Exter Times, 1910-03-10, Page 6100 AVALANCHE YICTI1YIS Lying Beneath the Tightly Packed Snow and Debris. :\ despatch from Wellington, Wash- tho-:e of electricians who wore liv- ingtoi, says: Eighty-six names arc ing in a cabin at the edge of 1Wol- nut, on the list of dead and miss- 'hasten, and who were carried three hitt passengers and railroad and hut:tired feet down the slope. postal employees, who were carried A11 'Thursday a stream of men dawn by the avalanche which de- with packs strapped to their bucks str• yeti two Great Northern trains wound about the mountain path on Tuesday morning. Statements from Skykonlish to Scenic and \1'e1 - of the number of laborers fighting lington, carrying feed and supplies ti,n snow, who were sleeping on the ft.,- the injured. Some are digging ill-fated trains vary from 20 to 30. for the bodies of friends ur rela- An estimate of 100 dead is censer- tites. Sightseers were told that vative. Al! the dead were residents they were not wanted. of the northwest. Of the injured, A laborer' was caught taking only Rev. Bishop \Wingct of Chien- trinkets from a woman's body, and go was from the east. No one who he was compelled to start down the has seen the wreckage has the ; trail at once. One hundred and slightest hope of finding any of the missing alive. The explorations have uncovered none living, and CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS 11.11'1'1:\1\GS I'fOM 11.1. 01-I:It THE IS LOBE. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Oen and Luber Countries ut Recent Greats. l'.1 \.11):1. -Arrangements to give Pasteur treatiucnt in 'Toronto have been completed. Lord 81rathcone has given $7,- 000 fur the purchase of tunics fur '\(•►unto cadets. 3Ir. 1lurray Pettit, one of the pio- neer fruit -growers of 11'iuonu, is deal. .1 I..: ••f liquor was seized at \Wood -t•.: k, N.B., in barrels label- led g1 t eries, Putt of hlr. P. Bray's farm mild into the Nation River, near Cas - CLOCKS WITIIOUT HANDS A LSO '1'i111 E1'1I:l'ES '1'!1.1'1' STRI11r. '1'Illlt'1'CI:N. Curious )banner in (Which a Sol. dict Condemned to hie Was Saved. to Worsley, Lunc•ashire, 1•:nglana, are two clucks which outer strike ono, being arranged to strike thir- teen at 1 a.m. and 1 p.nc. One of them is over the Earl of 1.1I(s- nt: re's uew•Iv constructed entrance to Worsley Hall, and is the origin- al which the Duke of Bridgewater had placed iti the tower in his Worsley depot. 1t is said that his grace had the clerk made to strike the "unlucky" number so as to warn his ssork- rnen that it was time to return to we•rk after dinner, sante of them fifty aunt dug for bodies in the de- sclman, carrying some farm build I'r'%"iIlg excused tbcroselye for be- iall day. Among the bodies hies and suck with it. ing late on the ground that thee i°E WORLD'S ","R"EI`OUR MINERAL PRODUCTION REPORT. 111031 THE LEAD1NG TRADE CENTRE::. Pricer of Cattle. Crain, ('Leese anti Other Dairy Produce at Hoare and Abrcad. ItI;EADSTUFFS. Toronto, Mar. 8- Flour- Winter wheat 00 per cent. patent.., $1•25 U• $90,000,000 Worth of Minerals Produced in Canada Last Year. A despatch from Ottawa says: The total value of the mineral pro- (uction of Canada during 1001) was $1.30 in buyers' sucks on truck, a little over 'limas. million dollars, 'fo- rmate and $1.15 to $1.`10 outside in an increase of nearly live n►illiuns hour, first compared with the preceding sacks. Manitoba patents, $5.70; second patents, $5,- year. Nearly all metals show an 20 to Y5.80, and strong bakers', $5 increased output, aecorditlg to a on track, 'Toronto. pit 1141111111ey e:tireate emitted:eel i,1 Manitoba \\'heat -Neo. 1 Northern a report by the \lines 1)epattu . nt. $1.13, Bay ports, and No. S), North- Th, total pruductien of silver dui - ern, $1.11, Bay ports. hug tho year is 4.4i:i tted at "7, - Ontario \\•Leet--Nt). 2 mixed red 8'3,590 ounces, valued at $l i,:ss. 'Winter or white, 81.07 to $1.08 out- 310. 