Exter Times, 1910-03-17, Page 341NeW Health and Strength ti,t:,;,A�.'r BRIDGE_
��U ��- .C. _- -- Weak + Ailing � �-. ■ a( Sl�n
said antell a•
"This bridge -builder was called
"Stonewall J k ,'r ids,
„n. Miles. 11 was very necessary
p :...••; 1
MAI; IL lli11: -. I,IHT11l►:11'. C.,n Lc Had "l hi-1111i;h the Rich, Red Blood Mate by Dr, to " !:
Rich, I , l Jackson because the flimsy
1'.1IITY. bridges on the line of march were is the Ovoid to remember��•i1Ii:1111S' Milk Pills for Pale People. c(1I,iinually being swept away by
"Please put on your red cap,
Al:rete begged Marjorie. the Ilc,.(ts or destroyed by the en -
Aunt when you need aremedy
(soy ; and in these cunt it?L411t'ies
r w Aka' sk and n drawer in There conics It time in the life of cut, and I grew pale and :M1:
sicr,.l;id run nl, nLri.l,retl ileo burr Q���� ����
hraid running all tier it in ticks her. 'rhe strain up, l her I)ulpfilet' soul l take another luau to make
Iles ,•r, crtolced lines, and a tint:- blood supply is too great, and ti: ire was altogether inn miserable !sae 111.• measurements.
line_ Loll on the ti .te , tonne. ,tilts clition and it seemed impossible fur
-Mit. day the Union troops! The second day drew to its eh-
t 1 conics ilcadaehcs and backaches• me to euntinuc my s'u li;!; unless I burned a bridge across the She n:ul with tl,c twelfth juryman still un -i
w. "re it when Marjorie 45allt, d her lust of u ,unite, attacks of dia'inea5 found a speedy cure. l tried Ryer-
Stonewall Jackson called ,•one ince(. "11'e11, gentlelnr'n.
to play fair gecln:other. 11'hiit she aur! heart palpilntion, and n gen al tonicslptrsyi ril)od by the doctor, 4141 Aliles 10 him and said: •,;4"411 the court officer, entering :1.u-
pl:• it 1,n, she would help Marjorie era' • trndrncy to a dccliue. 1'n• bo they proved useless. \1y mu-
'Yeti must put all your men to ell), ••slu(ll 1, us per usual, order;
•E at aulythiug she wished for - 01' only thing that. can promptly and ther urged ate to try Dr. 11'illia,na' stork, Miles, and you must keel, twelve dinners?" "A'.ake it," said,
something else almost as good• speedily care these troubles is Ur. Pink fills, and t finally conrcu►e(1 than at it all night, for 1'ye got to the foreman, '`eleven dinners and'
:lout :11icr put on the (turn} ret! 11'iili;uus' Pink fills. Titin a the t, do so. 1 had hardly fiuiFhe.1 the
have a bridge across this stream a bale of hay," !
telt and took up n little cane :11e'y • mil. In44.114'in0 that actual! makes sect:ud Luz before n cyan for the
by morning. JIy engineer will dram 1
called her fair' wand, and sat dawn Y g" ,
in the big chair which .steed for: w, rich, erd blood, aua u alcor. - better took place, nod the use el a ul��the plans for jou. The Heal leiter Pill. ---A t, r; :tel
Ib t!u•onc. U:r•juric curve and stuo(l ; fol supply of rich blood is the one few boars more fully re-:I,ti. d ray !Well, early next. morning Jack- liter means a disordered ,t sir "•,
before her. i thing Herded to maintain the health health, and I !lave .,in'•o teen we'1 sou. )cry moult worried, nut old nu I:tal depression, lassitude and in
of growing girls and woman of net- and strong. 1 feel that 1 cane ii: Ali1
e4. ; the end, if carr bt' not taken, a
"Sl'+:+l::" said the (airy gotlnto-: tur4 years. The truth of this !tote- any lou much in favor •.i Ur. Wil -
here,' he said, dubiously; (11141110 state of debility, The t1 rt•
r t t tl f Miss
gloms' fink fills and 1strongl) re-
about that bridge 1 Did the Lest medicine to arouse the lit • r
"When ter ruurruw comes it will Esther 1:. Sproule, Tr'.i-:utanyille, commend them to (eller ailing engineer gigs you the 1)11441 to healthy action is Pal1114 cc's 1.
