Exter Times, 1910-03-03, Page 3E VOUNO 'Many Women Suffer
Nicodemus was a fat little black
nosed pug -dug. Dort thy found him
un l'hristtus a morning tied to the
gnat preen Christmas tree with a
less red ribbon.
"O you dear doggy'" exclaimed
Dorothy, giving hint a hug.
"You're the very best present
I've ever had:"
All day !oug Dorothy played with
her new pct. Books and toys were
all forguttee. Nic'odemns could
play hide-and-seek bet t! 'r than
many little buys and girls. and he
did not mind being "it" at every
game. He could net blind his eye
very well, to 1). retie. shpt hits up
in the library, and when she called
"Can'" mama let. hits out ; and
then how fast he would run, snif-
fing here and there, until ut last
he would find her.
Dorothy liked to play this game
very much indeed. but she did not
like to have a little pug -dog smart
enough to find her every time. so
one day she thought and thought
of a very hard place is which to
Untold Tortures in Silenc
that. 'mow-' „ -» .- -- •-- ' -- •
"Land: how disagreeable every -
e1 thirst; is!" cried Ma, "h •re's Jule
_ _- _ _-.-__________ ! a gitti11' toad at her own brother,
end here's you, Opal, huyih' 110
They Can Pe Relieved by Keeping the 131ced Supply Rica .Inds to wear le the picnic. But
and Pure With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. � don't
believe 'ea is n`tyourl I hl�tah
1' erything mere disagreeable tIi:i
__ - - etre.,,
A woman nerds a blood -building to lose all courage. I tried ECverul Cut Opal could net give up the
Int 'keine• regularly just because she (lectors, but they failed to give mo idea of a new dress, and `.o, as seen
is a woman. From maturity to any relief. The la't doctor I con- g5 her father and her brother Jed
middle life the health and happi- silted told Inc frankly that lir could were sated nt the :.upper table that
ntNS of every woman depends upon not undertake my case unless 1 evening, she courageously said:
her blood. its richness and its re- t':ould undergo an CxaIItinatios. It ••Pa, can I hate a new dress to
gularity. If her blood supply is ir- has then 1 decided to give Or. Wil- wear to the picnic 7"
regular site suffers from headaches, Hams' Pink ('ills a trial. After "A new dress," echoed her fa -
backaches, bideaches, and other taking six boxes I was much im- ther gruffly. '`I don't know no-
uf,speakable distress which only proved in health, but I continued thin' about it ; but this 1 du know,
women know. Some women have t•, take the Pills for a couple of we've gott;l be awful careful of
grown to expect this suffering at months more when 1 felt like a new money jest new while the factory's
regular intervals and to bear it in woman, and w88 eujuying Buell tennis' light."
hopeless silence. But women health as 1 had not experienced for "What'd 1 t(1) you, Chest 1" asked
would eseaPe much of this inisery ten years before. I have had no her mother significantly.
if they took a box or two of Ur. return of this trouble since, but. I Pa ate his potatoes and ,neat in
Williams' Pink Pills to hcl 1 them 1
I here used the Pills once ::ince that grim silence. But, after he begun
over each critical period. These tune for the after effects of la in the rice pudding his scowl gradu-
I ills .cereal(• make new blood. They grippe, and the result was all I ally relaxed, and a leek of peace
help a woman just when nature hoped for. '('hese are plain facts overspread his tired face; for the
makes 1 he greatest demand upon ire m toy awn experience, and 1 pudding tasted very good to hits.
her blood supply. They have dune Lave always felt that I earshot too :Ned as he slowly munched the rai-
th:•• for thousands of women strongly recommend Dr. Williams' sins. he glanced speculatively at
throughout Canada, why not fur Pink ('ills to the many women who ()pal; then, after every crumb was
you 1 suffer as I did." gone, said pleasantly, "What kind
Mrs. r Joseph hinney, Gilbert's of a dress de you want, Opal 1"
('eve, N. S., says:- -"For ten years You can get this great blood
"I'11 go into my closet and shut suffered from nervousness and building, health restrering medicine " thin white ore; and I can't
the door ti •' ght,rhe said to her- those troubles that make the lives go t to the picuie without anew
telt; and up she went to her room. (•f so many women one of almost
"('n(.!" she called loudly, as she ccnstant misery. At times I would
shut. the door. "('00 : coo ! cool be confined to my bed for weeks.
