HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-03-03, Page 6An Unexpected Confession;
Or, The Story of :Mss Percival's Early Life.
('JI:1i"('Eft .l'I.I..-- ort e•;1t'(1) sic responder!, ells alacrity. "you
"Huniph: but how did she hap- can go into the library ; it is plea.
re„to remain at the ninnor;,, sant and comfortable there, fluid
questioned the spihster, with some I will have the lunch ready as soon
surprise, "I wonder that y -(,u as,.! can. •'
could prevail upon her to shut Iter- "That is right, yeti can go nhrint'
self up in such a place, as a simple it at once. and I will bring the
rustotlian• 1t• is rather a mean ladies iu," said lite gentleman.
position for n person capable of He Was anXiuus (1)
get her out•
rim ringing
such a large establish- of the way, and enq)loyed, so that
rnt•nt:" they might pursue their inyestiga-
'She begged the privilege of re- tuns without the fear of being oh -
mauling until she could secure an- served,
other situation," Mr. Ring ex- He had been erratiy relieved up-
on learning that Mrs. Bellows was
"That was not very shrewd; that away, for. if she was innuceit, he
is, if she cared to 'Main :uc(ther slid not wsh to have her wounded
immediately; !tor she could certain- by being made aware that she was
I ftod it bene t: here in the cit!' suspect• el of treache ry ; if she was
than in the country, Mr. King, guilty, he wished to prove it before
I'm half inclined to thihk thnt her return, and be ready to call
'clergyman's widow' is Harold Jr- her to immediate account before
vingtc,n's accomplice in a clever she could have an opportunity to
diguise," Mies Percival observed'
In a tone of conviction. He assisted Mrs. Ring�gallt1fiss
"Zounds! I never once thought. lcrtivnliern4 brit -anu they at once
of such a thing:" the barrister et.::;;aired to the library, where they
claimed, in a starlltd.•,s�.ic....0' laid aside their travelling wraps;
bow t,.❑ , •"do jump at c..n- then leaving the of ser to watch
unions,'' he added, with a Snl:le, outside for the Boating Of the
"Yes, and vedy often manage to iloiise'sloper, they prtceeded direct-
"'( the right nail on the head the 1y upstairs.
very first time," was the dry re- Miss Percival led the way dawn
tort. "If," she continued, '1i'. the main upper hall to a corridor
Harold Irvington knew that lady that ran nt right angles to it..
Irvington intended to live at the Passing nearly to the. end of this,
manor this fall, it would have been where another led into the struc-
a comparatively easy platter to turn, or servants' quarter, she
pend an attractive applieantl for Paused and briefly remarked:
Vac position t.f housekeeper, who "The panel is here."
would have it in her n • . •Lift'
power Lifting 1
1to a (' .
piece or f C c
[Kp 11 a \ tapes -
easily carry out the plans of her tree she pointed to what looked like
employer, and without exciting a narrow door, but without .•'thcr
Luspicion, as a person with less latch or lock.
authority would be sure to do." "This is the spike or serew.- •hr
"Miss Percival, you have real- continued, indicating it with the
oned that out very logically," the toe of her boot. "Did you bring
barrister observed, with anima- n screwdriver!"
tion, "and your suspicions are well For answer Mr. King produced
worth acting upon. We will go at one from a pocket and proceeded
once to rrvington Manor to inves- te apply it to the head of the spike,
titrate this secret treasure chain- when he uttered a low exclamation
ber•" of sntisfaction, for he found it al -
"I may accompany you, Hurn- ready loosened.
bert ?" eagerly interposed his wife. "I believe we are on the right
"Certainly, dear, as company truck," he said. in a tone of re -
for Miss Percival, as well as for Pressed excitement. "Now, what.
Esthe is sake, if we are so fortu- shall I do, Misr•.- Pereiyeil",_ _
,r t, ,
as t 1 "
find her. ilia( on the panel,"
"Shall we take Jenr;.**,ltiso 7" she commanded.