be St. inlay," said Ma i jorie. "'Then X 8., who sin's • ":\t ii;,. age• s.f girls." "O,(1 Miles took the cigar from getable fills. They are compound -
the Wednesday of %seek after II'st sixteen years I left eery lieu utr• You can get these Pills from any his mouth and flicked the ash off 1•.1 of purely vegetable substaoc, -
w ': 111' tile fifth of \[art h. 1 w:alt home to attend high sells)]. The medicine dealer or by mail at liOe. with a sneer. of careful seltc'tion and no nth, r
I4 bi1(11(11'. Part', U fait•) got!- ``' ch se confinement and lee, hems a box or six boxes ft r t3•1 0 Ire 10 "'General,' he said, 'the bridge trills.have their fine qualities. 'Iles
tn.•ther.' 1 of study nearly broke me t't w8. N1•: The Dr. Williams' Mt.•licl:,o site, is done. I dnnho whether Oa pie- du not gripe or pain and they are
The fairy w'aiv'ed her wand. 'alt i blood supply seemed -0 1 e (It net Brockville, Ont. ter is or not.' " 1i4.iCeahlc to the most senriti'.
Fled! Le'" stomach.
"hut I'm not much acquainted .t LITTLE !'01.1). �,
w'it!i the girls and boy; here," snide A All::\\ :11)1:1NT:1(,I:. SMART DIP l.t►1l-1C'1'. - t I
lliadmit% "1 want Katie and Flo -1 Crabbe----He's the meanest fellow And we hate "our baby," said'
Ile caught a little cold- the meek man, who was applying
cold -
rump ee and Rebecca and Herbert I ever met. That was all. for lodgings; •''.vill you mind it !
anti Ruth. 1 rent :1unt Helen and! Goodley--At any rate, he's sue- Perk recently that his father had Se the neighbors sadly said, "Mind it?" snapped the other
grandmaand Mi- . \lnynard.'' V t �eessful. He has t ken advantage sated n r' an women they gathered round his bed, irate; . "Of course not. 1)o you
jorie's lip tinkered, for site User of his opportunities. 1 he found :1 m+ x When they heard that he was dead. think I'm a nurse?"
c4•1ue to live in a big city now, and; t'rabbe--"Yes, and I guess his ugly. -
all these dear friends -were far, far !opportunities were small, winch is ''My father," said the y''' 11i le caught a little cold-
old- AISW11n none+whattst.toba.•.l�t•ntp,es
�4t'x}'. an,•t!111' sign of his nl^ leS:i. .•' ' 1 All
take env thine and.ome an, r her slur a,l
g- man is too adroit to make such a i That thus all. (Puck.)
1 , rite as t•. place "the n A 1.' N•nthol metra,
"It will have to be a 'think-) 1' remark as that. E1en if he thou htj ..•r the se .l of 0'r pain; a will du m'no 10 ai.•
patty,' said the fairy. • g Neglect of a cough or cold often ovucue/reitbaaepainna.
HEALTH FOR BABY it --and he doesn't -he wouldn't - !
••All right," said Alarjorie.� lends to serious trouble. To break 'fracher- "\That lesson do we
The fairy waved her wand t1.41 COMFORT FOR idOTBEa dream of saying it. He is too tip a cold in twenty-four !tours and t„
learn trout the 1 use beef" Tommy
times. "Think party, begin to Lr t i h ) adroit. listen. carr any cough that is curable, mix tel' fT t 4. t t t t „
I taunt is prove( in the CaFli U .' iss
Prince Jaisingrao, the suet of the
Cackwar of Baroda, denied in New
" lltu il(r alto as once used 11 n❑ -- n• ,.. L'C ti flog.
alt ere d. lista Owen Tablets for her chit "(lucre m} father attended a -too ounces of 1. ' erino, a half .
'.t .l• saved up sixty-one cent:,,' (1011 will always use them for t{.,' l'1►e'istnl-.s hull al all English conn-'ourree of Virgin Oil of Pine tom-! Have )011 tried Hulloesa'. s Cot•.
tail Marjorie, handing aunt .\lice minor ailments that some to all Ile t1;, louse. He was. introduced
to pound pure and eight ounces of (•4:re' It has no equal for acme,
her little e purse. e ) 's v s
l t red :lout t ugh- ore 11 ht k Take a teaspoonful 1 1
,�., • , r r do .,.-
•, ,.•• these 11 Ls(mr (�.r ern(
Ile r a war whose a i t t tr r tl Ib
1( ones. the 1'ubl(t give n goer ran h name he did nu
ed it with her fairy wand. "lt is roar four hours. Yin' can b,ly
antro of health to the child and e'( itch, and he asked her to dance many have testified who have:
o,l ;h, ' �I;t• .slid'. "Make out and comfort to the mother. The. with him. As they danced in the { lhsily at ani good drug store anal 1 r icd it.
vont list." easily mix them in a large bottle..
mire all stomach and bowel tr• , ballroom, hung with mistletoe and , !
