Exter Times, 1910-03-03, Page 2PLAT'
it until so nitwit valuable time was
wasted that they lost their lives by
I have found the same diet when
above directions were carried out
carefully, equally successful in in -
Arrangements Are Nearly Completed Witt"creasing
tthe ott
serunaen oval strength
from other causes.
Estimates of the British Columbia
a British Firm.
A despatch from Ottawa says: t:11 in capacity anything in North
Negotiations between the Canadian America. Il
of further eti-
Goverumnent and representatives of couraging the establishment of such
seteral of the world -Eamon, Brit- an industry in Canada, thug enm-
ish shipbuilding limos, including 'doting the scheme of Cannibal'
Harland S Weill of Belfast, and Naval defence, the Government
Vickers, Sons & Ma eine for the es- will. it is understood, shortly bring
tablishmcnt. of Canadian shipyards down a bill increasing the present
and drydoeks, capable of construct- subsidy granted for building dry-
inie and repairing the largest ocean- decks. It is now three per cent.
going vessels, and of building the per annum fur twenty years, on a
proposed new vessels of the Cana- maximum expenditure of $1,500,000.
dian linty, have been under way
for se%etal months past. It is ex-
pected that an announcement will
shortly he made that arrangements
have bet n completed for the estab-
lishment by one or other of these
companies. of a steel shipbuilding
plant at Montreal, or ono of the by u firm of Canadian capitalists at
Atlantic coast ports, which will ri- h It British(' l Columbia.
A despate•h f rout' Victoria, It. ('.,
nays: Estimates for the year,
brought. down in the British Co-
lumbia Legislature on 'I'hr►usduy,
Meow that. the Government. intend
to expend over seven million anal
three quarters this year. as com-
pared with an estimated expendi-
Parliantent will be asked to stake titre of four million six hundred
it three and a half per cent. per thousand last year. The great in -
annum for twenty-five years, un a crease is under the head of road:.,
total expenditure of probably three bridges and wharves, representing
millions. tee million eight hundred thousand
.1 steel shipbuilding plant for the this year. instead of one million
Pacific const is also contemplated font hundred and eighty thousand
last year. According to the esti-
mates, there will ben deficit of
ever three-quarters of a million un-
141101' TI! 1: I!)O('TOIU.
Drunken Man, Whose Wife Was
111, tires a Revolver.
:1 despatch hem Niverville, Ma-
nitoha, satyr: \\'Rile attending ?Ars.
Ilarrisen, wife of a fattener residing
tar miles from Steinbuck, last
Monday, Ur. 1)ufurt had a narrow
eseapo from being murdered by the
drunken husbauud of the woman.
Harrison (objected to the doctor be-
ing in the house. After the doctor
left, Harrison followed hint and
situ' at hits with a revolver UM he
was getting into his cutter. The
bullet ploughed through Ur. 1)u -
fort's cheek, inflicting a painful but
n.'t dangerous flesh wound. No
charge has as yet. been laid against
the would-be murderer.
Saltation .1riny Will Send a Ratrh
Every (Week.
:1 despatch from Southampton,
England, says: .1 boost in emigre- '1'h�' op►erntion of telephones by
tion to Canada. has been started
herr by the Salvation Army. it is toe Manitoba Government res tit-
that the Army has made au lel in a surplus of *372.000. A lot
qutntn -u tun tta. f new linea are to he laid.
raegements whereby settlers for
i lees the revenues are much inereas_ that country will sail .every weekMen who took part in the recent
discomfort and thin rest 2 or 3 e•1. Land sales are estimate,( to frim► now until the middle of April. labor mints were sentenced at Syd
minutes and drink more and mat ('e,nuntasioners Coombe.; and How- r'c•."
Tho ringleaders were given
give one million and a half instead tete) years eau h, and about fort.
again. and so on •inti' . full quart of $750,000 as last year. nr.i sailed on the Adriatic fora �'
others has been taken as so. en as it can visit to Canada to look oyer the st- Mr. were fined.
