Exter Times, 1910-02-24, Page 5$rF<
THE EXETER TjDkES, FEB. 24th 1910
The Molsons Bank
lncorpuralyd 1856
CAP TAL (paid up) =9 600.000 00•
RESERVE FUND ••• =9.600000_00••
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the :
' - ['rinctpal Cities in the Worid.
General •Banking Business Transacted. •
Savings Bank Department
at all llietnches. ['Remit allotted at highest current rate. ••
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
IL R. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, t10
uee LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 8
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States am
BANK MONEY ORDERS E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, x10,000,000
EDER General Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
throughout Canada, and in the and England
$5 and under 3 cents
Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents
" $10 " $30 10 cents
" $30 Al 4. $50 15 cents
These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in Canada
(except in the Yukon) and at the principal banking points in the United States. They
are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland.
They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety
and at small cost, and may be obtained without delay.
Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
les F++.1 -i-•1.+4- t• 4-4-d•i-•1••14-1.4-•("i 44.1• l
,. 1 Mr. Garnet Maker. of London. spent
1 Sunday in town visiting friends.
wintcr Term
January 3rd
Students may enter any
day of the school year.
Individual instruction.
Our graduates get the best
Mail Courses. We train
more young people than any
otber management in Can•
Affllated with Commercial
Educators' Association of
Write for p.ittit ulars
ton Business
4,:Hiss Luella Stahl spent Monday in
i- 1 Exeter visiting friends.
' \Ve are all glad to see Mr. and
Ctrs. G. Lawson visiting in town.
Mr. Adrian Coughlin. of Centralin.
spent Monday in town.
Air. Frank lin rer. of n visiting
Sundayapcnt tow
parentis. past few weeks in Lisbon and Iter: n
Miss Clara Feltner spent ie%% returned to her home on Monday !mgt.
1. days •in Loniton visiting friends.
Miss Lettia bneli is visiting with
MrsIt, hicks arrived hone files' friends In Exeter.
+ day morning after attending the. 11 r. Eddie, ler. n is viaiiing at his
1' death of her grandfather ,at Nee' , home here.
'•, WStm i )list er.
Mr. Dan Wein, of Detroit. is visit- Dr. Slcl.ae.I.hlin sprat tia;urd;i. :n
in:; with hie parents and friends for Mr. J K. Goetz was in Exeter on
'l'he marriage of Mr. Sant Kraft to
Jliss Tillie Wein. of Crediton. took
place op Wednesday.
Failed to Cure Rheumatism
Miss Flora Chapman Viv-
idly Describes Her Suffer-
ings and Ultimate Cure
With "Nerviline."
"Atter being an enthuetaatic user of
Nerviline fur years, 1 feel It my duty
to tell yuu personally what your won-
derful preparation has done for me.
"1 suffered torture from nceumatisnt
and heart trouble, tried scores of so-
called remedies. consulted for weeks
and months with Toronto's most emi-
nent physicians. but derived only slight
"A friend Insisted on my using
Nerviline, and to Illy surprise a vig-
orous rubbing of this Iwwerful lini-
ment eased the pains and reduced the
stiffness In my joints. I continued to
use Nerviline and was perrnanently
cured. I tun now perfectly well, and
for three years have
had no rheumatism
at all. I know many
families where no
other medicine, but
Nervlllno Is kept ---
It is so useful In
minor Millivolt? Ilkc earache, toothache,
n. •.ralala, coughs, colds, lumbago, and
1..atita. 1 call Nerviline my "Ltfo
Guard, • and urge all to try its merit."
Dee. 17th, 113 Palmerston
Avenue, Toronto.
Refuse anything else offered Instead
of NervIline, 50e per bottle. trial size.
25c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozono
Co., Kingston, Ont.
Cures Rheumatism
Dashwood and Miss Tillie 'Wein. e('
Crediton took place at the hotne of
Mr. and .lira. 1.. Wein on Wednesday.
The Times extends congratulations.
Miss Cort Treemner. of Dashwood..
is spendin;; n few days in town vis-
iting friends.
Miss Aline Brenner who bas teen
visiting in Zurich for a few • weeks
returned to her home on Saturday.
Mrs. Mark Bender left for Itlyth on
Tncsday to attend the funeral of he:
Mrs. L. 1:. Eidt who has spent t ha
a few days.