"1�,, IIfe did so, %then it. slid slowly,
daRair is think the wore quietly the
",..11,41,,11.7-tedd the brtitr it steadily and uuistleasly up. reveal -
will be fur une. 11'e are not mg a long, dark passage beyond.
sure, yo know, of having our "JO1e'" the barrister exclaimed,
kop; : alized," Mr. King said, "those pulleys have evidently been
ttf sudden whitening about his
mouth; "and, in the event of -of
disappointment it would only be an
/additional blow to the girl who
has suffered enough already. 1
shall, however, he accompanied by
an officer in citizen's clothes, in
(►•nee there should be any resist
ance to our se'srch, and to take
care of Mrs. Bellows, if she proves
t, have been an accomplice in our
deer girl's mysterious disappear-
Thus it was arranged, and at the
end of another hour the parte was
rolling briskly out of the city to- ter a sing e ee. rd, while th•'ir lic•,rts
ward Irvington Manor. were oppressed by a dread of what.
A drive of an hour and n halt night await themin the secret
behind n pair of spanking t.,ad- eltanlb'r b:•yund.
eters, brought our friends to the
Ientrauee to the manor grounds;
a few moments more and they stop-
ped before the door of the man -
Mr. and lir,. King, with Per-
cival, rode within t he closed car-
$'iage, while a sharp-eyed, alert, -
appearing 1111111 Bat upon the box
with the driver.
Lea int; the ladies v.il!lin the
rose!(, \I r. King alighted, went
up t!.,• Air and rang the bell.
11' i• presented n dre,lry,
dept. --art ul.t•-•arati.•e, many of the
rht,l iri• being closed, and not a
s,ictl or sound of life about the
TI.••re was a long delay before
Mr. kitlg's summons wits en.swer-
ed; flout, after what ,remed an
endles- fumbling nt lucks, bull+
and (lain,. the door w-39 parti:tl-
11 'auto..? hp I•:)sie, the sten,!, who
1.• n left to k,', p the leave'.
.i• !miens..
11 as slit' recegeired \lr.
1hresv the dtor will'•
.•1• knew That lie had 1111-
1i.• .. n,, and gt' whenever
he .., • ht.
1 s•..,' I l•i,,' to ser' Nits. Bel-
1',e,-, I:1•it the !elver ob-''reed,
after Ere(tin,g her kindly.
••,r)tf' isn't nt ho:ns• jest !Pr".
)ratik%:Ile, Out., tit -pt. 27, *919.
"1 suticred fur years from headaches
and Iain in the back, and I consulted
doctors and took every remedy obtain-
able without any relic f. Then I began
taking "Fruit-a-tives", the famous fruit
juice tablets, and this was the only
medicine that ever did me arty real goal.
1 took several boxes altogether, and
now I ant entirely well of all my dread-
ful headaches and backaches".
(Signed( MRS. FIRANi: EATON.
S.•c a box, 6 for $2.5o or trial box, 25e.
At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited,
Loth herself and the gentleman
who was standing without.
Ht' was none other than Donald
Lancaster. and he ;l•;'`, inttlking
tale and- 4et'nte Troubled, although
his eyes brightened a trifle as he
recognized Jennie.
"Did 1 not. see you once with
'Hiss Wellington in New Turk
City?" he questioned. "You are
Miss Burt. are you not 1"
"Yes, that is my name, and 1
remember von, Al r. Lancaster,''
the girl replied.
"Js Mrs. King at home?" Don-
ald inquired.
"Ni• ; Mrs. Ring is away for the
tiny," Jennie returned.
The young man's face fell.
"1 am very sorry," he said; "1
wants;1 t') slake some inquiries re-
garding K Lady Irvington. Possibly
yon turn tell me what 1 wish to
know, however. Slay I conte in
to talk with you for a few
minutes 1"
Jennie stood aside to allow him
V. pass in. but w ithout replying
to him; for any reference to Es-
ther so unnerved her that. she in-
variably broke into weeping.
After closing the dour, she led
the way to a steal! reception room,
wiping away the streaming teat s
as she went.
