Exter Times, 1910-03-17, Page 8VIED
1' t1 k'; i X 1' 1 hi lir i' i M ki 8 MARCH 17th 1V10
::=N•••NNN•N•NN•• ••••••••••••••NN••••••••
•••NNN•••••••••••• •••••••N•NNNNN•••N•
A'1''MNSEASON of the year Everyone's
wants are many. We h'ivo prepared for this.
Every I)epartnlent has something Special to
other You. Every iteral in this list is a Money
11 Ladies Coats Ladies' Skirts
E ti
` ie V
11 I (111 •
l t 1 11i•• t sh o%•.
1 stnpot
Stehle (oats, (ollle in lied
have the lire.% peep at the new
elyles. These coats are made
if fine ('.vert. Cloth in Fawn
and Bleck. -Prices
$et 00 $7.00 $S 00
Taffeta Silks
\\'e fire showing this week
something special in Bleck
Thee are all gtlaran-
• t••e•l Wide yvidtbs, extra
line 11, ish, till inches wide.
I'r^ce $1.00, $1 25, $1.50
Just received, new ly
Merited Panama Skirts. These
skirts are Wren tailored and
have a style and fit not (nand
in ordinary skirts. 'l'heV
come in Blue and Black only.
Price $5.511
Dress Goods
We are pleased with out.
new Spring Dress floods anti
we want you to Nee them.
Every new (lolor and Weave
is in stock.
Prices 50c, Mc, 75e, $1, $1.25
We Sell KING
HATS for Men
Wall Papers
1010 Wall Papers are the
best, yet. All the newest de -
piglet antl colorings ate shown
We can show you Papers
tantalite for any roost in the
house. Priers
5e. 8c. 10c, 12Ijc, 15c, 20c, 25c -
This ever popular and sani-
tary floor covering is here in
all widths. in both Floral and
T• k• ,'itterna. We sell
'•NAIRNS", the hest Scotch
Linuleunls made. Prices per
$I.O. $1.75, $2 25.
Rugs & Carpets
Our showing of Carpets and
Rugs this year is better than
ever. If you are not ready
for one at present select one
while 0111 stock is large and
have it laid aside. Range
from $41 75 to 810.00.
Lace Curtains
Spring ('leaning means new
('urtains. Our new stock is
now in and now ready for
your approval. The patterns
are new and are sure to please
50e, 75e, $1 and $].ire► to $:Lilt)
Wt' 0'11 MISS CANADA Shoes for women
Highest Prices paid for all Produce.
••••••NN••••NN•••N••• ••NN••N••••••••N••••••
••••••••••N•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••d..•
Mali StrCct MCthOdISt ChurGh
This Week and Next
13x=Policeman of New York
Will be present and Assist in tl.o Services on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
March 21, 22, 23 and 24
All are Cordially Invited to Attend,
Men Especially'.
•••••••• ••••••••••••••••••
6.7 9 10II �IZ
3l 14 15 16117 181%19
4021 22 ,2311244526
2?h28,2913 31j__'
Horsemen at en ion 1 The
tion• i.s drae-inu close when
von tt i:1 be 51, 1 1 lig on she
road again. \'uu will be
*taunting cards printed. \Ve
:'re prepared to -turn them
out oft the shortest notice.
\Ve have a gond Sin,( of cuts
choose from. The prices
right. Do out forget
hit we give a free insertion
ea the paper if yogi ;rel your
c•u•ds printed at the "Times"
You will make no mistake by plac-
ilgr an "ad" in aur Want Column on
ever tour.
Market Report. -The following is
the report of Exeter markets, cor-
:eo.ad up to Marsh ti, h.
Wheat from $1.01 to 81.07.
Oats 35-37c.
Peas l0 to 05 cents
Shorts $24.00
Bran $22.00
Model Flour $2.90.
Need Flour is (4•,1-$1.50.
flay 19.00. 81o11
Coal. $7.25 a ton.
(toes. lives."!1h: $9.30
Butter 20o and 21c.
res 2:2e.
Turkeys Ilio. dressed.
Geese lite dress •d
Ducks too dressed
Potatoes 50 to tis cents.
Clover seed $7.50 to 88.00.
Timothy seed $1.50 to $2.50.
