HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-03-03, Page 8••♦•♦••♦♦•0♦•♦♦♦.0••••00♦•••••••••♦•••.00.0N•0♦•••
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Spring Goods
\\•e have been very busy the last few weeks open -
int; at:d (narking our new Spring Goods. These goods
we are sure, will appeal to you.
Nov Dress Goods, Silks, Waists, Skirts, Linens plain
and stripe, Ginghams, Prints, Zephcrs, F annelletes,
Black Underskirts
1.,.lo.s {t!.tei: Underskirts
• • hl:u•k sister') Si'k finish with
tit t; .incl two frills well made
lot .ire.
• ♦
• •
• •
t TT•
New Linens
In Stripe and PI'ain Linens
we have 811 the new colors.
Thetis goods are suitable for
L t(l:r, :soils and Dresses and
cannot be cut•paased 25
forwP! I
(• looks
1 oke
New Shirts
1910 Shirts are her.'. [very
color and style is '!;own good
washers, .011.1 made to fit. Qv 1
IIxvsr first Choice t�
All our heavy winter wor-
sted hose just the thing for
good honest wear for boys
and girls. In sizes front 25
Ci to 10. To clear
Dress Goods
%Ve are well pleased with
this season's [tress Goods
every new weave and color is
here. Now is the Unto to se-
lect your dress before they
are poked over and havo
theme Made while the dress
makers are not to busy.
Wall Papers
We are delighted with our
new Nall Papers and we
want you
along the siz- of your room
and we will show you papt•r
that will please y `•, inr arty
room its your hoose.
5, 8, 10, 12 1=2,
15, 20, 25 cents
Hair Barettes
Special for This Week.
12 dozen Ladies [lair Har-
ettes in all colors and shapes
worth 35c. 251.
To Clear at L
• See Our New Spring
• • Shoes
Wear One of Our
KING Hats.
s J"_ - S � EWARfr
Highest Prices
Paid for all
Farm Produce
• t
l'.ti :(a 6S..h;1Ltt t'1M.r..SMARCH :Ird1!►!U
Market Report. -The following is
the report of Exeter ruurkets, cor-
t e,s e 1 it" Watch 3rd.
Wheat (rota $1.01 to $1.07.
Oats :it to 35e.
:1'a, FU to S5 rents
Itariey 18 to 50 cents.
144o11s a'21.0U
!(ran $22.00
Stiehl Flour 82.90.
Peed (1111:r $1.50 to 81.55.
Ra) h> 01 Sill tle
Coal, $7.25 •t ton.
tin:::;. !;..•t,. 1;0..
Butter 20o stud 21e.
(:;cgs 21 anal 25e.
Turkeys 16c. dressed.
Geese ted dressed
Ducks 10o dressed
Potatoes 50 to 65 cents.
Clover seed $7.50 to $S.UO.
Timothy seed $1.50 to ;2.50.
:\lsyke 45.50 to
Chickens 12e. dressed
1'0'+1 9c. dressed
11r 00 Apples 5c.
A ••.••••• ••0.••••
• ♦ `.1r. V:. Itaihoill sr.. ,bout : •ter•tl
♦s vs in Landon last week.
4. 4 I r. T. Oke. of London, visited et
is Central the forepart of the wool:.
• • I Mr. J. \\ m'per. of Zurich. has ac-
•• J eoptrd :t position as c!efk Willi .Tones
' May.
• O
.• •
•• ••
• •
• •
•• °e
• •
. .
• •
• .
• .
• .
• .
• .
• .
• .
e•♦••O♦♦•♦♦•N•♦•0♦♦.♦♦..♦ ♦♦•♦•♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦•••••♦♦e.•
Mr. Davis, Superintendent. of 11he
Jackson Mfg. Co.. is 'this week toots
ing his household effects flown from
Clinton. Ile will occupy Mrs. Per-
kins' residence on William street.
