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Exter Times, 1910-02-24, Page 3
111rH••�•'t-i•tl�•rr-•i-•I .•'E-•F•'t-a-rw+••1••t•�-i•� a Fashion Flints. �'! j -i. {..t. l..t..t..l..l.. j..l. t,. j..i, t• x.1.1 i -i SEEN l`' PARIS SHOPS. Jebeliu:'s are still immensely po- pular. Gaudy stockings aro being worn again. Green is unrivaled in popularity. Most of the new linen suits are lace trimmed. Melly 1 f ,he new Swisses have eru- broiderc•d colored dots. A new fad is the handbag made of ele.th t,, match the suit. Bcdferd curd is again in fashion, tI•r;ugh inueh softer in wean New brace!' is expand and contract with the movement of the arm. The longer, supple, drooping ai- gret has come into its own again. Another Modern Miracle Paralysis Permanently Cored The Sufferer Paralysed From Waist to Feet -Encased in Plaster of \ new tt'arl+ at(n the zing wa+Z Paris for Nine Months -Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Cure After , .1.t frill 1 of A brie) i,ipe, and w'fS Four Doctors Had Failed -The Cure Vouch d for by a Well he wee emee ug (u(• al1Iut the After 'Trying five Doctors for ilk l:utts near tivadringhurn. '1'11 du} Kidney Disease Ile Found Relief Known Clergyman. I:,, has abzndulied this form of in the 1. r•:.t Canadian Kidney smoking and keep:: shut,•) 1.:;elu- Ileulcd�. Paralysis, no matter how slight, made a remarkable change in 1111'. sm k t , cigars. i.i docs out cur- is a terrible afflietio:l, but (o be 1 was able to get out of bed and } 1:udtillo, Olt., Feb. 11. (Spec'al) iarnl -zed from aist to the feet, crattl alon • the flour en my hands r,"+.• Hulett for u eigaEel te, rued i:• i )wand knees. Gradually me limbs be_ s(!(!u►n to he seen smoking clic. -After trying lice doctors fur to be a helpless cripple, totally de -tame stronger. Soon 1 1'1111111 walk Ki:h11'} Trouble, from which 1 had pendent upon what others du for with the aid if a cane and inside of HORSES IN '1'11 E: WORLD. sr,f(;•re.l for three years, 1 1111(1'hut ,•u, is a coudit1(nl 83 wretched as 1)edct'x Kidney fills relieve ole best nine months after 1 had begun the 1)(IS1'1'1)111 possibly bear. Such use of the fills I w•8s tutrbe cured. 4(85.11) Le:u1+ all Nations in Num. of all. If I k1.e1) un feeling as 1 wits, the stall of Mr. Allan J• le -bel Colal of 111,711,;173. I:ate since l hegai, )akin}) need's 1►• nald of Rice Point, P.E.I. For and encs more able to do lightKidney Pills t shall h0 well pleased over ' year was a helpless -in- )cork. Now I ala as strong us over Statist'. s found in the new Year and I um hoping they will cure a n1 I loss and eau du my work about Sauk all ref a lice un the netlike. u[ 11 c," )'olid. Ho was paralyzed from his 1111• lural without the least truuhle• horses putt' iu the world, its [ul in - waist to his feet and for nineSosays Rufus Harris, well I (bink Ih. Williams'11'illi' Pink [ills {ell's:- known in this tillage. "I had stiff - plaster In in bed encased in aa air without an equal, for, besides Ninth Anteric:l .. ., .. -27,898,011:1 kers in the joints," he continues, plAtter of Paris cast. Four of the 0)V OW8 ease. 1 know of two other S( tuft .\tarries 511„ hest doctors in Prince Edward Is-tt "cramps in the muscles, backache rases of paralysis cured by than. Iiut.upe .... Ia,S(i:3,2d5 and Was heavy and sleepy after lolops were doomed f'to help him and Two young girls who had been trip- .1ian .... .... .... .... ...11,6:30,30•« ere seemed f4.r a life of alis I,tes and whom I advised to try rho meats, 1 was edf)resly, and low 4,_ \fries .... .... .... ...... eter,113 ,',,riled, perspired d freely, was often cl;l him despair. But hap( euros Pills*" .