HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-03-03, Page 5THEEXETER '1'1ME MARCH 3rll 1910
••• • • •• • • N •• ••• •N•• •••••••••• •• N ••• • NNN••• o
The Molsons Bank•
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Has 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the:
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General Banking Business Transacted.•
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate,
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors.
Savings Bank Department
N. D. HURDON, Manager
•••••N--••••N••••-••••• •-•-N••••••••••••••N••••
D. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000.000
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,UUU
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to formers and
others for the transaction of their
banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection.
way with equal facility.
Accounts may be opened by mail and
atonies deposited or withdrawn in this
Exeter Branch—G.W Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
A Business Education is the ;l'
greatest legacy you can leave
your children. \Ve get down to
the bed -rock foundation of living
business science, and assist -}.
thy graduataa to the choice
Eater any day. Indiutdual in-
dividual instruction. H o m e
study courses in Senior Teachers
Matriculation and Commercial
Send for particulars.
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Assocrasion of Cana-
.Write for particulars
Clinton Business
Oeo. Spotton, Principal.
Write us at once for our free
Catalogue and learn the na-
ture of cur courses in Com-
mercial, Shorthand or Tele-
graphy departments. We
have. the lead ing, practical.
training school in Western
Ontario. Courses are thorough
Instructors experienced nod
we assist graduates to posi-
tition'. Students are enter-
ing each week. You should
enter NOW.
D. A. Mcl.ACl1LAN,
•1••••••••• ----••--••-••••-
At the home o: Jlr. and 'Mrs. Louis
\\'cin, \Vednrsday a: ternoon. Veto-.
23rd, 1910• n very pretty wedding
was soletunized, when their second months.
eldest daughter. Matilda, was united Miss Alma Hill is spending n few
in marriage to Mr. Sant. Kraft. for- days in Centralia ,•:siting friends.
tHer. E. 11 whohas a v' •
t the cbeen Dash o(xl.F ckbc'ncrn ,q
nacrly u[lel r. J. it i
Bean officiating. 'fh' bridal party iting with his parents for the past
entered the parlor to the strains of few months left for the North-west
Mendelssohn's wedding march. beau- Monday- morning.
tifttlly played by Miss Laura Kraft, 11r, Fred Clarke and Mrs. Brittz
of Dashwo(Itt. The bride wore n ,who have been home visiting their
handsome bridal gown of white point' mother who has been seriously ill, re-
d'esprit net wtih baby Irish lace and turned to their horne in Dewberry.
insertion trimmings over white silk'tllberta.
,null, and carried n cluster of w hit..
carnations. her veil being festooned
with orange blossoms. The bride'.4
travelling snit is brown and bat of fns Master had 10 buy a muiale and
fur with a metallic golden crown.i now the Assessor comes along.
The 'bridesmaid, Miss Marie Kraft.► Mrs. \fadlen. who was the guest
sister of the grown. wore a pale 611'1 of Mr. and Mrs. 1. Lamport. :eft for
princess of silk mull trimmed tic.tl, the Wes. Monday evenin',
silk chitty lace and insertion and car-, The children and friends of Mrs..la-
ried pink carnations. The groom wits, cob Either gathered together at h .1-
r!attired in convential black. Mr. 11.1 home Monday evening, surprising her
Mein. of London. brother of the bride,1 on her birthday. The evening was
acted as groomsman. After the cere-I spent by address's and speech . Th •t
molly about sixty Vests. menet ori left after spending a pleasant . v •n -
whom were relatives, sat down' to an in• toets her.
elaborate supper in the dining -room I Mr. Ilarry Either. N. P. 1'. of Tt,r
%%Lich was prettily(' ecorated. Th:•'onto spent Sunday i1, town.
gifts were numerous and costly. Mr. J. lfauch is on the sick lint.
showing the esteem in which the hap- Mt.s Itivers o' 1'0 n, Edward. is
py couple are held. During the ear- yis•ting at the boon. o' Mr, and (Mrs.
:y part of March Mr. and Mrs. Pratt ',y,n, Lewis.