Miss Myrtle Clark spent a few days
in London visiting friends. . •
Miss Tillie Wind left for Detroit, on
Saturday. where she will visit friends
and relatives for a few days.
We are glad to report that Misses
Mildred thrown and Pearl Geiser
have passed their meek! examina-
tions. congratulatitms.
Mr. and Mrs. Christ. fahner spent
Tuesday in Dashwood visiting friends.
t Mondayin
Brown s rn
Santr p
London on business.
.1 deputation a%) iced the council
on Tuesday advocating to cut off n
(leo, few hotels in the township of Stephen.
The council decided nn .letian be
to ken.
A good resident of this place pass-
ed away in the person of Mrs. T.
Chambers. interne:lot was made at
Exeter. She in survived by her hue-
cr and one son.
1 u ht
e &a
d. one K
1 •9
I on
Crediton .�/ ret. o
C crit y
/( a sir
��� n � � 11,
Spotton, Principal.
•1 +4-4.4-e--i--O+ori••1•-i 4 -I -4-1--e r•1'•F-vI•++
C� rte•
57RATFORO. ONT......"
reminded the people of Broadway
Avenue N •w York.
Mrs. Sail Brown spent Tuesday in
Write us at once for sur free i)asheowl visit int. friends.
Catalogue and learn the na• A sleigh load of young people at -
tare of cur courses in Corn- tended the rink on Monday night at
mercial, Shorthand or Tele- Exeter. On the sway home the load
graphy departments. We ; upset and some scrambling was rer-
have the leading, practical. fainly done. Some of them fell into
training school in Western t he ditch. Ask them what it is like
Ontario. Courses are thorough tollan baptised.
ap ised. of S1 r. tins, I: raft. of
Instructors experienced and
we assist graduates to post- ---------
titions. Students are enter-
ing each week. You should
enter NOW.
1). A. Mcl.AOIILAN,
Are Your
Children Puny ?
•••••••••••••••••••••••• A Suggestive Letter to
On Monday evening of this wee:: the
ladies of the W. M. 8. of the Metno-
diet cbt:rch held an oven meeting. •
the hall used ey the Y. M. C. A.. to
us -
invited t h
c ladies'
which were
bands and oleo the members of the
Y. M. C. A.. giving the unmarried
once ibc privilege of bringing their
t;ir.s. (those mho had them to bring.)
The president. Mrs. 8. 11. Gidley•
belled the meeting to order. and af-
ter the Singing of n hymn, she read
11 scripture lesson and then caller! oto
W' toIced in
ra t•r.
a o,{ y
Tito.e president 11u1
Wilford the Ion:owing program :'-
Selection by Mouth organ 1• u, !
Jackson. V. 'odd and AV.
solo. "i'erging nway." H. Wilford ;
cornet solo. M. 11. Gidley; recitation.
Mr. lludgson: duct. "Love is the Key
to )leaven." Mrs. Brown and 'Miss
)lentis ; selection. mouth • organ
hand ; reading. Dir. Gardin• r ; ins. r :-
meson!, Ctrs. J. 0. Orel, •%,' ):
tette. "Sailing across the - ,
1 cnrl and Edith Gidley nrt•1 II -,n I
Russell ; recitation. Mr. rim r r.
strnrnentnl duel. Ml. 1i. I • y ,1 1
Chellen ; leoli. 1 or:, t re • Ts
Canndinn Gir:." '•1 -- i.. Cori 1 -.
llentley, Slise (ndley :in 1 11.' I:r •tt 11 .
Violin se!eet'ou. \!r. (+ •1 I I .
tho program a &alit . itch n as
served Ly the !oldies. \ : r 1 short
time Agent in sor' ,' e• se, • th
evening's cntertainte i,: e r ; u•cgii•
10 to room. by singing Gut save ;ii •
):iug. Misses Carr's• Slater and
Gidley presided as; accompan:Sts.
brlhatherine's grandmother generally KltktOn
ei •ht her a piece of candy c'r n Nature Is not often at fault
6 ghipIdltY and thoughtlessness of Silver Wedding. -(In friday. I'e1,-
On w ben she returned t, andn a pert he t parents are reslstnslble for mtuty of
Once. ever thinking she fortot. Kat or- the half-dead men and women we
arise. never ehc could be for- meet.
gotten. tasked. "Wasn't there any- � Their fathers and mothers did not
thing loose. grnndmnf"-Tic De
•' Ripply the aid that w•olad have set
'locator for March. their body activities Into full force to
develop vitality and rugged Strength.
