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Exter Times, 1910-03-10, Page 3
liumc ABSOLUT ''WORST TIIING WE CAN DO SECURITY, Cenuine Carter's Little Liver pills, Most Deer Cier.nture of ere =.`r Pa.-5latlta N'ra.prr 1300w. :art usual" amid au 'coy to take as unser. 'rAtt CARTE r9p 0121i'(11S i LA ACHE. Fi)11t►lttgUUSiftESS. fgrs WAND MEP. cal CQkSTIPAT1OIt. KIR EAU/VI SKIN. ' - THEC,MAPlEXIDN fl ti ra fr asrc ate. e PPL CURL SICK H: ADACHE. "Itl,l'E SI1.N•' iIOTELS. Look for Blue Signs in Germany if 'You Wan( Quiet. The Bad Habit of Brooding Over Our Own Weaknesses. There is a spirit in nein.--Jab our :,pan of life. But the spirit in xxxii. 8. man nanous not limitation. It has ale(i, was created like the other lite that is eternal and possibilities animals from the dust of the earth, that are infinite. br.t there was a difference. (led 'fhe li\•ing spirit travels in the breathed into hi►n a living di% iuo direction of greater power. It sprit• The body came possessed multiplies it -elf by laving hold up- witl• an immortal soul. It is this u,► the forces of nature. It drags spirit in ,114111 that direct, hila and energy from secret places and sets chives him on. It will not suffer it to work. It seeks also to under - 1.. rest contented. It demands .land psychic and moral forces and al,n aye inure st i tieei.o. greeter sac- b, nd them to its imperious will. rilic•cs, completer oe to ries. Each The spirit in man travels in the step gained bceulue, the basis for tliict(iou of completed knowledge. a new advance. Three centuries It Must know all things. It sets ar a little time in which to cre- mare to searching our facts of every ate a modern city and the splend- kind. It honors the explorer. the id material civilization which it in:, nl"r and the thinker. \"tering typifies. t ifies. A hundred years heel') not is unimportant. if it is en. ugh in which to produce the rnareek ,+s developments and mighty HEAL AND '1'It(`I:. COX(,�t"i:STS OF STEAM.The spirit in tnau travels in the direction ,n of a more perfect righty.• The insatiable spirit in man al- ousee•ss. It strives ceaselessly for lows, hint but a moment for retro- rt better government. a juster social spect. 'there are greater things system, the abolition of poverty het to be done. After the conquest of the earth conics the conquest of the air. Beyond the world are the tl 1 go backward nor stand stars and beyond the stars there is infinite space. The body of man til 1' 1 body, un has reached its limit. 1We can bv�ll the dawning of 1 1 j: WISE M Note Method of Wm 1 HESS. ♦/iii+iiiiiiitti+i++ef ♦ tatoea on the }lot boar) all around u 11 hu Keeps Her Serr#auts. She doesn't nag. System i, her stria;; point. Sho has regular duties and sticks to them. She knows her ew'n naiad and ,l ,es net distract with changing orders. She never loses her temper or permits it to be lost by her subor- dinates. She expecte to be obeyed in her omit home, but does not give ini- he fiom t.tc fish, and garnish with parsley ♦ and slice; of lemon and serve at t1 ( nee. With it bcrt�. in a gravy boat a suttee made as follows Met e ♦ u tablesl,oiniflll of butter, add a + • lablespeenftil of fluor. When thor- oughly mixed add a large cupful of milk. }'lace on lire and stir until thick as cream. Then season wit,( peeper, salt, a few drops of lemon lt, t.+ ,tall eae3'ttugg it; ba11e!.1 influence, jai, e, and a dash of curry powder. i and t ikel(s ,twilling an uppuN,u,tity to O assert it::elf glair b. t ♦♦ 1+44+4iiili♦♦i+4i44♦it` CAKE. alolasses Cake -Prepare together two cupfuls of molasses, two of brown sugar, one of sour milk, ono poeeible command;. easpoonful of sada, one cupful of JJ Ito f1 She keeps the children within butter, two beaten eggs, five and A I well d., for sou what it has done for thou - bounds and does not �(tttal'tei (cupfuls of flour. Beat all well with pepper and salt, dot with Headache + Mrs. John Connors, to impose upon the workers in the' butter, and add a few sprigs of Handache , house 1l,Id + bultrrc/I paper and put in the ♦ B u r I i n •ton. N.4. ds c,mf rt t`Ic dough. sift while sugar over the h:u:dry and one or two nice stalks and ♦ writes: -• I hase been to,, before baking and bake in a of celery Cut in small pieces. !