.save for their home in Tyner. Sask.. Mr, Win. Braun is spending a
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Clarke and child• days in Detroit visiting relatives
ren. of Ailsa Craig. spent Sunday n friends.toren visiting friends and relatives. --0,---
Mrs. Bert. Clarke and daughter are Grand bond
spending a few eteeks with her par -
ents Mr. and Mrs. Brock. of Exeter. Sam Pao who has been visiting h;s
Miss Mildred Either, who spent the
last tete months itt Ex. -ter returned
Quilting bees arc the order ce the
Miss ida 'Ewald. of Ailsa Craig, is
spending a .'e%v day9 in town v:s't-
ing Ger parents, Mr. and 11ra. Ed.
Chest Inflammation
Suffered From a Heavy
Cold, Pleuritic Pains in
Side — Constant Cough-
"Anyone that goes through all that 1
suffered lust winter will appaveleto the
value of a remedy that cures like Ner-
vlllne cured tae.". These are the open-
ing words of the solemn declaration of
E. I', ‘'un Hayden, the tvell-known
violinist of Middleton. "My work kept
mo out late at night. and playing in
cold drafty places brought on a se-
vere cold that settled on my chest. I
had a harsh racking cough and sever()
pules darted
Nerviline through my sides
811(1 settled In my
CURES shoulders. I used
different liniments.
CHEST but none broke up
my I used
S Nervlllne, I rub -
bed vend it untill my neck,
chest and shoulders. tnortiing and
night. and all the pain disappeared.
Realizing that such a heavy cold had
run down my system I took (•4•rrozone
at meals. and was completely built up
and strengthened. Since using Nervt-
linr• 1 have no more colds or pleurlsy,
nt ! enjoy perfect health."
.t's because NervIllne contains the
purest and most healing essences and
medicinal principles. because it has
the power of sinking throug:• the pores
to the kernel of tho path—these us:r
the reasons why it breaks up olds,
cures lumbago, stiffness, neuralgia,
sciatica, and rheumatism. Refuse any
sobstltute your dealer may suggest -
Insist on Nerv11lne only. Largo bot-
tles, 50e, trial sizo 25c. Sold every-
where. or Tho Catarrhosone Co., King-
ston. Ont.
in New 'Hamburg.
Mr. William \\%cin. of Detroit, is
spending a few weeks with les par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wein,
Bert Clarke spent Sunday in
Exeter visiting friends.
This weather spoils the skating for
the young people.
Mr. Frank 'l'rcibner, o f Exeter.
spent Sunday in town vis: 111».
Miss Louisa Ilast. left for Exeter
where she will remain for a few
The Ass•s=or is on the war -path
again. The dog is getting to be an
expensive animal. A new weeks ago
parents. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ilse. re-
turned to Pigeon. Mich. on Fr:dey.
The organ of the Methodist church
has been sold to Mr. 0. 'e%ebb.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ilalkwilt of Exe-
ter. visited here on Thursday and Fri-
Miss Pomeroy. who bas been on a
F:wald, tato month's visit at Filllarton. re -
Mr, T. Lemnur, o' '1'n••d'it;d• is turned and is cicrk:ng for Mr. Wen.
visitins with his bro,h•r. 1Ir..1. Lain- Amos.
port. and friend.. Wesley Mel:in has gon • !vest.
Mr. Dan. Wein left for Hrlroit Set- It is reported that someone has n
urday after spending a few days in gill net. s:•. near the o:d dam.
Qe:te a number of dogs have 1 n
kilted tiro•:nrl here owing to the mail
dog scare. Mr. North shot two more
dogs. ilia; were in the park, 11 r.
Branton has only five deer left now.
'.ir. 'fhcs. Treee.h:cis i+ on' the sack Mr. •Mc('nrdy. fish inspector from
!i het we hop to see him around Hayfield. was herr on Thursday.
au soon. `•lairrir•• lir. 11111 r and ,las, ilannen
-: Ade:eine Beit. who hue lie 'a and fnrnilies v;sited a1 Zurich and
her s alar Mr+. C. %wicker St. Joseph on Saturday and Sunday.
iter necks lett for her hem? Mr. Spearnnn. reeve of Rosen piet,
was in our hurgt !ass week putting
alp papers for dost owners to muzzle
their dogs. Ile appointed G. If. Smith
to shoat all ,antnnrz ed dors on sight.
