HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-03-17, Page 1:tan HURON&M1D DLESEX GAZET1 i CHIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR—NO 1901 40........"................................... ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••N•••••••• ••••••••••••N••••• JONES & MAY'S Phone No. 32. SPRING MILLINERY TO-DdLI Our FJrt Showlog WE shall have the pleasure Today and following days of introducing the New Styles in Spring Millinery. and we incite our friends to come and see what fashion dic- tates this season. Never have we entered a season with more Hats! Individuality speaks from every one of then[. Wide Brims, Turbans, Toques and Hound Shapes. Conte along and leave your order eutrly for your Easter Hate.' Linen Suitings One of the most popular Fabrics we are showing for Spring. Plain or Striped Lin- ens in all the shades. Plain or Fancy Hep. in the good selling shades. Holland or Mercerised finish are both good sellers. Shantung Silks One of the good wearing novelties for Spring. This is a good wide silk with no end of wear r and makes kes a beauti- ful . eau 'tt - ful Spring or Summer Dress. All the new colors of Alice, Tan Buff, Natural, Wistena, Amethyst and raisin. Popu- lar price 54k. yd. New Net Waists =AND WHITE WAISTS OUR NEW WAISTS aro ariving every day and we are mum -Ty to show something very New in the Waist Line. Dainty Net '.Vaists with Fancy Trimming in White. Cream, Ecru and Black Every one a new design. New White Waists are better than ever. All the new ideas are shown here. You will be :lelighted to see them. Have one to wear with your Easter Snit aryl Hon - net. WALL PAPER TALK HOUSECLEANING FOR SPRING \Ve carry a complete Stock of Wall Paper, from the cheap- est to the most expensive in all the latest disigns and beautiful colorings. \Ve have many new and inexpensive disigns for every roost t1 your house. Consult us on the 1VaIl ('aper question. 1t will pay you. You can have your selection, from the largest stock ever shown in Exeter. Our Wall Papers are used by the majority. Jones & Ma y Headquarters for the Celebrated N. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••NN•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••N•••••• EXETER, ONT CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCI! 17tH 1910. SMILING—FROWNING Two boys tient forth on the way of rife. And one had a smile and one a I Mr, 11, \V, l' Heaters was in Cod - f row n : ,•rich \Vl dnesd:ty. done looked up into the heavens blue. While one walked 111:lenly ,?azing down : (%n' wade a man thar m, n dispa•d; I Mrs. C. Northcott visited in llen- Th, other they praised :with an bull a lett days last week. railer pride. Mr. John Caldwell, left Tuesday Which do you think won the world's morning: for TWt;uski. Bask. e�ueeni— Messrs. Eldred Elliott and Owen I The hoy ttho slunk' or the boy who Atkinson left Monday for Lander' ei'hedT olitre they have secured sit lett Mr, Chris. Luker left 'Wednesday as de!1-!:. to th couvrntiotl of the wore on•rl of the World. being held ill LOCALS $z.00 per year in advance Mr. Gib. 1)ott spent the forepart of the twee': in London. '1'he world has plenty of carr and loom : Plenty of bitterness. pain and guile, 1, has no need for your sigh and (row u. • I1Wt lad it '4 hungry 'lo sec Soil Z rutile. j I Don't add to the shadows upon Life's • 1 •fait, 1 s•Z Z2 22 if 22 • • • •s• if • • if si i� 2 ..................„:„:„................f................ t, `1�I E are placing before YOU i t.ie most 1 Remarkable Spring Clothes Opportunity •l• ever offered to the menfolk of this town. This is your :� chance to have your Ef5T R SUIT + built to your own measure by the best Cnstom Tailors in Canada—built into a cloth you youiFelf will select from the cream of the seasons woollen inncvations—and yet built at ♦ a price even the most 'widest wage earner can cheerfully + afford. Two Hundred Cloths to Choose From .