HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-03-10, Page 8••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••40••—•••••••••••
•••••••••••••N•••••••♦••••••••••••N ••••••••••••
l•••••••••••••••••0•••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••♦
IIIES SEASON of the year Everyone's
evullt3 are many, We have prepared for this.
Every I)epaltwent has something Special to
oilier You. Ev( ry item in this list is a Money
Say( I'.
Ladies Coats
nils is our first showing of
Spring ('oats, Collie in and
have the first peep at. the new
styles. These coats are made
of fine (`overt ('loth in Fawn
and Black. Prices
$0 00 $7.00 $S 00
Taffeta Silks
We are showing this week
something special in Black
Silk•. They are all guxran-
1••ed SVUIe widths, extra
tine Iluish, 30 inches wide.
Pace $1.00, $1.23, $1,,50
Ladies' Skirts
,lust received. new style
pleated Panama Skirts. 'These
skirts are men tailored and
have a style and tit not found
in ordinary skirts. They
come in Blue and Black only.
Price $5.50
Dress Goods
We are pleased with our
new Spring Dress (foods and
we want you to see theist.
Ever)• new Color and Weave
is in stock.
Prices 50c, 00e, 75c, $1. $1.25
We sell KING
Nall Papers
11)11) Wall Papers are the
1,ert yt t All the newest de -
1 -1u118 and colorings are shown
1. canshow •u �
sieta'de for any room inthe
}, 1
5 ', 8c. 10e, 121c, Lie, 20c, 2.1c.
This ever popular and sani-
tary floor covering is Here In
cul widths, in both Floral and
Tile patterns. We sell
''NA1R\8", the beat Scotch
l.inuleums made. Prices per
$1.00. $1.75, $2 2..i.
HATS for Men
Rugs & Carpets
Our showing of Carpets and
Rugs this year is better than
ever. i
are, not
y re1►d •
at present nt setect c
while our stock is large and
t laid aside. Range
from $(1 75 to .$10.00.
Lace Curtains
Spring ('leaning means new
Curtains. Our new stock is
now in and now ready for
your approval. The patterns
are new and are sure to please
50c, 75c, 1St and $1 50 to $5.1111
«•t' s(•11 MISS CANADA Shot's for Women
i Highest Prices paid for all Produce.
Market Report.—The following is
the report of Exeter markets., eor-
lecied up to \larch 11.111).Wheat from $1.01 to X1.07.
fees 3i --:17e.
Peas )U to 'Z;5 Cents
1t:i11(3 5u—L2e.
Shorts *24.0U
(]ran $22.00
Model Flour $2.90.
Feed herein
Huy #:i U0. $10 au
Coal, $7.'25 a tort.
Hoes livc%c(•U 11t t;1.90
Butter 20o and 21e.
Eggs 21 and 20C.
turkeys 16e, dressed.
(;ecce 10a dressed
Ducks loo dressed
Potatoes 50 to 65 cents.
Clover reed $7.50 to S.00.
Timothy Beed $1.50 to e:.'.e0.
Alsyke $5.50 to $6.75,Chickens 12'. dressed
rival 9c. dressed
Diced Apples 5c.
♦ •
♦ • •••••••• .•••••••
•2 Mrs. John Dtoir is visiting
♦ Thamesville
• � NI r. A. E. Wood. of Ilderton. spent
. Sunday with his parents,
• • :Hiss Alda Hinsdale. of Iippen, is
•• visiting t%ith friends in town,
W. Mad: is book-keeping for Mr.
W. Levet t.
Mr. 51'nt. l:iinte has rented the
\lansiOn lie:as,•,
:Mrs etas. Sweet has been ill with
La Grippe
Air. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart visited
in London the forepart of the week.
Mr. Dan 1Vood (hart rented the
Treble (arid Just south of the vil-
3lrs, Ed. Irwin of Norwich is via-
.t.ng her parents Mr. and etre, Thos.
teasel t.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Pym and )•oun'
uI left on Tuesday for Carievalty
s is
Miss May Hawkins lute accepted a
1 s
p tllon as assistant Milliner 1 face at
Jones & Miay's.
'•Its. II. Huston. t%ho fins been vis -
1 Toronto ('ful•ned borne.
i;- Auld, of i':ssex. has resumed
h r len-ition as milliner for 51r. .1.
t, tit see art.
