HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-02-10, Page 6• • • CATTLE OR CHILDREN W1iic do you value the most --your cattle or your children ? hand development of your live stock depends ou the quality of the food you give !!tear -that they must have F!aod, strong, nourishing food. Arc you us par- ticular about your children. Po you insist on their tilt consisting of food that %sill build tip the little muscles, that will develop the brain and keep the stomach sweet and dean ---so tssent:al to growing children ? Give there the best and most natural food for growing children - utede from the whole wheat berry, steam -cooked, shredded and !baked. Nothing added, nothing taken away. It con- tains all the material for building; brain, bone and muscular tissue. its very crisps:ess promotes mastication, which oceans sound teeth and good digestion. A light, palatable and nutritious food that icsures sturdy, robust health. Two biscuits (heated in oxen) eaten with hot milk every morning for breakfast hill enable a boy or girl to reach the top-notch of muscular agility and mental alertness and will fortify them against the dangers of cold and exposure. All the Meat of the Golden Wheat. Made in Canada. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO., LIMITED NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO Toronto Office, 48 We Wca(ea Street East i • 111 Ullexpeeted oltfcssioll; Or, The Story of miss Percival's Early Life. t 11:t i''1'!'.Ii x x \ Ix. i('1,nt'd) Mrs. king smiled ea Ll r rompta►• lows dismay. ••1 :•opposed you knrw,'• she said; "kit if lou did not your surprise s inal ural. Father a tf r w•u married be- fore she calm. abroad." "And she or%er told me!" CM - claimed Ali:•s Perei%a1, in a wound• cd t ne 'Do tat feel hurt, my deer ntn- tliun," ►•stunted her hostess, kindly, ''for the 'dear child was nutrried tinder peculiar eitt:un!tauces, only a few days hpfor(• she sailed fur l:ngl:tncl, and a, she intended to go directly to re'ho.,l upon her arrival 1•.•14•, she Wart eery reticent upon iho subject, and dool,tl(ss thought it best not to mention it filet which w• odd involve (nt,siderablc expla- eat t'n, especially as she did not in- tend to take her ltrt•per position in th y.orltl until her education Was lil,i /1111 • ilic+ol•It ! Where is her lllls- band. - o 'II,' is not living::----" • •11�®•�•=MR • "\\bat! you moan to tell me that the girl is a widow 1" cried the A BOHN 1)IPJ.OUAi'. ! A knowledge of music isn't 111:e1s_ a-ttni4hrd women, nehast. :.1 t t.• .tlaLie a pretty wont:,,, to "1'r4 her husband died the day „{ ••n a man's symputhio. atter their mar/44w." "Rill ! well 1 1 never hoard any- thing equal to this:" was the breathless rc4pon':e, ":1s 1 told you, the tirennlstaners attending her marriage were peen liar," firs. King t,rur(r.ir,i to re • �' plain; "the gentleman win, an i•+- Iris wife --John, vesttrdav was my birthday and you neva r even thought to bring me a b.•s of candy. }ler husband"-•I'nt t=om my dear, but there isn't a thing about your appearance to remind fns that you Ore a day uhf( r tbtlu )t It were a year apo. Ill carr Maria Syrl._p Makers %slid in the house where she lived -- "In her tingle's hoose 1•" inter - raised Miss Percival. rimy ran von rea,onat,ll' !•aloe. t t., make "Oh, 11(); !hues, pt oiler were not e.e'n a tar qualitr •'f oyrnp nvna ewe„►- hind to her, and `the till net i •'chalet dale p.e.= and ►rIi!