HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-03-03, Page 4PP‘y a.HE EXE1 4' R TIME 8, MARCH 3rd 1910,, A TRIP '1O . fii: ALT. .t trip to i.e.. lain.s1 ; c.:.ps of New h.+_, !� ilia._. i _ blot •r'1J i• a, 1(•,:' 1f in est t 7 0110 • - - 11 .:J 1101'S I(ul 01111 11lls Illil'l est in any Th•' her L' elle o _ I of t!,0 e!aini :end ;would nut knoll a f - i t m„<,? • ' tine; ii' h :••t •. one, as the one who fir f0un:1 in the Arne; -: • .,,•tai.•( t towar•ls the (ainfl,. :c., .the to u :.,,:1ILt ,i,•• opportunity of getting inability through i :-t„ :.th to ; r-, , , . tuo o1.: ran ;telt strike, iud every per - that ,frets.. sore i :le,: .,:,rt of Ontar;u is looking "Word:: - ••t• tie.. !1 r” 'r 1- , I tole j...: such a chance. to extet . - , .. 's 1-., .... t ti:• • .• . - '1'be-titer last week had the pri- J. P. ", r:: "I 1. (i:eg,e u( visit ug the silver mining all t 011: r , .. tl:. e i.. ' saint: ry and every minute was inter - was hurl• iay rt!. .. , t'l,!::'t u • • , , •,1... back. The .111U1 t•:• Mid I c•v,uln't 1'. weather. in ot!•c. , much to Pe dune (o+• , • tt nt did not conte VI,:: : pallid, and morning and t t, ht :,:. ! • t'..' the t• •1,! re ui the district, lei :01';:1‘11.1011 ,ae T. S O. N. about i nue udr•. d 1,:• s north et North A`ipCtaV!CPrc :ati0itfer:�s- 1; :.. i, , _ 1 : •, has the re- �! 'co ,Imihtilib thtFt,Gtleilalictlulil i..,...,...,„ uC i -toe cold, tit spot on tL'n'i','Sie1�►� 5crAllJtfel4Of the time. I was livid.r roll• 'n /11. : tt being c::ch colder o'• told me of haw welt his ea..tr u• 1 LIII r tie t until 1 y to the no. tit. There g sFa�i•.:}'►!t � _ OP/lit' e•f l', : r> :one, and 1 g.,t is nothiva to 'be seen between North � l; boxes ri4ht Stay an.I Temacan:u the first place I1 w• You ouldlt't , u: e,1Iy ,111pu, teat.: aI011L t he Hue.r Forrozona iteve how • i11.•'4.1 , ., tart ur.• lawn sites, but (}1P3icsrJl,2ShOh,Clle('rfUl- bullt op., up. . .-.o„'du', knoll :t .uniess you ne5sandRcst.Contains i cithrr Cures scents quit.• Ett i...,. noto 1, real tt: tc..- r a -La:k or two composes Opitun.Morpttine norMin.:sal. Weakness :'gain, to feel , _. , ,Le zoilteul''l, vat( Of tht;' :::!.•s, Til,: NOT NAIiCOTIC . ray old self of • 1 ,rad run, n.on.; the edges of mans nstrc, 1 was r. •',• • gltet'ar'sg.tc •Jkt( and when the lakes -" Alt:Delesaly 1" ;.,:;,pair and t..,, ion; i • ani 111 V1cw, there a nothing to bel PI ' /.>k 1rw�OldjySU:fi' /:'!_':£!! ly worn out to feel like living 1. .. • - •u tltrylll►; [Ill' ..1; 0' pin' algae. I re 111 Feriozone, so you can 11:.,. I I,, 1: and there cent De seen lung, lit.y.(,:f .fes [ • how highly 1 prize such a good , ,i- 1 s; tetcir.a of limbless trees, where .."A-.Jnm e ! fJl, - 'eine' My children now say 'in have. destroyed ,►iniops Meer fr..r . :.i 'br' st firs 1'n't tired any afore,' and Mor 111}• tel id- or dollars worth of timber, !caving ( l+rp rata,! . reals sake 1 e t to glad to be •.111 i • • t,i 3 t rraaebr�1.1.- enough to glvo them all the care eel , •u t lrrc;;::., r lura o: desolate !look. Ilya„47r_ attention that every good mother f !a u 1” !)".S.1"c'•uibliutr wiry tnmch a �� •`-. she utast bestow upon her fan-,;:."; l Lep FUIe`• A.iltu.: h the road is __-_ You are sure to be Inv! orates• t •e1; of - of the rucks, it is fairly twin to be built up and kept alw;1, - jut �', r •. t ;ioat.1 time cannot be made itpnJSctRen dy forC011Siipa- your best -you are bound to cot. % -el! , , - of .ire many grades and tion, Sour Stork c1l,llicarrunea the happiness of lasting good 1: t:::, . •• 11'orrts,Carrulsiens levenslt 11 you use Ferrozone. Try lb one or 1 ` Cu•.'