MIA' 01' "S•I'RIPPINCS" iS .11.1, be conveniently. In about fifteen - tuatiot and to snake arrangementsHkir. C. T. Connor will are the
minutes the patient• should eat at for the reception of the emigrants. the d tun Hospital Governors tfor
l'Rl:.\II, X0'1' W1LIn' the table such articles of food as Hit.1CGED 50 FEET BV HAIR. the death of his daughter from
\1:1W DOCKS :1T VICTORIA. •scarlet fever, contracted, he says,
are know,. to agree with the sto-Shaft of Runaway Penetrated ('oft- - j while in the hospital.
mach. At noon est as usual.
Dr. 13..1. Koudall, Geneva, Illinois, When the strippings are not nl titre of a Woman. Four•millinu•dollar ('ompany'm Plan. 1 bill has been introduced .n the
Ilan Teeeted It 13Ith Best lowed to cool below blood heat and to Reclaim Foreshore. Manitoba Legislature to sones in
1 despatch from Brnrky'lle says: !marriages perfornud by stadeets
taken immediately after it is milked Miss Mary Smith had a miraculous A despatch from Victoria, R. C.,i
Results. I an.l other missionaries in the re•
a. full quart will be transferred in • escape on Thursday from being sacs: A local company is hying mote districts of the Province.Thr most certain method ever the circulation in a remarkablykilledkilled in a runaway ae.:ident. She says:
with the purpose of arrant; -I Tho Government has made ar-
adopted for the cure of the "Great sl ( r tune. ! was overtaken on it crossing by it ing fur additional dock aeconuundn-! raugemrnts with the New Zealand
Whitt. Plague is through the diet T never have seen a ease but could horse attaehcd to a cutter. The I -ices in the inner harbor by improv- I Steamship Company for n mnnCily
used as per directions given below take the strippings without any dis-, point of one of the shafts penetrat-. int: the foreshore. The amount ot, service from Montreal, Halifax and
which can be taken at home and comfort worth mentioning when e•] her hair, which was firmly dune the
reclaimed would be over St John to Australia and New
above directions were followed tee in pads. Hanging by her hair,. twenty deers. After Cie excavating Zealand.
strictly, although some have drelnr she was dragged fully 50 feet he- and dredging have been neecavat sh- i The Montreal Board of '1'rtde leas
ret they could not before trying it ; ;fore the horsy cuter to a stop in el it iA proposed to erect solid No' passed a resolution in fav .r of 1 av-
Telegraphle grief's From Our Own
and Other C'ountrie's of
'keen! Eveul.+,
A company has been formed to
build docks at Victoria, B. U., to
cost. four millions.
The Ontario Government may pay
the passage of immigrants ready to
take positions as domesti 's.
The estimates passed by the Ham-
ilton hoard of Control provide for
n tax rate of 21 mills, the same as
last year.
fort Arthur is sending a deputa-
tion to ask the Ontario Government
for power to have the city govern-
ed by a commission.
comes within the reach of the poor
as well as the rich.
The modus operandi is to force
the body to take un fat, it decider- last when they delayed taking for snnwlnnk. Miss Smith, who es- went dc.cka.e facilities. The cent
atun long felt by the niedical pro- half nn hour and the milk had caped without n scratch, went her of the project is computed roughly
fessiuu but never before attained c•..o.ed ten degrees i Have seen half...say quite unconcerned, after ar- at $4.000,000.
to. . a pint make them very sick.rarwing her toilet in n nearby ___ _
During the last fifteen years 1 1 nn Ottawa Street Railway cundue- 11stere. The driver of the horse was _y
ALE .4 ND NE:111'1'1' AT 101.
have prescribed this diet in hon-! THE GREAT SECRETdreds of instance _
s and where direr- of success with it is in taking it , tor, visiting in Brockville• Landon 1/'assns Celebrate.; Ilirth•
tions have been followed strictly it immediately after sulking and net
+• - day.