Mr. and bins, Thomas Fitton cele-
brated their golden wedding on
Thursday Iast nt 1 h home of their
son. Mr. Saxon Fitton. Mr. Thomas
Fitton and Hiss Ilarriet Lomas were
united in marriage on February 25th.
1860 in Glossop church. County of
Derby. England. In 1862 Mr. Fitton
TO came to America and settled in Lon-
don. A little over a year afterwards
Mrs. Fitton joined her husband.
;tIAIZCiI22 and 2/ tit The remained in London .boat five
3, IO ' , )-ears. coming to Exeter in 1867. the
)ear that Upper and Lower Canada
APRIL Sth and 12th, were united and formed t1 Dornin•
ion. Since that time they have beta
From stations in Ontario. Kingston hi•:h:y esteemed reside mus or Ex t r.
and %Vest to certain points in Sas- Vet• wish them con:in led years o;
hatchewa, and Albert,. health and happiness.
is called to the fact that these rates
apply to points all Grata' -Trunk i'a-
cific Rohs/iv, a new tell it0ry full of
,'Gulden Opportunities".
J. J. It `ICH IT, Depot Agent,
or write .1. i). MCDONALD, Union
Mow' 'Toronto. Ont.
Ti! i. itfl1(;1111 RAYS DI' THE FUN
are often (painful and decidedly dani•
n(:in;t to weak eyes. More people vote
for this way than most others imag-
IT'S Offil BU!1\1'N4
as Practical opticians, to supply g; --
es for such sensitive eyes. it:+ )o r
business if your eye., come under t h.s
list to have them attended to. I1.q
dangerous to experiment. We supply
glasses for weak eyes. strong eyes. o1(1
nil young eyes. find tt•arrent all wt.
se' I.
I or safety. kindly remember and
ronise us.
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician. i;x1;TI:TII
,')tone 50.
Mr. Alvin (:ril-'g. of I'emhrortl:e.
nhont three wrecks ago moved into
'I- nes hook and stationery 8i ore.
1 est store is termed by "he (took H .1-
r and Stationer ' ;be .n ,' of its
k.nd west of Stott:res'.' 11 has a
floor apace of 60 ft. s 2:1 ft. end the
woodwork is of pr.. n weathered oak.
it 151 beautifully (sled up. At the
rear i8 the of ice. 1.1 :he centre aro
silent salesmen 811(1 n.ong the Aides
are hatidsonl.' g'nas-topped counters.
The Jlisaion fixtures have been in-
stalled and the building is lit up
wit h 4.'i et tie bele. The front com-
pote. Iv r( i - 1,• til . t.1.. ..4111-
00w8 w.th tis, 10 di • ' r 0' In.te...
Mr. (:ri;:t! comntemced h • c• reer in
the 8181ionery busine:•. th Mr. .1.
Grigg. o" town. workin : :hole three
years. About four years :IV() lie left
10 eel: er a w b0:e841!e 110418 • of Tor-
onto. where he worked for Aix months
leaving there n
Kr Pembrooke })
m rooks to accept
1 position 1 t ton 11 3 Mr. Mitchell. Af-
ter 1 lc
In„ t here r
b y ar
cat red in
to partnership ‘N ii 11 a Mr. Doran.
Recently they dissolved partnership.
Mr. Grig Inking over tits business
which 1e now known ns Grigg .Hook
and Stationery Co. Ile has a ,snort
trade and no doreoi his patrons!: •
will increase with Ifs incis:sett fa
ditties. Alvin possessty n ster:in.:
e1,,r•ieter and a perseveritte spirit.
%%11.le here he :nide us • of .•v ry op.
ort unity to increase it's efficiency.
We 'wish hint continued since s'.
To .hiss I,. .1. --.Exeter. Ont.
fl10u n doin;rood.
U(an (ostler-.Fwlifecrtof. 1hys:•gIf forgo;
Ills will, e'er swish. and as 'the worts
With Aunli:chic flooding warns each
So shall thy lonely heart he rilird
Ry Iliru. whose presence is thy Hun ;
All comfort 81)31 those rays distill
Thine evening close ns morn 1e -run.