• anti vans for 1+'olat your Maple Syrup. Wn'. it•r hew\let .1, very 1111g with 1betn. the "Champion' Evaper.' .r r.. apron uuskimz fur a li%ieu. The CRIMM MA1IUFACTU,t11sC Company, 11 the ( •I , 1 I filer rplutl(r • N wont/ fon St., Montr,al. beneficial than cooling( without 1 WANTED rail la., k '1. • ,ghoul the 1•o,rd r", THE O. MOORS CO.. Ltrr(ttevel 11AM11.t("t At _ontion 1 cetieluclt d, ei,ii wiogicd anxiety nod impatient e. Mrs. ping wipe.1 her tears and made an effort t., control ht•rsr•If. She had not Leen able 1.0 t'tlk ut Esther to ittivom• without breaking down lino this. In feet her nervca were Eo mist I'00g, from xu spt•Iisr•, grief mud anxiety, she was almost ill But. sloe saw e' -•t Miss 1'ercival's interest in her protegee was genu- ine, and she exerted herself to go r n and explain the circumstances of her disappearance. "After Esther Left school," she resumed, ''we immediately set Omni, preparing fur her her pre rentatiun itt court. She was pre- st'utn 1 early in May, sults then there nc:n:b• r.ii branehra in the Prev- ia!! ll 1 brilliant f 1 t -rt• not u sing•I,• ,••5 rf light itis been thrown up. �, the perp caul}; ; beautiful, and at, once became a ntyster:, great fa .in it'. W e went to the Isle !! Again Miss 1'c study,I :;uloid t- 11•extetn ('anada, and fifteen roll into a brown %t bruulches hove leen rstublisherl nt of Wight in July, after which we Lich last important points. We -understand wen l.. be her quests in her own '''' for xellle tninut4's• that the most gratifying results Lome fora while. On thrt third of • 11,11 sai.i sunwthing about n dis tollae 'lel uu )riltei ,Io•I 1,1,.ihcr,,, have conal to the hank from, the new this month she g v a grand toe 1 f territory thus "erred as well as tee finally observed -Of aril• were hundreds of people. press„t ; 1!,.' los•+ of hie share of the proper rv,utc and 1 but in the very midst of it 1a1!+,•r I'' 1)on 1 Pm suppose he may hate r It'd somt•ti.ir+ how• its appreciation of the cent"). vuddr', di11314 •,•,crrd ,runt the t, to flu with her dis-. s' w• hile in 1908 the oink from but two „ n.scal muuagt:meut and the cunser- holl4r, and has neither been lio'e ! ...mitt. aim,. Inv, Lpeo tLr•u •h(i 5uti%•e progressiveness of this flour- h• erds was of lief)f for of •Alllthe�pnt; the nor heard f•omi. -!lif e. the who!'' ) l,hi(!g Bank and on lite usher hood country- hat Iwo n ••r•utrrd fa r unci .''f' ' ' stir King answered. with a the 1)iieeltrs have felt justified in coos et the fitnith's Falls ('Leese near, hitt it has been impossible to' ""TY soul(•, fur tLi4 subject had in(reasiug the annual (justifnd to 1'atlury was under tort. in 1909. obtain the slightest ill clew rri,e 'e4(. 1.4..' so often .iiA4. ,`<.d, cud theta:• eight per rent. basis. Another factor: Ali. liarr or his her. She was elegantly dressed, `""ne ground gi•.er e•t1•i, that. pie , assistants attended U, the cooling ,'•ns nearly w. el out. w ild the: re- i The detailed statement of the as start ng of the milk in 1908l in and wore a gnat many very valsl l:tis,iie�s sur the ysoar eu.ling :1st able jl•it(h and as nut anotiwi. 1'• titian of it ; "Lot no.tbilig can be 1)r ember, 19O. was prc=rn(ed at lrrrsun, bot, lust year this work „1 01.1„ of her wsucl►ube ix nlissin f:.steurd upon him, kr 11 .::1 days; was done by the l,nt.rens them - g the :lnuoal SLarekolders tweeting selves, acting under irlstruct•iuus. the affair is enerloped in the g;. eat . eretiene to the bone wanning he s held at the Head Office Toronto, tort with nn uccidevut Which hag ` In this way, any saseicion that est ►nyat4'ry." on 'fuesday of last week. Miss I'( reivnl sat listening it, the•''•":,fm.