A despatch from Landon, Ont.,
tient. rapidly up to a normal condi- evening and hating Milk flirt is _• nays: Mrs. Sarah Mr(•ully, (of 7e3,
tion, thus enabling nature to assert very rich. Thain Derailed ou Brink of Steep Lorne Avenue. was 101 years 0141
her sovereign right to be the domin-; The following is it typieal ease, Rocky Bluff.
ton Vl0(It►c-day, and hale and
sting force in the body and the germs Ali.. A. E. was suddenly startled hertib. She was horn in Halifax,'
causing ceneumption have been to find her weight was forty pounds', :1 drspateh teem Kamloops. B. and este remember being taken by;
overeotne and the cure aeconiplish- below normal. Site was coughing; C'., says: C. 1'. IL passenger train her father as a little girl •to see the,
ed. Seine have gained a pound a tet•rilly and seers had a very pro-' No. 96 struck a broken rail while (hi sapeake towed into the harbor
dolt and would gradually take oe fuse hern.•rrhage from the lungs rounding a curve three miles welt after its famous fight with the:
S e's ' onWednesday
Ir••. until they would not increase thnt earn', near taking her life. [ o f •pen Bridge . Shannon.
it. %% eight more. : at once began rhe use of the milk night at 11 o'clock. The engine'
3185 raised the weight and increased allnieiug it to cool he'ow bloc d i.eae
the i.trength and vitality of the pa- taking a full quart morning n;Id
NEARLY .1 71t.11r1.D1.
THE ALL IMPont9IT TiTING `ttiripings after hemorrhage was and baggage ear passed safely. but 11.15 .t HORROR OF I11.111RI.INC,1
st, toped and in a few days, about th.' balance of the train. about ten
is to drink I. ger quantities of ten lir fifteen. she bad Rained near- ' cars. left the track. and only the re The Bing Regard+ 1t art a Great'.
(the very last of ly a pound a day and was soon able twining wall ptevenfrd them i t ',i;Evll.
which is all cretin] to get out of lit and go around' nercipitated into the Them toe o,i '
A despatch from London say;:
milk strippin
the milkingt�
when a pre,. r cow is selectedb the hotly.. She gained quite rap -River.
Th� eters se simple and easy that idly and as Inceweight and strength ! There is n eteep. rocky bluff at itce . Mentagee Fowler, lecturing on
''''''''''''''inate. bate refined to follow direc- increased her cough deereased. ' that point and had the train gone 11•e ruhjeet of racing and gaiubling.
ti• n.: and demand medicines to cure When she had gained thirty pounds ovei the los• of life Meal(' have, quoted front letters written by the.
them; but there has not yet been in about three months her conic"( been appalling. N., one was hurt' King- "i hate a horror.' one let
4 discuverod any medicine that is a ler' her. I had her continue the non the i'ullntan passengers elel,t ter ran. "of gambling. and shall
(specific for consumption. !Nina. diet for 6 or h weeks longer all through the wreck. i always (10 my utmost to discourage
Too get beet. results a healthy row earl 'he gained ten pounds more •
she'd(' be ~elected one that docs tine then %wild net take en ne•re
others who have an inclination for,
it as tate spirit of gambling, like
nee c,•ugh and .•t:• that gives very ll. sh. Stir was then as well lie see e 1 1:1.1. 11 O1tkM .1T 1 -U1 1'l 11 T. intemperance, is one of the great -
rich Milk. A Jersey cow is prefer- ever had been and continued w,- .• •l. et. i1+ that can afflict a veins;
tet• •I, to be sure thnt there is a
el Ie. The wtilk should always be after the strippings were (liseen lepttriv,l Ihal Nacl.. site & Minn tr;:••} i
:ire Serurinr I'rop.• -l).
large per cent of cream in it.