� For $20, $ 18, $16, $14 and as low as $10 BIG FEATURES OF OUR SYSTEM Made to Your Measure. Costs no more than Ready to•wcars ( )lick Delivery Guaranteed Satisfaction. ti - + Y Bawden +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 +++•1'+++++++++++++'L••1'++++++ Sandy The Best Flour - If it is the best flour' you Kant, there is but one place in town to get it.---tl►at is from us. The brands are: JEWELL Unturil) IiI('n(1('11) PURITY (Western Canada :four Mink) Leave your order., or call up Phone 2., R. G. SELDON, Exeter. London this week. '•Ir. Jas. Gould left for !Wakomis. seek.. and Mr. Garfield Dodgers, for Davidson, Sask., on .Monday ttith al carload each of settler's effects. !liar lot make sunshine as you Pi" j are Mrs. 7'. larke and '\lies Woodm;, e visitingfriends around iStaffa. I'or the sad old [world is n good oldldi.ion. and the pi, (+holes nuou•rosta. [world To the boy with a cheerful song. EXETER COC\CII. A regular meeting of the coil nciI %was held in the Town Ball on 1`'r:(t•ly. March 1th, Absent, Councillor Lu- ker. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A communication from Mr. Fern - comb regards Smart Turner Co. ac- count for extra. was read and laid over until 'the council members ewe a copy of arreernent. Mr. Marchand. local manager of the Bell Telephone Co., laid before the council letters from the company re- tards opening a portion of Alain street for underground construction, also for the purpose of erecting poles and lines along Main and Wellington streets. The acting reeve and clerk were named a committee to answer com- munications, The following accounts were read and passed.—Wm. Rivers. flour for D. Gillis ns charity, $2.90; A. West - man. London. ,water proof painte. waterworks ncc'[.. $6.00; J. Senior di.on. nndi the pitehholes numer(lfus: Mrs. Clarke. N ho is l) years of age, enjoyed the 13 mile drive. The ial meeting of the South Huron liberal Association still be held in Dixon's Ball, Jrucefield. on Monday. 'March ere: h. at 1.:10 p. The meeting will be addressed by M. Y. 'McLean � cI eau .1 • P. others. A quiet wedding was held at the Englich Church Rectory on \Vednes•• day. .harsh 16th. at 4 p. nt• when the It •v. 1). W. Collins, united ted in marriage Miss Florenee Duns - ford. daughter of Mr. and NIrs. Wn,, 1)unsford of the Lake Road to Mr. Melvin Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Gould. of S,•xsmith. The bride was rnerried in her travelling suit of navy blue satin. The happy couple left on the evening train for a short trip to London, ilantilton and Toronto. On (heir return they i!1 reset- on Mr. Gou:d's farm 2nd. concession of Ilay. • The Exeter Gun Club will hold t heir 5,11. Annual Shoot on Good Friday, The tournament ell) be mainly A merchandise shoot. There will be five events of 20 targets each besitess xpress charges waterworks fleet., the trophy event for the silver trophy lac.; Telephone Cr.. meson^e5 35c • donated by the M,andard lei!ver Co.. of 'Volume. for t Arne:cur Cham- pionship of \Vrsu'rn Ontario. it was won last year by Mr. Saxon Fitton and must be won twice by one indi- vidual to become b°a property. In addition to the prizes for each event there will be given 10 high average prizes. The "Huron Indians" Tour- naments in pass yearn have been sue- cessful and this year prwnx•s to 1), no exception. eetric Lighr Co'y. ighting 8101.40; Geo. Cudmore. labor. ".00; Thos. Ilrock 5.75 ; T, Brock. jr.. 3.40: 1V, Welsh 60c.: K, West 45c.: A. Bissett 5.25: G. Ai kinson 60r : •1,88: Win. Gillespie 2.25 : R. Quayle - 2.85 ; It, Davis 4.03 ; C. Sanders 1.'• ) J. cot/seem 60e, ; W. J. Bissett. pt. salary. 