� „ 2,232,401S to when he read of what Ur. I ills. Occantce ..,.dizzy and always thirsty, but glace Williams' Pit:k Pills had dune for In (•urroboration of what Mac -Mr. r r taking Dcald's Kidney !'ills I am McDonald says, the Ret. D.lttal .... ...• •.••0 ,711,•"i feeling very good." other se a s arum paralysis. l'iIls He Russia leads x11 nations iII the p►'ucurec' a supply ui the. ''ills and Leen of Charlottetown, P. f:.[. If you have any of the symptoms, began taking them. Gradually they writes: --''I visited Mr. Mclonald nember of its horses, with a Peal ;►I r. Barris tells of, it is time fur bloke the chains of disease that many tines during his illness. Ile of 'Stteofe,4(45 in' its European :lad you to beware. They are the symp• filled his s'ho'e was attended by three or mere doe- :\Rinds provinces, though Russia toles of Kidney 4)1508se and may boded him, and hproper is a little behind the United body with new blood, life and vigor. /ors and put• in plaster Paris, and i i 1•e the fore -tanners (.f Ith(•unlatism, Mr. McDonald says: -'•I ant a far- everything imaginable which might States, hating only 20,!)31,415 hors I►lep:it, Lumbago, Ifcurt Disease, mer and in consequence have a he of benefit was done for him with- es Together the two countries „► (,well the dread t3rigllt's i)isensc great deal of hard work to do. One out success. He had lost all pow- posses: a Innjurity of all the horses it-cli. Take learning and guard work { er of his body from his w's)st (IOW!) ie the world. Germany leeele the against suffering; or even death it effusion :-"Mr. Robert Carhart J. ..,,,Lit- •j ar.P.. I roe. from London day while about n)) c k injuredbeelines with rleasure Jliss Reggie It t1 ',,L - 4,k hnua, frame ham. m Lond; ) but :►t the )lute 1paid and I think he was nearly » year (,;1111 P Itilltries of Europe with 4, )I 1f b5 putting the hevdn s in Ruud 1 it - my back. began.,ni• all f 11 Li,fruit. T.rma to ►nit. Wa i f. and under 4realment before he);,•013, shite :\ustria-Ilan) aro is n working under with 1)udd's Ki(Incy, Bunk's kind incitation for file 14th, 'arm, etke tend. end ecu• tar tae lions i•,r little attentive t4, the injury A) 1and thanks 1 ( . use 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills- 1 (.1,..:,± second with tee -1.7471i. France Pills. her extremely for hat- oilr11 Sii 'I he Western Heal Estate RzchIi .s ceetintted my work. As time wentins given him the opportunity of I.Id., u".aan, ant. ou, though. the pain became more was with him the first d7y h0 nuitrd ,.inks thir.l, with 13,)17),(;!)+, and _,t ll his bigtoe and from that t1111P 4N+ (;)jest Britain 7!)111 Ireland fourth,>• doing SU." F:A1. 1A Ell tiX--Mlzrd farm :S:N1 area severe and I soon found myself JL\ h l (: .\ �T.\ it P. it ►and, bml•e, bedding). (eneint<. hat, water unable to lift anything, no matter he gradually improved and fur the! With '3.154,374.o , •J pnani'in all 120011. P„a.e••inn. .(pal. Foil how light. It teas not long before last few years ee has been per - ftiend.4onand The fernierhesbywere r wd- POISON I:0 BY STOCKING I)VI: 'Partioutar,from 7.1ai!rr,, t:renteu..Ea(. I had to stop work altogether and fet tly well. 1 can voueh for the I 1\(tll'1'il h \ OWING. EDUCATIONAL. commit a doctor. Ho treated me rote Dr. Williams' Pink fills ef-i Ines and industry, earned a geed A case at Kingston shows vividly not me, retard in his case." Simple Remedy That .toy One Can i„e..u!e. but Hughes was not so fur- the danger of neglecting to apply • i EARN r.rTHE BARIILRr�TRAi7FCaNEW but his treatment did helpPrepare at Home. Zane -link to a cut or a sore. JII's' instruction few ,e(ka complete enurs: and I rapidly grew worse. 1 had If you are sick and the treatment, ' II nate. day he asked his AuccesRflll .