1 SHE TOOK NO 511:1►((INE
The last (inert!timid(' le milked! , e sunt"' ti rn Victoria. ft ('.. --
int.. n separate dish wh;eli rets in goer the hemorrhage was see., . ,1 ft is reported that. Me -ken- .thotel CIIO Vie ploo 1,1 of Monfreel
a larger vessel yenta:nine( %arta ex.c•pting a little pepsine and Mann are ncquiring a site Pilin+ on seriloe.
ant. -r j1I-1=ufheient to pretext theutter digestive to aid digerati'," i •,iintalt harbor and iron pro- , ,!. , r. h front Montreal are
etril.1.ing. from reeling below bleed and a simple cough remedy to en' • r • en the island. with the idea re‘ c'. oak workers ..f Montrea1 wear
heat. 'I'l.r cots shutil.l be thurouah- the cough: but tar. lobelia, opium.'. f . r.ahli,hing steel works. 1 IIs^ mit un strike on Wednesday Me:day morn-
ly .l••aued to prevent any dirt get- tartar emetic rind such medicine , ,-uuertion 5I r. 11. F. tit in all odors r;00
are a tau• There O
tins( into the milk s•• the tartest ns disturb the stipend' and inlet : I. r.1• n funs„ proprietors of th • men and retire out. Over thirty
can blow back the tooth and drink fere with digestion were carefully Merino Railway' ('empony, Iarpui I firms are afferled by the strike.
al (MCI' without straining as this nv.oidvd. u'alt.. is now at Ottawa negotinting -,1,-- ----_
cools it too nitwit. I it is easy for those ma a farm tot mit). the Government for increased 1'll''fl' 1'I.ItSONS KILLED.
M enrry out this method. end on sty- faeiliti•'s fo•r shipl,nill.np co his con -
11O\1• 4U('11 To DRINK. • --
era! occasion+ parties who lived in 1 erre can contract fo•r building war• A\'ante 1'.tu.rd by Theatre. Fire In
Begin lw drinking nearly a pint the eity purchased a suitable cow' ships for the Cana then navy%
in the snorting and the some at: anti after eontplete re.•oterv, in 1. .
night and iiiereuse the quantity' every instance, they sold the cow + -- \ despatch frormuCallao, Peru,
gradually so that in 10 or 15 days fee nearly as touch as was paid for
(/.1ItIN 1'e Il fll'I(Alt N1 It 11)1 S.
Alt..:Fitly persons aro reported
a full gnarl %ill be taken sway a her _ killed in a panic fallowing n fire in
day. it should he taken innncdiate -I 1 do not remember any rare Gee \ely $.'t•ik, I Dt:,.in•in', Her the 51unit-inn] Theatre at Trujillo,
ly atter milking before it has had followed the rlireetie,ns strictly thatn teen of northern Peru. The fire
taken .' .,I, ran he ‘sillinnt t,)1+ Mitch cal in declaring tImy could riot time t,. enol tory. .111 should he. wa; not cared, hit several persist- started among the nppnrtus used
Ike A . l'cter�birg illoi' ,,ate}t soya: in connection with a mosing tne-
1)r 1:'.tkip. the Czarina's private tore r.he'w,
rely,:. ere died euddenly a short -
tin.r ago. It is now discovered that 810 H111. 111 1l1I1I%'111-
1!n• (lector e'nnmitted suicide hr- _. _
cause he had made it t•eriour 'nig- end in Indiana (itil 01 is *4we11
ink(' in diagnosing the malndy freest 1 I.:111 of \wrier+.
which the. Czarina is suffering and
i•t preventing other physicians tw-
ine called in. The Czarina's r,en-
tlitiutt becnlne worse. and the Czar
repreaeh.'d 1)r. liotkin. who he•
caste SO distressed in mind that he
took a dose of poison.
VI 01h 1101:h 01 F.