01 w hid' ne:u-1s' th:rteen lei: side. Barley -No. 2, 50c outside; No. 3 extra, 53 to 5—le: No. 3, 50 to 51e, found on Thursday were those of Mr. 11t(urdy made ,t number of could not hear it strike one. This and feed, 48e outside. some of the bodies are shockingly ox-Pr,t,.etttinit Attorney 11. M• successful (lights with the acro- retails the incident ellen the big Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, 39 to mangled. An avalanche of dry Barnhart of Spokane. Conductor plane, Baddeck No. 1, at Haddock .deck of the Houses of Parliament 39I4e outside, and -12 1•, 1.2!tc 011 snow (night have covered its victims J. L. Pettit, who, after a trip on Bay. on Thursday. saved a man's life. track, Toronto. Canada West oats alive, but the gorge at Wellington fuut. to Skykoutish, went back to The mineral production of On- A soldier in the reign of William •12 to 42%c for No. 2, and 41 to snow, ice, 41;;:c for No. 3, Bay ports. Peas -No. 2 for shipment, 82 to 83e Outside. Ilye--No. 2, 68c outside. Buckwheat -51 to 52c outside for is packed tight with wet- huge trees and glacial boulders of ene•rmous weight. Two of the bodies recovered were Ins post, and Mrs. hI. A. (.roving- term for 1909 was valued at 832,- a.'d Mary was condemned by c 0.ourt- ton of Olympia, who left Spokane 1,012, dearly $7,000,000 more than martial for falling asleep while on to celebrate her golden wedding in in the preceding year. duty 071 the terrace at Windsor. Sessltle tin Thursday. in Mount Stephen has placed Itc stoutly denied the charge. says securities worth 8300,000 in the the London Globe, and solemnly de- li..us. The Yukon gold output last tear is estimated at $3,9110,009. art increase of $3130,000 over 1404. Tho total produe•tiull of nickel from the Sudbury deposits 55a9 24,415 torts, saltieti at the furnaces at $:3,913,- 012 An increase of twenty per cent. is ,l :own in pr0duetiun of pig iron in Canada la -t year as com- pared with 1904. The total pro. •1f•lien was 7.57,102 tons, salued at 4').541,8(4, as compared with 6:10,- b3; tons, valued at $5,11.2,191 in 1908. ('oa1 and coke were produe- lion dollaris rev Jived to the („- c''I to the extent of 10,•l11,955 tuns, valued at *21,4:31,351, a somewhat halt mine-. There was a slight de- si:-aller production than crease in gold production. which owing to labor troubles in FAN, about nine and a half mil- Scotia alines. at the fora g•.ud animals, 4;4 to 51:c; common hoots ourselves, and were al -Ways stork, 3 to 4%c per 1b. ,Sul;erior careful to buy those that made nlilch cows, 800 to $65 elicit ; other noise and creaked as we walked, to cows and springers, $30 to *55 our great delight and the admire - each. Calves from $1 to *15 each, Lion of our pupils. or 5e to 7c per II). Sheep, about 5c per Ib. ; Iambs 6,4 to 7c per Ib. Two Splinq Iambs sold for $20, ora lit - hands of trustees at Montreal to claret! that he heard Old Tont (theNo. 2. tie over 20c per 1: 1) :1(''1' LED TO .tHRI:S1'. 1)1P11'1'111:lit 1 1:1'1D1:)Ill', entourage the immigration of pour predecessor of lig Ben) strike tWe-(% rn-Kiln-dried No. 3 Arneri- Ht gs, 9,' to 9%c per Ibiyu weight. British boys. teen instead of twelve. The officers can, 72c, and No. 3 yellow, selected, Terontu March 8. -Business was Irttiip Found Broken (tail and One School at Sault tilt. :,lark The Dominion Government hos laughed at the idea, but while rho(1') to (19!.le, Turunto freights. (::uta dull and draggy, except for prime Flagged 'Crain. Closed. decided to remit tonnage dues on man was lying in prison awaiting dian cora, 61 to 05c, Throat.) butcher cattle, for which there American vessels at lake ports, in (Xecutinn several persons carne for- freights- w:e t a good demand. All the choice A despatch from Sudbury says: A despatch from Sault Ste. return fur similar action by the word and swore. that rho clock ac Bran ---$22 to *22.50 in bags, T..