she now called again. 1 spent sleepless nights and seemed
Nicodernus heard her as he was
eating a Chueulat•e drop down in
the dining tours. Ile pricked up FATHER WAS AN INVALID.
his ears and sniffed with his nose. It had been a hard day in the
sand then up over tele stairs he field and father and son were very
hungry. The only things eatable
ou the table were 12 very large ap-
),j, for she was eager to get out. ap-
ple. dumplings. The father had c•on-
Rurtied 10 while the boy was eating
a her dark hiding -glare, but the rate, and then both reached for the
door stuck fast. Then she pushed ne
o . remainin><.
and pulled with all her little "Son," pleaded the father, "you
might, but the door would not w -c iildn't take the last apple durnp-
tepon. lin i
''Oh," screamed Dorothy, "1 g from your suer sick pa, would
can't get out! 0 manna!" she you 7"
shouted. The closet, a as so black A MOTHER'S PRAM?
\rc•odemus barked as loud as
eyes. he could when he found thatThere are thousands of mothers
his little mistress was in trouble. throughout Canada who have no
and finally mother carne running hcsitstiun in riding that the good
to bee what, was the ,natter. health enjoyed hy their little ones
"0 dear:" moaned Dorothy. as ib ftltirely due to the judicious use
"1 was Eo oef Baby's Own Tablets. And there
she wiped her eyes.
Irightcned! I'll never hide in a are many mothers who do not
lard place again. never:" he sitate to say that at a critical
Nicc;dernus wagged his tail and period Baby's Own Tablets have
shook hie head wisely. --Youth's saved a baby's life. Such a medi-
cine sheltie! aleays be kept in
( romp:(niers. I every
home. Mrs. .1. A. 1'orier, Pagliet-
sweat, straight to Dorothy's closet
She turned the door -knob quick -
1..1D k' ('(►OIv \tO\IAN••
What human can fail to be seri-
ously• if not favorably, impressed
with Lady Cook's sane arguments
in favor of the franchise for wo-
men when she thus reasons;
The question of the franchise for
ville. N. n.. says: --"We give
11aby's Own Tablets all the credit
for keeping our little one well.
They are an excellent medicine for
children." Se 1d by medicine deal-
ers or by mail at 25 cents a box
horn The Dr. Williams' Medicine
('u., Melville. Ont. -
ile--"That handsome girl over
women is one which must he de- there trade a feel of me two years
Med in their favor sooner or later "Pe" She -"1 feltsure that s••me-
-the sooner the hitter. For it is thing happened in your past life
no longer a matter of sentiment, that you had never got over."
but of justice. The fact that niers Mothers. Give the Children • Chance,
than one-half of the inh'lhrtants of Sr:,nking dors not cure children of bed.
(hie country are dis(anchised, and .,sting Tbcre is a constitutional chi lienal f bed.
politically ranked with lunutics, for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, ilei t1'
idiots, criminals, and infants, sole- ;)n, Wind%or, Ont., witl'end tree to any
lye because of their sex, in an ano- mother h'r stir' re..'u1 home tryaUnrnt,
maty so glaring and iDC,l.;itable with full instructions. Fend no money,
that it must not and cannot con -
but arite her to -day ii tour children
In ages of government by physi-
cal force, when every than was a
warrior, there might have been
goad reason for excluding women
from political functions. Now,
however, the citizens of this coun-
try Nile 'there to fight for them,
and soldiers and sailors are paid
through the taxes which are imrns-
e i 8(1(111 We 'men equally with tnen.
The tyrllnnv of taxation without
reprrur.tl:i.on, Realest which every
Eng'isbnlan feels justified in tak-
ing up arms the world over, is laid
twos women still. How Inng i•s this
grave ni11a1tice to continue 1
For men to der:re that the active
sy'mpithies and aspirations of nn
intelligent woman should be cir-
curnseribed solely within the do-
mestic area is to wish her to be
a demestic serf, n slave of the
hearth. How could such an (.roe
in this" times possibly become the
teethes. of men of len :1•l vies( a and
generous impulses We ei r.1 illy
trouble you in this way. P,en't blame the
, hold, the chance% are it can't help it.
1 his Treatment ahocurer adult.' and aged
people troubled with urine difficulties by
day or night.
There are two sides to c very ques-
tion- your side and the wrong side.
Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
ator has no equal for destroying
worins in children and adults. See
that you get the geuine when inrr-
Some peiple say they do as they
plea a but do they?
fleas M Re Intl TIIMR as a barmt•.e ',It"
tenable goes Irma bail L. west.. v, .,. clerk.
Albers Lung Haham mores lh• w"r4 of
Se d.. it allays Indium dies, sad clear. the t.1r
/ Usages.
(ruin any dealer in medicines ur dress:„
direct by mail at ree cents a box, Pa sheepishly handed Opal three
e six boxes fur $•1.50, from The dollars. 1 !
I)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock -
"Oh. thank you, Pa," cried Opal
vine. Ont. jcyfully. '•('aei i have it, Mal"
"Didn't your l'a give it to you 1
11::11NST CO\'ESI'itlP'f10\.
But I (lunno as he would if we
hadn't worked on his feeliu's with
Parc Air, (food Food. ('Ieanlines', the puddin'," wried M
Sure helpers, "A good puddorin' turnetha. away
wrath," grinned Pa. -Everybody's
Air.-- Fresh air and sunshine are Magazine.
necessary to good health. - +
('cld or damp fresh air does no AN EXCELLENT REMEDY.
harm if the skin is kept waren.
Night air is as gond as day air. Dill Break I'p a ('old in Twenty -
Breathe only through your nese. four Bourn and Cure Any Cough
Avoid hot, crowded, dusty, dark That is Curable. •
or damp rooms. The following mixture is often
Fond. --Live on plain food and prescribed and is highly recem-
ent regularly. mended for coughs, colds and other
Eat slowly, chew thoioughly and throat and bronchial trouble: Mix
avoid fried food. two ounces of Glycerine, a half
Drink water freely (nest iced).
Exercise and Rest.- ilegular ex-
etcise is es ential 10 geed health.
Go to bed early and sleep wit
the windows open.
Never sleep in a damp bed.
('lothing. -- Wear only loose
Never sit with wet feet or damp
Cleanliness. - Consumption and
other disease% aro spread by care-
less spitting.
Spittle on the floors of rooms,
halls, stores and cars will certain-
ly he breatl ed in the form of dust.
Keep elea:i. Wipe and dry the
body quickly every day.
Keep your finger nails clean. and
wash your face and hands before
you eat.
(lean your teeth after e:a.•11 meal How many people do you know
and before going to bed. whet can repeat the ten command -
Never hold money, pencils, geins meets(
or other things in your mouth. ---
Never lick your fingers while POGO re Our Reader&
turning the pages of a beak or write Nunre 1.r. Cem.oly ('n. ('hlcagek
counting money. --w Jet--e�• ler tspaf. itlu•tr.lfrd re r,•nk Fres
Brite all about Tour fv. Tr..,11. and
Board of Ileallh. IM, well 4dt1.0 a. is the Frnprr Applies �1'Rt (rive Syrupcontinues to t.C(•tl
hen of the Menne Eve. Rrm..Lr+ In Your 1p,•
IFperlal ('ope. Your nrnrgl•t w,u toll toe .1 foremost place writing remedies
'test Motive Rrlt.•.• Store flee, htr.ngth
The ('rick in the Lack "One ea, w'eok r;y••. D.w•.,'t (.mere tvwthes t• r coughs and colds, and as a pre.
touch of nature makes the whole Ire Pain and ern, for 'o: Try It In vrnliye ,.f decay of the !units. It is
world thin," sings the poet. But Lfel,d•'and UlrauulaI n LY" for dcali is standard medicine that widen.:
i)ear friends," Legate the poli-
tical esndidat-•. "I call y4,,1 'dear
friends.' 1 n 't call you ladies
and gentlemen. because. you see,
knew you all so well."
Mark 5,n111crn Tells How 'they
Raised Him from a lied of Sicic-
ac•ss, Cured 11is Kidney Disease
and Made Ilial a Well Man.
Skipton, Buck Lake, Sask., Feb.
21 (Special).- :After thirteen years
suffering frutrt Kidney Disease
brought on by an accident, Mark
Southern, of Heslaker Farm near
here, is a well man. and he is not
slow to state that he ewes his cure
10 1)odd's Kidney Pills.