Donald walked to the mantel,
ether( he lercaineel standing, bat
in i han •
d , he war ton excited to -it.
"Have you been with Lady Ir-
%rugfon since she rruee /.brand I"
lie inquired•
`'During the l:'t ti' or three
ntnnths unl>," J.tnnie replied.
"Then you can doubtless tell nue
if the ref;urt4' which 1 have. heard
regarding her recent mysterious
recently oiled for a purpose." 'l sap -,earn -we rt'e tnsrthe voting
While be had been thus employ_ ram confirmed. "1 Lav(' been
e'i, Miss Percival hnd busied her- '1::'''.:ins during the last two
self lighting n candle, which hail r ' r and it half, and returned
been provided nt her vugtrestiou, , ' . I. ,: t.,11 only t he day before
and now she stepped into the pas- j " •' •r•Lt•.:. when I was greeted by
-age and led the way toward the . st-atge story,"
ileal they were seeking. Yes, the report is true," fit!
Itr. and Mrs. King followed her, to -rd Jennie, with heaving bosom
the former taking the precaution to t:ed quivering lipes
d►.•p the tapestry smoothly over "Tell me all nboltt it --h'nv did
'th' aperture as he entere.1 last. it lin pp. n. and ellen 1"
\,.i,n'lessly they pruet•ede,J, in -Sit dawn, please," said Jennie,
single file, along the parrow w•ny, faintly.
each be:ll'L far too excited to tit- Seeing the girl Was trembling
ftoul we'aknes.t and excitement,
I einnld took the nearest chair, mid
flee. sank into another.
Then she related to hire all that
was knout 44 I:sther's mnvs Men's
n air night of the housewarming
rat 17vingt et Mentor: her sudden
disappearance in the mi,Ist of the
fe-tivitit's, and the useless efforts
that bad been made to obtain twee
clew to h• r whereabouts up to the
present t ane•,
Donald seemed like one turned
st"ne, :Is he Ilsteilc(1 -1118 eyes,
in v.11ic•h tht re was n look of .1
spnir, never once leaving the girl's
"It. is terrible," ho breathed,
when she (','nelude'I. "l1'hnt'1', h •r
friends think 1 Do 1I ty believe
that she was decoy1•-1 from the
house for the sake of tite jewels
the girl replied; "she vent
117• 1., town this rtlornilig oil 1.•n"i-
ne•.. I.ttt 1'nt exiteeting her hack
(,ter: ten at''Itt anu•.
'•1'4r, w111; titin eo w111 corse
in awl wait a 44 idle," said Sir.
Icing. ' Ily wife and a friend are
with utc, :mid 1 ecoid i.k•' }',u to
pc' us n little Innrh. for we me
httttgt•y ober our Tong drive,' be
concluded. and slipping n rumple of
s t.f siler into Ler handy r.
"Yes, s'd j ',hark sons sir," El-
f.. their surprise they found that
both sideof the pn•,•,tge had been
toting with fresh, though incxpt'n-
s•t'' print. to give it the appear -
:Imo of 14415111g been papered liko
the hall leading_ to the servants'
rooms, and this circuntsfwive also
s, t tiled to indicate that they were
'a, to learn the tenth regarding
(Tilt.'('' disrtppraranee.
41t 141.1 they reached the end,
and found them'elt's standing be -
f' re a ponderous dour, when Miss
i'( rcival appalled her companions
b, exclaiming:
•'1)h: suppose the door is locked
and re. key to be found "' 'then.
wits the next lerenth, sit' adder!.
er n!tautly : ":1i. ' it is here in the
14.4 k. hut my hand trembles to 1
r••r,•t..t turn it."
' I..•t me try," said Humbert
V •n in a hoarse whisper, for
• t r, •,i{ it an though he was, he al
found 1he sit nal ion .1most too
1•,nrli for his Bertev,
He crowded by the two tremb-
ling women, turned the massive
key and pushed open the heavy
door ---which swung inward ---when n
Fry.' of mingled grief arid horror
burst. frotn his lips as he staggered
into the secret treasure chamber
of the Iry irgtuns.
