HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-03-03, Page 10,711'Arter
��L� ••••••••••••••••••••• •••.♦•♦•♦••••••.•••••••
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Phone No. 32.
{♦ ..0..•.0.0♦.0..♦•• ♦.♦0♦♦.♦♦000♦••♦♦••0.0♦001 : Z
11 SDring•••
•• a�i
OU will he surprised to Fee the immense Y 1 display of New
Dress Goods, sut•passing in variety and valise any pre• • •
• vim's year. All the. New We Ives are shown in the very 2
•♦ Newest Shades. YOU should not fail to SEE Tit EM before the
Z Lilies get broken. •
1 .•
ti •.♦..0••0•♦•♦•.♦••••♦ •
• ••••••0•••••♦000.0•.0 • •
t• At 25c a yard : At 50c a yard
i Goad Black and White • New French tVorsteds in • •
all t i �1 ' • i ,
tie f►sto p
I n.► ]t
checks or Colored 1 huts, all • shades • •
4U inches wide and are special • Also a 51 inches all wool pan- • •
value for 23 cents. ♦ tuna in Black, Blue, Brown or • •
• Green. ••
e...•••.••.♦•♦•••••♦• i ♦♦♦•••.•....••...•♦.. •• t•
At 75c a yard • At $1,00 a yard .• .
This is our papular priced O
Immense collection of Nov- • •
goods and comes in all the •.hits Suit.ings in solid ar two- • •
O toned effects. Yon will find
best shades. Plain or sits- in this lot some exclusive as •
Z • dowad stripes in the best .:;c a suiting in the very smallest • •
♦: goods on the market. • shades, • •
• • • e. •
• = •♦•♦•••.••.♦0.......: 0••••0 4040•0••••4•••• ••
it New Spring Coats New Waistings• • t
•• • Our first shipment of the 1 We are showing a very
♦ • New SpringCoats are to hand • dainty line of New \Vaistings ��
: Nice Striped Corset Coating • for Spring. All kinds and all
lir beautiful Blacks. have a • colors. A very special line M ••
good look at themand see the : Silk and Wool at only 50e
low prices. • per yard.
• ii
44♦••♦O••••••♦•••• ♦♦♦0..♦••0.0••0•
ii New Spring Shirts 2 O6nts furnishings For Suring •
• ••
Just arrived •..)') dozen of the • \V1' are known for the good ••
♦ hest vet, We are sole sellers • quality and style of our Tail- • •
of the W. G. az R. Shirts, and ♦ (•red Suits. This spring our • •
our patterns an colors are • array of Settings art• worth •
ahead of other s'asons. • looking after. fits prices are •
• right. I)ou't You Want One. •
o..-.................:,................,.., ::
New Easter Ties :New Spring Caps
Y„' w 111 need a new Tie for •
Easter. \V.' have just opened A We bought heavy on Caps
up the niftiest bunch ever • and no wonder for the amount
shown in i•;peter. All the • we sell. Our Cap trade is on
New English and American r the jump. Colne boys and
ideas shown in theta. c see the good stuff for Spring
Jones & Ma
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shot's and wall paper.
.••••••••••0♦••••.•••♦•••• ••.••••.••.••••••••
••••.•♦•••••••••.•• •.•.•••••.•••.••••••••••••
$I.oO per year In advance
'Tw'its a bit of a son;; that was %vatt-
ed to me
On lite breath of the summer air ; il,s:; Taylor left Tucsdayt Jor 1.( -n
What matter if sung for another oar, dun to visit for a few weeks.
It lifted my d'art from its care. :1 Alex Doll• hay m(nrned huam
'T was a Lit of a Potter that bloom- :alter visiting lit Buffalo.
alone "•ars. G. 'W. Knight, of I (lei ton,
On tho edge of tl dusty tray,- silent 'Tuesday iu t own.
I thought of its cheery and delieatc Mr. Fred Willis. of Alurlctt,•, 11:c11.,
grace. called on friend, Tuesday.
When the night %vas chill and gray. 1L s. A. ford spent nt a (etc dugs in
llens;llt last week. visiting friends.
'!'teas a bit of a smile of the lips of
a child
As 1 passed him at his play.
That .canoed my heart and smlothed
my brow
:And kept me e:t'eet a't th • day.
