Exter Times, 1910-03-10, Page 51
i10'Hr3 EXETER TIMES, MARC!! rd 910
The Molsons Bank i
Incorporated 1855
CAP TAL (thrid up)
es 600,00000
s 3.600,000.00
05 Branches in Canada, alld Agents and Correspondents in aU the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Ilranches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. •
DICkaon & Carling, Solicitors. N . D. H U RDON, Manager
�. E. WALKER, President
&T TTANDER LAIRD, General Manager
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS soil, and money transferred by
telegraph or letter.
COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries.
FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States,
Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 123
Exeter Branch-G.W Ilarrison, Manager
Branch al..o lit Crediton.
-1.7--.° ;.:: 1• .--. 4•a •,-4•'.. ; 4.4• . ,-':'•:•44-.; 4,
FA .t.
Tri !
A Business Education is the t,
greatest legacy you can leave .l.
your children. \Ve get down to +
the bed -rock foundation of living ,
d. business science, and assist
shy graduates to the choict. �
• .r]3. '
gator any day. Indiuldual in-
diyidual instruction. 11 o ni a •i•
sandy courses in Senior Teachers ';'
Matriculation and Commercial :
f Send for particulars.
1l M. Harris
Af111ietud \: 1111 Commercial +
Educators' Associasion of ('ruga- .{
d a, i•
H��aotad rime
to (10 that Painting, Pa-
1)ering or Graining. To
have it done promptly
anal 1)ro1)erly go to
4 -
\\'rite ft r p.atticul:li, '�
C ' ton B i
I� • uslness �
Crediton, Ont.
Prices 1i<ight an(1 satisfaction
1'"• on 1IoIday, Thu 'acattier was
u,yihint; else but favorable b,it tb'r.
0 1, a trem ndous crowd and cv•rrv-
1hiug brought u good price.
•l'IIe following is 111(1 report of i1i •
('untinuation (:lass for tho urunth of
February. The per ccntage is given.
Class 111 -Junior Teachers. l•:, l:a s-
cr 1r•I, 1•.. 'Pruionncr R3, li. Short G2, 1t.
Iiieut'p 52, M. Jtrown 5U. Jtitian.
Maleic. It. Hill 52, E. A1cllurray 51.
Class 11-1.. kaiser 7:1, L. Finkbeiner
5K• AI, OcslreieIio 57. 11, Sullivan :.6,
A. Finkbeiner 52. 1':. Fahncr 19. Cla,s
1-Q. Ilodgins 55. L, llruwu : L S.
Fi,kbeiner 51, M. Wena..•1 47, 1:. 1'ah-
tier 46. 1•:. biu►s 41.
l'. Ji. llluet t, 'Teacher.
Its the following 75 per ct' lt. is re-
quired for lao1143 and 60 10r h.
Division III -Class IV-Ilonors \
Ilult /mann. 11. holt 1Itann, 1•:, 11:1..•: t
ll. Chale ; 'ass, 11. Jlrotvn, I:..semi'
\\'. Ilaiat. I. ala:st, I''. piney. Class
IV, Jr.-Ilonors. ('. Hill, (I. 1t rl dict.
1•:. P:weld, 11. Jtrott r], 1':. Ileaver, Pass
it. Ellif'isli. S. \\'eill. Class IIi -
1'ass, 11. Finkbciner, It. Mote. C. bes-
1reicher, G. Guenthc•1'.
Alias Kienele. Teach,•r.
Division I1 -Clasen J1 - llonor-s. b.
Ilai:A. li. Sweilier. \'. Kest le. J'as b
l:. Lamiport. 1. \Wolfe. A. N.ullbrocalt,
M. Nicholson, G. 131nc1 t, I.. if •;ui, V,
“..icer. Class 11, Sr. - Ilonors, E.
\\'meth :and V. lledden equal. 1'ass.
%. Geiaer, M. Brown, 0. E•ilber, N.
.1uok. 1•:. Soeitzer, i.. llaltz-
m..ic:i.. Class Il, Jr.-d'as3. It. hill
,It. Clark, I.. J3eaver. fart 11-1lonory
M. I{ing, pass. \\'. Bean, M. Ilenedict.
Miss Love, Teacher.
Division I -Class 11- honors , V.
Hoffmann. pass. ('. 11811, C, 1114151, F...
Finiche lieu. A. IloltAmami. A, Pink-
twir e N w•c E' 1 - r
l r L in n sat f Ilomi
u .
1.. Lats•son. pass, It. llnist, 11. Iledd n.
fare f A -It. lirovn. I.. Sambrook. 1.
Eill.er, N, kaiser. 1.. lledd.•n, G. V. in -
'r, I'. 11111. I'art I 11-K, llowa:d, 1..
iritv,on. E. Short. 1•:, Guc»►Ibex, :\.
heist, J'art I C-1', I.awson. (i.
Sims, E. Lamport, h. Finkbeiner, t3.
71 ire(;.
