HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-02-10, Page 21 OTHER MINE EXPLOSION!GONSF»S ITEMS FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE THE WORLD'S MARKUS' 4At'NF.NI\C9 FROM ALL OVER MEWS BY 11.11L 11101i IRE• HEPOR1S I'1(O}t THE ',LADI\l: L.1ND'I•: s11olt1:8. TRIM : CEN[ltEt. Sixty -Eight Men gilled in Mexico ---Others May be Still Below. A dcalp.ttch from any% : At, night fall 611 been rec41v1ie•1 from the Palau none of the South Coahuila Coal Company. in the State of Coahuila, Itl(xiete where all explusien occur• roti oii W.eliateelay. Resides the dead, eight wounded have been brought (4► the surface. Whale an alrcurate (8tiniute of the 1.111:,her at work when the explosion •setirred I, not yet• passible, it i, e sele•ted that fell, if any, are still in the aline. Mexico city Tho PaI•ul mine is considered one bodies had of the hest ceetipped of Mexican trines with modern provisions fur the safety of the work►ueu. A despatch from Primer.), Colo- rado, says: f1l4,day'a explosion iii the rutin mine of the cel •ee l•, hurl and Den Co., claim, tt 7, l,ct,111:: and left 35 will'iwx and r•• fatherless children. 'Those facts were deter - ed late 11'ellnosday a(ternwion, when the efiic:i:d canvas of the company was completed nn.l the names of the !missing men w cit` Checked with the payroll. THE GLOBE. INegrt4pele Briefs from Our 01111 'tad Other countries I Recent Events. 1N.\14.1. Mr. 11'ul. !airier', Toronto's pay- master, died un 'Ti•nrtlay. An unsuccessful attempt was !node to blow tip the T. S• N. O. Railway elution at Cobalt with dy- neetite. Rev. 'fhtnias Nicholson, a native of Weell urn. Ont., may be a1point- ed I'rmsident. of Boston 1 niver.,ity. Alfred Neville, oho it is alleged Ilappeufngs iu the Emerald Isle of Iutere•4t to Irish- men. :1l ('luuaslee ti:,hl %%a+ received for attar four -ye. i cid bull„ekes M r%. ,1f orris, wife of :1 laborer of l.rumlin, Dublin. recently gave birth to triplets (three suns). ,Kugrane Castle and 31)0 acres of demesne lair( near Rallygur, Gal- way, have been mild to the Agri- cultural Board. was 1r1.1111.'"1 11.1 it Luny nut»n ill William Kelly, aged 15 ,yeti's, was killed at Strata inuul, Poorly f„n he hi; ,4iie, died in Ramitisal triol, nv n cart passing Iver Hitt }testate( it Thursday. after a fall from the top of a load .Nlatutger 'Turner of the ('oras ileus a fr.eding bluff Price. of (',ytUk, Grain. ('Semite and Other Hairy Produce at Houle and Abroad. Illi 1':.11).` T1'1'1'S, Toronto, Feb. S. !lour 1)n(iuir, wheat 911 per ,t•,,i. parcel-, $1.31 to k111.:15 in gree! •:' a:40:; 4411 track, Ttrutete,, un'.1 $1.20 to $1.2, •,u .,i.lr iu buyer.... saves. Manitoba flour, first kilted:a *5.70; seconds, $5.20 to $5.::u, tan 1 ,lr.,ng bakers', *5 on Clack. Toronto. • Alauitrba'.thrid eNe. 1 Nettle tie ltl.13. Ilay ptlt.s, and No. e Nn,•th Spread of Rabies in Ontario May Lead to the Order. .1 despatch arson Toronto nays: the Provincial hoard of fleelth and Rabies in 1► yrry v.olent fora) has I►,. 1. ("1. I(uth('forst, J otni,imn t••:1:tt:,:ary director-general, are iu Or•Iken out in ;e•% oral 1,11: t ons of t ettermice with regard le the eau- Ottarin, Iturtieultlrly the wester.] sat tau. Che Uuuliniuu departmentli.s(1•Iet, ally! the 1,1••,1,11•:1:1! a•1(1 1).t- Ila:, charge of X11 ►•t•tet1),a1y and ;lthurice., :u•.• flew ex• live 11•,4k neit)r::;, while the p1u- rb:u11{inll (urrrSl.1.u•L n••4' :1rd telt- minion autirur•it'es look after all int; steps In 11s••v, n4 ti.r 'i t':t e questions pertaining to health. from spreading :ells f.(r4J,,.. 'Celt ►1llnieet,us conferences already have the ttatbreak is u e ri •:1 , ono i., taken place at the 1'arliarnerlt limildiug` with regard to what se - tam i • to be taken to cope with the spread of the disease. not doubted, but the provincial tu• ern *1.11 Bay ports. tl•Irities pr( ler not 1 1 diu:usx it. Ontario wheat - misc.! red Nue .