HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-03-10, Page 7memo X1114-I+4+l-1 11-Mww1•• -11-1'44 Fashion hintse *i4 -!•i -1••i -I 1-i i i •i -i.1.$ 1 h•l1+* SI:I;N IN PARIS SHOPS. Wool fl, were and wings are new. • Diagonal linens are new and smart. A TERRIBLE SUFFERER FOR TIIREE YEAPS But Health Was Completely Restor- ed by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. l:'trtme anguish; pains in the jrintsthntall but drive one crazy -- thus may inflalnnlatory rheumatism Lr described. '1'he %ictims are to be pitied -to theta life is one long torture; they suffer by day and Hats are now made to match the cannot sleep by night. Such was coat. the condition of Miss A. Mercier of Russian blouse coats increase in Ottawa, Ont. For three years she popularity. was a victim of this trouble. and Plaiting is seen in mauiy of the found no relief till she began us- ing lir. Williams' Pink I'iIls. She segs: ---'•For three years 1 was 11 sufferer from inflammatory rheu- rratism. During that time 1 con - Plain princess dresses in velvet stilt td and was treated by some of ars, popular. the best doctors in our city, but I Wide leather belts will be worn found no relief in their treatment. with linen dresses. 1 1 began to despair of ever being _ Great knots of black or white well again, when one day a friend late trim large hats. • advised inc to try 1)r. 11'illiuias' {, Many of the new Ieghorns are I'ink Pills. I procured three boxes faced in black velvet. and by the time these were used MOTHI:II'S EXPERI ENCE. Linens for the corning season arc. there was coo„s improvement in Fond Mother -"None, look here, u" condition to encourage ale to (,cur e : 1 want you to break off gots, heavy, and pliable. continue their ass. Three moreK Ribbons in silver and gold,with that girl. She is also boxes completely cured me and to- :cry pretty, in copper are at hand. da+ } nm as well ns e%er 1 was. I and all that, but I know her too Heavy Russian lace of linen is to always keep a supply of Dr. cilli- well to want you to risk your lift not keep my thoughts from wander - be intich used fur trimming. auras' Pink fills in the house and as"'' happiness by marrying her. ing Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me. �hhv she knows no more aboui. Most of the pretty wraps are of %you'd recommend all who suffer as I ] K tresslo-di1. 11`►n(' not one of these dis- mcttsscline with fur trimmings. 1 dill to give them n trial.,, Greek -not a bite''' I do about tre•sing ptoms „ p Neglected Kidney Complaint • )' Heart de- velops into Bright's Disease, let a..o H Disease or Diabetes. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills cure any and all of these. new skirts. The pin striped serges are parti- cularly smart. • SHORTSIGHTED WOMAN. A VO10E FRO 1 + 1)o what he would, the landlord 10IM SCOTIA could never get the rent from his 11 tetaut., who, when asked to pay tea. went into a long rigmarole about hard tinges, and made mast S1.1'1FS •111.1'1' 1)91. i promises, which al%ays remained PILLS CURLS ItRllill'1":i unfulfilled. 