HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-02-24, Page 4SHE EXETER T L M EIS, FEB. 24th 1910.
FOR F 1e !TCV i i.a,:a.:, liarutl
V1a%1'I ( Its'. \1', 11. l'••tt. of C.•ntrulia, will
lee. ri lit the. ..el,udi.t church Mon-
o. , 1.enint. Feoruary 2stb. Sub.
An Ideal Remedy to,. d^'.:ghs, _ • t..;,,,,, O; : aii lo Ocean." Add
Bore Throat, Catarrh, I uli,::uu l:i Celli s. Dou'1 iaisi this
•,.1111 •,
Weak Cheat. : Qui... 0 lot of excitement was
- I rtt.,ed around here by the shooting
match tthich tsas got up by l'ercy
After having mado a special study , .o More tend John Hunkin. and
of the treatment of tho runout and I which was held at tho home of J.
lungs for twenty years, Prof. D. Jack- !hark:n Thursday afternoon last.
son states that In his u.':talon no pre- 0 .ae : lot of spectators as well as
pdration for general family use is sot
,, -.voters, to (itched the results of the
efficient so healing• so certain to euro 11 ..
' tent events t•ith increasing lo-
w Catarrhozone. I
'As his reasons for malting thin cldini 1 it'r:s1.� The anti ruuou sport began
for Catarihozone. Dr. Jackson s•!>'s: wi1h 1 . 1 assmoee and J. llunk:n
"Catarri.oz• ae Is fr. , from opium. ehoosii,R sides for the oyster supper,
"The patient can hi -settle ai rich,a-so la event was shot
balsamic fumes (Bract t-. tho taseased I ay moff at the emus lime. The eight
spot, L.,,ltt •t man ttinn'Ilg out were as
It is a remedy that treats and follo•.ts, F. Kerr, salt and papp.•r
Cures causes -prevents disease spread, stands; T, Carling, bon bon dish: S.
ing. 1 . on• tt.ttch fob: J. 'l'riebner, moos -
"Reaches the P.nermost recesses of i 1,ir 1 dish; T. ti von e. gold watch•
the throat, no.-_, bronchial tubes, and e ' tat : 1). Briutr oll. cuff buttons 1P,
lungs, 1 alt ehitla t a -pot : t... Ford, tie -pin,
talates cheat soreness. • Wit Second event, being a silver cup
"Stops ceeehing instantly. 10' , up by b, Fitton. Exeter, for the
"Prevents bronchial irritations, 1 el' as 'innship e! Urborne. Ilibbert
"Relieves ciogb�.1 nostrils. ,
"Cures sn :es and nasal catarrh, i and ' nekersmiih was well contested
:.as wen by J. Ilunkin, breaking
Preven, • . Grippe. .... The third
"H t • ' -eta itself a cure for weak'', • col or ten t tri'•'
lungs. .cof voice, spealtets' sore, event • as open to all shooters, it
throat. asthma, bronchitis. catarrh,consisted of three prizes, silver sugar
coughs, colds, and winter ills." I bowl and cream pitcher put up by J.
Cat arrhozone Is unquestionably- the i 'Makin: china vase by 1'. Passmore.
world's greatest breathable cold. silver s'tgar shell and butter knife by
cough. and catarrh nu•dic1ne. and be- . sirs. Joins Dunkin and were neon by
_ S. ;loon and J. Ituukin.
11e • 1,• a er :• nth:• fourth t vent weer,.
I hos: o.- the supper shoot, the eight
Ing free fre.ua all drones drugs,
ly safe for children and old ro'
makes an ideal family ren'
cornmendeot by the medical i • ' 1•i..in,t L. tag tarred. The prizes
and sold by all reliable d,,;,,e a hood assortment being put
ware of Imitations, get .ta.r 1.1, mostly by the business men of
ozone" only; large size lastst s two
months, and Is guaranteed, price ill ` .. r. and were as follows. Hugh
smatter slzi's 25c and 50c. Dy- mail 1 .sort. ,alar. razor, ,,-on by J. Ilunkin :
from The Catarrhozone Company. '• . J. Neaman. pocket knife by It
Kingston, Ont. .crncr: 1'. Frayne. pair mitts. by J.
Passmore : W. Johns. shirt and over -
D alts by J. Allison and P. Passrnore; W.
Statham box tion -boats: y. Ford. pr.
„(roes, W. Ilorney : Jones & May. tie
You can painlessly remove any cora
either hard, soft. or bit eding, Ly ap- R. 1 o•d : fir. 13iowning. pipe, Pa::!
plying Putnam s Corn Extractor. It Madre. The scores of the different
never burns, leaves no scar. contains rtenis aro as follows:
adds: to harmless, because corn' 1st eveni, :net targets -J. Hunkin. 10;
posed only of healing gums and balms. F. Kerr, 1:'; I►. Brititnell, 1:; f+, Fitton,
Fifty years In use. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by all druggists, 2."e. bottles. Re-
fuse cubetltutes.