•11us dogs and caws halve been 11 inter t1' white. *1.117 to *Ian till d• .t r1.1(•ll 114 :t restos of the ma - ti le. 1111 ,t!., and no less than four pee - p1_ have had to tee tit- he Pasteur Institute at Now Turk for treat- ment, the reFidt of bites by mad (lugs. Investigation ha•: Novell that the °t Mein If the elitist•.•air is traceable • all (14i.0(1e which t'itk place thee, .i four weeks ago, when at 11at1 deg tall 34.1.18i the Iatel'ia- tit•,al Bridge at Lewiston, to (b.:marten, and thence up the stone read to Niag:11.1 Falls, Ont., where it lit •;••r.tl 41 .i;Y on its rampage. It finally fel! rxhau-ted in a field and died. 1)r. (1.:1. Huc''ge:es, secretary of �. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND (1/pper Company dentes thin the l•. • Barley •Ne. ;7.• 1,1 -Xe is any cttulbinc ilk the uiekel lotion Messrs. Koss and 11'sll,ul,, 1)uh- - Ila4 ('suer( a L,Ks of 1lilliou4 lu sly in Canada. lin, are at present t a tluctinK a a extra, ae••: Ne. 3 at 50 to ale', mid 1 lounara Brown i !ar'e u►uuber tri buoys of rel;v Inrgr feed .Irl4 outside. the E. S. I'ns 11(1111,, soils 11111>';tvei'ht tort size for the 1lauritins Oass -P:'. Ontario •c: ,:::, ^�” lioeker, a colored woman, wnnlrei g II : a. nnl,i-la, 1141( )Ie o, last•, 'Che Ctnormon, rxlenxiun of h1c in BlewuliuRt/n, IIL, for the mitt- i (;in,.rnnlcnt. rural delivery 1'•ts added a burden I'1. !toil. team +, \1"e st „ats. 4 : re der of her mistress, was arrested Bier Urban council has applied ,,4' fir \o. 1111(1 •t: to I_'';r f•,r of many Million, of dollars to the itt Winnipeg. ' t., the 1.1ca1 Government for a loan N.,. 3, ills• 1.2 t United Statex 1 est -Office Depart -/f .f;_•;,n,a) t,1 carry out a scheme , mt•ut without bringing imnueltatte (:I(I•:.1'1' 1BRITAi\r fur tit 1•reetiun of houses for the peas "` `t' i" "!'' „ulsi lc. financial returns. 4 ,,•;,•,..-. ought weekel,. It`;, \e. c- • 0411,-i le. to have tutor son„ le, t a1,1rI The lir:( t,f the Australian de-, , t eist :Ale:, t,. ee.- eui hie etroyers was launched to \1'ednes-1 The Great Northern Railroad of for Ni.\t. �. priution for this tee er•.:. • , . 43 ca, Ireland has issued a notice that em American Review of 1(t views. 1:,• 1' `1'ly ('Ira Nrw kit, 11i d \•,. The total eee.,rt of coal for last if the. free rural carriers cont.! 11,• :\ lady p urualixt, w♦ho loot 41 ha ' I•I'le- lrnrhing the age ..f sixty 7r' ,(, and \1.. a Heti' 3(Il0e, 'r t- ye:lr was 15.Si:ere) toils. illi against Lord 141Urthl'111Te fur hr.• l,'$rs III If�t 1'1•.il• gil 11 .• peel- rd, 71' .r,'I'It'IIlt1. freights. permitted to deliver small panes_ ' q r tem:. \t 1,• rasions will be rant }' 1:dinilurJ,l's la,•,lants one day re fu. the benefit •.f the lo .•11',. •.n wrun4;ful dismissal. attrnlpl' `1 to ,.tl K 14raIt ceeeso in ha','•, '(routes eentty ,um.,er. 1 335. chiefly sten. a ('('Intuit Neici.l4 in the Alice of Th•' and shells, 151, hi bees, Toronto. timer routes, tills valuable Tenders for has, hr•,ott.<, shovels, Thyro to *51,,170 at (tae credit. of 4., toot' service mural( sewn 1• • „eel,. Deily Mail, en 'fhursd:ty. /lepesit't's in 1)ulkeith Savings and other articles new recently re - hank. nluu,st self-supporting. It 1, 1„tf (\111:11 S1.11I:y. jested by the ('atl Urban teemed uninteresting to note the face that!because the anal :1t Christ;"”" 31) tuna of coal were eper, sent in did not fleeributc.l ".""ng oho poor lit • !trio express companies and! 1, mr ill 1,' w 11 n tori:f i,,•ar the Irish 'Grad. Hark. other private interests are always, Hal' UM it astitled 11:1•• i•'••:1 r• t••!‘ � (:r 'rge '(upper. It:.nnluhun, was !ttuuri" r' lobbying at \1'a.hingtttn to prevent- .