Mrs. TirvtottIY Bristow writes a let-
ter that should s.•t thouttand.f par-
ents par
thinking: "My boy
trots tit
•e;Ire old, looked
fourteen and sixtren y
pale rind puny. They seen, 11 not to
care for play !Ike neighbors children.
They were too effeminate and lacked
For Settlers ,omethine i would have liktd t , ace
iN them possess. i don't know whet pill
It into my head. but I gave ": ^u'':-
MANITOBA Ing cooklee are swtet dishes. and It
didn't take nit long to bee they wire
SA.Siit+atliiEWAN eating more of the right k)nd of nand.
How Made and How Readied
^,etners with five
t.t'ck ar,1 nieces
Special Trains
htvq Tc -onto
10. I O p.m. Tsesbys
SMt.ers arc Farriy.es
wahout lave Stock
Redular Trains
10.10 p.m. daily
Til%MIrr.0 FLIER
3R t• -oars to Wrnrire•c
Thrnuch T• uri•t Car,.
to which Berths are free
A rt•'r t, n•a-►st /litre fir sariL of "Sealers'
Go ir,Western Cauda." Tourist Cars.'
or writs
R. I. ;• :-rccn, 13 P.A , C.P [t . Terorto.
I just thoug:lt I tweed give Bum
501111 of my own tonic. ' Ferrettont . '
and wag delighted with the rest, t.
Such as Rpisltlte It gave them! 't Fry
grew fairly fat and had n lovely pink
color. 1 think when such a gond tonic
as b'errnzone 1s ttvrlla.ble there Ir nt
excuse for delicate children. Certain-
ly tote of nourishing food. allot l'err-
ozone will give a child n great chance
to grow up hearty and strong." Moe. Kirkby and family.
The T4nnday yrhool ins.i,rile in the
FERROZONE Methodist rhurcll inml week waA nl-
,a 1 tended tw i• h Good RuccrmA, lartrr Audi-
rlic'S Lehi ' prrs•nt al both s•eleons.
Makes realmMr• and Mrs. Turner nnrl a latterr,
who have been visiting the tatter'e
And Ferm7one is n good tonic fer mother has returned to 'their battle
old folies, too --11's full an nutrition midi In Menitofin.
blood -building proeertfes nod makes Mr. H. Brown intends :`ain:J: to the
the weak ltr,tng vary quickly. Try west next spr.n:t'to work tctlh h's non
one nr he) tablets with veer invite. Wee lee
Fifty cents per box. Aix for t{^...',); all i Miss 11. Barr tens visOting a't her
dealers, or 'rhe Catarrhogune Cn., mothers nv•r 8anday.
ICing.ston, Canada. 1 A large number (tinted out to hear
the 'tete Coru:sh in Ht. lieu's' church,
011 hundayt evening and acre rot die-
A meeting of 'th. :Fermiers' Insti-
tute oras held itt h'irittun ott ,5tunday
lee,. nud was very lamely attended,
all report a profitab"e. pleaslnt Bale.
Mr. Ira 'Marshall took a .Leigh -lord
to the Oyster Supper • on' MotiJay
nigh: which was a Alta. ., 1?: ":/.
A large number of c11tizetut of ',Iles
conttnunity enjoyed the Sauba<it Soc-
ial at. Anderson on 'Tuesday.
The Epworth IA•attue are havin;; a
Social on Friday 25tb. inst., the pro•
truume being provided by the An-
derson and Sale111 League's. Coins
and have a good time.
Itev. E. A. Fear will conduct the
services in the church here next Sun-
day morning attd evening and at Sun-
shine itt the afternoon, preaching ser-
mons in interests of Educational
t'tork for which subscriptions and
collections wi:1 be Laken.
Mr. \t in. Smith. of 'Lion, has corn-
*mewed raising 1''geunat•ly Sttis
s c
year. Ile hnd a parr hatch on feh' Sl r. end }fry. Solomon line1 afcr and
rotary fob. Who can bent this[
Mr. Thornton Swale has purchased (laugh:el- returned on Monday evt fling
the David !clues house and Jot at from a two weeks visit in Waterloo
Tricks in n11 trades even In muzz:- t CouMnissty. Ileyrock and Cher, Ethel Wit -
int; dogs, if some don't get onto the 1 Nauta and El:a ltttnnie were in Tor -
trick there may be a few doge rats -onto tat week attending a temper -
sing. 1:ince convention.
