HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-02-10, Page 8.• H E t.; X i; 1 ill s M i S FEB. loth IW O ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4s0••••••••••••••• •••••N•••••••••••••N••••N•••••••• ••••♦♦••O.••••N•••••••••• ••NN•••♦•••••••.••NN••••N•••NN••NNN•••N••• STEWART'S PHONE 16 I. We Need Money. You Need the Goods. We Need the Room I: �i FURS Big15 DaySale StartingTo-day• s• Its a clean up sale All winter goods }oust be got rid of regardless of price . S So take advantage of the Big 15 Days' Salo. It willpay you. Big reductions in every department during this sale. FURS Every fur in the store wiil be sold at 25 • 2 . discount. Next years prices will be much higher Von will do well by taking advan- tage of this Big Special Offer MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS • • iAbout 24. men's and boy's suits mostly • small sizes worth S 00 to $10 00 • Big Sale Price 4.98 :2 BLANKETS I• Ve:o Nap Blanks large size, extra fiine : quality, bound with lustreBig Sale Price $1.95 • 2 HOSIERY • About 2; doz. worsted stockings extra heavy , just the thing for overstcckings and . for bo) s and girls, sizes 5% to to • ii• Big Sale Price 25cts. TEA SETS 1• • • Austrian China Tea Sets, Lovely bod- • • ied ware, neat floral pattern, Kermes shape .: : cup; Regu:al $7.25 s Big Sale Price. $4.90 ♦. MEN'S OVERCOATS • : Every overcoat in this store must be sold. We need the money, and a little will : gr, a long way during this sale Every over- . coat at Big Special Discount MEN'S SHIRTS • I lere's another chance to save money. is About 4 doz. Regatta Shirts, Sizes 14-16r, Regular$ oo values 12 �• if TOWLING Pure linen towli:ig in wide stripes good • wearer, and an easy washer. Reg. 12/c. . 2• •i is Big Sale Price 2 1=2 yds. 25c MILLINERY Every fiat in Millinery Department must be sold during this big sale. They all go at same price so get first choice. Prices to $5 00 Big Sale Price $1.98 • Si COTTONS • Factory cottons Get ready for Spring •: needs. Now is the time to buy them. Reg- :• ular 12 54 Big Sale Price 10 yds. $1.00 i= FLANNELETTES • Regular 12 c tlanttctctts, neat patterns �Z Z• •• •• 2• 2• ••• Z• •2 •• .• • FLANNELETTE BLANKETS •° •• These goods are al) advanced in price. • We '_,ought before the advance t t 4 and 12A4 -worth now ! ! 35 and $1 65 and good washers Big Sale Price 10 yds. $1.00 NEW PRINTS Good patterns, fine quality, wide width Big Sale Price 1Octs. EMBROIDERY About (ono ds.yEmbroideries and in- sertions to thatch. Regular to and r 2' i c. Big Sale Price 5c. yd. Price 11.4 1.25 :. i Big � P ce •• Big Sale Price 6 12=4, 1:45 0 ii i 2 1 Zi 4 4 Big Sale Price 15cts. Big Sale Price lOcts.`� • a Don't met 25 06r Gent 011 011 (111 hirs $8 00 FUR LESS 26;' MEANS $6 00 TOWELS APRON GINGHAMS With without h and hou t bor dcgs Ins i • mall and large checks wnrth to -day -17c. Large bedroom towels, Sizes 24 in by 34 in. These arc good value for 15c. Market Report. -Toe following Is the report of Exeter market*. cor- rected up to 1•'eby 10th. Wheat from $1.01 to 61.07. Oats :14 to :35c. !Peas 80 to itis cents. Barley 48 to 60 centre Shorts $:.'4.00 Bran $222.00 Model Flour 62.90. Feed flour $1.50 to $1.55. Rutter 20o 1:gga 24a }loge livewelgbt, $7.80. Has 8000, 1110.00 Potatoes 75 to 90 vent Coal, $l.25 a ton. TurLeye 18c. dressed Gei•se l`2e. dressed Mucks 12t. dressed Chickens 12e. dressed Foul the dreened Dried Apples 5e. DiNNER SETS We have 3o Dinner Sets in Stock in all the newest shapes and di•i);ns. During this sale we will offst any set at Big Special Discount of 15 per cent. 15 per cent. Discount On All Dinner Sets See our Mens' Fur Collars Regular 6.50 for 5.00 Remember it is a fifteen days' sale only. All kinds Of produce is as good as cash 11 igltest prices pail. • • Big 15 Day Sale Starting To-dny I 00.0•••• 00 ..:>4>>07.