} Constipation ♦ troubled with bead - slow' oven. This is excellent Sprinkle a light covering i Cured. + Cuss and etime. atlor will keep for weeks, tt and g of flour 4 ♦fur a long time. Atter over the mixture in pans in order ♦♦♦-0♦-♦♦♦ (tying dltfetutit (Joe. White (-'oke.-Beat together one to slightly thicken oyster liquor. tors' r.ledicineatrice•' cupful of C'. ver with asked me to t granulated sugar with 1• upper crust, ill which try Burdock (flood Bitter' s.. • of a capful of butter. HEADACHE • AND Burdock Bio©d Bitters. The presence of headache nearly always tells Ili that there is another disease which, although we may not he insure of ester Pies.-- Line small, deep pie tins with rich biscuit dough, cover bottom with a light ofsprink- our. Fillpuns with raw Burdock Mood Bitters has, for years been a iiiugg all kinds of headaches, and if you will only give it a trial we are sur. it She makes her mai =\'heir bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchen are us attractive as she can make them. She provides, if pessiblt•, a special sitting room with a writing desk, work -table, easy chairs, and a shelf of interesting books. )neat for ten minutes, then add (me- in the whites of two eggs beaten hours, and is willing to give extra tori troth and two teaspoonfuls of clays off schen oc•cusien warrants. baking powder. Bake slowly $ • friendly She takes k g Cold, a friend.\ •, Slaw. -Put, 9 I IL interest.t u tablespoonful the affairs of her maids, but never. of melted butter in a stewpan and decent rates into. a regulator or. add to it a teaspoonful of flour; pryer inn•, those affairs. mi>, d then put to u tea f 1 f one or two holes have been sup, to find I ant completely cured atter baying, allow steam to escape. Bake in qtr meadken itto lallttlrc. I can aitch recent- allow torn twenty minutes, or tin- For sale by all dealers. ti' crust is a nice golden blown. Pie tins about the size of a saucer and rather deep are best.. This is 1- Iu I• \ ani d c' )e 1 Ail( I li delicious \say of pr paring o„t, ,� \When rubbers look old, apply a coating of patent -leather shoe pol- i�h and they will be like new. Manufactured only le The T. hlilbune Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. uu TWO DESSERTS. Hominy given long cooking and In return she t'xpeets good work' �'ulcgar• Bent one egg, and ladd to California Cookies.-- Two and; served as a vegetable Rn:! war, a life of happiness:. +faithfully Bono and a willingness on it, a teaspoonful each of mustard two-thirds cu )funs ofisg with halter Progress is the hew of life. \We' tl,,, part of her plaid to hell, in an sugar, salt, and a half teaspoonfilli teaspoonfuls °j baking1ln� �. Carolina of the standbys of Norte can nt leR level teas p Ina tAbles, being used in place still The spirit dues out end un lergency. f pepper. Beat all together and der. one-fourth teaspoonful of salt, ; of potato. The cereal is coo (! above all, she knows the yaluo r.( >t:_ in the bulling v•inegar. Boil: one-third cupful of butter, one-; a double boiler fork d in the c Isco aloin of thejudicious praise and kindly cncour- U/1i minute. Pour over hiked orf cupful of lard, one cupful of To cut hard 'ell an hour or two. tf, An eternal day, , .one- third cu Ijelly squares, use a taking thought scarcely a(1(l A en- when we awake in His Likeness. agement. chopped cabbage, brcw•n sugar, ane -half cupful ofi perfectly clean pair f scissors dip - can Little blue signboards, bearing, bit to our stature or a decade to Thomas Heed Bridges, 1). D. -'-,I•.-` - - ( Wine (Ike. ---Beat together t.