1)1si;151'• Sick at heart with hope deferred, T he called again the uthcr day, :old listened to the sante old tale teem. lath J. Mirk Suffered from the lady of the house. it V. as a Terrible Aliment for Four Years. thing interview, but the landlord, hill hodd'+ kidney pins Made a very good soul, said that rather than snake a fuss about 'suet) a Ilei a► Well 11'oulan. small matter, he would slake her Miscou Harbor, Gloucester Co., N. H., Feb 28 (Special). -That any remedy that will cure Bright's Die - ease will cure any form of Kidney Disease has long been admitted by the medical profession, and this plae•e f i nishcs one more undoubted ern shou than ld ttolitake nk lit !1" hedyelled. t•reof that Dodd's Kidney Pills will gore Bright's Disease. For Ellie 'fake it ! Of course, 1 took it' ' • J Mirk, well known here, had replied his wife, surprisedly. "\1'IIY Bright's Disease, and Dodd's Kid - not V.I my Pills curt tl her. "Why. you daftt idiot, we'll have 1 suffered for over four years taxes to pay now!' from kid ey Disease which de. e'• p- e I into Bright's Disease," Miss Mirk states. "I had pains in head and back, and stiffness of the je ints. I lost my appetite and suf- fered from dizziness and shortness of breath. 1 was weak and lan- guid all the time. "I was always nervous and could a present of the hon>e tui offer which was gladly accepted. When her husband returned from work, she told hila what had trans- pired. Hie indignation knew no hounds. 11 was the new blood that r• George --"Perhaps not; but she The newest veilin s are the six ' ,• K Williams' Pink Pills actually made sieird mesh ones of a heavy throne'. that restored Miss Mercier to can learn." For the waningwinter season 'r Mother --"After marriage is ra- health and strength. There is no they late for that Geor e." - croware charming hats with huge' medicine to equal them in making K But it's easier and safer to cure crowns of tulle. I rc%w blood and in this way they George -"But you said sourest( th,: earlier symptoms by using Materials offered for summer' cure anaemia, rheumatisut, heart that yon did not know a thing i/odd's Kidney l'ills. show• a riot of the soft pastel color-! palpitation, indigestion, neuralgia about housekeeping until after you T ' were married." ings.• tit. Vitus dance and many other' Mother --"Very true, George. and HER COME -BACK. r. s in " believe in saving what, think," said the young loan in the flabby trousers. The jewelers are selling six ennui-! trouble:. Solcl by all dealer yourpoor father died of dyspepsia tiled buttons in a case with buckle medicine or direct at 50 cents a boxI } 1' 1 t I or six boxes for $4.50 from The twenty years ago." to match. White madras shirt waists. i Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- -4.-"1`ye „(len wondered way yen t„yrettep•rine illnEre Rdmhre(Book tFres striped with colors to match the +•isle, Ont. write all shout Your Eve Trouble and suit, are to be worn. pi__ A 60011 1'O1 GH t111T1-R1:. •d( n't talk very much,' said thr they win .drier as to u,e Proper Annlica• Pearl gray and a delicate banana ---- girl eith the trick of saying what tion of the Murine Ere Rrmediee in Your are shades that are highly approv- SNIPPETS OF SENSE. Simple Home-made Remedy That to sh. thinks. Special Caae. Your Druggist will tell you th Opiates and Harmful aat Sturm* Relieves Sore Eyes. Strength. 1'1'er From O ed in gloves. If you would Hatter a woman, . en. Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes `Week andwhite mixtures will keep quirt and listen. IIruI;R. :1 PLOlt:1DOR:\ STUNT. Five Pain. and .elle for sur. Try It In Tour Eyes end to Baby's Eyes toe acs') be the most popular materials in Man's chief wisdom consists in An effective- remedy, flint will Ile wooed a maid named Flora Eyelids and Granulation. Vie spring settlings. knowing his follies. usually break up a cold in tastily -i When he'd lost a girl named Dora; TOO 1.:1'1'!;! Tiny pink satin roses, with rose It's difficult to please yourself four hours. is easily made by mix- :After Dora he woe(' ('or:► leaves. too, are to be had in the and others at the same time. iii together in a largo bottle two And wound up with wedding Nora. i.andlady (to ledger) -"Arc you shops for trimming evening gowns. 