''It began with pains in my
back," Mr. Southern says, "and
across my l"ins, Sold of late years
i beeanit. very week and for days
i had to keep to my bed. i had all
kinds of advice and tried a great
ninny medicines, but all to nu pur-
"Reading an advertisement in•
duced me to give Dodd's Kidney
Pills a trial, and 1 wrote for six
boxes. After taking the first box
i began to feel relief, and after us-
ing five poxes 1 felt quite well
again. I ata now able to get about
my work and feel no effects what-
ever from the old complaint."
Dudd's Kidney Pills clean all
Kidney Disease, and all diseases re-
sulting from disordered Kidneys
right out of the system. '!'hat's
how they cure Bright's Disease,
Diabetes, Dropsy, Rheumatism and
llaekaclic. '('hey do it by putting
the. Kidneys in good working urder
and they always du it.
Scarcity of Horses Available for
Military Purposes.
Sornr thing akin to a panie has
taken possession of Br.tish states-
men i►1 the last few years owing W
th• scarcity of mailable horses for
military purposes 111 ceee of war
since the automobile has cone in-
to the field :is a rival and a menace
ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine corn• to the horse, yet statistics would
pound pure, and right ounces of trent to indicate diet.the British
pure Whisky. These can be bought Empire could furnish horses enough
any good drug store and easily and to Spare provided the means
:nixed together in a large birds. were at hand to transport thein to
The genuine Virgin Oil of fine flee scene of action. Canada has
compound pure is prepared only in eeeer, no, or More than the mother •
the Iabeeretories of the 1.each ('hc counjr•y; Australia 1,'71,c08, and
niical Co., Cincinnati, and put rte Itrit•.h India 1,1(13.21,3. bite other!
for dispensing in half -ounce via k.. (irptndltsw•eli the testa( num-
- 5' bcr of hnr'esto :'� 1?melee to I
A girl's idea of haying a. gond at.olt H. ),(NRI.
time is to do something she thouget 'i'
It ttas at a little north western
town in New South \\ides. A tray -
ening Englishman stood on the ve-
randah of the. piihlir heseie watch.
hie the nun pi, down across the
Black Soil Plains in a splendor of
purple and gold.
"By jive! ' he exclaimed to an
impassive bushman elle was loung-
ing against a post. "That's gor-
geous, isn't it 1„
Ilse bushman slanted his head a
little and looked critically at the
glowing west. "Not bad," he
drawled; "not bad --ler a little
place like'loggabri."
Hope for til(• Chronic Dyspeptic.
--Through lack of consideration of
the body's nerds many persons al-
low disorders of the digestive ap-
paratus t'e endure until they become
chronic, filling days and nights with
suffering. To these a course of
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is re-
commended as a sure and speedy
way to regain health. 'These pills
are specially compounded to com-
hae dyspepsia and the many ills that
fellow in its train, and they- are
Fll(•CeSsftll ale Sys.
"Won't you try to love me?" he
"I have tried," she replied, kind-
ly but firmly.
"My rich aunt has just du -d,'' he
went on.
"ln that rase, dear, I will try
again !"
a. -
AT TH-E ItEST;'ti 1L NT.
"Waiter, why do you recommend
everybody to take a beef a la mode
t. -day 7"
"Because, sir, if it isn't all eat-
en we shall have it for dinner our-
In a town not fifty miles from
here a lady went into a store and
asked for a box of Zarn-Ruk. She
was told that it would cost fifty
cents, and that a larger box of an-
other ointment could be bought
cheaper. In a moment of weakness
she took the cheaper box. When
she had u!,ed it she still needed the
Zein-Buk as badly as before, and
bought a box.
The Zam-Buk did whist she need-
ed, but as she had height the use-
less ointment. toe. she paid just as
much again for the benefit derived
as if she had bought %ars-Buk in the
first instance. She was sorry--
Zan-Buk line years of honest re-
commendation behind it. People
have proved that it cures. irritation
fi►.,a eoni.tius s•:r 1ritrishrnent, and
f Zanl�lftak Tail in the•
would be inn bccaube she wasn't. DON'T WAIT until your neighbor Ia• imitations o
g.t1 t e ,e. •f .•r •-rapMtn an yourself Cee. one essential feature -they never
snowed to do it. KEITH 1 SONS, Seed Merchants, Toronto, work Znit Ituk cures. When you
are , Perin,, o .t'' Nee. Hurley and
soot. 1. grown Reef nrratrd Hann•, (l,te, ask for Zeus -Bilk don't Yake any -
TO CORP A COI.0 IN OND nISY 1,, 5 1.,.). tnl•, at 5! 6 per 1,,,.h , bag. thing else. The name is proter•teel
TRme. Send for ►amply., also r.talugue. by law and is clearly shown on each
Tst• 'Ai( flee. $R',slo Q.ta n• ?eget
t►rwtriat• woe.' men., If et h+!• to firo. K. t►.