\yolthopped figs, one-fourth cupful peJ in cold water. T recondite devices, arorwaysappearing! : cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful el ell"pl)ed w'aluuls. fou eggs, one- cut small pieces /nOrnc� s oney than sporadicall °ver the i ---------- NE%'I:R 011:\I\(: F'L(IN'CR`. ;butter, and tease e• fourth eu)fu1 milk. Sift together( Y doorwa}s of ggs• Add iuo 1 with a knife. Carefully clean and hotels in various parts of Germany. 11��I1' Sa Sa LF SSC1N ern shore, opposite C'apernaun. , cupfuls of sifted flour, one tcaspo„n. flour, baking powder, and salt. ;dry the scssors before puttingthem These are outward badges of OI. j j' S•••• verse 18 of the chapter. + illu.fralion Drum the 1'iulri their, fol of baking('ream sugar and shorleniiig add, away. spiritual rectitude of the particu- Country of the CAdnrenes --This quality of Fertility. powder, and one gilt' of wine, Aix into a fir►n batter. �"Ika of eggs, milk, suit, and outs, i :1 kettle -holder to which is attach. lar hotel proprietors: men who at rAl:out• have been the neighborhood The never opening newer, or, as Put in drep mull and bake in a mixing thoruughl}. Stir in half {holed l ed aket t a yard of tape the bidding of a new society have 1N'I'ER\.1'I'10N.11. LESSON, of (Indere, snh,.h lay several mileslbotanists call it, cleistogamy, is moderate over.• frost. flour, nckl the stiffly be:ltin whites lful when one is . is very use - called down quietude to be the pre- southeast "f t!,. lake; for then the}} well illustrated by the case of the reed Chem Cake. -Bra( to a working in the kit- sidin f MARCH ig. swine must l,a\e seen compelled' 1 and finally the remaining flour.Ichen. Tie the tape to your waist- called genius oder their establish common sweet violet. The familiar cream one cupful of sugar with i►r"p by teaspoonfuls two incltegt belt, and then the kettle -holder melte. Therefore, acres -racked I to race over mountain, river, and;purple, sweet scented blossom, i one-half cupful of butter ; add uric_' apart on buttered tin, and bake in; will be ready to hand whenever you travellers should make for those Plain a long distance before reach -1 which to most people is the violet., ball' cupful sour Milk one cupful a moderate oven fifteen minutes ort want to take anythinglist from e slur signs and enter the portals I'''''' \I. two Mighty 11'orks, ing the Sea of Galilee. The bcstlflower, hardly ever produces any !of dried cherries, one teaspoonful 'until brown. Enough for sixty-fiyelstove. cm the • which they adorn; but the youthful )fall. ti. °a al. Golden Tcxl, suggestion is that popular usage' aced. But altogcth''r unseen by i of soda, spice to taste, and flour. cookies. ' most people, 1 Coffee stains, even when the cut an.l lho giddy aged, who love! gave the came of the seal. i town to 1 eu le, the violet produces a encu h to Make a stiff batter. Bake' bate uuddin together has been mixed with cream or bustle, clatter and music, will go;Mail. 9. all the east -shore country. JI"d,•r,l number of minute, scentless and I in paper lined tins in moderateq'-Ceram to rt fee colorless flowers which never open, oven for about one one cupful each of sugar and milk, may he removes! by rubbing elsewhere. The new Teutonic Anti-, Klima has been accurately identi-sect, add the yolks brown tweggs, Noise Society's sVerse 2 . H•' was entered into, feel as the scene of the ,•ity (versos s"`'' the Botanical (;azcllr•• how. r •Ilcd shredded wheat bis• R`' ' t.we, the spots with par glycerine. Rinse special aim is to; a boats Liter;tlle, "the boat." Be-( White Fruit Cake. -('ream wellcarts, two• afterward in lukewarm water• and enlist hosts who will agree to pro- 31) near whish the miracle took I These are self -fertilized and pro- one cupful of butter with two cup thirds cupful of milk, one and one- N)'ess on the wrong side of the tab• cause of the multitude, Jesus had 1 Be - place. Trace a her