1 spinster's face is sure to light ounces of Glycerine, n :.!f -ounce of, dr----- in the bath, sir 1" Mottled and mixed effects are much in evidence, and many 'wett- ish suitings will be chosen for chic tailored costumes. The unfinished worsteds are to have a decided vogue in dark, soft tones. A DOSE OF CURE ills Bt's 1ALD1Gx1 Tfl1t �tt6TiSttl lOs is as sste as it is effective. Guar- anteed to contain no opiates. It it %cry pa!stable too-- children like it. All Druogirts, Ss Ceuta Edward CRONYN Co. Members Toronto Stock E:change. Write fon aur weekly circ Ut.,r on seri 11t1ee. SATE INVES1MENTS Refer All to dividing tools) Lack. A NICE CA .CUL.\TION. Two verse dear old lathes walk.`:\ till in the 11indmy 1)1(14' tick _'s W411. to be sold for ten popular eooeerls. They wanted tickets for Loth 'lights, but alas' those for the second evening were all gone. This was the mere popular enter- tainment of the two.. "1'm so sorry, my dear!" pat- tered one of the old ladies to the other. "We did want to go, didn't we, and we wanted to go beth' nights." "You couldn't give us two tickets for each night 1" inquired the other of the clerk. , In•tRos ' 'o . i ` "Yon haven't two seats anywhere for the second night " "No, ma'am. Couldn't give you e We bare mored tor� nose-rooni." nor new hnndine. 90 Day St., '1 oront0• A great resntution beamed upon her gentle face, "Then," said she APSN D I C ITIS i tilt fir "git•n me fuer tickets for I the irat night. Me will wake them 'Cored without ow-rati..r.s. A11 oho or, af. flirted with this dirrase and wish to he cured sermauontly, safely and quickly with this great Itotnenpathlc remedy. which will be sent post-paid anywhere In the world with full inatnartions for using 50 as to effect a permanent cure. Price 51 Address John T. Walt. he Imeseath Canada. Pharmacy, Arnp C•ARnd ,PET ,aDYEIN(a stinialty with the 'British Amerloon Dyeing Co' Rood particulate b, post mid we tie •urs to .Rusty. Address nos ISR. Montreal. NO EXCEPTION. Pat was being shown the sights of America. His Yankee guide, after showing hits 1*ulncrous wonders, brought him to a statute of Wash- ington. I guess." he said, "there's a man, and a lie never pas -ed through his lips." "No," said Pat, "I expect, like the rest of ye, he spoke through his nose." Free to Our Readers. efie HE'S 1OCR ItRITHER. 1Vhen'rr your neehour stiffer sair, s�ae bod'ly pain or worldly care 0 dlina pans him heedless by, for you can help hire if you try, Dent tak time too stare an' swi- ther Help him freely, he's yes brithcr. When trudging on life's weary road, we see some sink beneath their load, There helpless in the clubs they lie, while priest and Levite pass them by Till some Samaritan or other Kindly lifts his weary brother. Life's road is rough, its guid bits few. we a' need help tae wrestle t 1* ro', An should seine helpless right (loon fa', we should'na turn our heads awn An' let hint perish n' th' gither, IFatere's law says, he's ser brie the r. A kindly word to ane in grief, aft soothes the heart, an' brings rrlic•f• The wee'st star sten in the nicht, is 'welcome for its humble lieht When man's love fails, we've still