•t Lin” to his roams ever We nodes that from the profits former conclusions wort: ieaehtd on above acc'.uot with a pule, won•ler 'i i:(•t'-01 the year, after making the usuAl :aroma of the skill of the experi- menter, eas removed. !testae oh- , me - 1 fate, :Incl she was (sem .ting t5ith .,•f it all, r said Alis 1'ruristtl, With dednet,.•ns :and the usual (tenth- ' endi I;tine(1 iridis re that nc•result by • 5'•;t••,me,it when Lel' C:,IIIpallon , !belle! InIe15a11('c3 there were Amid• !.••sut5..mphasis me,.,.. u,y !lords' ) ' )' 1 . 1 t 11 e dipping! and pouring is coat on(g fess t •) 1+4 N• ,msln4. the eta ur r. . t t.,lt ' 001 roar d. .11;1' sick man, .I,o lou all. yen don't think t -ou will find it t- ! }, ;.' ' rate of i per cent per annum and '• (" " Nit-. % 1 tl same u• STOMACH MISERY CAR s>t "111111-A-ilvEr MR. ALCIDE HEUEFIT 'ttatfora Centre, Wolfe Co., Qat.. "I have liven total>li'tely .11/1•4 of a condition11• stomach r u t ii •lilt slof through the womb -Hid (ic.i: medicine 'Fruit•a-lives'. 1 c"uld not eat anything but what 1 suffered awful lain frurn Indigestion. Illy head ached iiteescaml tv. 1 1585 tolls 10 try '1•,ue ,r lite-' and sent for six Ileacs. Non 1 .um entirely well, can cat any od;nary tooet and never have a llt:ulaehe. ' Ala:11)I 11E1,.1?RT. See, a box, 6 for tan), or trial box, ase. Al all deatera or from Fruit -a - lives Limited, tutawa. A PROSPEROUS INSTITUTION. •++♦++44+++++1tN+i1♦ Annual Report of the Traders Hank is Highly Satisfatetory. 'fho'1'iadrrs Bank of Canada has now been ie existence a t}uarter of n century and in this timet this flourishing ei•galli%atii.tl has becorir�' our of mar luust respected and et - licit rel financial institutions. it cb,ses its twenty' -fifth year with the ►must creditable showing whirls Itas ' been exhibited in any of its annual statements and in a position of strength tticich i, the most ,.at isf:tc- ti,u in its history. The directors of the '1'rndt'rs Bank apparently direct the affairs of the Bank its directors s11uuld. 'fhe% are kept omit minutely in- formed ..f all the details of the Bank's imam eine tit. 'Their system .•f insl:ry time, and . prc•ial audit keeps t!u• Huard in the rimiest pos- sible touch with the : Wtual enn(11- tl"11 of every impuit:1nt account t•%e1: week, and with praetieally eters: wove in the workings of t:(ch otiire '.f th.e Yank and with all i • mart! credit transactions. ( The 'Traders Yank has in the past • paid par•tic:ular attention i') On- t 41 i', husint•ss and the fact that it I tt- covered the Ontario livid 'nest iho.i . i ltly is shown in the great e oast a ni tint Seri!,!! or her. •1 tl �,.) I roc •• \,.w' however, their were, As you know, the dear girl was tett' ti,•iu .tic rapidly extending n ct'g,l108 and hoosewnrrnulg. t Ices% tt' f nn the new olliet•s opened im To a sere brilliant affair, and the r1' L.• must. have felt pretty sore (,ter l ( other parts of Ontario. The iusinr'ss public is not show to jThehirmf 1 �++♦♦++++++111+ i ♦ 1 •r A1:1i, TION Oh MILK. HARMFUL It was only yesterday, as it were, that the practice of dipping and puorimg the evening's milk inlelsd- e:i for factory' was thought to bo the proper and the only proper way ei treating it. 1n the waren summer evenings, It was for very many the last job before going to bed, an irk- some belt supposedly accessary task, says Partner's Advocate. yearsago, sev- eral Some ten ortfs , oral farmers in the ncighboth ee4 of London had automatic agitators installed, which, whet, wound up, kept stirring the milk fur