.t presents an entirely differ- neseandLOg9OFSLEEP. two tablets along with your meals. rue tie from ? ne ;ountry below. The Fifty cents a box, six for $2.50. all 1, : , i- 1;•1< 1. mostly cut and Ta: Si:.:!e �i;nalura of dealers or The Catarrhozone Co.. a J11, til•. ..:j s on the rock}' /- , leingston, Canada. I .:' c s•- ,jos: h -Cls caul he s., t, u.... actively' en - D 'caged in 111(11:11' I he Ore. N. hick has NE'V YORK. CORNS CURE Es- z, not its ' made that locality famous, and which Ton 1: n Palnles-ly remove any tarn, has made many poor men rieh and either tiara, soft, or btc•vdil:g, by rich men poor, principally the !:tiler. applying Putnam's Corn Extractor. It attention is taken n: the ou, tt tin never burns, leaves no scar, contains no goes brobe. but the one who makes a acids; Is harmless, bOCRUSO composed only of healing gums and balms. Fifty rind and sells Ft for a fortune sud-e Bears In use. Cure guaranteed. Sold den.). tutor, 1.1, irout obscprity to ny all druggists, 2.5e bottles. Refuse prominence and is the talk of the! 'substitutes. vamp. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS The town of Cobalt. and it will in CORN EXTRACTOR tt short time be a city, presents an :unmated scene. Located on the• rocky and hilly s:ope on the side of THE 1'l RE MILK QCESTLON. Lake Gobalt, it is crowded with sten The reporr of the .Ontario Govern- (in every calling. n,•,•e aocial/ life counts for very little. The ,felloity, men; Milk Commission has just been without the price o_ lIis next meal or issued and gives much valuable in- lodging rubs shoulders *with the ono formation and many good sugges_ who cannot estimate his wealth both tgions in reference to matters per- eager in the mad race for ,riches. The streets are laid without any re- taining to the dairy business. Every ^ard 'for regularity or beauty. told effort ehouid be trade along ednca- run in every direction. up and down tional lines to inculcate the value of the roeky domes. In fact the streets resemble a cobweb and are 'for con - cleanliness. Germs are so read;:y venience only. Last August the town conveyed in milk that all possible pre- was visited by a disastrous fire and haft' the business section was wiped out. Since then the destroyed por- tion hers been almost cniirely rebuilt. frith buildings of a more substantial nature than those burned. Notw•ith- standin'r the cold ,weather many frame buildings are being erected to he ready for the spring rush,. *(hen the brick veenerin;f can be. done. (n1a smile •nt hotels. y7trg rates being 1-.50 per day and up. principally up. it has an eight page daily pipes and two or three week- lies al. o' w bich devote most of their space to matiers pertaining to the wines and storks. As a resident al place. Coba:t c'n• nut In said to be especially inviting. It is lezi'.r 011 solid rock and is +with- out ,;ever conveniences, although the.• corporation itrtt-.nd constructing a system by blas•tin,t trenches through the rocks. To thus and the poor •luality of waiter is attributed the epidetnic of typhoid fever last fall. and by ninny. it is feared. there will b•• nn outbreak this spring. The sanitary condition, are tearful. and while ths offiein's keep a strict vigilance the foreign 0e/tient. throw their retwa. just out - cautions should be exercised. Dur- ing recent years there has been no more remarkabel development in the scienti:ie world than bacteriology, Svhich means the study of germs which may be conveyed by milk, water and other carriera. According to latest figures there are 1,200.000 milch cows in the Province. Alto- gether there is said , to be about 1150.000.060 invested in the d3.t'ty business and the annual returq.is-esti- t,'rated ar $15,000,000. Type-- commie. ion recommended these a new dairy barn is needed at i11. Ontario Agri - Altura! Co:lege aee�r also tha, the ()liege might ,int further assist - one( ' Mrs in combatting disease in the herds. It oleo stated that out of 2541 samples tested in Toronto up to rho end of Oeta.b.-r last. 1,014. or about 40 per cent were below 0 per cent butter fat, and the conclusion Is drawn that there is very %rido spread adulteration, as natural milk from 'h., cow is very rarely below 1 per cent. In the United States some of the farms in the vicinity of the large citie.i take a great amount of cafe of the milk. Before milking at the Ti:ty Farina the dist in the yard is completely settled with water. th hove i• turned on the interior of t h stable and the eon are washed 1 br title . In milkin. The melt er el sni.s, clean , .rich 1:.