Handl. purgative remedies are
fast giving way to the gentle action
111.1 mild effects of Carter's Littre
Liver Pills. 1f you try them tt,oy
will certainly pleaso you .
teas visitin•; fri••nJs and relatives.
The sewing circle met at the bora'
of Miss Clara Kiensle on lefortday
e: nin;s. They all reported a gout
H 0 M E S Cuum", r2a9tls
For Settlers
How Made and How Reached
Settlers ,.i;h Live
Sock arid Lltects
pecial Trains
!• ave Tc•orto
10.10 p.m. Tarsi's's
Settlers snd r.rm:,es
w,9 ..,t Lave Stock
should use
rAular Trains
10.1(1 p.m. daily
3s '.ours to Winn.eg
i hrevgh Trurie! ('ars
In atitcb Bertha ore Free
«r'r'r t t rrn•nat Ate- r !, r cel sy e t "Severn'
Gu.de," "Western Car .a,!a Trurist C.ais."
or write
R. L T' carson, D.P.A , C r P., Torcnto.
Do not ,resp •ir of crying your sick
beadache %, hell ytru can no easily o1,
thin (:nrc,'s Litter Liver fills. 'i'h'y
will effect :a pr ompt and german•
eat cure. Their action is ntilel 01.1i
sal aro!.
If there is an aliment to the throat
or chest. it Is surely essential that the
remedy be conveyed direct to the af-
fected part. It's because the healing
vapor of Catarrhozone Is breathed Into
the sore, Irritated throat and bron-
chial tubes, because Its bnlsanmlc fumes
kill the germs and destroy tom, .ruse
of the trouble. •.4444444, C,e' ow reasons
who Caiatrhnzone never yet failed to
cure a genuine caw,. of Catarrh, asth-
mn, Bronchitis. or Throat
The wonderfully soothing vapor of
('nlarrhozone Instantly reaches the
furthest reeessea Of the lungs. iv -e-
duces a healing. curative effect that is
Impossible with a tablet or liquid.
which gory merely to the stomach. and
fails entirely to help the throat or
To permanently cure your winter
IMMr, your coughs. sneezing, and Ca-
tarrh. by ail means trey n tried and
proven remedy- like Cabo—flu—resole. lint ,
beware of the substltutor and Imitator. . graduate of the C. I1. 1... of lam -
Look far Catarrhosone only. 50c and heti' war renewing neplaint limo'
$1, at alt dealers. 10 with Wee's. Marin Madge and \Vial
tllford !asl week.
Mr. Thomas Stnn'e our model path-
utnAler has mol she rdin hiq hent
rr on,rixeinih.b(s1cs:z;„hap,
it•, ir,
Cats ho
1'Ima'e deserves greet credit for his
(+»rCJusf Breathe It, Children Cry
;till Mr-. Geo Roo elifre. of
London. spend a coup:e of weeks
h friends in this vicinity.
\Ir. John l'erin'. :ost a v.ti'init:e
hpr•” tt.sr 'etct,
Mrs. Meese) and family. of Pros-
per. Dill. has returned home after
impending several ,week' with her
Mr. James 110111 purchased n fine
young Clydesdale ge:ding trona Mr.
Penrice les; week.
Miss Anni,• I'nrk'nson wns the
ituest o: Mrs. S. 1'yui on Thursday -
of !nay t%e.•!:,
Miss Orel :pit 1 is 9 '-ilin,t her bro-
ther. Mr. Victor Snell Chi, week.
Mr. Michael lilford and sister. Mrs.
,johns are visit nrf re'nl,vest tori
friends in Toronto end Port (lope.
Mr. \\'early Rivers of Sombre. n
Add Zuruich
Mr. Hasa)•. u traveller of lieran,
spent Sunday with ac tuuiotn:wes itt
taw 11.
31i.s- :Myrtle Pfeffer of Auburn. is
vipitin.r at the Evattgetical Parson-
Ali.. Lixxa• Doerr, o7 Il.yth spent
last week teitlt her cousin Miss .'1 arj
Mrs. Ilenry \\'esr1ob and Mrs. Chas.
