HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-02-10, Page 1(tut/et fir""rrOr.".....r ---erect , . _-,w, -i•�,. gym; 11 URON& [1 DDLESEX GAZET1 t THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAIt-NO 1896 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• •NNN••••.•••.•••••••••••••••••• JONES & MAY'S Phone No. 32. • >t >t „ • 11 HE NEW DRESS GOODS Are All Opened Up NOW 18 1NE TIME FOR THE BIJVER The Best Assortment. the Newest Colors and the tuost fash- ionable Goods are found on our counters this season. Among the New Goode are Venetians, Broadcloths, Voiles. Crape de Paris, Resilda Satin Duchess, Silk (Moria, Poplin. Taffetta, Pan- ama. Wale Serge. Diaganol Serge, Etc. Some of the new colors are Paris Tan, Wistaria, 0stawba, Amethyst, Rose, Gray, Red, Brown, Blue and Black. Come Early for a Good Choice. Advance Showing of Spring Wash Goods The to ist complete range we have yet shown. All the new- est Goo,is in the latest colors are now :peg for your inspection. Plain Linen bultings Just the s goods odds for the Spring. Colors of Amethyst, Wistaria, Catawba. Linen, Paris Tem. Blue anis Brown. Fancy Ginghams Large and small, Stripes. Checks and Plaids. Very ser- viceable for Dress or Waists for Children's wear. EXETER, ONT , CANADA. THURSDAY MORNING. FEB. 10th 1010. SI.oO per year in advance Fancy Lin. to Sultings They are ver} Nifty ty euit - inns and conte in .the same colors as the plain prim uf- both. 15e to 50c per yard. White Goods Pure Linen, Vesting Indian head Duck, Drill, or Fancy s' fu ltns Nothing thatg bet- ter looks be - ter than white, Gents' Furnishings for Spring Our New Shirts are better than ever. All the New Colors. 'rhe new Ties are right, up to the times. New Collars, Belts, Fancy Sox, Gloves. Etc. Everything is up-to-date in this Line. A Word For. The Housekeeper RUGS LINOLEUMS WALLPAPER too R06tn Rugs tc. choose from. The best assort- ment ever shown in Exeter. 20 pieces of the F iinest Scotch Linoleum. Ev- i cry piece new. 5,0oo Rolls of the New Wall Paper. We are prepared for u biggest sea or son. Jones & May Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper. 0 ••••••••••..•••••••••••••• ••••••.•.•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • is • • • • ••• ••• s� • Bring your Boy to us and We can Dress Him Neater, Cheaper and Better than any Other Clothier in town. Men's Overcoats a n d Suits in a big Choice of Styles and Cloths. High Class Furnishings, New Collars, Shirts, Sox, Hats and Boots and Shoes. SfINDY BfIWDBN. AN% -The Best Flour -- If it is the best Hour you went there is but one place in tf)wn to get it--- that is from us. The brands are: JEWELL (Ontario Blended) PURITY (Western Canada Flour Mills) Leave your:orders or can up Phone 2.11 R G. SELDON, Exeter. Ili" slurs TRAM NEVI!n CAMP. Il \QR. i freighted a 'hap )lith hopes and .1reanee. And 111111illyd the sail, with prayer. 'And hoisted the nncbor to the decks On a morning bright and fair: And elm glided away in proud array l►n it gleatnitig, jasper sea. Ila in all the years of waiting and tears She never ram,` beck. to n: t 1 freighted a ship out. the Greed Gold, Ariofd set it afloat again, And victualed it well and barbed her decks With guns and valiant mem A. sho left the shore, the breakers' rats A reluien seemed to be, For in weary days to my yearning gaze, She never catne back to me. 1 freighted a ship w itli Fame's De- sire. And gave her the wings of steel. And sent her away on n stormy day With an anguished heart's appeal. Ther‘struggle began wit h my fel- low 10 111 \V hose canto the chip's shou id be. 11111 she aliened the brawl for never at. a:11 Did the ship come back to ile Then I sailed a ship all laden down With Love of my Fellow Alan. And all of her cost from my ledger I crossed Ere the voyage of the ship began: Hut never a ship that left the sin) Made such n voyage es she. For n thousand weight of her prec- ious freight Came sailing hack to mr. LOCALS A Sunday school and Epworth Lea- gue