\l r, Leroy and Chester Coultis visit- Mr. Daviel Schueil has disposed of
ed their grandfather. Mr. It. Coultis bis heavy chestnut TOGO), to Mr. John
Suudti), Alcllride. Blind Line. fur $185.U0
Dtr. and Mrs. Greases of St. Marys Mrs. Bernhardt. of prestos is visit -
are visiting their son. Mr. John Greu- iug her parents Rey. 11,1.1 Mr-. Maas.
sat this wick. at ilea Lutheran Parsonage.
te'edding bells w1:1 ring in the near Owing 'to continued indispudition.
future, Mr. Delgaty. principal of the public
On Wednesday evening March 2nd school hero !wen forced to tilt. and
the Elinivile Epworth 1 eague wit his place is taken by Alas I'inglantl,
hold a social evening. The feature of of Godcrich. Mr. Delg;lty had u
the evening will Ile a debate, the sub -
reputation as a teacher end
jcct of which is "Resolved that cir- it is to be regretted that hehad to
cumstauces have more to do in sere- retire from the profession. Miss
iug success than ability. The Affirtn- I'in{(unnd commenced duties on Mon -
alive to be taken by Mr. Joshua Johns day.
and Mr. 8, J. 1'yni and the \ci:alive
to bo taken by Messrs. W. G. Medd
and 11'. Kerr. The Judges are to be
Miss Hamilton of •\Vinchelsca, L11!se
Halt of Zion and Mr. Gowans of
Thames Road. After the debate a
tnnsical program u111 be given con-
sisting of solos and duets also a ma:c
cborous. After the program a lunch
will be served by the tnt•nibera of the
I.enguc. A silver collection of t0ets.
and upward will be taken in behalf
body \ the V Forwardc Movement. Evcry-
4 e tom .
tirand Send
11te. Frank Geron►ette held a luiit-
M r bee on Thursday.
Harman Gill moved here last Thurs-
day from 1 ort Frank and is occupy-
ing Mrs. 1.. 'layettes house.
Wm. Webb, of the 19th Con, had a
h''eti dt':lying Hotelier for Itis barn on
Mr. Ilse, of ;Pigeon. 'Stich., ie vis-
itiug h s parents.
The 113tMt'1•teen of this place have
out out their gill nets but fish Scent
nen .
Mrrtes. Roberts is t•tuieriug from neu-
Mrs. Auto- %t ho hats haven sick is ,
Mr. and Mrs. Atuos and Mrs. Daley
visited for a few dusk rot Mr. \I'la.
Amos . ,
Cyrus Green had a bee drawing
W0011 on Frifday.
Mr. Ilse, of 6trat ford. is vis'ting
at Joseph Ravelle s.
Another one of Mr. Ileatnans deer I
died last week.
A number of the young peup:e of
our villago held a sleighing party to
the house of Mr. Dougal Kettleton at
I:ippen on Friday evening last.
Mr. Claiasiii O'Neil. of Clinton. vis-
ited relatives here last geek.
Mr. Thos. \Va!dran, who or ..oro'•
time past has been under the doctor's
care, we are sorry 10 !earn. continues
about the s:unr.
,liss May Aiaerihead his I.•turned,
to her home at Carberry. '1111.
Itev. Mr. Davidson. o[Varna, con-
ducted service in Union' Presbyter-
ian church on Sabbath morning las:.
On 'Thursday afternoon last. a very
•2uict wedding look Mace at the resi-
dence of Mr. and Mr'. S. Winters.
ituasell street. Leamington. when
their eldest daughter. Miss Effie \1.
was united 1n uuorrage. to Slr. G:or_c
A. Turner. of jlrucelield. Ont. The
ceremony any per(nnno d by Rev. A.
llnmilton, or the Methodist Ch.. at
3,:30 p. et.. the inunedintc relatives
only being present. After a sumptu-
ous d' -r had been partaken of. Mr.
an:I MrsTurner left on the 51.30 p.
in. :rain for 'Toronto. They will con-
tinuo. their route to 'Washington City
and other places in the I"nited States.
to go
expect June cx
d in p
can )
Mrs.1 Ira r
most popular young ladies and .Mr.