0110V WA 0.11111.1 410.6 on •arh bee 11e.
i'ass, r By --"Is that your pc,rk i package.
down there or the road, gas 'tier'"
Farmer- '.fork ! (%'hat d'ye mean 7
There's a pig o' mine out there'"
I'nsscr-Il'- "Ali, bet there's n m(, -
tor -car just gone by.,,
Man' patent medicines hate come
and gone, but Bicklc's Anti -('on -
what About the it ucn of rheumatism
and lumbago. which is so common
now ? There is no poetry in that
touch. fur it renders life mileiablc.
Yet how dl lighted i • the sense of
relief when nn application of Dr.
Timmer' F:electric Oil drives pain
away. There is nothing equals it.
"After all." said the optimist,
"the Le+t of luck is only what you
make it yourself."
"It's all well enough for you to
talk," growled the pessimist, "but
i never get anything but bad luck."
"Well, then, it's up to you to
make the best of its
Ann.,l••d.-. V.:+. Stay 14, 1109.
COXD11'10N.\I,. "1 sin over righty v,nrs of age and
have 'offered from kidney and plodder
Trouble for fifteen year.. 1 look doctor's
medicine lint got n.. help. 1 want to washing and in no mood for shat,
thank you for pending me the (tamply •
frit of (lin Pills wlitett helped me. had retire MI':.. ( lancy, who notlred
'•i have tnk,n .is holes nt (lin Pills , after an hour or two that it bad
allege:her, huh yet salter before i had become cloud)'.
Iris they c'd'it ate at Tile expinse taken near that amminf. 1 had to ref
agree with I1with 3•.1111C�Ill•u•' \ 1. 1,10., 1 1 heirnnybup e• night- ,•..,y Melees minutes and 8111(1 she: "Do it rain, Mrs. Me -
when he said: "Wenien are roe 1 ers, owe, e.. was an ite.trument (,•fore I could ('n rt he 7"
only justified, blit e\le:lr`I tlle' Ulna „ jnflttnfr. Von, t .All lir in bed four or "If (le that. Mrs. Clarice.; but
r ore est --"De e• ,,1 smarted with Ave hours without gettinf up."
exalted virtue, when they do III• y, 'kr v�. 11. r!r'Rri art that hard 1 e'•111dn't• get home
I neljiliber still about his hers
part from the dens •tl • sheet• n• !rile Natlnnnl Drag ('hem. (•o, „
r,tni'Irr over in your netters ; r if 1 ass rot s ur ht'nsr.
enter nn toe , 1'..,,e.•ilr ';'re'
T d1U• ,g 1)epf. tV.1..) Tshrlfn, rnr ftv'e eampL
1 ' 1u '•n a" No: we ve gat over !Uvular sire. 500-6 for $2.50.
<i1 hnl::aeit; nu l of the'i' :i,.it ntet." "Buried the befell -
el..' t'• Z�y
el." ei "No: Letter still. Buried tole Thr fir:. day out. ;Steward: "Did
\ large propose ie i ..f %%ewe,' have I:r 1.-' you ring, sir 1" Traveller-- "Wes, - `,_ rrY iI j1 I r1 t
il. t•i,etldrtit n;este.:' nevi Flo reerlI ti aifts>rcia.r...„• Steward, i - -i rang." Steward'--
1 1�/T �'
1 I: others have nu demesne sir el l
-- ":anything 1 Can bring y'ou, sir d. , i �'
r:• : ' engngc their nffretinis: whit(' Good
t• 1 Traveller - - ''Y -yrs, SI, steward.