hours. Theso soon went out of use, how- ever, their effect icing the spoiling of several batches of milk. Now UP ore informed, on the authority 5.1 no Tess a person than Geo. 11. Barr, of the Dairy stud Cold -Filer - ace ('onunis.ioner's staff. Ottawa, a level-hc•r11rd 0101 careful experi- menter, that aeratiol, is not only needless, but positively hurtful. The concha:aim regil;ding proper cafe i,f milk at %%huit 111r. Barr had arri%eel in 1905, after u series of cart -fully -conducted experiments, tl'at prompt cooling; of milk, with- out aeration, gave the finest curds and cheese, has been t "n1117ned by it further set of exp( r,inents con- ducted in J!i09, 'These latter might be cxpeeted to be eye + more au- thontative than the first, in that, King, a:.. ..:ill, .l ani ration, int that it et positively • - -----• who was an 1•:ni;li'•lunsus, had rooms that she Iva', spi•ittri nutty, mor:' one at the rate of eight per cent. n@ne•;n 5nerlthrrrutrsleercnrrtaalllr, i•1 the Ir )' !,,•:. she lodged: hr dere(' null roL1,1d:' he faltered, tie, her s':t:"+ri,.•t rrturnr1 Toe Ellin of !?`00.(100 tens MI&kl to Mint -hats. Milk that was simply s3� 5,.5.1 �lra ,tlannlRted :eRar is w ser red k 1.1 i:r: ore s. nun,ltrr t ! ee•eple Who • stirred without eooliegc invariably ''bad i( r' •• 1• ' I trouble% and with dry lips 1 t ` If t f I r 1 fl I' 'te Jest nccouut, bringtin;z the total f g r't.1.5•.. Crt.tentMfg. Co.,Detnle,Wt ; tl ' 1 t 1 I did think,"_Mr4 kin tie bbe'I brut, it , n fine' 1st 111 ., .d i t► m{, u. I I 71 I t a d,"tr lty4rin(. a drtiuour ' -.up o mai, a,J . ' • : • 1' "+1 1. .;. n.. 1 1t" arrr,.D b.ttar a\ra n,a{•st. MPOsear i.., b'; knew Lr load r• lung to live. )'a. "(Na. we dr, net 151118 what i,r I t•is O0 "1 •111(1 $11)2 11'i40 . 11 u t rend 5(1r f.T i nt. Lilt, �a ace Letter -flavored and less -gassy . r, •t ors •1114-4 lu• %5:i- bort ; tit tit %1a: rgduecd to flu credit of profit verde than were product 4.1 from ac- 'lk % hPth r tooled or not. THE R1GtIT WAS' DISTLMP[R. PIN1tt-ve.I1N?LUtNlA. COLDS. IL TC. N an t✓rv., t•.axtruar.•, (..a.. ..a1;nn.. i4 'to "SPOIIN THEM" MI 1Fe,r tritynr4 or in it., Hr.: rt• ' p..l - Corn W,M. t•'re. the renw4• t•, .tet r.l t1• • !• e el+ en t he 1t ..aha nd i. ..r.',.. It -, n•. r t . ,' • ltv'•r i--Irma,t�g�' _t'. e: m•.. 11 wrr4' • 1 t•. t.o•a.:r nr• matte PO .. 1hrs ur • e,•.•..: ' aetalelr r,.r. 1r..5, Anel E,nr/ in.�i,-. .e • ✓ la.ae's takr,t. 54k sod4t.nr 110 -e era!:t +. !bid :re. bold ry usury 1t, and is..•are..11)4'5 111.4 y1bnr n r.; 411 ti her.eel.• II reta.,;•.4• SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Hatteriolog18le GOSiIt1l, IND., V. S. A. FAIRBANKS a MORSE Semi -Portable cr Skidded Engine H r. I+.mi rnrltll.le yowl,, 1%01. Eturieratur '►auk. rt.Ae 1rt-.,4u are .1, •am. ►'ur' ' 1 n. , •.,I Iser•,..Inr I:" r.,.• .1(1501 ,1..,. they a•. Tenn • . r5mtr I •-•.•-nr tank plated 'n Nur.- „1 tel! 4. , 7$ nh• r. .; ,e w' it I ••'V r Uet. n, t n: r (t t. Itfa1. iytnpa••'. Rolf (nntatn•. . •. • t :•s , 1 .• ...•n tr.''n 1111• aloft, .• .on tibose of that tl 1; e Caw lin, I.r,,• ,. 1174 f,, .,t.'..1•'r• K' THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COMPANY, Limited, En,ne• , ! ,5! • 1 , .n ;r lir, Tart' D(St`'lad (5,54..4' 1.�r )1. 'r •' 1 .lrnl V!nr 1. in and 11 P. Sic,•• 5ptclaily Adapted for Work in Cold We4ther. Mte'TRtAL, ST. .)o!'1• 17 8 TORONTO, ��..r>r.