nnither, The Blessed Saviour, he's yer bri- thcr. A loving glance tae ane astray, may help bring bark tae narrow +say. A warn clasping o' the ban' may aid tee mak' a brither state' Firm nn' true. without A swither 1.'alizing Christ :is brithcr. up if she strikes a match. Virgin Oil of Pine compound-0.re sine f.l %411' OF FOOLISHNESS. Voice (between splashes) -"Yes. If you would retain it man's an 1 eight ounces of pure \\'hisky. I \\'hat d'yuu want f" don't try to show him This mixture will euro any cough' We do a grdNt,many foolish things i,nndlady-"I ft)rgnt to tell you friendship, from day to(13y`�fi'u't.t.c,ing the • that he isn't half as smart as he that is curable, and is not expos tem teraMre of n living ones 1�. I had it fresh painted inside last sive, as it makes enough to last the 1 g riVit--,fi rt it won't be dry for average family an entire year. Vire so and above for the sake of a rub - lies plant. about1 two or three days .w.�„ gi'► Oil of Pine compound pure is thinks he is. The trouble in the world is near- ly all due to the fact that one-half of the people are sten and the other half women • ,l. MOTHERS FEEL SAFE WITH BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mother, who have used Baby's f H Owe Tablets say they feel safe when she puts "n a new gown and gists and stores. or pont free from when they have this medicine in gain hare! lie • husband doesn't know the dif- a k Co., Toronto, for price. "i recollect," he continnr•(i Progress in medical ,.'mpoundS ference. file house, as the Tablets are a (}yearningly, "that at the battle r f never veatsea, and aria :t is stated ___--_ -'t' newer failing core for the ills of Aiunn 1 had a very exciting time. h% a prominent medical man that Soothing Oil. To throw oil babyhood and childhood. And the A LET I'f mother has the guarantee of n Ilullete were pelting upon hs like nil,; deep-seated cough or cold on upon the troubled waters means to })n they quarrel a!) t},^ '�•�. government analyst. that this moll- rain. men fell right and left, clue lit • lungs ran be actually cured in subdue to calmness the most buis • - non roared like thunder itself, and. five hours by the clock. Opium and t,•rous seer. To apply 1)r. Thomas' "No, ths'v entertain c :ulpan- n.•w cine contains nu poisonous opiates, worst of all, the cncrny had wan morphine have been resorted to in 1;,•;eetric Oil to the troubled body and then." Mrs. Walter Iia" littletlllltaly aged toget within a hundred yards th • past. as relief measures. But •when it is sacker' with pain means Grove, Ont., says : "sly boy r f our position. I was mad with a,ov it ie learned that the system speedy subjugation of the most re- Sleeplessness, -Sleep is the great suffered terribly when teething and excitement, and wasn't thinking of mast 1,• treete•d to rid it of inflam restorer ant' to be deprived of it (sora constipation. Nothing 1 gay,' (r cross elements. It cures pain, hint did the least, good until I gave "'thing except just fighting for all [nation and congestion. A tonic ' heals bnlises, takes the fire from is vital lea What+yrs may be the hirn Baby's Own Tablets and these i was worth. .111 of a sudden 1 , laxative cough syrup does the work l,eirns, and as a general household cause of.' it, indigestion, nervous brought him speedy relief. El,•ry turned. and found that my regiment t,,, quickly and thoroughly as to be medicine 'et useful in main, ailments. derange vent or mental warn•, try mother of young children should