•,11, 1. .1.. 3 sit on stcriliaed n,' t 81(,o - 1 .. : rill in Ifcc'red hand- al- io r, .n. 1i! top Pail.. Th ilruok •: 1 1 lir, 1- • 1, n more i 1: et thin , h I' .) 1.11111% in ti+ Rr, nt 4•'1 ". , . 1111.k.k. Anel fre fuently pro - 11e . with absubete:y no bac- 1 , ry rare accomplishment. lukside Farm the cows no. c'il '1 ,, r3' three weeks and are ,bete :'. ..-i-h1•d, rubbed and dried 1. et 1, I:.rt', only one towel being t:,• d • eh caw. 111 cases such a• Ih • see, tete tnilk retails for a vert .r .11 i h, r 1,- of the I1rooJ:- etA• 1 ,i , 1 1,, et 20 yenta n to, tr. 1'1, 1, .1i • importance ;tier, i .1 Ai- - handling and care u, he ,i*i:k for cun'mniption and In the cream aced for the dairy pro- ducts. 1 t. r• NOT;: AND COJ11iIi:NTe; Ifo, .tie tbooe ntitze'ell d... 1„ „1 Ilan'' : I , ; 1: (Ti fill 1 ',pan h , 1, .,11 K :} elo el.' •'.1 he r r,. i • r' 1 .. *' •111 no i n • • • • • cost CA$TORI For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I XACT COPY OF WRAPPED. In Use For Over hirty Years CASTORI Y..[ CENT*U6 COMPANY. w'W VOaw CITY. . Tiines Want Colu-mn ___ BRICK;1LOCkTORR HALT.____. un -Auction Sale -- Knoas the t'ost Office Block. The building is in good state of re- OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IM - pair. For terms and particulars ap- 1'LEMENTS ply to W. JOHNS. 3.3-2t. The undersigned Assignee of the -�— estate and effects of Patrick Glaviq Residence for Sale insolvent, wilt offer for Bale by Pub. '.'e offer by prit•ato sale on • of lb: choicest residence properties ill F:x,•. ter. Moderate s'ze, pocd repair, con- venient location. Good stable and garden. Apply at once, Gladman &Stunbury 3-311 lio Auction on Lot 21, South Boundary of Stephen Township on Thursday, March 3rd, 1910 at 1.311 p.m. sharp the following val- uable property CIIATTELS 2 roan cons, 1 red cow, 4 hei(crrb, Frame Barn F:)r Sale 1 mower, 1 binder, 1 fanning mill, 1 lumber wagon, 1 double carriage, 1 ft. by 56 ;t. with 16 ft. posts Net bob -i leighs, 1 set Iran harrows. on tot t;, couccssiou 2. flay. Apply 1 gang plop, 1 aeu(fler. a quantityto Peter Murray 110.V 1'. O. of oats and other articles too numer- ous to nle•rtt itsn. Clouse for Sale1t EAI. ESTATEThe •Westerly Seventy acres of Lot On Sanders Street. The house is a Twenty-one on the Mouth Boundary new 1,rick. 2 ,tory with 8 rooms, of Stephen Township. This is a first good furnace, hard and soft water. class (awn convenient to school and For particular.•+ apply to A. Medford. church. There is a good brick house Exeter. 2 -2I -2t and a bank barn, also a good rock -�- well and 1(111(1 rola, Farm for Sale Also Fifty acres being the west half Nifty Cert s • Lot Ni, hBo 2, being tits south half ofof McGillivray.neon Townste hip.North This is anundary of LotCon. al, Stephen, London excellent pasture farm and there is Road. 'There is erected a frame front a good piece of bush on it. and brick kitchen; barn 32x45 on wall TI:i MS (1F f3ALR. a never failing well. The farm is Chattels -Sums of >r10 nrid under, well fenced and drained and in good cash ; over that amount seven months state of cultivation. For father par- credit will be given on furnishing Oculars apply to AV, T. Dilatable, approved joint notes. • Centralia, I'. O. 271-i heal Estate -Ten per cent. on the t_— day of sale and the balance in thirty For Sale days without interest. Two-thirds of sale price may 'be left on .Mexrtgago at five per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to GLADMAN & STANIIURY, Barris- ters. Exeter. JOHN GILL, Assignee. Dated at Exeter the 15111. day of February. 