Children Ory
Miss l'enrl Bisset t. of ".London.
sent Tlondny under the p,arent:::
Mr. J. A. Stewart was in Toronto a
few daya this week attending the
millinery openings.
Miss Maud Bennington, of Parkhill.
has resumed her position on Mr. J. A.
-•(Vart's millinery staff.
'1r,. Geo. l'owc!I. of Arra. spent
!' it l t'' 11 • A•• . and this in toff 11
1' Johnston
Moore, Dore, o[ St. Marys.
ted Mr, Gib. Dow a few days
w e e k.
11 r. W May .returned •.Saturday
ifter attending the millinery open-
ings in Toronto.
The Jlissrs Fay and lza McDonell,
of Densall. visited their aunt. Nli8,
McIonelt the forepart of 't he heck.
Mr. Wit,. Martin and J. Atkinson
were in Toronto a few days this
week attending the automobile show.
Owing to the heavy pleasure Lf
snow on the Trivitt Memorial Church
sheds. the roof gave way on friday
51iss 1:1'a Link. who bas been visit-
ing Mrs, W. Kuntz for the past two
weeks left Tuesday for her home in
Blanche, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mts. Jos. Senior. who has been
suite ill. is improving.
Mrs. George Chambers and Mrs.
.1011,1 chambers. of Arden. Man., are
visiting their sister Mrs. Newton
Mr. l::chard Dill. who was called
.., 1..:•. ' Ow ill;: 10 tits serious illness
. Si... 1). hernick return-
ed Saturday night.
Miss Mabel Minors. 4441: last week
called to London to act as Slight
nurse for a cast: of illness on Dun-
dee street,
Mr. Richard Welsh shipped a car -
:old of Horses to the west Tuesday
and A. E. Tennant ships to -day
Mrs. Monroe. who is at present vis.
:ling in Toronto. has been ill at the
home of Mrs. D. J. :\Iaclionnld. 313
Bathurst 81 ree&.
Mr. ,'red Ilit1 and 5!r. and 51 re.
1'rodgcns. of London, are vis-
iting nt the home of Mrs. James I•'ord.
Steph t.
Mr. Far: Spackman left $atthrd.ty
to resume his duties in the Mol -ons
,Funk. Aitinsten. atter spending n
two weeks' vacation a: his home here.
The many friends of Mrs, 'Mary
()kr. of the Central hotel, tt ill r. .
Bret to .(earn that sht• is suffering
front pneumonia and bronchitis.
1r Itan l old nd:,gee c0necrlinz
'•1.trch is true rte are to look 'or
stormy weather at the r tore of this
month. 1; conte in like a Iamb.
Mr. Will Andrew. of ilarniota. Mau,.
who has been visit u't hos mot bet
and other re'ntive. in 1'shorne, leaves
this week for his home in the w.•s.
Mr. Fred Blwden and bride return
ed hotne Monday evening and hie
:.ken up their residenee in the hoe.
on Hinders street recently vac.,& d
by Mr. Jl;trk 11itc}I I1,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dew and to u
children, of North Dakota, who bass-
i; et 0 visitins the former's tnoth••r
Nits. John Dew. and other relative.
in Uahorne. left Tuesday for their
In Il fwd. e'enn game of hockey in
the 11. Ii. A. inler►nediite Aemi firt-
nl 111 1;01:4.1it11 on Friday night i.r.n•
don one 4le.,a.4d 7 to 3 and the.
toend tied. A' member of Exeter
hockey enthn4'•tas went up 0n the
npetea1 fo wit nets the some.
M <s Mho! Ilnrv^y entertained n
nt 1
n, (
friends Thi
in4.. The occasion e. ns nsdf reteclat to
Mr ind
Mrs. A. V. Itustt,•:1 rt -ho 'e(
on 'Tuesday morn:n;: :ns; 'or Kinder-
..e)• Sask. %tr. Ifuswel! intends en-
teti.lg into the mercantile business.