111.11.hill X 1.11
The Kings and Ali -s Percival had
not been gone front the horse of the
ft tiller on their errand to !rung
Ion Mlanor half an hour when nP-
other visitor tang at their door.
1'be butler. being engaged just
nor• 1ha1. moment., Jennie nhligingl�
sold hits that she would answer
.itC S:,tllinOn9,
f1 • she opened the door nn exeln-
: atiou O1 astonishment burst from
which the were?. as I heard some
4 et (ere ark to clay--that--that site
has been murdered 7"
"1 ant (!Hite sure Mr. King hopes
that she is still living," Jennie
laid, with a shudder that shook
het from head to foot ; "hut, al -
thought the best detective skill has
Leen ctultle'} 4.11, thug hilae been un-
able to tied anything to base a
pl:aeti(al theory upon. -
"How does --Lord Irvington bear
tl ' blow! -the stispet>e must he
''':nosing horrible fur hilt," Dolt-
ti1.1 questioned, anti as white as a
1 14 tis of chalk himself.
"i11erc'y "' exclaimed Jennie, in
es.toni,hinent ; ''what el., you
nienit 1"
''‘City, that I should seppose her
!Disband would be ('1•azi d in view
of such a trouble," said Donald,
but wandering at the girl's words
and manner.
"But there is no Lord Irving-
ton -she heal no husband," and
tlennie stared ,1t her conlpan1401
as if site thought hila demented.
(To be continued.)
1'111; f•I:1)I:If.11.
Results of the Past Year lndieata
Good Progress.
The animal r.'l,ort of the l t dotal
Life Assurance ('• measly r•! '' n ::?
t'Cnt)lies- fiery satisfactory indica-
tiens of progress. The report
whites is given in another place it
this issue, shows new business con
listing of 2,600 applieatious for in
suranen aggregating $3,663,896.66
of which 2,501 applications for $3,
5"1,235 were accepted. As in previ-
ems tears the income of the com-
pany shows a gratifying increase
and the assets of the company ha' (•
Leen increased by $329,092.89 and
hate new reached $3,643,949.511, ex-
clusive of guarantee capital. The
security for policyholders including
guarantee capital amounted at the
cit se of the year to *4,513,949.53,
and the liabilities for reserves and
claims, including
$:20,000 set aside as a special addi-
tion to policy referaea, $3,351,254,
showing a surplus of $1,162,695.63.
Exclusive of uncalled guarantee ca-
pital, the surplus to_ policyholders
was *292,695.53. Death claims to
the amount of $200,406.07 were
i,aid. Including cash, dividends
ar.d dividends applied to lite reduc-
tion of premiums, with annui.it1
the total payment to patieyholders
amounted to g317,t."4.43. The as-
surances carried nut% amounted to
Per Lewin(i
e't.wa• nadd♦♦•{■■•
getable aa'faar
1 ••.1 e:.•..
t••�%•I 4a4.• Va.%
• w'ih:e ,.2'r 0.
• eta of trsnr as
•.•Mt. sesta Tl•
• Ise 1 t oat.
r•1 u. ;.sur pat. -1
. • *Aar.. 6•1.•
n.I,••- t',a4
,,.. i4 4. -.,:i
lera; f
:rV•..•• 'y
poi .e, a-• f•t.r•r•
•--•a .ec1 br..,
TN*, Ilettahte
tr nom f ova pe
Camphor Ice
12 Vaselin' Remedies in Tubes
e'np.lren', Perate'1. s1, nthnlau•1. (•nrtw,.
!oust, t•,r1T•hnrate.l, white "at we of g,tne,
eta Each for steels! purpoa. %t rite for
Imre Vareilnc It.