institute will be herd in the Maio street church on .Monday. Feb)•. lith when addresses will br given by [C.v. F. L. Farewell, JJ. A.. of Toronto, and Rev. 11, Snell. of Kirkton. Mr. anti Mrs. lt, Italie and daugh- ter, of North Dakdta. are visiting: Mr. and Mrs, 1'. Elliott and .other relatives in and around town. Mrs, llarry Goufdinit (nee ,.Miss L. Walper) who has been visiting friends in Exeter and vicinity, leaves to -day Thursday. for her home in Ilamiltoui. The Timms Want Column is steadily increasing. Advertising brings re- sults. Do not fail to have your Auction Sale ad. in the 'clines. Look over this column on page four. Dit. OVENS EYE AND EA',:IUlie geou. will be at the Commercial hotel. (lours 9 a. m. to 1 lt. in. Glasses properly fitted and diseases of eye. ear and nose treated. Next visit Sa- turday. March 5th, all day. REV. RICHARD IIOJIBS The present pastor of the James St. The scholars and friends of the Methodist church. who an Sunday las% I'resbyterain Sunday school are in- celebrated hie jubilee as a Christian. vited to a sleigh ride Saturday af- Ile was converted to Christ in the termor it the weather is favorable. Bible Christian chapel, in his native Mr. and Mrs. John Itowcliffe. of the parish Jtradford. Devonshire. He at London road have placed their home once united with that church, Febyt at their disposal and it is the inten- 1860. In due time he %%as exalted to tion to meet at the church at 2,30, the rank of a local preacher on the drive to Mr. ltowctiffc's, bave tea Sbebleier Circuit. beim; No. 5S on the and return early in the evening. The plan of appoint merits) itV. and local Parents of the scholars are providing preachers. For a time he served the the refreshments nod all are looking church of his early love as choice as forward to a good time, as evangelist. \\'hen a young man be was seized with a desire to sec more of the world and emigrated to i� •a' wishes es Canada in 1870 a test the h of 1. his pastor and friends who wished hint to center the ministry in his cxn country. However. he took passage in the S. S. Germania and during the voyage bad none rough •tad 31vh0 experienceie It tens his ship that collided t it h the 'City of Quebec" Con. Uro. E. \V 11_ in mid atrean, and sank her in a fee Jiro. C. Birne minute1J. Several times during the V. Mr.trememberc•. ► y d'd Hobbs tb (• tet over t WS. • 1 lt.., Ileo. ro. E. (tow- counsel of his friends 3t home, and. i.; j,. imagined himself n veritable Jonah. Arriving here be settled near St. Thomas. with it view of farthing, but r two years. was prevailed upon t• 'eel( for the ministry. and ie dillies at the instance Jeffers and Rev. h,• spent tt hich I'11c officers of the Exeter Lot)gca No. 67, were installed on Tuesday evening fast by 1).11.G. M. ,Uro. Fowler and an installation team front Seafortb. following is a list NI;Aft1' REPOIIT OF EXETER of tbo officers: J. 1'. (:,. Bro. S. T. '011 OOL Jiobier ; N. 1:,. Bro. W. Al a rray ; V. G,. Uro. C. Northcott ; Item. Secy. Ilro It. N. Taylor ; Fin -Secy. Jiro. A. E. Puke ; Treas. Jiro E. Dignan: War.. 't 11. Jennings lis It • Ji } 'N. G.. Jiro. C. [.. 1'cnhale ; 1.. S. V.1... eliffe; It. H. S.. Mu. L. Coil 11. '\Voirlenhammer. Principal. 8, S. Bro. S. Sanders; I. (%.. lir - FOItM II. I)ay ; O. t;.. Bro..1. 'rriebner : Chap., Honors; S. Petty 76, J1. 1loftgarth Jiro. Cross, After the officers were 75. Pass: E. Case 65.6. No. on roll installed an excellent rocinl rw n:ng aft average attendsnc'' ^t, was spent. M. Robb. t, .,cher. Rev. I'. 1,, C. Harris managing di - FORM 1, rector of the Toronto Humane So - Donors: C. Pickard F3. 1'. Brown ciet y, gave a au ntber of addresses in 79, M. Ilobkirk 78. ('ass: ?It.. Mor- gan 71. I. Rennie 74. It. Wood 7,t' Sunday d rho forepart of the week, no be preached in the Presby - A. Coupe 71. V, Geiger "I. F. 1Wr•L�,, 69. A. `Villin 69. 11. Case 66. A. Itraken.hirt 65. 11. ltissett (15, S. 01:i - ger 63, M. MacQueen 63, M' Darch 62, Cnnunercial. Seniors. G. 