HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-03-03, Page 9ed a ,►t,
Rev. A. E. Jones. of Auburn oil)
preach here next 5vn•lay •:tcrnoon.
'Sir. Jam. Brooks in visit; g friends
po and relatives around here this week.
'Mr. .1. V. Mil/son is ei4 aged put-
ting in iris supply of ice. which is a
good sample,
Catarrho ne
Cures Permanently
and their Palatka to be $2 p •r
'. illiatn Letvis. Edward JJro
'y and Wuertb-That Jos.
:fry of np1�0urt'-d assessor Int :►
fur the Ire:int book an$80 nod that d (attend ill;
he Court of ltevision.-Carried.
Per Andersson and .Yearly -That
lly-Lawn, Ni.o139 and 159, being bb-
fate to Appoint offivers of the 1oon-
ahip• each having been read the third
time ,• • passed and signed by t h,•
?hove a.nrl clerk, and the s •(1 of th
corpor.lt on a.tached th(•r,•to.-•Car-
Messrs. .John Love and Frederick
ztil ucrth handed in their resignation
as members of the Hoard of ilealth.
I'er An•1••rson and 1 calley—'l'Irtr
the folio' ; he appointed members
of the llo, 1 of Ilealth, ytephen Webb
r three ears, Alonzo Ilodgins for
vo ye►rs and Nelson 11x1;er for one
Throw medicine to the doge. At
y are unpleasant, often use -
Ott are suffering from Pomo
the throat, nose, or lungs,
It Bronchitis. Asthma, or
t 1s a alight or severe
s causo these diseases-
, have a common root.
Catarrhozone destroys disease germs,
but it does mon, it heals disease Us-
CATAR12110Z(lNp: Is ;•ttle drops of
healing carried by air 1, the exact
place %here Catarrh exist.. (observe,
Catarrhoznne not only es►roys the
e use, but Mooed! alfa the
trope of
aced over
nasal P&feage•,
• •ndoraed by doe-
•ts, and by thousands of
an peoplo who have used it.
Yes. Sir, it is taken in ,,
"Little strops of healing" . ed b
air to v;eak places in tho lung, r•oat
and nasal passages. '
Thane slzegt 21c, Ge, and 91.00, at,
druggists. rr by mail ;eo 1pald from
The Cntarranzene Co., Buffalo, N. T.,
and I:ingston, Ont.
she( , and William Oliver w ken.
t'o:Bled Boni lary Ilenith were ors
for (he respective Inspectors
thein in 1:103, ‘1. din Lewiseld by
rlliam Ltvto do
all dxinfectin;r trrt'rt.M done by Med-
ical practitioners. It was resolved
that 1he noon hers .of th,• cootie,
should soli and dispose of tags for
fit t collecf.tltl11 •?(non y beforl large On e at ?vin
( iv.
Lags to purchasers. The R 1n..
nnpeclors Herr appointed Iollotvin:
b tau, Plointrd to enforc
y- No. 157 In prohibit rertaie
cattle from running at large on th
intb.fo highwny-•tonna Minta. con. ,
to :, inch:sive. A'0nr.o (!origins 0 to
1, Theta. ,Ilawhinney 10 to 13; Chas
Lorimer 11 10 19, Iticlrtrd Webb 20 to
• e,tern It0'rndarj.
The clerk 'was instructed to noc-
,fy the clerk of McGillivray iliac
rico (arrant Hosea lake rill cornet
off the Boundary between the
1 nit nahipa of Stephen and 1IrGit',
►'r:1i and place thorn on ch e
line for Statute Labor. concession
A 11'1m11(•1 of accounts were
rot the come;l adjourned to
Henry Either Tp. Clerk.
Robert Elliott oho rano- oitloin
three Voted of being elected to the
Godericb council has made application
for a recount,
Children Lry
Gas Distended
His Stomach
Caused Palpitation, and Pre-
vented Sleep—When
Health Was Gone, Cure
Followed Use of "Ner-
"Sty last wish will he," writes Barry
P. Pollard, a well-known boot and
shoe traveler of ilartford, "that ever) -
one with a bad atotnac•h may learn ea
1 did. before It's too late, that Nert•I-
line 1s the one remedy
I was In (night3 • bad shapto cm, ige.-
Why -
tion ss :1a e, my dles-
all %%rotor. and every night
I would waken
with a start and
find my heart
jumping like a
ihri `king machine.
Thla was caused
by gas on toy
stomach pressing against m3' heart.
