Exter Times, 1910-03-17, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, MARCH 17th 1910
err sl„ udtng a (cw \t't't'ks to Detroit
••NN•••••••N•••••••••N••••1a►•1a►•N•••• •1
Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
CAP TAL (paid up) • • • •
65 Branches
CS 600,1')00 00
.... 1_3.500,000.00
v18:1:tri ft tends.
• Bet, Gi•.hler, of Zurich. occupied
• the pulpit in the Evangelical church
• un Sunda) to hi'r Rev, Bean OCCtipi,•(1
• ' the %orich pulpal, Itev, Ilishler gave
• I 1 no int crest tug Merlotti,.
• Mr. and \1rs. (leo. Lawson, spent it
•fee days with their daughter, Airs,
T. \\'i!sun. of Exeter.
• \less Harry Byer and daughter. of
• Detroit, are visiting with Jriends
iu Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the tui relatives around
•' Principal Cities in the World. •
General Banking Business Transacted. • GOING TO T SATURDAYNllr'111
Savings Bank Department : Mr. Hector W. Charleaworth Leaving
• Mail and Empire.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. • Mr, Hector W. Charlesworth, city
• •
editor of Tho Toronto Matt n Eulpno
Dlckeon & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HUR DON. Manager • and one of the most widley known of
R••••••••••••••••••••••4••• ••••••••••N•••••••••••••• gong toff Tot onto
Newspapermen, is Night
going to '1'utunto Salut•duy Night as
- an associate editor' It. watt in !'ill
that he stetted his journalistic career
on the publication to which he is now
returning, Youthful as he was, the
journalitic instinct, was even then well
developed in Mr. Chat'lesw0rth, cont
bitted with real ability as a writer.
From Saturday Night he went to the
Empire and later on wa, on 'The News
HEAD OFFICE. TO4ONT', FST.UtI IOIIEI) 1887 and The 1Vorld. finally going to The
Mail and Empire, where he has been
city Editor for mix years.
For !t considerable period he was
ate...,.etit and iimeical critic on the pa•
,.e1., with which he Wascontleeted, and
his nom de plume 'Touchstone" be-
came familiar to many thousands of
interested reders, On assuming his
present position he dropped this nous
de plume. though continuing tc do
considerable dramatic tic and musical
criticism for The Mail and Enipite.-
The 'Toronto Globe.
D+ Z. WALKER, President
DER LAIRD, General fdanazet
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and In the United States and England
Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current
rates. Accounts may be opened m the names of two or
more persons and withdrawals made by any
one of them or by the survivor.
Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager
Branch now at Crediton.
•l• -1• .. -i•d• -I• . o •F• ... d •i• I•
A Business Education is the
greatest legacy you can leaue .'t.
your children. We get down to o°
the bedrock foundation of living
business, science, and assist 4.'`
worthy graduates to the choice
Enter any day. indiutdual in- •l
dividual instruction. H 0 11) a +
study courses itt Senior Teachers -
Matriculation and Commercial :
Send for particulars. i
Nfid 1 r1
Educators As_soci.tsion of ('ana-
1 vestigating the fire of Air. Um. Kitts.
roan. The mat ttr has not as yet been
guaranteed. Messrs. John Campbell, .1. 1. Rua -
sell. Thos. Ityan and Itubt. `•curls
were in Goderich \\eduesid:e} at -
Crediton tending Court re Jos, Matthews .
, in 100!'.
fi66ent&1 TImc
to de that Painting, Pa-
pering or (;training, To
( 011f' promptly
It 1
have I I 1
and properly go to
Affiliated with Commercial t
Crediton, Ont.
•I' . \\'e:•t cru Canada. March 15. 22
20, April 5 and la. via Grand Trunk
Rail e ay System, from tstatione
Ontario. Kingston and west, to cer-
tain points in Saskatchewan and Al-
berta. J ;articular attention is celled
to the fact that: low rates apply to
points onGrnod Trunk Pacific I
t -
a new territory frit of 'Golden
Opportunities". Secure tickets and
further information iron Grand
Trunk Agents of address J. D. Mc-
Donald, 1). 1', A., (:. 'r. ity, Toronto.
W. Douglas, our genial blacksmith
is reported leaving town. This will
make an openin; for a good•geaeral
Simon Campbell bead a s cccc '
auction sale on Friday last.