1 .' ,_ Is••sles* talents which, if free- Dont B bring mr a cou(incnt, if cru (nye - - x - '
I. .;.eel, would go far to en• News 1 ` l/- M18S one, or an island nm thing. stew- u ` C
1.• 1 ,uutiun:tl life. As n matter Ivy mei. so 1 -lel -long as it's eolith If f`,✓/. r: I L J �f\
- t : right. as a tetras'( of imbuing Dyers j It. you can't, sus -sink the ship." \0n
pelf: i • • Aid: briber purposes end .- C•�`1 I I1 i , \� f,r,
a i'I+,•;• int.ralilc, and for the gen' 1)1(1 y011 deliver my message to `l1:\.":-�0 l
L . r 1. wet-. tee] ,.f the unreprescnt
1:1Y.0 "LA i 11 r. gtnmpsl" asked the 'merchant. ES` q INEYSM 5:1,,..e,:: i.
4 ;a•:.I.t ,s who germs under the t Nett Office Boy --"No, sir. He ens el, yl#i �&1'•`T f �'- .
"The Grnran!rr,l ONE nye Ger ALL funds i G ►t T � � 1 S ), •
•i ••I•• --1•.n of partial law's. wr ur• int, end the office was locked up."
Joist Think alit! With the SAME n�ye �!�tfiCT L5�'
Ir Illi\ int lle all who lot( justice yoncAnc.,,,a ANY kindal(Inth P•rfeetig-Nn \\ell, why didn't, you wait for him,
le .1 rl -.re the fattier welfare 'et thane.. el i•l.,tak•t Allrolur,torents from n•. 1 told you " "There was •a no- • i,e
poar Daelst oe Dealer. Sample,. Cud and
(i 1 r roIllr� (( Wlnbjhe for 1h(looklM fee
film lice on the door, sir, say'iee. 'Re-
es:' 1. :,,ii yf the 9ranLhipvn to We The J•hnson•Rlcharda•n Ce., ltn'Itad, I turn etonce,' so I Came hack as
•, . Montreal or.
MM. D te
quick as I could."
Mrs. Clancy- -Sure, yrs. Doher-
ty, there's 'nnle folks would rather
renst the it nay hors then ate.
The Hostess- Thru • ter ye! on -
Revive the Jaded Condition. --
When energy Iings and the eares
its sphere of usefulness year by
year. if you are in need of sum('
thing to rid yourself of n cough 01
c. Id. von cannel des better than try
Iii• klc's Syrup.
Some then think they are am -
1. tions, when in renlity they are
o• Iy discontented.
of business brcotne irk 4orne; when ----'
the whole system is out of sorts and MWh•Mortal.,'-rhsn£1. M•,itb llPaat n,
elth+nth,.tne rn,rn,.nl•5.,.
there is general depression. try t•, 1t.tc..rotu•nli1 by .I rwrv. 4 -'plat, c:erg
Pa Veget.lhle r '1'hry Atari erre►u"•'I7 for pl•vi1-y, .tosser•, •to.
1 i111.
will regulate the 'tenon of a de-
ranged stomach and n disordered
liter, and make vett feel like a new
man. No cone nerd suffer a day
from debilitated ditiestion when No
simple and effective a pill can be
got at .Inv drug store.
Mrs. M•'(':t:the, busy with her
15 1 1; NO. D 10.
"The -e are the stnotl'est sandwich•
e1 1 et -,•r saw for the Monet'." s•l:d
the trateller. "Ye'," said the rail-
way rr'stnnr snt waitress. ''There
ens so Mtn /I complaint of the qua
lity of thein that. I thought I would
make them smeller, so there would
•1• •. he a• r,u.•11 to grumble about."
...t. 1; -.4 and r.. a •• • r•
11• „u•. e..1 'LISTS.
,.-g. r•tic,w to t.,.h.•
f • 04•.6•.. imp ,' ti. t•
,.•A•:• • ., .. It.. -.b. MN
f c.«nrut• rt• -•n •
t5wl:F..';.•• WI I.',IA '0 •-u• i.r .r+.coo.
5 5I'.\sI: O1• LO('.\I.I Il.
t kitten nbeut six months old
was taken to a house a few miles
distant from its birth(1In-e, confined
in n neon' and tenderly eared for
during a week, end then set at lib-
erty .
ib-erty. 11 w09 atl(1puscd to base be-
( nine
e-(•,111e 11aLltllnled to its new ntlr-
roundinga, but it returned to its old
home on the ,lay of its release. 'fhe
sense of locality and direction was
exhibited still more strikingly by
en old ton cat, which was stolen
and carried a distance of (eerily
miles, confined in a bag. The ent
t• as imprisoned, but made it. es-
cllpe, il►Itl in n few (lays rrrrppenl'-
1 (l inn pitiable state Sit the horse
ere its former mn mater. whit( en.