directly across' duce abundant seed. The word full of :1 sugar. Then add n i:titters to all bedrooms, so! asked for a boat, "to wait on him"r half cupfuls cupful f raisins, dates, two tic (either with or wool may he so the they may be darkened at will,from 1'iherins, and some -what to the, cleistognutoua exprrs.se, the teal'one cul' thirds of raisins, our and treated) a warm iron. a s' theing n,nm be (la silence broods (Mark. 3. ti), And subsequently itlncrlh stand the ruins of Khersa, that fertilization takes place with-, (ulxou((•&kirtwwliit,es offour cup- our -half cupfuls of flour sifted with In cleaning b i'- - • oler the ensue, doors which auto is referred to as the boat, as if the close to the seashore. out the opening of the flower, and beater) quite stili, (w.„[ eggs Iw,, K r c a bras, especial- the placed at his disposal (Mark 4. Two hence without thea even ((•;(- level teaspoonfuls of baking' 1y china pieces, it is a good plan to raaticallt close without banging or' one 6. 32). I possessed with demons-- Thogenet' of insects. 1 spoonfuls of bakingpowder, one- lastly powder and a pinch of soda, and; use an old shavingbrush. i • raking, silent dining room sere; belief of the (;aspens about demon- Such Heyer uprising Hewers occur. t1Rif pound •of figs, one-half pound the stiffly beaten whites of Half a lemon dipped in salt will e, an alarm sy;pintern by which a His disciples followed him -Thep ,s ession includes these points in a large uumb('r of plants, sours' of raisins one-half cupful two r boat must, therefore, have been' I There is a kingdom of dcnluns eggs. Strum two hours, fir; off 1,,, found invaluable for cleaning ogle guest will be surely a times along with bloxsuurs of the thee crushed, one-fourth pound or the oven, and serve with hard brag, and copper utensils. ped without calling up every other of fairly large dimensions, although 'of which Satan isthe head; (2) they "'denary sort and sunle'i'ncs with wine sauce. 11111 R•'rvo six per-' :1 teaspoonful me as large as the "vessel" lctsl einem chopped fine, ono teaspoon-' I P of Ielnon juice to s eleepin,( Wight on the same floor, „ (• A. incur ureal and "n , thorn. It is a disputed , j sons. quart of water will make rice ceiy 11) in which Paul suffered shi I p genecaus in however, whether there is an}slant ii opow powemoder it extract. Ilol Put the bak- e anti to bR^Igh the mus'( to an annex P sisibic; (3) they Rre thy Gauge of white and keep the entirely apart from the main wreck. Mark says (4. 36): 'Other Mental and physical disease; (! which in all circumstances will ,ro flour and ►ni:c'grains separate boats were with him," as if the ) duce nothingbut c(risto umuu, "`�1 be/ore adding to the other in- THINGS WORTH KNOWING. when boiled. building. So far so good. But Y more than one can take possession ; B gradient• ; t Sprinkle granulated sit luster on . l ncourRlie children to eat bread trouUlc will assuredly arise over,were !Jath to part with him. of Amon at the sane( time; flowers. also flour fruit well be- made of whole meal ground, act the(!,) tole Rddiuaoventui• of jellies to p g mold.; -deem promise to keep a black -124. There arose a gr••at lempcst C'Lrist cast thein out in his own There are nevertheless a number for two hours. l'O One-half slow of ,1dd A pinch of self to snares. It' bolted, so that. the bran which con- )' fir ruirculation among the' -`1 common occurrence. inesitab- .name; (K) he never treated those� which normally produce nothing. dr.tes can be added if liked. , will keep the irons from sticking. tains the minute quantities of lime n,,, „ Silence, a list which' ly connected with the situation at .' possessed as wilful sinners; else. 1s regards fertility, the seeds _ is present. the lake. The storms were sudden he saw in every case a result of sin. gnmuus flow -1 cupful , f butter. i,ar (.anr and nune-1 lath Dry "alt and a brush will take's wilt be T the