HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-02-10, Page 4.LHE EXETER TIMES, FEB. 10th 1910.
,f ":eat:o,li.: itni',J, -\...) CJ.\:..,LN'A
en broken. tin 11 ilia} 1 el
the Trustee 1:.:1:d of 1h• you n ' 1111 a 11,91 (1e Ilius good.
est Methodist church laett) nue • • • • •
sr busiuees over for t wo me eke let I, is Ce• 1 '!n th( tt 01. ' for ,•t %'oft a
order to find out if tit • :liethottst, write. tee ,1..1 is nt, , Trion yew
et the village desired to amalgam 1l I should overdraw your U11U llttt
San tenders for decoratiu;r thech:lell' • e •
OW in b t are being held ov, r. fr Earl Grey has nunauuc, d that he
t) coin of the evt n;n,t % h: f(e Iol . I w it l not prn!on;; his stay us Govcrnor-
ina re: Ilion was adolned: "'I'll 1 (;t'nc131 beyond Ili regular terns lie
whereas the matter of 1:11i011 b, to veil,has p
nride a splendid Governor-Gen-
ro two e(t•r ;
I$regations of Exctseeal and has had .1 hard phc( to
being agitated by people ui bulb (ott•i r''!. lie , hu,:'1. find C(I11 01311011 in
greg:uiuns and whtreas we ben •( the knowledge that Caned, tee egret.
such u lotion v ould be in the Lest in. in thinking no Govertiot•-G.•.,erel bas
terest of. ylethodi-i Loth POW :ul(d 'Ile ! 'UV l'("ii ';:n 1 •1':• ,. i (Iit a1
for the suture in oar 'town we in this i than h.%.
way waL•e known our desires and' ------40.---
Ibed ourselves olaen 10 reeeiv an rz-1 wisflwuuJ
Itressiou of opinion from the (Beard! The Torouty \\ r d a Jen. 28th has
f, Hein ; tree, church a, to the nd-1 v
eisabilitj. of taking 'stet's 141 • brie;; ae eta)!•!•.t:''ilt,-' on th • resignation
Omit such a toeon and ii ray...;ably! I'hc1l13ank ofr. os�o%�tl*t'raI alnnJ6er mcof
to re ,tarsi them to in sort,
way make it known r:o that arsan:t :ons usury i on,:::.ne I;aukers as
gents may he made ;ora myelin- 0 1'robablc rluco«nts. .\Mout Iheul is
representatives from the anLUoar•ts -lir ,t1•, It. Travel;. Genera( Manag-
'the tw Lurches d that a cof.ti• ••r of the Farmer,'.11:ink o• Canada,
this re ution be sent to the S. cr :tad has Ile, following to say of this
Lary o Pain 'street Board.' (t it I''.ntlC01 izi. ell 'tiffi be remembered
now 'the Main street lloer(1 to that the p:etleeee et of .lir. tnieL2cd
decide vhetber they .will take ane '''•1C Photons ]'•-eels'• formerly o! the
steps in the platter. A meeting iu ;`:chau,s Bane Te Merchants Is
that ple.euse will be bed on Satur-i -` '""uty resile. ecieity as re-
deyeI t arils conServatite Posorie methods.
sitnllar to the Hank of Nova Scotia.
A t raining in the NIereliant s wouId
be a good credential for a position
in the 13ank of Nova Scotia. One of
elle Fes,n..'r, tit pot v•.lued empile in
tho illcrcliants Bank was Wi. lt, Trav-
ers. General Manager of the farmers
Bank of t-anada 'Air. Travers was for
To the Editor of the Exeter Times.
Dear Su•: -Ant pleased to find the
important subject of Methodist uniou
portant subject of Met horltstunion pates a protWncnt officer of the Mer-
ieFatter freely discussed in the chants Bank. t hen Mr. Fysshe left
calumny of your excellent paper and to e;o to the Bank of Nova Scotia bo
bops' it may become the subject 01 r,,,t,canely a ,: ped 011 offer to ee„
conversation in our houses and else- cunapany bim. so close there their
et -here until the lines so closely drawn t,crsunal and business relation.-+ A
between the two Methodist churches prominent banker speaking to rhe
id tho past shall be forever obliter-
World last ree4t. said that he con-
ated and
the people claiming 10 b
e sidered 1r. Travers one of the Moat
cn hlto ed and renewed by t e Fame
stmt. saved by the -same grata,
walking the saute way. children of the
one family, striving to reach 1 he one
home. Heaven, shall be one. That a
conservative bankers 111Canada and
would not be surprised if rhe direc-
tors of the Hank of Nota Scotia
tholtf!ht of Mr. Fysshe and his servi-
cesspirit of rivalry. antagonistic to for grat this time. and remembered the
bes'. interest of the community is still oneat . Travers
in the Mr.reliance Fysshe
up -
Mr. Travers t ha[ F tab's al-
ways imposed." J'he I'ariners Blank
of Canada have a branch in our vil-
lage and ago out, at Jtrttcefield under
management or 1t. T. Dunlop.
fostered in the hearts of many is
evident to every observant mind and
will continue while there era two
churches bearing the same name in a
village of about 1.500 inhabitants.