•.1 by the 1'nited i, .s••, a., ; t:.•r f., At, Renfrew the Salvation Army iuid gui;t of the murder of his s.. -r u' stet u•.sl••s x REItl1. M1IL DELIVERY NOTES OF INrI;RLSr PI(OM HEM 111\hs AND 1111.11.8. Whet Is Going On ill the Highland., and l.o,tauds of Auld Scut in. C'Ot'N'l'I:Y PRODUCE. . 14)111('4 $1-:,3 (ti tis 140r barrel, according l•) quality. Beans -('41r Jot outside. $1.75 to $1.:111, and small lots at *2 to $2.- 1 ` i, alto tilt•! probable that a 1:•'11 dal inspc^tion will be ordered a. -:e ;,in•g,'ut regulations adopted (, 1,1•••.1•',1 the spread of liydrot,bn. Sias Sieh has been alarming, to stye the (east. One order which way be issued is that all dog: in On- tario must be muzzled, and if so sr:ecial officers will be appointed to enforce the order. The situation is regarded as being most dangerous, in the, cities. The real danger is from toad dogs running at large. Sorne owners of cattle have destroy- ed co\ys which have been bitten by lead dogs, and in two cases t'i't• rin- :tries were bitten while attending to sick cattle. ut from $1 to $:1.10. Sheep were weak and 25c lower; but lambs welt! Idea 13' at. lsxt gtlutati.ns. }legs weak and/unchanged at $5.10 L('.b. and 8'3.35 fed an -1 watered. C. P. H. IMPI1111'}:IlliNT. Company Expelled to Spend $39,• I0(kb,000 in the 'West. lir u .1 t 1 I u n 1 It a n. nlan3. -,1., A despatch from 'Winnipeg says: are supplying free hrraktu,ts lu 1 n young son at ('ort, .11sireo. Hr was 1:, per hnshe1• The Canadian Pacific is preparing 11 eer children. parer post for the cunyeniunt'r o ( Ten n,inmr4 were kill+:l in an ex- fund t.i be insane, and teed• n d to • Hovey ('1.nlhs, dtzrn, kt to �1.+41iTi. 11.1' 111:SO\ Illi}:.1liS .1 1131. t•• expend a huge sou►, :add to ext the peepde. :Incl the publie nuts plosion in a mine at 1)rak4'ber•',!b• detained in an asylutl. :,u, eel nae to 1, 11) 1. 4)tt. of twit cases of dtphtlu1111 •lest as will hr infnrlueel ,.f the incl' Kv. Seventeen other robal,4 . ,10,9-44;-.1.1,.- I'' , t1 at; !mitiun dollars, upon eon - 1':11,• 111'4':, Ieported in Kirkettwan J 1 I` y Druid Porter was wrier(!( 11 Based 1 lint.1144% :?1:1.:,1) PIM Tee:tearer Meets With r•4„ ti ea and betterment work in that -, L • st' . been death i4.' %%est this season. . The exact 1 imprisonment on a al+. _ a- 1. s.i:t► Pais:htl .lccidral. teal:',1. ,•,,e being fatal. ►a these ..talc ul I li . s have ) n .nett c lath also five t• er 1 t 1" 't 't 1 N t '1' t I The tett't 1f Buccleuch has given busily at well for some years try -I A Persian student at Baltimore (iaree ..f fal•fying n(•c'unts in Biceps'. tr'e'k• 'falsetto. earh or Ise pour families in Dal- 1 i•Ise to secure ion adva net• in the shot a lusty btuditit 44It • spume( Rate., Department ..f tee irvlleere ; Baled strati $7.51 on tract:, To- keitil five rets. of cont. postal rate, en pet iodic ale and his Ilttenti.,ns, and then committed (1.1 pur:ltie It, the taste -Meek-lel 111.: rest•,. In fort Glasgow neural ship 1"."'1131."'' it "Iv revile slate" suicide, on Thtlleday• int K`_! )4 ,, •- i Pet:rates 17 t.. 50.: 11,•r hag • n ),Irib are se busy tett the New troll t., make it. ek-ar that if maga-A woman at Wabash. Ind.. 11'3% , Thcyl''R "I'1•utnc•y. 1 f:,ern I:ihlr11', track for• O11(at•los• Year 11411'-1. were curtailed. zincs and newspapers were thrown 1 reunited to her husband whom sir d in Tipperals• 1\'orkh •n•• H 1'1.ultry 'Curkrls, cls, .: •1, 17 t, out of the mail+ In• prohibitive pus• had for forty-eight ye:1r, bili 4l . Baal (rem injuries revei44'ti tat lee,- Ise per Ile ; ducks, 13 t , i • : t• • 'fhe• shipbuilding firms in a:recta 1 J I tits rales Certain ll(•ws ('umliirllit•3, killed 111 one of the battl .t the: i,• :• 1•<•k and Port Glasgow have orders! r erica k Junction when Ile ass knock.. 