'41ar ori. sat down in her little ! ------•J•-------
1,14s destroy worms, break ye i! P'., my father saw an officer who ! 1 wenuul's bend may he easier to
choir and wrote the 11841104 of bar (.,:!ds, and make teething easy. Its, ..e40 deceived hint in India. { Di:FINIa)' :turn than n men's. but the than s
intoreas• clear ones on a sheet of MI 5. H, Lavoie, St, 1Felieite, Que., i " -i+.. you sec that man es, r •'I'.), wh:It is meant by an able; vat! stay turned tenser,
paler .lout Alice gave her. ;says: ---'•1 have used Baby's Own thele " .mid my father to his pretty speaker t" 1
The fairy godmother smiled. ,Tablets for indigestion, constipa-; partner. Well. if there's one man "An able speaker. my boy. i5 one Minari's !inline It Corot Bras. Etc.
"Thoughts can conte front far as 4 44,50 words conte taster than his'
tion and other troubles with per- in the ,• :Id I Irate, it's he.'
well as front near,' she 'aid. She fret results. I think so much of "'1'4• said the woman. '`!hats it:cgs," j Nature furnishes fresh air to be
salted her wand three tinges a3ain'
toe Tablets that I use no other tae- m_: husband.'
•} ( used,
"You will have twenty guests, divine fur my children." Sold by •"Yrs,' said any adroit father.---
andi will chang. ten cents of your tnI.(lirinr denlcr•3 or PILI -S (TRH) .lt 1II)�If b
b) mail at 2:, 'Yes. of course. '1 it's why 1 hate
money into a box of pretty paper (cents n box from The Ur. 1Williams'
and encel.•prs far yeti to write year Mt divine ('o., Brockville, Ont.
invitations on. Forty cents 1 Hill
change into twenty two -cent stamps '•1 have known better (Inv's.
y postage on the invitnt.en>E lady," began fated James. "Yes
4 • - Only One "Ittros10
)titer.'' 'r t Absorption
} t i t } Thst Is LAXATIVE Elm Sur (t, l\ 1N. V. Look
l,L1I it )orpt11)11 £'ILlli!Ju int lhea,,1.:..f Y. w' Ot:Uht. t'.ed the
our:.l os•rto Cu'.sa Coad a Vu• nese the
nes I will change into a box i!'s a arctch(d morning. so cold,'' 11.001) V1:titil.l-, if you suffer from bleeding. iteh-
of 'Halipy.l3irthday' sticker's." replied the tarmrr's v.ifc. "RIO huts 1)art.l r lyuidr+l and Purrs blind or res',protding Piles. seni
! Ise your address, end i will tell
\ ern how to cure yourself at home
Lc the new absorption treatment
Is is polite to wish myself a hap- I've got• no time to discuss the wee- I 444 114 in .1 Haar..
pv birthday i" Marjorie asked, do r with you. ball as it is." Arid
detltfully. ' she 00It the lo0r and left hire. A writer for the medieal press :bill tvi11 01so 400(1 some of this
"'that isn't what they w i'1 - states that coughing is responsible
mean," the fairy explained. "TI iltlnWn,,r'N M 511 land, . • t,ten.f. of Pale. for the bursting of blood vessels i`r'onsftreatment free for trial, with
quite frequently. 1 cough or cold it rrgu0rrncrscstfrom your own ievallty
ed. Immediate relief and
are to wish your friends to be hap- tee.. ' .Is 1 .t'.... 1t'. rass
because it is your birthday- ror a'' '' sn I • 1 t.n r • .,:rh ate
Iii 1pn.a', and ►,w•.. 110> 1 a in.ai,lrhl.,
Yon must not write mere invita- ' N•dd .nhdiluN., then 1. but ono •' Painkiller
ticns. To make the magic charm • -P•"T t►aete•---13e
work, you must tell them about "I stn so glad your gist' r grljn)
your new home, zinc( what you are rd her visit to m•. \i r. Smith."
cluing here, SO their thoughts can, ••Oh, wen. she is the sort of girl
find you." who ran enjoy herself anywhere.