'Hooper I. W. ,iradt 63. H. Gillies 60. JAtn- iors: C. Ilarvey 64. D. Atkinson 63. E. Bricktwood 63. No. on 7011 49, daily average 11. A. M. Johnston. teacher. hn b . 1'. S. Department 1000M IV. Sr. IV. Honors: Jean Neldan 86. N. Hill 85, Irene Rivers s.5, Florence Arnold 8O. Joe Davis 79. Greta Js - address steps were taken to organise .r t 77 Myra Morgan 7a Pass: n hi manr find ch'Idr ' sid F o ei t S Snell 74, David a I 71.Viola Roo,.tr in town. The receiptsto ter • Sunday 71, Fred McPherson 71. James Walker afternoon 86,33; Monday ni•rht f4.!lz 70, Nellie Jones 67. Russell Ualkwill total $11,28,, Expenses, Toronto to 67. Ariel Beverley 65. Gordon Pen- Exeter $1.50; hotel bill $4.00; total hale 61. Chester Comltie 61. Bert GE. F11.50. Mr. Harris expects to be in Ties fig, .1r. IV. Honors; 1, Bw•eet. town tbo latter part of the week to fire Muriel Jones 83. Iteta Rowe 8O, conduct n case. Francis (till 711. Florence Rowe 76. 11. \Wniker '76. Maggie Cate 75. Erie Itur- _ •CK 1on 7,5. fast• Oltvcr iio,IRert 74. Is Ihl('IvE\' I1. S. 1),','irlt t FORM iit. Honors; A. Pickard 82, C. Picks SO, 1.. alartin 78. 1.. 1;. Watson .:r. Pass; W. 'limey 7:1, II, Jones 72. (;, Nutt 69, A, McPherson 68. No. on roil d0, average attendance 28. Sto6k and roultru Foods offer entered uIw of the late Rev. 1. 11 Starr. After t four years lravelling. dnrin; time be did good work in Exeter. . pen. Aylmer and Merlin'_ 11.• then en - terian Church in the morning and i+t iered upon a course at the Wesleyan the Main SL iAlethodist church nt and McGill Co:beges. Montreal. from night. .On Sunday afternoon be ad- which he graduated. winning the dressed a Inns. meeting in the Town Sanford prize lSpr•ciali fee nroficirnc}' (fall on the rhi:dren'e Aid Society in theology. Ile was ordained on tee the work of which is the onthrowth of 10th of ,lune 1877. and appointed tei the work of tie, Humane Society. silo the charge at Acton. Since that time Monday afternoon he gate two ad - Mt.. has been moved to '\Vashington, drosses to for pupils of the school on Mt. Pleasant. \iugar-t Fn1:A, Ti'son- + B 'London.\V. b,r r.intfor 1. n •1 ar i i n. the 1 i i l \L` work.M1 Kg t of rc i y On . o»daly evening :i lecture was given in the Town hall on "The ll+unant, treat- ment of aniruals and its influence on the home". At the conclusion of this International Stock and Dr. Scott's " Royal Purple " " Herbageum " International heave Cure Dr. Scott's " " Poultry Food 25 and 50 pkg " 5o and 1.00 pkg 5o and 1.50 pkg ' 25 and 5o pkg So 5o " Sto6k and onitru IlrnfflfflcS International Worm Powders 50 Dr. Scott's 50 Louse Killer 25 Healing Oil 25 and 5o Cows Kelief 5o Balsam of Myrth 25, 5o and 1.00 Sulphur, Salts and Salt rutr6 Ouster Shell HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE R Winchelsea o f th c cmeeting •1 t add A teen, Kirilhroy and Toronto. coming from patrons of the Winchelsea Creamery Toronto to the .inntes Street church. was held at Elimvi!le oft Thursday ; in 191)1 h.• oa.. elected I'residtnt of afternoon. The Auditors' rel•ort as the London conference and is held presented by 9.a Andrew and 1V:: in the highest esteem by his brother Smith was read by Mr. Andra, >+ increase r. is throughoutthe province. _ 1 sal rn r c rr. • tbro h ► r rn r , sic nt gP Lard a e1b ► 3ho s 1ipresent c hh. nt c to int t nt char.. to Hobbs c n hisr 1 June last anti since that limn^ h}• bus genini mind Oensnnt disposition he has endeavored himself to his whofe congregation. being universally pop- ular :intone them. in his revs?,.;ions of the gospel truths he is not afraid to speak out for his Master. and his sermons are well delivered. ®dim is )im ":r• si I sz" rzumum � FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING 111 11 11 ,1 111141111.1141111111111'111 11'11 14114111 itiust i.iItIU1I1 Parlor Suit Parlor Tables Easy Chair Odd Chairs Music Cabinet Couches Sideboards Hall Racks Buffets Kitchen Cabinets Dining -room Tables Dining Chairs Dainty, well -made and at reasonable prices. Bed Room Suits Bed Conches Mattresses Springs, Brass and Iron Beds Newest styles anl all at popular prices ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading tloiue Furnisher,. and Funeral Directors. M{ K lr •tit .r.rtllf + iui•o• • .