11: T. Carling. 11; G. Derumple, 8; W.
Ford, 11; M. Madge. 2; T. Venner, 13;
II, Willert, 0;J. Cann, 8; P. Passmore,
10; J, Triehner, 12; W. lohns.0; P, Boa
12; J. Passmore, 9; B. Venner, 3; S.
f Passt.nore, 5; A Hankin, 3: O. Cann,
Gf,oD ROADS (3; R. Ford, 4; W. Statham. 7.
2 .ti''7rnt, 10 targets -D. Brintnell,
tone of the first to accept ap,op:t ,(, G. Drtumple, 4; 1.
the speakers invited to be present -at Hunkin, 0;'l', Venner, 5; P. Boa, 5; W.
the Convention of the Good Roads As- Ford. 6; P. Paa•nlnre, 4.
2nd.3rd Toot,i5 tar ens-lV. Johne, 0;
eocialion of Ontario on March
3fd a tid 11 le is Mr. 1'. N. Godfrey )t •1 Treler'• 7; 1'. Carling, i; 8. Fitton,
f 10; 1V. Ford. 0; W. Statham, 3; F.
Master of the New York State fffi Kerr. 13; P. boa, 8; J. Hunkin, 13; D.
.Gran -e. TLere :s probably no ta.an in "Ii el 8.
111) evcni, 10 targets -O. Cann. 2: A.
Hunkin. 1; W. ttornt'v, 4; M. Madge,
3; B. Venner, 6; 1'. Passmore, 5; J.
Pas it re, 5; 11. Willett. 3; G. Derr-
mple, 2; J. Allison. 5; It. Ford, 3; J.
Hunk it., ti. -
Th.• day Lt i -g cold the scores were
not h ,;h, hot all went home well beta: -
Ned wait tite days sport and wishing
that such d'ays would tour oftener.
Amerces more capable of dealing
with this aubjecl. particularly from
the st- i.dpoint of its impd.tan.e to
to t h • firmer. Ire is well known as
one o` t h :,nod roads leaders. and has
been idt tat ificd closely with the most
comprehensive scheme adoptcl and
carried out bucccsaLutly in 'ho United
States involving on expend:tlue on
the plirt of Ncw York of over $50.-
000,00a. lir. Godfrey has been It pro•
min •nt :.pe.i ;, r at the Good 'toads
Conventions in Ituffato. Brat;:• an
other centres and his advice is hi
valued. Ile ia only one bf a -loam er;
of such e , , na c agreed tt'
(--. Good 'toads Convention
5Iay 1•tonaisea to be a rtont rizab'el
month -local option and Ila;ley's com-
et both arrive at the time.
• • • • •
Parliament opened in Old London
on Mond 17 of i tis week. rhe new
ministers were sworn in on Saturday
tnor g and received the seals of
office. Seldom has an nudr'•ss from
the throne and its interpretation by
the Prime !dinister been awaited with
ouch intense in,erest. :is on the tenor
of these hangs 'she lite of the Gov-
ernmen,- •1 ren.;cr A:.l,ni.P1 is crro.•
ted w nit the rather clever plan of
1 r lo 1'oriiamctIt as a w hole,
the .I•. -.Ism of nlaether Tlriortty
shall L• :i%.11 to a consideration of
fhe fin louts) Lili, ur to the -invalid's
of .h.- t..0 motet of the (louse of
Lord. ihou.tl he decide upon _this
gouts, it' is d:ffieult to see haw 'the
Unionists could avoid supporting the
Premier's predilect.on in '.•avor of .h•
budget. ta( they It inss:ed pars-t-
ten,l7 upon the necessary of regotl:ar•
iiia;; the finances of the country be-
fore :11 :a..nca upon the llutine of
Lords is trade.
ELi:►1V [.K
Ott Monday evening. Feu. '_Iso. '•l
F.icatrJ dolma sr.. o: I:l:rnv;i.• .
brittle' his afth birthday. Ale) .•
guestr were present h trot chi ! 1 i,
children and grntirl •hi- li n. 1 -
pmol.- repast tans 1'tt .1: n of t1ittt
Mr. Johns at the head of the tabic as;
rhe honored guest. Afternards 11,.
cvtuin: :' a+ 1err p:easant:e sp' 111 ire
musir, games and a sue th - tine-.
Mr..John' is one of the o:.l i -.';veers of
('shorn•, having lined ;1;
par: u: his ilio in th + ti :n li
many friend. wish h'm roman led
years of h -atth :and happiness.
Por Ii.fa.tte and Chilt:ren.