Hiss Stothers. teacher.
Thames Road
Itcv. ('o. n h.: tcher preacb:•d a:
romart .,u d •. Al _Ich.,
n ay r.
taking h's p'ac:• at th•e Thames Bo•:�i
A1r. and 11r. Paul liedee arr:v r!
home on Monday after having; an ex-
tended visit iia California
Mr. W. Ford has left this neighbor
l.00d for his home where tr.
\ . .t
stay a few• days hdforc going \
Mrs. Pnw'son left here last ccs• k
for Ilamilton, She intends •:n,r c
back to Englund as soon ns !o' i11 r.
Dogs are diminishing 1.
Mr, Peter Kraft •Ind fancily are pre-
paring to move to town and will et cu•
pq their find dwelling on Main street
\Ve welcotr]e Mr. and Mrs. Kraft ant
f+umily to out• town.
Miss Itichardsors u( Thsmebville ar-
rived on Tuesday and will take charge
of the millinery rooms at Tiernan &
A1r, Dan. Sclu•ader ham disposed of
his business to Mr..Joe. Eidt & sun.
Dr, Rutledge las purchased the
house on Alain street of the estate of
the late August Schra de•r.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kraft and Mime
L. \Vein of '.'reditoo etre spending a
l(r. Milton N. Hanim guarnnleesl few days with Mr. and Mrs 11. Krait
satisfaction and right prices in paint townlinr
ang, papering and graining and Iwing
a past master at the work should en-
title him to a large patronage. See .
'rhe y g fi iellds of Mr. and Mrs.
{, San. Kraft entertained then► to a linen
,ld bl►(,wer on Monday evening. A wery
(leo, Spotter], Principal. F \\ ,• Lc to annouacc to the Lrrnr rs plrareult evrnmg wtw spent by nil
rl. t( present. Mr. and Sirs. Kraft leave
ff4.4•f-F•t-c•f•i-:••F•t•++4-+i-4-4--;•:.:•;• r ,siring seeds that we are offering @hetily for their home in the West,
-- for sale a large stock of Iced C'rn r, A trumber of the vrung week- s pent
,'i s.ke, Timothy, 111"e Grass, Mi;!etl, a leasant. evening with \Ir. rind ,ire.
Alaike and Timothy mixed. and Al- I)�nc ►u Snider on Pestis of Is
CEMTAAL fella ('loser 6cl;d. swb:ah wee: sp sial- y i,1 week
'rhe 1• P. A. Contest clones /:ext
ly selected for our retail trade, and week• All lists with thenan1(3 plaiu-
cannot be surpassed for purity and ly written end lbs mors fur sane err
t ices bef ore y
l,ct ur r
m• ti n
C' 1 .1 O
CSI/ g
1 111
r t e Inded f. t a r i
th c t 1 b -
`��� ans(ue•r e
making your purchases. \Vc hare 1
also a limited ►1'iantity of "Kin:r f. re Friday , th that. Thr decision
♦ Giant" Seed Oats for axle. Th•s n •w ww gr ginen at the• church the (ol-
j oat 13 from Sweden and was the lid- lowing evening.
miration of all olio sass• it growing
hast season. it is :a trcavy cropper Grateful Mother
strands up well, and in sections w•herc
conlitiotls were favorable this past
season yielded P5 1.1114. (0 1b acr . 1'
you are going It Iry• n nett oat. l err Tells of Her Daughter's Re-
cur,• a few bushels or this variety. .\
call ao•icited.-C. %W ICER. covery.
Mr. (;:lrnel Baker. of Owen Sound. .--_,
bi.ent Sunday in lo•cn siblting friend. A mother will alwnys be norrhd
• Aliss Altm:l 11.11 returned home after and anxious If one of her daughters
spending; n work in Centrn:ia IL' should be affected• that from any
• guest of Miss AlcCoy. I cause the• natural functions of the body
• �1,.. Il. l.init returned home after become retarded or suppressed. Any
• ling; 11►e n►illinery openings 8t I irregularity, especially 1n a growing
Principal. • 1 , ,, girl, is apt to be the forerunner of a
• '1: Orme is on the sick lily but we
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• hop.• to see her aroliiid again vary
Write us at once for our free
Catalogue and learn the na-
ture of our courses in l'om-
mercial. Shorthand or Tele-
graphy departments. %Ve
have the leading, practical,
training school in 1\'e•stei n
Ontario. Courses are thc:rough
Instructors experienced and
We assist graduates to poet
titions. Students are enter-
ing each week. Von should
enter NOW.