'Turner is a progressive and prosper•
otla business nen. After n period of
travel of some months the young
temple nill lake up their residence
ut Iirrieetield. Ont.
ruary lith. one of those happy events
which transpire in 'the lives of some,
nant'•ly the celebration n' shod,-
heirver wealthier. took p:nee nt the hnntt
of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan iCirkhy.
fou rt h !One. II' an•'hard. Oe hie to
the far; that Mrs. Kirk•nj war jnsl
recoverine from n severe fllneee on y
theiron r
t Tulare nl u , tiveand a f•t%
of the church •friends. together frith
their pastor. Rev. 41, Snell and ':ion -
By. and th: ims.or. Ito.•. E. A. le .•
who married them twenty-five t• .r.-
r-ale were present. The 1;1:..._.
open' loot valunb c gifts testified to
the es,eetn to which the worthy
tempo. are h't!d. cnn.rpicumim turning
w•triebi n as n very pretty silver ser -
vie • , h • '.i 7t o7 th • nternbersh p
Salem Mei hornet church. where Mr.
and Nino. Kirkby have nitended nil
th.•ir !lveu, Ae,er a sumptuous re-
past p'ntined and prepared under Ale
direction rr: Wes l.r•ty. only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Kirkby. the evening
%vas spent to music and social con-
verse. The best wishes for many
happy years nere extend •d to 111r. and
For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female Ills
Minneapolis, Minn.-" 1 was a great
sufferer front female troubles which
caused :► weakness
and broken flown
condition of the
system. 1 read so
much of what L}idia
E. I'inkhaut'a Veg.
rt•tble l
• forother
had doral,
suffering women 1
felt sure it would
help me, anti 1 most
say 1t did help the
wonderfully'. My
pains all left Me, [
grew stronger.and w ithitl three inmate,
1 vas a perfectly well woman.
" I want this letter made public to
show the benefit wmnrn may ds•rivo
from Lydia E. 1'iukhatn'n Vegetable
Compound."-Mrs..b its 1:. Mot.DA 1.
2115 Second St., North, Minneapolis,
Thousands of Unsolicited and Reim -
1111 testimonials like the above trove
the efticlenc of Lydia E. I'inklipm's
Vegetable Compound, which is merle
exclusively from roots and herbs.
Women who stiffer from those din -
breast ng ills peculiar to their sex should
not lose sight of these facts or doubt
tho ability of Lydia Ir. Pinkham's
Vogotable Compound to ri'ataro their
boa th.
it on want special advice write
to Mrs. Tlnkham, at Lynn, Moss.
Rhewill treratyottr let ter asstrict ly
confidential. For 20 y('lsrs she
has been helping sick women In
write free at once. Don't
r Atir arnE ':lgl(rr
YOUNG OR Pinna. i -i i,GED MVI
tcho nee.. the..ervices . f + : ,• rt s1>eelallsta
%.by Neto your bleu I,eaoug ahh
du•un'ayuu know ueli.. e[, V, by wnsto
your mo:.ey %Lh at•t:,'., x wlectle belts
ortirtm burro 11 .Strum.;. u:en you can gee
,:uaruutcal• rel.aLle, avecrss(ul 1m:aa+eut
front thcan Pilaster Spec i:::_te. Drs. K.& K.
I.ato treated Intr. IIs t::b....ghot t Caua•Ja
for over -o) Mas t:r:d t s , r e..l,tu.sibso L'nau-
e s1; •. They except oe.:y et•rni.'o esus end
uhoutd your ca: o &roto ,i curable It need
Cwt cost you it cent. it y .1 aro unable to
cue nt our tf ice for a let. oral ezane atbn
Jill u
-•• •, � e n i_ foryou W I
a'ottill.+_r.l..(,ut..t( 1. t p
front t: hit It ao esu dia;_ r:oso your caeo and
telt you %thetlaer you ate curates or Pot.
i l.eu vro tti,l prc bcr11 o specil:e remet:fos
for your Indlviduul c:co which you can
tnl:o at bone,. Wo have ro eure•ali u emelly
that wo 1.eud to everybe.dy alike us tuost
i;IMeialista do. Litt no i. r. scr/W the rem-
c..ies rtqu.i•e•1 for e::c11 in.'.Widuld ease to
complete iterre. That's ere of the tecrele
of cur wonderful surer •*, r.ben ethers fail.
Send for our Pre. CootJct on Diseases of
Ment illustrated.)