hnri nitrred its position, and 1 was; almost magic 1. What heretofore It is worth much. a coulee of Parnulre'R Vegetable keep the 'tablets in the hone. , cut off -left to the mercy oI the! has taken weeks to cure can be ac I \'ills. By regulating the action of field },v medicine dealers or by mail 0111 ta"', sir. 1 complishrd in hobs. (.et this for T• sometimes happrn9 that by thel, th atomnch, where the trouble t:ems, tit crate a box from The Dr. The veteran paused again; he al- mule filled or mix it at hover and time a young man van afford to.•)at•y %till restore normal Condit„ is - 1 Mc(licino Co., Brock- tvaiy�` d"es at the most exciting always keep it on hand: One-half (marry he doesn't t+ant to. and healthful sleep will follow. yille, Ont. loam ; he finds it amusing. I ounce fluid wild cherry bark. one I They exert t► sedntiye force upon Well, what did you do t" asked' none I the nerves and where there is un- ---'1r -_-__- a•1 impatient listener. PAyn OI�t%IRYf +. rte ra y rest they bring rest. ► `aid the old fellow sleep l 1 1 Bt 1 n •.1 a 1 raueaei.g un - UNCLE }?'tiff:\ SAYS: d " �� entitlement. •r'�°ieiJ '0a` Nnny n man is ]'rood o[ bis past ilr '-Well, f reckon I did a wile 'fh "l'oup'e count their chickens i:l titre a minutes." for f i r }y,-becanlse it is past. afore they arc hatchet( occur. dire ee I like to enj y what they th nk they're four hr 1 1 I 1 �trated to the Sens? A teaapeenrea et Pata. goitl to hey." 1 biller In • cup of hod water ewe•len/d will warm t and alert a cold. Arvid substitutes, there Is nee a p•• t -'11 whose hands ate cat•- bet use " Painkiller "--Perry Dash'-�t3• and sees kl ' 1 t' C t' S eyed e %er w•ith wearts Why have children less acc ording to age• rie le - - Send ter tree sample to Dept. W. L„ NO venal Drug & Chemical Co.. Toronto. EUUCATIGNAL. EARN TI1l IIARBLtt TRADE -NEW I ei•.stem-eonataut practice; careful instruction: few weeks c pieta retiree; tools free: graduntee earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly; write for eats- loeue. Moler Barber College. 221 Queen East. Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE. I4 (1t SALE. OR ite:\T ecu A0111 5 BEST Dairy farm In Halton County, hank bar. (10' • rnuuing safer. r•,o„enient t•, •tati:,n. rural and Why, sister,"quavered the It dive e�',• trl.•I P. t•. 1 scene utara, apply t0 11. S TCL'I(. 6w tier. Ilon.byUnt. other, "you going to invite some body 1" ''No," said she, "but if we can't, go hath nights-" She paused, be- wildered, quite out of her calcula- tion. 'filen a1 happy thought struck her, and she added, "We'll go, twice the first flight." t SHE H.11) THIS SORE FOR FOUR LONG YE.1RS! 11ott Zain-lluk ilealed Ii. MACHINERY `� A('IIINERY 11EADQI'AItEERR. - Iron and woodworking machinery, engines, boilers, steam putnps, gasoline engines, electric motors, contractors' machinery. etc. Send for rataioene ni over 1400 machines. 11. 1V. PF:TRFP„ Limited. Toronto. Montreal. yanr•ouver. THE LINDMAN TNUSS will\. '.l any7 reducible hernia. Eudor,•d by forerno-t medical man. Write for particular. IL LINDMAN, (Iteg'd). Ml ontreal. (rAL VES Nala• tgo hein wlta.ut ■In bt••i•,tBrlgg•HeedCowLtd.,'soh totOs5. You can't equal Znrn-Buk for ions FON TN[ DISE-IN ACOUSTICON� 1 one of tb• oarreis of tb• •!