HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-03-03, Page 7CARTERS v.* IVE R PILLS. CURE t He.ids. he tan„ ;.'here all the trouldM 1sot. east t;, • bili,,,:, r!:!•,.,t at:. ey,tern. such as Dersza N, Minora. t,lry,waldra.. Melissa attar wiling. Pain in the hide, kr. 11 :lila t !..lr most NLarl•ble ourcaa ban been she r.0 u cu,ir. SICK ffiaa4taehs. yet feaster'. Little Uver rills are equally tataaLle l u Counpatl ua. a nn UQ and pie venting thisaaasyiu,t rus1Plaint,while they also correct all dis.,rteew urtb.atoeaa.-h,st, n uelate the Itvcr and ratolato the Lowes. Liven 11 0,1 i out, cured HEAD Lcbethey would Te almost peic.tecs to tbosswho suffer from t6u.lietra,stug cow! :slut: but form - stately the! rg,,cdnesa does net end hera.and those whouara try them will god lhe.o little pule veto. Able lu ea wally ways that they will n.:: hs wtl• ling Ludo without then,. But after all sick heal ACHE Is the Dans cta,n;allylives th tb rOelatwheel el etu•:eer,r r,rcat twat. Our p others do not. Carter's Little Ltrit Pala ars very shalt ant very easy to take. vuu or two pills wakes arse. They are r. rl.; fly ro4•• table and do nut grow ..0 purge, but by the?r 1;.ut!eactlou please all who ma thew. CAIT1YIIC1::113tee utter Tne. Bea bill htliEn. Hints for Busy Housekeepers. Recipes aed Other Valuable leforinetlest e1 Particular !stereo, to Weasels Folks. DISHES M.\I)17.OF 151ENS. with some kind of a vegetable and dessert, will make a dinner for the third day. People who are trying to live on a small eatery will tinct this hint ou ventionly a help. 'Try it. Eggless ('ake. - A nice filling for mike, when meas are high: Juice and grated rind tf one orange, stirred stiff enough to tiptoed on layers, with pulverized sugar. Egg- Iess fruit cake: One cupful brown sugar, r onecupful shortening, 1 e cupful In!tte'rn►ilk. our etipfut rai- sins, one cupful English 'titrants, dtssotte scant tt•neptien :cell: retus in the buttermilk. Cinnamon and nut- meg and salt, two cupful.; flour. Winter Pie. An excellent winter 1'ie. Blake first a rich crust and bake. Allow to cool. }foil until -syrupy'' nntt cup of dried eurrants with one cupful of granulated su- gar, with suffcicnt water to cover. Allow this to cool, then place in she 11. Rent stiff the whites of two ergs• Add two tablespoonfuls of granulated 'ugar. Spread over pie and brown in oven. To be eaten cull. Egglets Cake.-- In these day of high priced eggs, the following re- ceipt for apple sauce cake. with- out eggs, will be appreciates{. as it has bet n tested and found to be excellent : One cupful of sugar, c.ne- half cupful of butter, one cupful e f unsweetened apple sauce, with ane scant teaspoonful of soda ste- tted into it ; one and one-half cup- fuls last of fluor, one-half teaspoonful lift the pork to the surface and let of `al=. one -halt teaspoonful of IS crisp. Beans should he baked clove•', our teaspoonful of clima- te least eight hours in a moderate mon, one cupful of raisins, chopped oven. Use more salt and one-third and mixed with the flour. Bake as of a cupful of butter if you dislike a loaf cake and ice. pork, or use half a pound of fat and lean eornbeef. The mustard gives the beans a delicious flavor and also renders them more whole- some. Yellow eyed and lima beans are also good when baked this way. }lean Soup. --Boil a small soup bone in two quarts of water until meat falls from the bone. Take out the bone. add a cupful of white brans which have beta soaked over night, and boil for two hours. Add three potatoes. half a turnip, and a carrot all cut. fine. Boil for half an hour longer. Seaaou with salt and pepper. Cream of Baked Bean Soup. — Melt one-quarter of a cupful of but. ter and add one-fourth of a cupful llv bleed - of flour. When thoroughly , e 1 add two cupfuls of cold milk and cook until thick. Add two ctlp• fills of cold ballet{ beans. If too thick dilute with milk or stock to Baked Corn and Beane. -- `Puke equal quantities of shelled brans and dried sweet corn. Piece in been tact in layers., sprinkling salt and For layer. h pepper between each a, one pint cnc•It of cern and bean• take one-half petted salt pork, score the rind and place on top of bean - put, letting the rind cane up even with the cern and beans. (.'