—••-•_••• CALGARY, �—• VANCOUVER WINNIPEC jj( R5 \Q')?i '', O 1 The up-to.date woman whose skin and lops easily chap and Lunn ei the cold winter winds, turns. for quick rdicf, or as a prc- l cr,' t e, to her assortment of PASLLL!NE Preparations in Tubes - 12 Kirda (lads rrmrdv for speed pnrp:vt, t'onvenitnt, i •'eomccrl, Saritar). VASELINE CAMPHOR ICE .f-1e:,1s chapped halals and fr;r, cracked lea, colt1 sores, rough skin, tun and tsindbuni. WHITE VASELINE Inv ate%1,leintt51131v let rouglis.,oldl,tor.thr.,a1. CAPSICUM VASELINE is Leser than a cosi* nl plaster and does not Lflter. Our Free Vaseline Book til' dm "prcul fall l" of ee(h \ a.rian 1(i!t(f.IrM .nd air.. 5001401, 01 `enol r. 5. rr "Arne end +,.It $dl•rt, rad ne volt saint you 15(x97 pMMUR preyed. 11. ewe 4o nem,, th ir+i'(r• CHESFI7ROVGH MFG. t.0, (Coated), 379 ce.;8 St. W., LtoutsIai ire way tet% Kan( a Ill', and 1 )t .. n ( (1, . 't" HP' .rased tel ., % C J arum' thing.; to tnnkr Lieu conifer- ly• too le lief that be had s.•u„ rem and ass account.. sere has been ;The pt.:10 -e of !caving: milk un- it tubi,' fiLurtly before his death. he "Were there nu evidence of a ; .. , 0 101y salisfac•tory growth in (le- ( o s s r who struggle any%ahrrs,,, ),lire who rurir•1 eat ii g ! w• g)os;is: the•► Allow an •increase of l tooled is not to he rotnmended, be - learnt 1, through my b t I end, ( Of rim rs1 tbr, 1.1, u., 1 w1•t,ld bo55e%t r, as in lrnrrn weather it Loud beet. hie most tisi0natr friend "Ko, nothing of the kind- 'tot e.-1•_'10,(111+1, or 1:.•14 per cent. over rums• in{o the• ere), ',:, ;[ 1 tier ( comes atrrripe durimgc 'the night. il,e;G -. he )ret this cenntry, that he cern n strange footprint to full•sw, , sbuuld 1114'- he 1" tit• „1":1 i.e..uhi. the inrrea a of the preceding year, I ktuc•h the hest method id (4) 0001 the i11::lt fallen heir to smile properly' m'• excite suspicion. No one. Flip' het -' would hove any 'mak, (,•r !visile the present year beginning with Al milk as soon as possible !!flee rnilk- ,here.. He determined :It on,•I. to leave the !Iowa.- the first said rally her mit of tiro %tat." raid ylsg total of f�'9,hl:l,ltrl. The 0ircnl+ 1 in .Without aeration. Tile plan ' leave it all to 1'stht'r n5 a ►'•ward thing we ket''w was that she way to•11 al,n showed n L►rg(e incrrnre,' g . I'er. %8•• rril'eti5511 I eoohmg reeOInuleildrd i'• . i f .- her got driest; In hila, n•�,l l:1'. gone; it was as: if some fairy had; .•1'(•=," icor I,,...,•'. ;,...ru;r,1. � lir av erngtr he Mg ;demi t?L'.5(N),1K10, i the milk coons in cul,! mil er, and, i r,tu.1. kneeing her character. he tnttehed her With )n r 'tingle melee (Is �it !1 !luring[ the 1,•ar it r('lc•hed ( ft it lure that sit• w",dd teak, ee.•.1 sled s1, rendered her in%isihh• light ttitlt a shi5rr of hont,l. itl"e highest tieuri•s iu the history t't fir cows are milk, strain the ..i +1. Ilut it had a dissolute t,• our midst." 1, �1md yet it is barely t.•s:ble Milk intro the eons. and put the p l of ihr honk n:unely, 4:3 ',(3,11(x). i !hitt Solnrl►ody hut) Sul rye lo• thoM1r -, rote rs 0n us suun 84 "Ling is fins and unprinriple d brother, who, he I WI". sate her last ," .18e•tiun0d ' lite re is A 5415' lurgtr increase in . (clued 'night make trouble for Mas l'rrci%al, t)cwe14 con •oy sL. wore n Int•: it `the assets of lir Lnttk as cumpar-+!shed. r R 8)ny' 1185'1' 1,04'11 n cage Uf 1'ehht'ry ' her, and Ree, to avoid this danger. I leunie, icor maid: she says that' ern month the 111.5 Ions year. ThQ1 ante mor 1 • ('.lf'til:Si OP Ii:111 Mi1113$. he prol,aud to marry her. and thus I.