Mr. !Walter McNicol, sou of Mrs.
D. McNicol, is laid up with the fever
in. the Brandon hospital. Ile is re-
ported doing nicely.
Miss Addie Turnbull and Mrs. John
Campbell attended the Gould -Munn
wedding at Sexamith last week.
Court was held here Friday last in -
%Vrtte for particulars
ton Business =
College •-
Geo. Spotters, Principal. -p
Write us at once for our free
Catalogue and learn the nae
lure of cur (these. in Com-
mercial, Shorthand or 'fade-
graphy depattmerit s. We
have the leading, practical,
training school to Wtsteen
Ontario. l'ourses are thorough
Instructors experienced and
we assist gradriates to post
titions. `iludenls are enter-
ing each week. You should
enter NO1V.
D. A. Mci.A('IILAN,
.•.mW AY
For Settlers
How Made and How Reached
Settlers w,••, Live
Stott( and Laects
Special Trains
letve To•ort)
.10p•m. Tuesdays
Settlers ard Farre es
without Live Steck
sh:ull nee
R..:Alar Trains
10.1 1 p.st. daily
34 hours to Winnipeg
Through Tourist Cars
In which Berths are Free
Agog le newest Agent ler eery of "Sett:Pre
Guide." "Western Carara•' "Tourist Cars."
or wets
R. L Thompson, D.P.A.. C.P P . Torento.
Do not deep lir of cut loft your sick
beadaehe to herr you ran so easily ob•
twin Carter's 1.ittIt' Liter I'i'1'. They
will effect a prompt and perman-
ent cure. He it action is mild anti
Priers Right and satisfaction
\\'e beg to announce to the farut.•rs
re wiring seeds that we are offence:
for saic a large stock of lted C'ov: r.'
Alaike. Timothy. Blue Grass, Millett,
Alsike and Timothy :nixed. and Al-
falfa Clover Seed. wh:cb weri ep chil-
ly selected for our retail trade, and
cannot be surpassed for purity and
germination. Get our prices before
making your purchases. We have
also a limited tluantity of 'Kind
Giant" Heed Oats for sale. Th•s n •w
n ad-
not is [torn Sweden and
was t _ h
of all who saw it growing
Inst season. It is n heavy croOper
stands up !sell, and in sections wheni
conditions were favorable this past
season yielded P5 bus. to the acre. 1;
you are going tot try a new oat. pro-
cure a few bushels of this variety. A
call aoacited,-C. 7.W ICK ER.
Now is the time of the y -ear !t 11 n
farmers should be seeing nitwit their
supp'y of :(reds for spring!. We his. •
n lar;te supply of Cover. Alsyke. Tim-
othy. field
I anti other
Millet Ad
,t l t
othy. t
rrlds. \"hen ,•ood. c'- aur ser(I' at•,
wanted. at, no.. liege.. that we carry
the b •s . C.1!1 and eyamin • f ham and
^c, oar prices. ---S, 1111 W Y.
\lass \'t'nn:f red En -Try. o' Centralia.
spelt. Saturday in town v's:tin::
Miss Tillie 11'ind returned honer
af.er spending a few weeks with
r'n.ic •s and friends in !!).•trot•.
Visa !'ear. Gaiscr entertained her
friends on Friday evening. Aft r
ep1-nditie the even`ter by 1'
,hey t.er.' s-•atd to th•
,er itch. The table 't as decor .• .i
up :ike a wedd:nl•, They all return-
ed horn • 1:.'•r rep ending; a p'( 8141111
eT aim r .o -nether.
ale -a A 111 111 Vac;'nr. lrho has 1c-
cep.ed a po'it`on as slenog;repher in
Sirat ford returned home on Saturday
(venin;: ,o visit re'.niive1 and friends.
We are rend to report that Mrs.
Crrne is recovering after an attack
of Tonsiletis.
Miss Gladys F. -eery spent Sunday
in Centralat visiting! her parents.
Mr. 11. il..•is• n spent Sunday et
his home in \\Ingham visitin•; h's
air. Percy ltrown. of London. seen.
Jlondny in town the fn's: of Mr. and
\Ins. W. \ventel.