'AU honor lo the noble band of lcodly
men and women of th, .Methotlese
churches of this place who have stood.
by their pastors in past years and
Iiheraly contributed to church (undo.
who now admit it would be un vis0
any longer to sustain two churchcie
and are saying now 1 he oppOrtg;►id
tiro" has come for aulalhamiatio44
"strike the iron wbiie it is hot." 1
Yo•:r correspondent of last week
said "the London Conference unuld
object to certain things." Of course
it would. but le: it he made ciear,tto
the next conference i hat the congre-
gations of the churches concerned
wish 10 tisk permission through their
respective Trustee Boards 10 dispute:
of tfirt4r church property with a view
of le tiding a central church and no
(hallat their request would be cheer-
fully granted. The present divided
state of the churches is a servic• o,
w•eaknees; touching the cause of t •i-
perence and morality.. Inion is
e tre-n::tb. At this important epoch
in the hi -tory of .(ethoJis,ti in Exeter
let 'se one and a1i emulate the noble.
t euanitnotl . Chris) ian spirit evinced
BY I 1 tw
Methodists [ r (rsol . ho'
u ietttode o
't h p,
fast year disposed of one of their
churchesformed n un'on aid ora:.
worship in the one eH :art t ae :rg
01 (;n Il Let u, ter da til:, +t,
4 have occasion to
✓ ay- '• ' preach oil- thing and practise
'moth, 14 The Favgiig of a 111 11/1 fqr
roto'• se id ,where he is needed and of
13;011, teeth which to Help spread the
Ouse ehouhl help us in our solution
of the question of union in our
9a- •. Now Mr. Editor if yell deem
111 :strove ori by a piece in your
•.ahle sever P.e:tse insert. if not
co:rntit it. to 1421ste beekct in either
c: ' you will 4.atiety your bombe's
correspondent whet will sign Limseee
Citiouist in Religion.
Editor Exeter Times.
`- Kindly . answer these questions
Through your pap -r a•t POW: ('lrties :It
our last election were ritb •r very
ignoruer or naturally crooked. Is
phiit tach,for n map to vote as owner
if he jn-4 11213 a lot in the cemetery!
1f •e w omen has property in ber un n
suttee Ind her husband living in polite
nt h• r seri of Canada. hes she a rout
in tt.-we r to the first euestion
tvc +" o i 1.1 say that in order for n
mane, 11.111ie to tali ful;y appear on
the Vote- s' List ns owner. he must
have in h1.4 Own right. aseestablo
property. rated in townships and in-
corporated villages to the amount ni
8.101►. If this lot you mention is 3s•
,cess:lhle and rated at $100 the person
• is vitt ;4.41 to vote.
In ;he ,(•tend pace the et 34.44,•3
r a i •1 e
shat shat nn rntparr.c( corn nor a
widow. of the Mull age of 21 years,
and s'tWert of his mnjes.y by bitch or
nalnralization. for real yrroperty
held in her own right. being rated
f o the amount of :100 in ton nein!".
end incorporated villages. has the
tight to vole. This bars a versen
attuutcd as you mention -Ed.
Mr. l'. iSitber la having a tele-
phone installed its his residcnee.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Axt visited with
their eon Herbert at Exeter last %veek.
Mrs. Jacob Miyake who was taken
seriously ill u fete days ago, is ini-
ilMrs. Fred I.eibold lett ou Saturday
for Clinton to visit her aunt, Mrs.
George Nott, for a few weeks(
Mr. \\'illiatu Leibold, of the illaby-
Ion Lino is quite ill at present from
ertlargeuu•nt of the heart,. I1is con-
ditioes is reported to he serious.
Mr. John Foster has sold ninety
thousand bricks to Mr. Cosworth,
oI licnsall to be used in the erec-
tion of a-•huftel on the site of the
old (teuteunial which was destroyed
by tiro several ycar.l ago.