.,ver i bake slowly ( 1k , wt r b Leith bed ug t t sorsa or eight hours, adding more water as it cooks awn\•. Baked Pork and Be tns,--Soak one quart of brans in colt! water titer night. In the morning put them in fresh cold water, and sim- mer until soft enough to pierce with a pie. bring careful not to let theta boil enough to break. If desired, boil one onion with thou. When soft turn into colander and pour ec,ld water through them.. Place tltent with the onion in a bean pot. Pour boiling water over a quarter of a pound of sa}t. pork, part fat and part. lean: serape the rind un- til white. Crit the rind in half inch RLI''I.RI.X('1:S 1N EAST .11'RI(1 stripe. Bury the pork in the beans, leaving only the rind exposed. Mix the Servant Problem one teaspoonful of salty --more if Same e' in America. the pork is not fatty ---and add one. teaspoonful of mustard with one- quarter of a cupful of molasses. Fill the cup with hot water and when well mixed pour over the beans. Add enough more water to cover thent. Keep thein covered with %eater until the last hour; then A Phase of Muck the The servant p-obiem is bad enough in this country, and the ex- periences mistresses have to relate are many and varied, but an in- fieitely wider range of possibilities is opened up, says the Wide World Magazine, when mere man --and a bachelor man at that—tackles the servant and other household prob- lems in an East African bungalow. Anything can and does happen then. Native house servants of a sort are plentiful enough around the chief towns of British East Africa, Nairobi and Mombasa, and the slightest rumor that tate murttngu ..4e. man) roquirei a "boy" or cr. p:'zt (cook) fills one's compound with cooks, "getict'als" and raw negroes representing every tribe tinder Africa's sun. The atcrage bachelor contents himself with four servants—a head "boy," a cook, a 'tt.to (youth) to assist thein. and a m'shenei (raw, untrained native) for edit jabs, gardening. etc. It is no easy task to make a se - i et'o•t from the host of eager, vo l - able anplicauts, Dirty. carefully stuck together ''barbas" (testirnotl- Ws) are examined and the owners „ d, but it is unwise to put much faii}i in these document;:. fur it. is no 1`nusttat occurrence for a "boy" -on the principle of "the more the merrier"-- to proudly present volt with three testimoni- als. every one bearing a different name from the one under which he of wearing apparel if you will but take a glance in it. If it is hared that eggs have been bailed rather too long, on remov- ing theta from the water break the toe of the shell at once with a spoon. This frees some of the heat and stops the hardening prea:este Flannel should nut be used int 1 0(1le bucks fur stit-king needle in t.', as flannel is often prepared with sulphur, which trill rust the tit cdlec. .1 piece of fine linea ur chamois leather is much better. In trashing dishes be careful than hand painted china and china with gilt. ernameutatiou be nut left to stance lung in hot water, as much treatment is certain to ruin the eiceoratious sooner or later. Travelling bags after the holiday often look very travel worn. Brush those of black leather with a good ' ►f w hags bout polish. The brown h t, should be first wished with soap and water, and then polished with brown besot polish. If room plants are to keep heal- thy greet 'rare must be taken to remove dust from the leaves. To keep the latter glossy it is u good pian to add a few drops of paraffin t:, tepid water and sponge the leaves with the mixture. Be careful where you place your dressing tables and mirrors. Sun- li►.ht, will destroy the finest bevel French plate. and it is impossible to restore the hacking without, con- siderable