Quilting 'Ices are the order o' h
Mr. Ilarry Eilber returned hone
after 91• • iding n few days in Hernia..
Mr. and Mrs. .f. Cockwill• spent
Friday in Exeter visiting friends.
'•1 r. Sent. Kuhn is all smiles. It' t
Thames Road
Last week Mr..lohn Allison sold a
pair of yearling steers weighing nearly
21011 pounds.
Some of those that tapped the maple
trees last week report a good flow of
salt hut the sap was of is poor quality
so thole that have not talrpi d yet may
get the quality if they do not {,et the
Mr. (len. Monteith tapped last Sat-
urday but es the thaw caught cold
George thinks he will wait till the
spring conies now,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Heath had a small
party last Tuesday to celebrate their
tin wedding. We wish thein every
success for a more valuable 4)11e.
There is to be an Irish concertin
this neighb,.rhooll i1t tor' 111./I t' future.
smile of the Scotch folks wishing to
have a change are getting it up.
Miss !fell is staying a few days at
Itobt. McDonald's,
Are You Weak,
Bloodless, Anaemic ?
You Can Be Cured of Poverty of
the Blood Just Like Mian
Everett Was.
(;ince the early ages, in nil countrlea
among all classes of people. annelner
has been one of ttie most pernicious
cn:dltl,ns that affect 'mankind.
Writing front licr hon..' 111 Paisley.
Mrs. Everett says: -"Hy daughter
had jest pasted her sixteenth year.
whin she began to rapidly lose color
a::d strength. 8erlous complication?
stet In that made her fatally rag
friends most anxious. We were not
only vorrlc'1 on account .:f her 111 -
health, but because she was likely t•
lo -e her )'ears' work at the Lie:
s -he -)t. where rile ware pm -raring se:
tan pr if . ;., , .If teaching. The MN -
tor as;d 1: w,.:+ '.\111etm,a: I knew
the le. et 1'( It.ei4 wee F'Crr07..)11C-nn.
made m) denehte: take two leerrozou.
1- .',tet-( with ea -try meal. The fire,
t did little Lean' Ihaa Inereat.ue it •
Petite. Vet with the second box 1.
( natty ll••ti,hl(ul to 'tate'' 1!
es of r t'Ir:lln;f health. Ann11
C• , • ort of n )''lluwisb ,
whiteners direr,
, i; hasn't tont before ..
e• -I•••"•1• In It •
i . .. . , tetur::, d
..:. • . , ie. . , tv erred ---,^11r
a boy. „•.v r'r.•e.: tleorotie L•,Ivy is
Mr. Harry•.\'ind. of I)efro:l, iN • , -_ , _ . ;:d t-.,+i•i tc;Ure et
pa tiding n few dnys tt'ith his pa r• I,.t.'
,i, 9.
\1r. and Nit's- \\ i'son. i f Exeter. '1, "1-tr'l 7,-,• :-n /r "4 r ' 4 .'r ' --s
spent ilinday in town the guests of y_ 1,......_......,.. .' "f.,� : 1 J1
Mr. and Mrs. ll. Lou son.
i.ast Thmroday evening n few i,'i •-• s
\lN11,-, 11. Li 1 ,, r ,•ruls gathered at ,~'," tt.3 L t'i,:KJ Pf'+ ioti
her hone and sl. lit a very pleasent i
ev-•dint; lo'-1her. • "f e•:?ea or n::^.r•',1:1, poor
:11r, and Mr.. River, and children. I a. 1 :.ery_. i:1..oro'r.;, the
of Point Pilo aril. spent n few days 1 •11.1--t`:. v have been cured
.' ;it \lr. end Mre. Win. Louie, .r zare-- t:1y nee you? in 10c
Ir. '.\1,,, Brea it returned horne af• r!v for S' -0• all it alert, or The
. --..l teen. Ci.. litegaton. Caaswda,
Catarrh and
The Bak elT'honsands, and has
Hitherto Battled the Skill
et Medical Science.
Dry air treatment is the one treat-
ment that will cure these diseases.
What stomach medicine has ever
been known to cure Catarrh or Bron-
('atarrhozone Is not a stomach medl-
ey,(, but 1111 air medicine. that carries
to the remotest pacts of the threat,
lungs, and air cells little deeps of heal-
ing 80 curative that whenever it
touches germ life it kills and eradicates
then) from the system.