',Vo Guarantee 1,3 Curo
Nervous Debility, Blood Disease.. Varicoca
Kidney. Ci: eecr and
Urinary Diseases
If unable to call, write for n. Question Blank
for Iiosao Tractseient
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detioit, Mich.
Willi"NE All letters from Canada must be addressed
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
meimemmosin ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
Write for our private address.
We are pleaseu to report that Mr.
%;n -lick Cured Scarp Eczema llcnry Dout all, of Itodgervilic. oho
If you have eczema. penliIringworm or accidentally received a full chargeof
permit any scalp sore. do not peit your shot .when nt a shooting thatch 'vette
hair to be cut off witho.:t first trying
Zana -link. Mrs. David Monteith. o! twelve weeks ago. is now itupreving
t':1 Bertrand street. Norwood. Winui_ iticcly, but is still confined to his
peg says: "My daughter contracted
eczema o': the eicalp. and this broke
out regularly for three vicars in suc-
cession. It would probably have been
recurring yet each season had it not
been for Zane-lb:lc. The eczema first
started with an outbreak or little red,
watery pimples. which turned into
large sores. We consulted a medical
man. and tried lotionse powders',
salves and all kinds of things bat in
"Each time the disease appeared
her hair lied to be clot off. When
:his had been done 3 times a friend
auggeste(i that, as other things had
failed. f should try Zam-Bak. instead
of again consulting a doctor and go-
ing through the old an in.(fcctivc
programme. I acted on thin advice
:Ind obtained some Zana-Iluk. Almost
as soon as this was applied the child
experienced relief. the it cling and
irritation seemed to t:e soothed. turd
in several places, after some days
treatment. there appear;d marked
signs or improvement so we thought
we would not this time cut off the
-We 'kept on applying
k. London. assisted
iss Armlets
rintst\Lk ia
hair. Ea(eusrconrteraadcetorryofrctiorltt
unlit in a few weeks it wclm very evi in,; operations for tits coming season.
dent a complete etre tins being 1'f- �Jlr, Isllim ;f liau11 Ste. Marie has
1 e were
[tiered. h for end ail th sortshcen visiting his brother Mr. Jos. F.1-
heal,•d, the hair over the affected die.
parts had grown again. and • t the !lir 'S1oir who has resided for a
present time her scalp is healthy andMr
of months with her son An-
:tuite fret from every trace 01sore drew has returned to her borne in
or iet.rna.' The Sano healing virtue Ilw village.
i I 1uspon'ihle for the cure of ulcers The friends of 'bliss Haines, who Li
se. 1 ores. c"11. crack
.I b. cc. s. r muni,in the hospital at Godcrich. %t•ili be
1 S r
boons. s. lilrs. abrasions. rte.
scalds.I It
I improv -
to learn that she is imp
for children s rashes there is nothing iug nicely.
to equal. '/.ntu-lint:. :is it Is So purl. Dr. Alex. Moir. who was in Toronto
All druggists anti stores at 50c. a for :a couple of Months attending the
box, nr putt free from Zoom -fink. Co., hospital. has returned to his brother
Toronto. for prier. Colin s home near here and intends
t - spending n few weeks before resum-
ing l.l'1{ C'O1 ' CIL spending
his practice in the Nest.
Miss (fart is spending a week or
The council mut l'chrnary 7itr, 1910 so with friends in Wheatly-.
pursuant to ndjonrnnent. the reeve Itev. Cir. Millyard of Godcrich. one
and elf the members pr• . nt. The al th•, personage last week spending
follottins by•'.nws were palmed. a few (lays with his son Rev. J. E. J.
lly-law No. 1 of 1910 providing for llillyerd of this village.
ealarii•s of Mvniripat officers ns foe- We are pleased to learn that Miss
twee; cook. $15e; Clerk. for services leicy 1lunieston. who has been 111311
under hitches end Watercourses Act, seriously ill for some uceks, is non
25; Treneto:or. 70; Assessor. 70: Audi-
tors each. 1; 'l,•dical Ilealth Officer.
20; ('oPeeto.. . a. Councillors for alt -
lin 7.111 division reruns:Asirtter'i
for esti dray. 2.00; linird of Ilcalths
for each day. 2.00: Sanitary Inspec-
tor for actual services.
lly-law No. 2 :appointing Mnnicipa!