- stack was quickly al su There is a tinge of romance in con- Marie, Ont., says: The diphtheria t•uall rontu ) shed and nottiun with the arrest here un epidemic has become so aids- .read liciteJ Slutcs. y did strike thirteen, where- , and shorts at $2t, in bags, realized from $5.25 up to 80 for P ! -- upon the soldier was Torunlo' picked, well finished steers and Wednesday of James Donaldson, }tete that one school ha': been GItF\T L'1111'.1IN. PARDONED AND RELEASED. wanted on a charge .,f being an ae-closed and others depleted of pitheifers. Gaud cows and bulls were erasers h, the murder of John )cls. The disease is Mr. Percy H. Illin worth has Wells Cathedral contains the COUNTRY PRODUCE. in strong demand, and realized i gradually K g Davis, of Parry .Sound, on Monday +spreading through the Sou, and the been appointed a junior Lord of most interesting and oldest self- Apples -82 to $3.50 per barrel, high prices. Milkers and sprin-- night. Without funds, Donaldson, present mild weather, it is belies_ tl.r'Creasury in 11 r. .\.quitlt's Cab- striking elock in the whole world. according to quality. es5 were active. a few extra clu,ice It was constructed by Peter Light- Beans -Car lois outside, 81.85 to :flitch cows .selling up to 875 each. st atteed murderer, trod to Parry cases. C after assisting in the arrest of the eel, has resulted in nn increase of tact• ousiderable alarm is felt. - --_ foot, a monk, in 1320, and embraces 81.95, and small lots, $2.10 to $2.- Sheep and lambs firm and unehang- Scund, walking the C. P. fie tracks It was suggested on Wednesday UN I'1'I:D ST \TI'.S, many devices which testify to the 20 per bushel. cd Hogs advanced another 15 towards Toronto. Fourteen miles that moving picture shows noel Avalanches and mountain floods horolegist's ingenuity. Sev- Honey -Combs, dozen. $2 to $2.- cents. Selects were quoted at $4. from Parry Sound, he dhscutert'I a other places of amusement be have rendered the railroads of oral celestial and terrestrial bodies 50, extracted, 10- to 11c per lb. 00 f.o.b., $9.15 fed and watered. broke❑ rail, the changer of which closed. Steelton is also in the grip n,.rthwest Washington helpless. ;ata incorporated in interest ing Baled hay --No. 1 ,81:3.30 to 814•_ Some dealers think that hogs will vas plainly apparent. He stood at „( the dreaded disease, it bein 'three railwaymen lost their lives movements and relationship. They 50 on track, and No. 2, $l1 io $1:3. tench the $10 mark before the g' indicate the hours of the day, the Ralcd straw --$7.5U to $7.75 on month is out. the spot and flagged the first train even more prevalent there than in in a fire which destroyed a Y.M.C.-• that came along and doubtless the Sue. A. building near ScLcnrcady, N.Y. ave of the moon, and the po,itiou track, Toronto. averted a wreck. The grateful con. A woman committed suicide at of the the and the tides. Potatoes --15 to 50c per bag on doctor brought him to Sudbury, C'hcsanin • Mieh., rather than When the clock strikes the hour track for Ontario.. and the circumstances was reported DIED 1110)1 EXPOSURE. with her daughter to the Canadian a„ horsemen, fully armed, dash out of Poultry --Turkeys, dressed, 18 to t0 the local superintendent, in the wcsa• t,vo gateways in opposite directions 192 per lb.; ducks, !'3 to 150; geese, hope of getting him work. It was Inmate Weeders .tttay Frani Lin- New liquor regulations make it • and charge vigorously. ehey strike 13 to 14e;chickens, 11 to 15c, and while waiting in the C. I . R. sta- Coln industrial Ilou'• necessary for overt' saloon in ('lel_ with their lances As they pass as Coe for some work that ho was ar-many times as correspond with the rested. A despatch from St. Catharines sen, Mass,, to have a car annuune- s number of the hour. A little dis- 4. says: The body of an old strut was cr. ;fence away, seated un a high porch, wiry AND (:811.9 i.OST. found about noon on Thursday ly- The United Slates naval pro-; is a quaint figure, which kicks the hes alongside of a fence on the gramme for the present year in-; quarters on two bells placed bo- l:. 