1). A. Mci.ACIILAN,
For Settlers
Row Made and How Reached
Settte s e,•n1: i we
Stock an: LifeUf
Special Trains
leave Toronto
10.10 p.m. Tsesday s
t d. rirQ
Settlers and Famines
without Live Stock
should use
C.•'fular Trains
10,:1) p.n. daily
Mi 11411'[0 FLIER
38 hours to Winnipeg
Through Tourist Cers
In wfilc•h Berths are 1''ree
Art'r r 'i•a est Aged f•r eofy of "Settlers•
Gu.dc. W'tstern Cara^.a." -Tourist Gars,'
cr wr•te
R. L Thorr;sen, D-P.A , C.1' 11 • Toronto.
.,,..1.s �+
Miss Lull s l llaist 11 spending a few
months in I•:x -ter.
long chain of sickness, not %infre-
quently followed by pernicious an-
aclnia or consulnption.
"My daughter had Juat passed her
sixteenth year when, owing to an ex-
,\liss V iviaq 13mnver spent Atonda: posure at an Inopportune time. an Im-
o u e .'
utast sett u r
n f thm s a e car 1
p e
t v s 11 1
Lnt d w
Irl s K 8.. writes Alrs. Thorn as E. St. Nlrholny,
11 r. .\dries (bnghlin, 01 Centralia. of Manchester South. "Stella was
spent Friday in town. subject to vl'lent nose bleed -Was
Qui'.t:ng bees are the ord'r of th:' h)atertcal and bnrou r}nstn by fits i.1
'I•,�I Ih14 ('aeric \Vein ent,•rt ainrd ib•r mental depres'lnn. She grew Ilatle•ss
and debilitated, and her progress at
fr:ends Inst week. They all bed a school Was prevented by frequint
pleasant time, small allm. n• a Ideh kept her at home,
11 r. Milton Ilarr:s, of Parkhill. i. After urine i • rr•,zonc six ur Seven
tiding :1 few weeks in town visit -
I, • 1,:ends.
Ir. S,.nde. of Crystal City. .'dan..
1 • visiting at. the home of Alr. :u, 1
Sirs. 11. Street.
Mr. alld 11 r. \Vatson and sun. '. ft
for their house in 1he '.'itlh v; -,
after spending a few months to 11
her mother. Mrs. Cham, Kilner.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Either wen• .::
prised last '1'hur5d83 evening h =.
loo loads of their friends drove i
and sprit a very 1r:casa01 est •
tu;lether. 'I'l.at is the p'nce to .
have n (rood 1i,ne.
511s, Chas. %sticker returned fr•�
'Toronto of I(•r spending rt testi t•.
attending; the millinery olr•nin;:.
Misr McNahir. of Oct 101, has ac-
cepted a position with .Mr. Chiu.
%wicker am milliner.
Mr. ,tohn lfauch is on the s:ek ii.t
int. we bup,• to flee hire around very
11r. (:'more Trcemne'r. of Ua•b-
tsnod, spent b11nday in loon visiting
1, end.e.
Aliss ElIa Link who h:.s !Mull vial•'
int: her aunt. Airy. Banti returned
Do not .Despair of curing Sour sick I
Leadacl' ohe.n you can so easily oh. 'l'he skating is all over for ill
tain ('arter's Little Liver filly. They inter.
�� a will effect a prompt and permit n- '1,. 11 iyinolirl ('oi oeba or London.
ent carr. Their aetten is mild and • hent .1 few rims with hWs mother,
Datura{, l '.Ir.. It. ('on1'1. in held her auction
Builds (!h
weeks, pone signs
of Improvement
eame, but not suffi-
cient to show that
she would grew na-
tural again. 1t \t'as
fully three months
1 after elle had been
uaing Fcrrozone be-
- \tas aver. After that
me natural and regu-
lar. 1 t h. 1:ly recommit nd Ferro -
zone 1 r all ti nrbles Incident to girl-
hood and womanhood."
1'err Z •Fe Is a womanly tonic tint
its ' t • the blood and 111 ryes the
L,,,ti• •!..t are lacking when health
i- pass. No medicine Is Fo nourishing
-so full of life and vigor -making prop-
s riles. Try one or tw'o Fen ozone Tab-
Icts with ynur mealy -watch the re -
I alt• Fifty 1 my a box, six for $2.50,
11!1 dealers. .,r The ('atarrhuzane Co.,
Kingston, ('anada.
Vali san painlessly remove anv corn.
either hard. soft. or blee.Iing. by
applying I'ulnam'a Corn Fstrartnr. it
never burns. leaves no rear, contains 00
Ilei'': Iv I,ar1111e.s, berallye composed
nnly er heeling gums rind balm, Fifty
year+ In up0. (lure guaranteed. Sold
1• ,'t .iruggist.. r'k' bottle.. Refuse
'This Is Qutcki�band Pleas.
antly Accompllsbed
II You Use
Catarrhozone will rc•Ilcve colds al-
most Instantly and In a few hours will
cure completely. If It Is old -standing
asthma er bronchitis Its quick and
curative results w il1 astonish you.
Catarrhozone is little drops of heal-
ing medicine carried by air to the
sore and diseased parts. You breathe
then through the Catarrhozone inhal-
er and they spread throughout all the
air passages.