•OwI' went up -sales ler a fresh � ••(gh, pray. don't yay it, !lilac Mel PAs(' in Ibis FUN/ell was It:1,- prevttet• any attempt to break leis pan• of gloves the( she helped her 1,,•,(.itAl, lits. Kin inter nlw•d, i►' itt.l,ht►;i, as egfinst an increase in 1 From kansat Pulte Dnlletin, No. r ill. They were married one after t • put them ..n, ,u,'I then she It•ft. .otr ..f icugiuish in her tune: •'1 ea,11)(04 .•f titl,)at►,0(Nl, The Assets of) 1tia, A seers -keeper, e•rt•ecialh• in ,•m 1.. , and hr dint al t thirty-sis Ler t'• ic'r dee again. Tial mol I a ill net think ..t th• d.1',. the hank nolo total $211.963.996•11. A, n small town, makes ler livelihood .'t idea int•le:tee is t•r sorted in , ) , ••r• afte•reard. 11y hnshand took 1- th.. %et t' Leet that Is kneeit about 1 fr•.m the fuu7nrts' trarb. rhe farm• i'1,1:11,14[141411,11:7,(., ot.. ne' fol.'14%1, Iht.t 1,msit'.s' 1 *10144114111 8y 55411 not an .., , �. of ryery thing : lir hotly 55As' L. r : un/i, uh, a4' are all helot• . %er bringls in 1►utlrr arsri el;Ks, cull dttarlful. rtntt thio ale •• o •f .' .eratiot►s re %resent- g+ r ! in England for burial. and l.r'•I en to 14sr her so the a•.mnn 1 1 1 wanly all hr 4'a' rt fr r them. t ►ne , bearuuin1 • u`p" n,r 1- alit!'• Ms- , n- , I.1 111x• a felon 1.1 teely4' 11rt5' filters >l15.13 1 1 . ,u•rompanied !dr. King Lith .1.1101idrd, in a de -pairing tett.. totaling ulrrt11nnt iu the !oleo ' Lrerablr... ler for In wAy to have the care of i l should think -o in.le.:{, paid , lo :it., le -. The repot. shows a i per trate In cath. Hie t•.rnpetito► "Of von, ft i- in;t 11tltn}.h ht ..'melt:ren of the business of I offers A5.10 in trade. The one of her affair- and at sore 4':Itt rete ?itis. perr•ivtl'. `idly, ;ant th, a alt.. uould Ihiv heeler• . I,4- !.=, r 1sehool, where rhe remained for fell int a A ti1„::.1.,,;( d r4.trri,. ' •s . m stren01uning{ of its re -1 feting A:l.tn in trade, therefore, 4 t• ut 1 1114' Jiropert o', 1' t '4,0''i• I 0ts ell the husinnss. Mayr,( he (t,t"e \rats.a:;.;‘,.1.11.a.., , es, ar,d a decided advance inNieI►a I ,• , det'und'i.1,yuv,.,1t' ,., tt I..'.•"tR' ••Kell. itttrrn, this is about the t.nea,,,mre .1s t•:• •' I t•' the my.- ttnentR. lust4 m1 tit rKgr' wh1`n ire` pny4 rf5.- ` 1 ago rr('IIm'rl am�o.t: tet gttr.bt I. lL'. Mr. stelae! Strathy• the Cehrral l 4q. hal. if i:e. rteep, Ile Irirti(1 CI mel Ilio • siranue•1 sort• 1 .set elenrd ill Illy 1t-ritlliy •'• 1 • , ' ;4'.11• .1 I buttotn of the matter. Ilse," llli•s 1',itisal remarked, in IF She 1131 1 t(, 1,1•r.l a great 1 "les: Mr. Binge thinks that. of ' 1ilan(gicr. in his nddrtss, said that' sale mf My goads. When the man 41,•n.l•;ting tone • las Mrs. King (•►111- fmrldnes.. I. t 1.•tiiet' , . •t since the ler it curtain It ngt.lt 4f time. if no, the ,,,t,.1 . ramifications ra hnye by by hese originally Aerie! aIF►ec per •' I had 11 I t t r IL n 1.1 •n, ,6.�trutl,d during the ram, year by j (ase illy {o:•t• his trash•, he bloc<,n,rs t' ` kn +wu rt• '•tldinK Ler. gir Inc , .,)tor y ' '' i gr 1••• . tet( a 4-!.i:1K of sevetttl new broad►-' 1 • .. • bas befit n rainA•ltie of after Ih• t •rribio a :.b'ut at (1.51. - - falx, Lt 1:'n appeal 1' 1111' (enrt e' I drsperale, ant. offer► #(►.(A per fair. .•, Lr;tiunin to tu•l," said i „ .1menK4t the most important � vivo, And tal's� mtlylltiujQ. su (ung'.. t( haled. Ah I then so ;;r ..rrllttsiy' re elem.-vie 1"" lune his lo -1' 5 U:'• 1., n. ntinnl•11 Mi,ntr... and •an• a'+ h ha, it SIU 11 at -aural it. That rhe hail • • r'a wife, 55lilt t► sigh. ft.yed n11 '••'ntlnernti•'n for L•) ,et aside, and l,inutlf arkno%itdw.•,i t ,;t,•r. Thr Book's growing bn i•I "Was 1.••r htaband w ver y ru•h %ire*, ev.