11. 'lineman's' House at Ent- farm of John Emmett on the St. elides the construction of two bat- reath his feet. and strikes the hours wfale Bursted.David's !toad, about three utiles tl hip and four submarines. Ion the bell. The dial of the clock from the city. Coroner Jory was The American Sugar Refining, is divided into twenty-four hours, A despatch from Entwistle, Al- notified and High Constable Boyle Company has been indicted for curt-lartti thews the pleases of the tnoou berta, says : The little dwelling of wa-s sent to the scene, and the body tempt of court in failing to fur- 1 and a snap of the heavens. F. H. Dingman was burned last was later brought here. Late in nish its books when subpoenaed to' An oddity in clocks is the inven- Friday night, and his wife and lit- the afternoon Caretaker Nelson, of do so. (tion of a Frenchman, M. Paul Cot- tle child perished. The fire broke the Industrial Horne, identified the :v young man was hypnotized nt nth It consists of a dial mountedout about midnight, during the ab- dead man As a former instate of Saginaw, Mich.. by long-distance ab. ve a reservoir and having a sort teener of Mr. Dingman from the til- that institution, named William F. telephone. The hypnotist has de- of it see -sats mounted upon its sup - lags, and whcq the.,�unfortunate Mur! hy, aged about 60 years. dined to revive hint until the end 'eats. The reservoir holds sufliei- woman gave'.;- st17� nil her es- of a week, and an order has been ' S.. ext., pt by a wine a e es- --- - +--`-- cn alcohol to last for a month, issued for his arrest. ' and this serves as fuel for a small She grasped her infant chin nd : %TEN til' 11INN ES. A bill is before the Senate at flame which endeavored to reach the wir•— \Washington to incorporate the; BURNS AT ONE END.but became hysterical and let it James Smith's )tangled Body Found 1(eckefeller Foundation. which is • fall into the dames. She was res- ( in Mi-sotlrt Woods. intended to administer for the be- ' The heat from the flame causes the cued through the window, but was,• refit...( humanity a large part of air to exand in the bulb of the see- unceed ci4.ns when found, and wast \ despatch frim Springfield, the wealth of John 1). Rockefeller. saw directly above it. As a result so terribly burned that she died' Mu., says: James Smith. a woods the kneeing evening. man. was eaten by wolves in the - --- - ''f— 'I'HI:Fr 01' GM'S 11118. woods near -illy on tWednesday, after fighting a desperatbattle for hit life. The solves atta ked him Bold Rnbbrry in a Large Slorc in while he was alone, awaiting the return of a brother. When the tat - Toronto. ter returned he found his brother's .\ .1 -patch from Turunto says: bones in the centre of a circle of d pie ss n button, when be means u( 4.r.-; (.nt.tro No. t aloe, 42e. liar a corner of the room, I first knelt A tie -en -year -eh' girl who lives en five dead wolves. while ail empty 11 \ MOTIONS 1 11'I 111.. t'1. phenngraphie internal arrange- Icy No. 3, 0(le; No. 4, 5$c; feed town, then holding on to the wall prepared a statement of the value Willi : it street, gloried in a ',vault• releating rifle shoee.1 that be bad -- 'Hentn it calls out "half -past five,,” barley, ;,(Ie. Fleur --Spring wheat' fo• support, i stood up, and still t stal,•rl fied crops of ('annd:u at. fent ► Leen arcs oweried I.• tare he could Point Ilfly-sly I mania • I :u bur„•s �,r five minutes to vino, as the )periods . It show: that in ft.! head of hair. Two long, black p t,latents, firsts, R:,.wO; do., sec.nels, being supported by the wall, [, !sot) the teal color of the crops braids fell down her back clear to reload the weapon. \ in a Merger. - elite r".ty he. 85.30; %Vintrr wheat patents, :).-; stepped touted the room many' ►►,�„ *00.701,C,ta. In 1nc0 it !tad in - the waist. Going through one of + ' A Munich professor has invented 50 to 85.