\ Harrison, living in I'L.:.: tools trc4: Frndliaur corn twelve to tothat take to my bed, and in the belie you are new taking does not [,1111x1 Most people are more or less sub flicud the secret of his los stilt. d'.lrmes, chile attending to her eighteen dollars weekly .'rite tar cata- logue. that my spine might receive wet, give 1)r. 1eilllams Pink k ret 411 sou IIs an" cold;. 1 "nine P f lr,enr. )t„ter 9alnrr College, 221 Queen "Wel." replied Jackson, •'1'11 household ditties, struck her ankle i•:a•t. Tmmitt,. strength I was Incased in a plaster a fair trial. 'They have cured thou-• renledy that sill break up a cull of Paris cast. This did not help sands after duct;,rs and other mr 1's:i0klt and carr any cough that is tell it to 1'••u fur five dollars. Be against n sharp projection on the aaa•Th•Iaetre*trnk de no /e Booklet PrN. me and I could feel the paralysis fail treatment had hopelessly Ihlrahlr l:+ made by mixing two IltlnkCAb7r)lalveig, of n rse. hltl whend b.^)Sure the fiirn11llllrt', deeming it trivial. Di GAIL,VEgss..dCgLtd..Tvroato,t0ab slowly creeping over me till 1 was failed. These fills a0luallmare 1lnc0s of (aveerine. a half ounce,that no one hears you. and sure day or two the ankle began t. Stoat 11 OPE epees! DEAF- IN ACOUSTICON- tOlally paralyzed fromalt c my waist rich, red hloud, feed and 1''f Virgin Oil of Pine l'Ull)pUflntlI ens „r the ,carol..•f the e!r,lliral :,a•, 11 control over starved nerve.; and bring healthImre Anti eight minces of pure ii .o1) get the oast.;) of it r'r eine and Cr11150 excessive pain. A due n us" In�,.lynoN Inn world sis for rata. to my fret. I teal 8 ter back out you )•01). Now hntld Ills tor, Called 1n, f011nd that the from ogur Un,eral Aeuu•tic ('u., u," _&ca1a, l.td., my bowels and bladder and my streng.h to every part of the bod. • Whisky. VutlRcan get )leve in any yea Yeas• sir«t. Toronto. 1c}ts had no more feeling than if This is shy 11r. Williams' Pink ood drugstare and easily mix the fiver dullais•' her stocking had entered the wound ,7rentlw hope- KHughes thought a second, and and set up blood p(ii',•n. Treat h,arl7Li'S lisle i'rolllOtel' they herr made vofe wood. Three Pills cure such apt •ll l nl in a large hone. Thr mixture tF.en Raid : meat with "Lam-Ruk ("Bowed. but other" doctors strived to cure fail -me, less cases as Mr. vecu McDonald's. and is'highly recommended ended by the f.cur aCrows Hair en any Said Head but their treatment also was a it is why they have cured thou. 1)id anyone hear us make this it was several days before the limb 11n rate aI It4 R•1nt aimr•nu ro..Tornnet+, t ('homiest Co.,('o., of ('ineinnati. wt.., was out of danger. "glad it not Canada. or tee Atar►a.,t ciliate. Promoting ure, and for eleven -months 1 lay in sands and peoplethonsands of sick. die prepare the genuine. Virgin Oil n( bargain Z"(•„ • Tmm�t1) ranr adee) ' Pine compound purr for dispensing.' "Not a soul." replied Jackson. j been for the put+erful Anti Optic bed unable to mere. Ur- Williams' couraged in every part al i ! 1 R 1 jjj properties of ''•run [auk and its rx CHENILLE CURTAINS' Pied: !'ills were then advised, and the world. Sold by all medicine' _ "1\'rli, then. gels the prompt How mushy a tender love letter R P g a,d .h kind, of 1. .-nanginp.'No I (tits shown testimonials of others dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box '1'� Answer, "[ think I'll begin °n a�uundlr'�ghtrl►altc hadiAtwcr} seri-.LiiICE CURT�IINS DV") LrKEDNEtEr�ftM who had been cured of paralysis or six boxes for 11-'.5U from The mounds when read in c„art. eou'�r ____ eras result,' rays Mrs. Harrison.• through them. I bought a supply ih \Cillixul5' Medicine Co., Brock- ____ twr.n t., u..r„nt From.. and in less than three months they wllle, Ont. afters See. art.)Ao■'t hit to tata.N•(,►M■• H(ill,att rl 1''9 l'rirll t'tl re dcstrovs - V i fNITISM AMERICAN DYEING CO ,Boz nftl, MMtrtvl fat 0t rsnk,I;.r mis.,l .Ito a 121.