When I started to use Nervlllne I got
better mighty fact. It is certainly a
grand remedy for the traveling man,
keeps Your stomach In order, curds
oramps, prey ale lumbago or rhea-
mntlam, breaks
enc bym will be
s 123 auction, the
st 1_{ IS acres, being lot 19
Here.; of 1-1 wheal. ('on. 12 llibbert-
1'or terms sfheal, (0 acres plotted.
fern[ ripply , and ro:ditions of sale of
f 1 3 to the undersigned.
'flit? \IS •. All soma of $5.00 :111(1
older. t.l,: over that arnolir,t 1'1
month,' credit nil! be given on f,ar.-
nishrng approved joint notes or a
t sCU•a11t 0• 6 PVC C.111 I' !' :11111;11:1 U I
for cash.
Asset. lily;
- -- — I rep.
ng Auction (Sale
Neil's t1U
Mr. 'flus• Cameron has received in•
at ruction from the undersigned to
sell by public auction on
Lot 8, Co,,. 11, Ilibbc'rt
on Friday January 21st, 1910
at 12,30 o'clock sharp the fol:oning
r,!uab'e p/•Ol,,,,1)'.
Ilors(w-1 draught marc rising 6
years old in foal; 1 agricultural mare
r•siru: li years old in foal,
tural wire risin ti • (agticu;•
•lgricullural Ir e,, 7 years o4
ding risingy�arfl
1 pr, auric,rltoral (nares rifling 3
y'ar.old; .1 Pr. ngricltltural geldings
rising old; 1 pr. ngrirulturat
ntdI, rising old1'r• r;r;dltrt awl
n,ar,•;nnd2 r:trs old:.1 pr.
agriculture line rising one year old
I (tire general purpose snare rising 1
), at, old; 1 ladies driver. Blare, els•
inu 0 years old; 1 colt driver.
stile -1 pr- -
st colds rf
sore throat -in fart there hasn't been oa
an ache or pain friable or outside for r
the gnat two years that Irs
with Nert•Illne. i haven't cured 2
Do you wonder I ro-1
coram, nut It?"
For general household use Nervlllne
has nn equal: It will cute the aches
and ailments of the entire family- fila
refuse anything but Nervlllne. Gee per,
bottle, trial alze 25c, all dealers or Tho new
Catarrhuzone Co., Kingston, Ont.
foot ;
rt goer o it h cal(
fo j coon due to calve in
and April ; °tie cow flue
calve at the limo of sale; 6 heifers
ing 2 years old ; 0
velars old, 4 calved, steers risin;;
Ingn_K Yorkshire brood sows, clue
it heli.: ,'1 Berkshire brood sow's due
;n Mach�ch ; 2 Tana tt'ottb sows due in
Net heavy learn hl-ness.
: 1 Pr. horse blow , nearly
above atock Is all fitsttie‘r class
in good condition and a ill be
without reserve,
tins -11 month ' rcdit twill be
given on furnish;
oaten at 5 ler ern
11,1 VII) C. GIAHM,
Crainarfy, I'.O, 1'
proved Joint
A Jt i 1tON
,IdJ �lr.
r•rou ■ and
rm /,urich.
ted b, blr. •lames
ehc bide a'hila
,'srn:'id.rrtThe f bride dwas
n. andcas�he is
I oil tkno n
drd •'g h hat
lady many gathered at the
church to witn •flu the solemn and im-
dunofy. Father
fciatd. LuncheonWWsei
at the residence of the bride's broth-
er Mr. James Ilrottn at which a large
number of guests were present. ThfP
bride n, as the recipent of rnany valu-
able and costly presents. the gifts of
her many friends.
It ()Olen tt;r li rale co lorless faces
a lin feel ne,k : n,t discouraged, vv 111
receive Vol 11 nit mid :.n,1 hastily i4 or
by using I', ,• Iron fills, 0
aro made for ,o, ulooJ, later,
complexion. reruns and
• Children Cry
t„o.r, /OUT
2 Our lock ie.�,ot driven direct)
a ire erose bI iq (driven at as an Ica ,over 'there tbo blas and
aaauren us that no'prc:csure has ben put on) strand and sial• ‘8: strand
thorn and thus weaken 'them at arand. T)�
the you ever Helfer n broken sa ret point here strength is mostree necessary. dent
was driven?) -We have over come this danger.
ot broken where tbeoo
3 The enda of lock are well hocked over strand wire to prevent look
from slipping or coming 'loose 'vitt' rough usage.
4 Lock is made of No. 9 steel wire. Beware of small soft
e tock,,
which easier Your fence is
hicb will rust quicker and break no stronger than
its weakest part,
5 Our fenc,• is new wire manufactured this winter. Is it not better
than fence that bas been out to the weather for n year or two?