•etrieai ac•� sores of all kinds, whether recent n nee tbreugb•ut the world. write far eats. is the u•. O•n•ral Acoustic Co.. of Canada. Ltd..: standin That i d of tun o a r K t Trota g • a rMt. iWi opinion of M rs. \Wilson. of 110 °� Wickinson Ave., Toronto. She says : Marlatt's Hair Promoter "About four years ago a sore Crews Nair en any laid Mead ' spot appeared on the right side of Cru le aur a Robt Bim sonNaiC .Toronn� my face. jest shunt the angle of the Co Toronto. Canada. jaw This spot increased in size u. til it became about half an inch • in diameter, and very troublesome. •e t to a doctor, from whom rat i w n ! different times during fifteen years I had received treatment. but the ointment I got• did not have an• good effect• on the sore. I had it cauterized. tried poultices' and all kinds of salves, but it was no good, and this continued for four years. :1 sample of Zam-Buk was one day left at our home, and I used it. "Although the quantity was so small, it seemed to do me some Eood. so I purchased from Mr. For rice., etc. address Ruuld, Druggist, Scollnrd stn(\ W. P. NILES, - Wellington, Ontario. 1 ( nge Streets, a supply of Zam- (ar,:wer o1' t feel.•. Keane :ail't Potat.•es. hhk. Each box did me more and If 1 1"�tQe�` more good. and to my delight, be- �' LES o' fore 1 had been using Zam-Ruk Rtrikes us ns t to hree weeks. I saw that it was go- lish of all. - ►o sure. In leas than; tie Rsseemabls Man ereoets to ears a ante -tee Ing e . • ,,,} , ] t }las now LrLE'S COMMON SENSE FOR PILE! _ _.__- -:,- ---. sold lea day. But tiros A it .\Iters Lung it,i.eea t1 nit,ntI, It lrea h will •yeses-• the cob' and •rias• od aneoa,pli,n.. C•ugb will cease aura luu . b• sound as • ••w been healed for alnio.t a y, :1 . •'S. CO•. d.11ar. ceipt rat prg j fry %aiD Htlk fol' eeyrma, stress•; LVLT M sk:n eruptions, face Rpet0. bahv'• tt1 Queen west, rashe'. inflamed places, pile blood•poisoning and all ski•► iri juries and diseases. 50c all drug( A Few Shares for Sale in ons of the beet \.visa ('.•tnpaniea In (:rued• un easy teem+. Duly t,otr, Anw'n• Money to Lend at ej'; on approved .ecu,iues. Apply for part ic•Iar+ to M. J. KENT, Bo:4:e, Lond..n, t)nt SEED POTATOES. Crown from pure bred seed imported from England. Sct•tland and United States. r.xlra I'ir.t Earls•, First Early. Second Earl', Medium and late. prepared only in the laboratories roost foo of the Leach (:hctnical Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. GOOD \NOIR K. The clear old veteran paused in hi.; reminiscences. and his audience began to think he had le t u . Blind, Bleeding. Itching. Protruding Piles quickly and permanently cured by the most scientific and economical reined, DEEP-SEATED COUCH CUR1=I) Iy 5 HIOUl S. A SHO(K. New Untie•tladc -yr:ip. One of the first shocks the aver - (Cut ri:.- out.) aa.' young married woman gets is Froin Co.tun Press. ire 51.00 6 for $5.00, mailed on ro cnau mond essence eilydiol awl three ounces syrup white pines uShake the bottle and take twenty drops every half hour four bents. en take onc- 'half to one teaspoonful three or times a day untilt le ?astern 'is purified and tones up. (live PILES CURED 1N 6 TO s4 DAYS. e nt••d to r•r• an ease of Itching. ,• ' Piles n e to it days or -•,a • The man w' is willing to bet his beaten] dollar seldom has to (lig down very fay. :1 Safe Pill for Sufferers. --There are ,ills that +iolrntly purge and fill the •lomnch and intestines with pain. Parent lee's Vegetable Pills are mild and effective. They are Nothing look! more ugly than to -'•e►NTQ rCPALOLt,n cn. w''Were,•r' R 1(01 rare. ' p,wla• .n •, ,rat y n,lnn•ea F'nr if radree,.e •nehe'hee stet or cervortrl. Too'h- a.