It. took Marjorie a great many' volt know-."
lung hours, writing one letter at a -.-
time. le get all her invitations writ- Mott% ARM MMM a cold stint., avid most N
tl'11. t.., 1,..:4). u, ) aur t:.r-at (re y•,• aware that
1Whun at length the hirthrin., sten a.tanb.ro all 1 ,r n.t:.eN1 e..1.1 1. ao.•d
w Iris A Iten'. Long Calera 1
carie, it brought a loving letter' - - _-._
f)otn ('40ry one wile had been in' -it -
Sill': KNEW.
cd to come, and every one told herj
something to do to celebrate the Lecturer -"In China criminal%
day There were so many expres-I aro. often sentenced to be kept
miens of lour that her friends all'wake 1110i1 insilnity and death re -
seemed very near and clear. !suit. New, how do you suppose
"Why. I tet 1 n4 if every Otte ' i tile3 k.•. 11 then) from falling
the 01 had been here all slaty :" satd asl. en
glia i-j',ri0. -Youth's ('empnniull. Little Girl (eldest off small fam-
1.111, III!1 11IIt.111 1:01.11.
Indian Maharajah Helps I'lor 1r•
cording In Oriental 1 usloni.
The ,la11ar.Ig'Ih of Nepal, one of
the great Indian semi -dependent
princes, %%l o i!1 an bemire ry Major-
(1'•neral in the 1lriti'h army and it
1). C. L. of (),ford. and has trans-
lated several English military
works into his own language. is
rti:1 ()rivulet enough to Mite cot.
fertlted to an ailll•i(•rlt irallilltl ens
tom, that i.f giving nwfly Itis own
Weight 111 metal for (11,1rih,ltieu
anloIIQ the poor.
The 11nhl1rnj'Ih is 011(11 pl(1nsty
tic•h, and it was his weight in geld
that went (4. enrich an mitanen-
er..w(1 of beggars :Ind pi14(1un' ;(1 ,1
holy place named Pat-lulpaluIllh a
few meek, ate... 1Cloco Indian pr'n
('I- 11141ke 11 1'45, ter (•Knnlllll• 1,11 Ihi.
rcc'.\0ry front .ern.. great into...
1114 t lig,. l t10 Ihen,selles trent it by
n e • .I i4i n, which is called Tula,
'fie l.. t'„n weigh:% himself in gold,
O 11 no, yrl'y ride i1) baser (metal
of - . 1, n grain. and the amount is
g;lien I„ tit" p11e1'•
'1'111. 4(1.1.1 in this (NEAP 4411' in•I.rlt-
h 1...1e111 up by jewellers, and the
oilier rein paid for it was (li'tr;
i.nted nnterlg the populace. wl,-
44.10 also fed and clothed by tie
•:' r r
• I•t• I'm going to cook dinner
t..41.r 411'. If. WW1 wunld you
dent 1' He "Er colt! heel'
1n !'tickles :"
means inflammation ((ever) and
col!gestion, and these in !ban indi-
cate that the body is full of poisons
and waste matter. Simple relief,
as found i►1 patent cough medicines,
aril whiskey, often result in more
harm than good; as they cause
more congestion. A tonic -laxative
cough syrup will work marvels and
here follows a prescription which
is becoming famous for its prompt
relief and thorough cures. it rids
the system of the cause, except it
be consumption. Don't wait for
consumption to grasp its victim,
but begin this treatment, which
cures some in five hours. Nix
it) a bottle one-half ounce fluid wild
cherry bark. one ounce compound
CStInee cardiol and three ounces
syrup white pine compound. 'fake
twenty drops !•veto half hour for
"1 expect they give 'em n baby four hours. Then one-half to one
t:►ko caro of."_ telespoonful three or four times a
1 OWE MY LIRE TO CIN PILLS. day (live children less according
to age.
11 you want Iter err n happy woman,
!vert call on Ile. Mollie Diann, 59 Hoskin
Ase., Wv.l Toronto.
Afl.r ten year. of aveffering from
Kldn.v ni",•n•e, I believe i owe my life
1n (:4n fills. Before i began tiptoe inn
ems ter back ached so mueh that 1
could not put on my shore, brit after
hiking three lose). of (7111 Pile thus('
trould.s are ail gone. 11 1. a pleasure tor
me to add Olio more te.timonial
grand reputation ul •giro Pills.• ••
Mrs. M. Mum.
50,, n les, 6 for $2.50 at all dealers.