M., D. Crittenden. of Il'y: li.
ed fur a few days this tveek with
\Irs. Son(licoll.
'.1 ss Edna rollick returned home
:,. week after %Hiring in London. Sr,
•1 , i'ys, and Arkona.
Mr. Langford. of Ingersoll. visited
the Presbyterian ,\lance on Sat -
day Jest
Mr. Geo. 11•eekt•a, of New York. is
- 1. - t tethers. .!Messrs. •Wni,
• •
• 2
• 2
♦ •
♦ •
• •
• •
• ••
• •
• •
0 •
•••••••••♦•••••••••••••••• •.••.••••.•••••••••••00•0
•••••••••••••••••♦♦••••••• ••••••••••NN••••N••••••
D •
If you arc altiicted with hails, pimples, scrofula, salt
rheum, eczema, or any other indication of impure Wood, don't
waste time and tnoney in external remedies for the trcatin..nt
c.f these symptoms.
Sometimes there arc no Outward symptoms of impure
blood, but instead there is a feeling of langour, a rundown
listless condition, Toss of appetite,—showing that the organs
and tissues of the body are not being nourished as they should
The use of Nyal's Blood Purifier is followed by the: most
pleasing results. The boi's heal up and disappear; the skin
becomes soft and smofth again, in,tead of harsh and scaly, or
pimpled. The liver is stimulated, the blood t nriched, and
aeon the whole system feels the beneficial effect of the -s excel-
lent remedy.
Pure blood means health and a strength, Nyal's IUnod
Purifier makes pure blood.
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.
Chemist & Optician
Exeter, Ontario.
' Big Show of Easter Post Cards,& Booklets,
Am selling the best
Woven hence that is made
and 1 t
l selling
at the following
ow 1)r1
(, liar Fence at 24 cts. per rod
7 Rsr Fence at 27 cts. Per rod
n Bar Fence at ,;o cis. per rod
Ir. T. i
. J n :r
s re
nt Thursday ltsdaf Ia.:
in Landon.
1VA\'rFD—A boy to learn the har-
ness business. Apply to P. Fray n..
Tillie White 1 hlfr relr:rnrhorn
nn Sat•irday Cvenire:r (10111 DC1t01r•
Ii :rid I,::s tr1'Irllr(I It"1' position as rn:i-
'en r with Jones & Nf:ly.
Itev, Ilowen. of Toronto. will de -
'aver nn illustrated lecture in the
Town (fall this (Wednesday) evenin;
in Ilit interests of 11• 11;ble Society.
fl J GLflTWOft1 f1Y :.I►. (-;iffnrd fi,,nrl:r11an. Of (fHeiph,
• J.
nn of Dlr. Yuri Ni' ueP rnan. of town
(IIt.1 N1'ON,
Nits. T. Iiarnitell. of
mere .. clays with
.1. .`. Iloenrd before
her ham,' in the Ween,
tallh a painful accident ane day
1 lad! work, w 11 e11 w ii1 lay h'rn tip for
Ia. short time. Th -y were fixing; nn
ejrvafor in McDonnell's Brea. store
Saskatoon, when n p'ank fell on .Cliff's foot.
(hal wee
. i \ a in 1he ,
Mr. rind .ir..plank ran
ravin, fry throe,,^.h hi.. h';: 10,• wfire ::pother of
his toes was crushed. \V,• hop" h,
will soon he aroend nf.•a:n.
5118. 'Vn,. Duncan. of \Vinchelsea.
visited 'Ir. and Nltp, 3. (;, ,lanes for
a f.•tt••:syr:.
: 'Frank Jones has accepted a I o
:.11(111 with Ili Nla5Se3.J!seri• Co. of
'1r. Thos, llandford ehipped a load
of horses Tuesday to W' 'peg, '1'h. y
%%ere ec.ompanied by Mr. 11. O':den.
31iss own. of St. Thong,•. w ho h.1
(,ern !.ilia,: at the hoe. of 31r.
(tall h `,eddy. returned be '•lends)
t1. Carrie Itis ght has •
1... 11.,,/ :18 trniftier in a 1:.• a 1) •
i train r nt at Cr•eemore. Ont,
Mrs 1': Nface of Toren o :int Mt.
11. Elliott, of Norwich. are guests o
:ie. Misses (',Ming. Huron Street.