+• ••f h + eater all kinds of corns nod warts. root UISt'01 1'.1)1:1). -- ►n1 •ease. It •,r.:r pretest• rh�lt • 401.1 tab- i)n you trap of hay PROFESSOR'S S ENGLISH, Haut.•, (here 1. but •.111 l'.it.kill.r'• Perri And breech. 11'l+n, lh(ll would ell - "I went to the w0(1,nng to see' fn,•1 tam, aoad.'s 4a,i1__te •ndto•. dere them with such a cheap and that imported Park gown her folks laracrtdraler,lrey h.wl,eat prIcea. 1 our Now often we misuse w•,rds to the i effectual remedy within reach? told the reporters the bride was go-. shipments ao1 oItru. ext0ut of saying the contrary to The war to the sorrow free land p pay mail era a:- lel l•, )tear." Pros.ch0.r¢es;remit shat we mean is pointed out in the is to try to free some life from nor- rl{'LT1Pt,1t'.1TIO\. R o " ^•+, .).r. largest •+.stet ,n 17eerhtd4.- \1'he urr her nua� , ) el.% Qw.tatioro. and shipping tags following anecdote. row. AM .\ contretersy is n thing "Nobody lea 1 t(i. The cut and 6t .enc tree. t A college professor who prdcdl --"Which has of lives a score. „( rho gown it elf p;ute her away." JOHN HALLAMe - ae"-''- himselt on Iii' correct English heard on.e4 CI'11Cn Iv a To s� DAYR• 1:,,)• when ton In to settle e•10, - Itis wife remark c • 0(7) el ' l 'IFS I 1. .usra•It.'I 10 cure any •Und, plteding. Itch' -' a •• „t 1., .,, , a u 1 n•Pe I:n- .,, 1'r••tr•ilin= 1111 eta 11 A whole lot more. lacks er thing the' automobile PILES Protruding Piles ,cI'i [ intend to ('all Jane to bring l9ba,o a to :/ Jar• • m,nq nlunr l' $0.. Inrks is horse A/'nR', and ruding quit areal ly a fresh bucket of water.' rA uta• eft�.• Yew (htow,•• wI t A.r•ane a (rest the moat cr1,•nlific an.l4ronotniral rc,nc,1� he "You doublle s mean n bucket of i 11 people were compelled to End _neer rf, i.t ' dip Ibe �.�.l h � in.rn�) h.lt>t teart�g f/Mw ftgrl■1• dn.. ant 4.tos *I mine. LYLE'S COMMON SENSE FOR PILE3 flesh water," cerr0rtcd the Proles- 1low thrix own advice they would Alba• lung Balsam. •ser. r.•d' ooni&Ia1 Opium fir mslcanq"Ire) eh•ek eou.t n//• Trice POO 6 for SSW. e:uiled on ra �. opiates but tn• Jd •tar+ Do 0.4 trifle: when ymJ Nesta 1 ees "1 wish yutl moult) pay Some gtiterate a bet'er brand. - y, a,,1th take Albn'.I.ano Balsam. tn. IMO ceipt of pr,r4- apl•s. ion 0f haaliug Power. LYLE MEDICINE CO.) Itr.,w11 - ••1•e` . they saw that c.v. F11 Queen West. TORONTO) ndv•-i hack." Jones (glancing at - end lets et people aceto f u gu lel - + � ■ w ■ w a ORONTO church fir the pureose of Peeking s Havana, and from the seine plaul- teti11n. They hear no maker's brand 1141(11 tie 111 1)11(1 are packet) in--ller- 4 1 t Iv plain boxes. They are not 1. 1y large, but if they could be )4.1t1 in the open market they would be tweet* about bOventy-ileo cents each. Ate Istrst necklaces brought from the '-far east resemble flexible snakes. Feathers are of the weeping wil- low fashion and 'erasure about a foet in length. The regulation size for a scarf is three yards long by a good half yard wide. Lace, which has been so long out of favor, is making an effort to re- gain its place. The pearl is again the queen of precious jewels. wits the moonstone as her understudy. Box plaitings around the lower edge of skirts are one of the late Paris reviv:.ls. Blown as well as black chantilly 1111 a veils are being seen more as the season advances. Nothing is more in the style than the untrimmed fur turban. The time honored black lap' sh71(1 hangs from the back of many a mag- nificent evening gown. There is a tremendous vogue c gold and silver in the realm of mi = Beery, blouses, and laces. Fashion has decreed that short Ir__ coats are smart, and the newest gowns from abreact show the abbre- tiatc(( coat. Ivory and gray Falin, stamped with a