name+ and descrip- I pr,'rliir•rd by the cleistuf f ! It dust off from velvet, plush and;Pudding cloths should never he tion, of persons cursed with ran and violent, dor to the- but that.'Th,•se possessed are, some deaf and ere are never inferior to those of cul.fuls sugar (light brown prefer- heavy embroidery that cannot be; washed with soup: soak them in ewe ymlMt, resonant tauRhs• evil the lake lay so low in its hill -en- dumb, some blind. some savage, ; the ordinary blossoms• in some red), two eggs• two rounding cup- `°."shed. cod water, then w ring in ver hot tempers, or any other faults likely circled valley. Through the deep some abnormally strung• surae ;iv_ ;• cases they are superior and in fuss of (heir (measured before sift- 1' your rage curl up at the edges water; then dry in the open air to jar the nerves °( susceptible pro-. g"rges of the watercourses, which ;en to conyulsiun.• raving, or foam- : others they are the only seeds pro-.ing), pure , u pfii co they can be made to lie flat b: possible before using again; ; din �' pie;such objectionables to be rig• converged at the brad of the lake, in; at the mouth. All these 1 Id neater, two tea- 1 are dosed h} the plant. Mr. HM's • spoonfuls baking powder. three or i, y them in boiling wale B dam penins the curled edges and R r' wring tight- urnitsly turned from the doors. •than two thousand swine? The de- : signs of epilepsy. (See !fasting's, studies relate to a species of linaria four teaspoonfuls of burned sugar pressing with a hot iron. ly' and flour well. _.1,_-_ neons would spare the swine and f�i(tionary of Christ and the Gus.; (L. canadrnsis), syrup. C'se common straight tum- , Nearly all metal teapot w• a `-�. PROSPERITY OF BELGIUM. (L4' -troy tele men. but sit ('heist. l•• I.; article, "Demon"). He has found that the amount of beer to measure with instead of cup. rode or rust slightly(when _ -- ''!!r` 33. They that fed them fled C;,,,,inR out of the tumhs_ cicistogamy eerie. with the height (learn, butter, and sugar togethe, assay for a time. AwAman who! FOOD :1\n Belgium is, perhaps, the most. Partly because of dread, partly be- • Near the ruins of KhersR of the plants. The shortest bear break 411.1\. persprrous state in Europe as well. cause of their excitement that madearo re -i c1c•Rtt,garnic flowers only, and those add awnlrr�il6urnR j and beat well; ifeveib\R filling she pros^ryes such ar. SA the must thickly settled. The them want to tell the news. These mains of ancient tombs served alit A little taller have a few small open ly flour w'hee'l } rllp, and last- t! les anti them with flour. It• The peasimlafie views econee Pd nal. king's reign was nt least madmen had been the talk of the of the (Are of the mountain. Chris - ()flowers in addition to the closed with baking has been well sifted moisture.d will by file W. ('routes in 1998 concern- s.ot admit the bast' lull an impending dearth of the mucked by an enormous advance in town, and had foiled every attempt tinnily had not vet emus tfounti� „nes. 'fhe tallest plants have larscer ere The burned sugark syrup,iais' '1 dressingw'1 wealth and soci:►1 reform. One of to restrain then]. 1 asylums for such unfortunates, and Boiled sal ,I 111 notf wheat "apply o[ the world have (the; were allowed to roam like+ "lino flowers, with only a few elms- prepared by butting any quantity curdle, but :rill be smooth and light) often since seen the subject of cum_ of the country's special advantages is ;,q. They besought hire that he beasts. Burial places were their ("galnic• menti And ,11 the recent merlin that its international neutralism desired of granulated sugar in a if stirred roquently while cooking th• British the they �r e would depart -The destruction ut favorite haunig• These two had '1• _ ahider over the stove and stirring ''' a doubt boiler, alien a res'ulvin r permits it to dispense with a navy,' so many swine would be a great terrorized the vicinity, so that no , g agRin in ii. by �1aj. !'