Thousands of doctors and patients
have leen disappointed by using
stomach uu•dicines for coughs and
colds. Have yeti not found It a rather
roundabout way to reach the dlseast d
portion of the throat and lungs?
\\'uy not test. Catnrrhozene, which is
breathed to rho very nett of the dis-
ease and heals so quickly and per-
fectly that every spot Is rebuilt with
new healthy tissue?
Catarrhozone is the only medicine
that will cure. Thousands have testi-
Think for a moment. Is it not sense?
Little drops of healing -the air car-
ries them just where di exists,
That is why
Catarrhozone Cures
!'rice. 25e, 50c, and Steer, 01 all
druggists, or by mall postpaid from
The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y.,
and Klugstun, Ont.
Mr. tlathins \Vurm has disposed o'
his farm to his soli Luau,
Miss Arica Wolper was in Strat-
ford last week attending the wedding
o: her cousin.
Itcv. A. D. Gischler and Rev. E. 1I.
(lean exchanged pulpits last' Sunday.
Mr. and 'Mrd. .1, Schmidt and Mrs.
C. Tonrny of Ht. Louis visited Int
the Lutheran parsonage last week.
Miss Colvin. of Brussels line re-
turned to take charge of I'rect,•r's
millinery departtnen: for th sprite;;
and ellrnllle•r season.
Mrs. Louis Durand. wbo has been
visiting with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs, J. 11. Schnell, for some months.
- ) (dosed:, ' :o: • .
c a her borne ) rn in
the est.
Air. Geon : • Sinnott. whose death
tool: p.:ir•-von n
a lingering il:netut. removes !motive -
old resident of this section. Ile wast
in the s:aiy-,ilth year of his age,
and leaves a n idow. file sons and
four daughters 'to mourn his death.
The deceased teas of a 'alta dispo-
sition and 'was well thought of by
his neighbors and (hose who knew
hire 1,14
Mr. an4.d Mrs. note:. Arulstron•h of
the (lostt.•tl Line. Stanley. mourn the
death of their 8011 Robert Milton. n
bright young fellow of 10 years and
:i months. abieh sad event took peace
00 'Thursday last.
Diss Gilbert has again taken charge
of the millinery bepartu►en. of 1). 5.
The Connell of the Township of
Stephen conven'd in the Town Hall.
Crediton. on Monday. the 711' of
March 1010 at 1 p. tn. All members
were 'ins•nt, Th' minutes o' Ih:•
previous meeting were rend and
adopted. • Anderson-\Vucrtb ''that
1 ( r 5 • e Mown e 1 n l o. ar , 1 1 ro 1s
the u n n Incas•
titer of the township be accepted and
filed with the Clerk. Carried. Year-
ley -Love that the nuditors' report
be accepted and they be paid th •ic
sa'nry. Carried. The clerk infornr .1
the council that 1:1rnund Z'I;er had
made npplient'on .o have the Council
pass a by•'atw etllpoitering the Tele-
phone Company to construct and
e trip n Telephone line on e- richt
highways in the %Township. The
Collect! view n.cl decided in vie o: rice L •
n 1 c is -
•:1,nr•• passing a new law at its pres-
.. en l:)lie .h.• mitt•, oT.r
limit the next rneetin;t. Anderson--
Wuerib that ity-law No. 161 to bor-
row tot sum of $10.0110 to meet the
current expenditur' of ilia Municipal-
ity. having been rend the third tint,
he reseed and signed by the Reeve
and Clerk and the seal of di • corp nr-
al:on attnch••d thereto. Carried. Re-
solved that the l'ntb•mastcrs, found•
keepers and )"enc.• -viewers b • np-
poitlted at the next Conned 111e.•110;
for the ensuing year. Ttl• following
orders; %%ere passed: (I stet- 1ou
Gratuity. *225,00. Sun insurance r if.
ire. Insurance on Tow n IIu!I, :al 1:01.
Itanfie!d and Sons, ('otv tags, A0.00,Advocate 1 ranting neconnt. *125.97.
Dickson and Yarling Legal Advice,
#18,110, F, W. Farnronlb, Mclean
award. `')0,011. .10srph linnet, 11311.
it f fa. •r re : ,More snn drain a.l.27,
John Kn lish, Work 1.n Crediton ltd.