Weber spent Thursday in London vis -
Dino Al ns Alvada \Vese:ob.
Mr. Elmore Thiel has purchased the
dwelling owned by 1'. \'t . Mess. and
will get possessio1, 1st of April.
Mr. led. Axt recently disposed ui
Itis 3 -year old driving colt for a gond
figure. Mr. Peter 1)ucharim. of the
Bronson Lino was the purchaser.
Messrs. I1, \Weseloh and A. Sehilb•
are *ibis N1 vol: making some altera-
tions in the Lutheran Church. Alf
platform is 'being pert across the
front and a place made for the organ
and choir. u hist, were formerly locat-
ed in the gallery.
Communion services were conduct-
, tl in the Evangelical church last Sun-
day, The eacrttrnt•tt of the Lord's
slipper was dispensed both morning
and evening. Itev. A. Y. Ilaist of
Berlin officiated at both services,
Mrs. Manley- \\•'!per Sr.. had :he
misfortune, on Sunday, to '-all and
break her arm.
Mr. John Kipper. %t hu teas w orkinrz
in Lucisville, Essex Co.. for the win-
ter has returned to his home 1-111
Thi, two sons of Mr. Jacob Geiger
of ne-di' 1 .aeon. .tt;tt t-" sped _ hent
un \Veda, olee. after it visit .tt ffi
relatives in Ib:. section.
Mrs. 1'. 1h•rtttath continues in very
poor health this winter.
Messrs. ilerb. Ilott•a!d and \Willie
\Yelper left th:s 'neck for th • West.
The special services conducted in
the Evangelical church during the
past two weeks. were well attended
considering the stormy weather.
Mr. William Cane of near Langdon
N. 1).. is 'home on a visit. Mr.
('ane has been in that coun.ry for 20
years and looks hale and hearty.
Mr. C. Greb has'purebased the bark
at tho tannery. about 100 cords. nit&,
is shipping it to Hcriin. It tf•ill take
soma• teaming to get it to 'the [ta-
t ion.
It is reported that Dr. Carr. V. S.
or 'tl:yth and formerly of Kirkton.
may move to C!i.tton and start a.
practice here. Dr. Carr for the past
couple oil years has been residing in
lt:yth tut no: practicing having sod
his business in Kirkton. with the In-
tention of moving '.o California but
he did not like the country 'there.'
Clinton Ne..t Era.
Mr. Wn,. Moore has disposed of hi;
basiness as hardware and tins,nith
to Mr. Chas. Hackney of Exeter.
Mr. Norman ttae'y, who has been
spending moue time with his broth-
er Geor,fie' int Forest. spent .5uod iy
with his parents here.
Mrs. Adapt Shier at the time of
writing. 1.t seriously indisposed with
tittle hopes of recovery. old age be-
ing 'the cause. beim( 78 years o: age.
"The Lost Chord' was beautifully
rendered by four members of the
Methodist Choir on Sunday evening
The 'filth a.setnb'.y of the season
was held in Aberdeen Halt on Wed-
nesday evening. The younet people
evidently enjoy (tipping the light
One of the most enjaynble social
evenings given by the Foresters, was
participated in. on Mond:' • evening.
about 120 bein', present. The attrac-
tion of the event being an amusing
Railway trip. Thr rn ieical part of
the program tieing given by •Mrs. .1.
Moore and (.'nd)-s Shirr and the Male
Why don't you try Carter'a Little
Liver l'illsl They aro a positive cure
for sick headache and all the tile pro
duped by disordered ilver. Only one
pill a dose.
Added to the Long List due
to This Famous Remedy.
(ilaufordStation, Ont. -"I have taken
Vegetable Cont-
poun(1 for `ears
and newer fiitttld
.any medicine to
compare with it.. 1
had ulcernand f:all-
ing of the uterus,
and electors did 1)111
Do good. 1 suffered
dreadfully until 1
began taking your
medicine. It has
also helped other
,women to whore 1
recommended it." - Mrs. 11):Nlty
('t,.11:K, GI:tnfurd `Hatton, Ontario.