. (1. while the Belgian army is main- commercial loss, and, perhaps. they 'mar could pass by that way. ONLY PRACTISING. constantly until a nice brown. then 'R� bcr,ter. tamed on a very small and inex- ( add boiling water and cook to J'.• },cat bund Spon r Scetio in hi.r addres to the Sulr- _feared more. In that case they I A R quickly use Section of Agriculture. - •f• Ytr. :\ reasonable explanation of i gunner belonging to the Royal syrup. 1 ut into n cyan or Rny con-; R lsrge size egg beater. It does more , hnSi Cr was it's little use talkinga"old seem to carr more for their their recognition of Jesus, and (,( :Irtillery was eonetantly checked ycr.iont rcceptncir fou hltyo on same work as n machine and ie� hopeful than Sir W. ('ruokea, r, to a man possessions than for the presence his Messiaship and consequent right fur earclessnrgs when on sentry in hand. For the frosting, use one ! c!uickly cleaned. will (Ilse save work' bit .Ile Painted out the necessity of borr'►ll,ic cool when the soup k of Jesus. i'erhaps, however. they'(o be their firm) Judge, is this in no' paying proper c"mplini•pts to and ane -half cupfuls light hrow,llin mixing cake suffer. devPlup• m the R grain lands of lhr, ���; were moved by feelings of reoercn-iltapernatini. with the crowds ,they 111' 811 ,Pr1Ur ofliM•rs. One (lay, I 'sugar and the whites of (111'/'P C I A P"illtllmtl 11'"ek ?mikes a fellaI Kc'rld, !loll expressed the slew that, I tial awe. 1RR;tut u►ost important thin p1�• ����� Ihad hoard .frsus preach and beheld howc•yer, he iutende(i to (j„ }Ins add a little water and three to;t baking dish for yr,nng chicken, as; I R was net [1 WOOD'S the winds were Rucked duan with 1ha wonder-working. But they had tints-, and conlmeneed in this man -I spoonfuls of burned syrup to the it keeps the meat pier. to bring the toed to the sod; b,ut tertifir violence f'um the massive rise • sugar, I : � fo make• cabbage crisp shred and to heal the men to the f •inoo yicid,•d to him. and now, t., g ,and buil until R little (Iru, R nod: that �� plateaus' rlhrir diseased mind,, he appears to • A young subaltern was passing pea in cold water will -hall.' Stir atop into a bee" of iced enter an �� 1i the laud tapable of producing ! He was asleep -the days in Ca-it come as the 1lrr.' .lunge to his post. The sentry abruptly halt- afoot halt this with the beaten lr"nr before esireg. The 1,600,(NiU,O(q persons coq. I pernanm hod been strrnu"ug ones.? ic.rcenle \rngean(e before the tines ;! ed, si !tiered, and gave the "pre- whites and /Me tie Irtnaindr, t.. f, he =nr, ,.f snuouth drrain atihttinR the present population of f, f �y� `w��. e f i• n lay down in the stern of (ho rent.' R odd, th Lr p.3 that i+ store the Inst judgment. cook a little lunger. Ileal until t+ tahicsl,"..0 "f cornstarch to beat-, glebe are concentrated in nnr- il n rough headrest (lfnrk' ^U. Many Baine Mark, shoes, The young r flicer w•ns well pleased' cold. on ingredients. uta. ltrnt all well And' r"" regions, and :trete parts of the + es :•'1 ter his single comfort. (fuller ne,onnt mu -t be compared ;but nevertheless remarked: cu,•k in d"user boiler. curls, capable of great ARrieultutal to 5 _ia' Cr:cuate,) Tp Care All L;s. NF1\'r• Lard; wr, perish • A ', ;th Ihig, says there were two thou.! Sentry, I'rn not entitled to this 1 howl of quirk lime 11(t. in a'tlr\clupmrut, are left r natively "�"" -- -. inspired, ns the next verse 1complimerit.'' FISH. �dAn:p eupbuat'I will absorb the Warren. Tin boat solution of the e+Qs(sa n! the ?bloat and inn J. ;,,.,, ; gAnd. They were feeding, afar off „ • �. I,+ fear rather than (With. tun the nlonntains above Kberan.. l know you ore net .' replied i uu•ixtun•, problem of f I supply would he Gour,c, C,t'ta, $c�nchiti=, Sere Threat,+'!'' tl'ere \vitt' Romcli►inR in .icing ( :31. The demons besought him -- the