, W. Rivers K!ilsl'klt, - (1NIAIt11). leek• Co:seta at 355 75e (1)e $1 70e 51.25 " 110c ' i Wit II Pnpela (loir.g at Half Price 3 papers of pins for 1!1(: 1 doz. Pearl notions any size 51' Dress Tiinm,ng•1 noel 1imits'2 3148 for 5e itibbon 2c a yard :3 spools cotton Tht cell f 00 3 '• Silk " " Silkene ! :3 " Croch 3 dozen pant 10611 yds Km, 800 yds E1 Buttes' and Evgs 'l'nken. Sale coed management of B. W. F. BEAVE