Alsyke $5.50 to 06.75.
Chickens 12e. dressed
Foul 9e. dressed
Dried Apples se.
Miss N. Kinawan
Mr. August Guht'
Wiwwipeg, Mao
\VttN'1'la) - Millinery apprentices.
apply. J. A. Stewart.
Miss Evelya Gill left Friday last
fur Tu'tdu. %there rhe No. 111 a;ca:u take
up her duties, us nurse.
'dr. Richard Murphy, agent for
Massey-llarris impteu*enta, had his
delivery Thursday last.
Mils 'Mary Acheson 11 able to be
out *mein after being confined to the
house .lir Several •tyeeks.
Miss 'Sl. Mitten; returiled Moate
Friday las; after heal;; in attend. -
tine•• u11011 a patient ill l,oudo,.l for
i he past few weeks.
Mr. Wm. .Merrifield, of Munktten,
organizer for the 1. 0. F. was in
tots 44 0 few days !ase week and sr -
cured several applications.
w: 9
• . Ia• Ferguson. .who
called t f
death u
,. t the
t d hour owing 'to
her father. Mr. John Ferguson. Left
Tuesday to resume hpr duties itt
Bliss 1,uu Cudtuore, who, has been
eiteemn in Clinton. returned home
Saturday. She was accompanied by
5liss Davis. of Clinton. who will nis-
i. for it ratotI time.
Mr. J. 11. Scott was last %leek unan-
imous')• elected an elder of the 1'r, s-
t,y.t•rian (-hurt h. 11'a ordination will
take place at the preparatory ser•
vices to be held in a week or so.
(tuns ttill be at the Commercial1mesc
Hours 9 a• 04. to 1 j.
m. s
properly fitted and diseases of rye,
ear and nose treated. Next visit Se-
tatrday. April. 2nd. all day.
Mr. .1. A. 'McTaggart. hon of Mr.
Peter McTaggart, who is completing
his course at the Ontario llent:i1 Cul-
' • e 11as purchased the practice of
Dr. Lon;;. or Blyth. and expects to
take possession in May.
In speaking of Mr. and 'Mrs. G. W.
•r I
Davis. who have r, c rat ) moved to
Exeter. the Clinton News Record
says. "Slr. and Mrs. .Davis made
many friends %%hie- residents of Clin-
ton %%-ho were sorry 'to ser thele
k•n vr.'•
wee in London
left Tuesday fur
In subscribing for the Times .1 for-
mer resident of Exeter and rayl%% of
I'arkbee. Sask.. elates Shat h.' is
desirous of getting the Times and
values it so highly that if necessary
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• values
be willing to pay double th •
subscription price.
•••••••• 5•••••••
\lr. 0. o. Lett is 1s on the sick list.
Mr. \\'i':: Powell is in Scaforth
.his week.
Mr. 1t. Pinner is visiting at his,
home in Clinton.
Mr. Thos. Jackson. of Clinton. was
n'•1 nt- ill n )
nock and 'Miss S!eetb were
iu Laudon 'rursdny.
Miss Cnett end hers. F. Chet -mitt
t%.•re i•► London Friday Inst.
'1r. L. i)ay spent a few days last
1. in London.
To -day (Thursday) is fit. Patrick's
Mr. W. Tera was in London a few
days 'alit week.
Mr. A. T. ►Iorrison left on Tues-
day for \\ innipeg.
Slr. .1. G. Ftanhury attended court
to Gutter:ch t1110 week.
SI r. 11.•1b. Ford :eft on Friday last
for t' .fir•► Bette. Sask.
Mrs. Jane Fisher and Mrs. Lisle
Fisher :uc I:o.h on th,• s ek lis..
Miss Grace Oke. of Centralia. visit-
ed in town a few days this week.
Miss Anne Bissett 11110 ha* been
ill for the past fen weeks is able to
he out eosin.
Mr. ]'.ter Frayne. has this week in-
stalled a new machine for sewing
ha rnes..
Mr, and Mrs. rhea. Dennis. of Van -
reviver. are vi,'tine the farmer's par-
cnta. Mr. end Mrs. .las. D.•nnig.
}Inter Doug'ns Langford. who has
been i!1 nt the l'resbyter'at► '.Manse.
is convalescing rapidly.