(10; Manitoba strong bilk- , times, the others following my eC creased to RI.i4,t0::,3a ; in 19eu3 it A despatch from Hnmi:•.n 'a``' a remarkable sick -room crock. ers•, 85.10: straight- rollers, *5.10 ample, till we were able to Irate, th., latae duan -town stores. un 3115100Is I'll LS I OII ( 1 \ iI V. It• was announced here ou 1Wednes \\'1:,•n a batten is pressetl an etre• to'>$:,._,,; straight rollers, in bags, !the wall, stand alone, or move t grew to *205.071.91 t. while last \1'edn• ,Lc;. , some person unknown, - _ tiny rnnrning that the merging tele Ictrn) belcind the dial throws v2. tO to 82.50. Peed Omtnrio bran l alma without su ► ►ort• tear it was $532.992.100 or an in- ofdeftl•''il.1.e•d them off above her Third child to nip in :t 1\ te', from), nearly all the canneries in ('nada the •hallow et the hours and hands, $'J:.f,O to $ 3; lint uio middlings, i 1'ou can well irnegine what cher- crease of 451 per cent. in 49 years. t.•tk, taking the silk ribbon which was completed on Tuesday in 'C4. inngnified, upon the ceiling, su that 821.50 to $21; Manitoba bran, *22 ; den this was to us, and after losing t;• tl • nc. The little girl did not This Ca este remit), The new 0• nl )any will he • ,:,. d:-c..t e' her loss until her return I ul5nlide can see 11 (rout bed with- Manitoba short.. $2 , : pure grains sight of the college. We eat on the A despatch from 1)ttawa says: known ns the Dominion (Satinet „tit craning their necks er putting me•nillie. $31 i . e:;:.- mixed tnuuitlie, grass, took o(f the shoes, walked l oat'. 'Own there were tears, Sev• The sugar coating of strychnine Lid., and mill have a capital • f ti.rniselc•es to any inconve.nience. *27 to e.e,. 1 hey-, \Westerns, 12'. I bnrefeoted, and put them on only bcrat 11,1 li r rea ester i the ti,lene ki c^ pills with which she was playing18:o,0(u1,o00. its headquarters will ,\ German shoemaker spent fir to 13• c••, -r.•.,. l•' t.. 12i1e Butte r' at the percl► of the church \1'.• I P templed \Marjory Mas', the four- be in this city. Che ncc•rger was arc un the watch for offenders• teen months' old daughter of 31r. brought about principally through Other cases of the sante kind are and Mrs. 1:. A. Blenknev, ee VI- the Canadian Canners of this city, alit gets 1.• lane taken place in ►ver Avenue. to eat several of them awl will take in ab•,ut 56 canning tunic of the nickel shows. ned also to feed them to her pet fat toric• in this part of Canada. ------- dog The dog died in a few nein- Mr. J. .1. Nairn, present manager There are too many who want to uteri and the child was soon strick- of the Canadian Canners. and 11. stand on the zero mark, neither en with convulsions and died on L. Innes, .Secretary, will likely hold mines nor phis, in the moral scale. Thursday morning. ih0se nR{crs in 1).nlinion Canners. '1'- --- - fowl, 11 to 12c.'-_ THE DAIRY M.1RKF.TS. Button -Pound prints, 21 to 23c; tubs and large rolls, 20 to 21e: in- ferior, 16 to ltMe ; creamery, 23 to 29e, and solids, 20 to 211'-.,'c per 1b. 1•:ggs--('ase Ints of new laid, 30 to 3lc per dozen, and storage, 25c per dozen. l.'hev-e 13e per Ib. for large, and at 1::',c for twins. }I()(1 PHOi)U('TS. 11:1. ••11 Lung clear, 1I to 1&: 1)01 11,. in case lots; mess perk, $27 to ;(27.30; short cut, $29 to 829.50. Yams -Light to medium, 15',x to —'1'-- - f 111:l11 FiRST SHOES. Hoe an .th•iean Boy Managed With His l ir•st fait•. Samuel Atljai Crowther, an Af- rican slave boy who became a hishop, delighted to tell to his chil- dren the. story of Lor• he put on his first shoes- In "The Black on the huge modern steam vessels 1314}Ie!)" Jesse Page gee s the story now similarly believe that scratch - in the bishop's ew•n .....nil. Four in;� a amukesttck •aitl► the finger - o( rho pupils in the i sissionary s flail will insure continued fair wea- ther. had been protested position of monitors. this was at One of the oldest sea supersti- tions limy ('allege, under Re• tions has been connected with Charles Haensel' tiring of birds' If the bird • ew To gh►e effect to our position, ►g, high, that .signified gaud ,>aJ Asher : were allowed to wear shoes. Strong, a they skimmed the Gator that st•,ut shoes, with very thick sulci, meant bad weather. There i3 were procured and gra- il given W us: dually lipreading among the sea - they were called "Blucher shoes.” inert a superstition that if an ani On a Saturday sfternnn we were neat is aboard a vessel hard weather called, received a pair each, and IUe; do., heavy, 1.1!