11u Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
S:1 Isla" ltr(:i: TEIt
Wednesd March 2nd. 1910. Aim-
0u, a of 'am Stock and [mole,
.•11:5. on Lot Eon. I. Stephen at
one o'clock. Jas. o -tory}. Auctioneer
Mrs. S. :McCoy. I ,opzreloi.•
Thursday. March 3rd. Auction
sale of Farm. Farm Stock and Imple-
ments on Lot 21. South Boundary of
81ephen tow nship at 1.31) p. tn. estate
and effects of J•atiick Glavin insolv-
,n^slay. M::rah 2. Auction `.t (-
01 Farm. Farm Stock and Implements
ilia estate of 4he '.ate Janus K. Forel
on Lot 16. Con. 2 Stephen. at 12.30.
(::admrn & Stanhury solicitors for
Adirlinis.ratrix. B. 8. 1 hillips. Aur•
t ioneer.
Monday February 2RtI. Auction
sal 0; S0 -acre farm in t:soorie. estate
of 1 he late Thos. Ilern. Hr.. on Lot No.
1 . Con. 9 (:sbortle at 2.30 Yi. tn.
Thr.. (•ameroo Atari ioneer. Joshua
Johns, Executor. Gladman & Stan -
bury Solicitors. Exeter.
Monday iMarcb 2nd. Auction H.t!e
o" fano in'I'uckerstnith tp.. the prop.
arty o: 1).tvid Gibb. at the Commercial
1fotel, licnsall. at 2 it. in. 'Phos. Cam-
eron Aucltoner. Gladman & Stan
bury. Vendor's So:id:ore.
Tuesday MTarch Pts. Auction Bale
of lana stuck and implements on Lot
3t. \, Il. Stephen. half mile cast I't.
Il'ake 1l one o'clock stoup. Ed. Ilos-
• iht•rry. Auctioneer. Jot. Sharrowt
• roprim or.
.gi,1111111=10 000000
Manure Litters
Beatty Bros.' Feed
Alla Litter Colliers
Overhead Conveyors.
Beatty Brom Steel
`tolls & Ntancllic►ns
1.08 be installed as cheap
:vs lumber x11(1 last forever.
B''atty Bros.' Load
Thes.. 1 hie.- 1 hings me pea
Iahnr-savt•rs for formers oral
tiereasillea en a faun.
For sale by
W. T. BIII.spi•70.
Stops Failing Hair
Ay S ph R q
d 1 his list Ask doctor If this b of
er's Hair Vigor is composed of sur ur, glycerin, uinin, sodium
ehlorld, capsicum, sage, alcohol, waver, and perfume. Not a single
ingredient n t your oc or n so.
Follow his advice. A hair food a hair tonic, a half
Promptly checks faliing hair. Completely destroys all d�
Does not
Color the Hair
i. O. ( sntsT Jaq•11, Moen.
Tho Kind Ycu IIave Always Bought, and which ham been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per.
somal supervision since its iufl ncy.
• Allow no ono to deceive yon in this.
All Counterfeits, Iutitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiment,' that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare-
gorie, Drops nisi Soothing Syrups. It 1s Pleasant. It)
contains tic!ahcr Opluut, Morphine nor other Narcotl0
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea -Tho 1llother'ts Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TPU CUNTAH. O010141N7. 77 MUNI./
Township of Usbornel OF
er. Easy terms of payment. For
1':\It Mi 8T(JCIC ANDiM►'Li?-
JII:NTS terms road particulars apply to Jas.
Handford, prop.. Centralia or to T.
Dogs running at large prohibited. The undersigned has received instruc- Cameron. auctioneer, Farquhar.
Pursuant to By-law No. 2, 1910. i lions to self by Public Auctiosl on
and a resolution of the Municipal i I.o1 39, N. 11. Stephen Farm for SaleCouncil. I hereby declare that all • Half Mile East 1't. Blake, on
does. within the Township 0I Us- Tuesday March R Two hundred acres, lots `20 and 20
borne. shall be either securely chain- 1910. at One oclock sharp the fo!'ow-.
ed in an outhouse or other building, valuable propel -lye -
kept under lock and key. or efficiently HOiRSES-I driving mare rising 6
:nuzzled with metallic muzzles, so as years old in foal to Prince Arthur
to prevent theta from biting or snap- I driving horse rising 4 years ;old
ping. in accordance with the regula- aired by Nordine. 1 heavy horse eo--:t
lions o: the Provincial Board of rising 3 years and sired by Albion. 1
Health and order o: the Deputy Min- blood horse colt rising 3 years old
icier o: Agriculture of Canada dur- sired by Nordine. 1 sorrel teirl ril-
ing the period of time commencing on ver mane and tail, rising $ years
the 2I -t day of February 1910 and sired by Albion. 1 paring mare colt
enditlg on the 21st day of May 1910 rising 2 years old aired by Non Par -
both day's inclusive. oar, 1 heavy mate colt rising 1 year
A.! constab:es or other person, arc ofd sired by Albion. 1 heavy huir'se
hereby authorized to kill any un- colt rising 1 year old sired by 11enry
nuzzled dog found running at large Arthur. 1 blood horse colt rising 1
during such period. year old hired by Non Parole.