1lardincr, Me.-" 1 was a great ettf-
terer from a female disease. The doc-
tor said 1 would have to go to the
hospital forint operation, but Lydia E.
I'inknam's Vegetable Compound com-
pletely cured ale in three months." -
Mrs. K. A. WILLIAMS, It. 1'. D. No. 14,
jinx 89, Gardiner, Maine.
Because your cane is a dltlleult one,
doctors havttlT Molle you no good, do
not continuo to suffer withott giving
Lydia 1:. i'itikltam's Vegetable ('•rut-
ponul n trial. it surely has eared
nuttier cases of female ills, such as in-
Ilatnmatlon, nleeration. displacements,
fibroid tumors. 1rrt•erlaritles, periodic
tains, backache, ti...t hearing -flown
feeling, Indigestion, dizziness, and ner-
vous prostration. It costs but a trifle
to try It, and the result is worth Mil-
lions to many suffering women.
If you want special advice write
forittoMirit.l'Ittkleam IM
It Is free and always helpful.
\\'e regrelo 1111• %%eek to have to
chronicle the death of Mr. Bernard
Thompson, of thin village, which sad
event occurred at his home on Sunday
morning last after an illness of near -
native of Scotland born at Buck-
haven Fifeshire and r•inigrated to
tiffs country with his procure when
ut the into of nitre y•::rs. !le hived
with then, for a num: •r of years at
ltudgerville. and 'from t here fuvved
into our village, ',birte years , ago;
and where he has since resided. The
deceased was a Presbyterian in reli-
gion and a reformer in polities and
took deep interest in matters per-
taining to both church and slat,.
Ile leaves to mourn Itis loss his widow
three daughters anti one son. The
funeral service was conducted on
Wednesday afternoon last by his pus-
lor ltt•v. Mr. Smith. The Canadian,
4 -order foresters, of ,tehick the .Ie-'
ceased twits an old u,e,nt,er, took
charge of the service; and performed
the last sad rites at the Licosa': Un-
ion emit Ivry. Mr. Thompson is also
survived 'Li three aisters and onebrother. leer+. Shirray. of 1trnsall,
A1rs. tMu111on. and Mrs. 11,IIttes and
David L. is: Toronto.
\lis. Gilg:ut is in tiearorth visiting
her brother Richard who is ill.
Mr. \Wu, .Maunders, oho has brei
in Ve itlaceburg for some time, is .here ,
visiting !Mende.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Logan. who have+
been here from the west on •t t t.,it
left here this week to visit in Coder-
Mr. L. Richardson returned to Sae-
katout. Sask.,ttherr he left a ,•t:io,i
stnr,r,;C_ to rass'st in a hardwa,
store or Si. hitt has been in-
duced to return there. iTC-t.. t - - '1
with the west and his employer, 11,1,1
in him n good employee. Mr. Rich-
ardson !was employed for u number
of years with ',tsl)onell Bros.. h.are!-
vt are merchant, of ibis vilt,t;to• t\",
nisi him 'meccas.
Mr. Duncan Htewart, late u: Ire•
west, has moved unto .be farm 1 I-1
miles uortb of our tiliage, which h •
purchased front 11 r. Petty.
Airs. J. It. llubkirk. of Scaforth,
formerly of llt'ns:til, was in.4hi' vii -
lase tins week visiting friends.
We regret to report that Mr. •Itoitt,
Dairyntple,sr., is again tune serious-
ly ill.
hiss Coxworth, of London. is th;s
week hero visiting her parents.
The many relatives and friends of
Mrs. James Patterson will regret to
learn that she ie and has been quit-
acrwlsly andwe hops fo
t 0r her e•-
t t
11 r. ,James Smillie, who makes
practice of handlings good horses. ba,
in the last dour weeks sold six extra i
choice younmares, m hich averaged
bin, x:ftlf eachg.
Mr. ,John Elder. o' Ilay. lias'pur-,
chased Mr. \\•nt. E. llogarth's Sures, I
Itodgerville, knot' n as the I•::det•
farm and int••nds 'working it along
With his own t:rertt,.