_ to lac; rolls, were told to wear them every Sun- may {►e deferred -even if the bird ► 1. day to church at St. (leorge's (•a- are flying close to the water -if the 11 to 1 t; e; oil, 18 o 1 ' to lacks; Eesti of the animal is pointed alt breakfast bacon, 18 to 181Ac; backs, thedral, a distance of about three' he i is held hn, that direction for 1l► It, 20!:;c. mile,. Lard --Tierces. 15'; to lGe; tabs, Never has-ing had shoes on be- some time• the seesaw moves every five Rec.iG to iOi;c, pails, IU!; to lU!_c• fere, we began practising in our ;, GENERA[.• onds. This movement i+ the sole dormitory that. evening. None of motive power which actuates the us could mete s step after lacing 1•11.1.1) 1 ItOI'S Bl 1. 1 \ 113 1. A general strike of French rail- hand.. 111'Si_NI:Sti IN 110N'Cltl?.11,. up our feet in the unwieldy art: - road men threatens. In Switzerland clucks aro now be- Montreal, March 8. ---Oats --- No. der., and consequently we were °le 1ae tease frnnl 1sfO to Pii -eat llep- Indications at present are that jag made which do not require 2 Canadian Western, •11', to Ia..; jests of laughter to our pupils, i ic.enl••d 151 Per tent. 1larshnl Iterates Fonseca has been }wands and faces. The timepiece No 3. 431 to 410; Ontario, N. 2 ,1n idea struck ase at race, whiehi elected President of Brazil• merely stands in the hall, and you white. Ile; Ontario No. 3 white,. i put into t•xccuti .n. 1 rawling tot,t '1 dcil,atc:h from Ottawa says: _- ► he ('ensu• Statistic• Bureau has SEAMEN'S St 1'F.RSTf•r1O\S, 31iui-ter Aboard Ship i• :t Jonah Sign. With the advent of wireless tele- graphy there has curve a supersti- tion that bad news may be warded off if the mast that is a part of the apl.arutus is patted thrice with the l alit of the Laud. ••Ou and ask the cook" -a sea- man's inevitable reply to all irre- ltaut questions --Las been elabor- ate,: in the last year to "(;e and aha the cook's sister," and it is re- lated that Capt. Turner of lite Lu - sheltie went so far recently as to alter the tinge -honored reply to, "Co and ask the ship's cat." A minister aboard ship Las always been taken as a "Jonah sign" by seamen. In recent years, however, this superstition has been moth ti to a certain extent. A young min. later, the seamen believe, will sot bring as much of a ".Jonah" with him as an old one. Men on the sailing vessels hive always held that crsping or sc•rateh- irg the mainmast would bring a lung period of gond weather. hien EXPLOSION IN MAGAZINE Killed Twenty -Three Men in Alaska Mine on Wednesday Night. ,1 .!espatclt from Juneau, Alaska, sad - Twoat', three miners were killed on Wednesday night by an explosion of a powder tnngazine in the 1,100 fent level of thr Mexican mine, one of the group of Tread- ae!I geld properties on Douglas Is- land. Eiglhtmen were seriously in- jured and four of these may din. The 1:1st slloti had been fired by the night :.:Oft twenty minutes be - foto the rncn were assembled at the elevator to go on top. The maga- zine, which contained '275 pounds of powder was 30 feet from the place whero the Ween %sere stand- ing, but every man was killed or injured. Most of the miners were foreigners. The roan in charge of the magazine had locked the door where the explosives were stored and was standing with the other men. Ito was killed. MORI: MON I:1' IN ('1\1U 1, lltenk l)e itisila Show Ilig In• tease During I'asl Year. A despite h from I,tmite» says; At a ,neeting 4.1 the Bank of British North America, E. A. Hunre, pre- siding, said money was plentiful in Canada, as shown by tho fact that total deposits in banks had in- creased by $124.000.000. He also referred to the impossibility of measuring the vast potentialities of central Canada. O1101'11LD !DEAD IN illy ('ollcdor of ('nstoms at IIIgh7, N. SE, Suddenly Called. A despatch from Dight', N. tl., Frays: John M. Viet., enllretor of Customs, dropped dead in his pri- vate office ou Thursday afternoon. 