List Thmrsdnv night was the coldest
night we hive had Ihis year. Some of
;lie thermometers registered 22 ,) ••
llree8 below zero. while others are
reported 10 have gone even rower.
The one in front of Mr. Marchand'1
ie'•elry store registered 20 degr
h,e utt at seven o'clock in the morn•
ins. On Saturday the weather lural•
rd loin• mild nod we were vait•d
with rain o heli kept tip. and daring
Sandi', Considerable •snow! dis3p-
Clearing out sale 'of .Bankrupt
Stock at. the Exeter Domain Stare t
ribbons. !aces. embroideries. ornate
fancy eo:lnre. bests etc. 150 Wren's
fine loft shirts nil sizes nt 65 cents.
24 dozen men's neckties at 15 rind ;to
rents. !lubber noel linen (0llnrs at
half price. 27 m'•n's Faits sixes 33 in
:p) at less thnn half price. 210 pairs
shoes. manufacturer's wetness of So.
than tch01rsnle price. A'I h t fi^alt
trust he harried net to mikje room for
it not her Ftoel:.
11. W. r. nf•:AVI:ItS.
successor to the late J, %V, Broderick. ell the
Our Want Column
When you are p!anni,i : 10
hold an Auction Salo. and
are considering your methods
of advertising, do not fr.il to
Meted, in the lest i►thatt•S 00
u auction sale "ad." in she
"Titers". An ad. tt ill Loin;,
results. It is the t-uwin:s of
the seed and renpin:; the har-
vest. Let us also advertise
)o::i• real estate. %thel4.•r
tarot or village .)1101e•rty.
'1Ve 0oulol refer you to our
Wont Column page four.
1)11. OVENS EVE AND T•.AIIH(11t(
;;con• will be at the C0t11wt-r(•i:t1 hotel.
(lours 9 n. m. to 1 (r, m. Glasses
properly fitted and diseases of eye.
ear 01t11 11081. treated. Next visit Sa-
tt;,day, Hirsch 5t11, all day.
Mr. Frank .tones left 'Monday to
visit in llrancord.
51r. Will 1)vaidson of London, vis-
ited ttith friends in town Tuesday,
Dr. Harry Cowa0. o' London called
on (Meters ill tuts it the So1`ellart of
the week.
51r. thigh Spackman had the rave -
trough torn dr.fwn and the )ant's in
the two windows 811 the rear of /is
store broken by ice on Saturday last.
Dr. G. F. Rot* 1st on has purchased
thirty fret of the Davis property of
'Hain street. which is occupied by lir.
Frank '4' i•i::hl• as a blacksmith shop.
1. is 1114. in'ent un of Dr. Iioniston to
erect a dental office and residence
00 the property. all boost' not ding
will be done this summer.
Ready-to-wear dress. -Ladies 1 Miss
7btu has just received n shipment of
ready-to-wear dresses, a!1 the iutc.,t
styles, call l
at her dressmaking rooms
and 1.nee them. It you wish a man -
tailored suit. Miss Tom represents a
city tailor. leave your order and
measure and have it made in the city.
Mr. Thu-. E. Handford slipped a
car -toad u: horses to 'Winnipeg on
Thursday last. Theo• wore :accompan-
ied by Mr. Scrx•-r t•:iliott oho wit•!
remain in the 1\•, having engaged
with '..tr. A. W. Robinson of Saska-
toon. t)►1 l%edneedav' Mr. Ilandford
shipped two more loads. one to Win-
nipeg and the other to Saskatoon.
Mr, Peter Frayne has sold his fine
brick residence on the corner of An-
drew and Sorth streets to Mr. J. G.
Stanbury, possession to be &riven
about the middle of April. Mr. Stan -
bury has also purchased the north
twenty -(ave feet of the property of
.'1r, WC,,,, Kuntz and will add it to the
I'rayne property. Mr. 1'rayne has
purchased Mr. l:unts's residence,
( •' Sunday last Rev. 11, Hobbs con-
e:,• 1 nn eight-day revival in the
J.sti.: Street Methodist Church. Ex.
ce"eft meetings were held through-
mt. tie; week. The pastor was assn4
ted bythe neighboring ministers.