It Is sense as well as healing, be-
cause ('atarrhozonr Is a germ killer, a
healer and restorer of we:.k tissues.
because it !s so prompt and certain
in its results. better than any other
remedy for diseases of the throat. lungs
and bronchial tubes, and It Is neither
alcohol, morphia or cocaine -all dang-
Tens of thousands have used Catarrh -
ozone without reporting a single case
of failure to cure diseases of the
throat and lungs and nasal passages.
taken in air, and is little drops of heal-
ing for the throat, nasal passages, or
lungs. It always does cure -is guar-
Price 25c., 50e., and $1 00 ut all drug-
gists or by mall, post paid, front Tho
('atarrhozonc Co.. Buffalo, N.Y., aced
Kingston, Canada.
,\Ir. Thos. (',.turron .est tteek sc3(1
the Chas. Ilackn:y far:ra of 1'17 acres
on the 'Thane,. (toad to 11r, r,' e.
11:.ckn••v. Sr.. for the sura of $IU,1*10
Phis mtakes over 300 acres for Mr.
Hackney and he has now on • of th •
:1ll 1(st and bust farms in 11.. ior•: -
ily. We \sisb hint every succ s .
1 essre Joh
.I n Mcl-r�
t raid
O'Rourke I(•ft for Souris, Mau, , last
11r..1. i). Hannan wilt. and family
left for Ct1(11oee Albt. lest 0rrk.
Attila I. ri Finkteioer of CI *Alton
is visiting fi iepds +nal relatives herr•,
11 i.y'
.liesea L i .Ic and
Minnie '
N 1.1'I'
of 1lashweod called upon f. est ds 1.ete•
:Hiss Alice 1IeIIirc of (frand iltvrd is
visiting ,.'at,ves for a fest days
A sleigh load of young p-nple spent
,► pleasant emoting with Ale. and 111rs.
O'Neil of 111. Carmel on Muoday ( r..-,
81r. Percy Nicola of (lreenwas' spent
Sunday in our burg otth fibred•+.
Leal Frid .y evening a large miners e
of (irand Hcnd and S1inika friend.
look possession of Rev, Mr. and ALK,
Stcedilrtn'N hutur est 1'.1hetr %silt
111any baskets and n splendid pr• grant
which con1tand of readings, sinlring
and recitatiors and (iranil Heed
String hand rand 8 )m'r of stump
speeches whith were he.irt.ily raj eyed
by all, The (iresd fiend pe.•ple .1ep.
fwd forward and presented Ite•v. 11r.
and Mrs. Stcadnl.n v ith n splendid
good ruf: and blanket. Then the
Shrpka people read the addmes.
111r. an 1 Alrm. Steadman:
t\'c yo:rr friends and memberm of
a • Shipka Methodist church desire•
u take this opitotrt'rnity of showin :
unr respect and esteem for you as sur
pastor of the Grand Bend circuit and
for your many good 'services yon
have done during the hast two y.,trs.
and ask you to accept this easy 510,•-
ris chs r as a slight token. is bein.t
presented by Mr. Jereusiah Brophy to
you swith our best wishes 'for your
e -e fn re. 1111611 0' that you will be
long spared to your highly called po-
sit on and your good works slay fel-
'ov. you to a good old age. When
in flus chair )OIL res ty ours.•:.', .\rl(I
t .n •I T
h k n„ o' the {est, bl Shihka peo-
ple in your mWnd. Meat sparely never
fade. Signed on bebs:f of Sh pka
friends and members -Mrs. 8. S%% • t-
zcr. Sir. J. Ilrophy.
.\fter the address ens read. It •v.
Mr, Steadman rave n rp.endi(l r i'y
:end (good advice. after which :h' :a -
dies served a sp:end:d Imnch. Lunch
over the guerns sins heartily ' God h
ss ith you .ill we meet again" and a l
41(111 home in stood time and 01•-.11
. he uo'den rule.
An Interco t ing event. took place on
\Vcdnrnday evening e f Zest. week. at
111e home of Mr. std MIS. William
lint ler. when 1heir yonrgest daughter
A1ies Nettie. was united in inner age to
Mr. Earl l'hap le•11, of Moose .law,
1ask.. and eldest silo of Mtrs. Alfred
Chirped. of StalT.i. The knot '.yea
securely tied by 11r. A. 1. Hrowe. of
StalTa, in 1he• presence' of at.rn,t 1111y
to s e err• •w i
I st Th h t 1 wi
g I �) 1 c II snake
their home in 1 ae• wild and woolly
\1'csf, where there m,:.I.y frienhs in
this wicinit.y m1.11 theur a long and
happy wedded life.
Mr. Thom. Nferlry 1►n.1 'sVm. Brooks
also delivered their hakes In a buyer
in St. Alarys.