Mr. Nicholas Kennel. of Blake has
purchased five acres of land from Mr.
Christian Cuticles Bronson Line.
There 13 n good frame house and
barn on the land and the price was
11025,00. Mr. Kennel has secured a
nice home.
ltev. Valentin Gerber who hes been
in this section visiting for the past
week. Las purchased Mr. Geo. Doug-
las' farm in Stanley for bis son, and
the new owner %vitt take possession in
the fall. Mr. and bars. Gerber left
for their motile 40 illittneeota, on
The annual meeting of The Huron
Weather Insurance Mutual Company
was held here fast ,seek. The three
retiring directors. Messrs. 1l. North-
cott, .1. Kellerman and C. Monteith
were re-elected. The company is in
a good financial condition and is
filling n long felt want among the
A very pretty wedding was solem-
nized in St. Boniface 11. C. church. on
Tuesday morning. Feb. sat. when Mr.
11. T. llarry. son of Jerry Barry, of
Dunnville. Ont.. -.vas united in mar-
riage lo Miss 'Matilda M.. daughter
Wendel 1 Smith, of ,lr c del t:enrich. The
a h/, rc
n m ofthe
bride was dressed in white. with veil
and orange blossoms and was attended
by her sister Miss Susanna. who also
wore white. lir. John J. Jewhtir11t.
of 1?unnvillo las groomsman. Atter
a whorl honeymoon trip. the happy
couple will wake their residenoc at
Evidence From All Sources.
There are so many so-called 'rem -
The lollowi421 is the report of 8. edies for piles that sufferers are of -
S. No. 4, Stephen for January. Sr. ten at a'loss what to try. Piles are
1V. 0: to Alt own. Willie Schwarz. caused by the distension of the hemotr-
llarry Schwarz. Aivin Cornish. Clip- rhotd veins, and the tissue becomes
ton Brown. Gordon Cornish. Sr. ill highly inflamed. dry and sore. Yarn-
htuersot Itoeszler. ll:a Either. Edna Disk cools nod soothes the inflamed
Amy. L;tvitia Snaith. Jr. i11 Joseph tissue and the healing essences in
Schwarz. Jot, Itrokeneh;re. C.int041 .aul-11uk penetrate the diseased parts
110: ock. Eddie Curni-14 II Cirri,. riiVlIlg 1344313 quickly and cvcnlualiy
Schroeder. Adeline Wr in. nevi /dor- curing the most obst irate case of piles
lock. Olive Cornish. Emerson Wein, Mr. George ilnrris. of 1'Irden Man.,
Mary \ iid. says: ''I Suffered acutely (rota piles
I. 1I. Armstrong, Teacher. but I au* glad to say Zatu-Iluk gave
---o - me case and •brow,ht about i nt r...att:
8. 8. NO. 5. CBBCIINC cure." •
The fol'o+tin, is the report o' B. Mrs. I5. Cooke. 468 Pat:fic Ave.,
K. '.o. 5. Osborne fqr the month of 'innmeg. Tall(: • mouth ago i was
3.1111,31.y. Sr. 1V - Honors. Emma cured by %,•u1 -J. of a had :utnck
Fisher. Rufus Kestle. P2135. Austin
01 bl�eijiei� pi:cs. to which i had
Ford. Lila Moir, Lamer Mcl'ails, Vera bee" subject for a long time."
Mr. William K-enty. of Upper Nine
Utile River. Hants Co., N. 8., says :
"I suffered terribly from piles. The
Pain from Ihe.c was at tinges almost
Moodie. Well. Keruick. Fred Perkins.
Jr. iii -Pass. Garnet Mcfalis. 31,
gic Moodie, Clarence Johns;
ilonors Perrot Higgins. O Ke• etl
Thelma Ford. Pass, l ae 1(I Moir Hoy lUlbcarnbte. I tried verities oint-
Perkins. Jr• 11 - onors. Gordon taunts. but everything failed to do
Perkins. 'Co i'crd. I'a-s, Albert me the slightest good* I was tired
lloillc -eller re Trout. Sr. 1-11011. of trying various remedies. when I
or ne Ford ; Jr. 1. lloipors, Charlie
latter Pass. ()rant Moir, Amy Fisher
1•:. L. McPherson. teacher.
The following Is the report of 8.
8. No. 8 Ilay for the month of Jan-
uary. ``acnes in order of merit. eVhercver (here is inflammation or
iV ( aeeeei, Lucl'a Kuntz, 'rusnelda ulceration. there %are -lick should be
Tructnner, Olrlen J'rueulner. Susie Intplied. It bests ulcera. alas:casts.