Any person owning or harboring a CATTLE -1 cows in calf. 1 fresh
dog nnd permitting it to run at cow. 5',leers rising 3 years old. 2
Targe without being muzzled as afore- heifers rising 3 scars old. 4 heifers
said. shall he liable to the fine pro- rising 2 years old, 2 sit•ers rising 2
vided by the siattltee. years old. 2 calces rising 1 year old
Given under my band this 16th, 1 young; calf.
day of February 1910. I IGS -2 sows supposed to pig about
JOHN MT0111, Reeve. time of sale. 10 stockers 4 mon; hs
Implernctits-1 11:asa•y-ilarris bind•
er No. 1. 1 mower No. 4 nearly new.
1 cnliivator Massey-lfarris. new, 1
drill 12 hors nearly new. 1 disc. 1 set
Auction Sale
Times Want Coiurnn
WANTED -Good girl for general
housework, apply stating wages to OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IM -
Loa N Exeter, Ont. tf 1'LEMENTB
\\'ANTED -Good general servant, The undersigned Assignee of the
one who can cook preferred, good estate and effects of Patrick Glaviif
wages, apply stating expereience insolvent. will offer for sale by Pub -
Mrs. Chas. F. Verity, 78 Sheridan St., lio Auction on Lot 21, South
Brantford, Ontt Boundary of Stephen Township on
FOR SALE -Brick residence on cor-I Thursday, March 3rd, 1910
ner of Andrew and North streets. at 1.34 p. m. sharp the following ve-
in good repair. Apply to Times uable property
Office for price and terms. CHATTELS
FOR SALE: -Mr. Richard Robinson 2 roan cows, 1 red cow, 4 heiferar,
offers for sale -bis place 1-2 mile south 1 mower. 1 binder, 1 fanning mill, 1
of Exeter, comprising three acres of lumber wagon, 1 double carriage, 1
land. There is a good brick liaise set bob -sleighs. 1 set iron harrotv-t
stables, and small orchard on land. 1 gang plow, 1 acuffler, a quantity
For further particulars apply to ltIcb. of oats and other articles too numer-
ard ltobinson or Thomas E. Handford oris to mentig7.
}?xeter. 2-24-4 t. p. 'ILEAL ESTATE
The 'Westerly. Seventy acres of Lot
Twenty-one on the Bou'th Boundary
of Stephen Township. This is a first
class fantn convenient to school and
church. There 10 a good brick house
and a bank barn, ailso a good ,rock
well and wind milt.
Also Fifty acres being' the west half
of Lot Nine, on the North Boundary
of McGillivray Township. This is an
excellent pasture farm and there is
a good piece of bush on it.
Chattels -Sums of $10 and under,
Auction Sale
Barn for Sale
Size 36 ft. by 66' It. with 16 ft. posts
on lot S. concession 2. IIay. Apply
to Peter Murray, Ilav 1'• O.
For Sale
Cottage and three Iota in Exeter,
being lots Nos. 65, 66 and 57 south of
Simcoe Street. On this property is a
frame cottage (brick foundation) con-
taining five rooms and a good eel -
cash.: over that amount seven months
lar a good well and a large credit will be given on furnishing
stable. Good garden and fruit trees.
The property bas to be sold to wind
up an estate. Apply to
Exeter, Ontario.
approved joint notes.
Ileal Estate -Ten per cent. on the
day of sale and the balance in thirty
days without interest. Two-thirds
of sale price may be left on aMortgago
at Five per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Auction Sale
The undersigned has received in+
structions from the proprietor
David Gibb to sell by public auction
on Monday, March 7th, 1910 t
at 2 p. m. '
at The Commercial Hotel, Ileaaa%
that desirable farm property known
as Lot 3,\ Concession 14, Tucker.
smith. containing 100 acres more or
less. This farm is well located about
three utiles east of Bengali. }las new
house, frame barn with stable under+
neatb, driving shed, orchard, about
five acres bush, three acres ,wheat
and fifteen acres fall ploughed. Good
soil. This is a good chance to bur
n farm as the 'proprietor has gives.
up farming. :•
Ten per cent. cash on day or sale,
Valance on April 1st, 1910. Further
particulars and conditions (made
known on day -of rale or may be had
from tbo proprietor of upon applk
cation to.
THOMAS CAMERON„ Auctioneer, or,
Vendor a Solicitgns.