'I'ht Lep ts•.'1 away o 1 Thursday last
a steal 15boon st►d highly respected
resi,l•nls of 1him vicinity it Ihr person
of 11,. ,lan.es Neiman, sr. Toe tnnr►-
al took (glace oil Satloday. inter meet.
heing in the II. ('. cemetery. A large
hntril 1' of neigtlbors /were in attend-
Owing to the bad condition of 1he
roads our mail tnan tu'mst d several of
him (laity trips. We do not 300 why
this should be, as lh0 roads are tra-
versed every (187 by 11rs, anti other
bust riesP 10.10.
Mrs..lohn llrock sr„ who Iles Iree'n
seriously ill is rapidly recovering.
Mr.Thomas Kinsley, is very ill nt
his home in Mt. Marys.
Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Freeman, who
have been living at Markdale have
moved and ate at present visiting
with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. V. Millson spent a
few days of last. week with friends in
Miss Lottie Nr ut1. s who attended
the wedding of Mfr. U. $ntherby in
is rndnn last week spent tl•e week with
friends In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. hratlk (ginning visit-
ed with his brother Fred whose wife
is ill at her home in Blanshartl. been restored to health by Lydia E.
Mr. henry Ogden l ft this week for t'inkham's Vegetable Compound.
the west taking with him a car load
of horses,
1'he ladies of this congregation have!
trrauged with Mrs. Marshall, of St.�
i %rya, to be present at their moniti-1
\ , M. 8. rueeting at the home re
llrs. J, ilaeel\woods un Thursday.
March 1Ush,
1'he 11181(18ge took 11':Ire on Wed -
it •,day, March 2nd, at alae howe of
t he bride's parents ou ltodout street.
London. of Mies sura:, t•:, \Veils to
Ir. 11x1 vcy Sutherby of 11113 n';:: •.I
Mr, E• Motter rs home (ruru the
w e.t. visiting friends. Being a forst
01 resident of Hensall, he ne\•er loses
imterebt in out• village,
Mib8 Pearl Drysdale has returned
fruul London, where she+ had been
b{ ending a week or co with friende.
We regret to report the berioum ill-
ness of Mrs. Wal, Mulholland, of Hay
but deist that with geed medical skill
she may soon recover.
The friends of Mr•. and Mrs. Robert
Dalrymple, of this village, will regret
to learn Diet they are bulb quite ser-
iously i11 and will hope for their recov-
erMr. Jauses Dalrymple 1s here front
the west visiting his many relatives
and friende, Ile wits engaged for a
good many years ago in the black -
f smith business here. rtud sees utany
1 ituprovements as well as char
gee in
Wo regret this week to have to
chronicle the death of Mrs. Janieb Pat-
terson, formerly of near Bt•ucefleld,
and Alr. Joseph Ellis, bath much re-
spected residents of our village. whose
deaths both occurred on Monday morrs-
ing last. Funeral look •la • -
{ co on Ned
needay, services being conducted in
('al1nel Church in the morning for
Airs. Patterson and in the afternoon
in rte seals church for tide. Ellis, the
patstor, I{ey. D1i. Smith, delivering
carnes. discourses on both occasions
to lafge conggregations
1Ir. 11, J. McDuuald and Mr. Win,
13uc•hannan jr., each made a shinnlent
of flee cattle from here recetly.
11iss McArthur•, of London, is vieit-
her• uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs. J.
\ )
,Ir. J 1 . 9 e•s•
t sartof his 1
t vel a
f(e, in-
temia rs•-occupying his fine farm, 11
o.itre east of out• village, iu the course
"f a few weeks.
Mr. (iavin Moir, who Iias been a res-
ident of the city of llriellec over20 yrs-
au,l ham held 11 good pusitiou there, is
visi i I
t t iia moth •r 1 m
t .1t . G ►
ec .
K Alnit•.
this village, ai.d other relatives an(l
Mr, Thos. Sherritt, or near Blake,
intends moving in the near• future on-
to the fine faruc adjoining our village,
a11d krlown 118 the Jame.' MacArthur
estate 131)1(11 he recently purchased.
Alum. MacArthur swill mmove into the
neat dwelling bha purchased from Mr.
\\'ns. Sinclair, near her farm home.
Mrs. Ileiuhrcker lois been here from
toe SIaeN visiting her father, Mr• A. C. Milligan, Teacher.
Hugh McMartin, sr., w•ho we regret 4o -�
tray, is anti has been fur several weeks S, 8, N'o. 2. STI P11E.N
confined to iia room, through illness. 'I le following is the report o-
A1r, Geo. T.ah!, of Hay, has purch,tb- S. No. 2. Stephen. for the mt iths o
ed 111r. John l'enhale'm fern), known January and February, The mar14
as the old Ingram farm. are based on attendance. behaviour
Air. Robert Munn and 11r. Basil and general (preparation of lessons.
Edward jointly en.erlained a large V C'itss-Lilian Stahls 3'.7. IV -Lloyd
number of their• friends to a dance in En'r':nna 419, Meivi:Ie England 416.
thie opera hall on 'Tuesday evening. Irving Stah's 391. John Coughlin 356
Alibi, Gilde•rs, of (Jodi mil h, is visiting Sr. 111-11yri i.' Sins :362. Cornelius
her relative Alts, Joseph Ellie. Gnsighlin 315. Cecil .tones 213. .1r.