•he. Neoral.: a. )then in et lam. Lumbago. pate., and seesaaea• in the look. Point, or kidneys. around the liver pleurisy. welling of the eolnta. ant p.,toe o all kind., ls.d. war'• penlr Rel•e! will ID • tear dsya e: - bel a rename •o' curs 1909 was the most prosperous year In the history of the National life Assurao�e Co, OF CA$ADA, Lugo g.tin% being made in INSURANCE iN FORCE, ASSETS. PREMIUM INCOME. IN'r1:Rl•:sT \\('OMI•:. AND SURPLUS. itis e s u t• unautnp ice Syrup A Spsolal Agent le Required ii an Illlfrarallelell remedy for colds, three disfigurements 00 your per filling will usually cure a whole t Mind sans own business -u111(55 In this Oistrlot• r. 1 hr influenza and diseases of f"n thrn a sure remover of all family, as the Joao is small• you are getting paid for minding'Nilo, t.. th • throat and lungs. 'the fame, of wierts. corns, etc., can be found in otl.er people's._! ! ('ern (.'are• Tummy. aged nix. who has just � the medicine rests upon yearn of 11"Iloaal)'a }.,•n ,nnis'ed I his fat "If am- } If your children mann and at, 111P National life Isnrance Co. f I use in erulieatil g these' f y purely vegetable, no mineral /ur u.1 1 don't brliece 1 can 'land gative entering into their e.,nllx,si• is -t'.• s dur•ng sleep, coupled, webs,;, OF CANADA, y"ur husband b'l'eb IUlegl'r:" tion n11(1 their effect is s(Uthing and sus eke,. with a lUsa Of appetite,]ba 1. Head OrRca- ZS Toronto St .Toronto affet•tien'. and in ireetecting; n,•111-! .11.\1'.\YS :1'f 111:1 Ili::\1). kind from the fatal ravage, ' .f 5:•51111\11„ w01114 out he barber'? sumption, fled Its 8 lt( gleet' .1 ' '1(1 No rival net II he dread' lends to consumption. One 5:455:,r t , 1-"r }le'a allre 111 hi, profession be too careful to light it in its e Idyl '1'., stand always at the head. --•--div'---- stages. !tickle's Syiup is the x5a wn, use it. g. \ 11.1PPV DISPOSITION. 1 s 1 I .I 1' 1 III 1 \ '1'1:.1 D E 1 we Must a• rr.•n heated rooms en the rota outer air. an,' the change set, us cmc,rhln Ciir• ANOTHER PLAN. trigwinter rotAs 1s n.t h.+rd 11 :n taros Allen's ''alta 11111 �n1 he 1d'''t 1 by Men Lung Ital,am. A negl•ct•d cold is troublesome "1.1 n 11111,3 while beefsteak will �I l nl!:: in Primx11, 1.. - He (enenelrngingly)- '•1'10 sure and danieroe! lt` as r\poet'>Iyr A� x1117111 on tonst.,r t)f one lhinR, my angel sun and I ni:'f'1'ISII vU'I'. ••Weil1,.1 answe,ed Mr. 'Biggins, ii a hear men apelegising ler K"then we can eat quail without t' • r (ticks in trn.l. that n mon will assess quarrel a� that soup's' Il,:w did you maks such a hit feeling rec•k1ese end extratasithoi" " e a1• d"i nu "' \:illi Lor!" r t lige. -Few a p,rrr of bread Ste: faith elecisinu)--' Indrrd. %%c '� a -- -ei ,, than will tranarr••, Yr-, a "I gueascd her np;c. ,. ..�,.�� sl:5515•1 ' 11 you eyrr speah 1'• Ise • Did yen Rursa il• as bring fewer i`. \•,11 i• met 1 lice f..,. s51 ..i. .,• OS .lit' to her, 1 hall call Ow %•ear:• thine it• is "' "1 guessed it ata bring fewer a.� • Only One "IIROM( p1 151\P." That Is 1.\x.yrvv. BRoln .i, 1' tSR. mum int tim •ienetn-• of R W. otos R. used the world over t.. (.• a.• • C,l5 in Ode Dtr. Ilse. ar •,:.1", 11)1. 11:1 �• If. � 1;r• (11mr ,11' a}l.ihit, fl.:i, ail IL:, .1 %and (Hilary,. with n censeio•e 1.