NOTICE is hereby given that Pat.
rick Glavin. of the Township of Ste.
phen, in the County of Hurdn, Far.
mer, has made an Assignment under
R.14. 0.. 1897. Chap. 1.47, and Amend..
ing Ante, of all his estate, credits an$
effects, to John Gill, of the Villagq
of Exeter, in the said County of Hue
roil, Auctioneer, for the general bene
fit of his creditors A meeting 4
bis creditors Will be held at the of+
flees of Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury
in the said Village of Exeter, on Fria
day. the Eleventh day of Februt.ry,
A. D., 11110, at the hour of Two o'clock;
lers. Exeter. lin the afternoon, to receive a state,
FARM FOR SALE- Choioe tun- JOHN GILL, Assignee. meat of his affairs and appoint in..
Bred acre farm, being Lot 3,Con, 1, Dated at Exeter the 15th, day of apectors and fix their remuneration!
Usborne, London 'load, 3-4 mile from February, 1910. and the remuneration of the assignee
Centralia, three miles from Exeter. land for the ordering of the affairs
`On the premises there is erected a • • of the (state gcncrallyyr.
good brick house. all conveniences a, Clearing Auction Sale I Creditors are requested to filo theI>t
large hank barn 80:45. finished in t claims with `the undersigned Bolide
1` VALhABLF. FARM STOCK. tors for Yhc Assignee with ti: proofs'
goodt improved style; drive hol►se? Mr. Thos. Cameron has received in -
orchard. never failing supply of structions to sell b public auction on laza particulars thereof regt)irset hr
water; well in hods: .tad tarn. r y 1 'the said Acts on or before the'day of
acres •fall wheat and plowing done. Lot u, South Themes Road, Usborne
1f not sold privately n or before 20 on Tuesday. March 1st, 1910 said Inreting.
P 7 0 1 ANI) NOTICE 18 F(iRT1fi:1t 6117.
day of December, will be sold by (tub- at 1 o clock p. m. sharp, the foCow EN that after the 'fifteenth ay of
ills auction at a '(late to De fixed fat- in valuable property
For Sale
Lot 3, Concession 14, Ticket -smith,
100 acres, about 3 miles East of Hen- 11ianlotad harrows. 1 stood. n roller. 1
mall : pew house. frame barn with sntifryer. 2 tva!king 1' ow s. -I double
stable underneath, driving shed. orch- rams pow Cockshut. Hay rick. Cut-
ard, about 15 acres bush, 3 acres of ling box. l'ulper. Top buggy, Van -
wheat. about 1a acres plowed. gopd ruing toil!, 2 :umber wagons. !rain
soils Apply at once to Gladman & carrier. Gravel box. Wagon box, I'ig
Stanbury. Jlarristers. Exet- r, Ont. box. I: needs separator. Scales 1004
f-2 3-tf lite.. 2 rel heavy ttorkin;t harness. 3
bed.stends.'lipinning wheel. and other
Farm for Sale ar.icles tori numerous to mention.
'rEltala-A11 aunts of ci,.(,o and un -
Fifty :acres; being the south half 'ler. cash; pver that aulrrant 7
of Lot 2. Con. 4, Stephen, London j !tomtit. credit oil1 l)t. i teen on f m rn-
Itoad. There is erected a frame (root :slung approccd Joint notes. or a
and brick kitchen; barn 32:45 on wall drowns, o: 5 per cent. off for cash.
a never failing well. The farm (s 11). ItoSsE\IIEIIiIY. Auctioneer,
well fenced and drained and in good JOS. IIIARIROW, Proprietor.
state of cultivation. For tether par-
ticulars apply to '\V. T. Huxtah:.-,
Centralia, 1'. O. 271 -
Auction Sale
t)F fat ACRE FARM. 1ti t'8R(f1INE
The undersigned has received in-
0*)'t-ions from the Executor o' the
learnt• of the late Thomas hent Sr.
to sell by Public. Auction on the pre-
/11000 oI lig Colodloo Norrn ON A1.()NI/Al, 3Ui?ll' p.n 211th. 1910
Any person who is the sok bend
of a i&rniV, or any male ever If
)ears old may homestead • guar 1.1
ecetoni of available Dominion laud it
Manitoba, (taskatehewai, or Albert.
The apptiC tut must appear in 'tersen
at the 1)ouunion Lauda Agency o,
Bub-agenoy for the district. Entry b)
plozy may be had at the agency, 1tt
cs•rtaum ooINtltions, by father. moth.',
wen, daughter, brother, or sister u'
n1tenditi,t homesteader.
Duties :-8t z months residence open
And cultivation of the land i11 east elms(' price on slay of toile rind halnnce
tc1 e
(thin nn month wit n interest.
: o hoe
,f three years. A homesteader m+►
live within nine mile& of bis horn.- Further particulnrs nnd conditions
Mend on a ,farm of at leant 80 more, of sato may be obtained frier
solely owned and occupied by bran at ! T1108. CAMERON J08111:A 3(1[x9
his father. amber, sen, daugbl.•, And lower. emit or.
brother or sister. or Mat MIA N tC £1':1Ni:; it i',
In certain distriets a homestem t••' ors. 1?x:tor. J10-3
in good standing may pre -rano'
quarter section Alongside his henna.