Lost Thirt-y-Five Years Ago, Now Located
in Lake Erie.
A ,tetpatelt (rein Port Colborne out on the hike to fish fotnd it
saes: Thirty -live years ego, on a about one toile from shurr frozen
stark and storms night a Ing was in the ice. They immediately carte
battling with the henry seas of to poll ntul broke the news. The
Lake Erie. in tow the had an int- timber is all squared link, which
mett•e raft of Oak timber for Port is tory vnlnable. Experts here say
('elherne, being brought from the it is worth one hundred thousand
Upper Lakes. The heavy seas part- dollatre. mit will he staked, located,
eel the rail,, which was only fasten- and as soon as the ice Ineak' lip
el together by pine. The ane part brought to Port Colborne. The n /tient,' ago to work fur the .111an
was brought safely to Ante, but I find is errntit:g much eveiteinrnt lithe Edge Tool company, cont
the other disappeared. no it it had ;here. The timber at the lime it %as tnittr i snic•ide in his room lit the
been s%nllewed Alp. This prayed ! lo:t was yitlned et lifts• tI1o1is•tnd deo •Inn:+ Hotel at 5 o'rlark nn
A I►enry loss to the owners. Nu."lats. Pt ices have rlanhlcd story Thursday nflrrnoon by shooting
amonnf..,f searchingcntld find the ' that - sane. The many yn trs in the einaelf through the temple. Nu
timber. New. after many years, it I water has net demng• of it to any renaon is nss'gned far the rash ne-
app.c•ar• it. has hoer, found. The . i tett. it is said the timber be- tion. ile was n eerilearnlii-e strio-
imn,ense rift be; been located neer long.' to 1110 csP.ite of the late Dal- g,•• in (fait etol had shown lie. visas
Gull Iylaud. So:cera) (erne:es ge.ieeg post .Ii('arihy• of deutondcncv.
11. 11. Poet+ Shvot+ ii Ills
Boom al irognnis Ilnlcl.
,1 despatch trios, \:.tit •u}s if.
B. \'nets. about 35 %rats of age,
Mb,' came c.ut from hngland shout
The Magistrate Says Hudson's Bay Com-
pany is an .01d Offender.
e des'at.•'. from Sudbury says:
Geo. T. S. 'Train, manager of the
11ico branch of the Hudson's Ray
Co., ou the main Lim. ..f the ('. P.
1.., wa., fined by Ml,istrate Euur-
uier in Sudbury on 'Thursday, a
total of $0,150 and tot•:, or twenty
years and six months in the peui-
tent.inry. - This is a fine of $50 and
costs for each of Aho 153 heaven
rills seized, or two niontlis' im-
prisonment on each charge, the
terms to run c•onseetdively. 'rite
lawyer for the defence pleaded fur
leniency, as this was Train's first
effenre, but the. Magistrate took the
View that the real offenders wore
the Hudson's Bay Co., who ac-
cepted the furs, and as this w•as 1106
their first offence he imposed the
fine. Crown ,At1orney ('buy, for
the pro/secutian, (Xplained that
Train was uuly a figurehead, and
the Hudson's Bay Co. were glad
to get the furs. They had been con-
victed tin..• and again without. ef-
fect. 1t will co=t the Hudson's Bay
Co. about $7,1)1)1) for the 123 heaver
pelts, valued at about $1,000, and
the furs will be confiscated.
Prices et Cattle. Grata, Cheese aid
Other Dairy Produce at
Rome and Abroad.
Toronto, Mardi 1. ---Flour -- On-
tario wheat 90 per cent. patents,
84.25 to $4.30 in buyers' sacks on
track, Toronto, and $1.15 to $1.20
outside in buyers' sacks. Manito-
ba flour, first patents, $5.20 to $5.-
30, and strong bakers', *5 on track,
Manitoba wheat ---No. 1 Northern
$1.12'._ Bay ports, and No. e Net-
tle -re, 81.10',_, Ray ports.