Miss 1.• na Stacey. or Chicago. at-
tended the Tonerai of her father. the
e .101111 Siarey.
Mrs. Perkins is 11140 ill with
pneumonia at the honk of her daugh-
ter. Mrs. Sant. 'N1. Sanders.
}1 r.
J. T. wood shipped a load of
hntcht'r'a cattle to Toronto Saila-
.y Ile nceonlpanied theta.
51r. Jas. 8. Sparks, of Hensel,. ha%
ereepted n position with Jones &
51r. Frank Same ell. of hinettron,
'll,•n Si/inlay visiting hie terand'-
mother. 51rs. G. Maw% ell.
Mr. .1, G. .Zones returned Wcdnes-
t: •y from a Inkiness I to
(eine. Listowel lend Itrnet,u'ts,
51t•. Ilod;:*on. of tisborne, hat
moved Into .be re*idenet' of Mr. fico.
I•:nstet brook. no Huron street.
Mr. Fred 1 rd'er. o. Pigeon. 51:che
who has 14ee11 VIM 4:444.' his tine e. Mr.
.lol,ri 1'ed'er, returned home Monday.
51:s4 K1111113 8:10ps011. who ha% been
yis . ng Mrs. Frank Matte:t. returned
to Ler horse in Itueseidele Sunday.
::. Jns, Dennis hes been somewhat
ind spored the gas. neck. Mr. Alex.
Mel hereon has been :eking ha Voce
" fat
in .he carr:n;r' shop.
airs. F. IL "to0m:ln and chi:d. of
Harrisburg. are visiting the form-
er's parents. NI'. and Mrs. p_:. A.
5liss Franc a Davie returned Friday
evening to tt•inghotn after *pending
the pant month with her parents. 51r.
;Lid Mrs. Dan. Davis.
\f r. Torn ('tuff. formerly of tiler.
t 1, . :ind now of Neivineton. Bask.,
,eel Mr. and Mr*. E. A. rollick on
f irtay and Saturday of last week.
lr. and \'r \N'o'ah. and NI r.
11 atehlord, of Exeter. spent n few
1.•ye visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
a k oton \tw
11 Era.
"Miss !entre Godlrolt left. Thersddy
for Seinchr'srn. her ' home, niter
a•,eIo in(' several months with lr•r
-.. r. Mrs. 1). Mt -Melee ;l." --Com%
l' r Herald.
Obildren Cry
Church Directory
Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor
Sunday Public Worship -10.30 a.tntr
and 7 pan.
Class Service -Sunday 0.30 a./a. and
after Morning Service and Wednes-
day night.
Young Men', Claw and Oa tssbuns•aa
Sunday tt I! p.is
Sunday •6ehool and ftlb►e Clastics 0.30
Epworth League -Tuesday at A. p.m
Prayer Meeting -Thursday at
March 20th. -The pastor will preach
morning and evening. Subject at
night "The Evils of the Tobacco
Mrs. Geo. A. Vonia i and little sun.
14.ir.i11•t. lr't $aiurday morning for
1ht•ir home Landon, after epen(li1
the winter with het parents. Mr. and
Sirs. .las. If, ,r. \1r. and Mrs. 13e •r
accompanied them to London and wile
remain there for a few weeks.
11 was reported to its last week
that Mr. Win. Kuntz had rented ile•
eNlansion i1oese". We have since
l n informed by Mr. L'alhorn that
4. • Was no foundation for ib
report, as Mr. Kuntz had maid nothing
t0 0im re;nrding the tnatter.
A portion of the drain opposite
tit • Slain street church caved in last
• k •,nd w as repaired by Strut
Commissioner Il;sett, A horse 'oe-
lun•;ing to Mr. Westlake of the
Thames itond stepped into it. but
fortunately no damage was done.
.lir. and Mn. J. Cadwell, of LAW -
Sisk.. who been been visiting
tlr+, (lalilttel 5 mother. Mrs. Jos.
Forde and other relatives in Exeter
and Hensel left Friday for the West.
They were at-conp:mi d by Miss Cald-
or tel, of Hensel,
i.e.turc on St. 1 nt:lek-The it t.