GI. 11 good has been •tccotntplished
ani the church members have enjoyed
n spiritual opirft. The pastor his
shown great real in the work.
7'wo rinks of Exeter curlers were in
Ai'sa Craig. St. Marys and London on
Tht,rsdny and Friday of last week.
in Ailsa Craig they lost both games
in the rnorning. and won oris and lost
one in the afternoon. In tit. M;lry8
they 'mit both in 111,. afternoon find
evening. In London on Friday nrter-
noon they won one and lost ones /rins-
ing Ly two shots in the total. The
boys had an excellent time and were
rA,•'1 '•n;er.•I;ne1?. The it,. was good.
' Mr. 1:. T. Couch will move his
family to Toronto at the beginning
of thu week. Mitchel cin is afford
to lose such citiscns as Mr, and Mrs.
Co ,ch ind ramify but its e!t110ns re-
joice in the success of any of their
tow nsmen.-Mitchell Recorder". Mr.
Couch w WI formerly nn emp'o4•ee
with E. 1. Sparkman. leaving here
:or Mitchell. We n'to clip the fol -
lotting in reference to \1 sa Couch
oho is well known by onlay of the
young ladies of Exeter. • The Youn,t!
Ladies' Sewing Cire'o o' t1• :own ,n-
tertained Miss Lnte's. Couch nt n fare-
oell banquet at the horny of Mrs. N.
E. Coppin nn Tuesday evening. MIAs
Couch le -t 'or C inton on Wednesday
to spend -, short time with friends
before jo;nint: her parents in their
new home in Toronto."
Mr. W. ,1. Crooks relented on Sat-
urday night !ass from his s'x:h trip
through rho nest in the interest of
Moorish ind Crooke for whom as us-
ual 110 did n hitt hug ness. even ':tsrg•
er than minal. Driving withdrawn
from llorrish and (crooks to :weep(
nn unullIei,eb o fes tram the who'c-
sale firm of !%cstrett and Auld 'Tor-
onto. to trite: for them -erne. 1 or:
Arthor to 1 h coast. he Ie 't Tnesd41)-
for Toronto to enter upon his too.
duties. lie purposes spending a e • k
in the wnrehouse familiarising him-
self oath the out pmt and then leaves
to ',alto lip his new duties. 11 1s 17
years sine- Mr. ('rooks came -o Cin -
ton to 'earn tit:' dry goods bur.'nest
tad with the exception of a yea,
spew_ in Exeter and London he ha.
ever since bre n1 (
r ui nt
of tit's
. ,,
o nand 'a
r one of theo.-t popu'ar
m 3r
a 0 :r citizens. That it's energy. tact
1,,•i ,-nod j'Ide. noto vs -VI ensure him
success in his new position is t
n•• ;.r o' those who hevr known
him :OP", •t and first -C inion \ews-
A llegi'ne Storni I'er 0:I is crofrnl
on the list. be^inning to retell:ry and
ending Mnrrlr 3rd. This 7', rod is nt
the cent re of the Vents p•riorl. hath
thje forces of 1•:ar:h nal 5I.tr, IrrCR,li"
111:0 t'rr.,l'Y Burns fled. Pouliot'
storms o' ;'real energy. stip c a'iy t ,
the soul le. should s,trl,rit• nn roaster
o' (hose forenats. on Ind Omit* the
2n0 and 3rd. At the elo'c of tits find
other 'Mnreh periods. look for blis-
zard0ns changes to high norhterly
gales. with col(, troves sweeping from
Ih., northwest. far into 11-• south and
and east. A Ilenctionnry Storm l'er-
inti frills on ttic 01 la 711 rind 81h. with
indications ,hat unsettled. if not
stormy weather rnnv fill much of the
time bcttteen the first and tit• third
storm periods of the month. The
Vedas distnrhatlers. cn,nbilled with
the Earth nod Mars. :1r,, sufficient
to rause heavy pinions(' 11 distillbin-
ers At nny time lhro'tghout the
month, \Vetch 411 each and
nl `periods.