270 Crnlai 8t. W., Montrent
Maple Syrup
Mels cro
Attention 1
i'fnw can yr.n reasonably ',(pert to make
!ern a fair quality of strop u*inti 'trot•
date pot. and kettles and nano for h•-tling
your Staple Syrup Write for bo.,klet on
the "r'hampl•.n • Frei -orate? 1,
W Wellington 1t., Montreal,
Page Pel:cit carer int -Styles for Lower. Park., panne sad soured,. KM 5,144', of Pen
Peaces •ad 7'.atte Page nates anw In use to C.nvie our PH Testes teller oret 1e..a ever. rage
Gatta gar 1310 bare (aI,.eia..t Frames. (:et ear sloe 1VcM and weary..
Largest feat, and gate n,aavlaatnrert' le cassis A
Pink f T., t etteeflo,
shipping over
A Catarrhal fever
f'urerr.r" and 90.1(1,0 prn,rn4iv, ea matter haw horses At am acre ala
Infect. dot"rai"•'ed" 119U11, 5SPfl ('11 (IM tonguet a.1*on the 10..1 and
LIanA•.egpea thepoIennnn•germs frei,,1?obode. ('errs Dip Innrrrin tore
and Rhrepand Cholera in Poultry. L.,rrr.nt etNlinr Ilveafork rimed?. ('urea
LA ({Tipp, among human (.ring'+ and Is a fins Kidney rrmedr. `,.- and 1' a
home: $ban.( fit a 40,rn. tat this out. !ter;, !1. Phew In your drugekt,
'ho will get It for 7o,. fire R,akkl, "b:•(►inner. leaner., and < un.s.'•
iiPONN MEDICAL CO, Umbel ie. Malulatgiels. Ni/IA. IM" E.1*,
"SALADA" is the same wherever or 'whenever
you buy it -always of unvarying good quality.
Its native purity and garden freshness is per-
fectly preserved in sealed "SALADA" Packets.
A flavoring used the same as lemon er vanfIl •.
fly dissolving graa•tated altar lu waby and
adding Nashua', u dotieieaa'yrupis male ae.l
• syrup beater tkaa sub. iia 'cin i.arld h,
grocer.. If nit send f.. 2 ..bottle . .ttle stet
recipe book. Crescent MIs. Ce., E.altla, Wa
11 II P. Srtni Pnrtahte F;ncine
Ea aporator 'rank
Fa irbanks-Morse
Semi -Portable
or Skidded Engine
Equipped with Evaporator Tanis.
Daslgned especially for 1 Farm
Built ir, 5 and II 11 P Rises.
Speeiaily Adapted for Work In
Cold Weather.
These Engine's are tl.t. sarne as t1,. Standard llerirnntal Erap•,ratnr I!s-
ginrs, elerpt that thrr are mounted on .41•t8 with gasoline feint placed to
hope et the engine. wture ,t ie well prntr•(ed. making a %err neat. c-otnpaet.
4(4?,' ntrimed ruts', as ran be toren from the illustration abort of the Ii hsps
Eo71ne. 1.104150 t..11 thte oernyl,,t.aare,tt..u.rnt a,,1.0.,,1 l rcatalog W P C.
A nna sae
TheFedeial Life'
Assurance Co.
Of Canada
(Mekong Once Made Two Bad Breaks
the Same Event: g.
Charles Dickens once wrote to a
friend: "1 bavo distinguished myself
In two respects lately. 1 took a young
lady, unknown, down to dinner and
talked to her about the blsbop of Dur-
ham's nepotism in the matter of Mr.
Cheese. 111.u►:d the was Mrs. Cheese,
Later 1 expatiate(' to the Member for
Ma1'ytebone, thinking him to be an
Irish member, on the contemptible
character of the Marylebuue constlt-
ueney And the Marylebone represcntn-
Twn such mishaps In one eV ening
were enough( to reduce the most bril-
liant talker to the eondition of the
three inside passengers of u London
hound coach who beguiled the tedium
of the journey from Fouthatnpten by
(li,eussing the demerits of William
Cobbett mall one of the party went so
far ns to assert that the object of their
deuunelation was a domestic tyrant,
given to beating his wile.