Just think of the clothes a man's
wife could buy with the stoney he
squanders for ciget s!
PII.Ht CI'RtlD IN 6 TO 14 'JAVA.
PAEI) ('151'.!4Nr i. enarante•1 ter retro any
e•.. ref I1 --bra: Bleat ..calm• nr Pr'fret hos
Piles 1a • to :4 Jay, or u easy r•fumte.1 500..
1 man never realizes how ninny
fnult-s he has ut til he has been
n.arr:ed two or three years.
SevernA Nagging Severn drivel step eel .,,Sin,•
•w..y yen rue .•- a lue, .l .114 A, •u'• 1.00i
)i t;uao. wb.rb lo,ovos hent I.T.,t1Iag. pion is
th• rt sot and 111147141:+a of the throat. (etre n
frosty to she •h:11r•a.
('ec.Irlr k-1,14 ho
a rix-fuoter a h
oe:ghu .,ter 200 poiseid% as a Leg
elan well he proves that he's
Thos. Sabin of Fglington, says:
"1 have removed 1( n corns from
my fent with Ilolleway''s Corn
('tire." header, go thou and (10
Shgdren RIR Oe $ti ehter They .nue hone
en, 1'e•1 wrlh'n .w 11s'4 A loft,oopll of Politotit •, in 4.t •01110001 water will prot0vt asy
Ill .0•rt.. A•.ed .ub•tit etas, there is but volt
"r•lakllier "•-Perry Dana' -tie. and SOS.
'hat do you Mean by the rising
generllt: •n, pa 1" "t)h. the peo-
ple who 01111 :afford to hmr tlirsbip
W11.\1' H1: G01'.
"Well, what happened to you '
asked the friend of the man ale;
was swathed in bandages.
"i was silrio k I►v ail auto."
"Now did it hal'pen 7"
"•i ens stooping down in the rand
picking up n boy esti..,• f•r lu •k."
Bitiousr5es�•'- --
I. rrrt.te.ly rnr of the most tiles•
Freeshlr ailment. wine le MAI i.
Leif to (•sated tongue - biller
13-1e in the mouth-nan•ra dieser
seep the., combine t.. make life a
harden. The ensec is n disordered
liter the cure lir. M•,r+r'n Indian
Romrill,. They go straight to
the root of the trouble, put the
liter right. r (enure the stomach slid
bowel.. Hear the tnnr e, and take
tondo the bitter tlr from the
month. ,1t t11n hat riga .J bi1•
inuretr• take
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
Mnrintt's link Promoter
( • ' • s Crew* Mair en any Bald Head
• 1 prorated from thal of the thief by An •ale rot the it on : imr•nr r'-.. Td mr'o•
a herb wooded cliff. ('.Sunda, nr the Mart: -+t P:o a.a
Co., Toronto. CanaJa.
Bat for Baby sad Bat for Metier
Is fine for children and adults, sett' plea.aat
to take and fres front opiates. ft soothes
and Leal: the aching threat and assures maul
•iihts to both ,no:her mad chid.
AU Dnefgiab, 2E ceras.
EA 15N THE 'I'
H 13 -.i m constant practire; careful
Instruction; few areas efemplete course:
tools free; graduates carr tweltr to
eighteen dollar. weekly; write for catli-
ingue. Staler Earlier College, 221 Queen
F.a,t. Toronto.
►i laud. 640 ucres, nothing better.
Will Fell cheap, or 11 -bang, for Ontario
farm. PEW'I ESS. 84 Don still, (toad.
pig .5( 1IINERY 11l- DQPARE1:its. --
11�� iron and wand -corking machinery,
engine., boilers. steam pump., gasnlin•
engines, eleeIrie mutorp, rnntractore•
machinery, tete. Rend for eatalneu, of
()Tor 1400 machine.. 11. W. PETRIE..
Lim itrel. Toronto, kfnntr.al, Vancouver.
F+ , P51 To RP VT bat ween 'f•aford And nem:
feline Twofn,ndys t lees natter roll'• al inn,
pl..• p*.tnr.. farm 4.-„=0 ani •n.wi wnlhvil4laga.
J. W. Cl. whits., 25 Toronto siert. Toronto.
THE LIR LIMAN TRUSS will hold ao• reduri his
6e r,.in. Vndnr.ed by f.•r.u0t t rner)irol teen.
w r.t• for particulars. K LINDNIA\, (tteg'dk
CAL VES Reli• T5•Iw Wlth•ut ■In
tetM:•,.arigS food 11 Ltd., To.s•.