•A.♦.♦•O••.•N•♦�. ••w700•.0..•♦004400••••••••ot••••••••t•••••••••414•••••V•444000•O'o•••os••e♦e•♦•••o♦• J. A. STEWART. •••♦••••NNNNN•••N••• •• LOCALS • ••••N•• .••••••• Valentine dny next Monday. Mies Carrie Dyer is visiting Livingstone, of Myth. this week. Mr. Witt Ilia. of Toronto. spent Su rolay nit to his father. Mr. Gro. hill. See It. N. ltoevet new ad. on the back page. Mies Nary Arnold. Ig vaiting friends in Kincerdbte. Mr. 'rhos. Oke viaited at the Central the forepart. of the %yeah. Mrs. Jae. eferray and daughter Miss Jennie. are visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mitchell. and child. moved to London last week. Mrs. I. Armstrong vir.ited in Sea - forth part of last week. Mr. Alf. 7.irk. left on Bnturday lost for Milestone. Sask. Sties L. Ilettger. of New Hamburg, is tho guest of Mrs. G. A. Hawkins. Mr..MeCurdy. of Grand View. Mon. ire visiting bis brothers Dan and Archie. Mr. (len. Moir. of Virden. Man., Is here this week buying a car -load of horses. Mr. and 11rr'. ham. l'opplestone and daughter. of ]Myth. spent n few days this week with the former's mother. Heeve and Mre. Rawden enter - seined a number of their friends on Monday evening. Miss Edith Gidlcy. of Jllyth. is this !week the guest of her anut. Mrs. .1. Elston. Mrs. R. 0. Seldon and sister Miss Clara Berry have returned home after n wa visiting friends in L ekno Mr. Alex. Stewart has resumed his position at 7'a, itis after being con- fined to the house for n !week. Miss Jt J. Allan Eye Sight Special- ist w ill be at Commercial hotel, Exe- tee, flours 10 n, m• to fit p. In• oft tie 1•r, ay, February '12th. • • •2 Church Directory { JAMES STREET METHODIST CIIURCti I Rev. Richard Hobbs. Pastor 1 w. Sunday Public Worship -10.0 a.mt,, , and 7 p.m. Class Service -Sunday 0.30 aim. end l after Morning Service and Wednes- day night. Young Iden'e Glue end Catscbumeru thirdly et 2 (.m. ! We are Headquarters eft;. Watches that are REL IAA L Sunday Schsol and Ilible Classes 2,30 p.tn. R lame keeders and we sell them at Prices which defy com- ATCHES� Watches Watches Prayer Mee ting-Tbursdny at K van.) Epworth Inguc Tlremday at pen petition. We have a full assortment of Feb. 1:Ith-tcev. Arthur Sinclair,) of London, twill preach next Sunday' morning and evening. Clearing; Sale { Ladies' Watches Gents' Watches Boys, Watches from $1.00 upwards $24, $22 and $20 JIrwELER, Suits for S. FITTON. OPTI WEDDING RINGS AND MAlnIAUIl LIcsNSEa $12.00 GREAT BARGAIN SALE FURS $6 and $5 Trouserings 1 for $3 and $2,50 We " ill surely please you. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER - ONTARIO. Mrs. .1. E. Jordan. of Godericb. vim- ited her parents. Mr. and ,1re. Jas. Mnr:ay. {ant seek. She left on Fri- day to visit in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson an• pounce the marriage of their daugh- ter. Mian Flo! enc.!. Ethel. to idr. 1). e. Boon. of lierriebrire. to take place on \Wednesday. Fchr'tary 16th. Miss Victoria Miners nho has been suffering nth rheernatism for the past eight necks, is sufficiently Im- proved to resume Ler studies at Nor- mal, Site leaves for London the last of t ho week. Mr. null hire. 1t. ila'l and date:li- ter. of North Dakota. ttho bare been vieitine relatives around here, left Friday for flint. Mich.. where thej will visit prior to leaving for their home. Mr. 0. R. Braman. of Regina. Sask., in visiting relatives and friends in and nround tont]. Mr. 11,•amen sent tweet /shout three years ago. and his many friends are p:cased to ♦bake hands a ith him again. In refereueti to the gift of tongue/4 %%Inch ane claimed to have taken place feet. a eek in London. 