13.00; C. W. Cross. pt. salary cemetery acct. 29,00: T. Ilrork. rr.. 1,50; T, Iiouble!, 5.00; .1. 'w'eekes, Fire chief. 5.00: amonntin;' in ail to 8219.06. Parsed on motion of I.evett and Ila'.kwlll. J. SENiOR, Clerk. • Mr. F. W. 'May. of Mitchell, .was in town Tuesday. Miss Mary Parish. of i esex. S• visiting Miss Leah Hemmer. A meeting of the howlers will be held in the Town hall on Friday ;••Win,: at R o'clock. \lr. and lits. G. Lawson. of Credi- ton. spent a few days with their daughter. Mrs. Thos. Wilson. 11 r. Denier Eeriest: has returned horse from Flint. Mich, birs, Jeer - nick is slowly improving. The death look place in God -rich on Saturday. of Thomas Willinrn Mc - Gerrity. in les 31th ( ear, The young roan had been i11 with pneumonia for several seeks past. McCart)1y, waw the hockey player. and it bras h.•. :•: go of hits. tint the game in the ',ii -finals bete een London and God- ,,rh w11, prOirutPd. ARE YOU (:Ci\G %VEST. 1: so. exet'ptionnl opportunities are eon being o:fered by the Grand Trunk Railer)). Kyster1 (vin Chicago), in the way of "Colonist Excursions', ":4et1!crs' Excursions" and ' Borne - seekers' Excursions', The fortn•r rages Bre one 'way second chine ap- plying 10 certain points in Californ- ia Mexico. lira i.sh Co'u►nbin. Oregon, 1Vashin,►,on. et r• dni'y 111)1 i1 Aprig 15th. The Settlers rates Bre also one wry second class and apply to princi- pal points in Saskntchewnn and Al- berta (inchudinr rerlain points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway). end in effect March 15, 22. 29. April L and 12, The Ifomeseekers enter nr,, round trip second elites npplyin.l to princgpaI points in binniroba. Mesit- a, ehewan and A11erra (including cer- ise, points on Grand Trunk Pacific April 5. lr rem Winnipegrindreturn.irangend $32 �O to Edmonton and return. 842,50, Tick- ets good for 60 slays. Secure lick.•ts from Grand Trunk Arent s. or ad- dress .1. 1). McDnna'd. Dist. Pass. Agent. Toronto. Om. Centralia 2)1• Wm. Cave and family have de- cided .0 remove 10 111 Nor1)nweet rind have so'd their hume in the virete here to Alex, Ilhr,tnt,. Wm. Moffatt ha, holyli; the Kande farm paying! 85.100 for same. Thos. Willis has moved into Dr, (-ride's house not .1, lirad'„y has moved into 1', Abbott's house varalsd by .Mr. Willis. The W. NI, S. met at the resident: of Mr. It, Ilnndford !net week, Rev. el, Talton. n former pastor of the Niel hodis, church here. spent Nun• day with his daughter. 11rs. 1:. Col - will, John Smith line )leen hired to 0 ork Thus. eestoo's farm. An Win 1.1••ak bi Unease:s 1(11 pre - retried a mini!, •r of our popes from nttendine : h • II est Shoo'. at Exert r. Mr. .1, I. i. h. c' Corbel. h is moved on to Anthony Nevin's farm. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S SMALL ACOMB le Word 11115 been received of the death of Mr, Thomas Smallacombe. of Crystal City. binn. which took pinee on Tuesday..\larch IS.h. The dec us- ed was in h:s Garth year. Ile has been troubled for the past few months with poor circulation of the blood but was only compelled to take his bed about a week previous to les death. II • was a eon of the Irate John Smallaeonibe who died about two Meeks ago and was n brother o' Mr. Geo, Smallacontbe o: town, Besides a widow be leaves a family of vis children. five boys and one girl. In- terment wi'I ake 1' ace to -da) (Thursday) in the Crsetal City ceme- tery STACEY The death look place in Hay. (VI Thursday. March 10th. of Mr. John MH, AND 31115. JONI! JAI:nO'TT Who recently ceiebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. BORN 1: ill \ - 1n Credit on. l0 51 r. and Mrs. Samuel Kuhn. a son. KAY—At Farquhar. on Saturday, .\larch 12th, to 'Mr. and Mrs. \1'it1. 