'1'%%as n bit of n .tare Chit peeped
out first
At the close of a play or care:
That evade me 'look up to the Cod of
all love
Mrs. Robbs. of Arr. is visiting beer
daughter. Mrs. (aryl Collins.
:1 r. Al. McDonel1 spent a couple of
days last week in London.
air. \Wiii. Taylor• o ho has been sn
seriuusly ill, is soul,•%%hat iniprocted:
Miss iilildr('d Ilyndinan, of ,1'enl-
brooke. called o)1 friends in town
Mr. and 'Mrs..1. \V'. Lamas. of Ham -
And c'05' the day in prayer. Ilton, visited Mr. and Mrs, 1', Fitton
c,. days Inst t k.
Thus a son(•, a flower, a smile
ster, Mr. S. Nord, oC :\\'oodliarn, was :it::
Had lightened the day (or Inc- guest of ND. and Jars. 11. '1\'. E.
For a burden need never be help• heavers, on '1'hnrsday of last meek,
lessly borne -fiss Edith ltonenr returned home
By ono who can hear and .see, last week idler visiting for several
FEBRUARY REPORT OF EX ET1 It I Miss Tillie White is attending the
EC11001, millinery openings at Toronto and
seeks in Guelph.
1i. S. I) -r iitIn ilt
FOIL J1 111.
Honors. L. G. Watson 78: I. March-
and 77. Pass. \V, :Monteith 71; It,
Hooper 73 ; /t. Pickard 71 ; C. I'ick-
nrd 70; A. Dow 69; L. Martin 67; E.
Copeland 67. No, on roll 30. average
attendance 27,
W. It, '\A'eidenhammer, Principal.
FOI1M 11.
Honors. C. Wood 78: It. Dearing
77; 13. Iloggarl h 75. Pass, E. Case
69.1; >;, I'et t y 6;1.2 ; C. Copeland 67.4 :
W. \Weismiller 67: 11. Puke 65; G.
I assmore 63.5; E. punkin 63.4; 11,
Sweet 62,6. No. on roll 28, average
attendance 24.
E. M. 11obb. teacher.
Honors M MacQueen R4; A. Doli•
c s 9;
Detroit this week.
Mr. A. E. Powell. of Island Lake,
Wis.. left for his hone. Tuesday after
visiting ell h his brother, Stephen.
The I•'orresters of Far luhar gave
en oyster supper in the Town hall.
Farluhar. on Friday last. Mr. 'afar':
Vincent assisted in the program.
Mrs. I3, W. F. Beavers and tittle
son. Ceor'te. have returned after n
wee %hilt I
two 'tilts' i w•i.h her sister, 'Mrs.
Kaufman. Glencoe.
Mrs. E. Howard. of London. and
two sons. Rus., df Sarnia. and Nor-
man of London. visited Mr. and Mrs,
E. Christie this week.
Mrs. M. A. Elliott and daughter.
Mrs. Ed. Hooper. are visiting air.
R3 Ilooper's parents. Mr. and Mrs. liar -
Geiger 79: L. Ronnie 77; It. Bissett this week,
77; C, Pickard 7:: 11, Glenn 76; M. 5lcsars. J. A. and W. 0. McTaggart
Carling 75; P. 13re n 75. Pass. R. of Toronto, visited the former's fath-
\Vood 74 ; F. Treibner 71; ,M. Darch er. Mr. Peter McTaggart over Sun -
10; A, \Willis 70; .A. lirakenshire 70; day. Mr. J. A. McTaggart is a den -
11. 5.ny 69; S. Geiger 69; 13. Case 68; tist and expects to locate in Blyth.
W. Shipton 66; fr. Southcott 65; (k Messrs. itobt. rind frank 'rreble
Ilogarih 65; 1'. Guhr 01: L. Harvey
63;(' held an auction sale of their farm
Heywood 63; Butt 60, Con stock and implements on Saturday
rncrcial Seniorr.. Honors. W. Bradt } last. Mrs. Trclbe and family expect
Pfie Gef:; (.. ., to leave rhortl} for the cost.