U. 51', ('o'inn will deliver a lecture
on the ' 1.111• o' til. l'atr.ck" Thurs
day (•vera n,r. Starch 171h. tel. 1 n.-
rick'n Davy in the Town Ila:1 at n fie
o'c'oek. TVs hottr 'el selected so ns
not to conflict with I'raytr Meeting.
Adlnision free.
Mrs. Chis. E. Locke. o_ itrook:in
!etas*., who was here attendina th•
funeral of her mother the late Stare.
James Oki., !eft for London Saturday
where she visited for a 4ew days.
On Turadiy Mrs. W. T. Acheson and
two children joined her end accom-
panied her to Brookline where they
will visit for n few week..
Mrs. John Treh'•• and family Messrs.
Robt. and Frank and Misses Violet
and 0.• :t ••••• this week for 4Ii•;r
f41turr home gleet' Winn:peg. Man
The boys left Monday with a catkin)
m horsey 15 hi • 1 he ind es fit )on d
Tileadny. They hare rented n farm
o' 000 acte% nboat fourteen utiles
from Winnipeg. 600 acres of Which
is unproved and to- rema rad r
pl+tort• 'nod. W.• wish them ev ry
success in their newt 4nterpris:•,
Many from the vicinity of Exeter
have duritt,t the past few weeks left
for the west to carve out a tutor• in
that lend of promise. Many have
rrder' the' the Times be s•nt to
th••m that they may ket0 in tnurh
pith the isop:e and doing', of oft •
rommuni,y the, have 'eft. if yen
are 'saving for the west or has•• a
son or daughter in that part noth:n.r
'.'041'r1 b• more nppreeiatcd than th••
• 4,•k.t.r.' tti.h ham•
news. The subscription price t . 81.00
to any part of Canada.
Cit Wednesday evening of loaf week
itev. 51r. Roe en. agent of the West_
ern (!Ittario lehle Society deliversd
0,1 in:ere*'. 11 • - rated 'soars in
t n oli zh
e t� Hall. 1 is h r
Town 1. Ile t n t .
h n
ac lea:d.ed t 't h every !'hm' • n h
.tnrk o' :hr Ibl,:e soerty in ('.made.
(1*4'. (' 1(11 over it 1 pars* of
it. The va.es here Bern's of 14'011 er
I .•. moil%):a'n scenery n' ,I1nti'h
('n amts':% (111.1 : 4• 844(1 !I; '4,r!' t1! t'4
Yukon. many of ttbirh wets taken hl:
lentee'f. !Intent the past year Ee...
ter raised over +100.00 ;fir th's work
and a canvas n ill he made even t h t
The ('shorn & llibberl Fire 1n-
4urance Cosy 11-"t1 an investigation (+n
Friday incl rat Ferquhmr into the
tit -cutter. anon. connected It it h t h •
fire eheh destroyed the barns of
William Kinsman. of Tnckcrsmith,
IF:fibril farm.
Police \a
lest, Davis. of Mitchell presided and
Mr. kinsman ryas rt•pressntrd by
sir. .1. 51. (test. of Seaton h. ,while
.1 0. Htnnbery. 0 1•.1' err. r.'iir •
ant( d 1 lit• Company. A nnmhsr of
tt Ole •t•( `t y t•re examined and a •v,•ra .
r'In,nt* a ngl:ire(I into and at the curt'
celsit01 the .blaeatt rete announced
that he tyneed make Bis r'port to the
company in writing.
Men's Suits.
After all it's the Tailor who
makes a suit a SUCCESS or a
FAII,1)itE. The most fascin-
ating style would he a fizzle if
there were not careful needle
work underneath. That is the
reason our Suits at. $20 are
better than the suit you buy in
town for more money. They
are perfect in every way if
not you can have your stoney
Merchant Tailor.
1 "'light tempering" is the secret
t•f t'orbo-sues% ette i ul,ortertty. The
,j •4'IrI#o edge" Is securest by an even
Woven Fence that is made electric heat of 2.500 degrees Fahren-
belt-a process of earbnnt•rotton simi-
lar to tkat by which diamonds h,•vo
and I am selling at the following
ow prices: -
6 Bar Fence at 34 cts. per rod
7 Bar Fence at 27 cts. Per rod
8 Bar Fence at 3o cts. per rod
Am selling the best
HIS week will end our big sale, and will now prepare to get itis
line with spring, which will soon be upon us. Our New -,
Spring goods are coming to hand.