St. Andrew's Pr•e.byterisn Church,
Nippwl. and Hills ';reen have called
Nit.. Richardson. it graduating student
11f Knox College.
Itev. C. W. 11,'; •r. i1. :1.. 11. 1).,
lrkona. has 1.• n invited by tri
Board o: ib- .M• hndist cherch to r, -
w,ain for th • fo rth year.
l' L 8 MARCH rd '
•••••ON - •♦•••♦N••••••••
'Tis nit%ay8 c tea test in the end.
To choose the very b. at.
And common rel al, and prudence t: ud
This eo'd,•11 practice to commend
To you among the rest,
So Inc The 'I'ilnes" to advertise
And you oj'I ser that it. was uisc
‘Viten results ate manifest.
You %%j:l make no nlislnke by term-
itan "ad" in our Watt CO I1IJIrt n•,
I e M ins; circle met at the 1torn •
'•l r. 'e'• 5 Hoe ev last Wednesday
:rue! e • i 111.1 1 Iii, week at the bonne
of \Ir.. 1t', 11', Taman.
The Misses. '3in)• aid Ethel Arm-
stiong left for Luckiow Tuesday
e here Miss slay conducts a 'vijllin-
ery cntab!ishlnent,
Ll *1'I'—Elis• Gauntlet lot betwc••ri
r'unuil(Ieial 11otcl and Halter's Liv-
ery, brown ter with glove inside.
Finder kind:y leave at Times Off-
aeon, will he at the Commercial hotel,
(fours 9 a. in. to 1 it in. Glasses
properly fitted and diseases of eye.
ear and nose treated. Next visit Sa-
terday. April 2nd, all day.
very pretty wedding was cele-
brated at the horde of Mr. and Mrs.
lsaih 1(aa. Exeter North. on Wednes-
day. .1,r ch .Jth when
their daughter
Emma Pena. was united 1 Cl '
n t 1
to tn•lrriaRtt
to Mr, Henry John 1%estle s..n o
Thos. Nestle. cstic. 2nd concession of St ph -
en. Promptly nt tto o'clock the
bride entered the par:or leaning on
the arm of her father. and took her
peace in front o' a bank of (lowers
•.Slee the wedding march was being
played by Master David IIail. brother
of the bride. The ceremony was 1),g--
formed •.
by Hey. E. A. Pear in the
presence of the immediate relatives
and friend!' of the contracting par-
tner. The yon ng couple were unat-
tended. The bride was dressed in u
:Princess gown of %%bite mull trim-
med with lace and insertion, -lel
carried a noir tile( of %%Site enrim.
Owls and end !:IT.• Afr•-r the cere-
mony the guests repaired to Iit-
dinin: -room %%herr a daintyluddite -
r'lnner was served. Tbaelltej'py coup:r
on the cvetep.y train for a hos-
e) e., eon tr'.t tr.l1'indsor, Detroit and
•1 ..enaeoo. The bride's going away
.'tees wax of navy blue Panama with
111' to match. On their return they
e• ill reside on the 2nd concession o'
til phen. The Tithes extends rote
Tile I.:(dies Aid of `•f•.'n S:1
1l, iii dial church held a winter r e -
r r nn Friday last at the horse of .'.1r.
. Hooper. Lake (toad. The day ems
that .'m,:d be desired. P)ti arly-
1, beautiful farm home
.. i •• ary41071 a3 JIP',I I r • 'ire 1'. Ilnrton. I 1; i • -
o t • or, • rat down to supper
the t h• ere laden with every von I
-end 11.r. •. 'There is n vast diff
nee r..; n tl summer and a to 11'-
:••r 1' see. for instance in the r'.•;:-
nler th people do not rare to ;o led
the ., inter t•oa cannot 1 eI, ..
ay. Every one had the time u:
'1 as all worked systema-
, ro dete'op the eaechail,) and
l ruents of the day. Af-
lo•,•:t to the Lad' -
'!, T. 11. WE • -
Mr. Fred 1'. d , r. of Pigeon. •31 cii..pmldcdr to by \I r. A. 1bcoprryand rap-
e flo attend '1 a1, f„n :a' of the fat preri:lled by the ladirs Judger:,
'Il +. Hooper. .s v . tin;; Mr. .101111 the herr 11111 e5 dirt•rr.\d ter it
o -ay. Sir, 11. C. Huston a rt
tilled the position of toast -foam, •
e !ooked toward him at this ,' r e ;
for some remarks or anoth^r 1'
and were 11'.1 terrified at h;s ; .