sentry, "but [ thought yo„ Herring fialad. --Our and one hal( Every coffee pot •hound occasion- to fend a was -to induce the surplus wh. h n. ,:red in the knit herein w' �� • n Tina:c•rc)a, Croup, Paie or Tightness is ; • I disciples h"pe, They teases l their doom was at wore Rood enough f., practise on. g. twit cupfuls e,f orris• tl, •, Ia• witched out with a solutio„ i'"luulRtion t" inhabit And develop toe Chas!; and all Dronelrlal Troubles; rf on., •( forlorn Cues and their ars hAnd, and that he was to consign the -wets iw.. Apples, one salt pickle, tet., ' 1 soda and boiling anter. flee lands n..c. urKl.••ted. unc•,n c:uusly pays tribute to the them to the abyss o ~�-- - cupfuls of boiled beef, two and on, \!:.Is< k.t'J) cheese well torr c yule quickly to the curatuve poxcrx of aonder,nl influence he hail f hell (Luke 8. sof �ereEl hAli (u ,fair of re i tjl,, prince of pe'terel ren:edit+. It oyer thein. gained 31) :1s n c"untie mise they entreat. )e'rom Her IPotatoes. four or sir • ' •, • I„ dish. If \yntppe(l in rl Was All •I him to s.•ud them into the herd Kidneys tahlespooufu1r of sinegar, whit+ nr, H1„ f',,, _,.•ped cloth it wil!ilk, rrp, u%Z aq..cios all the virtues of tele world 28. 1'r of linins faith Note. 111 f oei, Norway Ono tree, contLined Matt. 6.:30; 11. 31; 16. 8, how after, '.t �w''nr. Terrible pepper. Souk herring in mutter I"',"t,fn.,, ,,..,•t, :and detaits, 11 Weigbed125LD1l. Per Nino/ J wet!, Wild Cherry it,, t (;u-- 1(,,,,• forcibly, "Away i twenty-four !mere, Clean «.'I, re. thesis 1, ,laic, I. Awa . 1 a ani the soothing, this word was upon the lips r f ' v.. illi you."Months. niovin akin and bon+Now Weishu 186. Ael., a T s R k I,,n in 1\hrn hn,•,n tier• . b :Q)I t'xpcotorsot properties of of Jecns. Even after many otherR ick !Hoer per- t wettt into the swine- See note tome! and 1'111 let cut , .. ( mit +n "Ile t•, r;f all Illy I,H(L nr Mrs other c'<c(• kat het;,, and Lprop of J 1• .iEve hod to ehidc his 41 111 r al” le "n demon- cubes also the f,iclik. 1 ••• •1 .,i,1,' :dl..:, , t,• lie i..:Ned in any way. write':)f• if wishltl) ell yonrhnn.N.R., ♦iii 4 + b i qtr:. John i'eldt di 1 i!,Ic; 1rr ye es en }'et with pmssession (1). Fo: ]dae'sache, Lime or Weak Back- uncut. beef and 1,,. ,1,.,. \1,\ :, ! 1t" 1 run persisietut noise, neon's iiPart II yn u what !1{il- N,od+nr, w7nta►i••� "' +uedHt-t:u"ditr{? i'' '111 '1"\v Il the strep Into the one of the commornestanti most dist reeving teeetlier and nth! \iuegliI, „lair drrpl,rng water. c (: jot n,e. •1 and :seer 191141 Aasr done i w r, to aItel 1,11, 2 ti.e ;.rods And the " 11 I,at made KhersR cis} of symptoms of kidney inaction. there „ ao 1 epee, ' , r Iknulr hue yeers(ago 1 vas ao nut Naar 1 1 scan identit!i at,.•tl as the scene of the taking equal to Doane Kidney }'ills for iul i +r i ask lirnllt' "n plat +Ilse ,•r d"", dean 1 could not do my own work. 1 1! Htiitia' ilclbark .11as- ley add:. -111(; :" them 1110 :s sail; 1. ca, the fart that A1. only w. 8 out the stitches, twitehen and t''r :leen uarnisli \\its Burly rhol,p,•,; \ little healing lotion. whi,lu Kent los doctor. he told me 1 had Cot: y. )' g (o,{1h Geoid in llnri's aecunnt. L'H a Ing_a limbering the stili back, and beets or hard hailed i'ggs. "u Id lie kH1.t r! the 1e"u'e for heat ing I ,.tui that um nen'Pawcrra 1 Curd, for the ha t .0 nnviled.' a • if s xAkin to mad tl+ I'•'rol on the eastern shore do giving perfect comfort. Planked ! i -I,. Nee that leaf i-unstnpng. i to ,k hi• i„rdicinP, ss ho ♦ $ month, a er1 uteri . 1 R t mountains come nt all near the A medicine that strengthen the kid- hHrc a dinn,•e with planked dt�,,.� 1 mere' • is ihi• : 1hu ordered u:e r" .lo. ion .1 did ire no Cot of , e,e,1 „•. l'ea ts. 1 trikinR proof that !wadi, ,nd lace "the incline is such np}• so that they are enabled to be kit 1 k d fish as + nem ''1 h"r:u a arid. twit ..mi,,,,•,jj°ar ♦♦11!i ♦ �♦• lean- c•,n< d red himself $oyctIreign! 