('omass,rnerci:lillil Juniors9
, Pass.Ilooper !11. .iew,3If1
t;'i: L. Harvey 64: P. Dearing 5,3, Mr, '\W, Statham slipped and (ell
• 2 No. on roll 61, average attendance onto a pail in the rear of his store
• toe,. on Thursday tart. Although no ler-
• A. M. Johnston. teacher. loos datnage %%an done. his aide was
I'. S. Department somewhat bruised.
lf0o:1 IV, Mrs. Win. Davin. of Hamilton. who
• • Sr. IV. honors. Irene Rivers 81 • Joe was called herr some time ago. owing�� Davis 7fi; L•idIlnrvey 75; Myra to :h•• illness end sous:•turn. d ash
• • Morgan 75; David Hall 75: .13ert of her norther. Mrs. Pratt Fisher, left
• • (allies 74 : Greta Bissett 74 ; Itiemell Saturday for her home. BORN
•• Iialkwill 73; Nellie Snell 70. T'asa, Rev, A. L. Itusse•11, of Lnmb(th, HUNTER -41n Friday. Feby. 25th. to
• • .Runes Walker 68: Florence Arnold 1 51 r. and Mts. G. '4' - Hunter. Mini -
occupied Ihr pu.pit !n the Maitt Ht.
• • 63; 1'n4 tel person (110. .Ir. IV, vide, a da'ighi r.
• • Honors. Into Sweet 75; Muriel .loner church on Sunday last. Rcv, E, A. _-�
• • Fear preached Educational 'sermons
• • : ! : Maggie Case ?4 : Florence Itottr, at Elinivil:e and t•3'nshine, MARRIED
• • • Oliyrr Iiod^ori 72; l.olo Tny:or 70. CIIAI'Ph-itl'TTL1:It - On \Vcdncs•
• • Pass hrnncia hill GT; Iilnnche Quanee Word has been received of the cri-
• j fid,: 1?phot Da:D6111.67
G1. No. on edit 41 tical condition of }Its. \Vol. Taylor day, March 2nd. Miss Nellie Rett er,
• • average attendance 3R, and :Ira. John T. Taylor the result daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \William
C. Vesper. leacher. of an automobile accident in A;lantn, Bottler. of llibbert. to 1i r. ('hope'.
ROOM V. (:n.. Mrs. Wm. Taylor is a slater of COItit(►LL-h10T)GINS-At the home
Sr. 111 honors. W. Manson F5. 11. Mrs. Vii in. De:bridge. o,• \Viitchelaea. of the bride's mother. Mrs. 3
llod+tert sl. L. Redden Re. A. Knight As we ' 10 Mr.s. Iliddulph, '.Hiss 1' -
go to death
we reWil pita to Elijah Carroll, of liiddulph
79. M. Heywood 79. J, rollick 7.. flows of the .1(0(15 of Mrs. William
Pass. .1, McCullagh 73. L. 7<esi'e 72, Hooper. Huron street. OOnThvradiyonl
0, ale Itoriald 69. A. Day 69. 0. •Pates last Mrs. Hooper s,l;fcred n paralytic kitAFT\Wednesday, March 2nd.
-\VEIN-At Crediton. on
67 ; 11, Roweliffe 63: E. )lowev 62 ; stroke and since that, time has Leon
M, Knot 02; W. Mack 61. .ir. 111. in a critical condition.
honors. M. Iliiston 80; 1'. Jackson Amon); '.boss with attended !G
ILA. 51nek 78, rasa. M. Beldon 73;
IL Parsons 71; F. Wood .6:3; E. millinery operanga at Toronto and
Davis 62 No, on ro:; 33..average at- have returned home aro Miss Morlocla
icndnncr 31. Miss M. Itollins. 51 na M. Hawkins.
1, A. :tuna}'. teacher. Miss Phillips. Mees C. Dyer. Mil.; (1,
1.0051 V1, Makins. Those who have tr'lh• to
.t r. 111, Honors. r.i':1 %uefl • !15; .liar. take charge at other places sr • Miss s
vin Vincent 90; 5lelvil.e (Badman 86- F sass., and U. Quango. tot. Marys;
Ilert ha Horsley 84; Karl \Weidcnhaui- Miss Lida Qiiance to Newbury ; r51 s
mer 8:1) Gerald Fitton RI ; Gordon Lila Huston to Petrolea > M as Mara
Ford F0; Amy Johns 77; Dorothy Hepburn
run llonListo nnt , MissMcrie
\'bite 75; Gorrlon 'Wells 7:i, Paas,
Dorothy Kwta 72; Dora Ilnuldr'n 72; Means. Pohl. Wilcox and Wes. Orltrein 69, Sr. 11. Honors. It. 4ionc who have •been employed for
Cornish 06; Alice Taylor tt : M. Pick- he pas:` lett years 11it11 Jones dt-
ard 79; Lillie 'Walker 73: Cecil Dear- (%lurk severe(' their connection with
imp 71; Rdna Johns 73; ,lllll'e •\Vn.k. that firm on Tuesday las;. The%.