New Laces, New Embroideries, New Curtain, New Dress Goods.
New Ties, New Prints, New Muslins, New White Wear, New
Carpets, New Rugs and New Squares in all the latest
styles and colorings. Shortly we wilt have in our
New Line of Shirt Waists the nicest up-to-date
goods we have ever shown. Also a very
fine line of Fancy White Underskirts.
Highest prices paid for Produce.
Compare, Your Razor
With the New Carbo 'Edge
Don't be satisfied with the razor ton
are using because you merely think
it Is the best.
(:et the Carbo -Magnetic. it will
last lunger -It %viii give you a quicker,
smoother shave.
Try 11 for 30 days at our expense--
Dien you will know w•htell Is the best
for the sure test of value is com-
fl. J. GLf TWOK1 HY
been produce,]. The result is the
hardest rutting edge 1.nown to science
--a blade that you never have to
hone or grltaL
Don't take our word for It ---the razor
proves Itself -*utas 1.4 today and get
one on ee days' trtal-free.
• If? mm?It mm/ft mmmm?ft It? mm to
11 your face is pale. your muscles
:an:guid and your vitality weak. the
coedivon of the b ood is th • cause. t
It is thin anti weak and flows siug-
giahly through the system.
Nyal's Blood Purifier a most effic•
lint preparation for purifying the
b'oor1. limple%. butches. toils and
skin disease% soon disappear 'when
'yal's !flood Purifier is taken regu-
larly. A dollar buys a large t:ot11
Get it at our store -the Nya! at(tre.
We treat yo.1 right.
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician
Mr. 11. ]Hooper visited in Toronto
this week.
\VANTED) - Millinery apprentices.
apply. 3. A. Stewart.
Mr. and Mies. R. E. Pickard spent a
few days this week in Toronto.
Miss Hose Finkbeiner. of 1)erlin, ie►
via -. n! Mr. and 'Mr.. Ese. iley000d.
WANTED - Several experienced
men to work on farm in Seekalchc-
%van. Apply rs It. E. Pickard. C 0 R N
Mr. and ' Wm. Cayce. of C.'n-
tree'. were in town visiting friendsstirs.
Tuesday. They Intend avih t for
(h' West about the 28th.
The Jackson Mfg. Co.. are addtn•t
a few more machines to ilii 1r C!o.1141
factory and are ndvertis'n1r for more
lu''''. Hee rad. in :mother colanln.
Revival servicer are fain;; 11 •Id in
the .Main street Methods( church.
Next ttcek the Pastor. Itsv, E. A.
Fear. will be assisted by J. E. Brown.
ex -policeman or lett Yolk. who en:
be present Monday. Tu. sday. 55 • do s-
dsy and Thursday evenings. A card
was received from S1. 'rhuntas n h •re
Mr. Brown is holding meetirt^s. which
stated. 1llundreds turned away!
School -roost. gallery* and every pine •
filled' great tneetitots I"
Ilo'y Week cotnmencing Sunda;
nett Starch 20:h. eV! Le ohe.ery •d in
the 'rrivitt Mcnlorin' by special ser-
vices in the church (Ili ). The Inst 07
Subjects are the ' ti •yen Sayings on
the Cross" and are ns freloe .: Sun-
day II a. n1.. 'Father For:'i'.e Them
for They I.now nor \\'1,,1 Tli,•y do.'
7 p. n1. "To -day Shalt 'Phan 1 e tt it h
ale in 1 ara.t'w..'' elanday. k p. tn.
' Iteho'd Thy Mo.l4cr! fleeced d The
Son!" Tuesday. f+ is rat. "My God. 'Me
00d. Wirt. Ila.t Thor Forsaken 5f,.1"
Now SoriRo SulUDus
Vee guarantee Best Workmanship, Best Material,
Best Fit and Prompt Service.
Come in and inspect our materials.
Merchant Tailor - Exeter, Ontar
• MS US Ai lit Ai EL
Bus & Dray Business
Having purchased the
Bus and Dray business
from Win. Arnold. I so-
licit a share of your pat-
ronage. Orders left at
the Advocate Office.