1 (hen sealtail ro Cake �Irib,un's n 080 caritas Ful theythat ,.ne rurhin dee would be Use petsonou., uric and from the flail t'e main Inca; ,.,,I,.c will pr"oe a "f r"•,• watt r. \When n child shows a!d �erye \'iii•. and had only taken e , did ear NO good. At lag{ j w�a rJsiav(I Of the. physL al \vacs!' andprevent tees trent. (;rt a I"•1 i.lu� litter skin irrit:uti"n it earn he� 1»s..before r i started to feel better, ne by n Head No try fir good. Venr,ty There ens a great •mein --Nut, the precipitated at ore by the i►npe• ti. fief taVRc o! Rhclmr- s;. "SAI board r"Id ter, (as 1 sy in ,lures f•.t l,akinK bele. You milli al liked with sl,!enthd resilits, coariuv,d their use until 1 had titan t ► `s'r)p uaA with the first few doses ordi my gradual sisb•id: n((:• mark. tug into the inner. ' 91;r na aiJ A \ cl:ase n , t.'te c this hard ulnar melee 1•' purelin I Rr ,, d t'„ce 1 I 1 several boxes, and I sun now WOO and I e 111(1 great relief sed today my back- - (•d h; the long, culling swell. but The whole herd . perished - Bagka, N .r t f i( •e turkey A sect finita j well. end isle to J(, my own work inn co•, YI hal Wady13 cW001i 5 Nr, and Are not two men of more value wltll ti '"I was r,r,nhlyd enlilg planked fist►. Whitefish or I tiro the I,•A, ale lion enol s►Ih, i nd I ro(c,mrlred Lakin n Wheel 1 am oe�ier in tee L`:. Wood's Norway a sudden ah:Ucment of Ihr disturb- wy� ae�e or rine months, and fr•.nl are best soiled for this our. � 11:. a;ltllrs a blight r"lor and the. I-•'' pounds, and now weigh I wee bed Pine es rap tpa !louse.' alive. *___ _ the "PI eU� teiribit pains across I.,.sc ('Ie:ul and remote the bunt (Inn •, } rll"w and ample. .1 � i ii , liven bink to r (s•lv dough tie The R; The encu No wonder those ,,, ! Two officials o the Austrian Cloy- t �ac]f ani tAe limp tAet I wheel was a hs �� young g t r' prure.,f Dr. Wood's Norway fine f cove J afOnt,d. After taltin Iii Imllina one the spin,'. Item the'tn,k•y I,Ikrs ;Ihont nn h'lit :uu) n ppy iLnlg in the farnll Syrup igiiisanteper lottle. it is put lip other boats rnaryoed• when t'rrrnent fought R Burl At Vienna twebetAsof ai(ttjuey fell,lbegan board, Ihcn h111M•r it. '1'h, , pii-i''1,:('' t.. I ,• t, a thine Ir, 11t, I cefcrs l'•i takirn Minot X In A yello.s wreppr•r. three Linc trees syr! the b•,smn friends of .I..,,; "n Salurtla , in o\lief one of thrin, tofeel8tter,s'thotie.c , t'r` ••.r{••r In fiP,rt 8 rue Y t i had to ni h fish 011 it. . , •(sun the Bell ao,1 `•;(au, ..e hail. and A lar•ste bird upst.siri. thou Iterestin 1,eforeld not A for trade maria, so be sure and ace(lpt were- ;u cuwaedlp• "Thr sleep and sae killed. telae 1 e,*t$ per le cu:el " pit' liiilr dabs of sutler herr and • old hr h"ne see, and a half t" the to I a r 1 got �o Rear of the many substitutes of tl.e the "ut •card appearance," rale) <,, ' price was mists (e bet. or l lot 1 1.1 , p Pan naw go op witl.t ut any or:Xin>tl "Norway 1'ia :yru me teen th nk they are not spit. ell deader., nr tna 1 thole flu n p+acr i! even and hake' flares hours in r""kin>u, I tn„uhle... P.. ( hrrtio..:..r,.. '.:li'w•r•d nrnn, the sea rice byThe ,d"'tt ,:a r1182: or Inulin dune ss lien bird sciti+ a fork.; When I!•el•r;,eofhlilb:l t' 11ao tf^.cUrmd oily 1,} The T. Jlih,uro an I rain, ales•lurnd him God." I rurally nem el sa a hen thl;v nee J f h • T. hle.h•ern Co . Liuo:ed Kiting haps' Inediril,' ..r n' u , s Insert end Nerve Co, I.rwited, To:•onto. Unt. Ibrelto, Ont It rrntuy(,1 from Ow ",en lilac,: plink "f water hold the wri•I firm-; 1' ` „ .'dt cents p,: }ox. or :3 has(, tot :1. 'fu the, other side --The oast ducting cline on their own When or(f:ri • the rented with illy fish on it on ugly mill Ih( baby sill nc,Hr strangle; s ..., `t ell desats .1 ::,:,ilea direct on mals, rim opacity i ass's." K r• -sett of rim t.,• . , platter, put mounds of mashed po- I. or choke. � Limited, 1 orotate Vote T. Milburn to MIL • • i