Mrs, A..1. Marl,,:. I of illoomsberr,
Ea, r;t...nt . •
wtlh her sister '.I1 •. '1•, 1. II, rr;.
Mr. J..1. Austin, Assistant p„
office inspector was t truest ;tt 'd,.
T. 1, Berry's. over Tuesday. Mr. .\u
stin is a cousu to Mrs. Berry.
Miss Ida 'Mel ni,:e visited tiisei
friends in Str...'urd for a few da..
!nisi week. •
Mrs. Thompson and daughter Le, ,
of 'Woodstock. tare at present tluc '
or Mrs. U. C. Facey.
The Bev. 1t. 0, MacKay and .1. I
Itusseil attended the regular nt : ,,
of the Stratford Presbytery in t" r .
ford on Tuesday.
Mrs. 1:. 'McNicol and Miss Cary
of Ilensall. wore that gi •sfs ..1.!
441,.1 Mrs. (leo. Melville last 1.
A large house greeter( the ' u.:.h
ern Minstrels' on Friday even 11 ,
Their rendi,lona, throughout were
hi,th:y pleasing and touch app:auded
the orchex,ra ac Fitting thems.•:v
most credibly. and ace bi•apeak for
them it packed house, should we be
fnvored with their return.
Mr. los. )fill. of Woodstock. ie at
present rite guest or Mr. rind Mrs.
John ('ole.
111'110` DALE
Mr. .1, 0, Morton. sun of Mr. \Van.
Horton of 1111ronda!e. et ten about lour,
years alto tins appoint ,1 cashier in {
tttc $overeiitit Bank at liensnll. and I ----- — -- --- —
,since t h .: . i •e • has been accountant - where there is no parting. With best
in the 1 1,i 1 ink of indinn• Dead,' and a desire to imitate. As you go tio e:nch and alt. -11 r. and llrs.
S•esk, has been promoted to the poli- to your homy in for great North -eat w i Hush cs tDown.
tion of manager of 'the :(ouch.. Union' we shall miss, you a:1. bat in that i
The finest "first aid"
is Zam-Bub: for many
reasons. It is antiseptic
—kills the poison in
any wound. It ensures
any wound, or skit'
injury, or disease
against poison -germs in
the air which are al-
ways ready to enter a
sore place and set up
p isoningandputrefac-
tive clfartgs.- iyt,i, gid_
iately they enter Zarn-
Buk they are instantly killed.
While certain ingredient sin
Zam-Bulk are thus protecting
you against external dangeta
the rich healing herbal essen-
ces in the balm prmctrate the
tissue, stimulate the eel`s, and
bring about periect
Nothing like it t Watch it
Nt) A'+il'.M :Hlc'R fAT
<< KJtt AhY f; 4LR .
Ts -
Sftltl5 t;,t.raS•
•^• sturoiTISM-SCl4TtCA-bt') 1 tiS
ff4Ctt.S f ft: t!tNDS
`.1`a•ti Ttal►hiay, ,.t Wrozetcc, Ont., says: -"I
.; . fn❑ ' turhukamcstrclt:.blehouselold
•.nn•:1q, I t f<,. cute;j &ores, and
varioae .kin dtscase+, an h ;Oe -t: • "'+ ' an
frectivo curet in every case. 1 would not
evtthmat a box of Zane Bok int he Clouse in cases
of eu;ergeney, and 1 recommit. dell mothers to
kre . a Ioi baud)•."
Mr,.It. Il.1,evy,ot,"iackett'sCoveN$.,para:
- "Eczema broke out wry badly bobiud my
baby's ears, and. de.yito troatotent,, got wore
and war, 1 was oil vi=cd tot ry Zam-Iluk. It
prove 1 effective (1, 111 MY Br. -t, and in a Teti
hart limo it cured t ho ee ois,a completely.
r malty Rc.od to alt -akin injuries and diseases,
pile=, eta• bur, dn,rt;iste and stores everywhere or
7,.m•nuk Ca, T'e •c.,.
Confined to His Home for Weeks.