1. l•, Ian: chil�kens, 1:; l•• : , ,;, x1.1 extee 14 companies alight hope rail war. ! i rcprrstvliing over 100,04>t) tuns. 4'11 (nen h)' :1 rime horse. fowl, 10 to IIs. l:lcee•u1.ck i s claiming n medal fur t , pl.+t a Inrgcr part in the di'( ri- :1 pr,plsal �''s.--fcf,are the New; t'ntltr 111e 1)slkev I'rovistonal rite tt''ek tw hn4ing Sud few' beton .f 1uc6 periodicals. '1 he York Stelae."-i.egi.i;tture to make Order, Ih" Urban Petrel re,ently� TIN: 1).11111' MARKETS. bell "maiden" l'iurts last year, `alleet•1 Is elle that 41r. Taft 111s' tl e,,r yespin i:1)le fen the nit:titled :1 lean of ts.e1111 1 • clear , net taken up n4 yet at first Sun,,� i!,(,intnu rat of neuro all his cxr•• f 1:, i :,un.l joints. _,. 11, „•,... The 11.�y:11 infirmary report of 1 a a Ilti dictt.4 ./l' I i Y ; the tatlhenll6y area knoen ns int,• .Ir• ! I:l1e• r •!1 w) t,) ;,(t. ; in Fdinhur:h ,hoes that 631 more pa ru d 1 1 th 1't I u ,I rat rutn'e tfii.era ir►0trad wf elccti11gj ;tied on which shirt , f ! _ ,,. „•oral r1, Y7,., :u►d 1 tients were treated last year than topics that have 1.ee Iwiwting •` them. r artisan:' dwellings 1134•• been .•:. , t i0 11411. 114)1.11 his 1tlrllci el i•t opening e(1. I 1'• =i :•'.• ' Vt'r Ib. I t f laid, weeks of hl- t- r perhaps, 119i/mete I 1') 1.10,1,41,47 all 111:'Iel,t• oat I J 111tnt 1 i, examined I+t all 111 ,t , 1• .C7.a0lb cent are( with 1re%eels l':'" mis .t In a few twitters. l •'• p t Indies Cema isxlon at Kingston, •1a -' - c r„ I.'' r a•! Il al • 1 11 I �'I'1.1 \ 1: 7 It I:I: Il I \ I I:I 1 uuira, stall! that Canada's s ora e ' •...ri,IT ill'• past veli. 1.1•,1` ( »1(11 that island ('111,1 Ile inert ale ' Ilu.b;utdy. i burgh 4 .sport.• 1 17:,.;1;1;4•trt,rPr1•'rs 1t ' •••I by a suL-idiz• t1 »eekly line of .1n„ng the 1,300 epitaphs ,hs cul• H1)': !'I:ODI'("f'. e tired b •reit (nti c NAM`, tis3 Spirits of Ileall Blue I t t ontull rat. .iii,. tcan11r4. + let ted by Ernest R. S Mine. in t /f inane 2,05) 14•71 - „ .11111111{: It 1•: 1111.111•., `� I i1:1. •,n I., 7lt, ••iP7r, i t' - 11 i ,,. It . --tp 1:pitaphta" are• inane (}taint and 1 1 hc1rn44, in 1111., !dol 1, , 1:;, ,. '! t tree lift SA 110". .1R I1 I 1 t' I. I cerium' +pr(imenx. Grimaldi „lf ie.,.tie ill 1e. 11.ts: rase., p.•rl;, ,1 (•�r1 Y1' , „• 1'111 l,'1tjN, I 1 1 I `1!•,eat,• 1'.•r' (tit. x14 t:. X„ er nlntntre :ui,i 5111,1)01) 1'mpt3 It :: ,, Ila•• •..r.e r, er a List !Mg tree•, 1f , OW atnge alta said to IM a puff( ter - 1' rel.- erre 11 expelled. ' a„te.. 11l•••, ohm v. ice 1,. 11Ioe ,•, 1•4 1.1)1111 .ter'• 1n be 1 lih,e.l a. 11..1 4111' 11..111 1) Clan(holia, rays the 1Ve.,t H:401- Light to mrclitun, 1'. to .1 I.telithe••e miner ledle I t'"• 7!; - 44 • it 4.1n • .. 1131, 1:I,. sup iI Ilrp.,I, i'ulster Gaze ttr,l:, ...; .L.. !wavy, 11 tot 1'..: r •Ile, e enroll• itettelt cord of a thiol n. • eel,. ! ,'1%irig :1•,4 1'. ta til.' all hri'e(l lint It will IN' rl'lllrlll• 11 (n 11' (; going to a physician on h(nllders, Ia t , la ,e; 1 '1'1'31:1' fr n1 \‘''•"11 •I1 • 1111 1lkfast baron 17, In !n4': backs, .1 1 1l , a• . arm I. la ,. , - le le tithe i.•u• :no Id n • I„:11•'4. 1( I. tit• -pill• when the worthy tbsetor briskly 10111 : Ibit,h••(1 I,3 lir �lalvutl •, .\ren I.ar•4 'fieryms, 15..".e" 5' e; tub:, 1G; • le I •elleireia I:1 -t seat thele N. ! • • III•• 11.••1 I singing iutwing the him to "shake off the feeling. li.. ,; ,I'r' h.•....ie,4.. 'tl•.WIilu a Ile I,l:11,•0. •, tier natio s .:al'. bol ow ,'•.0 the city for supplting a pleee' ;Ind set• Grimaldi, and if he dors 4,ails. I:4'.)r. I,.!• ,•telnpleved men to work, and , r ,• 1 - •.•sal. 11 ,' 1 e Ili those of Per, ; �, tl•,tht• NIIItP Ills'1 ,:1„ that lir Ili cure you )'Intl! ease is indeed •1 a n r.