1:leinfcldt. ltbieno!d 51ills r. LilIi^ festering sores. cold cracks. scalp
Messner. Bell Overholt IIi Classes Forra, cuts, burns. scalds. bridles
Emily Schroeder. Flora Klicnfeldt, on;l all irritated. inflamed or die-
Grrte•• Weigand. Tillie limits. Theo- rased conditions of the skin and sub-
dore Miller. ida Iles=ncr. 1Lydie Mess- jnccnt tissue. All deli mist and
ncr. ones Trueniner. II Classes. 8r. stores. 60 cents a box. or post fere
i':mma Messner, Clara' Weigand, Cbee- from t/.am-13tik Co.. Toronto for price.
lie Hartman. Ethel I:licufe.dt. Nor- Rebore harmful subatitetes.
man Klienfeldt. James Wimproy.
11 Class Jr. Clara Kuntz. Nora 51ilier ss1 USED
lfecker. Beulah Wiegand,
Henry Becker, herb -rt ,1L'n:•r• Pt, FEL -t ALL USED UP
1 Class 8r., Ernie Milier, Tillie Mee. -
heard of. %am lluk. bat thought. as a
Inst resource. 1 ;round give this balm
a trial. 1 ,procured a supply and
cornmeneed with the treatment. In
a vey short time '✓,are-Iluk effected
,what all other ointments and Incdi-
cines failed to do -a complete cure."
tier. 1'- Pile %i er. Aeries Heilman., --- -
lloward Tr,temner, Valentine Seek-
cr. l't. 1 Clues Jr.. Elmore lento.
r�ldt• Breakdown.
A. C. Milligan, Teacher.
Oran Rend
Mrs. Fred Ilse ate: continees very
Mi:,. John Ross is tinder the dotctor'.e
cert, at present with an att•lck of
poen mount
illrs. Green leas returned home from
tn n eye
Mr. and Mrs. Gravelle Visited at
Port Frank on Friday.
..Ir. and Mrs..101111 ilnird and fatuity
visited near 'I hedford.
Mrs. 11. Ilse, of D1.hwoOd, visit al
here for re few flays last week.
Mr. rood Mrs. .1. W. Holt are t•ieir-
in;r friends in 4linnshard for n few
Mr. Dodds resumed his duhc3 as
teacher Monday after his rec•.nr fll-
We are havitig any amount of snow
just now, in fact too m':ch for good
sleighing. t ' try It myself. I
CASTOR IA in'( at 1I
Mrs. Neches, %Y 1io has he.'tl villi t-' am ten going to teyou of my ups
8ni111e's. returned to her downs during the first thr.eweeka
home neourdny, (--one day i %void.] feel pretty well,
For Infants and Children. ,1:.s. !Liman. of IR uc'•field. visited the next day like thirty cents. In
our town on Alnnday. Mr. Ilrew•et. three or four %treks the effect et
Tit Kind You Hare Always Bought of Parkh:V ,. com u:tnicd him. Fermznne was the best
I gained
I 6 1 steadily -that's the best of a good
illy. :111,1 '1. `L• n lee Wenner _I
a r r neer %'Is nu•dlclnr. .UI ( gained i kept, and
iii ( iled Mos. I'; 1111 -r'g steer, lira. Bruce to -day I am as sound, strung and vig-
liosseribes.:. 1.1 et c:ield. a kw neons ns n y K buy."
"it needs only the additional strain
following a elute'. In business world
Ilk's 1907-44 to toting many business
men to the very limit of their physical
endurance. Things began to get tight
with 11PrlrIt 111 August. 07. writes
Truman .1. Harcourt from Wilming-
ton. "iaarger payments In connection
with my contracts had to be 'nude,
and it took so much of my capital that
I found myself on the ragged edge.
I had worked very hard and had per•
haps smoked 10(1 much. so when pres-
sure demanded strength my tier v. s
gave out. i lost my appetite. couldn't
get to Meet' before one or two, rind 11
Ineked at. If I were all In -
"I was reading
the Telegraph and
noticed the won-
derful work done
by neerroz.nr.' 1
read of a case of
nervousness It hail
cured and decided to
The Best
Man's Tonli
Bears the
Signature of
days this 11 e•-': When •ynu feel all treed tip -need
nit -lacking appetite. e:orgy and 4141
blllui. (114.ae Ore the snots of thin
Wood and wink nerves. F5•rrezetne
sill cure -try one er two I"errnzouo
riblets nt meals. Fifty cents a box,
:ix for 112.50. all dealers or The Ca-
tarrhozone Co., Kingston, Canada.