Mutes to his dismay the solitary wo-
mein passenger, who had hitherto eat
n silent listener, reittarked:
"Pardon me, sir. A Liuder husband.
and father never breathed. And I'
ought to know, for 1 aro William Cob-
Ifett's w•Ife."
1r.. Giles of Virginia and Judge Du-
val of Mnryliiad, members of congress
during Washington's administration,
boarded at the house of n Mrs. Gib-
bon, whose daughters were well on to
years and remarkable for talkative-
When Jefferson t•ecnme president
Duval was comptroller of the treasury
and (ilk.% a senator. Meeting nue day
In Washington, they fell to chatting
over old (tines, and the senator asked
the comptroller if he kuety what had
become of "that cackling old mald,
Jenny Gibbon."
"She is Airs. Duval, sir," was the
unexpected reply.
Giles did not attempt to mend mat-
ters, as a eertatu Mr. Tubervitle un-
wisely did. Happening to observe tot
a fellow guest that the lady who had
eat ut his right hand at dinner was the
ngitest woman lie hnd ever beheld, the
person addressed expressed his regret
that he should think his wife so 111
took• t u g.
"1 Lave made a mistake," said the
horrltled Tmbervllle. 't meant the lady
w111/ Sat uu ms left."
"Well, sir, she Is my sister.
This brought the frank avowal, "It
can't be helped, sir. Dien, for if what
you say be true 1 confess 1 never saw
such an ugly fancily in the course of
my life."
The Twelrt'-iftR1!i Annhafitreettng of the Shareholders' of rl-e Federal Lite
Asaurarcc'',,nlpan) of ('vnadn was held at the (',•ntpany'a Head little., in Ilam -
Ilton, oe 'ruesdes . 16th Vet,' vary 1916. at 2 pan.. ldr David Dexter In the chair, ort Has Only Two Letters, Yet It le
Mr. ort'. It !eav's. Actinic secretary. Not Easy to Define.
The Ashurl Report. as tunvwa we.. r n
p end and Adopted, on en tion of the To define one word 1e. the English
Presld. tit. :lir, treater, seconded by the vice -President, Lieut. -col. Kerns:
language one Ilwdera dictionary takes
resent of the Pewees)) for the year which closed Slat December. 1909. duly vouch -
Yong i,Irretors Naar. the honor to present the Report and Financial State -
eighteen columns of small type. And
ed for by the Auditors.
The new business of the year consisted of two thousand six hundred appli- this solitary word upuu which the die -
cations for insurance. aggregating $3.651.196.65. of which two thousand nye tlunary bestows swell al wealth of elu-
hundred and one appllcallons for 13.504,235.00 were nccepte4I.
As In previnu, %ears, the Inc of the company ahnws • grnttfying in- cid:Itlon Is one that hardly Orrh7
. and the •.sets of the Company have been Increased by 132_1.092 88. and extYpt a dictionary ni.iker {in detlne
f ate now resrhed 83.613 949 53. eaclnsts. 01 gnarnntee capital. at all. The ordinary t tIucatt•d, L''u
The s.rurrty for Policyholder.. Inciu4lne Irua•antee capltnl, amounted at g'
the close of the attir to $4.511.94953, and the liabilities for 'ea and all out-
limit speaking person's kmeW{('vise of It
stand'ng chime Including 120.000 net aside as( a suec'al a4dltlnn to polies• re- could be expressed In about half a sin -
serves. $3,361.254 110 show•Ifl a slt•p1U• nor F..clnaite at uncalled glu line,
guarantee t•wptfal. the surplus to Policyholder. war $292-.69: 53.