4• BIM ISt! 111)11' I:s1 I )1 1'rl:y. 101.,1 for )Inintennnee fur the 1 ear (reit years 4.1 his leisure moments in --Choicest cr'Alncry, 251/to 260.I, diel the same on returning to en1- Nearly S139.000.083. constructing a clock of the grand- }Eggs -Strictly new laid. 30e per tether shape nearly six feet high. dozen. made entirely of straw. The wheels, ---•- peinters, case and every detail are [ NITI:D STATES MARKETS.exclusively of straw. The most re- ihtffaln, March 5. WheatNo, markable fact is that it is report cd to keep 1 Northern, carloads stare, *1.23';; PERE rI T 'I f's 1W:c.ter, nominal- Cern --Weak ; though flee dnrahility of this 3 yellow•, (.:; . N••. I 'chow, T n l� 1� 1 Ulc• . _Nu. a corn, ?'" 1 e ••:•rs.yjp r5whin , :.• Isar- L G A t NT The Czar is the proud possessor of a unique cluck which iet•ord. net Ie. Feeel to malting. 71 t., ,Ice I. Ne. : on track, set. _ merely the passing scr(1,,. , t t minutes And hunts, hat the days. (hieag4., ilreh''. "II wheat-- (110 Stream of Imrnioration I'n2In tlio weeks, months and years. 1'ht• N '• •' red I.: _ ; Nn. :t red,:11.-.. 19to41.:1 N.•! hard, $1.13to Unite(! C )cltek was intcnted and manntnc- R;.13:,,\o,:ch•,rrl,81.13'.:t., L,hi1.teS Is Iiicrca`11!t�'. •�, toted by two peasants, who pre- " ' • v pre - septet( it to the Emperor as a token 15,: \u, 1 Nurthert, $1.17 to el. - of their loyalty. in St. Peters- Ito ; _Nu, 2 _Northern, $1.13 to $1.• I', Biu, 3 Spring, 41.13 t0. $I.1','.;. of entiiit for Jannur,v winas 2 (,h'4, as burg, too, is to be found a deck The hallux of settlers int. the l'.tna_ ('urn _Ne. :3, 02r: No. 3 shite, 112 simultaneouslhaving y the time indicatingve faces, at thirty roc r,Y',c ; Nn. a 31 llmc, GI'.1 to dim, nest this Year prone • t'. l e ,l'y1 nr+ ani incrcnsi of !sten. �1 e ate - face. c2 c; N0. 1, :,.' , t.. :.7c: No. •1 gee 11 Is s:11pass all Arlt ..n- re - different spots on Inc earth's stir white, 57 to 5''1.; , r ; \• . 1 4-•.Ilmv, �; , i erl.•.u1) led, with 913 heu►eiten,l en.........„....._ face, besides the mutcrnents o the001,14. (reports recrite,i Ly t!ee (tri.:, f•I and there were, in ncblit ;on to ' c. Onls \e tr ,c _Ne•. , earth and planets. 3 mhg►ntom i)eparlmuc.nl inti.. ate liar 1a returning Canadians (rein the _ 45%c to Oce; \e .1 white, 1" (e 17e: the niiisalt ft•,,i, (111• list. I.. Hi I '•1 •.I ate: s. l:nt' ir, ',y ('Anadi- "My doctor told me I would have 7oi�1 white, 1:, to 4Oe; standard' Stl:tc p3irticul:trly (runs :it•• \�• 1-, 1: - 1 .i t'; • 10(11. l;Hglieh imnti- to quit eating so much meat." �• west, will exceed the one hesmll, l ^,al home<tends, fient.1 "Did you laugh him to .euro l" l,iVl aTO-('1� hi.\f1i� l:l'. 1ht.usnnd mark. During (lit' to -r sr , 1, : 11 ,-.fl. 'i l e rensaining "I did at first. But when be metal' of the year there has Is. •I „ I:ek• n up ,81.:::111.1,1: •she t sent in his bill I found he w11 lforltrenl, \larch 8. - Prime an inetva,' 4.f 4.501 one 1lnndrt,i 1l, Is people (hen right." bees es, 5;; to Ce per Ib.; p- et:). per cent. iu the number of home- etl., ....: tuun i-ica. lege. After souse months' practise .1 despatch (seal London says: w^ were able to move better in Tl•e army estincat, s for 1910-11, is - ti ern, but cornpla ned 1 w th y liurt s•ucel on Thursday, show a total for o•Ir fret, and would rather be w ith- maintenance of 813'4,900,000. This out then'. ilut after some months i. an increase over the estimates WO henested in the purchase el; of the preceding year of $1,025,090. tt despatch from Ottawa say=:'sit ads taken up. The total number J