"Ifeavy work, severe straining and evil habits In youth brought on
'Varicose Yens. ,then 1 worked bard the aching would bcerome
severe and 1 wits often laid up for a week at n time. My family
physician told me an operation was my only hope—tut I dreaded it.
tried.a,veral specialists, but soon found out till t!aey wanted was my
tnoney. 1 clime&necd to look upon all doctors as Lttlo better than
rogues. one day my toss aske•I me why 1 was o7 v:ork so much and
I told him m an:dttem. liundvts• d ern+o eon.rn9. Una Kennedy .t
Kennedy, ashehad taken treatment fro:a them himself and knew
Tin: haw
ki: fr.l. t wrote the -ii r:d got T r.
they were square and s l ro t s
)terneri TREATMENT. 'My pM _Tees was somewhat slow and during
the Brit month's treatment 1 wastwrrtt,what di:.Y+ura rd. Itowevcr
Icrnitinued(rratrnent for three months tenger tern 1 was revard.d
with a complete cure. 1 coukt only earn St I n t: 1: ire n machine
,hep before treatment, now 1 am earning F 2 And r„ser loose a day.
s t' such q ufcrers knew of your valuable tteatinene.
1 11EN::Y C. LOCUST.
111.00D PO1SONs arc the meat prevalent and most serious digest -4.1j They sap the
very 1110blood ofthe victim raid unletssentirely er'alicatd from the sy,t.•el ',tit capes•`
•ri•.us comphtwtl .ns. I:esar a cat Mercury, 1t may suppress the symptom. --our NO'
KT/ IOD cures all Llood diseases.
YOUNG OR ytIDDt C. AGED MEN.-lntpntdent acts or later excesses hay
down your ayctm. You feel tho symptoms stealing over you. Mentally, pit) siea
. e a': y con see tea the error you used to bo or should be. IS alt you heed Chu don ger si
DEAU Q y ire you a victim? have you lost hope, Aro you intending to marry? Has
lilt our Waist Leen illw•s•elf Ilato you ally eerkntst? tpur 4,:w sTtt..0
, r +. •a, sr tr,il Duro yvu. What it Inas dune for others It will do for t- a Consultation
Ilea•• `-u rootlet Who has treated )-•p1,, t.rito for an honest a pri.»-p Frye of Charts.
Pool:* Free—'•Ikaybo,sl„3lnnlvr• 1. Fatberb,od.•• (lel istrated” n fins es of Men.
1,c,.. or-ov.•ioace. Ererrthing Confidential. Question Liat and Coot of Treatment
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.. Detroit, Mich.
NIFIsiN ()TICE All letters from Canada crust be addressed
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
' awmaassimisami itt Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
e.,• tie ix rsona:l c tell .,t • •.:r ,Vertical Institute in Detroit as we secant! treat
no patients in oar Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
1, tl.,t,ttory fur Canadian business ostl . Address all letters as follows:
LV, rite fur our private address.
/link. Mouthy is about 49 miles from'7nr oft land cot wit. find war.. for SOUR RISINGS
Ike cine, Sask, I Wilting hands and hearts. Those n 110
un Thursday evening tact, leer. John; have inhered 90 Nil rCessi:t:.y h:r
Oke ,rented n number of young pea. will have no troub:e in adoptin :
pie to nn oyster 'mover. Avery aoc- themselves to new surroundings and
table rim^ 1,a. alien*”
conditions. Wishing you God's rich-
11;so Mead Uown of 1'(yne's Mills est b:IIssi 11i -t. both tentporal;y ari l
is spending n few days with her un• slririU,ally i1, the Lome of your ebo e
c:r, Mr. It. Kt-ddy. Mord that the sunshine of God's iter
Mr, 11, Iltntchford entertained a proval may always rest upon yunr
number of friends on Friday after -1 (';!lltttay is lh' wish of your W,uay
1,008, t 1'rcnds. ('tease :.et. tit - • at
Un \\ cdne tutay evening of last I alight token of the esteem in
•'k a nurnhcr of the memb'rs o "hich you are bold. Signed n t 1 -
Mh•• Bethesda Methodist church and hail of yo•ir friends -A, Nlitchc... 't'••,.
It iettds of Mr. and Mrs. Itobt .1),,,‘n 0. lieddy.