•tea.1. Prico 413. per erre. In,t,e,•-
Must reside six months ineash of s 1
year+, from date of homestead en1)
(including the tints required to es•,
homestead patent) and salttvt..
fifty acres extra.
A homesteader w ho has elhnnslee
his homestead right nnd cannot „l•
tain a pre-emption may take s 1•0'
nhs.s'd home♦tr'ad in certain diel r rt.
I'r.ce $3. 1'.•r ac -r.
etc ,:x motif.• in e•,rh of three.
that desirable farm known as the
North one-half of Lot number One in
the Ninth Concession of the Township
of 1'sbornr, contnining fifty acres
more or ktin. !s)ia the property 11.1 n
goof orchard. mloul three acres. a
hardwood hush, about five acres.
and n {rood supply of water. The
soil is first etas, :toad house and other
buildings fair. That farm is only 2
1-2 miles south of Winch, -sea and is
most conveniently situated for school
and church.
TI?IoM :--Ton per cent. of put•-
Tltl'I? A,11111'f111\'.
sot in ('ootin;r let Iera.
Carved on shaft,•t of (lain.•.
\\'ro'tghl in silent mutt'''.
Would 1 Ieavc my name.
Nor on hist'rys ',attest.
1landcd bra veiy down.
\\'its tha wor'd's rnnj"stle.
years, e'ltivste Hiy ncr.- nn,1 erre '
1 hem~' onr, h i1nn 01'.. il'assi0tt.css renown.
w, ~.CORY, In thin hearts of mankind
nerdy dtho MlnlSter(4Om outdo, \1'u0'.41 1 have it be.
11. a.-US•etherl•M 1'nbilawkw of wog 44veOt0 \V herr mom., 11'e is better
west'Moot be paid for Lived / • e of me.
J Ni
HORSES -Draught
Vurch A. D.. 1910, the \.ssignt'e
ILOItSF.S-Draught Marc, 4 ycars,;N.ill
eIcgib!e for registration: draught) Proceed 'te d(stribtite'thr fssetr
of the Debtor amongst the',partial;
gelding, 4 years; high clans d aughtlentitled thereto. having regard only
filly 2 years, from imported stock:I
2 draught geldings. 2 years: agri-Ito the claims of which ndtteL' eball
cultural eon. rising 1 year; fine car -then have been given. and that ,hof
riage gelding. 2 years, by Lord of • will not be liable 'for the assets ' etre
the Manorany part 'thereof so'distributed to' any
CATTLE -3 cows with calf at foot : person or persons of whose claim ha
10th and llth concession of Bte-' le cows due in March, April and' May
tat hen bercth stlTt�tice
ellen. The farm has 10 acres good fat steers 3 years old; 2 fat hci Twenty-ninth
hardwood bush, bank barn Q2 x 36, fern 3 years; .7 steers and 6 h•ifers,'day of January. A. D.. 11110.
and root house 25 x 22 joining barn,; good
grassers. 2 years aid ; (, valves. GLADMAN & tiTANBUI(Y
:old granary on top o[ root house; IIOGS-6 . Yorkshire. a Rerkahire (Boll aitors for the nhove•named Ale
and 1 Tamworth sows. all dote in Z-3.4i.
March; 22 hogs from 100 to 150 lb, - BusLiss Fi'It SALE -t ata again on the market
short -
TERMS -8 months credit on fur Y with. supply of .l. )ountr pure I.red short-
horn hullo. These. aro goof . inth•id tale, sot by
:tithing approved joint notes, or din- Count 3tlranu... 111eyareal/owl color and WIUhe
of cultivation. count of 6 per cent. per annum off for reg►.tered d tolit eitilaeser4Ivatteortee;Olititato
These farms will be sold together cash on credit amounts. room for the younger one.. can alto .paras fop.
or separate or will sell 150 reran. Poslti Vel no reserve. female.. Sieh (key, • 1'eantiful roan boll, and one
I'osaesaion can be bad on March 1st, . y of the teat toi be ha.l, tenet. the hent, raid wul be
`\ l
ANDREW (IliSON, Cr, CAMIERU.Y, kepttoraheunproteroentot yore -bad ,+horthor11a,
1910. For further particulars apply Proprietor. Auctioneer. Apply to Jn11N EI.DF7t, Lot 1a, Coacee.lon � Hay,
to Thos. 'B. Martin, Exeter, Ont. or Box 24. Itennall P. U.
good frame house, never 'failing well,
cistern at the barn: good orchard.