Ontario wheat -No. 2 mixed red
Winter or white, $1.07 to $1.08
in labor organizations include -1 to outside•
the law for the investig:►tion of Barley --No. 2, 50c outside ; No.
monopolies and trusts 'u r'-'traint 3 extra. 5:3 to 5-1e; Nn. 3, 50 to 51e,
of trade. and feed, 45c outside.
Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, :39 to _ _
GREAT 111{11':11N. 39'.;c outside, and 42 to -12',;(• on
The first division in the new Brit -
Toronto. Canada West
ish House of Commons rrsu!t • 1 ie nate, 43' fur No. 2, and 42e fur No. 5linneapnlis, Mar. 1. --Wheat -
n cute of 255of 1(' .e51 in favor of •h• 3• Bay ports. May. > :.12-- : Jul}, IS1.12'/; Cash
d'eas-No. 2 for shipment, 82 to wheat, No. 1 hard, $1.135 to $l.
Goyerttttt('rtt. 5.0 • outei.:e. 1:.',; : No. 1 Northern, $1.13% to
Mr. Winston Churchill ant lin"'Bye-Nu. 2. 67 to rite outside. $1.11'.: N•e. 2 Northern, $L11% to
in the British House of C. tumor!! t *1.1 l`.: No. 2 Northern, '
that the Government wuitd staatI Rurkwbenl-53 to 53,:;c outside$1.11.0 to
or fall by the veto hill. fu: Nu, 2. 81.12', : No. 3 Northern, $1.05ti
Al r. Josu',h Martin, in a letter Bran -1353 to 8'22.50 in hags, Tu- to, 8f.11!.. Bran --In 100 -Ib. seeks,
1 route, and shorts $21, in bags, '1'u. $'-=.:,•e to :13:3. Flour --First patents,
t . The Times states that he tun• tanto. $5.5u to 11.5.70; second patents, $3. -
siders Mr. Asquith has rc•p:uiiated
hit pledge made at the Albert Hall s') to $5.50; first clears. $1.45 to
$1.55; second clears,,$:1.$:3.20 to $3.50.
meeting. COUNTI3I' Piir)Ut't'1.. Buffalo, Mar. i.--Wheat---Spring
UNITED STATES, wheat, unsettled; No. 1 Northern,
carloads store, $1.30; %%in No.
Three boys were shot and p:r.htsl'• Beans--(:ar lots uutsiae, 81.53 to 2 white, 81.36. ('ors -Nn yc110ty,
Iv fatally wounded in strike riots $I.95, and small lots '31.10 to 82.40 64c • No. 4 yellow, 62e; No. 8 (•0111,
in Philadelphia. pe• bushel in t'. 6.33;c; No. 4 corn, Gi to 6131e;
The Commercial ('able ('ompat'v Honey- Combs. dozen, 8.2 to 82 No 3 wliite, O1iic. Oats --No. 2
intend. starting immediately to :ay ,e0• extracted, 10'j to ile per lb. white. 5e.%0; No. 3 white, 5134et
n new ruble across the Atlantic. 1 Baled Hay- \o. 1 tiun,thy, Isla.. Nr. 4 white. 50';e. Barley -Feed
Janes Leonard, a reformed i 50 to $11, and No. 2 at $)9 to $12.- to malting. 71 to ',')z•
etack;nttrn, was shot and killed in, 50
on track, Toronto.
New York by an old comrade whom , Baled Straw-- $7.50
Ito betrayed. Itin( k. Toronto.
Eight directors of the Milk Trust i pr.tatocs--4i to -17e per bag on
have been indicted at New York for; track for Ontnrius.
conspiring to raise the whule::alc : P„ttltry-Turkeys, dressed, 18 to
price, of milk. I iee per Ib. ; ducks, 13 to i Se ; geese,
Representative Beaten of Lintel:, I'3 to Ise; chickens, 14 to ISe, and
rays there is absolutely no danger' fowl, 1f to 12e.
hard --Tierces, 1s;;c; tubs, 15%e;
pails, 10c.