expression. Ile looked very
VI it deve'open'1 symptoms of faire
e..• were 11'1 t:.1 :1:1y vert' iii'tch :e
rr:l',1 but were not kept on in sus-
: 1” • as we discovered 11 • na.4 corn-
- 1'0• : r) and as we never
' -- poet we did not know hoe i
Th' I0,•try you wi:i e
is orig•na,,
ti• 1 to o'ir wives.
They fill our ayes
Leh busy bees, with hones -
The•) '• Ise 0113 shocks
A11,1 11rn our cocks
An I :lend 01081 all our money.
Mr. Thr.. Russell attended a me t -
of t h • Directors of the Wrsn•rn
1 "' :ti London the la.t(•r part ref
•,t week,
s3 Rebb has resumed her po-i-
1,op on 111 • 1111g11 Shoo: Icache, '..
toff after being absent for n fe e-
••eks nt her hour• in 5-a(ortb.
Douglas Stewart bns accepted a
e'w,ition with the McLean Publishing
1 n of T0rontu. and !eaves this week
lit enter u{ nn /1.4.111•W dui ays.
Special evan•tr!ist C . services t%n
imminence bt Ih. Vain she t M rho
•11,1 church on Sunday next. 1'h• v
j'1A, befcondear.ucted by the pastor, ItcRev. .
`'Ir. Earle Spackman. triter of the
.!".arms Bent: al AI vino on. bre leeei
1/141) ell to ('t ta t% .1 and \ir. James. of
'Ottawa. wel take his p ,Ice at A!v'n•
St ol,.
^Rev 11'. 31. 3r 41 tin If. i)., former-
ly of 1150'er, n"w of London, preached
in Burnt.' church on Sunday lust.
1Vrtller P. ary...t 1(11ex Ce.11rgr, is the
1'astor•elec•t for these congregaliet e."
Blyth Standard.
Mr. John (;illson. it.ioera! candi-
date for the 1',Ovincial and Fed -r.i'
hol.urs in several elections in 'IE,I,t
.\tieillesex. died nt h s home in Lon-
/fon lownahip Sunday, aged 57 yrs.
The Tate Mr. Gil 1,i0/1 t% 11A depaty
peeve for the to n•hip last y ar. 11
!lancy!tuother, to Mrs, John I•:s•r•I y.
A treater Atom) period extends
i rout the 1011i to I h•• I:ir h. On Ur,
central day of lila period. the 1211.
the 11
IY n
11 I •
h,• a •'' i
�tl ., tumor
. t n
and in prriftre, 11 is i;l rrmjunctimt
with Earth and Shin on :1e Ilth. the
czart centre of the greatest amniotic
and electric i,erturbation of the
t• ho:e year, 1'it,• Broom 1 -r and ev-
ery other reliable interator• of a ).
prOachin't..'orm+ sho'tlri h-' carefully
heeded throe::ho.1 th s p rj',d, Watch
the 11th. 1201 191h and 14th A
lieezard out of the northwest wit)
b,• natural on the western flank n'
these er.nrrnm. The 10th fo 15th is
lion a very decided SeIS;)tie period.
%Patch for earth -pike and volcanic
Atc r 114;s poetical criirs:on a 10:l•r
In th )wing men ons prc/ploscd 1n -
''r. i'. A. Po:lick aboweng us how
re ", ' .'1: • Hurn raised in God y
, ,, 1.% ter are now filling post-
e.on-, of trust in the far west mil
other le c -'s. \(tela S.. rh,rrrh t.
near pl ul,u• - I by lir. D. A. It,-.
isle space would permit rely e . •
h ., talk in full. it was clot:; r. •
.11.110:rtiv,• and Li -ought to /fly
t h.•..• lines,
words attended on his wr'sth•)
`•' 1131•,
'.H.1 tai:d 1:4 r1Hasion (;owed in (.• •
'Ile - r o •.t: r. n., t 'foaled to by Cec.