er 72 ; Viola Welsh 70; Wm, .Jacobi +% ill visa nt 1 heir respective homes
Slildr•ed Horde 67; /Mary Day 6:1, No, r, 1 .loon••. :lir n ft we•ek'. o
on roll. 33; atera;to attendance 27 to going West.t. A's) 5[r, Alde,i.loprihnls
11, M. Kinsman. teacher, 11 ho has burn employed with ale. 3.
110051 \'il. Settior. leases this ete•k. end at,,•r
Jr. 11, Vonore.. Martnret Sharp 01 visiting nt hitt home. nill aecoulp;uly
Alvin Cornish 91 ; )larold Iloy''. 91 ; Ihi. tel. In losing .tient Ext.; er lo ca
Vera Marshall 87; Ilruce Rivers 813: Ilit eo young men who have l•.0
Mary Jlor!ock 1.2; Vera Sweet 81; J. )li'_h!y respected and esteemed.
1•:asterbrook 78: (:'nrence .Morley 77; __-40-____.
-•40-- -
Willie Moon 76. Pass I!'r:sei:la Col- 'C. 0, F. ELECTS Gi'1 ICi•:Its,
'ire:wood 70; Wil:S. Davis 69; becti At rho last regular tnonth:y meet -
Pa atter 69; Del VIII Cha r.1 on 63. Sr. Ing of the local Con rt of the C:utadinw
fart 11. Ilonors. Berths .Jackson 94 ; Order of Foresters the following Of-
G'ndys Rarv_•� o;; \'leas .lours !•e; dicerslirne(or 1910 were installed; Chas.
\IllJ,s'4 li0rtleeb P5:MabelMabelHackneyeknry Iy. C. 11.. C..1. L•(ke•r. V. C. 1L.,
81; Arto Delve 83; Violet Mn'let k3; et, N. Howe. Treas.. l', IN. G:ad-
\Vionic knish! t2; 51 hired NI..r hitt 1 ,hare Rec. Secy. 1'. 11. NicCallom.
79; Irene %nefle 77. Pass Norman Tress.. Wm. 11ardin;rChap.. Gen,
\ory 73; .lanes Fer;nson 70; Cora 70 : . 8, \Y„ \W hi. Cr • h. .1, „ f+rs hod cul Ilrimacontb • 6 t, o. 1'011 ell. S, 11,. e! c Go ,!. .t. 11,1V'I'hc,
on roil, 41. average attendant-. 36IlialC. O, F. is one of our u r Froterna'
A. 1.. Sleet h. Ieneh'r. Institutions. it :s purely Canadian,
.Ir. Pt. 11, Honors.
'4'111.s. \erda Miele 91; its opera (ions len),' con l.n d 80!01y
to Canada. It has n tneoel..•rship of
Ernie\\',•!Is 81; I'he :ma Connor F`2: some 72.000. Since its orgaleaation its
Wilbert C' I'es3.e F0 ; {art Magee 79;
11180 it has paid out to beneficiaries
Elmer 'Taylor 76. Pass. Mane! Host. over 84.500.000,00. The reserve f011d
dell 71: Josephine Davis 72. 1'1. 1, which cannot he (touched for any _
honors. (:ludo ilr:'mnn 91 ; Mildred other purpose than the payment of
Harvey '3: Philippa Malan, as 79. death claims now amounts to $3.031,
Pass. Edward Yellow 71. No. • on In9,S7 and during the last year over
toll 49. average attendance 29, 25 per cont of the claims have been11. 0. Pennock. .euchre paid lint of lh.• in,erest es tb s fund
alone, A remarkable fea titre of 11)
Order is that while its membership
has stendi'y increased from year 10
CASTOR 1 A !tract
the dente rale .has remainedbili
praclieally the stens throat bout its
chole history V high speaks well for
For Infanta and Children. its management and the care ,with
the Kind You Have Always Bought t,1'hel.i•citIliil�h • r(Dorisks t hrnate rrtsthbeen is sccent ilrCl0d,
Montreal and it is expected that the
dears the Annual Report t%ill hr the lest the
Signature of Order has ever had.