expense. Dampness wilt destroy it int the sarue manner. To stone raisins easily you re- quire to pour bulling water on and let them remain over night, when it: will be tumid in the morning that they are 'tot only easier to stone, tett stoning does not tear the fruit. Dry in usual way, only they will require a little longer. Have a small bottle of benzine at band, and when a spot of grease gas on to clean tablecloth put a WORTH KNOWING. A corn may be eased by the ap- plication of a little oil of pepper- mint. To improve tough meat and make it lender rub it well with a ct►t le- mon. Paint on window panes may be r(•rnnvell by washing it with vine- gar. When hnvinst fish remember it should be Miff and the flesh farm to the touch. Blankets while drying should be well beaten with n cane carpet beater to make them fluffy. To boil a cracked egg wrap it in a piece of new•p.iper, and this will prevent the white from boiling nut. A thin strip of orange peel placed in the bottom of a tee caddy iin- the proper consistency. Season parts a deliciou` aroma and flavor with salt, pepper and minced par,- to the tea. ley. 1f the little nnes are obliged to Puree of Beans and Rice. -Put a wear glasses. ace that they are tat: - quart of beans which have been en ,1{f ten or three times a day and sneaked in water over night in a polished. introduces himself ! saucepan atilt a pinch of ea t. a 'these gentry are always greatly small onion. a slice of carrot, a washed in two lathers. There is a butter. a sprig of certain amount of dress to get out Nips up Lbs flute wid tet wid inc offended when you kick them off tablespoonful of butte the verandah and tell them they parsley, and boiling water to cover. 'wrote the dirt will mute. bands tied behind me•" have bought or stolen the docs- Cook tint ,t beans are sett, rub Do reit bang doors and clump "Are ye sure cf that i" asked the menus from ether Motive.(. Upon through a flue curve and adds �► about nci5i{ if 1 o tailor. New flannels must. always be THE S. S. LESSON IN I E:RN tl'IO\.1I. LESSON, M.111('II ti. I,t•sson N. Jesus the Healer. Matt. N. :-17. holden Text. Mall. S. 17. Verse .1 leper ---Leprosy is sup- posed to be due to improper loud and unclean surroundings. It is contagious net hereditary, and isi; (lily from close personal contact. 1t reduces the victim to terrible emaciation. The Jews treated lep- ers as outcasts and pronounced over then the burial service. The able incur dtseasr, is considered though much may be dont to alle- viate it. Came to hi►n--Viulating legal restrictions, he entered the city where Jesus wan. ►s • e c paid e --- cvt r uc , liar Il \1'ursh►, ed 1 tt kings. The fame of Jesus had at.read far anti wide. lord --A eourte'uti form of ad- dress to one considered of superior authority ; implying here, perhaps, a belief in the Messiaship of Jesus. If thou wilt—He had no doubt of the power of Jesus, but hesitated t.0 believe he 'multi condrsce-u1 to do anything for an unclean outcast. Thou canst make me clean --Lep- rcay is spoke,' ..f in the Gospels not. as being ''healed" but "cleansed." This was partly he• cause the decaying flesh was made sweet again and the skin white, partly because it meant restoration t f ceremonial cleanness and return to the worship of God. a. Touched hien r iedeniporary rebbis wont(! have driven him out case it was an authority derived from a supreme suuree, and also absolute. He is net contrasting It'.K ease with that of Jesus, but declaring that their cases are sine - lar 11heu they say Gu an't Come, , they do NU Mull r the limitations imposed epee them by a higher ate thority. 10. He marveled-- Partly because this great display of faith was on the part of a Gentile, and even in Israel lie had found nothing like it. His sense of unworthiness, his ce nfidence in the mere word of Jesus, his belief in Jesus's control ,.i unseen power;, a1) were remark - •s in ,• Ili 1, able. Ilia they had para 1st act. 