1910. Lot 3, Concession 14, 'ruckersmith, 109 acres, about 3 milers East of Hen- sel!: pew house. frame barn with stable underneath, driving shed. orch- ard. about 15 acres hush, 3 acres of wheat. about 15 acres plowed, gop,i soita Apply at once to Gladman & iStanbury. Barristers. Exeter, Ont. f-2-3-tf For Sale Cottage and three lots in Exeter, being lots Nos. 65, 66 and 57 south of Simcoe Street. On this property Is a - — frame cottage (brick foundation) con- LLABILiTiES twining five rooms and a good oel- Duo to town treasurer $ 82 51 lar also a good well and a large by New Absorption Method. Due school board The 431K3 01 stable. Good Garden and fruit trees. Owing on Debenture property has to be mold to wind If you suffer front bleeding, I Granolithic inti* ts, principal 2x110 1)0 "P on estate. Apply to itching, blind or protruding Railway del)enture, " 2(107 36 GLADJIAN & STANIJURY, Piles, sell( lite our address, and Exeter ('Cols& fres. Co. IX)10 l0 Barristers, Fire engine ,dl Exeter, Ontario. I will tell you low to cure your- Bills payable re gran pay. " :,71x!1 --. self at home.by' the absorption treatment ; and will also send Waterworks " - 1 u+► Farm for Sale. g. FARM FOR SALE- Choice hun- SOIIIC Of this 110111C treatment 'total Liabilities $_f' 11(14 1)4 dred acre farm. being Lot 3,Con. 1, free for trial, with; references 1'ot:►1 A Clefs 51715 83 Usborne, London !toad, :t-4 mile from ;fetal Liabilities 2111U4 1/1 Ccntrnlin, three miles from Exeter. Balance $255141 131) On th- premises there is erected a A( good brick house, all conveniences a e, the undersigned Municipal large bank barn 80x45, finished In -auditors do certify that •eve have latest improved Style; drive house. audited the foregoing accounts good orchard. never failing supply of and find thein correct. and the bat- water; well in house and Karn. 12 once of Eighty-two dotiars and fifty- acres fall wheat and plowing done, one cents (82.51) owing to the Town If not sold privately pn or before 20 Tr•n.ur•r, as on the 31st day Bar, -m- day of'December, will be sold by pub - her 1909. \':. It ('irk:. .los. 1►•it;k. lie auction at a date to be fixed tat - Auditors' Ahctrae.ttuditor,, er. Easy terms of payment. For terms and particulars apply to Jas. IIandford, prop., Centralia or to T. Cameron, auctioneer, Farquhar. PILES CURED at HOME from your own locality if re- quested. Immediate relief send permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to -day tr. MIS: M. Slum/I2*s, nr•Z 841 Windsor, Ont. - I Itnei..\:d, TION VI t.t.Aul: OF EXETER REUIC11"rs To !faience. as per Aud. rept horn MC Cede! 110ney bor'ed for Local limit 6;00 Water works 11(0 Arrears of taxes Met 73 Intl on arrears of taxes :3 Taxes col'd for Mutt. purposes 111130 License Fund :323 Fines and Fees f. }itt'1 4. brags, pub. proli ty etc. 2i Poll 'fax 2 F,x t re Tax d Rents of village property 45 .heir door.. to be breading' Railway taxation 11') ads for typhoid Legislative grant to school 101 germs. w hen the Public school board :3120 -ea.% melts. 111 -re are no !icc•nsu d bars in Co- . on accotini of it being ri mining end the Government officials i : 1 •y hantut:; down tii2 i11- - • r . who run what are cal -0 • !' : ' . - ny constant diligent. th r oddly beim; Weeded out. and Ir, • • i,n were n•akinr n llvin'g by d ,:in; in tba illegal traffic are now .!,, 11 X• 11. 1: !rick step in the Cent - r a'Toroeito. however. I Al - isinI iii -t of liquor 1u -. 1 :n Cob ..t. it being brought 11 r.,r1. 1- ,n(1 others via 1!h• hip 'los: of the whiskey I ' minters is aIIpp' ,1 .1, •,,: 11 1 try. five miles dist- ill,. w. Ie r , h , :t1•,' four licensed ho,e'•. .iiel hi :hese are not a:. .'owed to • 1r'' than one Iho;r1,• to a nein. Ili • min - r manages by vis- itin,r each n., - io ,tet n 1•rbernl stip- ply and nh n h • hags the 'trail for camp. has h:- ! w•!, - 4 full. besides the load he h i.+ und.•r his belt. The mines e'os, at noon on Saturdays and. Cottiel :,ed next week. ('i.'.'i'IRALIA 7.!:..1. 1'. I1,tit. 0" 1) !roil, 1. I, a .1, 1 daughter Vir:cini.i. tori a Lost 1 1 ' 'Ile Jae, . n . , so n - 1 • . h • Methodist par -soo- t 1 , cisme tort * 1 1. nrrl r..I ;1/ h • ;1 few' tion-:. r=: hien wl:iiu 1{, w. .1, (:, Yeaand. or Exeter, ric- h'. ' personal sacrifice in devote .•rlp:ed the ,)4:pit of 'the Jl(•thod.tt par u' their time lo the welfare of Church on Sunday. YL .01c n. h'ot1 can Set in line net! do Mr. Herb 1f.4n'on tuho has been nt- h .t. a r'. . -:adlnq belfnd Inch p: -r• •, feet ib• fo.!