1 he Free Press lead !Shed. n!tint! It it the {!holo of Bev. 1t. Robes. him opinion of it nn ' an allusion of the deviie" On Salnrday afternoon next the of- ficers o' haven Presbyterian Sunday School will treat the children tar a sleigh ride out to Mr. .1obn Row- eIifle's iwtnlon Mond. north. where �)r. and M rs. Itowcliffc nil'. enter- tain them to tea. /...•MI MI/Mt MMQM, I bliss 1Wiliintns. of London, is vis !- Aug •11111►irlfflrl►elf/f�l(1►►f Aug her father. Mr. E. Williams. Y ou Take No Chances bliss Della Kest :e is vi+itintt lit Miss for :, few days. When You (iet Your Mrs. Jam. Allen and blaster James. of \Wroxeter. are. visiting Miss Drigg. Fall and Winter Suits M her sisy. Allen Crete. is vis- it int' Ritter. Mrs. If. Smith: from an old established and reliable Monte like ours. 'I'iln t rie11 Reputation is what ensures you t,atis1action. W. JOHNS 1lr. Elwin White has commenced the hardware business !frith W. .1. Ifeaulan. M. ilugh Chesney. of Sea fort h. vis- ited his Sister. Mrs. Geo. McLeod the former pert of t he week. hits. .ins. Whyte and child. of Zurich. nre visiting Mrs. \Vhy,e's parents. Mr. end "Niro. John Westlake. 1.lcrcha!t Tailor -- Exeter, Ontario • Mr. Rohl. Trrh'e r�•f•lrned home Saturday Inst from \Winnipeg. itoh. MAU�/� speaks tteR of the nest and intends '•, tcturning. Mess Martha Butt. of Ilensall. who has been visiting M. and Mrs. Thum. • Miss E. Wh(te(ord is under t11e doc• Marton and other friends returned Bus & Dray Bu=Ines: tot's carr. li •!r:^ Satardny. { Mr. T. ltnndford eh'plied a cap -load Mra. (1)r.) A. T. Jlond will receive of horses this week. for Iho first tirne on Tuesday. refry. ltuh from 4 to d ly tn. rind 2nd and Mr. and Mrs. F. P. So -Leer. of La- 4th 'I'nesdn)•v thereafter. combs. Alta.. visited Mrs. O. }took Elie .lnckeon Mfg. Company cone - the forepart of this week' tneneed operation/4 in the It. Pickard Mrs. T. E. Lntelfot'i, of Ingersoll. building on Monday M this week ieeonipnnied by her POo, it visitin0 with fifteen hnn'le. Mr. T. ,lackenn her sister Mrs. (Rev.) S. F. Sharp al igo down for the opening. the Presbyterian 'name.. The Economical Threshing Cont - The James fit reef Epwwnrth League !'any of th•Theneet Bold unedi.o.lved has accepted an invitation from the Inst. week end wound sup telth :• net liensall Epworth ',envie to visit thrill oyster su'i per in Farquhar. Public on Monday, February R1et. , Ball. sr'M1ssN s..siMM Having purchased the Bus nnti Dray business from Wm, Arnold, I bo- Iit:it, a share of your pat- ronage. Order's left, at the Advocate Office. T. G. Creech, Proprietor. 4 PECIAL SALE -OF- SHEARS 1 only Brown fur -lined Coat lined with the best Rat lining with Isabella Fox collars and reveres trimmed with buttons and self teeming a $50 Beauty. Regular price $70, Sale !'rice... , J 1 only. Electaic Seal. Sable Collar end Reveres a lovely co Regular price $48. 3 only Astrachan Jackets regular $40 and 111:35 • 1 only Sable Ruta regular price $25. 2only '• 41 $18.75 Each other Ruff as follows : $15 Ruff for $11 • $13 and $12 Ruff for $ll $10.5() and $0 for $7 $0 and $5 tor $1 $1.50 and $3 Electric Seal and Astrachan cape for $2.25 $1 and $3 Grey Persian Lamb Caps for $2.25. lane only Sable Muff. regular price $10 Sale price •tt3 Regular $S Mad for $5.50,regular tiSer Muff 0 for t$'l.5() i. Some cheaper Ruffs from _ _ 5 only Children's Bear Skin Coats $1 for $2 50; $3 for $2 and $2.25 for $1.26 Sale I'cice....