'flits great thing was the centurinn'5 recognition of the con- ditions under which Jei;us labored. He came "to de the will of hint that sent" him. His (word, there- • supreme Cul e }tt fore, is the word Of t i Spiritual Authority. When we obey it we are like the soldiers win, looked beyond the word of tit•• centurion to the will of the em- peror. rn- pe ro r. west— Gentiles. the c il. From the east an (;centiles. Jesus here makes use of the favorite image of the Messianic age being ushered in by n great feast. The rabbi, taught that all Israelites were to recline (sit down) at the table together. Patriarchs, prophets, heroes would all he in- cluded, and the Centiles shut out. Jesus startlingly reverses the or- der, promising that men like the centurion from evert nation shall enjoy the Mes,ianie feat, and the rens of the kingdom 1li). who have bold their spiritual birthright. shall experience the terrible realities (of disappointment and auger) ex- pressed in the lurid figurative tan- guage ;.° outer darkness, weeping, and gnashing tit , •eth. 14. Peter's house- .This he ai.;t his wife shared .title her mother and g f d t er hills►t their faces. It was con- leis brother Andrew. Jesus seems a clean eloth feet o a eper, o touch one whi}(, in ('apwrnaum. clean pap('' Mader the sent an we steered uusa[e to come within six tc slate made it an abiding place } } 1h with the benzine and f 1 'f t i wa1� rub the grease into the paper un ; to betaine. pollutcd before the law. 1 Fever -The malarial variety tcrneath and your tablecloth w;11 The supremacy of Jesus is seen in 1 eonnnnn on the shore of the sea. In as clean as ever. Keep the bot the fact that not only did he not 13 Ministered -Her attending to tle away from the fire. become defiled, but he was able file table, and so on, was evidence instantly to pronounce the h 1•c: that the fever had left her and no '1`- cleansed. weakness remained. STRONG ON DISC'RF'Ttt7N. 4. See thou tell no tnan—Appal'- 10. Possessed with demons.- It tufty the miracle was performed was believed that all sorts of ills Discretion is a beautiful thing, within doors (Mark 1. 43). Secrecy were traeeable to the work of evil and here is a story about an frisk was possible if the matt could bm spirits. The worst fortis of pole tailor who had a heap of it. kept still. It ells desirable, be- session were those of insanity and One morning Mrs. Murphy, a cur- e,euse (1) Jews had usurped the epilepsy. "With gracious ennde- touu+r. came into the shop and priest's right to declare a leper rcenrun" Jesus ace aim• dated him - found him busy with pelted and clean, O self. to the prevalent paper. She asked hint what he was doing. '•Oi'm makin' a Iisht av the nein in titi+ town who Oi kin 1i••k.'" "Hey vet gut Murree "s name down " asked elle. ''Mlurpht• bends 1110 lits,." tcliete Jesus of susp1e1ois of inter- }fome stew furs. Murphy, and f"ring with the sparse o[ law - broke the news to her 'nate lie I The gift that Moses commanded -- was its the tailor's shot in .1 l.fty• Two inelamb' without htetnish. and "Ms woman tells me that }e'rc one ewe -larch of the first year with - after making a iuemorial tablet uv! out eternise, the spin that yet cin lick, and tnat{ A testimony unto them --A pr,•ui ye' yr got me at the brad of it. la that the cure was genuine. After that true'"' I due examination the priests :retail "Slutre and it's true. That of Decent Isis gift. thus noknowletlg- it °•' said t he tailor. tog, the euro. Of course Jesus did ''i'c good -for nothinlittle grass -tit,( ei,nt.emplate the enclosure t'e hopper. I could cotntnit suicide on the priests of the manner of the c�♦♦1♦♦♦••••••o•••• -, u•ith me little finger. I could cure. The fact that the leper lis-; I'R()i'i1'.181.1: TYPE OF STF T it. t)l'cyed his injunction helps to se- er•nnt for the .'pposition Jesus had .1 feature of unusual interest in re meet later (Matt. 0. 3. 34). 