Officers. W. 1). * intiley. Clerk; John
Poe, Treaslie•r; It. 11. Radcliffe. As-
Itielr•i t teens •y. erg':eel ar;
1Ir. C. A. 1.nnrt. Si. 11.•0.; Baird of
Ho:Ant. A. I:. Ilodgine. W. 1). Stan -
t, y. 11iliiatn Din an. chairman. Wel-
. Ilnr' ul- Neel G'O. F. i'. I(.er; Anniversary Ferric •s will he held in
'4.1 nit ary hoop •elor. (;en. E. Fort er. (Carmel church 1114 :.1._ S.tbbath in
The Auditor's iteport en, received March.
and adopted. rind the Clerk instructed
to have 109 copies printed. RUfBELr,ALE
it was moved nod carried Clint no The Anniversary Services of Mt.
appeal against hog Tax :aseesement I'Icasenl Methodist (:h:rch will be
owild be considered after the Irs1 held of
aFeb.20th TheL tier -
trey 0: Jen , vier, t•• conducted in the after -
The fol:ow Mg nee't were ordered noon_rit 2 n clock ,ind
to he paid: Geo. Stanley. snow Ahovrl. It.•v. Mr. Langford o
f,0; Belt Tr:ephone. '25; ('. Chapman. Monday evening the
binding rolls and cnrrieee. 2.[51,; V.
simatr. drag int: pile of erre vel.
ttiw. a 17,00; .)n'. Mosses. eravrl for
pine [.(11): W. Thomason. do. 1.73; 8.
Murphy. do. 7.20 ; Prof. Dale. do. 2.00; Isy Hev. It. G. MacKay of Cronrirly,
Geo. Reckell. (1o. 2.00; .Mrs, :McCccnb, Bev. Mr. Vance of I:irkton. and Bev,
re;und oi' ring•cos1A. 2.03 T. 11, Mr. Langford of •Moncton. bog.•ther
( nal -'v. A• ditnr. If.i0: 1', Ilr, -rt oil!' Slims Myrtle Garner of St. Clary•
rine 11.0(1; 11. .1. Kuhn. ti's for ):now- So'oiml ; Miss Lena Francis of Eull:tr-
lee & %• he! )• drnhi. 13.23:.1,'. Ilyd^r. Ism, Elocutionist and instrumental
half dar 1), & W. Act. 1.00; 11. (':ti- Music by Mr. .1. 11. Curtis of Manito-
Mims 8. Dow of ilen,nli visited un-
der the parental roof last w• eek.
Mr. mid Mem. N. C. Facey enter-
1ained a number of their friends to
n progressive 1.ns1 Heir part y last
I'hurmtlay evening.
Un Tuesday evening. Sir. and Mrs,
.%lnrk Clark very pleasantly enler-
teincd a number of their friends.
Thr evening was very enjoyably spent
in progressive Lost Heir and vocal
And ins.rnmentil music.
An immense tient is in store for
the people of this comtnnnity. when.
FOR FLETCHER'S on 1rluny evening Feb. 251 h. tli 1
"19olthern Minstrels' asst+ted t,y
CASTOR' A their fnmous orchestra will tuake
room and will likely be for route
-weeks yet as it takes Nature a good
it bile. even when assisted by :t good
constitution like Mr. Dougall has.
Ills pluck. cheerfulness and patience
is very favorably colntnentcd upon by
his neighbors and friends. and we
hope in the near future to see hint
around again in the enjoyment of h:s
wonted health and strength.
Sunday School Institute meetings
were Held in the Methodist church
on Wednesday afternoon and evening
The meetings were well attend_d and
very interesting and practical addres-
ees were given by Rev. Farewell. of
'Toronto. and Rev. Buell of I:irkton.
Mr. Win. McNaughton, of Muhren,
Men.. who has been !sere for sokne
weeks visiting bis cousins. Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Case. returned to the west
lest reek taking with him a carload
of horses.
The Ladies Aid of Carmel church
propose holding; a grand concert in
the church on Monday evening \larch
7th. The program %vitt. be furnished
by the Imperial Male pttartettn , [
Use the 6raad TEuu� Railwoy System
St. Clair Tunnel and Chicago
Choice of Routes from there
Nearly all Double Track contri-
buting to Safety, Speed and
Pamirs (htough 1"incipalCanadian
and United Stater Cities. No mo-
notony. Modern Equipment.