$ 50. John 'Keys. lice. M. C. !)rain
Hri(Ige. tt ,50, Christian Feltner. re-
movuli: snow on Crediton Road r"2.
;i:), ,1. Wilhelm. removing ,scowl on
Crediton Iload, 65.50. Geo, Matt h`il-
ney, removing snow. $5,00, Geo. F:eh-
ner Disking road. $1.011, Michael Itray.
er, lemnvin; snow 611 l'rerliton ltd..
• :,n, s1 tn. ;Saltier and others et -
001, n,! 811044 on Crc(hlou ltd. $5.00
11, s‘, i1 Artdilor's fees, $R.00, C.
k. It eat1 Auditor's fres. :'h.00. 1V,
I ..,:. ::n I 0. n -rs r •Inov:ns;
sn„w Crediton !toed, *5.1111• 10110
\\'coils Glawe!. 1f1.72, Total *1Ak.I41.
The Council adjourned to meat a::a'n
in the To" 11 II311, ('redi11111. on Mon-
day. the Ilh day of April. 1910 ni 1
p. m.
I11?NRV EiLIIER Clerk.
The funeral took place on Tours- plain Ti bjjks to
day last of Mrs. Adam Shier, tiled RS
years, a months and 21 days. Jtrs.
Shier was a p.oneer resident of this INJURIES & SKIN SORES-QUha: CUkE.
•A little child ran crying to her
mother the other day with a
nasty flesh wound and asked for
There lies a more powerful argument for
Zaln-Buk than even the scientists can bring.
The child had had Zam-Bu:: before, and
knew it eased pain and healei.
Zam-Buk works in two directions. Pre-
vents worse results from a skin injury or
skin disease (such as festering and
blood poisoning) while it repairs the
damage already done. Zam-Bu:c is
entirely herbal, is pure, contains no
trace of animal fat or mineral coloring.
Surest and quickest known healer.
Klrkton •
village, She has been in faei1;4
health for some time, suffering (rum
•l complication of diet -erre. and in
her advanced years eutd ,ice Ik •in -d
tou'(itIlion they were too much for
her and she passed away on Tue>d 1y.
March at h.
'Doe. Carr. won is oeenini( a Vet•
erin:t'y 'practice in Winton. will move
shortly to the '•hub." Clint( it pru-
ple it ill find hint and his family
first -ewes residents" 11!y;lt Stand -
11 d.
\Iles \\ 111. 11004:11:e iv ili with
\1rs, (leo. ('h:unbers and Mrs, John
(*hand ••r, ss hu Ira v,• be •n s !. 11,: .11
:Ind Mrs, Newton Baker 'e'I To,•sd:er
for t heir home ei .\111.0. \Ian.
(Too ntr fur Iasi week.)
Mr, and Mrs. Roadhouse, of Kirk -
ton. were dossing the bridge !•:ISI ci
Plainville and otsing to the bad condi-
101 o: the roads the horse stumbael
and fell and dragged the cutter and
0(11111115 into the creek. Help being
close to hand they were 80011 astiiS1 ed
from ,it it dangerous situation.
Some person or persons entered Mr.
\Pesky Parkinson's barn on Saturday
night and carried away several bags
of clover seed. Thieve ore Lakin(
advantage of the stormy nights a•ld
are visiting the farmers in this V:r n-
ity ){cite often since the dotes are
/dolt up and can not give the (tarn•,
\lr, Gregory etas sickr tor a couple �1 `• geim11' r=te =.11+
of days Nat week, but he is ab1tt to be
• Mr. \Vapor Adams, 177 Railway At e.,
f;, r.