•11 though she bad :mete 11•, :1' the lawful heir.`' K R !.1(10 ihr farms, who leers the effort Irl ser her aft; rw7ud mid: "11 r11 it's n t user wnrltl. n,ui u..ss drmnnded the occupation of cold cash to make an extra effort effertr1 her inteleer l her. :ties iv our of 111.‘l .1111111(1.1.1 thin 11 ere in:port:tot points, and the (., ,stpg,ly him with all t -ht eggs 118 K' IL 11.8 ti of the i're%iliee5 4,1 SAs- ran fret, and all the weedy. or.'h• This affection had grown 51rang- ' 1 ha%4' 4',i'r know 1, (144'111 ,i*t;'ti''t 1.alehrwnn and Alberta has induced 5• during the 505agte tt»ross ihr• Al ( su5'i' tarn lets, 1tri, Ate tr,rrrd 10 ly , bol what i•: the moots oe thio Ih ' Dirt !tors to increAse the )anti• . aloe n sbr had again L , so i Welber ' 11'honl 111 halhi-r 'tar flank's sphere .•f influence in thou Kcnt Is�n rl,)%�rI f ,0553", cttlrxsthr11ian — nitenlisr to het the ser"nae ' ';t►k1 ry i 1 dung 6.1-1•11 knew her mneme. 1're%air/y• l s retitle -le alt ghe email f' happened to be so 18%1811 Wifh her iii,% 1'4'rritnl snddenl% 4 nr tio41e,1. , film t tu••nr•y' on 1 d the r.trumu r, said h(cimt( been fOrge'l whe., • . Will • ! I'bs V ice -1 te•.ilient, the lion. .1. buyers in that town to pay + tort overlie: r41 the c am-4.rtatio,l 1.'1 • ern , and having ben w' „},st.Ihtd in the U Stratton, said at the Inst .Malone ptire for n'is vgg. ;lame pm e. 1.sofi t \f:` I' leitnl, mrd,t:tlt'•11. ilii• t►.•Irie girl atd the sle115:.'11!.3."...:..1 ar 1, sr, . traKir• ,t, r• ,., 4',r heroine ►h6. h:orl 1lrriingt Ih(• stnttrnrnl. wa mode• 1t a4 !'ler In%Ith :" ( lire le, 'r Cyril olfl r lw, .1(111!•( id r ,I1./rt) 1 I I1t'i' :,t'.l Ir• ar'- 1 ht.w truly Ile" "i Itul nal thntl1tlt lu 110!11' 1111' lntllllly ; tit.' fur I1)iX) •rent nt' cess Intiilit .•Lill now. 6 1 mot+' (4,r th,o•.r• soler f.,r tr:.•1• ti):nt L,•`te,e. grl.1 111 {,r„1'i.• she any. wlr': 1,. lomkrd fur. Hr %cny deligItie.t tl,e5' do tense w•ld fol ea -it I'I:r .t'. it -rr 1 knrtr m1 her gi5ir,g 11,4.. 1fn11'. p::i 1 the wenn' womnl.' "11'hy' haven't ) 1•.',' ' ( t 1, •;lc tint this atatenirnt lu hero • !.leer of gcl,eCls 1R 1711xf(I f!. oleo'•! let• a t•• -rl dell In milt• ,.1 4 lir ' trtta 1(1 to tee a4 ,t,.nI1 115 W:15 really her exelalrntvl hers. 1•,...; •- .. •' e: - 11ia•• I'ercisal rt 1ocp.. 1. hot "Her 11nri.�1111 ••.. 1. •, I I' it ctrifird. fir Unnk has !stole • i:• 11:1;1111sci.iitti.nigile):(1.)1. inIhrprt•fitfrurntL,•rl•!r, Leeansr of her scmpatlly fur' •• for tts Ile %tats siwnle, nsolut('lyHushing over the retro tdtl.fo•”thus lartan•1her irkdrnlgthlrr.1ni1)g(l411. o1 Ir'.411. %, thefarmer11. 1. :fico•.;noLuredeLts durig theyrnr,rpt Ihr roinprtit.ru.. tu81i toned 1.Ite sgnnstt h, 111'lett-l4. "14 4, site ('neve into the poste, •.nun of a tine estate and u hand "aide. intone. "Humph' 1 nondr(rd hew ,+hr it had hero her nen nu•a•,me t Is.s Stile• hut never before ht.n sn (food g nisi" s . t,' ' 1 ' t'I (.1.1 ire the few small accounts had )11441)14ml 1:•thr, Sen, 1. el l ,l,a•ur-I inapt Leen so deeply •''fhe dear child :ea- .ale:u • 0, 11 thr(1; hal. with the nervelsi(v t•f r , elesls, murmured 11r hr Lt+•,.„,, nature, she won:+ too pr.tud •. , i,t•.uwlrt1Qe 1t and ten pt•IItlri- int: tele,: n hr:trtbrol.' 1. sub. 11 a4 :'t repeated her rmnphtlli"n. • •,. t.' n lee nut her indebtedness. in 0 i,realliless coir) . "hilt :I•, t •,n tl •c h„wever, deeply humil- nm au ' 1 -it t . he hr1 t'am•t I s.:• i.•i ' 1 wsw, ay she recall( 4 it. and Ler 141'.