Church Directory
Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor
Sunday Publics Worship -10.30 ascii,and 7 p.m.
Class Seryls Morning Se ay 0.:10 a.m. Ind I IIS week will end our bigsale,and will now
atter Sorties and Wednes- prepare to get In
day flight• line with spring, which will soon be upon us. Our New
Young Mena Clw and prtacburi&ena
Sunday rt p.m.
Spring goods are coining to hand.
Sunday Sehool and hosts 0111884.8 1,101
Epworth Longue -Tuesday at R. p.m!
Prayer Meeting-Thursdtta at 8 p.11t.1 New Laces, New Embroideries, New Curtain, New Dress Goods.
]lave arrived and we are
showing the latest stylt.
SERINGS, at Prices
away clown.
Let us have YOUII,
Merchant Tailor.
Ladies you will soon be thinking
about your Spring Seeing and how
about your sewing machine, will it do
the tine work that is required of a
go -rd machine?
Why not exchange it as part pay-
meat on an up-to-date machine? %Ve
are giving to the. people of Exeter and
surrounding COulilry the biggest v11 one
111 a sewing machine tI18t was ev t •
tered. For $22 75 we call give y a ir
machine guaranteed fur 111 years
Quarter cut o,ik finish, high at in au- E
tnntatic lift, full set of attachments,
ball hearing and everything:h at goes V
to make up a high grade machine.
Call and let us demonstrate their E
wonderful value to you,
New Ties, New Prints, New Muslins, New White Wear, New
Carpets, New Rugs and New Squares in all the Latest
styles and colorings. Shortly we will have in our
New Line of Shirt Waists the nicest up-to•date
goods we have ever shown. Also a very
fine line of Fancy White Underskirts.
Highest prices paid for Produce.
Do Not Buy It Until
You It
The C
Dffi e t
6'11lc Razor b not
tempered 1,+
I oneio
n Ire
f 1: r:t
1,-e 1.
maims of a s4.cra't electric .oe(ss u[
au even temperature r f 2.5)0 degrees
At the same instant the steel Is
carbonl:ed In :i 1': ,e..: F:rutl.,r to 111:::
ly wtiklt (1:arnonda hate been pr -
The result is the h rdcrt cutting-
r•ige krlc 1.n to se:•.n1.---a blade Chit
% guarantee Mr :, .44 t!m•• of perteet
% car -no honing ro , : fading.
'rhe blade with : r' ill o et14^" 11
superior to any * : ,r ever made,
'.whether the ,-!ant • hol:•m•-ground
or the "wafer" blade• of the "safety."
But you do not. reed to take our
w •1.r ,
f r
thin -you
n t,
the e
bne tie without risklt. ; n penny of
your own money -You ran enjoy 3)
cowl, comfortable shaver with it at our
espensc-you c:lt comp ie it with tits
razor that you are ri.:w using anti
judge for you:self whit ii is best -then
14 )(u w-..nt. s-ou <:an return the Carbo-
1Iagnetie and not be out event.
1.••r- �.s--
r _t,____.:0A,
,:: I ' --, .11' o'nf t
blade with the Carlo
MMMMMMMMITT MM?ft ft, fit MMt�
Nc SrIoo Sultlugs
\\,'e guarantee Best Workmanship, I3est Material,
Best Fit and Prompt Service.
Came 10 and inspect our materials.
Merchant Tailor - Exeter, Ontario
S. Martin & SOD 0 444
Bus & Dray Business
droving purchased the
Bus arltl 1)ray business
from Wm. Arnold. I :O -
licit. a share of your Pat-
ronage. Orders left at
the Advocate Office.
T. G. Creech,
THE We have fitted many cases that other otic-
ians have been unable fo fit. With our meth-
eth -
od we actually see the defect and can measure
Of Living is easily solved it as accurately as a carpenter does a board.
by eating more bread the There is positively no chance work about it.
fine{,& food.