It May Be Pneumonia
"A hard chill, pain through the chest, difficult breathing.
Then fever, with great pro; tragion," 1f this should
he yol'r experience, send for y(,ur doctor. You may
have p11<uionia! 1f your doctor cannot conte at once,
give Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. When he comes, tell him
exactly what you have done. Then do as he says.
No alcoilol i11 this cough medicine. lc. il:;ry Co., I ntee/f i%fass.
ep the bowels in good cn'laelon. One of Aycr's 1'11' et bedtime will cause
tin Increased Cow of bile, and produce a gentle tautly (iftci the day following.
IN 21 1104
t: n can pnlnlrs•ly remove any corn,
feller hard...of t. or bleeding, by
.4ppl%Ing Putnam pi Corn hx1raetur. It
never burns. leaves no sear, contains no
acids; 1' hnrmte•• because composed
only of healing (rung•, nn.l halrns Fifty
years In use. ('ere gunrnrtteed. Noll
by all dr0•rglsls. _;. botties. ll.fuso
The Hind You have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature or
and has been made under his per,.
▪ Bonet supervision Mnce its infancy.
• �� �' Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment,,
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare-
gorfe, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worths
and 91)113-4 Feverishness. It cures D1:►rrlana and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, curets Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
Boars the Signature of
The Kind You Hage Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
• le A. Mc1.Al'IILAN,
• It your lungs are weak: 11 there is
• Principal. consumption In your family; if Colds,
•••••••••N•••••••••••••••• Catarrh, and Bronchltla bother you,
be atter to use Catarrhozone It Is
especially adapted for these diseases
and cures every- tltne
Mrs. Brown took cough mixtures,
but they made her sick. Then she used
an atolnlzer, but. after resorting with•
out benefit to poultices, she tried Ca-
"1 used Catarrhozone inhaler,"
writes Mrs. Drown. "five tnlnutee
every hour, and soon recognized that
ft was going to cure me. I could feel
the soothing medicated air spreading
through the air passages of the throat,
and It touched the sore spots In rho
lunge that other rern dies failed to
reach. Catarrhozone seemed to go
just where it tens needed most. and
soon put a stop to my cough. It re.
stored me to trerfect health, and I am
convinced that 00 cough, cold, or ca-
tarrh can exist If Catarrhozone la
Not tr. atment Is so clean, so pleas-
ant. so certain to cure as Catarrh -
ozone. fly means of the inhaler. the
local symptoms, such as coughing, in-
flammation and congestion are speed-
Iiy corrected. Fermznne tablets,
which are taken after each meal.
purify and cleanse the blood of nil
polsong, and build up and strengthen
the system.
This local and constitutional treat-
ment is always effective. and curet
cases that have been given up as
' hopeless. Money can't buy or produce
anything ,tetter. and to get cured 1t
Is absolutely necessary to use Catarrh -
*di Ual�
is the great practice' '
ing school of Veretern Ontar-
io. Stude':is are entering
ovse week. Yon take no
ilea in entering our claves.
Our courses are the hest and
our graduates secure tbe
high-grade positions. Three
departments -Commercial.
Shorthand and Telegraphy.
Get our free catalogue and
investigate into the merits of
this school. The titne to en-
ter is now.
Times Want (Solemn
WANTED -Good girl for general ! FOlt SALE -Brick residence on eor-
housework, apply staling wages to
Doe N Exeter, Ont. if
\'.'ANTED -Good general servant.,
one who can cook preferred, good
wages, apply stating expercience
Mrs. Cbas, F. Verity, 78 Sheridan Ht.,'
Ilrd, Outt
Tal Hotel. Lucan, Ono.
girl. Cent-
Farm for Sale
Fifty acres; being tee south half
of Lot 2, Con. 11, Stephen. London
Road, There is erected a frame (root
and brick kitchen; barn 32z45 on wall
a never failing Well. The farm is
well fenced and drained and in good
state of cultivation. I'or futhcr par-
ticulars apply to 'W. T. Iluxtable,
Centralia, 1'. 9. 27-4
For Sale
Cottage and three lots in Exeter,
being lots Nos- 65, 56 and 57 Mouth of
Simcoe Street. On this property le a
frame cottage (brick foundation) con-
taining five rooms end a good cel-
lar also a good well and a large
stable. Good garden and fruit trees.