Sample free if you write National Drug
fi rhrmient ('O, inept. W. i..) Toronto,
First. \10(114(1) Student (lo his fel-
!ow -lodger) -What are you lork-
int( that llr,rlumntdnu for There's
nothing in it." Second Ditto --
'.!•hat'• just why- : for if my Iand-
:1141% knew it i should have to clear
en, !'roll\ ',uickl,. I can tell yo:,.,,
The Guaranteed ONt Dye far ALL Geode
Joel Think 0111 With the SAME Die
you rancntorANY kladofcloth ► e
liana. of mistakes. All colors to t frsq
Bn► Druggist or Dealer. Sample Card sad
ooklet Free from ••
hW A.A� 5•Rbharhsn tlem Ll .I, Qa
dialii1.T. MontreO
al. QN,
-- 4'- ------
"1 suppose," said the poor but
!,1)'cerwise truthful young man, cau-
tiously feeling his way. "that you
wouldn't be satisfied with love in a
cottage r'
"Why not 1" queried the fair
maid. "I'm sure I'd rather marry
ti,r• right man with an income of
ori) *3),000 n ce14 than as nlillj••n-
11itr 1 (lidu'1 1.'1 l'." •
And. having sense enough to see
there was nothing doing in his line,
ene young man qui(kt% faded away.
Minard't Liniment Relieves Neuralgia,
Sntne striking indications of the
German workingmen's prosperity
are contained in the Prussiarl say-
ings bank statistics. The deposits
in tIle kingdom, which comprises
only two thirds of the ctnpire. to•
tiled V2,393,250,000 at the end of
lJ0'5. Deposits during that 3(.114
were $I 12,500,000 more than in
1907. and the excess of deposit -
over with(lraeals nnletnted to M:;n.
, 000,000. The grentd'•t increase of
deposits user witlidrnwnls wens rug
istered in flit' heart of industrial
, Germany, the Rhine province and
lWentphalia contributing $19,750.000
and $10,000,001 respectively.
permanent euro assured. Send no
money. but tell others of this of
fel. Write to -day t.. Mrs. M. Sum-
' mors, Box P. 7_o, Windsor, Ont.
If n cough makes your nights
sir cl,less and weary. it will worry
)es n good deal. and with good
cense. To dispel the worn' and
give yourself rest try Bickle's Anti -
Consumptive Syrup. It exerts a
seething influence on the air pas-
sages and allays 1h(• irritation that
lends to inflatninatien. It will sub-
due the most stubborn eeug li "r
(•el(1, and eventually eradicate it
fruit) the system, as n trial of it
will prove to yeti.
"fro you think lie is really in leve
with yo111" asked Ma 1111. '-1 dent
know," answered llnrnic. ' - He sacs
he is, but his letters d4411'1 sound a
iii;, silly'.,,
TO CI ter 5 coral 1N 0511 n4Y
Tit• 1.9X 411.•1: lilt ,11„ sees n• 1a1!er,
nrat;ist• Wool m,n•y .t •4 I% 1. to 4 ,-• It W
OMAR'S t alar urS1 44 -01,14 bon 2.c
''i understand you were carried
swat- by 11er singing i• ' •-11.11,
11,1 ,Itlite that. I was drit.rl :14514)
b\ it, th..n¢h •••
Minard's Liniment Core; Dandruff.
Judge --"And yon, who retrained
honest until polo were forty, lines
hin1ic11e(1 your Ilalnle and dl`bemrr-
ed your family. all for the sake of
three nlisrinblc dollars," I'tisen4 r
- • I:yense nu', sir, was if no fault
"What's the matter, my litt'e
men t" "1100-0o: One of my tet 1;1
has trodden on my tongue."
Trial Proves Its Excellence. -The
be: t testimonial one can have of the
t-iitne of i)r. Thomas' Kclectric (hl
i'1 the treatment of bodily pains.
ct.ughs, colds and affections of the
tdspir:story organs, is a trial of it.
if not found the soverr gn remedy
it is reputed to be, then it may be
rejected as useless, and all that has
been said in its praise denounced
as untruthful.
It's a bright loan who can re(e(r-
ni•re his bright sn4'ngs in the third
net; fourth repet;tien,
gree fs our Readers.
wilt. 'rurtnr F.,. Rrm.dv ('n. Oilmen
1'r atnage illustrated Ey. Rook Ire.
Write all shunt Tour Err Trouble and
Ther will al, for a• to 1hr Proper Apol„-n-
t4on of the Mur,n. Isar Rrmrdlr. in Tour
Fprclal ('a..'. Your DruRr,•t w111 telI ro'I
ant 1lnrnti Rr•Lrtr. Fore Erre. Strength
.1 r %Trak Eye.. D•'e'n't Kmart, Soothes
ler P• .n and tolls for Nor Try It to
Your Eye• and in 11ahr', Erse for Seal,
Eyelids and Granulation
The human race ',reduce, n 11'•r0
(e,' every I'r(f'ie11.