• . r , Ill, • v 1 ....end.,, , , I ,f the farm laborers r .1 1 1 „e • nrr dor 1 . 1 , • ;- 1.f �lnu•1 h, r Irse.' 'allose' said the 4,o.•I 4' tar 11.11•,11:'-sea:tete lane:olrt 1.. the, It.. • !. ;., I' 1i-11.4 ori'.• !a -t !.• '• • tl'hirh an i„� . t 11 sets in (!+•• : su0crcr, ''i nor (Irimnldi” Ili, Leith Dock re%(nue for the ye.ir (:1:'1'11.11.. _ - ___a. o urs: an, 3; n••1 strange 11 1 ,t ,re•l•( !new I CURIOUS 1:1'1'1'11'll�. lar <It,'i•n, /311.1 14(4.ra;e, Drell!). on •f loullwloul 111411 111(1 + I ,. (,r taro't's ye .1 I 1 d sed at 1^( assn twins. • i the Ila 11 44en1:1 •t•.p. I: u•• t , il'ut. at :1 filum •Ir.tul' . \ tl ,,I , t I f I '•nr orea1iun he clescribcd his case 111-Si'}SS IN MONTREAL. llentt.al, Feb. y.-- ;tats -\1. - • 11r,t 114- the ar►nt. :llalrkt•1 g•irdi•it , t. •1 oleate thy pr.li•In- VI -111 ..f the hrnn•le•, epitaph r4'+ul% -Here Ann 1.• ' 1 anndi:ul Western, ea t•. h;�._r; No. leen ::s. it,! . , line site wit1 1 'ran n big part of the firm ` I• .t• . , we1,. 'I„ werptll(( IIr, 4,f Ise 1':l tial". ,1 prize of �l[Nl 14 Sn,(1 141 11114' 1.. 1 • 1.,' r Onlalrin \n. 2 whole • 1111. I 1 ,-t, 1: oration r sorb„!1.11 freak e4urk, alt i 11 is hoped to make the . I •1.• .4e1 -t 111!11 'I , I I••1• ill the tett -1 4(•:Uhe, %elite:re self -tar 4-•-rting. . , I 4 l -.,ts 41111- 11(.14,1 , . . ' I:nn •10131 00044'1 0044.• (1,4111 11 • ..•4 , .1^elei: ..f :•. .,1•:It 1 . , 111.1 Ihr billies call, •r rat, II 11 1 11 Irk 111) 111.11 1 \1)S, ,..•:1, : 11' 1 .:e l• • 4 .':11'. i ,• ,' 1 •' , ell 111•• 41.4441 f .11,i. I 4 • -- 11.,; !',tel }••:11 ,1 ti It le-, •, i• ; • I the trim', an l tint 1::4ille.;11, 11111 NO Inl•1'1•llse Fire. .. r . Ite•KII •t,.•'1 •1 i 1.• s•ei '1 -II 'f1t4 11..r esol. - metre 11agee, i ,"- ., • e111 1.11.• ,•1 I-• 1, 1:,. •,.1t• 1 ••n• thi eintlillerib' , arty of "lir reil:ters know th10, , eros, $5.:111 ', *SI); : Namiiglt 1 11.1 I,�'.• • I . •. 1111' d••.tt;. '.,; 1: ,. :.t :1. I..I•r of 111.• Ir:14'1•,. '' •'1•'•)•rt.11 (1.1111 New 1••rk says: 1)(eiglas Jerrold and Cherie.% 4 r Ir'n* bakers', *,►.in; s., 111hl rel a • ` • etilteads in the r 4111141'8 have Knight 8101''. Tiles were dining t1 , It $5.10 to $a •moi; de., bags, leas I:' :7 --` •� `-�.-' 11,.',1. i Illy re ,rv••.•Iln•tirev .4 a:,• ,, I(her (none 1 III \Illi{:11 11111111'llll:r.f. t elea,sion when the ,;, 10 tit $2•:►1►, F(,.:1 Uutlii,• In'!II 0111 III .men of the t'ejeeti,11 •'f their 1(4•111ersiition turned 11p111 epilnplts.i •..,.sal le ret ,,. $. t: flit:u•i•• nril'lling,. )ren e,Rcreel by one Tllrpe, v'h•' 11 I , t 1 : do., No. 3 white, !'t tee was desirous of bring 1,4•rl.,•lufitt •l .. .I•, , N. 1 white, 1•: to bel briefly 4)11 Ilio tolubst•,tt,•. Ih.• 11;11 I. 4 \.•. 2, h!4''.: tit (, \ 1, 3, t•ortlpetlor sent in "Her•• Loa J.' , Nu 1, :d:' fr. 1 'fir • ee's corpse." This ass 14 1 5I 1e. F1 sur Itlnt,:i ,1.1 (airily brief enough, but finally it svaeet patents, Prat., se:, - 1 »'1s 4'114 4.. '•Threpe's ('orpse.” seconds, $5.;'1►; Welt, r 441n a, i I, s a ei et't8 The , ..,.,L Ie• 1 1►, f t 0:- , mel •• 1 le Ihr I' cell•• ail --_. 01111w1-%%1`3 'Iepurtine et .•f a Til- \ea Yark Lily'+ Record lot, the dimmed, for n 10 t1 per cent. Knight, half to Jest sllggeard that t seet.541 1,, $21: 11:rnitth•t bra,, 1112.4; hrulltl' 11rTti lel'll tare; (•"11• ens,. lle'I',alse 711111 rather (',)114'014- .Jcrrelel should write his (Knight 4) Maeit,,ea al1'•1.44, $i113: 4111re g 1'•17111 1 •'.It• .1,41 ( Io11e•l. 01,•1- N. e. of \ the 1•• ' Jelie I ;sea.. Gray. piefe.-i..il- I4':'41.111 tensepitaph. The bllh)r(1 dropped ill I11ln111Ih`, $al Ise >R;mixed;ImixedIml1illlr,' al m100t.ian. 1':111111014 ninny Ilea I. • , n Nee 1',,, k ,14', ' „melee,' 1,1 at p114 81,• /test►ilh'h • the time. but % K how 1• alkin ht! (tJSi ' t'+ $l!►. (hese! -41. 