Policies an an. hundred and fifteen Iles became ctalrna through death. to 7'Itls fecnmd word i9 "of." If you
the amount of s'no.4o6.ot were asked to define It -unless you
ine.nding ('ash Dividend. and lt'a•ldends apnite4 to the reduction of Herrn(- are a dictionary maker or of an allied
ems with annnetles. the fetal payment to Policyholder, amounted to $347,371.11. -
('*refal attention has 1.e.n Riven to the investment of the rotnpa,y•s fte.'l.. trade -probably you would have to re-
er..r- 'n•� b„oda. 1nnrigare s•eurltle., end Inane no the f 0mpnny'e nnitetr.p
�'•• • -' 1•y reserves!. Our Investments here yte1Aed a very sallsfsetory l}: "Of? Why, of Just menus nf.',
''^ r +
Ion might add defcusively, "1 always
((sten-••- ' >, a been ronfinell In a ressnnnhte Dent!. enn•Istent with due 1f- ' euulprehend perfectly what It means
fort. far nee- ' ,•r(ne•a- The re•u1t• of the vett,' 1n,itcal. a enn9t pratlfyle¢ p•n-
gross. ('nmt•a••,1 ,eine the preceding year 11• Ceures yr:hmfll by the ilir•et- when 1 8(•e or hear It Ill.d can use 1L
f an advance t n arts tin qre rear 7ie••ef.. correctly In speer -h, so what do 1 want
19 32:'.11. "run to detine it for anyway'?"
y law. and. 1n Itut If you were a child your actual
Plastery of "ut" would stand you to
no ,;Dead whatever. You would be set
to digging out and memorizing the
things the dictionary had to say about
It, ur rho driest and least Informing
of them, as. fir instance, that in som0
cases It Is such a Lind of prepositlt•n
and to other &'axes some other kind
and that prepositions have such and
such properties when they don't have
some other. every bit of which you
e"'a" would abe:otutety and mercifully forget
at that first possible "content. Look
over a child's grammar or "language.'
lesson, with its ghastly array of use -
lefts bones.
ors or ynnr sperm's) show, o
Th. ps•ntenc.a earned be the f'mm�nnvpnnw• amnw»t to 8•
which 11,1 e',•nrnanv held• mo tt the fun nmmtnt r•gn►re
n.1Altt"n teeee-tn n eonelderahl• snrplu..
Yuri nre f., he congratulate,) nn fl r f'r1 tt,af the *twain* nv•r ('anlfnl end
nilaAdltt1d.ahllltte.,,,nr4", 1n00 wee aced t• alr 142 •24to4ptn
dtrinsr (he past vear from which a avert:,'
llry ••
T►.1 Reid ofeeere and event. nt Ih. company aro inlettlg•rt and lm•nl. end
ere. ant"led 10 r.,,rch credit for tsar ebbs reere..ntetlnn of t►•1 (•,amts'* inter -
e•1•. Thr• members of the office staff Leve also proved faithful to 11,• rem-
pany'• servlet
t-n.tr ltlrretnr, ars. mottoes, to be Able In •tate r' 2, the hn•lnee• of (4-n
f•nmpe•:e foe (1'• nrrent ''•nr Lao beAn of a mn.t seer!-r.1-lnry e!nrerter. and
Vat the outlook for the future is moat •rreurefln¢.
5)4%'t1t hcT•t'r'n,
..`--k Dre•Ident and Mu:aq.ri f lrector.
Ai'n►Tnna' Ier-r•oRT.
'Per the Preetd•nt red ►'arrelnra •.r the F^,test 1.19. Seen.' f mespenvt
Itpn4learn.- w•.. nn%r rear( ullt• 11,24 •• .1 11 • honk* and •ecnrd. of ynnr f nm•
pnny f.•r •1.. tear sn.11nw 81st 1)•eemhlr 1t' '. and have eerfln••1 to their we,'urner.
The ('ash and Journal Vouchers hey. Leen corset), examined and agree wIt'•
the ••.ince reeor,led.
The tieberfure.. Donis. etc.. to tl.• nns••••1nn of the ('ntnpnny hove been
Ir•rected. wlillst those d•nnsIM•1 with the (tnr•rn rn•r,f hnv• seen verM••1
rerllneatc, the total agreelnit with the amount os shown In the stat•m•r! of
The aermmnsnvine st•trr"net, viz . Reye
rnne and Ilessdltura. Assets 0^A
'Liabilities. •h"w•/ the 1( pull of the year's optrattona and nom the financial posi-
tion n1 ti • 1'•.mpany.