For Rtes, Tickets, and full inform.
ation apply to
J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent,
or write J. D. MCDONALD. Unto&
Dem* Toronto. Ont.
_ r
Ihei • i▪ rst nppenrance its our town.
ed and
• 1 • end
'chi b recommended. They o )
3 41
ra •'burpel u,.. rowel is expected. Mu3-
ic commences liT'{r. i► "''h 1A. WS
nt R.15.
Mr. John Gellman has rented dire.
S. Rennie s dwelling for a year.
Miss 'Melville Koehler returned on
\t edneaday eventss;I from a
i s Mrs.
weeks visit
with her sister,
Studer. at Tavistock.
Mrs. Daniel Koehler returned on
Thurmdny ovenint; from Detroit. ac-
companied by her sister Miss Vercy
Witmer. who spent the past year and
a half in that city.
Thr South Iiuron Telephone Com-
pany. Limited has been formed 'to
take over the present system in Zur-
ich and the rural lines connected'
.with reline. The provisional direc-
tors of the Company are. Dr. Camp.
bell and Messr'. 1'. Lamont. E. Zele
ler, .1 .1, Monet :cud J. Preeter,
improving Mrs.rcly. ( LINER LAZINES_.
Mr. and Owen Geiger were b,
Waterloo *hie %trek attending th,
tveddtng of their son. Oliver. who
is accountant in the Molstene Batik
firm. to Miss Lognhurst. of tbat Those W110 Lack Energy'
Mrs. F. A. Bel lery est ertatnt•d n and are Unsuccessful
nnnnhrr of h^r irirnds on 'Tuesday Should Read This G'loseljt•
t•ve g last.
Mrs\I', 11. McI.e;ut has returned
from 11.yth. where she has been visit-
intt her dnughter Mrs. Leo Charles- "1 am only thirty year* old. yet foe
almost 1tvo )•oars 1 have felt more like)
seventy-five. 1 have found K difficult
to :deep at night ttnd In the mornlnte
feel so depressed and heavy that ef-
f.'�t was difficult. My hands were tele
ways clammy and perspiration oft
slir,ttt effort would break out all ova
ntr% it was not unnatural that 1
rlintfld begin to br rod ovcr the chance
I do m
.unfit, t ► Y,
,should els 50011 be u t
teat 1
.h t t
this dread made my sleep
.cork. and
Tit 7.30 by the 1' ss nights perfect musses. After re.
f .lfoncloii On prated trlala of utt•dlclne itAf mtx-
anntnnl oyster tures Dr. Hamilton's Pills gave mo
11prer term h' serve() in the basement the first gleam of hn10. i'rom th0
of .hie church from 3 o clock to 7.:%0 very first i could sie they wero dit-
tuler which n splendid programme ferent In action from other pills. They
%t ill bo given. ronsiSt ittt; of addresses didn't gripe and acted as naturally all
If nature and not the pills were
cleansing my clogged up system. Myr
spirits rose, 1 felt much better, the
sluggish action of the system gave
way to normal activity. Dlxziness and
h• at...ehes tensed. appetite, good color,
and nonlethal' G. work returned d and
have remained. i am like a new a
ane) I thank Dr. Hamilton's Pills for ittall."
This was the experience of Y. L!,
Parkhurst, a well -know •• grocery!
denier In Jefferson. Folio•.% ilia ads
VIM use t)r. )fantllton'A I'1" for yoUit
ptounaeh, kldne)1s, and liver nd
enjoy long life and robust - .d health'.
All dealers Felt hr. Han on's Pith;
to yellow poxes. 25e. per 1• . from Ti4M
(atarrhozone Coe Kings- Ont.
roll. 300. 4 in. file nn'I tlrainin•.
ell) 1'. A. AtL;r•ntt 5- -•• •i
Daltrey. trf•.nut of 1)n: Tit. 1.00;
.1 llaiss. tile arc'. (Is t r Its tip).
19.77 ; t9. llodgins. ditchitm. 5,00: .1.
(',.'%. shored:int! snow. 1)ir. I, 0.00;
If. Gunk. tin, Div. 1. :1,00.
The council adjourn •d ' to meet
at•aitt on Monday. t-Mareli 7th. 1910 nt
10 a. in.
W. i). ill nntey. Clerk.
Clhildren Ory
Dr. Hamilton's Pills
Liver and Kidneys