1 ..11)4. 12 I , R 118111'1' 1f Il'l tt ask) cowman. I sl. I � .r •. r i , „see. fleet 1 Skase nil 11 a:1m - lk . a tie i(ethe r Ill the evening they came to; ,�I ( 1 (4, ) ,c; (.n•1( ens, It 111;(•, • ! Vide Irl :1e I•slitaltur 11 express (trill ,�, ., \• 1 1.1., , .I, food. /•\prt•44 n eilli,gness t1, ar- n %put ehere each had to take a' e Jl 1 butter 1'hoi,•1••t cream' • . -) f0 b'. 011(1:,1! 141, 1111•0.1(. I n „• ,•• i• ," I, I Irllrntl the gll(.,111.11 tt wages. but I ICpnta(e rand. .1/ rhtl,l. Cxtltlthn4' tic' fro sh 1•/•'e Ipls ill •., i • , I',. • ,•yr- t n, 0 44'I 1t •. •. e• ,i. 118118 info.!( •,•, d(nlnn ls. The 1..11-111 .•t tit• Sncings Mud, , his hand to hie frieu•1, rrmnrkell : I•:KKs--Selerled nets l:+i•I, . �• '•• - �-- _,}_���.,. "1'1•f• 111nllghl of n 1.14:iteel (a)Itaph s•.14•(•te 1 lit, 1 s1 4•k, 2.1 iti :'•• •, 71111 II 911 1 11 1' I 1 1 1'IT1' DEBT. 1 f..1 y011." "N 11111 i4 it Y. said 104 \,. •1 eandie.I. 5:' 1,• 5': • 1, r dtze,4. frit,.) moth interested. ' Oh, ter3 (late sonie0tdJ Insured for a Suf•1 h,i. fxlitht , and fiery situple, Goer(1 1•NITEII HT.1'fhs M.111Kf:TS. , llile•atikee. Tabs e. Wheel \•' i re...t rat s. cit.' bright, strut. I )111'I,g '• -11.4, 41 Int the .,.' • u... 130 y(:11 the tb•pesil 14 Itlere•a-eO 11P i 1e 1e•11. -1 leeilte 1 e" 3 . 11, n• 111'1) ftetetaN,t, 7111'1 the p:l41111•,,• 5.0 7, Si %1 of Ion' II••(. 1 ., •-re:t•.' 1 I,1 e4 •'r *2:01.01$ . v • '' le.' • II•ril i',g. _'•; ern• .I , 1114.1,• slaipletil.lers lame lied dor- •lebletu, while i►Innt ma, eta 'ear eft t, ,4(•I•, u► tlele►.t11 ;ltd ti -1. e ere reseeeel,', t .•4,. Thi.- t• •,) inrrrn,r ..f 14.337 other fourteen. S11 t 4t• 4..Inptt,c•) a ilia 191),. 1►nt is I1:'. Snhw a3 8,41 (.'• ail•, lit into emu. There nre Innny curious epitaphs • .• ,'ell1 1 de.p11(b front, Ilridgeport,ort 1•Iyl•x. 11,'t•(''s ot14' from Mer• 1 \urlhern, ill.11:' (, KI.1'' �„ ) s insurance oil hi% lifc>t•.n. Lane,/% •1 Norther% *LIi to SI.la: 31! Parisians Must Not, hock Sewers with ( • 11., says: Sort' : (. t t_ surfeee ears 'tl.ln' , Ile,. \. 1, `+1.. l n 1111.4 1;11• 1'eetld Intal of and kill. -., 1.• • ,,• asst 1,.•14,m,•n :r•.,IN>V,0(N) and $3,(Mtl),- 4 , •, 1 1 -.Ii,. 1.. If ► iia'.. hoot. 1,:1111`1 .Stallldil•.i 1 a f t i Celebrations. �•,; alt,lnml",ile- a•,: motor et Ili pray the premiums ere lits ray wife, ;I1 P ionAehti Llllincr Ce ebrations. Herr 11h 464', 1Blaine,. Fch. e. wi e tt - til,, a. Hallelujah! 4 1' '.14 1' ••\ IP 1 11 1 1; 1\ CE. 1 1 1 11 I' 1 1,,e.• f 11 1 Ill Hellclidt•e ! sten.1%; .' Nei -Iberia 1 d•'spai,•:, from Toio; to s'tys: 1 While lessee -lints (!:,»'a this walk • flan the Parliament hnil.li'Igs un :Thursday evening ::horny after the . !j"wrnme,t of the Lehi-tature. !1,.•4. A. J. Mathe.en slipped and 'I. fracturing his left arm just 4 leu• the; siotl ler. 'Che n••eiilent t:l red alrtut ere. tout 1:0 1 feet fn.'n the entraee seof the Nerve', at a1 :pet where the w:i::; .i0: iiaes ru tier sharply. 'Ile Pi'. in: i tl Tre1- su►er, after being assisted to' his feet by Col. Hugh ('lark, M.P., of l'e titre Bruce, who was ...nil Slid, eats able to walk beak t • the !trams i the Hun. 1)r. P. . '1'h•• lei-rs to of alduceti ,, • '.ice 1 the fr:i.- lurt•, and Mr. 11 '. •ao'l ons 1 tte•r !multi•( in a 1', • • iutil►ula::.e (0 li44 11'ester,l He ;1. T11.11"I:Li.i:f(s ofia}:("r. ('lo.iu: 1lfnnipe;; I'1,lwlll(r on Sun- day. 11:ty ('al,'.' 'tremble. 1 (14 spal(•h from Winnipeg s't1 .: ('onur,cl(•ial 1ravel'ers who mike this city their hcaclquarter1 on Sun - dare are top in arin% over loon (1•.• eisiun of the Government to e1,se the i'u;lofliee .0I Sunday at the re - •x n Lent's re- quest ) 1' •e 4► t f the 1, td Day AI 7zn( strati most r•Irenuous opposition is going to he offered to the innnvn- tih.n. :\ delcgntien may go to Ot• t-1:•. • t' fight it. N }:1\ \ .11.1•. 