The property lwa to be Sold to wiud
up an estate. Apply to
Exeter, Ontario.
Farm for Sale
FARM FOR SALE- Choioe hun-
dred acre farm, being Lot s,Con• 1,
Usborne. London Road, 3-4 mile from
Centralia, three miles from Ezet-r.
On the premises there is erected a
good brick house. all conveniences a
targe bank barn 80x45, finished in
latest improved style ; drive hotese,
good orchard. never failing ;llpply of
water; well in house and barn. 12
acres fall wheat and plowing done.
If not sold privately on or before 20
day of December, will be sold by pub-
lic auction at a date to be fixed lat-
er. Easy terms of payment. For
terms aleft particulars apply to Jas.
Handford, prop.. Centralia or to T.
Do not despair of curing your rack Cameron. auctioneer, Farquhar.
when you so easily heartache h n can y ob-
lain Carter's Little Liver fills. They
*III effect a prompt and {german- Fsirlm for Sale
ent cure. Their action is Mild and ; Two hundred acres, lots 20 and 20
eat('• • • 10th and 11th concession of Ste -
get relief from indigestion. bile viten. The farm has 10 acres good
hardwood bush, bank barn 12 x 30,
and root house 25 r 22 joining barn,
and granary on top of root house ;
good frame house, never'failing well,
cistern at the barn; good orchard.
The other has frame barn. good
wells, orchard. sloth are in good
state of cultivation.
These farms will be sold together
or separate or will se -1 150 acres.
Possession can be bad on 'March 1st,
1!,10. For further particulars apply
to Thos. B. Martin. Exeter. Ont.
iousness. constipation or torpid liver
without disturbing the stomach or
purging the bowels, take a few doses
of Carter's Little Liver Pills they
ell; please Sou.
Mrs. Biny Brown, of Tenecape, N•8.,
Was Cured by Catarrhozone of
Lung Trouble and Catarrh,
After Hundreds of Other
Remedies Failed
Manure Litters
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and Litter ('arrit rs
Overhead Conveyors.
Beatty Bros.' Steel
Stalls & Stanchions
can be installed as sheep
as lumber and last forever.
Beatty Bros.' Load
,Therethreetlet.emare give
labor -severs for fernier., and
tleceseiI les (.rn a farm.
For sale by
W. T. Gillespie
Phone :r1.
leo � •N•�
Sraoas(s 01111e Caoodioo NOEIN lesi
Any vermin who It the Bole hest
of • (ami r
o an nixie v .
U. yover
years old may house+mtead a yust;rl
sccloni of available Dominion Intel it e _-
Manttotoa, Saskatchewan, or Alberts' This Mill bee been ueewg lheSlat
The applicant note appear in pereoc brand of flour for a number of yr/lrs
at the Dottunnon Lands Agency or ' but ono• trade hal go own until we Are
dub-ageney for thedistriot, 6otry to informed by another miller. thnt we
pros may be hail at the agency, or must quit using it am they breve it erg•
certain retiditions, by father. Mottle, 11eteled. You ('an undr, Nl nets (halt oe
,(.n. daughter, brother. or sister o i (oust. have ,(ern getting tie it Iredo. to
;mending homesteader. ' they vola', nos nbj••rt. Thr re Our
Duties: -*)ax ugonth9 residence up•w i ether (hills not. far distant (ti11 using
41111 cultiVAti011 of the land in earl 1the star brand fled we believe they
of three years. A homesteader met I hnva had no notice 10 twit using it.
live within nine miles of his hom.- t In view of Illi• fent that we are re
item' on a (farm of at least 80 acre. )(viewted 10 cense were it. we liner
solely, owned and occupied by hint 0' I gotten out a new bread for one family
het lather. mother, son, doughty: flfloor, whit It we have tegimr(red
brother or sister. From this time 041, oar 1 eniil) Flour
lti certain distrlets ti hemestcn.Irl I will he known as
it good standing rnny pre-empt a
quarter section alorigeide hie home-
stead. 1'rioo 13. per ner•e. Duties -
Must rerude six months ineaoh of lis I
years from Bete of homestead entrf
(including the time regnlred 10 tart I Our three regietercd ilrande Are:
homestead patent) and eultivta, 1MANI'TOiBA'S REST Pure Manitoba
fifty tierce extra.D(ODH:L Blended flour
A Homesteader who hes exhausted VELU011E Ontario flour
him homestead right Arid ennnot 04.
rain a pre-emption may take a par ' We keep them. three kind" of flour
chew.] homestead in oertnin district. in stock. hut it ie the "M01)111." that.