Before buying your fence beaure to ask for 1910 catal
of the Canadian Monarch Fence. 12 ft.
gates 04,75egos and Pace.t�
Made by
?told by
Owen Sound Fence Co. 0. M. F •
Owen Sound. RANCIS
Prices good for orders given before Feb. heti, only.
Rich Strikes of Gol
and Silver
are ('OIitii111aally being Made i
Porcupine and (iowgand
Districts The route toPorc,
Dine is via Grand Trunk an
T. N. & 0. Railway to Math
eson. thence rill Sleigh Rom
The roIltt'to(ici'gatubt is V1d
(>irall[l 'Trunk, '1' N r,C O Rail-
way and Towiskaming and
Go1rga11tl:e 'fru:port Co,
Through tickets issued and
and baggage oheckel through
to latter point
California, Mexico and
Hound 'Trip To at tits 1tckets on bale
Full information from
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent,
or write J. D. MCDONALD, Valeta
Depot., Toronto, Ont.
rill TO 1/011 AND ave•v warm* gufftR•
l am a won.
1 know wommann�'• sufferings,
1 hate tomtit the cure.
i will nen❑ Ir.. 01 any charge, my b»,
Ment pith t~ull lnetrtrcliona to s.ny tfrn
wuntcnbailment& 1 stunt 10 tcllayl WOmenr
this cure -Sou, m reader, fur womenabou b
urself, your
daughter, your mother. or yuer sister I want
tell you how to euro y ouIiejt at wanttp
the help of a doctor. Men cannot and me dwithout)rt-
ens,:uttct1,j, . %'.hat we women know a from es.
Nance we know better thart any docttor•, 11 ow
that my home treatment is a !cafe and au
LeucorrhoraorWblushdlscharp, Profuse.
� ,p
placement or Falling of the Wotnh
or Painful Periods. Uterine or Ovarian T 'mss,
Growths, also pains Io the head, back and bw•I,•
bearinr don n feelings, nervousness, ereeplasMsl.
Ing up the /ohne, welancholy, desire to cry, bet
noshes, wearlseaa, kidney and
where e cawed by weakness Madder Cr3Detrembles
In,anttfree orend you aCompkte11 dirto ►gfasgsa
yosttreclf at lineae, e`:i.IfY.qqulckll end surely.
entiret ether, to pro Will you that you can curs
she treatment aenntpletotrial; and It you should wiahto continue. 11 will
t 1/11
sentenooek.orle..tNan tY°eentenday. it si ill not intertrrowith coltyearrsetklcupati n.
'uttered we your learn° and address. i,llmehost 'llcu�tjouoendyo the
elf treatment for oureare.entirel frv,•.in •l.sinwrapper,h 3 'r`Ialmoork en.Iyouoap
t Ijtlyyffrr,ifyo•.ail, o 11 1 ala llrcndyo Ir.
Ingot,0yb nsulW0M�N'sOWNMi:DICALADVISEft return
hexpin �atylalaor ti on
big why
nn, how tit eyeancarilycurethemsclt•r• att,,lnn. 1a illustrations
have l learn to think for herself. Then when Ihodoe.orAu)...'•you r
you ran our,elf ' oucaudiof%omenhavecurulthenp-iIt-e within should
rcrne•(IY. Itcur(•sdl, elder nun1111 tharcanopera.
renel)treatment shies aped.Blossoonitctt nllmothers of i)aughiertrc will e: my
rreytalar 'shall pipets.'
Young eciiia l lord nes explain r, 1Painful home
1any1 l:1r Mt', yon Ilcr. i nen refer jou es la (lie+of your o It 1 w r sul andIlaoor
Wherever reverorthat th 1 Nome rsrefer71 art l renin• eu0111 o n to al also hoknowarotn Ill nae,
well strong. sufferer
t th n,00' wl1oknowand makes women
your+ tent pit?ibook. Just tend me your address, and the free tench rnakatm.o en
MRB, N. Write to day, ra4 you may not Soo this offer attain. A drea'trcatmentis
SUMMERS. Box If `11 i g Addrcw 1
May be largely increased by knowing the
exact condition of the farmer's market,
and by learning of the beat method In
farm practice. This is precisely the
sort of information the Farmers' Weekly
Sun rives in every issue. It has no equal
as a Farmer's Hairiness Paper, Good
farmers rely on IL For price ..o our
slashing offer.
Palpitation of the bear'
( vousness, tremblin s Hera
sae. cold hand. and •f n, i„ hoods Abe
haok and other forma of /knees
are relieved by Carter's 1 Pills
For any case of nervousncs•, s1egN
lessness, weak sl ornach, indige.tltlfrtr
1 rlyapepsla• try Ctrter's Little Llr=
Pills. Relief is s
oedl . rket.
err•. The only nom