M11lnard's1:\T. Liniment Co., Limited.
(L /W. Inca, 'I'h...dore 1I .':u., a rialto -
no r of nitric, will r•omp!.tely eared of
rh.nmat,.m after five year. of suffering.
hs the Judicious use o1 IIINAI(D8 LiNI.
'411,. above facto ran 1., t,rifrd he
writlns to hit,' to the 1'arlph •,t or
any ul ill. asIS1.bore
• v("'1'. MerchanPritt,
dt. leldNs. ; • It kiss
i'll 1 LOSOI'HY.
•1 teen's life is inll•lenced most by
hit nnspeken thoughts.
'I'be demand always exceeds the
limelight supply.
6;0 1111.11. 11,•,t• few '
l•st the safe, plensnnt and efTee-
teal worm killer, Nether Graves'
11'4 rut Exterminator; nothing
equals it. i'rocure a bottle and
takeit honer,
'T\WOC1,1► TAK1' SOAII': TIM:.
"You want me to tell the whole
truth 1" asked the w lint s,
"Certainly.- replied the judge.
"'rhe whole truth Mead the
plaintiff !"
• Of course."
"Nligh. 1 ask how• long dee; this
I',•nit expects to sift"
"11'hat diffnr.nee does that
make '''
"it slakes n Int Of difference. I
couldn't tell the whole truth about
that scoundrel inside of a week,
talking all the title."
Plain Talks to Women.
•A little: e--itd ran crying to her
mother the other day with a
nasty flesh wound and asked for
There lies at rrore powerful argue:ent for
Zam-B': k than even the scientists can bring.
The cl:i!d had had Zam-Buk before, and
kn:sw it cased pain and healed.
Zam-Duk works in two directions. Pre.
vents worse results from a skin injury or
skin disease (such as festering and
blood poisoning) white it repairs the
damage already done. Zam-Buk is
e;:tirely herbal, is pure, contains no
trace of animal fat or mineral coloring.
Surest and quickest known healer.
• Mr. Wafter Adams, 177 Railway Ave ,
Stratford, says : --" Sly son, 44 ilium,
whii• playing barefooted about the back•
pad, cut Ute little toe or: the sharp edge
of a piece of tin. The toe was curet the
first joint, and almost severed from the
font. My wife hurriedly bathed it with
warm water, afterwards applying suttee
lint thick!y spread wttk Zara Buk. The
he.::ing Malta quickly cileclis1 ihellow of
blood, eased and seethed the pant, and
prevented inflammation and more serious
results. In • few weeks Zam-Euk
healed the wound so nicely that my son
was able vacs more to go about, sad alio
to wet.. his shoes wituoot the sligl:teat
inconvenience. Not Duty is Zam Kok
valuable for wnutt•ls and cute,Ir 14,.,•d u
an embrocation, 1 have also found it
affective for rlasaustio pains" •
Zama flak ecru cot. barns, ',seam, rIneweear,
nice., cold cz.ek., and all skim dlssaass. Drug*
tam and (tore.. 40e Ilia:. er poet tree hero rau-
k Ow, Toronto, .nr prime.
EQwa►d CRONYN a Co.
Members Toronto StocI Etching..
Safe Investments
Refer a • 1...! 0,d014 tunny Lank
it.. I. ,re I:.41! 1 t .
our 90 Day St., Toronto.
I 4 ov.0em etm.tar,l Ira' tier; cat 11111
instruction; Ira Keck. complete
toots free; graduates earn 1w, Ise to
eic!deen do!1:.r• weekly write to, rata•
Ingle '.lr,ler 11,,1.-r 4,4legr. 221 Queen
Fna. Toronto
T�o rot 4‘ 511'1' To sta.t. Yoe m
7 :erne c 1,•.a it will. u•. we w.11
4•• •1 roll a buyer. No sale, nn comm.e-
A Few Shares for Sale -, f , A 1',. [intuition, not
n. one ••t t .e 1.r•1 Loan ('nlnp:odea in
e .wads ou r...44 tetra, :..nly 5.t,.&.. duwn•
Mons, to Lend at f.!5;. on approval.runup•. Ap4.!c for part icultra to
11. J. K i; . 1•, no. 410, 1•ondon, Ont
Blind, - Bleeding. Itching,
Protruding Piles .i,e, kiv
•:.1 i,.•‘ u,.• I4 cured b r
the .no.t re,Ir Ifir rind er. 01ri,e• nl rrmr•.it
Pr,-,• 1:• r.) 6 for , CO. walled or: n•
(Pi! .f prir-r
711 Queen West. TORONTO.
' Is Your Hearing Gold
Ti ,• Ii Ctl: (1.mins: 4 ry::! girt t••u 11
h,.• • • • .'f gored hen rn y St nil Inr a •cr
h Crying particulars and enme5
r• . .'••d user• Alao
•-e.Ial Offer for a Month's Home Tna'
4 Su..d'r, 1 Av^ono Tnrnn,n
(urr.l s •I n' .•1^rafinr.• A11 ..h. are of.