good design, also grcen sat- in, are on the 'nudist' List fureve:)- inV, wear. BE FOUND TUFA 'fHL BEST OF ALL 11.18.1')' FF;+ ItAnitiS SAYS 14' DOD1)'S KIDNEY l'I1.1.S. 1 There is no doubt about the at- tlactiveness of t► nlilitery cut in cents and wraps for the majority of women. fi01114' of the handsome Japanese enrd("l silks are being bought by weinen who like clothes a little un- usual. HARD TO I'L1: X51:. For dressy wear, black s'Itin slip- e.xlways in good taste. They 1 hate the keen and nipping air, arc, fou`, more economical than 1 hate the wild wind's rush; ninny others. i hate the trees so gaunt and bare, Gold, silver, and brass buttons, And, oh I hate the slush: with insets of semi-precious stones, -+-- are trade in order to carry out the 4+++++++++++++1►+++11♦♦ color scheme of a costume. ♦1 HAPPY DAPS For the foundation of blouses FOR BABY ra rr which dark chiffon falls, Pari- + Mali silks are utilized by many (f the hest dressmakers. - The healthy child is always • Nearly all evciIitlg gowns and the + a happy child. All its little + majority of re-eption gowns. arc A- ♦ troubles vanish when its tend gl tter with beads, gems, sequins. •• digests properly And it is free i t`. Meed ern/meets, er jet. from childish ailments. Most ,t f-` Silver filagree, frequently model- +': of these ailments come from • cd after the old Italian button. will stomach or bowel troubles, i serve as fastening and as jewelery colds, feverishness. teething • at unc and the same time. and warms. Baby's Own Tab- • 'fhe most exquisite little f:in that lets promptly cure all these 1,8a apecared for stale time its a tiny troubles and keep little ones of:air with )nether -of -pearl slicks well. Mrs, W. G. Martin, ) ►t three inches lung Ilavenscliffe, Que., says: ''11 A tint The hitt' fur twines are notch. of ♦ have used Baby Own Tab- 4 the sante material as the stole noel ♦ lets ill my home for the past. lit t of similar fur to the c , It, N i : f1 ur years, and since using turally the skunk t(,que take the + 1'1,111 my little ones have en - lead. ♦ 1' • ed the best of health. I Many filet And band:' el ,•,,, i •• 1 an recommend theta to every + nleht,`. aet•,111pRny 111e 11018' e1 X11141• -. ♦ loather 88 A sure (etre for ile• : string•• of pearl end geld and silt ' • little trouble= of childhood.' 1 r gnnze being tw Mee in with the by l ntby r med2icine (oilr . oto s it 1•ix brai(I front The 1)r. Williams' Me- )Heine Coe Ilruckl ilk, One A KING 11.11)) iS LOVED. t NOE EVEN ONE TOOT. A deaf but pious Englislt lady, visiting a small country town in Scotland, )went to church armed with an eat -trumpet. The elders had neer'. seen one, and 1ictt'ed it 1) it11 suspicion and uneasiness. Af- ter a short (•,rns11ltatlofl, one of then) trent to the lady, just before the opening of the service, and, wagging Isis finger at her warning- ly, whispuled, "One toot and yc're out To Men \l'hu Live Inactive Lives. --Exercise in the open air le the btst tonic for the Rtonua•ll and sys- tem generally; but there are those who are compelled to follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy action of the digestive organs and sickness foiluws. PHrnlelce's Vegetable Pills regulate the stomaeli and liver and restore healthy action. it is wise to hove a packet of the pills always on hand. "Now, Robby, if you don't want to go to Bessie Hunk's party you 4g�T AS I Ell l a rte• for plain •",,.1li ht •raln5 must write Vele and tell her RU; at borne. a -h.10 or spate 111110 g.,011 pas: w•'•eat Toy dt.t eice, rhor,os paid. send and he sure and let It be pulite• starkmp fol full particular.. National klauuf•o• YoU will find 50111O ideas of the pro- luring Cutt„ntnexL 1.; c thing in this book of etiquette,"said Mrs. ('arhart to her little