Call and let us examine your eyes. "
Satisfaction guaranteed.
are fitting Spectacles by
the new method
looklnu Into The We
High Cost
Flour slakes the most appe-
tizing loaf. it. ilas the nutty
flavor always (1t sire((. With- IEtvK1.Elt•
in the last week several have
Ws:nniSot RINIim AND MARLRiA(11' L1(1(NP1.744
told ns they r) •v, r used [lily Mrs. (Itew,1 1t. (Holds. has returned
flour equal to It
]les- W. lirddnn 60. purchased 1r_ _ note.
• home aftervisiting(: be 1
inT om I a n td's
Toronto. 1111(1kaces on loaner
Atony. i9 a 807114)110 •:ngt'I of
Manufaottlred by
Harvey Bros
OCra.Mrs. (Dr.) !fright has Veen for I have only room to sly ;hit the re-
lict roil and Michigan points. Wethe p•ist too weAs with bronehit's . ciin! ns seeress in every partiespetition to get hick ere. the success of Miot Mallon as, eacher of -( timber Hera!111,, :Mansion' Miss
W. Jones' residence on John strees Insurance to the amount of $1.00,)' awl Elliott ,s n daughter
ofrr o1 .4111.
has been placed on the Rxet r %�a,er- end 'Mrs. W. Elliott.tt of Cents�' aa
work• u'1nt `1000 tit• h• and her ninny friends will he p.r�ll
1 to.n$ • . on mac Incry to hear of her soccer..
and 7tt.0oq nn the hui?dints.
'M'ss Lillian 1{ai t r I 1'!o rcm41ins of the '.-.tr John %%"
c o R N l l o f and her pupils
7 (;ice n rrcit3l in Ihr town h.tll Turn_ red!er. who died in Ch:cneo on Fri-
- �- Idny evening. 51188 Faliot1 was 41wn. ria%. Fent'. 251 h. were bron:rhr herr
' 11 (1 by 51189 Elizabeth Moore. of De- `41 aHatntda)' c nin�, 1'11•^ deco ,ed
1'I'1-' COKN 1�OIt 'i'11.1. trait. Miss Moore. who has fa%nr,-1 a a son of Mr. eo. I'.dler and
AT THP. IVENSAi.1. Ff.O(!K. :k► )• rs and '!1 mnrths n04, ITe
LNG MIL1<S. born Exeter. and lived fn this
"0 1'EAlts EXPERIENCE OF AN vicinity '' r several,. ,;"ears. beio,;
l{ C �• j� • 01.1) NV'It:,E• r.:ised s u a farm .n•'1r Sharon.
ot. \,rook, `lonS Q Co. arts. 1Vinslow's Soothing rrrrep to %Vhers n - nung men he learned the
the prescription of one rf the heat trade of harness -maker at ('ort
1IEI\ Al 1., ON1', fetna,e physicians anti ntr8.•t the 1lnrote • int. there for (only onus.
1'rlired (States, and has been used for .\bout f:• or A'x rears a^0 he Moved
- fifty year8 t%ilh never-f.iiinJ sure,•A• ,•ith hi lifter to 01,CIeo where },
by millions of mothers for tit -it A.orked :,t h s bads. Ile Stas .;,b-
ilis. l.in:•stun. an expert operator ehildren. 1t relieves the child from mairicd. 'rhe fenern' services Aver•
of the .tackson ('a.. 'l';in:on. and who pain. cores di,r:h•,r•a. crit' np in ' ••o'entr•1 from the home of hie= un•
hate been acting 418 ferelady in the the bowl's and wind colic. its ,riving e'e. Mr..tohn Pettier. on Tuesday nf-
plant here since the opening. return- flea:tit to the child. it nests the Iertienn. interntnt b'in:t ire tit • rx
cd rn her home !!3tnrday. mother. Twenty-five renes a bottle. cemetery.