1 connection with the slaughter test ,•i_ He was catered into Caper -t at the O.A.C. Stockjudcing !'lass, metre -Event• fellow•ing the leper's i last month, was a eompar:son of the careas-es of twee steers, feet judged alive. Otte of these wee n goon) tin oath, wit ti' beast, _'1 months old. Anode... of the tame age. was ra- ther t ! sin, low it the bn,•k, and sterilizers. Nearly all ntierobea twat 1 n the shoulders. There were cue be killed by a sufficiently lone three -were killed in all, but the application of re temperature of Was Troubled With Dyspepsia. For Years Could Oct Po Relief Until She Tried Burdock Blood Bitters. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ M ra. Berman 4- ♦ Dickenson, Beaton ♦ Can Eat ♦ N.B., writes: ♦ Auythiog + have used Burdock ♦ Now. + Blood !littera and ♦ ♦ find that few lee- ♦ 4 + 4- +++++ dicing* can give such relief in dy- tpeps:i:t and stomach truublea. 1 was with troubled fur u► number of years dyepep$ia and could get no relief until 1 tricot Iturdook Blood Bitters. 1 took Ow,- bottle., and because cured and 1 can now eat anything without it hurting me. 1 will highly recommend it to all who are troubled ,with stomach trouble." Burdock Blood Bitters has an establish- ed reputation, extending over 34 years, as a spe;iee for Dyspepsia in all its (onus, and all disex>co ar•smg from tbis cause. For 811E by all dealers. alanufactttrrd only by The T. Mitbura Co., Limited, 'Toronto, Out. and L because he depre ideas nn this caned the gathering of a crowd such st:bect, butt he die} not -herr them. as that whish had impelled him to 17. Horace Bushnell made this Irate ('apernaum shortly before. terse the root idea tae his eontep• show thyself to the priest --- In tion of the redeeming work of our that way the leper would be show - .(lard By taking aur burdens up ii', respect to authority, and woud on his feelings, in sympathy, he bears the for u• - front a dant that has earned her own keep at the pail, is the most eco- nomical beat from the farmer's standpoint. Such stock is calculat- ed to supply our tables with good roasts and steeks pruduced at a reasonable cost.—Farmer's Advo- cate. H NOTES. Two t•.r'ls that are almost indis- pensable around a faun are a gond ladder and a good lantern. Not many persons will find use for either a ladder or a lantern every dry in the year, but they are pret- ty sure to he needed at some time. In the dairy busin'•ss cleanliness ti ,:est to godliness. (.lean bed- ding, amp., absorbents in the gut- ters. and for this perpose gypsttu ter land plaster is among the best. Two pounds per day put in the drop, behind each cow will do away with most of the offensive smell of the feeble and absorb most it the liquid droppings. There are renters who make money in renting, and there are those who do not. Where a good fanner and a poor renter are com- bined in the same personage. it would pay a landlord, provided he is a good business man, to hire the man instead of letting him the farm. The business part of the farming ran he run on a paying basis, the farm improvements kept up. the soil's fertility maintained and the farm built. up instead of de- generated as the seasons go hy. she hared man wi'l not get rich, pe 'haps. hut- he will live iu a bet - m ,IIou.ee. neat better clothes and lire beth anti his family will be ♦4,1.1.4♦i♦4♦M hr, ter '•atetrlov than when knock - The Frni it, about from pillar to pest on 1 rented farms. 4 -- )on a ('i- noisily. you r o notte- en,' .. en,' occasion a would-be cook ent stock to snake the desired mime specs- the nerves of the family. con •'St►lira' Cm shirr about it." brought. the writer a "bents iffy of setup. i g 11r then:. signed by a well knot. n settler and w orded : To whom it may enncern. The bearer of this ''batter" is an infer- nal rogue and t)is{. Please kick Lint out. 13v the time the white man had stepped laughing the negro had ar. be•ans it is well to remember these rite,! at the eonclu',ion that some- ferto thing was wrung and was cluing re Keene should b•• soaked over - cord time Hoven the pith.ersieni¢1't --Caught Cold The•:. should not lee cooked int. the wet:•r in which they are soaked, They slued(' b.