T. G. Creech,
H. Cook, Sons & Co.
Mrs. 1Vinslow'a Soothing Syrup hit,
the prescription of on•:' of the brat
ferna!t' pbynicians rind flues,'* in the
1 noted Staten. and has been used for
filly years with never-f+lilin.t nucct•s+'
by million% of mothers for their
children. it relieves the child from
pain. curves dime hoes. R rtping in
the bowels and wind colic. fly ,living
11,1:111 to the chile(. i• teat• the
mother. Twenty-five cents n bottle.
le retire%ine h's s it eript1/m ror the
Times. 7iir. .Vey. 'McDonald. o.' Snni:1
itosn. (':l i orn'a. states (hat They
1t'ednt'sday fi tem. '1 Thirst." Tlnirs• .heateceirforlh vlis vomitiltlout)in hehad.
iia),8 p. raps. "hnlh••r. Info Thy ,lands' The trees are nearly ell 0411 in 141os-
1'omntrrl;l }11y : I.i t," Good 1ii•In) ,,(10(4. and since the 24th of 1'ehrltnry
IO,:SO 4. tn.. "It i5 l:n;Rhr•d," 8 p. m. they have not had ,rain. t�"e aro
\ 'Teem serv'1' ',t' men. tl,lbj el• I. ,•ata• d .0 It :ern •hat 51r. and Mrs. like "te►nther used t•4 make" yott can
' lleho'd the Mete'. 1llo It clot 'lcl)r,nd :ire t njoyin;r ;rood get et it here.
itev. U. '55. ('o'lins. t1 I conduct all 1 inlet 1r111 pre) 1y wedding %Ids
_.4_. r.o'ennlized at the home o: Nir. and
Between all stations in Canada, also
to Detroit and fort Iluron, Mich.,
Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y.
Tickets good going March 21, 25. 26,
27th nod 'LSt),
Return limit March 3l)th, 1010.
Secure Tickets and full information
from :
J. J. KNI(IIIT, Depot Agent.. .
or write J. iI. MCDONALD. Unitas
1),•po' 'r'orntnto. Ont.
It's a
Long Road
that hnan't a flit n, nal a longer one
that doesn't mate our way. 'Phis toil
is making a flour second 10 none. I
you unlit Flour tient w ill bake bread
li1C!L'ti 1'O1{h:C:\STK 'Icy. Chas. Isaac. i,uwan. on F4 ti err ;e.
Starch 12th. o hen Mrs. Isaac's slat r
Miss itna 'deny Dearing. (!aught% t o
51ra. \\n1. Dearing 0: 00"0. e a adon •
ted in marc:rap a to Mr. Petry \Ven11.•r
salt o' Vitra. .inhtl Webber. n' T1 •won.
The ceremony tt a•, 1• .rfarm it ei two
rale nek by the Rev. Mr. Carly to Miss
Let!) Daae. niece of the br,d •. 'tel, d
ns ringbenrer. The t.odd'ng ;Hard)
wn p rayed by 51isa i) •I1a 1-a ie. A' -
ter the ceretanny a dainty werld'n>
.\ Regular Storni 1 e rind. n• full of
amara possibilities ns any in th"
month. 15 central on th,• 20th. extend -
in.! from the 22nd to th•• 27th. The
Mercury (•,iuinox also adds its
iron:'lh to this period. Fu11 moon
on the celestial clueing file in the
mitts( of t ti s period. on the 25th.
'fray ca! storing of the nature of hur-
ricanes and tornadoes will be natur-
al seer, heard. with m boreal en,tnter- ( 1141 r ens served in th • dinin' room.
part of b'ilaarrls n' sleot and sooty They retarded 10 Exeter the 9191
to the nnrtht.ird, The eria's pi evening and hnve since taken rap
(his period will strike progesave'y their rrs'denre nn the farts of '1r.
from west to emit frr.)n the 24th :n Wni. Senders. in S.rl'hen. Th• 1.'01 ,s
the 27th. Watch and see. extends eongrattl'ation*.
is the 010 reliable. For Flour ti 814
always g. .1.1, buy ours.
]1I tuufl+cturcd 1)y
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