Fear, pastor of Main 8t. quire,'
',1 11(1 u3 to measure ftp to Ih-
h,s h standard God has panned for
tiesr1 1
h. \'
h rC •
xt a
toast to tut
110s: and Ilosleas was proposed 1
ane or our 1j.jluf and hr•!Iitlnr )o In.'
men Mr, .1. Elston thanking Mr. and
Nlrs. Hooper for giving us such
',t,od tone at their ronlfortnh',' home
nn the farm. N1r, D. (•oobk,liek res-
t• 11.11 a,suring u4 Ile knew the
!borers for rnany years. We were
111, it entertained '01(1) trl11s'r and
site:intr. Mrs. 110ut!oliah and (etre
leatchford's instrumentals are por-
t by o' mention tt tele Mot. 1). A. Rem%
.welled any ;,reviolls performance.
1"e finally had to pet our wraps and
rt for home carryingwith %
11 11
h a most
;' -'sant memories or that home. i
CJb.ildren Cryadd here the venllcmen. that
east ha notes on one of the tenets.
ran (tet earn,. Hy applying to the vier
Ails. of lir Aid. -9, A. Cor. Ladies
Church Directory
Rev, Richard Hobbs, Pastor
Sunday Publics Worship -10.30 a.uttr
luta 7 p.m,
Class Service—Sunday 9.30 a.m. and
after Morning Service and Wednes.
day night.
Yours• M n'r Cl... and (i(►esebnta.lu
bunds! rt r (; (II
Sunday school and there Cusses 2,30
I,. m.
Epworth Longue—Tuesday at Rp,m
Prayer Meeting—'Thursd,ra . New Laces, New Embroideries, New
Curtain New DressGoods.
Men s �� Carpets, New Rugs and New Squares in all the latest
styles and colorings. Shortly we will have in our
New Line of Shirt Waists the nicest up-to-date
—AT— goods we have ever shown,. Also a very
fine line of Fancy White Underskirts.
TiTIS week will end our big sale, and will now prepare to get Its
line with spring, which will soon be upon us. Our New
Spring goods are corning to hand.
New Ties, New Prints, New Muslins, New White Wear, New
After all it's the Tailor who
makes a suit a SUCCESS or a
FAILi;ItE. The uu,stfascin-
ating style would be a fizzle if
there were not careful needle
work underneath. That is the
reason our Suits at $20 are
better than the suit you buy in
town for more money They
are perfect in every way if
not you can have your money
Merchant Tailor.
Ladies yott will soon he thinking
about your Spring Sewing and how 1 s
about your ,sewing machine, will it do
the fine work that is required of a
good machine?
Why not exchange it as part pay-
ment on an up-to-date machine? We
are giving to the people of Exeter and
surrounding country the biggest sake
in a sewing machine that was ev r
t^•ted• For we can give y a
machine guaranteed for 10 years Tao 1 LO P 1 NG i 1
Highest prices paid for Produce.
"20,000 Razors
for Free Trial!"
A new lctentlfte dlsenvery•—a secret We want you to 1 .loco and entoy
Proeers—bas 1•e•volu1Wnlzed the menu- the srnooth sleeving a ,nlfort you eau
f:. •
of razors. This; discovery en- 4 Stain only throughthe long sweep_
elate 118 to offer you a blade of Carbo- Ing diagonal stroke of a straight blade
steel—(steel plus carbool—wIdeh you standard razor—the Carlo-Magnette—
not have
to ho,
re or
grind, a blade
which cuts
the hairs rra cl
1113withoutsplitting them or turning the ends
stays sharp always.
11 w
Pwe will ba•
dist c
distribute Into the
Carbo -
pimples. skin to •
•cause Irritation,
. 1 etatto
t;netl0 !ozone "n 3u L:rys' '1'rf:11 Lib-
, and even worse troubles. n;
lulely [neo—there is ono here fur ' nme to today and g,•t a Carbo-31.1g-
retic Razor on 30 Daffy' Free Trial.
This Razor Is tempereel by a secret 100K FORMS TRADE MARK
electric process at an absolutely even _
temperature of 2.500 degrees. The re•- ^d , • K:
cult Is the haraest cutting edge known �_-iz
to science. A blade of Carbo -steel that .ec ...•o.-�`a J /
we r, no oni g a lgrUnt.• of yerlucC �f_L_L) J _�LsI_ �p�LO1 i
wear. r honing—no grinding. tifOCl/sauCrf/IG/KOe LI
Quarter cut oak linistl, high ant ate t
tom„''• :,et, roll set of attachments,
met hearing and everythingth at goes
to snake up a high grade machine.