son. Robby struggled with the problem 14 r an holo'. then presented for 1.1, mother's inspection the follow- ing truthful but unconventional Baby Smiles - When He Takes IS CuRE• • Itt BEST N1.01(.111E 101 gtp6115ttit.13 So pleassal Our he Ekes i1 --tad cw.tai'• a1.. There is it,./in‘ like it is 4.i o el:Ls, itAsthma •1..1 .II rrouhln ,.4 the throat oad lung.. A Suadu,d Reaw,!y for lu:f . rentu.y. AY Druggists, 26 Cents- 9 5 Ih.n'l boa=t ofy,nlr !image. It's a dozen to :! quart that if your tr1Cc0 it back a few generations you will lied some one ttho borroa ed a horse )without tbo owner's consent. Much distress and sickness in children is caused by worms. Mo- ther Graves'- Worm Exterminator gives relief by removing the cause. Give it a trial and he convinced. The world is full of t::intSd money, but few mind the eller. WANTED. FARM FOR RENT. __, t RM To terve between Mea • tord and !twins ' sound. '1'wn hn•„I r.' 1 acre. coder ertiti•etioa, Ilia paatn,e farm h,t.tse and "ood outbuildings• G, W. O Whittier. ItS Tnrnnto Street. Toronto. FOR SALE. 4-1-1-1-4-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-1-1-1-1-1-14 That King Edward has inherited much of the nffectiee the English The (rpliuli•t cheers. but the peg i,(up) • lett fur his eu thee, and has simiee sloes his breath for the put. 'There is a lot of difference be- perlmp• 11,1(14-1 s tt11'tl role t„ 1iis iio ,080 of lcttin out a calamity bawl 1181.(11 sued will and willingness to 33 pea(rl)y In hip sten per -anality mid later un. In. good. bearing. i, Owen l.� :t >cmificant attention 1/r your rhetoric; yuur� CCORCr KCJTN L SOTS, Seed Meech• tni�takes arc curious." Pro- ants, Toronto. :,r,• , tt••rin8 1..t. ;I: 11 5r^." .\ f.'x moments later tl, Rryrcnrral411 Brnnrr 00(0. In a bu.hcl fe,.er said :- tots, st Et.25 per bush. Hare lees -seed "My dear, that pi torr would t"r talul•le alai) Catalogue. Mrs. Smith. tlh05e (41(88 to very - _- decu{Irle)-"WCll, et ideally he do: f s i,uw to better advantage if you The under deg gees IotR (tt Aym- net earn touch." Free to Our Readers. were to hang it oxer the (•lock."Ih prrn,anrnllr. 0afrly and 1141 k 1 palhy-and that's about 811. write Dunne 1:re RPIDrdr Co['n, rhlraen with 1111. ¢rent Homeopathic remedy. ".11t'.' she relined, ,quietly. "yet --- \\E:51'Eil� 1..1N1)S. Ire ))!pace Illustrated ).'s Bob•Fero whi,h will be •int nor) -paid nnrwhere el. 'artless mt•arl if I were to hang A Remedy fur Bilious 1lendaelle-- th.v all about Tour tel TronhM and In the world with full inrtrntti11 for Why Ilnt. buy 11 Western Canada they will advise a9 In the Proper Appllra- using ••' a• to r(irrf a inform-lien. sortr it shote the clock. If i were to Ti' those Anbjrct to bilious 1408(1- !'arm that will pay f,•r itself in 4 to" orthp )mein. Eve Remedtn' in Tour Tarr s 4d'Irc•• Fp441a1 rase. Year t)rIlr l•t will ten lou John T. WaIR Mowlennelhla Pharmacy, l:ang it over the (leek we could not ache, l'unnclC''s vegetable fills or ni years. Choicest new Innds and that 1lnrine RPlicrel Karo Ever, str.ngth Arnarlor, Canada• tell 111) 11111('. 1 wish you w'ot11(1 b© are recommended a9 the w'nt' to 1 few great bargains 111 unproved err lir:eak t:re•. lio4.n t Smart. Soolho, In, re careful with your rhetoric. Fre Pm,n and roll. for 511. Tr. It ,n - Rprcdy relief. Tnk•' 1 nc0nrding to farms. Apply immediately, Farm T4,ir w•9 an,1 in Dnh.1 lees tar scats Int III1 deal . t1.ur mistakes are curl derertiun5 they will subdue irreg+l Lands, not hen, rd}' lluildiug, Port., Eyelids and Granulation. „" lnhitiex of the stomach and su act age Arem'''' nor, 11 innil 0g. And 1111. 1'reCII 1)1 all at once be- A prude is Aometin)cs n firrson1 41.,•::,1,11..1' tory much intcrc�tc:1 in the even the 084118 and Lloorl wr5`el5 won noses around for sonecthinK t that the paint( in the head will �,\Tl Il.