• cooked fur at Iea•t • Season to to ie. at two tablespuonful4 of butter and one cupful of c•,Id boiled rice. Re- heat and serve. =icier hinges and floors. Stains nn mirrors and window gift+- mut be removed by rubbing with spirits of camphor. which leave, a brilliant polish. WI en slaking ptstty add the juke of a lemon to the water for mix- ing. It will make the paste. lighter and dispel the flat or of lar.!. To keep kitcl.en table. white -- Serub them well with cold water, soap and a little silver sand. Do not use lint water on tables, as it tt rns them yellow. Old tablecloths should cot he dire 'elidedfor rage. Cut out the best parts, hem and Ilse for face tow- els -they are delightfully soft for the purpose. If the tops of young tort :ps are thoroughly flatted they can be used with the diced turnips and he bailed the same en enbbage. They r.►ake a very good di•It. Stewed fsg• or prunes eat be frond rnur•h richer if the fruit is soeketl for several !votes before Stewing. They should be -towed in the Sa1)Ie water in which -1 akrd. When making a boiled apple pud- ding, try tk' atlditi'•n of half n tea- spoon of powdered Fringe), 1w" tablespoons of smear, and the juice nt'd grated rind of half a lcme'n t(' the apple. Food and fruit art' the best. ('titre ter t•ostivcness. (Jond medium oat- t.•cal made into porridge for break - fest, but thick nue substantial. welt tatted, and not tr'o lone; in ih d. '1'o mule, lied: resicr to write on when marking, dip the piece you I) i en " said the tailor. ' if publication i'' of his stns} were ns ve're there of it I'll al -retch ve off sits had (e,trotl. The gaping met- tles !edit." finales crowded around hint, fore - trig him into the desert places. arid even there ire wens unnble to e<.cage. OP'fIMISM. fdi' tune of (.miler therefotc tante Every eight is dark, t ' an abrupt cl' ,•: , and he teturned Ituttre• i1) t t.•r•sting votnper:eon lay be- 15° degrees I•ahrenhett, but ate Every winter's creld- 1,'. • ti the Lao mentioned. ('on perature of via degrees I'ahrenheit But every }mar i• now. my clear, (,, tilted( ( 1 Roman officer, in tr:1'y t.a expo:eat tet the plain lent- i` required to kill certain 'Terrell S., why should we grow old charge t,f our hundred men uta lock dressed out the teeter carcass, o• bacteria and to produce abs ipa probably under Ilene! N t uii1y was he 1t t1 • falter and lately c(Intidete sterilization. -------'t•"" slant tan. .111 the centurions (tithe It has been roved by ex eri:•:ent thicker. go ing 1► pr's! , 11,:ige of 65,p P Do you pay your sctvanti by New Te tas.ent seem to hoer been es cemented whit tl.- , t't •r's ea per that it iv possible lu tli*infect the week or by the. month," vurtbv n„ n Tie, nee had vegan ccl►t., het hr r•I 1 „tier qua- . ua t1 ing tory sntiafactarily b� honing. fur the Jr"ti h faith an:} rti-tarns 1 siert.‘. lluw lung du ytu think .11 r n�h that Lae ray. h, Lad 1 ty of lean focal, beautifully (•tothinit which Las born went by tbi}tires affected by veriotts een- T}HE BAN ON 11F.AXS. 1►•.r',nos of the recent ban on By Working In Water. eight hours in a moderate oven. In bran soups the soup should be strained to remove husks. which c•( stain no nutriment and are in- dige=t ills. .1 teasp',onft,l of soda nth! •d to ♦ Diatt:seeing. Tickling* Sefton- the water in which the hese, are thin In The Throat. h' iled will destroy the add it: the =kin of the beans. Sir .Albert JlsePhee, 1'hignecto Mines, The exeeilene of baked beans depends upon the pot in which the beans are baked. 1t sl'runhl be eerthee. with a narrow mouth and h' igine sitter,. Penns afford a nutritious, cheap f. od, hut on account of being so hard to digest. are better fond for Aur doctor Save me b.edieine but it slid those who lead an active outdoor the no goat so 1 got a bottle tit Dr. W trod'• life. 'Norway 1"ie Syrup sad by the tine 1 Beane sho"!d not be on the regu- taLt !reed two hottles i wet entirely lit bill of fare of the sedentary oiliest. i .un Meese tecunnnc11ding it to worker. (, ltodel." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Symp com- bicira the potegt healing virtues of the Norway pipe tree with other eb.orkent, 1t.S., writes " 1i flet,. It)('g, i caught cylyi ey corking in water and had a very bad cough and tladt divireseing, tickling sensation in my throat so 1 court not etee at eight. ani me twig* were so !cry tore 1 hsd to site up work. 1:('ON()M 1f 'Ale i)i:ttl l -:s. 'tin re Dinners from 1=e Cents of A1(•at. (let n hitt piece of meat t" expectorant slid soothing n elliciocs of buil end hi'." c •rsr butcher give reeotttized worth, and is dee! :ly harm. y'e't :1 piece of suet with it. I''nr I'Ise. prompt nod sate for the rue of the first day boil the moat, then Cove,. Colne Bronchitis, ('roup Sore take out some of the broth to make TI►roat , Palo or Tiebtneres in the Chest, acid all Throat and Lung Ietrildea. Beware of imitatiun' of Or. R'oodet Norway Pine Syrup; %et for it end elle second day snake either noodles insist on -getting wbst you a•k for.' it w er dantpliugc nut. of the remaining put tip ID a yellow stripper, three pile broth. This, with scalloped !tote - trees Use trade meth, and the prier .51 ., e,• nett (lesser'. will make your exult,!. 1 veer for another clay. The third Mettiactrreti only by The 'I. 1tJi•urt, , . take the remaining 'neat and soup, adding vegetables. The soup, Leith a few small !deuce of the meat its it. together wit h some kind of /lessett, cotistilutes the first meal. wish to 'na rk in cold eta re)), rub over with hitt iron and you will be able to w rile w ithout the pen scratching. 11 ellen wing leronf for flats'rilgt too need only half n one put the ..Ilse half on a plate and cot er with n Klass tumbler. This (•xriud('+ the air and prevent, if (sunt drying up (t getting tn(rld% A mirror pia, oil iu► the their :teeing' n wall and left there in your dle:.sing retro ntII ret;ti:cd yeti W., l.ir,;ited Toronto. Opt. . ,ase meat cakes or hash. This, of uneven skirts awl other faults 1101 IRON KILLS t;F:fl 1M. Cluthina May he Setiefectorily 1)14- info. tett by Ironing. Ironing linen has a great :'r alert than is e.,tutnonly' believed. .1i the temperature of the ir.,n may great, I, oxcecd Stili degrees Fahreeh►it it has be'n suggested that the process of ironing may suffice to sterilize surgical dress ngs and hence be of vrtluable sr Evicts. pipet -jail:- in tern! diet riots aid el'en here. in the ab - settee of di:inferting r„ens and tl►ev stay' with us .' 1Pe have U, i,nitt, out of 1 've for the mitten, en' them be tl c hour." a Jen i•h cy n tgogtte. Ho (rhnflsndicalIy)--"i sense e.• u; my ,er%ant- int this ease a et'. thing that is grand, r xgni' ice, t( rut t,f afire% thin, throe my light super -eminent. 1 lnvc Ill" Peer's., upon the kindliness of the renlur- 'narhled. While it w•'.tel•l Ns rens( unwise to tagiotte d'scates and which con - draw hwccpin)t c•otielu"lons from twitted bacteria er pus, diphtheria the results of a •incl,' tart of this and the like, itn• sprinkled and kind, since the (:vie was probably ironed. excepti(rra1, will such instances are It was then rubbed on plates of urw the rierrne• the perfeet in lift •” her, and indicating his hig1i regent She (btu=ling coyly) --"Oh. George. fol the •tritke't slave. cnlcninted t,r resins the que:tem l c'•l,li t prmpal whether tiedoe emphasis 1111, net i heetel't'►, lett net a single eol0•ly how run 1 refuse v"lt when you put Ti,,' Pnlst hnnwll flew tie peva 1 placed 11 ,ill what might 1"• ":(- 11 •.