.. atf:,rd, (aye :-'• NI v eon, 1► illinnl,
awhile playing barefo,ted about the back -
yea!, cut has little tot on (111 sharp edge
of a pieeo of tin. The too ryas eutat the
first joint, an.l almost severe 1 from the
fact, \1y wife hunimPy belted it with
%%arm wirer, aftere.rrda ap,,'i-i,.;t eu11,e
lint lhiaitly epre'ul with Zara ;Ink. The
I.ea'iagbahnq•licl lychecko1 t.,oflaw of Earn.nukcures cuts,b:m,+.r e,,na,dnasroeea
ofrer�, ee!d (cork+, sad a" ,ski:, diseases, D
LbNxl, ease l and se..ub(Ki the pain, amt ^lie
, g • a a•,d coir, , r t. x, or p s: free from Um. pr •vnatu 1 int! coma Liurl sad more seri�,a, 1: ,', ('.,., 'r.,r ., , lir pri„e.
results, In a few weeks Zam•Buk
be too w 0e11d so nicely that sty son
teas able rano mere to g) about, and also
to wear his sheet without the slightest
inc mvenie ee. Not only is Zam•Bult
v.tluable for wounds an,l r uts,but, used as
an embrocation, I have also found it
effective for rheumatic pains." •
around again.
At present .he roads are in bad
condition, but at the sante 'time the
snow is protecting the wheat (retia
being injured Irotu the frost. 1f :h•
March and April wind -4 do not injure
the !sheat, fanners will be looking for
a good crop this year.
The Iliddulph Council suet on March
10.11. 11110. lithe Council asked that
the County Fn ince, appoint,Ing N• sY
Davis ns torrtnrut on the .Cu. road
%test, Instead O: T. Armitage. r eat -
, .-
The Clerk was instructed to notify
County Constah:t• Aita•r. Leukin, that
they expect him to be vigilant :u
having; the regulations of the Pre -
Board of Health. re the muz-
zling; of dogs, .•aitbfuliy carried out.
and to See that the muzzles are ap-
proved by the proper authorities and
properly fie the animal, and that hr
iuke means to prosecute any person
that violates the no
rc ulations r in
g 6
1'ha: :lowing! accounts were paid.
prinr:ll:Illy for ploughing 'tile roads:
1/1 v. \u. 1. snow ploughing 111(0.00
Div. \u. 2, soots- ploughing •+R,00.
Div. No. :I, snow ploughing and tither
stork. $7.25; 1)iv. .No. •I, snow plough-
ing and Other work. $4.50; 'Div. Nu,
5. entre plou;thinl; and oilier ito.k.
It, II. Itadclife was appointed
luspeetor tinder 'the Noxoua •\Needs
Act, and the Clerk was instrected t,
draught al by -:raw prescrib:u0 b s
d i.ics.
The consideration of W. W. litan'.c,
for damages for itjuria•o received by
brut on (:ons. 4 and 5 ?fist July wad
!aid over until the 11(•24 111-,1111,•.
'I' be Conncil adjourned to 1(1-1
a;taiu on Monday, the fourth day. u'
April at 10 a. In.
N , 1). Stana-ea Reeve.
Miss (:. Morrison. of \Vinnipe r.
(orrer.y of ibis village. "as bele
as. .' ' k visitin; friends. who w,•1
c• :1 a -
pleased sec her a: -otos after u b
l„ d to
The Anniversary 8 v'crs C1rm:.
verystrop or robust In health,it
hServices of 1g
e ace of fives. James
Church 'sere conucted h Rev. Mr. I wahoped that life aright be spared.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ilcrry of near y
Seaford' were in the village ibis It :una.ton ll. A.. of Strathroy. who 1 but on Friday evening she passed
week visiting Mr. !Berry's brother. de':tvercd very- able sermons both peace:ully nese and etas conscious
Mr. 1). lar tubart was in London morning and evening. Owing to thel until the last. The (keens •(1 was�th •
d�arint the past wee"- comae/line 'mai. very had state of the roads, the al- r fourth daughter of the late Gec,rge
itess with a visit with re atives. tmndance was not as large as usual,. Moir. of Ilay. and descended from
and on the following Monday even- Go -Py par. -c. . She lived the
tiler the roads again interfered v ith
,ne attendance at the concert. ,iy n
ender the auspices of the Ladies'
Aid Society. the program of witch
ens given by the Imperial Male Quer-
tette, or London. assisted by Mise
An.histle. reader, of that city, who
gave very interesting selections dor- patlly of the community in their sad
.. • the evening. bereavement. Th, (1eoc884 (1 tans in
! r. .\ibcrt \\ biteside r. c r
lb,. prime of tiro !wing only rat )',•eery
,t, d the sad intelligence of h of tae. The ren(.'tilIM were in err•'d in
t n of hi: brother. \1'rsivy. ' be Ilensn:I Union cemetery
fort Arthur. who was well and fav-
orab:y known in our village. and
wtehorry shhadort mtimtly e.been seriously ill it HORSE'S LEGI
Drs. K.& K. Established 20 Years
Ho was rurpriscd at how the
50109 hoaleed -- -1 took )vel N1:w
Mi runt TrieaT;;e5r for a scriuus hb.o1
lienee+ with which I hal been in (ted
her twelve years. 1 bad consulted a sore
of physicians taken all kinds of blood
medicine, visited Hot Springs and other
mineral water resorts, but only got tem-
p ,nary relied. They would help too for a
Ina tit atter discontinuingtot•, 1
the 1'-
en •i Irho s)mptoms solid -break out
main -ranting seem Notches, rheum-
y elle pains, loosene-sof li,ofulir swellings
of the glands, palms of the hin(Is reeling.