Anniversary advice.) were held in Ili --Sylvia Jones 157. Sr. 9-1Liriel
('urine! Presbyterian church on Mab. 1.rlst'so0 426. Cora Stah.t 395. Ile!,•n
lath, March 6th, when Itev, Mr. Kan- ('osaWin :151. .1r. 11- Tressle Cor-
naliun, H. A., of Stoathroy, preached n.st. 11I. 111.110 lirnndan 321+. I'riml-
ntort.ing and N%enirg. On the follow• nry- Hubert Coughlin 227. Gerrie
ing Al fly evening a grand concert Sims 191. E►r►ily Thompson. Tcach:•r.
was held in the church, tinder the an• --�--
epsces of the Ledie8 Aid Society, when The• fo:tov1ng is Ilia report o 1 .
the Im.perinl M1ele q:oartetle, of I.on. S. S. No. 15 ilny and Stephen for the
don,;velaled by AI IS., 0, Anthiale, a month of I"ebi,ary: Sr. IV.. 4'. i'':,
celebntted reader of that city, (.nnish- Schroeder 79. Jr. IV. J(osetta
01, S r•, 111.
p! Heireliugt 51.
•r 95. 11,•atr:e •
8huart 52. 1:dill*
Mips %s•t(8 Hnwden, o1 (Tinton, is Ileekn,atan x9. !!r) Staniake 69, Ki lie!
cis.turg her uncles, the McPsra. MC• Oliver 51. ti 11. iloaabel:rt Pfaff
D.nie11, 93. .lohnny lFekmann 01. .ir. II. A1 -
111r. 1{ i.n tiont and faruily are tons,- beta Fisch)
ing to Allrrta. %Vr wish theta sire- f('t. 11. 1
cis, Ir. the \\'est. 1' i14ch0r.
ONE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS. Every ease. submitted to us receives the persona►
attention e,1 our 41e,lieal Staff, w -ho consider the sympt , complications and chronicity.
and then decide as to the disease end eurability. Speciale retnedie:c are then prescribed
for the ease anti are cont ilea by our own chemist In our own 140mnntory. 8umh
appropriate treatment can of fail to cure, as specific m dlicines aro selected to cure the
symptoms that trouble you. We have no cure-all medicines like most sI ci:diats use who
wend the same un•diein••a to all patients alike nn•1 mune none. \\'e base treated patients
throughout 1'ana Is for ower twenty years and esti refer to any bank ns to nor .0sp.msrbillty.
We Guarantee Cures or No Pay. We Treat all Diseases of Men end Women.
If Unable to Call, Write far a Question List for Homo Trea:rzent.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
NOTICE All letters front Canada must he addressed
to our
Canadian Correspondence I)epart-
uteut in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see ns personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sec and treat
so patients in our \Vindsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows :
Write for our private address.
The followir:g it the report of S. S, A1cCordy 258, Afay Hodgen 111. Don -
Nu, 8 hay fur Febuuary. Names im or- ald Balfour 212. Fern Francis 236, Os-
deruf Merit car Copeland 1J,,. Jr. IL Max :1110,
1V ('lass, Olden Trueurne•r, Luella HelerShute''17, Ituy Fletcher 1(18, G.
Kuntz,'1'usnelda'1'rnerunrr,Hhlenll„Id Copeland 149, 1.e•bter McCurdy 142. G.
Miller, Susie Klietlfeldt, Lillie Messner Harsh l)7'. Pt. 11. Max. 200, Bella
Bell Overbold/•, 111 ('lasses, 'l'illir. Alc('urdy 11(1, Notvaid Shies lf)a, Pt.
Kuntz, Emily Schruede•r, GertieWil•g- L Max. 2191, 1laggie• McCurdy 112. No,
and, Edwin Hartman. Theodore 11iller enroL'ud IU, ewers{ a et1eudance I8.
1.4 (11a . r
alt bblrer. O � l m � Iaair :
UIs'lrtennr.. Il�ra 1f. (.lesson, leacher.
Klienreldr, Ida Messner, Sr. iI Lillie - ----
Broderick, (lar•a \Viegand, Euln,n The tollnw iog is Ihr P. S. Repn►t cf
Messner, Charlie Hartman, Norman S S. Nu. 1, llsbot lie f r the month of
Klienfeldt, Ethel Kliellfeldt, James Frbtusry- The ul:'.ks Indicate the
Wimproy. .1r. 11 (Tara Kuntz, Nora P('ree steges and the blending is ob-
Miller, Christina Recker, henry Beck• rained frwn examiru:el ions held during
er, Ileulrah %Viegaul, Herl,ert. Messmer• the 0100110 and general proficiency.