••1 with remorse bec:at,sr aIle hntt •'Nn, (1e111' Il ladtltn, Yell e•nllmtfi 51'0 ` not 11•'v 11 `out appreciation of the her. She is not here, and we d•1 not 1 man' kindnesses that she had nc- k11r1w where she i`, inhered the ;nnlron, now bin -sting into hitter wer sing. "You do not know 55 109%, sen' it'" cried Mita Percival, aghast. "For !leaven's sake, tell ter what you mean ' I was so sure 1 should find her here. 1 have never loved very many persons in my life, but Dint girl managed to worm herself into my old heart, in spite of its enl- imisnc'se. ('m fonder of her than f ever thought I could be of any- brdv. Olt, do pray stop your trying 011111 t( 11 toe %hat you n1c3111 a1tt! At work - -are Sri ctptrr1 015 n nlnttr•r of 0011y.o.. "Can't something he dent 1 ('nn't you put the p' -,lire nn her track 1'' she quest haled at last, ht•eakiisg the sad 4ileitee that had fallen upon herac11 and iter ctnn- pnninn. "Ulf, float was done at the very first ; tto have dune eservthing that we could think of,” N1,-. King re- plied, with a 11C11%y siti•L. "1 ho whole nr ig;hbonc«,d turned out and 1 and do it gniekly-. l oar peas y„nf -___ ...�•_ _.__ se tehod for Ito fer more than a nr'ell not carr', I. t these, with ft's easy 1.•r a -aol,t:sn to fool it And the told geetleman felt that, wreck. Private 0 esti%-es hate born 41f• if 3011` ilia hay, -n4, Ill,'. 55C ca» h.tn N0:.) thinks lie 5.111 t ht f••(•1- }bele 1714 nothing more to sad' (111 set work; but, as•s,l811.,\5 I;, 10, Away. {td. t!tc ra1•;rc;. •thttl ' ' almost sill,. ,, 4.h may yet be 1(:11iZr1. The - - :der, as she the' W , I •.., . ', twelve 18„11111,. 3,1,.'.1.111 ,1 re gentle - NOTHING 111►Ill' pi f,,tti'. 1.1 :1 t'p`InIt of i"1 •.1.1 , f 4r/'(tity well 01.-4.15441. ti,•1'tt .11111 1brn ,h/• • 1'1 , .I "' • 1 L. 1 •1.,1•'11! 1 o• i.n,r old ;pntle- 1.. enlpily paid, and no los•. , .1 choir in a hell} .1•.,.i (lop of lit• be -t intl,ttncm1- 11 •.), •1.1 1• -•!fling; ales!), tiro street, 'Nay 711 the {.. ..I t,,• Bank roma .;.4 t.• Lg the )l. i "!) •• ;toe Itp•nl :u. ►tAtt Parent cry 1,, ..,:t,t,:t• 0 i IMice ilnildint.. I foot of trot t 3... tt,l•irn. 1 • ..fispring. ( nide space is . , . 1•1 I•I.11 r1n(1 the rents ''Not . . • t young rr"r11, lurid i ate promptly 1' •..I, eller gr:,ving) the An !ether, "cut eff hear, Heavy Tragedian (seated at n j nil outg .ting!•. the l:i+nk ro'ceiytR ar.l L. j,„ 1 .o e' 11. 1,1.4 10 Ili r:ulwuly lu•t(i Indere n roast chick- Ms/111y Tr',!, per !cut. act p1'•fit Oil I :' L . . 1 • .d whil.l.ipg-,. ee and small potatoes)-"I'rithee, i the investment, mr. to be (•sn(•t, Theoldere) ientan militia rem landlord, dwells there %S Ithn the , 5.40 per rent. llt•nts npprar to be 1 sivatill. '' 11 deer sir. (;-1 hap. hose mu right. (4, int' rtes" . 1,0 nit•nlbt•r tilt 551st' i 1.1 .atrllgl• '1 not the sun go the o upon ih tt tach.... Bid hits art neh asunder there iron 1h^ 110 fcnr as to the future revenue "1►on't yon fro.uloi,• yeur'elP limbs. and thee. ler•tttr regale• ft, on this seater'. The other huikthat,” 51 hemi that,84 111 • r(idv. "1 melt, to chisel ,liees from its en flogs also yield a gond return nuc! w"m't de anything of the govt. Oh. rtrrlying bosom, kr we dine a11e►1: 1,1'•tnise well for the future. no: %hill t nlgoing to do 14 to let 1:„ wrath descend upon the- ton." l,rt•einet4 e1 this Lanett a machin- incicasingr, noluith,tinding the ist 1" 1.nndlo►d •'.1 machinist' tttallt 71(15" ofticc enihlings, and with icy, sir." Tragedian - "Then .take ! the Plank's equipment send acet n►- Io him this bird of many springs. 1 , [maim ion for trnnnis, there nerd at