\l.l.V. Ile s'as teadir,R rt':154'. There are few who are not get shocked at. �'-^ 11t sometime subje'•t las biln,llvness ''1)11(8 your husband go in for 8 li familiar with its attendant Rolt' asks the caller. (•llrnpcat ..f all �ledicineS,--Con- roils. 1'.'t 1)(110 1100(1 suffer with ''No.' "he answers. He Roca si,loring the curnliwe 14unlitiCS of out for it." 1►r Thomas' 1:electric Oil it ie the; these pills At hand. , . - _ _ - --, cheapest medicine now offered to in n ease of (lander not long Or. Morse's the public. The dose required in age Miss '1 -- - hall gene into thenub ailment is 8811111 and n hultll witnrRv-hex on label( of the plain- Root Pills pentnins ninny (lose,. If it wale tiff. )whose• c rettse1 w'15 exaneinirlll are lu.1 the right medicine for the valued at the brie lit It confer' �1 her. "N„tc, tllnd11ll. ' M r. 111aR• children. When they are t-on9u• credd net br -purchased for mare please rrUPAt the . Patrd r.h,•n thele kf,1nr�a are „utle K.(•.• began," 1 of ordrr ah.11 orerindu'K'"' ni dotes the price asked for 1), but 1n a4,nderolts statements made by the I 00614 fatnrit(• fond Kiwi. 1hcn, ns- creased Consumption has simlplifiedl' defendant tin this oren51Ut1 just as (11549010,) 1)1, iloroc 0 Indtaa Il of !! Pillr w.11 q,,iekIt 1111,1 0nrrly p") 1114(4 ehrnpPlie(l it` manufacture. 111' I!^a I'll drum" "Olt, the}' are them right. PIItPIF rt•t;4table, ----- they for any resr,ectable person t'� lhr� neither rick4n, weaken or Daughter -"This piano is r0nlly "Then.- ,tripe. like hersh 'oleo/ I.4n. Hear. ' rt. tired Miss Vii- . "'1' (tanr•l your children • hcahh ),v my tMy 01(11. Isn't Il. papa 1':1 'n0r. euaxingh , -sup_ 1 atwnvr ke4ptnc a b.n ..t Or Nnrrrr , thee- "1'(5, rn}• dr7r.' ".1ndl. )then 1 marry I can take it wills ate, esu i 1 ' ' '•(•1'rteinly, my child, Hut 114 n"t tell anyone : it might sped t II .. i Cored without operation. .111 olio arc nl• I tested with this APP flaws 111 the sermon. do and a,•h to he it i Lest' always 4080.4 wile,) it thinks side 1,1 what it still gain. • e Only One ••8110110 pi'l' Th(' la (.AN ITI1'P, !(amts 1)! ,' Iss: t.""e 1•.r the •ieeature or K. w'. (:Rot s'.. 9 sod the wur:d osier to cure • Cvh1 :w Oise n u. 2.1e. 11))11 incident ahicl, a v „t• r in tII' tM4mm ala It. They supplied the wunthol1 1t i!4 easier to prevent than it is New Purl( tit111 repel l t.wt"l In •' the It R L" Menthol finder whleh !, ,•ury . Inflammation of the lundfl 11 wn._ •liari'1R iii` s 1`,1 to Ow p„ reLyre.In-I'tatty bwekache, hel.ltche• neuralgia, rhoumatitmand sciatica. - the Cnrnputli,••1 e1 neglected colds. 4 8)111) South 1011 1 -.Weil, 1 1 eel enee it finds a ledtment in the said tin,exam P a, 1. hat i5 it, 11.8 , r,..1 Dolton Root 11118 In the house /'nnlb111 11 , abet(. hr tai a tin r I ! ,,I. lu it i5 11iRie;l14 t.. deal with. 1„ s; i.•it jtiA whisper then► to the They 0 n• 1.0; . i 1 11 •iii { , 1.( .1n t � I 1- � . "0- halk K t•'t l a ea manic-- t al h r n \' ••, I 1' I'l .11 Illerl r. • ' 1 ,1 . ( 11 \ h)11 r 1 fla .t n '•nlK ).111 Atr 1 n W 4 uI I Children f r Ild Keep the .h •r'1' it It. ._ College Hospital. 1 bate 1�• tall her '',11r 1:111-Li;� ,omplitc syrup )till er.111 a t enr I' Nett here in Len {en Aro there' .•1. will "et be 0444":111 1-•1 14,11 (sold and prrl4nt inll•Iin:eat; rel freta. \fter :1 1114(1) 14Ix tepid mit *0 for , \ "'lure' t1h111 on dot> 18ns +rpt mere working men out of .tt " J:•11 1,'.',1111: s,'. 31,4 it will be w,•l 1,, a if selling in. It (U5(5 little, and is a,' tnitusic leeerins he thinks his (laugh- 140 by r tan14.1) clime et-, and I , I i11 tin Ihis,tli+Ifi 1. Flom ,•114 ar. 1 ' .\11 right. Mebl, saltsfacl4•41 as it surprising in its, ice is etmlpe(('111 In play for coni- fer (1r1 71f the - dt•n`e 3 crowded 1 ..