••u City Rut tress Col- co.,- s alone by •ohne en- 'e. • is horse ,Won rh sickness. r'o}: r • u, ,, The 'Times Is I•:1 1 is The •i:pwort h Lea rile on Tuesday (re• -,.- -• 1 n., r. and you can he ap evenin:'r mens in charge of Mr. Ii. f1 (,} si !0.111 by ,1..,'rihi!, ioi Swann and Gordon Butt. 1fr. `wader H. vh•t 1 111 1 • Will „ark }o 1 Can eve a fine diseJorse on "The Si ran g- il� tt t', i'1 1Mt ,10 it? er Within Our Gates," Tickling in the Throat "Just ;t little tickling in the throat!" Is that what troubles you? But it hangs on! Can't get rill of it! Home rem- edies don't take hold. You need something stronger --a regular medicine, a doctor's medicine. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral contain:; healing, quieting, and soothing proper- ties of the highest order. Ask your doctor about this. No alcohol in this cough medicine. re. A!rcrC o.Trit, 41,-r ' r. -=s 2- • a 11/41~ nifni n,ralw s +sea Mesa Vs-ave-_ar:. Constipali•rn positively prevents good health. Then why allow it M continue? Au ;,.•live 111'crisagrratpreventive ofdiseastt. Ayer's Pills are liver piUs. What docs you,doc:,:ri'y? Non-ie'd't taxes from co. treas. 3 13i11 payable °hies bor'ed) 11511 int'! on ;avis and deposits 23 Orauolithic rtg tax 17 Street watering 11)7 Cemetery Kill Miscellaneous IN) 77 40 25 67 50 50 30 07 10 11 (NI 35 1:3 ii) Total Receipts $35530 42 EXPENDITURES County rate $1771[ 1:3 Streets, drains etc 11121 :tf Town hall ::et 07 Sabo -lea and commissions 77 2 Water s'ply & tire worn t11 ir4 I'tg, stationery and postage 34I2 !N) begat Ices '31 78 Hoard of Health 11) Public I.ihrary 9N) i --...•: ' (:haritiers 11N1INI ,Yn I (` Coo �I BillsRegi p pi�hle 4111.-11:71 J Op0IS O IIIie o o[1 NOM Wes in't other than deb, in't 11051KSTKAb 11F:el1t.ATIuNS.:; Sttl'et lighting UM 31 ,toy fs•r..on w hu ,. r Le •u:e h•• Hills Ode & in't re cement walk 11)1:! 88 of a 1a3n1,/, or ens n1n:,• over 11 Insurance 50 years 0:41 may homestead n (,1:114-, Street tvnte rit'g; 3.)., - merlon. of available Ilonnn,ou In1)d 11 Refund terror in assessment) (1 r13 Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Ail,ert. Election expenses 411 00 The applicant roust a'Tea.' Ili 1c•1•),. Excret (':an q h lit.'s; ('o. deb debt ik31 10 at the I lotitinion Land. Agf,u,•'y u• Kailwnyteletitaredebt 8)))80 7o Sub -agency for thodist riot. Entry b) ran'hic pav't deb, debt 1irj11 :f lousy may be had at I be ageuoy, of Fire engine deb. debt ' 70 e, 1180, conditions, by fattier, roof h«, Loralcry f►:,i :3« •, n. dnughtrr, brother, or *,,,ter o Local nnli is re pavements St;* , 11!) rrienduug homesteader. la Waterworks fd;IN11122 Duties: -S.1 month. residence 1111-'I ATiscellaneotts 11:3 1)1 .1 11,1 cu11Iva tion of I be laud to east Pub. school teachers salaries Um 35, „1 three y4,118. A bomestcnd.•r u1•.) " Sec. & j,tn'ts " :112 51' live wi1hat nine miles of his 110111•- hlPl etc. , 11131 ::::.:1‘.1t toead nu i .!arta of at Irmo NO lief... 10 miscelianeons it:121:134:;i i0; s;cls ow lied and occupied by him ei, -- -- his father, mother. eon, d'tu)Lte, Total expenditures $31,0113 03. brother or sister, Total receipts e855341 (2 In of-rlain d;str.t•t', a hotnesten b-' ophit balance s---8-;---...... n wood standing !nay pr.•-empl . 2 '.l„artie1 Seel .041 11:oni4side his horse As:►F:rt9 1 Meati. l'rieo $3. ter acre. Inities- Taxes in arrnats $ Ifki $ Jl i i rer.lt' six month. inennh of ISA Land inducting parks I years (tout dire of tintnestrsd P01 r ) Buildings, furn,ut;e etc. (ex- i (.I,eiul,bnu the time required to Pt'1 elusive of sehoul lid) 1 1101114',t Pad patent) and cultivte• Met►nol pr"perry IIYY1 fifty ,ores e.trn. Waterworks lint) ,11(' 1 A ho.nestendet 11 tin tin. e•ilia nttr! Inlets imp'ts etc) 71131(14:1102 1 his lu fierce right sn•1 Cannot or. (;ran.pavPrltPlltH(new) 7:(:1!1 Ertl, rain a pre-emption may Ink, n 111,r Fire halls and appliances 1158► 1 chased homestead in certain dig' r,Pt• I'uhlic ,ihrarp li,410 Pros `3. per acre. florin. -Mu., ('-meters :K3(NI i reside 8,1 n'on,he in earh of thr••. Exeter (•a''.K fi fres ('o *r'tg 1641)year., celtit••.te fifty !tierce and err,, 1: Ai keg, I,'tIK & we'Kt' scales 40141) I n Nomas wan h x30O.