Price If 3. per sere, Ihlties.-Mtn o WO con9Msr given the best 3atiefaction
retitle mix months in each of thee. for bread and hung it. hes the nutty
yeers, cultivate tiny _Dere* and erre, IAAVor so notch desited. Try it and
e house worth $100.41(1 I see that. it I± a Mode?.
w, W. sent,
1 *hr of the fitness-tleeer of n» Mortar H a rvey Bros
N. It,-thiaatheHried pltblttatts„ of Mb (p+tnw. •
.eat win tans se
we for
For Sale
Lot 3, Concession 1.4. Tu•:ersnlith.
100 acres, about 3 miles F.a31 of 11. n -
Nall ; new bousc. frame barn It it h
stable underneath. driving shed. orch-
ard, about 15 acres bush. 3 acres of
t.he;it. aboet 172 acres plowed, good
so.[t Apl'IY at once to Gladman ,C
ncr of Audrew and North streets.
In good repair. Apply to Times
Office for prion and terms.
Barn for S le
Size 36 ft. by 56 ft. Witt 10 ft. posts
on got 8, concession 2. slay,. Applg
to reter Murray, Ilay 1'. 0.
Auction Sale
Thos. C3nleron has received in-
structions from tbe undersigned to
Gell by public auction on Lot e. con.
3, to of stay, on
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, 1910.
at One o'clock p. rn. the following;
HORSES -1 driving mare luiet and
reliable; ,1 driver rising 3 years; one
driver rising 2 years: one driver.
sucker. a•
CAT'tLi; WITH 1'E13IGREE-1 pure
hrcd cow, frith pedigree, due in April ;
1 pure bred cow with pedigree due
in :March ; ,1 pure 'bred bull 11 months
eligible for registration.
GRADE CATTLE -2 cows due in
April ; 3 fresh calved cotes; 1 ?far-
row cow : 3 beef ring heifers rising
3 years: 3 steer calves; :f heifer calv-
es; 1-200 egg incubator and brooder
Also a number of cedar posts.
Terms -8 months credit will be give
en on furnishing approved joint notes
afdisconnt of 6 per cent. per annum
for cash on credit amounts. Posi-
tively no reserve as 'the proprietor iS
going west..
Prop. A u c t.
11•11•=1. 11=111,
Auction Sale
The undersigned has received in-
structions from the Executor of tho
Estate or the late Thomas dere Sr.
to sell by Public Auction on the pre.
t)N h1ONDAY, FEIi'T 28th, 1910
at 2.30 p. tn.
that desirable farm known as- the
North one-half of Lot number One in
the Ninth Concession of the Tow'h)hip
of Usborne, containing fifty acres
more or less. On the property is a
good orchard, about three acres, a
hardwood bush, ),bout five acres,
and a good supply of water. Thee,
soil is first class. and house and other
buildings fair. This farm is only 2
1-2 miles south of :Winchelsea, and is
most conveniently situated for school
and church.
TERMS :-Ten per cent. of pur-
chase price on day of male and balance
within one month without interest.
Further particulars and conditions
of sato may •be obtained from
T1IO8. CAMERON J081/UA 30gN8
Auctioneer. Executor,
or GLADMAN & STASI)! 111•, Solicit-
ors. Exeter. 410-3
DR. G. F. ROULS'I'ON, L. D. 8,
D. D. 8., Dentist. Member o
R. C, D. 8., of Ontario and honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
titanhiry. Barristers. Exeter, Ont. OrvICE:-Over Dickson & Carling'.
(•2 3.1t Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors
Farms for Sale
That choice fares being romposed of DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. M., D
parts lots IR and I. concession 1. D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto
township of ieibornr. in the village
of Exeter, 100 acres. On the prem-
ises there is an up-to-date 2 -storey
brick dwelling house with a:I 1 con-
veniences; ,large bank barns with
water in stablem : senor, drive Louse.
ice house. and fruit of all kinds; 60
acres in hay and grass, 6 acres of fall
wheat. balance plowed last fall. This
farm is in a high slate of cultivation
end well adapted for n man that
wants to do a dairy business or gen-
eral farming. Also lot month 1.2 G.
concession 1. township of Ilay. con -
mining 50 acres. 2 acres of hardwood
bush, 33 acres in grass, balance :til
plowed: also never -failing well Leith
wind:nil! and frank. This prop.ri3• i-
well adapted for grazing or ordinary
farming. These properties will b •
sold in part or whn'e to reit pur-
chasers. I'oseccoion elven in March.