1 ea 111)•4)11" 11'ar4hipe are 1lring 111:1,•41 to the Merl. 1 :'atc11 fr,tn 1'irtoria, R. ('„ -les 'female low warship8 are to Lea. I• L , n for additive' t� r t )7 alt t the )i n- 1 eel• 1.143 by 11)17, anter the new Is'igr:un,le, areerdiig l.) advices hi, odh1 ir3 the %% Marti Mau•ti Is1 \I'ed- needa4'. 11.•%en, including four 1)!•ealtllltligi.t . ,(1• pl'atatieally (•Ilttt- plrte. fie , ! i,••1 , are .five cruisers and teat (1 `! I. ,14.4. Th,: rest are elerut t1 1..• , 1 .! ,•4 n. 'tnlnunt. and the programme will be tinnily decided upon at tie confer- ence ir1 111unt!(•tll with 14 a few ;revs, when Vice -President 'Whyte and his assistant, C. Dennis, will represent the western system. Tho •Io::hl'•-traeking frons Winnipeg to Brandon and the c snpletion of 2`25 miles •.f trade -laving connecting Mame Jaw with Castor, gi•, ing di- rect communication with Edn,o'Iton over the urw Itne, will probably 111:r !t!aee, and the \1'eyhurn-Leth- .bri i',,• Fee will also be completed, 1 1:1 ;.I) REL.1�1'I1'ES iN('IH:.1sEet 'Tet 11:13, ltcfurc 1 • Teeple 'Turned l hcia (lu .1 1lespatch from Mau, says: There are many curious echoes hien the city hall. A faction e•f the defeated host claim that two of tho newly elected controllers may be proceeded against on the ground that they have not property qua1i- fc•atione. 1t also transpires 11►1t at a secret session of the road com- mittee two days before the election, presided over by Chairman Giroux. a general increase was voted to the elnpleyes, a sun of Giroux, getting an advance of $C0;), and Gallery's . cousin $u(w - --q.--- 11 L It 1t 11.11 \ BLOCK 111' 1{ \ }:D. Fire Paused 1►y }:�pin+inn of Stege in l'hineee Laundry. .1 despatch from St. ('ath•trines see s : 'I'lu• 1XpIoxion of a gms.dine clove in a ('6:nese Iaundry in 11er- riton .eta Thursday cititsed :t fire alueast completely destrere d the Hough }:leek, in whic;l are situated M rs. lot:nnift,rd's grocery, • •'s -Stn s , e ( barber a .. (soft I Chas. !t l'hine:se laundry awl an 1111,ntt fruit Attire. The Lincoln, Iit',rdan anti 41erritton la Ise ctnlpunies re- %4,on4'ed to the alarm, and after two \ lit urs' work succeeded in getting - control of the fire. The loss is es- timated at ebuut $3,OO.l, with very little insurance. „Ao TBAGEDY AND CARNIVAL 411,1 horse 4ti.ie'e•, ;!1. 1)f 1s 'sled 1,•.1%e the benefit% unit r the t.•n,,,hile• 4i.•In t-. 23 o,•t•• ' 1 • " 1, 11' at his dentll• is the• novel v4hr.lt :ae J \o I \n 11 1 ,:es 11t(•h trent 1':11':-, t'e' - . c , 'll 4 elm1•,1,• •• 11 e, t•• i i , i" 111• for paying I(` city debt, 4 I i 11, 1. 4M1(irl' al the 4)nhcC I.•nirs, Stun.. $1.111 , ; \1"int' .• \ 1',.. 0 ,1,1, j•• 111111111' 4 1 Mlle -id reit;. «'1014: of the 111•,1:• 1.1 11•rs slick- , weggoes, rim., anal ' L4 ea -sent, ( Iry lla%id S. Beach, to I 1 •tlrf,l(e r11t":. 1 w Itl(Igeport murmur (,,,salol. Be1 I 5 »•lout`, 41 _'. ('wir11 \1. :. ! 4 • .. 11,1, ••••• es tlrf be111.• 1•• 1 ,. are urging t I I 1 .1n inscription (acrd over the � that Iie caulk -al r:•!,.- aipulates in relnttl tall lh(' cit'. grate of a micsinuary who wan n(- (t(;)114': \1, 4 yellow, fi)'tc; :\ : 014 all sire . allthonuh 1nu••il :,(ill loathe's hr al andont• 1 an 1 fleet. ritlelltull5 ' phut In India read thus: "I"' 1:3' . t1 (Cif:: \,,. 1 white' 4.4 !.•,mint 4" h • .;• 111'. Ile• 1)11111 y'11.111111ril'. Altellt 111 Illeltt .11.1. 1'Ii1: Ill►I11I'� 4 111 \I1, ; 1 lent t1 )44.4 1444.141.4 %. a nn.nunm•nt _ _ t1 Ii:h•. Oat% I'i1'Itl. '1'11'• (•'IeR ' nal 111 limes ere 1'e! iii be elevated I , the sufferer's. 1111 11 -likable insceipl lens neelai,l• friter sere Nem. 141.1', 4 :brit( 1177 Sins the originator el mnni,'ip.11t if' rt' lies the Hey. .