Sr. Pt. 1 "Tillie Alrssner, Willie % Irt. \-• John Strang 8[t; Go,don Oke 71; J.
Aoward Treen il:•r, Ernie Miller. Val• Strang 62; Nellie 1{owclifTe 61; (lecil
motlro0 Necker, Aeries. Jr. Pt. I El- Down 513 iv. Tena Dougal 78; Archie
more lClienfelda, Ro%velure 71; Itosetia Down 69; Earl
Bell 63; Jirm Doiig:tl 61. Sr 111 Willie
Strang. Elva Ilarvev, Wilfred Dougal
Oliver 1{owe l.ffe. Hazel Down. Jr.
i11. Cecil I1.rr•ris, Flossie Neil, ilarvey
Neil. itoss Dick. Gladys Moir, George
Moir. Sr. 11, Eigin Howcliffe, Frank
Jarrott. Vora Nell, Maggie Strang,
Myra Dew. Katie Slndere, John Dou-
gat. Jr. ii. Alice Dirk, Jia Mitchell,
Laura Neil, Clifford Moir, Lorne Oke.
Pt. I Clara Neil, it•aa Moir, No. en-
rolled 39, average attendance 31. W.
B. 1{(1411, tender.
ed ail interesting programme. The dmr 76. (t'ady14 'I'urnh:1.
church ( heir rendered l' jno la music, \.'ria 1.'; I Ii •r 7 7. ('hr
and the anniversary• services and can• Jr. 111. \\ i9j. Fes,
cert %stere interrslnig. Turnbull 91. Fr
Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Columbus, (►hIo. - "1 have taken
T.ydia E. l'inkhanl'a Vegetal,I& Cum.
pound daring
change of life. My
doctor told me it
was good. and since
taking it I feel so
nntcfa better that i
ran do all my work i. Brock 1110,; Mabel (Angara -911 Sr.
again. I t h 1 n k 111 Wellington it. Ilam•. N1;; \V. I'en-
I.ydi:a E. I'lttkhanc's rice ass; Ara m. (Hart '2ia Jr IIi AI- "No one can have suffered more
Vegretable (last• vin Pyym 118 Jr. 11 Ewaert It. i'yrii, than I did with stomach trouble.•
penn01atineremedy l.lvaHorne,Margaret K.I'enri(e(ah- writes Phil. 1•: I'ascalar, well known
for a 1 I W0mam'8 sent ). Pt, 1 Oat held lira -k. at 8t. Andrews corners. "My doctor
troubles, and 1
never forget to tell
m friends what it has done for me."
-Mrs. h. 11ASaos, 304 East hong St.,
Columbus, (ado.
Another Wonsan i elpe'd.
(lratlitevilte, Vt. -"I w:es passingq
through the ('hangenf Life and snffere(i
from nervousness and other annoying
symptoms. Lydia E.1'inkham's t ego -
table ('omponnd restored myhealthand
strength. and proved worth mountains
of geld to me. For tho sake of other
suffering women I ant willing yyou
should publish my letter."-1lfttrl,
('tr.titr,1:4 ILAitcr..\r, 1i.F.1)., Granite-
vllle, VL
Women w•ho are passingthrongh this
critical period or who are suffering
r r
Th folk w
Infr is lir report n( $, $.
No. 1Stephen f.•r February, Sr. IV
Honors t' illie Schwarz, Pass Ottis
Brawn, Alvin Corl,isn, Gordon Cor-
nish. Sr. 111 11 is Emerson Koest-
ler, Lavine Smit). Pass Ile Eilber,
Edna Anly. Sr. 111 Pass Jo.` Broken-
shlre, l'linton Mnrlork, Eddie-Corbiplt
, Joos hslrhwatz. Jr 11 Pass Carrie
rdrr, Olive Cornish, Adeline
Wein Clrer ♦ o '
n.1 r
fork. Eme ► t
Slay Wild. )s n 1 els.
1. 11. Armstrong. Teacher.
The follower- is the report of th,•
Revive Examinations held in S. S.
► ;6, Adolf Keller 31. Sr. 'o, 6 l:sborne. dl;ring the month of
na►( (Schroeder. \ViIlie l'ebrears•,
r. 1 I. I1. Fergus 'rurnbull Sr. 1\%,. F.:nose Heywood 4.10; ,1r.