$35 Sale price $25 Sale price Sale price $18 $1•t SCISSORS Ladies Gauntlets regular price $1 sale price d5c. 2 air only Electro 8 * lar price $I sale rice >�''L7:t. _ ______ __ Gauntlets regu P RAZORGirls' Gray Lauth Collars only a few left at front $8 to $13. S Sale prices at from Owing to the fact that we are *tout Ladles' and Mena' lined Moca Gloves and Mitts at away down pricey. A few to stove into our New Store We are Ladies' and Girls Coats left. in orderto cleat them out at this big giving Special ('rices to clear the fol- Sale we offer them at hall price. Also Ladies. Raincoats the same lowing !Mee: $6 to $D Reg 25c Reg 25c Reg 50e }leg 80c Reg $1 Iteg 11t}c Reg 113c Reg 'Loa.' Reg Full Nickle Pleated 50e pocket seis•ore, Mol - Reg low ((round blunt ends Bac eh*ped Linger low f lett'& and Boys' Overcoats BOYS' SUITS Ladies Sickle plated We have a lot of Boys' Suite left as scissors, sharp gilt handled, Regular $14 Overcoat for $0 follows:-- (ltle sharp and one 20c 12 $Q Mutts for Si5t1 blunt point .. 8 ol 5.50 fid " 3.21 Lace Scissors solid steel •i 7 G. i 3,541 2 75 blades finely !*pared. • ea 12. A 2.75 full sickle plated, 44 •2 25 2.50 " 2 Mite Grace Cudmore tact with a very iinforttanate accident on Mon- dny last. She wns nseendin; tete twnolished *steps when else Flipped tet eon... ice. and fell acroee :w (erkin. breaking one of her ribs. She will be laid op (or some time in coolae- enence. At n meeting of the Official Jloard of the Clint vi ie sire lit ou Tuerelay. Mr, Andrew 11011, junior minister. re ...eyed a most cordial and unanirneus invltntion to .return for another yenr. The invitation tea.. gratefully accepted. suhjret to the action of the stationing commit tee. Cnuncillor W. J. Beaman ham 1•een appointed acting reeve during the absence of Breve Ilaad. n who kayos tor the old enwntty council to -day. .nr .he Del rouii ry today. (Thurs- (lay) Mr. Ilnaden rxpeei5 to be ab- sent five or six weeks. 11,• will be 'weoi11'1feed by ?1r. 'Mossop 'of St. Mit rye. On Nlondn)• Inst chile Mr. it. }luno ler wee on Isis roerel ne allies -or 1.e had 1 Ile inisrort•ni• to hr shed!'• from his )lore,• disloenting his right aria. For emit eieerwe 1Ir. hunter was reline hnrebaek and while in front 0' Mr. .W. l'inkhant's the hors mused his tontine with the above result to etr. Renter. Medical aid wns summoned and 1h,• arm replaced an 1 Mr. ilun.er is now doing! tr'eely. A\.O':)iEit CHANCE TO 11EAR'1'1111 HAMU !•'MALI. ltev. Sara. Small is to return to Exeter and will give his fnrnons :ve- lure "From Itar-rarn to pulpit" In the Jennie! et reel Methodist church on Friday night. 1•`rh. 11; 1. tine n.i :he greatest treats of your life fur Ira cents! Don't miss It.. Ohildre ' Ory FOR FLE •HER'S CAS • RIA Full Nickle Plated straight trimmers ground shntp, perfect- ly adjusted fitted shout der, extra finish 20c 35c 60c Full Nickle Plated bent trimmers ground sharp perfectly adjust- ed fitted shoulders ex• tra finish Full Nickle Meted straight trimmers, heavy malleable iron hack, Over which is laid a sheet of Genu- ine Steel which is firmly welded on thor- oughly tempered an ground 65c 80c es 2.50 MONIS' SUITS Only 13 Snits Left Regular $12 Suit for $8 " 10 7 8 „ e ,. 