• Co. Turoaio P &
.,.d .11 t tilde of tins* Lansing'. al..
LiIC! CURIE_nismut • llg[ AMO tees OL[ANE■
IV nit M no about roar.
BRITISH SUSSMAN reuse 50., M. test, Heart's{
r ne of the man.l. of Ow •:steles( •1141.
n m* throughout tap world. writ• for eater(
ogs.. (1000 0l Agnostic Co., of Ca•aJ., Ltd.,
ass Yowl, Street. Turouto,
A Few Shares for Sale
it "n• 4.1 too host dean Companies la
l anal. ..n 'nay torr..: ort!! Lusts dower
Money to lend at SI% on apprond
•.. t.'e:.re. Apply fur particulars to
S1. J. KKXr, not (10. Irutdua, oat
Ir1)1 a r'ml. 'r.,n•!1• nntnldl fart. *bona
Homan Ilaturs? Read D•. Foote's
' W, nd.r'• honk nn th. drl'r•tfe tnMwr•ta
of Lave. Marries", Parents's. Health.
Disease, and Freaks. it f• the fruit of SO
I..••r.' e,prrtenre nt n .nrre••rnt snth'•r
4',) rrre!itinner. }•all nI adrlre nesse•
ear• to .,errs mar and wnrr.n ('nnt,lem
r•nre vital fncr+ eh^n conr •!ores^ wnnld
rile ono err t.'. /rots(•. in a teethe•.
ten 1.,o. - i en 1,,...11 tees. eon tea.
L. L. Hill reek Co.. 111 E. Rt St., New Yerk
TLtratr, la(`Atrtf/lms, TO,WIAJTS1
SWIRLY Sia leo I us
yew Ia Of •4i "IP"
•u1 IP Ow
In•e nn Pa t• -
01 ones a bottle 0
■AwWTAr. Ssa1•S
Stt].1a!' and ►+vent:
n,ltunnla, or eve.).
itn&heady rn,nlrea,
at. t. the L'ofe1..,1g
Huuelbni1 R•a.i,-
for i'roses. (' e l d a.
P.:0 Thu-o,r. Ilton• hltis
^lisp.' t'nesomd.+a en,
Pronto! ea kiiria
WA'Tr PIPER OF ALL en tire.
Also Itng-. Iron. Metals, Rubbers, Soto.
E. PULLAN Ad•1a15, •et M '04 "84 1
Torpid 1. Ont
Pkons for particulars Main 4C9S.
PILESSllnd, Bleeding, Itching,
Protruding Piles ,ll.•kl,
:11.I per111.iner:11y eared by
Un• toot %rient,'t. and economical .,•rued)
Price 51.00 6 for 550n. 81.1 led on tr.
ttipt rot price.
515 Queen West, TORONTO.
('nerd witb'tut r,perttl.•n+. All t,hn ;ire at.
Awls -II will, MI* di.pa•e and wish to lin
enrrd n'rtnanently. saf,•ly and qui.kly
with this great ffsmenpathlr teemed,.
whirh will he vont pn't•psld nog whores
In the world with full 'metro. Mori. foe
nolnf •n al to a Rr, r s pertn.4e11t ewe.
rrlr. a'. Aelelrr•s
John T. Waif. Ilnrn.rnathl0 Pharmacy,
A,nprinr, Canada.
1.1= -:LC ir.=Se
" PSYCH " lee reload thnu:a,,ds
of peop:e 10 buoyant health and strength
whosecnndibon hc(I bre n regsrced ce hope.
leu. It u a Intik and tt ih.8.i- c er, eon.
taining re askable properic!es a'dried
urlhcr and germicide. II well strengthen
oscheal the weak lu:•t t, feea nut *het
ph;gkm, and drive away Ile cough, •o
maser of hew long stand413.
" PSY(I IINE" tones up the whole
ryrtcn end drive out data-, L•rals the
dcaesed time and to:.hetes lost 'new. hs
we dally will prevent and wa:d of elat
mon table disa-.e ronsamphinn.
Write for a Free Sample.
for Salt I as Dr000,r4 i Oas!•rs, Sot • S1
est ►eek.
Dr. T. A. S UM