11, Kay. •t son. WiLSON—ln Usborne, on Thursday March 10th, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Wilson. a daughter. A\DRI:\[”—l1l Elinivilie. on Satur- day. March 12Th. to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Andrew, a son. ItAItDY—In Winnipeg, Alan., on Saturday. March 5tb, to 'Mr. and .\urs. E. E. !lardy. a daughter, .VG•STAWAY — In Chentie Meat China. on December 17th. 1909, to Mr. and -Mrs. S. Percy •Westaway, a son. JOII\STON—::u Thursday. March 10 1910, to Mr, and itrs. C.. Graham Johnston, (nee Stella tapackman) of • 638 Manning avenue. Toronto, a son. MARRIED IIODGINS—Clatt(Il'—At the .\fanse, Parkhill. on 'Tuesday, dltarch 8th, 1910. Mr, Reginald E. Iiodgins . to Miss Annie Carrie. both of J'nrk- h i ll. Mc'l'TEIt-1)F.F.1:—In ilensall, on \% (dnesday. March 16th, Miss Mild- red J. daughter of 3Irs..1. R. heck. to Mr. Erwin J. .\loiter, of Melville, Sask. '.VEIIIIF.It-1)EAIt1NG—ln i.ucan. on Seto rday. Marsh 12th. I i ill Hee. \Ir. Carlyle. -Miss )lose May Dear; intt to .lr. Percy Webber. both o Exeter. G ULD—DI 'sleOI(D — A; the Vn-- i'h ('hurel, Rectory by the Rev. D. ‘V. Collins. on Wednesday. .\larch t;,I1. Miss Florence Dunsford to Mr. \l. 21(1 (:nuld. Its Ss—TOWERS—At the boo+' of the I bride's brother Con. 14 i,ibbert nn 1 \'•'cdnesday, Murch 9th. 1910 b) Hee. It, G. McKay, of Cromarty, Elizabeth Towers, of Ilibbert and S: .1 hots. of Dinsmore. Sask, 1)1E1) 14IF.3T.>'.—In Zurich. on Sundae March 6th. George Siemon in his Greer year. MULIIOLLA\D—In slay on Friday. March 4th, Mrs. \Vm. Mulho)laffd aged 53 years. STACEY—In Ila ' on Thu rode e Get Your I SapPalis & SapPans Kettles and Spiles also everything in Tinware and Galvanized Iron from us. Stoves and Ranges Garland Ranges from $33.00 to $42.00 SunVuir Ranges at *.\5,00 Oxford Ranges .Jewel Ranges These are fuel savers and prices are right. Stock and Poultry Foods '':►, :,0, $1,00 and $1.50 packages. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE' from $33,00 to $44.00 at $53.00 mum nummllammunnuraLLTiTiumum FURNITURE and IJNDERTAKING' ill 11 11 11 )1 11 11'11 111)1)11/ 1) 11 11 r1 11 II 11 11 11.11 II II 111 Parlor Suit Parlor Tables Easy Chair Odd Chairs Music Cabinet Couches Sideboards Hall Racks Buffets Kitchen Cabinets Dining -room Tables Dining Chairs Dainty, well -made and at reasonable prices. Bed Room Snits Bed Couches Mattresses Springs, Brass and Iron Beds Newest styles and all at,popular prices ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. 1tltilfl;f r ti 1 t 1 l WU uurimm iii I i iif jiii 'z BIG CLEARING SALE OF PIANOS In order to reduce are large stock of pianos. We are going to of- fer to the 1'ublic for the next thirty days the biggest value for the money that was ever offered in Exeter. Below will give you an idea of some of the `:argains. Match loth, Jolrn`.Sincey, aged 90 Blundall Piano Case Walnut - �� aces- a. the rips' nee of .110 year.. • 2 months and 13 days. The deceased2.'srs. 2 months and 1:t days. enjoygood health for a man of SIIIE11.--ln leirk ton. on Tuesday, 4 ft. lar Price high. Ivory 1)ry1and letiePricty e$ !Keys. guaranteed for an unlimited time. hie :i; e up to the time of his dent',, binreb Zit:. \1 r. Adam Shier. aged death being due to heart failure . 78 Scars. 3 months and 21 days. --- Ile was born on Christmas Ilay jn :$MALLAC.'1,111e—In ('r,51 it C:ty. — -_— IePonOhire. 1•:Wetland. 111' cause to 1fan.. on Tuesday March 151h. 1910 Canada over fifty yearn ago. I sbor'n t Thomas Sntn:l aeon, be in his 60th in Usborne and Stephen. Ahoiit 15 veer. years ago he was married to M ,r) ARMSTRONG—Goshen line. Stapley, Ann `itan'ake, Seven years lifter Hobert Milton, son of 31r, and Mrs. — .he7 were married they moved ',o Robert Armstron, nn,d Po ,,•,are Morris Piano Mahogany Finish near 81, Mary!' riihere they reedited for and 5 months. 