The other
wells. orchard. rdframe Both ore in
Frams for Sale
That choice farm being composed of
parts lots 18 and 19. concession 1.
township of Isborne, in the village
of Exeter. 100 acres. On the prem-
ises there is nn up-to-date 2 -storey
brick dwelling house with all r con -
Lot hr' °cls` s
veniences; jarge bank harps ttitb Lot 16, Con. 2. Stephen Tit. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. 1) 8., D
water in stables: silos, drive hoax, °n \\''dnesday. March 2nd. 1910
ice ho►ise, and fruit of all kinds; 60 at 1`'•'1(1 1'• m. sharp. the following
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
acres in hay and grasp 0 acres of fall `'ilinb ` 1'rollt rty : University.
Auction Sale DR. O. F. ROULSTON, L. D.
OF FARM. FARM STOCK AND IM- D. D. 8., Dentist. Member 0
1'AF.MIF.NTS. R. 0. D. 8., of Ontario and Howe
Graduate of Toronto University.
The undersi^.ned has been instructed Omen: Over Dickson & Carliitta'a
by the Adrninittrarrix of rho testate Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's formic
of the late James K. Ford to sell on denial parlors
e beat. balance 'owed last fall. Tbis' C1IATTE,LB
p' IIORSI el -1 draft mato rising 9 Dental Surgeon
is inn high r raft of cultivation Office over Gladman & Stanbur
attrll adapted for a tram that years, 1 draft mare rising 7 years. 1 1►
� draft rnaro rising 5 years with :foal, Main attest-RxktTSR.
‘f:::::11y to do a deity easiness or Qcn•I 1 agricultural gelding rising 4 yrs.
oral farming. Also lot south 1-. 6, 1 carriage marc rising 7 cars. W. BROWNING
eonct.r:on 1. township of 'lay. con-' M. 0., M. 0
raining 50 acres. 2 acres of hardwood I draft fillies wising 1 year. y 1 draft • P. 8„ nd r,.i ate Vi a tt ria V
hush. 33 acres in grass. balance all horse rising 0 years, 1 agricultural eee•It:. "Rice $1141 neidals•cs. Dtsidati
horse rising 8 years. Gaaerasoty, ee•tet
pow ed : n'so never-f;sung well with • Associate Coroner of Herein.
%1111,1111:11 and tank. Tbi, prop 'r:y is CATTLE -1 ree.cowthoroughbred Durham
well adapted for cow with pedigree, 1 cow due to calf
p grazing or ordinary }larch 13, n. 1 Jersey cow new Iv I Il. Bti ht, M, D., 111.0. P, and
farminc. These properties w ill be H 8
sold in part or whole to suit par• heifer 1 year,calved. 1 hlrst erbft(a'. ars)1ol ur' •8.. H°note rs resident
cbaters, Possession given in 'Marc!). ' ivereity, ATwolexandra
years resident t'hyelcla(►
Easy Irrms of payment and must be steer 1 year old.oilier calf. Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc• Oflloe
(lens -About ', new
sold ns the proprietor's health has andresidence, Dr. Amos' old stand
failed and h • la r. brine. F'or terms implements -1 Massey-ilarris b:ud- ADdrew Street, $xeter.
and particulars apply to ALEX DOW `'r nearly new. 1 mower.
steel rake, t1 disc, 1 seed (161'41 roll-
Prop. on the premises. or to THOS.
CAMERON. Aitct,. Farquhar. 2-10;f ere 1 plow.
. r. l wnatin� Wow. 1
twin plow. 1 ,talky plea. Perrin, We Isavif•altmlied privabe 111011r toe lame
- -- I tannin; mill. Canton : ('ream sop -
:orator. '2 to aeons. gravet box. 1 .wet
boli sleighs nearly tact(•, 1 set diamond
harrows. 2 cutters one nearly new, ;1
top buggy, 1 democrat, pea harvester
eincb"--r combined. 1 Cha, ham incuba-
tor and brooder, root pulper, :Mustierof cedar posts, 1 buffalo rob: Renu• n•te�a, �soiso._ p aziw.Cwqq�...en
Ise. •S set double harness. - s:.... off•, ton tot /Ms[oM1s•s
single harness. some col'ara. 1 cook alak•-
move 1 holler. 1 coal store, rattan *Less al lowest rata. of Womb.
1 (Imam. :! bedste3ds, hay r:orks, OPViOE,-ttAIN HTHCBT. /x!611.
imp • and slings. chains. forks :a tad e. osattw• a. s•
tion. A rlunniiiy of hay : a .Ii,. MtM•
tr. c
other articles too taurnerous 10 roen-
lily of straw to ti" fed on place.A
quantity of seed oats. 'Nensati-strawsit uveay��
I{F:A1. ESTATEfarm ed ammo% oft pelvises fusee
Also that exeeI ,nt 100 acre farm . latsesst. v}i}$f•protlo•rtla•$elewe•M
known as Lot 111. C'on.'_, Stephen Tp,
On the property is a ;road brick
hoes.., bank barn wit h sone and prick
foundation. frame drive .shed and
uction Sale
of Farm Sock. Irnp'etnedls and
Ilo:-ehoid Furniture
Thos. Cameron his received innrrllc-
Gong :rorn the undersigned to se:I Ly
pu'b'ic amnion on
Lot 11. Con. H 1'sls.rne
in ti., Villain• of \V nehe'sen
Thursday. Mnreh 3rd.