t!,'1••1 ...'h this di -en se and w1-1, to to
enrea permanently. safely and rink kir
Stith 1141. creat 11nmrnrnthlr ren"•dr
which will hr sent nost•pald nnvwl -e
in ilia world with full inetrnetion• r, r ,
n•log .n n. '^ effect a permanent rare. ,
Pr'rr 4' 1.1'...•.
Jchn T. Walt. H,•n.nnattoo •pharmacy,
Arnortor. Canada.
find Coto la , PAYtUrncM,a 12tk u-
‘....411411411_41141011Y [1[51441
When .u.e I. ••,-(81;14.1
'hn,uan: or .tilers from
l4heu,a►tl• fain•,
!!,rust, Lumbago. Tooth
oohs Nava:Kai. !t•l,u.
r� itnsurn••nl• loom)
u•.innwmnl•. ion of the
Hrouctua4 1.Ibe.. ►tow
r1. or 1.unit•, Cramrs.
Por. '110.1 IN,
e l'a,n. of nor
k,.d use
Itad w a7's
`. e,a11'1r1 I4 a net of jets! en 'e-
jected rcasuns,--
`1)o it Now.-- Disorders of the di•
glitive apparatus should 1.e dealt
with at once 1.1 fore comi'ItYtttont;
tri'e that may be difficult to 04;p!'
with. The surest rented) to this
end and one that iii within reach of
all is I'armelee's Yegetablc Pills.
the best laxative and sellatis0 on
ill' market. Igo not delay. but try
there now. One trial will convince
anyone thug they are the best sto-
mach regulator that cabs lie got,
If tilt' world couldn't speculate 1t
w, u!d turn hurcnueer.
1 11 •.'•41Lf. • 1 A'41) 4.013.41:1 r;i(il ;a
on • . ten C, .. - ' ,.. Alb len 11.,• -7,o1 and
know %l.., •- 1'•'•n1 uu wilt, I,.r d:,••v
e,,,1 1,-1 I, • ' .• 11 .1 4 a nt,8-4 1:••e,:: 10,
v..,, '. .I r• ,. 1•.
`i A( 11INI:til' 114.:.11)QIYAY.EE104. -
Iron and wood -working machinery,
engines, boil. rs .tram pump'.. g1.soline
ro(rneo. electric motors, contractors
rr.ac•hinerv. rte. Pend for latah?Itr 01
.,err 1!044 Ina, hires. if. W. PETRIE.
U'nitcd, Torrent,.. Merit rent. Van,nurrr.
Agents- Liberal contracts to gond
teen : amply by letter Continental Life
t..'nraoue Company. Toronto. Corresi •
(1011')' confidential.
GENT:. 14.%%TEO EA EF:1'w'ilf.L't
Past ..•11!n: household apron:, ll v.
('edit extended. No ral.ital r.•q•orrd.
1•.,. -1 red d^r• -en+ nrofr 41-r.te Berks,.
�4 (hon n. Rote.I1 Montreal
` GENTS WANTED t' 1I.I 131(1 PILO.
fit• egging ••nr 444• .I•r w'ritn
raw fur free - ,
WW1 ,,4 ,!rs
^^ter v, Red One _ , r,.. • l
!'•", ;.I.
CAL VES Raise Them Without 11111
,ttr e I;r Need (•... �rt i •e
; 1
,a• 1., T ront•,HOnt.
THE 114DtAA4 1:1aR1 lay redurnde
1.• ..�.. 1 • L: 154
1` 1 , nDS! It I.I\U41A\, Iltrg'd
r,- ,rf 11:- 'I •.• . , 1 the •
u.e 11, . u(4.) ! 1:..• w .11 11 rue f..r ata.
jegue I;r,..'.I
A. '1 e. 4e, of (auala, 1•td,,
.oa Y ua.• ...treat 1 or.uto
'.'REEL 4..41,11• 11r .31.1 ,u, ,n
try nor 1'' 4 -.e• Thar! 1.fefraralIo715.