Tho preceding. Sunday. at Nairobi.
I had visited the excellent French
Catholic Slissiou, had been 111081 court-
cously received by the fathers, had
gone over their plantations and the
school in %%'hick they taught the child-
ren of the settlers (much to my sur-
priac•.amont: them were three Par-
see children. who were evidently .tut
on a totally different plane from
the other Indians, even the Gott:,ne-
sc , and had been keenly interest •(1
in their account of their work and
of the obstacles with which they .net.
At F ijabe I spent several exccrd-
ingly interesting hours at the Amer -
;test Industrial -fission, Its head,
Mr. 11urtbui•r. had ca11,.,1 nn 1u.• 1n
Washington a r the White house, in
the preceding October, and ) had
then made up my mind that if the
chalice occurred 1 mutat certainly vis-
it his mission. It is an int erdenomin-
al mission, and is carried on in a
sI tirit which combines to a rear kec
degree broad sanity and common
sense %vita disinterested fervor. Of
8106K and Poultflj Footls
Intnational 25 and 50 cents per pkg.
Dr. Scott's 25 and 5o cents per pkg.
Iierbageum 25 and 5o cents per pkg.
Royal Purple 5oc. and $1.540 per pkg.
Heave Cure, Worm Powders, Healing Oil,
Coles Cure, Louee Killer and Phene Chloride
Sulphur. Salts, Salt Petre and Oyster Shell.
Tinsmith work and Plumbing, Iron Pipe,
Fittings, Valves etc.
A Complete Line.
course sueh Doti;. under the condi- Reduced prices on all Skates, Ifockey Stix, fucks, Sleigh Bells, X
11008 which necessarily obtain in East
Africa. can only show gradual pro.- Cut Saws and Washing machines.
gross; but I nm sure that. mission-
ary work of the Kijabe kind wilt he
an indispensable factor in the slow
uplifting of the natives. Them is
full recognition of the fact that in
dustriol training' is a foundation
stone in the ,effort to raise ethicaI
and moral . t .'dards. Indust rill
teaching must: go hand in hand with
moral teaching -awl in both the mere
force of example and the influence
of firm. kindly synpathy and under-
-tanding count. 1:nmeasuranly. There
i.a further recognition of the tart
that in such a country the mission-
ary should either already know how
to, or else at once learn how 1o. take
the lead himself in all hands of indus-
trial and mechanic work. Finally
the effort is made consistently to
teach the native how to live a mor
comfortable, (useful, and morally
cleanly life, not under %vhite condi-
tions. n'1 under the conditions which
he mill actually have to face when
he lova back to Iiia people, to tic,•
among them, and, if things go +sell.
to 101 in his turn a conscious or un-
conscious missionary for .^.00d.-"Afri-
r.:n Game Trails' by Tht•odorc Itoos •-
vett in Scribners' for aarch.
The death took place on Sunda:,
Felty. 27th of 51r. John A. Versa-
ersa in his 79th year. Mr. Ferguson ,•:
was born on rho 12.1, concession ti
London Township and came 10 town
with his family about eight year.
ago. He is survived by a widow and
six children. four boys and two girls
Edward. William. Joseph and .lame.
Mrs. Wm. llorney, of Usborne and
Nellie at home: also one sister and
two brothers. Mrs. Lind••n. of Jiirr
and Joshua and henry of Minnesota.
• : sio . ......... . .... . ..•. .7 +4•+•...: +•1••1.4••: 4.4•+ 4 4• . ;•fi4•-' ++
W E are placing before YOU the most
Remarkable Spring Clothes Opportunity
ever offered to the menfolk of this town. This is your
chance to have your
built to your own measure by the best Cnstom Tailors in
Canada -built into a cloth you yourself will select from the
cream of the seasons woollen inncvations-and yet built at :
a price even the most modest wage earner can cheerfully :
Two Hundred Cloths to Choose From
For $20, $18, $16, $14 and as low as $10
Taupe to Your Measure.