-.1.9 sh(a)g (14, it, hilt I' 11 pr',- t•, gull`. (I111V0 hi bnv1.ne( 111141 the deg. Its - - ``� t � � \.-y I .I patty. 4.ltncr 'Med him 191 the county court t 'elite, ellen the Kine 1et`se:L "ins pee t„ I t•, call her 'punkin face' 1)O �) l)( 7 ask Ir'.re, art1hew." 11111: ItING's 1 IL Itis. ter its )slur, and the cwidccr gi(r)t / 11,r cis : I • alte,ted flint the soldier had nil ` '•t'An•4 vett) KiVC 0s 11ol'k, Tr•1 111=----•-•-••••••••••.• --- �4 :•S(: 1, 0n bad'}' bitten after all. 11hy i Ile pore, Ned Smoke Sit Ilan) as 1107 .rr ''vs '... (l;ri sen not knock the dug with the % K' D N E .\1111 Almnot 0. „um as it aas ul Q9 DOri't hid n I'ca 'calls .1 cu. ., T N' bait' end of yelp rifler naked the Good �;/ PILLS _ 14•Ie11 crutlr the answer from at bust News MISS 11:1 .4 King I:d18Ar l 1 Itri-t s t� r li,dg0. 'Ph0 l'enrt rocked With l - �e It' throats 'iink. -- liitf ' tau e. 'rile the• sentry replied: "S ' If„ would if he e11uld, the dent tor this 714:1 \eu !'car x 4t(51 i,�• 1I'g , + 1 Dyers fit•on , '111x1' didn't he bite me with his the feria 44 cigars er rl(r ilettes, r :Rd t' 1.\\ 1 ` • 1 fel ow. demote (roto the re5erc,• I. .k ;n the may,' a .. , Irlil . t` U S- �f The moi '1 was pleased with the i 1.' !til la ill til. •t it )111.1' Pala., effete 'Ij '' �.,.,. 4''�.!� , t � ,.,. ,k,1 1. 11111 fellow, ' utile!) Y -0-1...A. , \-l,a-in of latae•eft•n in11i••ntrs�fS RH!flN��4jPt•Sf�,C 4.'1, of 4114 hnua r11mq.lete squat)- tt ARp [VM/•• E�(he , ., e. •Heil agaie and again ill( +... 1 icl. -,•Rl. �tffi'$ Qt?1tA };;' r er•91)111;' (lint a calx ter the tittt111'tnf{ of cil(111) u t il. eleinated tom: 1hrC:urauteedONEtyrnrAL{G,•"'i, le (' °qty G' t k n0[TE5 �� he (11111111. T111. Kiug is an in- a RACK ni (� I lite I,:1 "tl ate .,f the t•rul''x- •Y n Mar CI ..., Nn )111111 grea`4 1111111 114, let- 1014 1. • s �A�1 4 ; Just MOM e1111 With the SAME Uc: elr•rntc cigar su:ekt 1, though act > 4 4 111 hi 1111 a little, 3 7t1 1)- y,,,, y,,ala color 'lk i' A ll(10thPerte•tty.S, vN(11 h�'' rl,an.r of n,ist.Ak•t. Ali(oho.torent. fi•n. IIIA! MO ill 1114• ad%ice of his plaNslei- yyn•v UruERi:t or Des►r1. Snug;•• (aid ...it nor hl• is 114.1 511111king 5e 11)111'1) 11 Rmnklet hese from No one o'sesy` leeppiness wile to i Sena ter ire► sample to O•Df. W. L., Ns. P The Jehn•on•Rloherdson Co., Limited, 1•e did 9 frit' weal's ago. )tonal Drug • Chemical C••. T•►Oats. bind tU ynrr,'w. De•t U tllnnt real u�� The Kin1t s eigar5 all c ,ate tutu • Ire ,1'li f.•,. lane r 1811•4 6,1" •t•..)a1'.) of this little seen. ic- e '111 {,•,I. 1„ '1-tenislilllent, "\1 rle't' lute Iota.:' 17.1h1.1. N U. s l0. Wet, i:edw,.8.a1t a.7 Heizer ..077. the r r pains In triers one ti twenty mon ,).•s, For Hew fiche ark o' nett Toothache, Nrarah(ta 8he,l r ha : ►� 1, un 4,8l.m. R . t•.v ,• m lhP Hack. anile or kidney". Wins around the firer. plenrl■y- .welling• of the 01 it" an,l Mingo! .all kin 10, 4110 RAOWAra READY RELIEF. INVIGORATING TONIC FOR RUN-DOWN PEOPLE Your 4 1. . 1 has het orae Ih n at a Leak. 1 he diem upon your rater, 14 0 rot leo montl.sha.loenVete ere.t. 1.041an. leehr.g :' all , ut 41 torts" arwl and't'4 ••run down. -1' Your apprt le 1t. you hardly hate enough energy 14'Ito do gout dad duties. Yo.l should take PSYCI IINF,thegreatestof Tonics, with- out (Islay. i 11,1 w ill put you on your feel at once, Cenhemcn :.-"l have u..'.I PSYCFIINE and I do think It is the prate.' tome and system l ,, !Jet known. 1 wouldad(14e.11 who are run-down rn f,hysicaliy weak to wePSYI IItNE.' l out:tntly,1111s. Jas. 13entan.1, Veit Toronto. N sirs •re prink ISTCHISE w,11 ■air tis nesrt. Fa Sits kr all Dr kali Dialers. Ste. 4 f1 errDr. T. A. SLOCUM LIMITED, TORONTO SYCH INt reteC1NO11NCEO SI -KEEN