T(.rnitlnn, 1a1 February, 1910,
ne'pertfu'1y sahmt(t•,1.
el/AIn t.'" gTrh'F C. A. Auditors.
C. 9. SCOTT, P. C. A.
VI'S4x'Iti. ST 41rsti',r ren Inns.
tit•:l 1 APTS.
'Premium and Annuity Tneomo
1-" 12- t8
interest. Itents and Pronto 1 ; 4 71 32
$893.002 69
Pahl 1n Policyholders $147.271 45
//►►l1 oilier payments °I:1,2411)4
Dainties 312.479 :1
Asa':T., I)t7rF:suint 31i1T., 1909.
renfures ant, Bonds11,443,973 36
lgagea 805.098 77
636.465 91
756.014 60
----- $3.643,949 53
ns nn Poliefes, Ronde, Sleeks. err.
All other Assets
$193.002 C$
Fund 00
poelal Addition to Polley Reserves 20,00000
iealh Losses awaiting Proofs 63,020 00
Nher Liabilities 11.71100
Lurplu. on 1'ollcyhoidera' Account 292,696 63
13.642.949 63
Aivaaantre Lepltal $317403.090409 0R03
total ser,url'y $1.6111.919 S1
P“lleles were leaned Aranring 1 3.601,235 00
Total Insurane0 In T'nren 21,019.322 31
All II n ,, I i(inc 1.1r.r•tnrs worn r,'-el•Cte.1, as fellows: M. It AIkIn• 51 D.,
1ru,1.1 D. ‘t• r, Den. even. 1). Fester, iton..1. M. ()lissnn, T. (2. ilastett, !C.C.., Lieut.-
'ol is n. 1:'•t n'• John 11 :reit. ,t. 1:. hues, 5r./ . .14-1,:an Wakefield. 1).11 ar.d A.,
vnnie,•i'••u. 4L1). I
At a •nbsr•quent tneetleg of Dafltr"Mara ti:e foaewlti nrne•re err r• M.i
Neetr•,1 David Dust.,. 1•t,-nldenl and Managing i/lre;tnr; T.tout.-('ol. 1t'llllamt
K1cerns and T. C. 1/salvo. 1(.C., %'ia0-t'ral,iunts; Dr. A. Wootverton, 1K•dItall
Aile1tt411 -
Persian Prayer Roos.
Als.ut L'ts) }'Carse 11;:..) stua'I ernbrrllde -
ere(1 rugs were htrgcly made In Per -
else chiefly nt I'pah:ul. There were
prayer rugs, mei on earl) of them near
one end was a email rtn!•roiderett
mark- to show where the Irlt of sacred •
enrth from Mecca was to 1.,• placed,
In obedience to a law of the Koran,
that the IRO:111 meet he bowed to the
ground In prayer. this teas tomch:'d
by the forehead when the prostration
%vas tirade, rind so the letter of the
law tuns carried out. The custom still
prevails. The Persian women wh>
weave the finest prayer ruga seldom
weave any other kind of rug.
What He Wished to Know.
"llere's an article In this utagaziuo
entitled Wow to Sleet Trouble,'" said
Sirs. L\'cddeclr: "Shall 1 reap) It to
"No, thank sou." replied his wife's
husband. "clow to dodge trouble L1
the brand of Information I'm looking
for."-- Chicago Sea S. -
No .Consolation.
t''irst (lolfcr (Who Is heating the cu-
rate all holiow1--Never nand, s;tnder%
You wall till you nre saying the tare --
lei service Byer nay grave. Seeders -
Rut. my geed moan. even then 1t wit
ee your bole:_ enudun Opinion.
Domestic illiss.
•'Doe:, your hasban,l ever spent
harshly to you:'"
"No. Thank heaven, ray husband
n:d 1 are not en speaking, 1819,6.
thing.) Itecord•llctra;K•