(Ar lined 141414 tt'! a A: un f. tvns 2410.41) ; w, W, 0(100. TO I Deputy of the WInIstet of the nt.'rio. K. 8, -Unauthorised pnblk•a,lon d this •lfrevt s 'notal 1►l'sets $Mit 1 I:► Ki Mae{ will nee he paid for Township of Usborne Dogs running at large prohibited Pursuant to Jay -law No, 2, 1910, and n resolution of the M'uliciPal Council, i hereby declore Ibnt all dogs. within the Township cI borne. shot) shot) he wither secure;y chain- ed in an outhouse or other building, kept under lock and toy. or efficiently !nuzzled with metallic muzzles. so as to prevent them from biting or snap- ping. in accordance with the regila• inn( of the 1'rovinelsl Board of Health and orator of the Deputy Min- ister of Agriculture of Canada dur- ing the period of time commencing on the '2Ist day of February 1910 and ending on the 21s: clay of M11:11 1910 both days inclusive. A.. corm ati &s or other persona or.• hereby authorized to kill any r:n- uluxsled dog; found running at large during; smelt period. Any person owning er harboring a dog and perrnit:ire; is to run at large without beim; tnuasled as afore- said, shall he liable to the fine pro- vided by the 111 *.lI (('5, (liven tinder my hand this 16th. d:ty of February 1910. ,1(111 N M.01It, iteeve. The Huron Weather Insurance Company. PETITION FOR CHANGE (11: HEAD OFFICE NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fifteen days from the first publication hereof', The Hu- ron Weather Insurance Mutual Com- pany, will make application to the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario in Council, that the !lead Office of the Company be changed from the Vil- lage of Zurich in the County of 11u• ron 'to the Wiling(' of llensa:4 in '(be said County of Huron. Dated at Zurich this First day of March, 1910- A. G. BMILLU:, 3-4-2 Seer •tar}•. Clearing Auction Sale Auction Sale OF FARM IN U'UCF E1t5M1T11 The underaigned has received itt. structions from the proprietor Biro David Gibb to sell by public auctiota on Monday, 1March 7th. 1910 at 2 p. m, at The Commercial hotel, Ilensa% that desirable farm property knows at Lot 3. •, Concessicln 14, Tuckers smith, containing 100 acres more or less. This farm is well located about three rniiek east of Hensel'. Ilas new house, frame barn with stable under. Heath, driving shed, orchard, about five acres bush, three acres wbcae and fifteen acres fall ploughed. Good soil. This is a good chance to buy a tarot as the 'proprietor has given up farming. ; TEItalS OF SALE Ten per cent. cash on day of vale. Balance on April 1st, 1910. further particulars and conditions &rade known on day of sale or may be had (ruin tho proprietor of upon applia cation to. THOMAS CAMERON.. Auctioneer, or, GLADMAN & STANHURY, Exeter, Vendors Solicitgrs. WANTED -Good girl for genera! housework, apply stating wages to e 1301 N Exeter, to Ont. t1v WANTED -Good - (' n � ANTED •ood gcticral servant', one who can cook preferred' good wages, apply stating expereienco Mrs. Chas. F. Verity. 73 Sheridan St., l3rantford, Ontt FOR SALE -Mr, Itichard 'itobiuson offers for sale his place 1-2 mile sout?a of Exeter, comprising three acres o land. There is a good brick lhousti stables, and small orchard on lanai+ 1'or further particulars apply to Rich. and Robinson or Thomas E. Handford Exeter. 