••itpl,l. it beast pease, tine in ler( type. The plain steer ile this! His Friend Said ed for the cult hien iflllty _— ii sis, a w'ast•tl Heart Trouble Cured ei nervous center,. p ' 1 a ee mu` nL•tr motor exiled the line p••ints of perfect -- - - lite,l,e of the {,ruin hitt . • • 1hrongh one enter or another a tinge majority of I:te peoyle are rroutdnt with some tone of heart trouble. The systent becomes rite de.rn, the heart potpie:try. 1.041 have wr.LM and dlrr.y %petit, a smothering tect.n,t, telt) clammy hatt•t' and feet, ehortnese of brestl', senestion of pun stat needles, r•Ish of ',toed to site head etc. Wherever titers ere sir�cly people witb week hearts tltlburtl's 1{ tt see Nerve Dille will use found an elf teal medicine. *******1 An4e1:,U ' writ,a. Heart Trouble e•►tefplelse siten d and Srr.e 1 dl.. 1..L► y Ifi heart tremble, wetaltte,►a and smothering veils 1 used a 'tett deal of donlnr medicines but received ern betoefit. A irisal advises!1pe to bur • has tit year pills. aAlal' I did, and 'non is -sine great retie'. ( tele�ttly r••seanmead there pitta rt to sayne eateries Own bort tr/nhbe." Pekes 50 (mute per hoc, of 1 hews' a for 11.26, tit •II hens.., a• entailed d1r*ct oaa receipt et price by 1Rt- 1' Milton* Co., Limited, '1'v.an, . 0:'' to 4, yen ahhee tee tem.- - ♦4 ++14♦ 4te Y} rte • lrA re it� fr7tm ease, L.hile appatenth• rather oriet•ously tormented .1 fealu!e ,n the b:' 1,. sht,ted no lige,, of that.! .• If They iDot'tt *Kelp or i the ca`t! rent/""," ('111t )'-`" teel •e . elite: his t,t'c.tss was llu•:t! Yi.ttthew, and. perhtlp•, wit mg • til'. Te„,,, II,. (,• the matte, , j; Carts Test W221 Stead no ntedicsl significance. "• h ,nldr1- nv \1 r. lin.{it►):, of ban ! The Pries." think it refers to the t•.•.-. .•'t' ,a, (it, n':'ir•'::l ••til, Ili• Ihu•k. i s ,nslns and difficult brenthis :r rt,,t.;, .,,.,11'1(4 r,.„' • t'' t'1 + 41+1♦♦4♦ Hr J 23. husk, eatnPnnyinpt p)-Ig1Y`••iir 11,a1 40 ., ;;}, „, ,,•:,suet,', t.ircr 1 Orsngewille. (int., t•. 1 ltrn not trorthy I.uk,• .,•,•'. . c hc; • , , • anise • 1 Complaint ♦ pntea' • 1 hail beer 1,•I,tlio : • ;•I ! a r'•,nota ♦ trnubled with i)yn cents the cr tlurion as + Cures=. ♦ p•eplet and !.Iver eta of the .Icw`, trbn ,eek the Its r ;!, ,,:•,• Of Pim r.••♦♦♦♦,*=i �♦ l'nn:i'I:►intsrdtritd of the til".yt Ideates on the )it ""1 1. u, not be 1. MMAAS tiifiearat te- en, t,0 t• worthy, .1 •stand (•1u- '1 • n :•h :r.1 :uf, r' s.•'', f'? u' i tnwiv' but o'otaene,l little or no benefit A en, -v intercept. Jesus en the roar} p,,.,.,, ••It u'.11 that many fine i friend sdv►sc.l►n•.t.o o•yeetrLees-lever n ( 'Cot • ihut 1 e , t )iIurh.'til 1, :,• •i, , , :_ •l, ri' d, tl'lnlily bolts & ' Title a (tial. 1,rt f t••IJ h:in 1 ha.l nese so es herr, fet1- His entire +tw(•1tili- !,ill vii the t••, t.,ott ofttif4eiei .I nilin+luau.paiy rt(:Ole nt)rit.IWAG ttesip efii% I,1 N•. Ice rrt11Mr111e1'!' ti Ihnt he tw8S hltcol. rumen std ,' • �t t pr elt'ii: n: l fie ail 11 thnv don" help, Qr Cttt! yn.l, a Gentile, n,•1! flint f + 1 = ro the maul. t. ir'itt •pts the price' eoseringhis faith torus under 1.s- root e.. •t - 1, , ,:!=, j•' (� j __.t. ' ,- ...0 1. •. •. I1. eL- ' • • -. tip,end1 Ren i f � T �,•�. c A (► it, he defiled I. hell, lv• t'.^1.Onlv say 111, .nLHs: IH•,. t. 1 teat :r- ',. 1 i1, y., ;iv r. the . -„ alone. ft,e'r Rove enols( which has hsd e �y ltcll, and to oxnnl!n” Lillie•.•. in folluwin the iio l i.le:Ll ,.i ar Der "1.1174 . tlect floe. Loy reedirinee K e .1 lin I }lief f% 1 l'"'e •Iver ,,hard, x7J tie }e.attly ahon6 1 1't' t 1 t 4k ,teener of the Hutu', great frith iu .11.us. 'fhis di,tingui•he. the case .•t the centurion Eton, lhnl ,•t the nehle•ntat► in .Ithti 1. id. mi),, in- siste,l dint Jests, go to 111•' bong. !•. 1 also :1 111 n titan nndl•r 1athor- it; lie eont7ar,'Y the :,ntl".fity of Jesus to that given to hila. in emit a `moot ►, tel:', 1 ,0)',t. M Ile: ate 'tn41 enc <•'Y n . brecd"rs of beef "(II' .11:1;. nt't I %'eller! 414* to be the heat ntedieine. haw a 'n•'ritit'et) fee dem totalities, I to- It vM 'f :*ohne thee la t• As fottn,l." ,•;shoot seeurin8 n propeetI,Ain t a 1 1._• 1.', ••nra,1 t1(11 rsr' to; 11.00, as �!! .tetter.. .. wilt i' etwt direct by mail ,ollanlapl;e in the totality 7n 1 1.,,r on 1A',•tert n• t, •te r t 'it( ige of coral. The suhst»nli t•1p TN.. ili{bters Cr., Limited, Toronto, good stc.'r. nit!) nipple beef, bred Ont. i ',aro 4