e[rORETRC*TYCNT Itchtru•s; of the skin, d)y•speptic stomach, Astra TREATMENT
etc. 1 had given up in despair when a
friend atvtsed net to cermet you. as Ton had cured him of n sl:ntlar dimnso R years ago'
1 0 el co 110311., but took his atvice. In threo weeks' time the sorescol;l neneed to heal up
and 1 IM'eaane encouraged. I continuo* the Ne,w M5:71(on TOEAT1:t:ST f r four months
and at the end of that time every symptom hal disappeared. I was cured 7 tears ago
:nut ne si )s of anydisease since. 31 • Is,v, three -Cant old, Is round and health ". I cer-
tainly can recommnd your treatment with all my heart. Volt can refer any p•rs•,n to
me privately, but you can rete this testimonial as you wish. t1-. II. S.
aSnKdINWteomd eSn.EC RbT Diseases. e~ U INARY'BLADDER
complaintsiaints of Idea
11 EADER Are you a vlet imt Ifave )•nu lost hope.! .\m you intending t„ marrkt I(as
)our hloo.l been (1ie,ea.se:)1 Itaco you any wcatuesat Our 441' ,I Tt) 11
'1 lI i 4Ml S r 18111 curl ) on. what It hos tk no for outer,) r. e i 1 to for you. Conwdtation
Free. Ne matter wh•. Ins treated rat write for an honest opinion Free of Ckarce.
Charges nnsonable. Books Fro.-tllblstrated) on diueascs of )leu.
N0 NAMES USED WiTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everything confidential,
Question list and cost of Home Treatment FREE.
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit Mich.
lifirtibNOTICE All letters from Canada must beaddressed
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
monwawmmemme ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally cell at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
•0 patients in our Windt -or offices wile' are for Correspondence and
I.ds)ratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
Write for our private address.
Cured by Lydia E. Pinks
rani fton,Ont.-- "I hadINe
n a great
aulTerr'r for live years. lone: doctor
told Inc it was ulcers of the uterus,
and another told the it was a fibroid
minor. No one
knows what 1 suf-
fered. I would
always is' worse
at certain periods.
and never was
receilar, and t he
Irl• al rite g - d o w 11
pains were tert'ible.
stns very ill in
Iie•(I, and thed1(•t1 r
told 111( i 4 unld
have to have an
pe ration, and
that I might (lie
during the o{N•ratit i. 1 wrote to lay
sister about it end she advised me to
take Lydia E. 1'irikhatn's \'e (table
('oinpennd. 'Through la'rsenal expe-
rience 1 have (diad 11 the ls'st 11111i -
eine in the world for female tToubles,
for it has cured toe. and I did not havo
to have the operation after all. The
Compound also helilr'd the while,
lug through Chanel, of Life."-- �ass-
i,F:rITIA Ifi.,\na, ('autifton, Ontario.
'Fee following is the report of
S ' o. I Illansl.nrd, for t h • month o•
1. ,•1•.-1l 1 1 3.
C. 1►'eli'nse." AA-. 1,,..
NI, Ilardingr. 8r. 1'.' ' -S s. Hob n -
San \1. Beard. .f. ,loons, u. Jr. IV
II, Dick nson. .1, Itobinson. Hubert
Dick -won. 11e ird. .Ir, 111 1).
liibey. 11. Sp:trimer. ('. Cameron. 11
Class. L. Reynolds P. Robinson, 12.
lilhcy. A. 1lec. .5. ('atneron, It. null-
ing, I:. Cameron.