2-21-4 t. P. :' lti�ltil•+++IN Manure Litters Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & 6tanchious can be installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Blu(lel' These three things ate gtea labor -savers for farmers and necessities cn a farm. For sale by W. T. Gillespie Phone 51. ergo B1.1.1.S FOR SALE - marker 511 again on the arker with a wpply of eh young pure brad Shorty 11(11) bulb. These an good individuals. got by Count /Virago's. They area good color and will be registered and sold well worth the price, to mato OF FA It JL STC/71( room for the )) ouneer ones. Can also spare a few females. Scotch fire, a beautiful roan 1111. alai one Mr. Thos. Cameron has been in_ of the heat to be had, heads the herd and will be structed to sell by pubic auction on kept forthe aN i:i nurnt of Ie, Co eee ton n!, IInl. Lot 16, N. Thames !toad, Osborne, on orlkxe24'tIlett 1il1'.lat, Nor U:, Conees.ion 2, liay, FRIDAY, JL\RC11 11th, 1910 at one o'clock fiber') the foLowing Nal. DR. G, F. 1{UL'Ls1'UN, L. D. d, liable properly. D. D. S., Dentist. Member o IlfiltSES-1 brood mare 8 years cid R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honpr draught, eligible for registration ; ,1 Graduate of Toronto University. Ir first-class II 4 geldings years o:,l, O1F7ICK:-Over Dickson & Carling'• Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors Farm for Sale agricultural; .1 gelding! years tad. Two hundred acres. iota 20 and 20 draught; 1 driving mare 5 }cars old 10th and Ilth CaticeasiOn of Ste- quiet and reliable; J aged driving often. The arm has 10 acres good marc quiet and reliable; 1 gelding 3 hardwood Shah. bank barn 12 x 36, 3'eara old, carriage, broken to harness and root house 25 x 22 joining barn, 1 gelding 2 years old, carriage. and ,granary on top of root house • LA'I"rLE-1 cow newly calved; 7 good frame house• never 'failing well, coos due to calve in March and April Dental Surgeon Office over (]!adman & Sten bury Main street- EXIrTEI. Dit. A, R. KiNSMAN, L. It 8„ D D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. cistern nt the barn ; good orchard. The other has frame barn, good wells, orchard. Roth are in good 6 choice heifers 2 years old ; 1 cats- •. state of cultivation. I11068 AND FcWL-2 sots s' with These farms will be sold together litter at foot, 3 s,Q1s du in March or separate or will sea 150 acres. and April; n number of fowl. Possession can be had on March 1st, (Positively no reserve as the pro= prietor has rented his farm. 'mots OF SALE 8 'months' credit will be given on furnishini approved jo nt. notes. or a discount of 5 per cent. per n1111111 +till he a :low cd for ctnh. SiMIJN CAMPBELL, T. CAMIEit(:•N Prop. Auct. 15 steers rising 3 years old, gotta grassers; :1 steers rising 2 years old : 1910. For further Particulars apply to "hot. 11. Martin. Exeter. Ont. Farms for Sale That choice farm being composed of parts lots 18 and 19. concession 1. township of 1"sborne. in the village of Exeter. 100 acres. On the prem. ises there is an tip -to -date S -storey brick duel ling !more with a:1 r con- veniences; Jorge hnnit barns with water in stables; silos. drive hoose W. BROWNING, M. D„ M. 0 ea • P. 8,, (Graduate Victoria U varsity. once and resldensoce. Domlalen Latlorster•y, Meter Associate Coroner of Huron. R. Bright, M. D„ M.U. I'. and AeL.8., Honor Graduate Toronto U. iversity. Two years resident i,hysician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and residence, 1)r•. Amos' old stand Andrew Street, Exeter. Auction Sale MONEY TO LOAN f; l'' I .\!:`,1 Sl'UGI: \\D l,lll'hI{. We have uallmttedprivate turd. for Iambice house, 8nd fruit of all kinds; 601 one upon tarns or v61Age',ewer:y*4 lowish acres in hay and grass. 0 :,ems of fall JILN18 r..reofinterea. wheat. balance plowed last full. This The undersigned has recciv.-d :11,11 .c- DICKSON & Ce1tl,INl1 faun is in a high slate of raltit•ntion lions to sell by Pubae Aucttoh on -- Sieber Lot 3S, N. 11. Stephen Half Mile East 1't. lIlake, on Tuesday Jlarch 8 1910. at One o clock sharp the fol'ow- hush. Cit acres in vnbmble proper!} :• geese. balance all a IIOIt8E8-1 driving marc rising 6 ''owed; n'so never -fruiting well with' years old in foal ty Prince Arthur ,baste;:•: 10(1 1::-tk. Th:, pro;'. -r.3 is 1 1 driving horse rising 4 years old 1t ell adapted for gracing or ordinary • Hired by Nordine. 1 heavy horse et: t farming. These properties will be sold in part or whale to suit pur- chasers. Possession given in 'larch. i:nsp terms of payment and must be sold as the proprietor's health has failed and ir. is r tiring. For terms and particulars apply to ALi',\ DoW Prop. on the premacs. or no Tilos. CAMEIt(N, Auct.. Farquhar.