,net at their home to tender thin a I
Dear Mr. Editor :-Will yon kind- ., -hen I was working around the
farewell and to spend a aociab'e ly allow it little Apace in yoitr t'alii farm last winter 1 had an attack of he
evening together. before Mr. and pappa•, that 1,e may in a few
Mrs. Down leave for the West. They 1 words express oilr sincere thanks to Ilaritmatlon;' writes At r. E. Y. Daw-
es neer to leave about the first t( our manyfriends who assembled al kips. of I ort ltichmond. ' 1 was weak
I 1 for 8 long rinse, but writ enough tG
April, In fin course of the ev: nine our horne on the evening of Feb• 23rd. work unttt springT. But something
hearted friends. w'1 r. an•1 ',tis. Down tree: presented; as n surprise to spend n social arae- went wrong with my bowels, for 1
,titin an address and presentation.; nig and to bid tis farewell prey tete had to use stilts or physic all the
To J1 r. noon was presented a grid', ,0 our leavint for our future home time. My stomach kept sour. and al-
a e ha:n nod locket. and to in the west. \\'c feel grateful to oar ways after eating thele was pain and
Nits. Down a silver set o! kniveq and tnanyr friends and after listening to fulness. and all the symptoms of In..
n 110/011 spoons and a hatter- .lie touching address which was read ,retinal Indigestion. Nothing helped
knife. The eddreis was read by Mr.1 by Mr. dna. Moir, and the preach% a• me until ) used Ur. Hamilton's fills.
,Cohn Moir. Fo 'owin, is th•• address fiat of those valuable gifts from our t
instant of hurting, like other pills.
en r were un- they acted Very mildly, and seemed t0
l • Robert Down + :tole , [ heal the dVerbowels. i did not regWte lento
To ear F end Mrs. ao.t to reply as we wish, 1 10. We
Dear Friends—As 1 he lime of you rd•pscs te get insults with Dr. Hamll
appreciate your kindness. and ;hose ton's Pills, and fee{ so glad that I have
delta draft,, ni,slr, tour many pa -est -not will ever be kept in rt•m••n,- found a mild yet certain remedy. Tom
friends felt they 'would 'like to ex- beraece of. your good will townrtl IS. day 1 am well -nn pain, no sour atom -
we nppreciaie them 'heel nq' of I heir acs, a gond appetite, able to dlgsst
vn!ur but more sen because they mere anything. This Is a whole 1,' of goon)
presented 10 its by the community in for enc medicine to do. anti i can salt
which wil hate lived for no many Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the :,est plils
scare. Dear friends our departure, and my letter. i am sure. owes !t.
from the neighborhood and the see Recuse It Ath tltuto for •IlamIN
lability which or have enjoyed en ton's Pills of Nfandrake : 1 Butter-
nut sold In ye11oW bo" Me. All
Those Who Experience Full-
ness and Pain After
Meals, Stomach Disorders,
and Indigestion, Should
Read Below.
press in POMP tan•:ible %say t h -:r ap•
preciatimt of your eervice:r both in
end not of the church w bile nm(.'lts
ws, Your devotion to the service of
the Mester has been observed by all.
Your sent has beca unabating and
your Sacrifice's have been. we belief•:•.
,t a ilt :mil,
r i n n n keenly ,
+ ice. or r el1
t l Ancef will m kt n tall
fl in , Inn. 111 1 ) hy
the furtherance of 1he .fast is kir,.: 'Unit• object in goiva west. is not to dealers, or The Cato:, ,zone Col.Kingston, Ont.
darn. Your %%elk among tis has burr seek better and kinder neighbors,
s%orthy of incitation. The spirit you 't" r do not like to think that we '.:i1
have manifested has he •n that o' tit- 1 t•ever meet (main but life is nnceria n,
evening zephyrs carrying a r{uieting but we (rust that we may each live
int Merle • to a1i. and your ae1hskt1 so Ibat 11 we never bave the iniViie',.
to truth and right hes tern so mans- 0( 'meeting each other face 'to face in
feat all to create in all A resp:et for this life. are may meet in that bode
IOr. Hamilton's Pills
Cure the Stomach