Write 1u and prvr,.'pate in over free in
'rt d11et•,rr camps. gr) Home Spirt -sail ca
t'rsnbv Ai -entre Tornntn
,'4larlatt'N tiair Protuotcr
Crows Hair on any •aid Head
01' .elle at the R. bt Slmpsol• • Drag II.-
Iartmr•nr. Toronto. ('an. or Ih, M:',lett
Promo, •., g ('•, Toronto r.,na.la
Your Overcoats
•o-1 /..Ir4 44 "' • ani,i :^M h.•'.,
'1)1.4 It ne,'terra • e
un ,a runt lot.. w,it• dlrrrt to M .11.a', het 174
erltteh Americo/ere Dyeing Co.
f�l'1 7'nl'R PI 9N41 1,1' slag!, AM(44•7
D our .•I• bargain.. l used unrtrht
piano•, ..,tar n1 115" I(1• tba.. ..1 ,non,ln
' nn. H,,utrm:u,, 512''. 1orAlo•,mor. t1t0,
Masan A It is, b. 4195. Etat h 544', Is,h
instrument warranted IS vitt, for line.
ing write ,mrnedutlrlr for too rtirular.
Thr beach P,nno 1'n 1 ,m,tr4. Manieeal.
Minari's liniment f.r Sale Everyw'tlra.
(111,' 111.1u's 11• bLv , 811o411er 4, :ln a
"A Crave ,a►/ Neigh" t• the rr7 of tnrtnr.5
Ione. (..r Inrrr 0.,. them /near in the I -.1m .•r
Allen's 1.nn,r Retain,. whirh .• urea with earl,
`wee) et!,. 1 even In e•,nv,urh .n's early ease.
leapt neglect a cough
Jay- -"There are plenty of hooks
telling how to ,ave life while wait-
ing for the doctor." Kay-- "1'cs.
1Whnt we need is one telling us
young doctors bow to save life while
scattine f'•r the patient."
Sick Headaches
aro not rnu.,-d by r•.tthing wrong
1n the head, hut by ,on.t,rnllon.
lilio11.nr• and Indiar•ti.'n Ileal•
ache powd,•r• or tabletmay dead-
en het ranee, cure them Dr.
Mnr.e'• Indian Rant P.II• d., e-rn
rick ),.:tda.4 a In the sensible war
by r^marina the con'tipnt.on er
M. k 111.111111. t1 wblrh 0511.0,1 1l:• -m.
Dr Norer'. lndlan Rnnt Pill are
purely e•g.tabl,, Tree frotn any
b rmful drug, safe and sure.
When vol r
1 feel the heads. he tom•
inti tato,
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
342(7 ,-orlon. 0, ,,.'1r ,, l.,0I fort. ahrnt
Human Nature ? I:end Dr Foote',
''4y• •••i,- 1•••,.t en th'• drUr;qtr ,ohlr^t.
ter Loy., MirrIaae. Parenteie. Health,
014,55.. and Freaks. 1t i• the fruit of sit
)rare' l' i"I'imier of aterre.rnl author
Pnd crnelltlonr•r Ent' of rdrfer .err to 4rerr man and wem^n Cnntnl„5
pore v!1441 fart• (1.•1., vntir doctor would
1•iter van for 1rn ,Inllo r• 1n 1 •r• .firer.
1!n p.,.r• sea es !le -or -toe, Prins 11n.
L. L. NII, Book Co.. 179 F. 5 St.. New York
Arrested, and Consumption Cured
M•. G. D. Colwell, o! WAIL-, vele. Ont.
wu.to.ken dawn w,ltt1..Gt.,pein 1906
ant d left ham in very had cond.t,on, Ile
•syr: 1 wu allrua down and bordering on
Ccr,u rp'ion. I could n .1 tle•r el n 5Lte,
had a s I'.1(..ea's, and : o,'O d newts the
wts511:m•, '1 his a how I eat when I
legan to tate Oeyehole, in a low noro,te
eats; h .11 (:071 ,h' 6,.t b tee I I ego') to
imp•ov-'. 11 141 roaor', kr m• .rd I toned
Me bacl to h•i'thin no time, mak rga new
man of err. II (m1,5 -s the hody ars 11!
the auarkel1 1 a Co•iise aril a a 1 es t •e -
venue ,e. 1 Owes, n-.1!'•tl
a cn:d r oro rg on bnJ 11 Id's tae L4:f. ,a
eo tires,"
N0 140MF. 111101.r1 tel flf
Est Sal. Its di Dearer'• sal Dragon :Or. & it •
pet teeter,