1•:. V. Tay:or, Teacher.
Lydia E. l'inkhant's Vegetable Coln.
pound, made from roots ant herbs
ham proved to be the most successful
remedy for curing the worst forms of
female ills, including displacements,
inllanntnatinn, fibroid tumors, irregu-
lariIles, periodic pal Wt. backache, bear-
ing -down feeling, tk►tulency, indiges-
tion, and nervous 1)restration. It costa
hut a trifle to try it, and the result has
been worth mi !lions tosufferingwomen.
r., of purity and faith that bad
it ,1 h . r res. She was
'immunity respected and leaves fro
mourn her Iowa a devoted htishand
and two loving daughters and a son.
iso four brothers and six easteri,
all of 'thorn have the heartfelt synt-
Mit, Frank Marshall and childr, 11
returned during the past. week (rola
the Soo. where Mrs. Marshall It ty
Leen spending some months It eh h r
mother, stho is and has been leer
Al.sm Ht
ll Thompson. elto retmui' •
taught in the pueh:c s• nmol I ere, and
is now attendttlt the A\ 1.•1111. in Tur-
on,o. Ilea been offered and has nc-
eepied a position on tbo relief 8t1fe I hay.� h1d n tont experlenCw In
of the Toronto Public School,Th :t treating horse'. and[ can safely say
p that 1 knew of 0" liniment for strains,
f sprains, and swelling that Is so use-
ful around the stable as Nervillne."
The Elm or, I.('ngtie Annis•ers:u') Thus writes Mr. .Teshua E. Murchison,
services were held in the Metllo(l,s. from 1114 1110) . crofts 11111 It 0. I had
church las, Sunday. Rev. Dr .Medd.
o: Forts,. formerly pastor her •.
plcacbc(1 orning and evening. Th
Le n tut chomir Iurnielied .th • inaele.
Animal Was Too Sore and
Lame to Work -Quickly
Cured by "Nerviline."
:s n 'tooa osit:nn and Mts. Thorn'',
5011 is lo be congratulated 01c to
:, fine young mare
Nerviline that wrenched her
right fore leg, and
Is a
teen the shoulder
Weare pleased to report that Mr. Trusty -elft, sore, and
and Mrs. (tole. Dalryn•p:e• or ••h Liniment „'t,dlen. I appll^d
til'a;;c. 1t ho have been fait ' 8 clout- Xerviline, and 1t
ly ill. aro at th' time .11 wreit erre- worked like a
charm: In fact. that maty wee In
shape to work a day after I used Ner-
vier.• in the villa le 111 , to 1c, 4:-,,- wttic .
:r.': airs, Sutherland, Mr. Relic. . \\" )••ice need Nervilino on our
farm for teenty -five years and never
ter. found It wanting.. For man or beast
11 0 regret to have to chrome'. • h It Is a wondered liniment."
death of Mrs. 4%'p,, oMuilhol.and• e• We hate received nearly five thoua-
Ilay. which end event orellr14 1 of 11 t' and Irttert, rermnmendlnR tv111n0
horse near the viitnge on 1•,:day '.ist. as a general household llnlm• - ', as an
111 • deep: e i had been in 1191)11 ' , r
health up to with'n about n itcek of
her depth. when she was t:Ik.•u .iuite
seriously ill. and her .brother Dr.l
Alex Moir. t'.ho ryas here front {h•'
west on a visit diagnosed the c:114'
as appendicitis. rind as the on'r
chance of life lay in nn Operation.)
11:. Gunn of Clinton was endrin ted'
and ass sted by her brother and Ili-
Mrl)iartnid of Ilensall the oi,cratiett
44 as ret0Ceat(11Ily performed. A:'
thoti!th firs. 'Mulhollnnd -was n:)t
siderab.y improved.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Den . a• Mitch -'I,
all-round cum for aches r• i paints.
One million bottles used 1:'.• a year.
Try it yourself. f.nrge bott' mf Ner-
viline 50c; trial size, 25e. ' dealers',
or The Catarrhrzono Con",y, King-
ston, Ont.