•grity. >n•tained by the testunoly of their a• -•' elute~ that, though un- for1uu:11e, th"v at're never dishon• \Vile !1 Chicago burned down and 11 • ...itthop ah•` destroyed San inen could Flaw .5. the business gr, right nheed without cash capital, le awe they had nrquired chnt:tc- te • (ap111II. :1 good man cannot be boi heel tit and the earthquake can- not, dc`trox kiln. Good News •••••••••••••1. ." a r5 dins slae says it is.'' �[ Don't iAi.iSTIN(i .1IL1 :11101'x1). ■'a M i SS "f want to coli -t your effort • in % , r` 1 t. L It. Ih - volunteer a"rk." E 7 hrn you a ill hays to w nit till tl `+'� �'\ �. a, i recruit my hrnllh." � \\', ` is� 1p Magistrate Ifew retries it that ,dl;S I tared to break hitt) this qr•n•��r ).Rltflerr/ITd�� • man's house in the dear' .rl - 4bE;t night," Prisoner ' Why, sow' worship, the other time you re- proached me for stealing in broad daylight. Ain't I to be allowed to work at all'" The t''.,arantrr,1 OM i, e ( ALL ( TI [ > Just Think etel with the LAME r), youtattrotn ANY klnilofcloth Pert•otly--:. (have of mistakes. All rotors to •-•nte (r. ,: Bour Druggist or Dealer. Sample Card and ooklet Free ham The Jehneen•Rloherdeen Co., Llmlt•d, n,pt U, \1 •nt,� Qne. 23 Til`: fest L \fl. 10 10. AIL beneficial. Tr- them and br con- vinced. Thousands can attest their great curative qualities because thousands owe their health and strength to timely use of this most excellent medicine Sonic people talk so ankh that they have no time to listen to any - tiling worth while. countenance., picking of the none.: etc., you may depend upon it that' samas..••n'---- the primary came of the trouble is worms. Nether (:raves' Worm I:x. tetminntor effectually removes i ALL Hr.!: RELATIVES IIAD th( se pests, at once relieving the III DIED OF CUNSUMPTIOU little sufferers. avages of Consumption SPEAKING OF ART. Young Wife This di h. dearest, MassT1Inn TOM* kindyoulavaiwatiked IS an original conlpesiii••11 of Illy "rhe rr ,t f.- Menthol Mester. Y,:r rheumatis� own. scan.'``la etc . nothing is bettor. Male only Davis OiAwreaeecompany. Iliisbnnd---1\'cll, 1 should rather, my pet, that you would .eek nfter the old I t-ters. I I-TIi.l: i)ISSENSiON. "So you and your husband are al+rya quarreling 1" said the family Dr M o r s o' s law ser. "Yes," answered the young wo. 111811. "What do you quarrel about „ "I forget the subject of the first quarrel. But we have been i]uar- teling ever since who was to blame for it." M I•::\ N. Tire meanest. thing That comes our way, A rain stem on :\ iinter's day. Indian Root Ptl!D owe their atngnlar rffrrtlsenes• In raring itheemetism, esmhago and Rriaticn M their power of feminlat- Int; and strengthening the kidneys. They enable these organa to thor ninthly filter from the blood the 111'Ic in id l tho prmine( of whet. metier. which gets into the Joint' and mieele• and r sat-rs thee.• palm my fol di.e s� over halt w century . �� n of rnn:•ti�t1 0.0 has proved r rin.itrly that lir. Mor=r's Indian B. :t 1'ills strrngthen weak kid- 071i Curti Rheumatism a la the yen' i. (.riser, of 11.I'e 1►:e, ��..`'. aaa m n sad cord tier. All h•t tela•,.•' 6•d da...1 of car rumphur, Mr: there w at errs), ind.caton that she was gong the targe %say. Aobis p••in1 hrr htaitandtetgertedtotry f sychiae. 'the doctor who ene-drd said Psychine wet worth!c'a bat it rt!• -ted wonderful curs. Eigl',•-n years after in s fitter bearing dere Art:ad 14. 1906. Mrs. Gesnersays. "I amheiterthan1 have been tor yeses My lungs have not treuhlr4 me ince I took your Ireatmrnt. My physaiae told r'te !could tett/Ike tbruer Ionic tkea f 5'i (111VE, a,11 tr, ommr'd it in all who are au!Fering from Lung Trouble and Gen. Wal petal." Vet sale by el D: seeht Ser. R (7 ver Lala. Dr. T. A. SLOCUII 1IMiTF.D, TORONTO SYCHINt E`PCNO11?iCEr, Si -KEEN