7 ,, 5 Meng Christie Hats 40c Boys Ktnlc> era $1 Knicker for 75 cents `5c 75 73c• t)+) A goad ete+,rtwent to Choose Irons Mens' Fine Boots IFI Mena Fine Boots for $3,25 :3 73 '3 :3.50 2.85 Front $1 to 12 id) 1 3 2.511 Soft Felt Bets from SOc to $2.5i) 1 2.23 1,75 This is the Place to get jour Mens & Boys Heavy Boots strong Hoots, All at greatly Reduced ('rices. t Shirte, Ties, Collars and Cuffs, Braces, Mufflers. All to be Cleared regardless of Cost, • t Corsets, Hoseiry, Dress Goods, Skirts and ICverything in the 20c Ladies Atone otos! be sold, Cali *nd SSR tT'.!. d 50c Mens Full Nickle pocket scis- sor. blunt ends 40c soc RAZORS :Square points thin c•cincare, black ruldwr Reg handles etched on each 50r•VV $1 razor "SPECIAL" Horse Blankets "Orly a Few Lett" • Kit r* }wavy lined jute Blankets 72172 double twisted warp, soft stock. wide. light and dark grey body stripes Reg sewed straps and 1 00 buckles 1.20 Yellow colored wood hlankete, good wearing Reg material Mound to give 2.00 2 75 good setisftact' Spaulding Hockey Sticks 10c to 75c Skates ll) came up Sulphur 10 pouuta for 25 cents Epsetn Salts 111 pounds for 35 tents Oyster Shell 25 pomade for 23 cents Axe Bandies 'rilc !educed to lSc T. HAWKINS & SON Stove and Hardware Store Mra. W. A. Fried and two daugh- ters who have been visiting Mr. and 'Why nut exch*nite It as part. pnv• I Mrs. N. Nestle. are at present visit- !tient, on an toren dale nl>echine`l Werf+.ATURES Ring Mr. John Reid. of Lrury. are Pitt giving i nd nK coto unts ne t ylthe le ol biggest, v Incf Exeter l Mr. David (toss non has been vis I- in a sewing machine that WAS ever of- i int! his uncle 11 r. D. A (toss. and tared For $22 we cwt] Kive you a I i)ouhle 'rack, Fait Service, finest niher relatives In town for the past tnnwhi le guaranteed for 11) sears. roadbed, ie learn egniprnent, onettcel- (ew weeks, left for his home in ied- ' ied dining Ont service. All element• mote on �lo�ldny. Qom feu cot nnk fi'inh, high Sint, ate i of safety .•,.d condor!. At !tin annual merlin!' f the (, hn'll IuwtlR send everyth ut'nthit g borne and llibbrrt 1i r; •.al Fir, in- R K g d'Round T ip Tottrtslm rickets en sale •ei ranee Co.. held on Monday Iasi .1, to make up a high grade machine. 1.. Itltssel l u as c.cel ed 1'r 5,i) '01 : W. Cell and let nn 11en,onstr$te their , Fell information Hoy. Vice ('res. The direct 01ti ni'- wonderful value to ynn. J, j, KNIGHT, Depot frost pointed were Wm. Brock. (tole. Nor- ris. T. Ryan. ltnht. (:*dfie, .Toho S• martin & son , or write J. D. MCDONALD, OMS. Campbell was nppo!nleol Hecrctary ' • Uet'O Toronto. Ont. Treem. i 1 R. N. ROWS --« Do Not Buy It Until You Try It The Catbo-Mnrn•tle Razor to ret tempered In I.-• ,. n r.• a hest. *et ey me.it Vf ., s•. rel etcctr;e,ico.•sa at un tve•t t• r•tr..:.tntro er 2.31) d gree• At the same Instant the steel Is carbon.cd n, ., t•a'nl.. 1., t't.t 1.y whit 11 daunt t].).: ^h w e 1...11 yrV- d'1 The r,•=alt •. t ,• 1 !diet cnttlrit- t• • •go kn.:.' n t.• - 1 1,111 • 1111 wt r 1 *,::ant ••• . • • of {,aria.! w . • ---ro h. n" a • -7. t^ •• .. superior to ever woe-. !whether the. u ',liuW-gl...; 1 or the "wafer" 1 ' ' •1''e "safety tint you do n••. i • a to take our r-•1 for tide-)•ou can try the ('arbo- eluanet:e whorest rl•:king a penny of ),,ur own morel' --}e„ van envoy 21 cool, comfortable *shutes aitle It rot ole cepenr;e.-yuu can compare it with the vizor Ito t you nee Iv w using and jj IR^ 1. r yourself w h 1s b••.t -then ' Int. woo 0: 411 return (o • Carb)- 2.. B:•• 1. • :Ind not be Out a eenl. LOCK roiliest. TRAM NARK M1 littebledewithihe L'arLo W. J. HEAMAN, EXETER, ONT. r Attention GRAND TRUNK( SYIS eAi !WINTER TOURS T battier, you will soon be thinking Mexico, Colorado, Californi**nd Ps *bout your Spring ac Hering *nd haw clfic (.'unit Pointe. (:reed Trunk R*1 *bout. your work 1It machine, will it do way!System is the Popular sitar Roo the fine work that ire required of a, y i 1 good ut*chine? , from all pointe east. through can via Chicago.