1910. n one o'clock p. no • h,• ,o?'on--
int via
$.-,ck-1 :sown re'dill: '7 years
old. siren,: drive. nm,nd and per-
fec.ly real 1,e; 1 mare ti y -ars old.
strong driver. sound and reliable; 1
:used ire'ding general ,purpose.; 3
heavy di-an.tht colts conlin.t 2 years
old ; 1 con' due in March; 2 younat
SOUP duo 10, h March,
lmp!ent••nts-1 .no stated demo-
crat so:"tout nenr'y new. 1 (rood open
buggy. 1 good imp hurray. 1- rill 1,rt,
1 wheelbarrow. new. 1 act single
harness. two setts collars and nIwo•
robe.+. 6'aunkets. rugs. oilc.tr.hs. bal.
tars. :orks .•.c.. 'rte.
household furniture -1 coal or wood
cooking range. m•nr:y new. t coal
heating s.ov.•. scar:y new. :t nowt: -r
o: t:ourl singe pipes. 1 si.t,-hoard. 1
, xtention table. 1 renlr •'. nb! •. 1 het
room set. comp't•:e. '1 bed st.•nd. 2
se. o' ma'ttre.5•saml ,prince, 1 conch.
2 rocking chairs. 1 arm ch:air• 1-2
dor., dining rotor, chairs, 1-2 doz.
kitchen chairs 45 yards of carpet. a
number °: it a:l pictures. w.ndow
blinds and eon ains. 1 d nnrr set tat
dishes. 100 inert and 1-2 ^al. mercers,
crocks. pots, pins. .1 gaivaniz •(1 ircs
pails. staler pails. 1 stet carpenters
torts and numerous t►. her nrtie:es.
The above mentioned rurniturr 'a
all near 7 new• nnd in 'firdl class con-
dition and most be sold as the pro-
prietor is going weal.
TEAMS. -All annul of 08.60 and
under. enah: over 't Ana amount 8
morn ha (credit on furnishing ap-
proved joint makere et diecomnt of 6
per cent. per nnnmm oft for cash ori
credit streams.
('Ho14, CAMPil
(IN, Auctioneer.
►,res of Inloyoo er'eeA terra or gulags invert, as Nowa
--- _ &caber
Rarrt•te,e 8elloltor.. plol. '1. tisane
rnirkem name• Tiler, :1nn„II I MO NEYTO LU AN
1)1141,;t tat -.tet failing creek and n u„ ('atnlaod 1Illa(;r I'rnperlie. al Ihuntrailsrails a:
noun;,,orchard nhonl .1 art'•• l w•••,- ;stereo. In jrotrel tr.d otter \orth.tet lerrb••a
ve acres nr.• in wh^at. •.'a.1.1 'i..ow ins Town Lot. for see roast to loan on toll property
Com eyanrer, etc °nice. Main 8l. 1C • 1*
Usborne and lubber;
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance 6ompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
i'rceident-.1. L. RUSSELL,
Vise-I'tesideot-W. 11. PAH/MORS
wa, ROT,
(.ono and n11 :_n froed.state of cu..iva-
tion. P-roperty is cols t' 1-2 miles
• rum Exeter and wi,hita one to:•'t• of
school. Terms for (;trot 10 per cent.
on day o' .sale ba:nnse in 30 days. 2-3
of sal.. price may he'left on Moitgage
security ni 5 tier cent. per annum.
Hay and and oats -cash.
Chattels -Ali sums of 85,110 sod
under. cash: over that 011)011 8
months credi. will 1,. given on (tors
nishine approved joint notes. or m
:rm,t,. O. 6 t•..I' '• 0 !'. r ':'iii::,
off for cash.
Further terms end conditions will
be made known on day of sale or only
n• hail on anplimation to.
(MADMAN & ST.1N111'ftV. `swig'.
tors for Adrninistr'tir/.;,
it. !i. 1'iIILLEI fie Auction•
House for SaleR
On Sanders Street. Thr bolls,. ;s OL(VER HARRIS, bloom
fay piAl/ttrt, Fullerton ,rad Logia&
now brick. 2 story with 8 rooms. dCraHUJOHNe
good furwace, hard and soft water.
For particular. npply to A. Redford. tiOtl. rsas, Farquhar
Exeter. 2.24-21 OLADMAIV & tl'Ta148t1RT. •.t}M4Oc1
B areotY P. 0
T. RYAN, DUHLin P. 0%
ROBERT NORRlli1, Staffs.
JOHN EMERY. Exeter. agent iter
Udmtura. and Rhtdulp►,