Montreal, Mar. 1.--Oats-No. $
Canadian Western, 453; to 46e; No.
3, 44'i; to 45c; Ontario No. 2 white,
43% to 41e: No. 3 white, 423., to
43c; No. 4 white, 412 to 42c. Bar-
ley--- N o. 2, 59% to 60c; No. 3,
55!,:;e; No. 4, 540.!,e; feed barley,
5•134c. Flour --Manitoba Spring
wheat patents, firsts, $5.80; do.,
seconds. $5.30; Winter wheat pat-
ents, *5.50 to *5.60; Manitoba
strong bakers', *5.10; straight. rol-
lers, 55.10 to 135.25; straight rell-
ers, in bags, 13.2.40 to $2.50. Feed
Ontario bran, 822.50 to 823; On-
tario middlings, *23.50 to 824; Ma-
nitoba bran, $22; Manitoba shorts,
$23; pure grain mouillie, $31' to
$33mired muuillie, $27 to $39.
Cheese -Westerns, 12'; to 123,c,
and easterrls, 12 to 123,e. Butter -
Choicest creamery., 25'1 to 20e. and
fresh receipts, 24 to 25e. Eggs --
Strictly new laid. 31 to 32c. Se-
lected cold storage stock, 25 to 30e,
and No. 1 candled, 24 to 25c per
Apples --81.50 to $:; per barrel,
according to quality.
to *1 on
f :1 tariff war between ('ann.ln lied
1' ' !'sited States.
President Taft, speaking es Nt-
:rk. eaid the actanl cost ter en•
teem -ring rind e.enstruction .e.1 the
Panama ('anal mould be 1$397,000. •
ihttter - Pound prints. '21 111 2.2e;
tubs auel large rolls. 19 to 20e; in-
fetinr, 10 to P1-' creamery, 27 to
000.2'ce. and solids, 25 to 20.• per lb.
The Cnited States navel pee -Eggs. -Case lots of new laid. 30
gramme for the ruining ye it M 1 1 to 31c per dozen, and storage, 25c
it is said, include two battleships per dozen.
of es.0 e) tons each and • ustirg p (lueese --13c per lb. for large, and
$11,009,010 each. at 13';c for twiny.
C1E.NEll AI..
Over four hundred teen were kil-
ledBae•e:' Lune ole.'r. 11% t..1 t'. c
or wounded in n battle in Ni -lb. in ease I..ts: mesa pork,
caragutt per
4aegar cane cutters on strike in $27; short. cut, $`oR.e0 to $29.
Guadeloupe have created a serious Hauls Light to medieun, 13 to
sittrition. le e; (lo„ heavy. 11 to 1: e•: rolls,
11 t . 11';e: shoulder., 125 to
e : breakfast hacn t. 1 ; - to tic;
1 11)1 �l• H1.110. ha.ks, 15':; to
1.1V1: sfO(K 51.1off ETS.
Montreal, Mar. 1. -Prime beeves
mull at 0 to 01'•:;c per pound, pret-
ty gond nnitunls, 4'; to 5,4'c per
pound; common stock, 3% to 4i;c
pe: pound. Mild] cows from $30
t.. $55 each. Veal calves front 4
to 53,c per pound. Sheep about
5c; lambs, G'.: to 7c per pound.
(loud lots of fat !logs, 9'j tea
per pound.
Turontu, March 1. ---The quality
of the cattle offering was not up
to the mark. there being far ton
ninny •.f 'the half -finished variety. -
There were (lard to sell and de-
clined fully :`c\• before they changed
hunels. i•: e u thing of the choice
class %ere quickly caught up null
rcrlieed as high prices as at any
lime during the past two months.