Agnes 1(irnbull, I'cin', Keller. Nor- IV„ .tohn llrock 338; Earl Cosvard
man Vischer. Sr. Pi. i. Eddie tic'- :30.: Sr. i11.. l:de •;rd Kellett 429;
ler. 11:ucforil Luther. .1r. 1't. i. inez Creery 391: ]Dov Goulding; 231;
1':ortflce Turnbull. Frig- Coward 21.1. :Middle i11.. Inia
11. Che:!,•w, toarh: r. 11• •. reel 407: Ilardwick Cornish
Ii:: Dia ('mnist, 312; 'May Clarke
S. S. No. 5. 1 NBCItNE .ir. III CGnr,Ion Duncan MN6.
The le:Seeingf is report of 8. (s, 1. o it .luhn. 3_3. 8 •mend Clasp. slvr-
\o. 5. Osborne for the month or tie Washburn 2.82: le•wis Cornish 2:3'l;
Fchruary. Sr. iV. Ifonlors, tine:n , Vete Hevwnnd 231; Mervyn 1Vilson 95
Fisher 1 1(1110: Kest:c ; Lila Moir ; 1'. 1'l, i1 Violet hell 271; 1Villie itoutly
Perkins; Austin Ford. Pass. 4Asst r; 2.ti,; Fr:►/ccs Iewwood '218; Gordon
Moir ; Vera Moodie ; Will e.'Zernick. "'cllrip,fe 218: Willie Skelton 216.
Jr, 111. 1 as14. Maggio Moodie, Garnet i 1''ilst ('Less 111••twyt Cann 161; George
1Icl'ra!Is. (':acetic.' luhns. Sr. (11...lutu,s 1311; Percy Toward 110; Alvin
Ilonors, 'Thelma Ford. Ilarold 'Moir. Andrews 113; A14.- Heywood 141: Wes-
Orby Kestic, 1'ass. Ferrol (Higgins. l"y Heywo.•d Sts: Kenneth Itreder*12
Itoy I'erkins. Jr. 11. Ilonors. A! ' •r ,lessir A Iiomillon, Teacher
llou It cr. I'oss, Gordon Perkins. 1't .
II. Honore. Mae ford. ('harlie Fisher•
1 1.E O
r . inn . 1 r A f'
os m isher. . o. ti
on trel :3'2. average 28. F. L. '.Ie- `FEEBLE STOMACH"
Pherson, teacher.
%'()N Causes Di estive Weakness
Thr following is the re Inert of S S. g
No. 7 for the month of February. and Poisons the En -
Total nntnlw'r of marks olrh.inable was
51111. Jr. I V Ida Penrice 1141; War ren fire System.
Minnie Hall, Teacher, told mo my Indigestion and sleepless-
'rle following ie the corrrrt Irpnrt. Hess were due to poisons In the blood.
of H, S. Nn, 3 Ste hen for Ihr 10")111 Certainly my condition swan desperate,
of Fehr oar P and It 500100(1 from the despondent
y• feelings that Fwept over ale that 11
IV V. linearlh, (' l'..rsons, A. Wi'- would lose my reason. I happened to
li•..1. Willis Sr. 111 It. i'aysons M, read about Dr. Ilamilton's Pllls and
Willis, .1r I11 1.. Snnd••rs, ('. Tfrel,ner bought five boxes from the druggist,
G. Minnlake, Sr. I i t:. Patsi•t1P, T, Such body-cleasising pilis I never used;l
Willis, L. Menders. .1r. 11 i'. Satoh r., they were mfl(1 anti yet quite strop`
H. I'reszcatnr, Al. Tl ielner, le. Bill, V enough to drive all the humors out
Prrezcatc.r, V. N..e, Sr. Pt. Ii A. of the blood. My stomach gained
Hamilton'( Hamilton•. Jr. Pt, Ii A. strength rnpliIly with Dr. Hamilton's
Shepton. R. P,Ironne, h:. IIng,areh, 'lr. P1gls and I Improved so much that to
Pt. f E. I'rrrzcator. E. Statlake. ,lr, orlln weO o I could ens a� l digest all
ordlnan• food. D. pression and wearl-
Pt, 1 1. ilamilton, V, Iingaatlh, (1 N il• neas passed away and I am. thanks to
lis, E, i'resscatcr. Dr. Hamilton's Pills. enjoy ; robust
Wtn. ie. 7'rielin( r, reacher, good health."
No remedy for hillou8no indlges.
S. l+. No. 9, l 31IOltNh; tion. headache. sick stow.• or con•
from any of those distressing Ills pe- ; The following is the report of S. i(. etlpation that cntnpares w'l . ,tr.Ilam-
culler to their sex should not lose sight I No, 3, Ushorne for the month of F. -h. liton's Pills. Refuse subs/ . ••s. Sold
of rho fact that for thirty years Lydia rusty. Pupils whore nettles nre fol• Cotarrho one R('o.,All d st.. , t)nt, The
1.. l'iokham's `e{setablo Com;10nls'l, ' lowed by nn asterisks weir ahtent
which Is mads from roots and herbs, (during part of the examinations. Sr.
has been the standard remedy for I iV, Max. 111). Atinw ('ep•bond 185, 0.
female ills. In almost every commit- Mc(:u►dv 118. Jr. i V. Mnx. Ito1, i ,
ntty yon will 61st women who have Harris :171, Eleanor Dnnpe 257. Sr,
iIi, Max. I(8), ida Irvine , Reginald
Doupe 1117. Jr. 111. Max. 11)0, Tina
Dr. Hamilton's PIIIs
Stomach Troubles