Call and let us demonstrate their•
wonderful value to you.
NOW Spring SuIt1ns 1
Bus & Dray Business � Merchant Tailo• r. JOHNS. 3
'sVc guarantee Best Workmanship, I3est Material,
S. Martin & Son �� Best Fit and Prompt Service.
Come in and inspect our materials.
Exeter, Ontario.
Having purchased the IN Iu isi 1 4,j4 4,jj tis sis jj4 his U
Bus and Dray business
from N1'rn. Arnold, I so-
Ileit a shah of 3011r pat-
ronage. Orders left at
the Advocate Office.
T. G. Creech
are fitting Spectacles
new method
Lookln(J Into The We
We have fitted many cases that other optic -
i ians have been unable fo fit. With our meth-
od we actually see the defect and can measure
it as accurately as a carpenter does a board.
There is positively no chance work about it.
It's a Long Road Call and let us examine your eyes.
that hasn't atura and a longer one Satisfaction guaranteed.
that do(•s,i t come our way. This mill
is making a their second to none. 11
you want Fleur that well hake breed
like "mother need to make" von tan
g. 1 it here.
is the old reliable. For 1'1:'111 1 h:lt'e i
always good, bay out,.
A1a11U1a('ttlrt'tl T)V I:0 YEARS EXPERIENCE OF AN!
Wemnsu Rlxu4 Axa MAIIR(AUli IncRYit+tte
HH.' Mts• \l'inslow'a Boothin,t syrup i,1 HOMESEEKERS'
arvey Bros, the prescription on. of the heal. EXCURSIONS
(ema:( physicians :1nd 11nrses 111 1he'
Unit. d furter, and has been used for ! TO
fitly fears with never -failing success WESTERN CANADA
- ! by million.; of mothers for their
t relieves the
r child
(Via Chicago) t
g)1n. rur 3dinerhnen. gritting in
bo , .a and wind colic. 11y diving including terlain points on (f rand
Sea:111 lo• the child. it reef. the:hunk I'.ecitic Railway.
mother. Tuenty-five cents n bottle.
AT i'llE IIENSA(,L F(.ot-R.'''I`'r'd'Ll;il., i►.1•:.11'.11' h;XCl:tt-
TNG �i(i.i.5. c {; I fil'ONS.
He Cook, Sons ' 1 ' nil 5 rn Canada.tit March ,t
=' April :, tend 12. via Grand Trete,
• I •„1-t.ay 5y5ICm. from Yet 1(1011S '11
I1F,NA1.1., ONT. '('pfati° limes% on and west. to e.•r-
1'en paints in 5:eskat(lire an and A!-
berla, I•nrtiru:nr attention is (' I:ed
1 o Ito- h
that: � low u rales apply t„
alt.!r. I'iIT`k Sne'lt.ro;r`ettee ',1r.,r';ytealolt•1" te'IjIorGrand tyllfill ''ofj('GRAC-
11. !'c11ha•. i:l7e}. t►ppnrhenilirs". Secure 1 ebl-Is
Add Itilnmvil:e. and
51 r. Tin?. l;, ilnndfotd visited int furl
rAinform.11ton none (:rine!
entSt, Thames this week, WW1) (here! Ronald. 1i 1 .rA.. G. of Tf� Ity.l'lb)rre tn,
he was Oa • guest of ,Mr. Fd. Cutler, Ont.
(April 5, 19 Msy 3, 17, 31
June 11, 'LK ,rely I_,,gtt
Aug. 0, 21 September 11, 211
WINNIPEG and !tenuity iiE:1441Je, -
E1/31t )NITON and Her urn $1.1 50
Tick, s good for Sixty lett s.
Pimpo•' innate (Rates to principal
point in Manitoba, Seek/itch
••a•ar1 and Alhcrl:1.
For o
} , nphlet.• giving lists and
partirnh•.•s of '•I•'ree Homesteads"
"Lando 1 Ir Purchase" along the Grand
Trunk Pacific Kaiiway, apply to
J. J. KNIOHT, Depot Agent.
or write J. D. MCDONALD, ilei•°
Dem' Toronto, Oat.