\ - 1} pear shape, noel nite•eages are '1?'e greatest energy is bring 1 e.1) b) the 4 111.1'1•111. life imnrul.,. Fur utatnv years 111) ,inner%• in It - I.!\'1: S'1'O('I( 11.\IIK4 )!r••�ll14. elelat4•1. Except f'1 16e xhl•wn by the Health flepnrtmint t district, 11 '11(r••:11, Feb. e 1 here Kett• n' Iil-t: ihtti,tl 1f feel the •1;• i -•es • in with the view to forestnlli'Ig an \ ,4.•• 7 .•1, 11 f1•nn Moulin' l'!' 7413''•: "ilii l'I'III'll\ 4 4\II k.4141:11. H • was accidentally Idea by lois nn• 1•11"i''•(•111111- on 111'' 111:111°•1'laid 4111':.111)urbs i•1 ):lilt unrrh•••.,• I. 'De. epidemic. %toy tons 4)f di••iefee- \ Ile,:••1:14-e..lell of lh^ ill — 11('7 sylvan!. el 4 -per Ih, anI nitwit l!1''' •1, price water there is still dece in 111,' 171111`, 11:11e been distributed nll'(•Idy 1:arh Wlba vibe $5,(K$) for Relief of "11'cll deer, thou good and faithful pai14 ; 41t•.'l.ly good animal, • •,I.1 nt hilIl' 's 111! 1 factories. k (111 and 4 11 work continues (I ave1,.4s1,V. 1'1'1`111.11 1'10011 Sufferer...MCI'.lint '' I�.► le :r' -,e: eilttltl'li sleeks ='1 Io IPA. h( Ib11114rd. .\-t•es, free, Paris The 1:.1'et1110ent will mealy to Par- -.."1 - Ie in t• Ib. : match rwi4s frwinl $::11 10 i% else very dilli,ult. lienrc•nt alar much larger appetpria- .\ de<pafth from Londe!' s'vs: ,1r ('hrlmsferd, 1:a•ace, on a .441110 $i;tt each. calves fl•Ini 1 (o lie per The prefect of p'Iiee lin, f'rbi.l• lien;, 'I'hc first grant nli•e:t:Iy has beret Slarth••e•1:1, the t ,nt'l'li.ut to the memory of 'Mary Bleeitt lb. She••p 1' per Ib: lambs:, fit :c do n the. throwing /of c1'If.•Itt dm Ma 4 ,•••11 ahs,oh(d. \ patti•tl indica- If'gh ('11111111• -Inner, and 1'.tilpeter of the Swan" it is stated that she per !h. Geed let: of fat lt,.is fv.ele (111` (Illative' ('1'I''hrit,lI, (I11 a(•ek (1••11 of the eI.1111"ereanl 115''14 en" 11 illiam hate each donate 1 v:.,6011 "was the wife of trine husband~ 9 to 9',e per 111. Iest it Meek the sew. I's. .1x4111 414 h • 1.1118i11( 11 frnl 1111•fact oil. 4)110 4', tie Mansion House fund for fie• successively, bet the &ell] outlived Terence, I'eh. e. 1'. ime but.hers' '.lel lies se.•'l the said; int( cora:.•!!" eel,. nor:', Sant (1.x1 )4•LINr.I r. ►11('1)4 relief et the starlet( rs b}' the Fr• nc•h her." it is added, '"The Text l.) said at $' to H:,.Gil, while export.- ties of mooi.II.i she t, :'1 17t• ('sues of eine, ehicli was 1aas',i'-i inti, the (hide. 'file fend now amvuets to lfer Funeral Sermon Seas: `I.ast of ere' were firm at $5.eo to :a•:. (does :,1 01.• Belli(''f1t(II atl.l left to he 1'111• 'rem heeded '.ardi''u'•e3 at, $150,000. ail, the 11'rman died also.'' ate) hulls were in strong detrain( w1:.i' d in to the drains h,; senvel:- Pelee. 1, •ll) Iht11-:41•41 1/4111.11 1411' 1111u:1 .11114,•1el's. 1 •;•••!••eiel, (tole (blame s•Iy+: I ,:H.,,lu will 14,4e 4'0.11I0 10 n.(1 1,1 the II••'•1 •offerer, in Frame. :\ •el: phew -ea 11, e.titnali I,re%iding f.,• 1111 • all' Smogs, 11se a in the t er:ele m• 1.) 1101. 41r. Fielding nl (1,.• opening 11 Ili, H1use en Meri- da wreck a 44144•1111.1.14..1 )epI'. I a• htl'll . I 1141 he was clue 1111141 he rr'rhe'l rat Penis in r(•+4).'14 1' the , 1 all lb,. O••dt• s in the 11,.•.-r+ll•,.•"1 - query of 11 fee '1,134 1I. - 1 1 Ile t• I al -rent. wits rel streeg ,,t• 1,11,114 tirnl lb,• l-o,i •.1 1:" t�nnllgh t.. tarns them ne 11 (:(•n- , t •e;,,• � 4(I(llit lint (•.,(aloin' 1,:, :1 11 ;.;11 S114rerttllell(ll`rat (.Intl Illi= „11.1 •1•• ,i n'(1 (rem ('ion: 1:: 11' '11 1 41:,,1 1111 been :Isle to assien duly ,,• 1 :1 4'.4•114411 1.4/1•\ (n the m,le•'l i1 nlc, ..,n-'' fur the• reek. t,t;n,14 The Iv•114e1r ..f I Irl�.l 1• .:,1 1,• the allot,. grant is. three' 11 •.13. at i.,•itll 11'''•" dry d',(•k 141 1,.,1C', a.k•d by the i;overntllent. feint: noel, t' ay.