Costs no more than Ready to•wcars
Quick Delivery
Guaranteed Satisfaction.
Sandy Bawdeni
v •;
i Y
The Best Flour---
1f it. 1•4 the best. flour you Want there is but one place
in 1•JWn to get it- that is from tis. The brands are:
(Ontario Blended)
( Weal el'n (;anitda H0111' lu' i'1 )
Leave your orders or call up I'hnrer 2.
R. G. SELDON, Exeter.
Wednesday. Fehy. 23rd. Miss Ma-
tilda \\'esti. daughter of Mr. and
Jars, Louis Wein, to Mr. Batton.' 1'
F'ERGCSVN,-(.n Sunday. February
27th. John A. Ferguson in his 79:1t
SHARP -In ht, Marys. on S'n ! iv.
Feb. 20. Ellen l:iizale !) Sharp. %%•f:
of '.1r, 11, Fred Sharp. registrar of
Swills Perth.
I'E1)LFIt.-ln Chicago. on Friday.
Felty, 25th. 1910. John \V. Peder.
sun of Mr. Geo. I'ed'.er. aged ; 1
years a0,1 !1 months.
Children Cry
All Good Kinds of
Flour and Feed
kept 011 hand
Bran and Shorts
Sold by the Ton.
11 heat taken its exchange
for Flour and (.pts taken in
exchange for Oat111 a1.
W. Rivers
'����::1?.���� : ii_:3 _ .x It" -.-i S' %i':+
NICs Y'-�.jSNY.\..�.�CN�Ki3iiN"-{�
til 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11'11 1111 11:11 11 11.1111 HAI 11'11 11,
Pallor Suit Parlor Tables
Easy -,hair Odd Chairs
Music Cabinet ('ouches
Sideboards Hall Racks
Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining -room Tables Dining Chairs
Dainty, well -made and at reasonable prices.
Bed Room Suits 1' .I Conches Mattresses
Springs, Brass and Iron Beds
Newest styles and all at popular prices
The Leading Ilam.• Furnislcer8 and Funeral Directors.
( jam�'{f.'"75117.1
.. ,
L.NN.2wN.•• NN.NN..\.•..•..•.Y,••Yr. � •f�i:�.N \.N,Y.
Wheat Lands for -IS
111 the Famous Eagle Lake District.
For the Large investor we have three blocks of se cral thous•
and acres, each to offer at a price that will make the purchaser
some money
For the Man who wishes to make a molest investment of a
section or Tess, we have a large li t of carefully Selected Lands from
which to make your choice ;.t
a ,trice from $12 to $75 per Acre
SPEC IAL=.Choicesmcoth section, ( lay loam soil, 5 miles
from new town (Saskatoon, Calgary Line all
arable land, good hoincstead adjoining
Price $12:50 per acre; $3:75 per acre cash balance
Five Years.
Homesteads located at a Moderate Charge
,i Kindersley, Sask.
IS to invest in troP of Edi. vu's
1'h„nt,glnphs nckttoel ,L,d
to ho the best The render
Mg f .Iu�u• Son a Etc.. K (
so ttu'• •11.0 Ole like that ne r
ran il;ndly kite it credit. If
shat h:.%,• tut old ma(•hine
L1 ing it in and we will toy it
1111 n 111.4)• 1•+li.nn, nn.l •, ••
soli ,1 gc.rul rrluntr deal.
Itrtnrntlier the Edison Alio
L1•rol Record plats for f
read mit-half minutes and cost
t.•ss Ipso r+ dote mit:ute disc.
This it• the
Way to Success
HEX '1' f l E
IS to Buy :► ihoap ;rdtci(ise 1
and rub yourself ,,111.1•
p:eas0les t,1p.an Edison. 11.1'11
rad your elect welt it %%o Ih-
1 I h r
iess a).j1:11i11114 011 your hares.
\'ou ale t lire to get tit h by
'ugh a Ia ans0(•t ion, not In
411:)ney but rape! ietae. Yeti
cannot afford to do lee/iot•r,
that way. It is the
Way to Failure
Watch our Window ft:r
March Display
The Purity
J. W. po tc ELI.