A few well -finished picked steers
nod heifers sold at $5.511 to $0.::5,
but these were exceptional. Tile
greater number of sal. s of good
butchers' were made at the $e•toe--
$5.50 mark. \feditnu quality but-
cher'' ROW et $1.301 ti, 81.95. Cows
and bulls were likewise easier.
Si'' 'p. lambs. and hogs, owing to
the small supply, tn're firs».
i iec-'e:tr•n►d Roy Cooties Brother ,
i ;•nal Ilurninr Home. CRI1YIE
.1.•.1, colt from Lerelete Ont., NEGR0i
to . I II..ward, aged ftte years,
pi. % • o1 a young hero on \\'ednrs-
1 dr'• catch (am Indiana .nits, tla• 'Helping, when he carried fromindiann, t snvs : The best grades of a h1,01I g home hie nine-mouths-
liyr hews sold at 10.10:., here ort "'' blether le fore Imp arrive-il.
The ehil,lrer were atom, iu the
TI:urs,lsv. A leading buyer said : I ,,utse and it is thought the tris v. aR
"The , -entry Mad been swept bete
plat nig with the fir.. 11'hcn the
of bee- Verniers are selling even lunusr caught. the>nnngstel grab
their 11 sows. It will (113(0 three
hent% o.•rn crape to bring bark a stet no Height, its en'i:e hurrying up.
normal stepply of hog.. artd until y
then. no marked detect -0 in price. -
t' ', Le ryl.r t••I.' FELL 1)E 11) IN STORE.
t'OHMERLI' 011'.1:I1 fats: 1111
"Sao" 1Wentan's Sudden t:ad While
Arthur Fraser Waller is Dead In en Her 11'ay Home.
t:agland. A de: .pn!eh (rain S.elilt Ste.
:1 rlrspatc,' fte,nt Landon. Eng. Marie., Ont., says: Mr.. Harris,
innd, sass: Arthur Fraser Walter, wife •ef C. 13. llarris, f..rnterty turn -
at ono time chief proprietor of the key in the jail here, on \Wednesday
London Time:, and more recently night entered a stare ,en Queen
chairman of the Beira ..f Direete'rs Street while returning home. Al-
ef the company which purel,i<ed ice't intneerlielrly she fell to the
the paper, died at his hank, Rear Ilene and expired. Iter tw.. sorts
W. lid, Wokingham, on Wednesday.
He had been sick fur souse days
w ills influenza.
be up the l,abe and carried it eta
Opens Fire on Party of Young Students
on a Train.
:\ despatch from New 1' •r:; !on;s:'four voting college! -tart nfel]a
Harrison Higbee and leeloe Lord,
tee young Yale graduates, and so-
cially prutnineut in North .letsey,
were wantonly shot down and pro•
holly fntally wounded on \W.';Mes- leaped to his feet and strew n re-
ds.: by an infittiated negro in the totter. "I'II gtiiet sou," end he
sleeking ear e.f :1 .ic:r•see Central' opened tire on the four young tltett.
tram in which (hey were riding to linger Young leaped far the
Deer homes in Newark . neuro, who was s•. powerful Hen
Accompanying Higbee and Lord he dragged Voting with hitn to the
w•) re (inle \'ease, of New 1'•trk, and platform. Young held on, however,
his cousin, Roger Younte et Ne- nal1 %hen the negro leaped from the
war•k, both Prinoel•.en Rradnntes. train while it was making twenty
Neon Otter the trails left Jersey miles en liner.. Young went. with
were on the (leer immediately above City. the negro), who wits aeeotn- hie,, in striking the embankment,
bet. itttt•niling the Oddfellowet' panted Ity another [note •.f his race Young's grip was broken and the
fudge meeting. mid a mulatta woina:t, accused the de -poredo disappeared.
remarks nl►nttt toe woman.
was about to reply but Higbee t•,;tl
hint to jte ep quiet.
"Don't yell tell me to keep
quiet." yelled the negro as he