4 ft. 7 in high. guaranteed n fee ten years Ebony nett ivry Keys. Reenterg:31111 12 years, returning again to Stephen. Mr. Stacey died at the home of his - --e.-- Male Price $21f) eon. Joseph Lot 4. Con. 7. ilay where Mr. rind Mrs. Stacey have resided for Children Cry Dominion Piano Pure Walnut Finish ,bout 8 year.. In polities .'ilei titnrey FOR PLETCHER'S 22115 n roomer waliw•• aairl in .roil::100 1 ft. Y in. high, 1his is the best piano m:tnufaelnr•ed by The Dominion Organ & was a member of the church of I':n,t- CAST O R I A Piano Co. Regular Price $32.7) 00 Side Price $215.(s) land. Resides he; "1(108. out r,' e• family of fifteen, nine children six • hops and tse hree girls urvive .1 lie - i Jebel and Joseph. of Bay. Pei ., in ,� ,/ Ennis Piano Mahonany Finish the U. le. ; Simon. of Oilepriner, Ont.; 4 ft, 7 in. high, Colonial Design. Regular Price qi:1'11 Sale Price $2'25 1 nal Ilan. in einskatchewan : Ileum: and Lena. of Chicago and Mrs. .Iciui \V' will deliver In yn,1r home complete with stool a'apn s n i y, nn. i.• ()u.r, Any or the Above 0,11105 nn Payment of $:e1.110 Anil you rnntyd phityandtshenue badlrancee, fnuer;i! was held SntWrdny intern W 'due at $2 a week. Dominion Piano Mahogany Finishg y 1 ft tl in. high. 7� octave. Specially designed in the highest style of art. Reg- ular Price $275.(1) Hale Price $2111000 (Iu li ore of Cry ( l City. M TI eking pace 1n the Exe,er cern. t •ry, 1 111.:e7CATS it There !,i'' . n: 111. horn • o' her son John .n'`•• lihon. en Wcdncs• day th t,,11 it I;• Sanders relict o .n.. a- in h r 711th y. ,:. '•1 - - • , r has been in poor hl t i h for :nun• i inn• and abseil n month and n 11,:1 ngo ens eom- eelled to take l,'r b.d. gradually growing weaker until the end came a... week. She nes suffering from the infirntatie, of o:(1, age. Dees;lsi•d has been a life-long resident o. Stephen. bring born on th• 3rd c(n- r, cion. her parents. : he :ate Mr. and Jur.. John `I:uutet, :ring among :hc early settlers of the township. About 50 Peal r5 5111• t.am stn rried ,0 11' int., John Pte./teeter who predee ns d hire about AN years n;eo. 8),e tine n member of the Mali St .t'M •1hodisl Church 11)1 dunce th,' pas e,t Seers has been 11nabe• ,a : , •, I tui , •rvi- ce-, 'there nue 1 •ft to mourn 11 r less :► family of five children. three sir:s and two boys; 11r:. 11, Luker. Exeter Mrs. .1. i ring. 81 rat ford: Mrs. W. \''• i sen 'Puckers:n t 0 ;, sir Saone! and Jolla or '{:el -diem fami't• nre wiry 1:ral,fnl to :her :Lore and frit -nets 'nr .he i' men: ace o kindn s see its-. The CA S T O Rfuuera'. wire held Friday. 'menu •nt I A he nit in tM' Fxeter erenet:•ry. AND Feed All Good Kinds of Flour and Feed kept on hand iirrtn and shorts Sohl by the Ton. 1\•heat taken i 1 exchange for Flour and Oats taken in exchange for Oatnl.al, T. Rivers EX Is 1'1?it. — ON TA RIO. S. MARTIN & SON EX FI R, ONT ARR). Situations BEWARE Vacant March Winds --OF A few more machines are being nd- ded to our Exeter Clothing Factory. Young \C010e11 wilt, are anxious to earn their own living and desirous of good steady employe, tit. ()meriting power n,.tc! des. Apply for further infer malign at once to G. W. Davis FOREMAN TN JaGksoM MIG. Go. I'.TN R, ONT. Now Is the 1in:e Io take c;oell (ere of the lieu ds nr d feire. it's the elm()) Winds that drys the mist his f. If you went hi keep your skin soft and smooth apply Medicinal Jelly immediately niter cleansing the 8)5011• ed purls. It not. (sly lurks lint leaves the skin 'oft and moult,. It is nn excellent preparation In use after shaving rind cannot 1 e heat for sooth- ing burns. Try a llotlle. it, in only 25c Prepared only by the Purity Mfg. ('n. 7'(115 15 where yon hear all the infest Edison nictitate Remember the place. The Purity