Easy terms of payment and must he
sold as the proprietor's health has
failed and he is r. tiring. For terms
and particulars apply to ALEX DoW
l'rop. on the premlacs, or to TIiOS.
CAMERON. Auct.. Farquhar. 2.10;1
iN Tlll'. 31ATTEIt OI' THE ES-
'etTICI: is hereby elven that Pat-
teck G;acin. of the Township of Ste-
th, n
in the Comity tof II
a -na'•rh:1, made aft Amvic 'tot aud•r
R. `': t►.. D.A. Chap. 111. and A tnend-
ing Ae.s. of all his estate. credits anti
(erects. to John 0111. of the Village
of Eeeter, in the said C'olloy of Hu-
ron. Auctioneer. for the ;rencral bo.
fit u( hit creditors! A nesetit►g o:
his creditors will be lre:d at the of-
ficer of Messrs. Gladmin & S;anb•:ry
in ,he raid Villain, of Exeter. on Fro
day. th•• Eleventh day of I'ebrnary.
A 1).. 1010. nt the hour 04 To o o'clock
1st the afternoon• to receiv•• a etas. -
mein of his affairs and appoint in-
spectors and fix their remuneration
and the remenernt ion of the assignee
and for the ordering of the affairs
of the estate generall f.
Creditors are requested to file their
c'aims with the undersirrncd Holies•
tors ton Zhu• Assignee w it h tit.• ',retire
and particulars thereof required ey
the said Ace,: on or before the day of
slid !retina.
A'• I) \I/TICE IS 1•') lTulat tat'.
EN that after the • irteenth day of
\Jerre A. I1.. 1!,1n, h• Assignee
oil, proret•rl fo distribute else assets
n: the 1,10), Or nlruMlttt the ,prtrlien
etiet 13d thereto havinie r•Irard eley
to 1 he cretins. o: o )iieh weirs. shn1,
then haw,' been eiwen. and 11131 11
wie1 nal '1rr eller tor the asses t;
any pert 'thereof se dist tPetted to ane
person or pers:ns or w hmt• claim he
Aha". not ; 1e•n hi we 11:14 moire.
Intel at Eeeter Ore To,•nry-nioth
Any of .Tan eery. A. Il.. 11410.
(.r,11)181' . STA NIfi ltt-
'•:(oliei.0l'A fir the :dove nem •0 1m
Dental Surgeon
Office over Madman & Stanbury
Main street-Exicrna,
1' W. BROWNING, M. D., M.
• P. 8„ Graduate Victoria LTn
r„relty. odic* and reeideoeneeii om1aleo
!wiper/batty, Suter,
Associate Coroner of Huron.
MT R. Bright, M, D., M.Cl. P. and
•8., Honor Graduate Toronto Un-
iversity. Two years resident physician
Royal Alexandra Hospital, tic, Office
and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand
Andrew Street, Exeter.
Wshays meitmitrd private tuna. for laves/
-Int upon hers or village troPertr el teem
rain of Inter"(,
it errI.1 tu, Ooltcttere Notaries, Uoarmemoir*
Comleoaeee, Solicitors for the =Ober
Bank, L .
Mowry toIeaa sl kismet rete+ of tat•rM
emelt t -MAIN SVONET, ti1[fll't .
L OsRLflea It b l O. DICBIC■
We have s 1 s amount of private tads
sea earn sad stiletto pyoyerder al lewr/le
Bsrrfet•re 8&leltorw, It tin It. tsetse
rum and t hln¢r l'rnp.•ri ir' sl lowest 1111,11
interest. tmprote.l and r.lhrr \„(144411 1.41146 end
TON rt Lot, for male. Nom•% 111 Ingo nn rush property
Cori, rlan,er,et, . Office, Main St. Exeter
Inc Usborne and men
farmer's Mutual Fire Inset-
ance Gompanu
Head Office. Farquhar, Ont.
I'rr eider) t -.1. I . it U88ELL.
Viet• -President -W. fl. 1•A88M0R11
W)1, Rot, BoarisoL)I P, 0
WM, Hamm R'iN('HKLI(RA P, O.
T. RYAN, Urn! IN P. If
ROBRIIT NOR1118, Staff's.
JOHN V$8F.ItY, Esotor, +r•nt for
1'•elortie and IlidAnlph.
oLIVEU NAR1t1A, Munro+ teems
for Ribbert. Pt11tertt►n And ('.110
>i3ecv.Treae. Fr rcut►sr
IMAM/AR & flTANIGIRT. o 1liitorit