• -2-10:f and well ndnptcd for a man that wants to do a dairy business or gen- eral farming. Also lot south 1.2 G. concession I. township of 11ar, con• raining; 50 acres, 2 acre', of hardwood Auction Sale Thomas Cameron has received in- structions frorn Wm. \\"ilsori to Meeh by public auction at the Central ho- tel, Exeter. on Saturday, March 12th. 1910 at 3 o'c:ock p. m. That choice 50 acrert bein; co:upose3 of the East half of Lot 26. concession 4. Township Of t'sixyne. (Yo the premises there is ❑ nie • op -to -date. brick doe ling; with all conveniences. lar ae 1:)1'14 lora 4411( sil80 pit. hen and drive house, 10 acres of goof! hardu nod bush with 250 Inapt'. 1 rtea 5 acre in fall wheal. 10 acres in erase and the balance all p!otished. :tato tt good young orchard of apples, pitons and small fruit; never -failing sup- ply of goad spring. enter. Thea is tin Ie,me In •ro)d neighLorhood. con- venient to eh)4Iches echo'; :old Iu r ket. 1,.•ing four miles from 11'e 1o11n of Exeter and live •,frorn Ilensall, Easy terns o; payment. mit 00181 be so'd. possession 4ive11 011 completion of putehas:•. Treats nett male knots n day of sa'e or nn appli- cation to Mr. WI'sots nn the pr•n1'- at.a. ❑1 tho 'r1 1); fiC,• or 11) Thr. •. Cameron. Auctioneer. Far Lubar. '. DICKSON & CARLING, 11 lrrl•.tere Solicitors Notaries. ('oav asewe Commies; ser., 1io11dton ,or t11e MOWS. Hank. Rbo, homey to Lean at lowest rates of Istoree► OVIIIWC,-RAIN ITKEI.T, SINTIpi, C*PLttpO a. A. t.. N. DICitia/ risen); 3 years old sired by Alb:on. 1 Wood Horse colt rising 3 years old 1`�ONEY TO LOAN. sired by Nordine. 1 sorrel team sil- ver mane and tail, rising years !fie hate alarge amount of private testis sired by Albion. 1 pacin►r tsar: colt 'afon!arealandvtllagepropertleeatlowrals rising; 2 years old sired by Non I'ar- loherseb (MADMAN & STANHURY ole, 1 hrnwy mare cost riling; l year HarN.tere Wieners Mann et. kse5M 1)111 sired by Albion, 1 heavy house roll risinlr 1 year old sired by hear}• .'*rt1i*r. 1 blood horse colt rising I %� ONiJ11OI UAN year 010 ::rat( ht• .' n 1'nrole. ! r,. , an Fannaml 1pnave rr,l,e•rtiel at Inw(0 rata It E,V1EE-1 caws i11 ea;:.1:'ll interest, In'I•n,te.lslid ouherNorthwest LatcMand cow. 5 steers rising 3 year's old. : •i„:'••141)7nrul••. ttetea to loan ell emit property Nei:ere rising; 3 yours old, 4 Milers Ehil” ST F.LLIOT, rising 2 gears old. 2 steers rising 2 cor,reanrer, ere Office, Man► 81. E x Pie years old. 2 calves rising 1 year old �. ' young a'Inc Usborne and Hibbert 1'168-2 cows supposed l0 pig 8)10)47 time of sale. 10 atoekers 4months Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- 11' d. ImplenlenIs-1 Massey-llarris bind- er No, 1. 1 plower No, 4 nearly new. 1 etillivntor Massey-Ilarris. new. 1 Head Oftico, Farquhar, Ont. drill 12 hoes near:y new. 1 disc. 1 set president -.I. [. RU88i:Lh. diamond harrol's. 1 wuo(en roller, 1 scuff!rr. 2 walking; pmts. a double a ia•.I'reeid,nt-W. 11. I'A88MORa gang plow Cockshut. Ilay rack. Co. DiRECTORS, Gm: box. 1'ulper. Top biggy. d''an- WN. Roy. 13o081101.11 P. 0 niter mill. 2 :umber wagons. (.rain Wm. Bence 1VIN(pl rNK.t P, O. carrier, Gravel box. Wagon box, Pig I', RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0, box, I•needa separator, Peaks 10011 ROBERT NOBItIS, 8taffa, 11,,1 2 set heavy 1orkin:r harnss. .1 hedsle:ll8. Slui(ni*4' wheel, ane! 01)1 r AOEN'rs, articles too nlnnerous to mention. tr111N r.ssvnS', Bxoter, +senI t ee 7•I•:li\14-AM stints of 1,(10 and urn- ;/stones turd Iliddulph. der. cash: giver (bat 1tnn•int ; htllr1l lit rt(Ilii .fii! 1 F)t•en nn (nate (nLIyEH H:1BIt1' NI 4,(4 t• "eat ;shin;; npproyrd jmnl notes. nr a n, Hihbeet, Putl.r,nn .trtA Lofisa. disronnt n' f' per ccn1. 1,11 for rns)l. JOSHUA .((111 NS 1•:D, hosier':'I31•:ItltV. Auction air. bocY•Treas• Ferquhar ,I(;8. 1411AII1IUV, Proprietor, 11,8DMAy A ATA4fit'RY. a,►felfeN arse Gompanu 1 '•