� • t � l•„�••N.:wti�iirwilh� YiiWiiNiiiii stn felting ins" •,he "Poi's" .Junior (lector 71. Thornton Fear 67. harper y (refCURLING (fivers 69, wench,. Gushes lib. Mar- hockey team carne down to try con- 63. on- On \\'rdnc�day evening of Net week i1 ' CI A O with r t n nth th Exeter x r Ju i nor. a d n 11 G3 L I T fit, . c Exetercurlers 1 at Mord Lolo at:ur r w f t c t rs ion c th too rink. o h 1.111..1 Day ii1. 1.:, 11.•!.e Handford 61, %%Cre beaten 12 to 1 Froin the :,tar, returned to 1'arkhill to finish the No. on roil 43, average attendance the Exeter boys went after the puck • bonspicl which had previously leen nod succeeded in l,IncinR it 6 times 1 f h• t 39. C. Vomiter. teacher. Ittl(IM V. Sr. 111. Ilona'.. %V. Manson 83. I,. 11,•dd• n:1, M. Heywood 8'2. 11, Hod - ger( s2 Alberta knight 79. ('ass; A. last half Exeter scored five more Rei; .Io•• Fo.litk 72, 1,. I:est1' 72 goalst Altho'gh the [lenen'l tears played n good game they failed to keep together. white the Eget r for wards had good combination and their defence nen, et rang. The tine lip within the Ileneall nets before th' visit , visitor,. r A s c r e 1. t o they 0 o h ri b y rrnd.. their only score of the evening. At half time the score was 7 to 1, In the E. (anile} 70. A. I)ny 111, O. Davis 68. W. Kph] 67. 0. Dlncdonald 65, .7. efcCnllagls 01, Jr. 111. llonors; .1'.tckvol► lit. atat Men. Ruston AO. A, \lack 78, Pais: Marjorie Heiden 70. II. Perrone 67. Flotonce Wood 67, E. Davie 65. Fanny Dewey 63. No. 00 roll a3, average attendance ;:0. 1. S. Murray, teacher. ItOOM VI, .1 r. I 1 I. llonors : Melville Madman rf I,i , /.nefle 8:t, III -i Ilorney l3. til. wilt Vincent 79. Karl Weidenhnm. mei 7:t. Dorothy White 77. Gerald Fit- ton 70. Dorothy hunt 75. ('ass; Dora Ilnuideti 71. Gordon Were 6'S. George ' Irl wean 01, Sr. 11. Honors; Illic'Ua Hensel!, Cudmore. port:, At one man. (mi111: 'McQnren. cover: Smith. left Iludson centre ; Neiland. right : Jirandt, rover. Exet yr, E. Soothcott, goal ; G. Ac1►e- 3011, point ; 11. (•:Hint 1. cover: C. Ileywood. left ; 1I. lovers. ren: r F. Mal'ott. right : 11. tsontheott, rover. ) !05tpollee (.11 lrcolilit n 1 t thaw. They wer.% not successful in getting inside t lu• money. The local bopspie: was held on Mon- day. 11. Go•ild calve out best man in single competition. winning the stein offered by Mr. 1i. lluston. Geo. Anderson came nest winning the curl- ers coat donated by Sanely J1:nvden. Following is the resu:t of 1ho piny- ing : Preto llinary games -Rev. Collins won from 11. e. I'nylnr 11-5; Parry Gould frotn 11. Seldom 11-6; E. ,loner from T. Hoyle by default ; A. Taylor t h o t f II. Ruston by default. First Draw -11. Gould non (Iota E. .Ions 111-R: ltev. Collins iron' Alf 'l'aytifr 8-7; N. 11, ilurdon from W. W. Tatman l+-;1: .1. 'i'nylor from Fred Itawden 8-1 The saner tram wont to tl nsnll ``bile 4', "orthrott won from L. 1'a1- Tmc.dny to play 1 he return snatch. mer. 11. \Wilson ',roll .1. Ere ve and EdisoR's lolesl ood Gr t i o rs h is un- questionably The gluestionably nt Ed so 's t n many inven- tions, while it seems ion- , �,.� possible to improve the Phonograph Ihenn ra h o The e g F now. b r. t ' r nover ins' year. h 's n A b 1 Latest of k inn !neon - looter ., d ntl,. nd t l • s 3.. 2,1 n it 2 madeo !�C i :, tions is th - _:� a Amberol lode total monoy reccit•cd wn)r ,•.1,167.71 nn increase of 1 tl,5f,0.17 over 1!?OQ. 'rh minute Record. They play twice as business now ranks as on- o! tit the ordinary records. If you have highest In the dairy trade of *h' not an Edison Pnnnogr.tph don't de - Province and Ibis is due to ih ,rive you'elf of their 'company any hearty co-operation !hitt exists b.•- longer. The prices are within the twcen the patrons and the proprietors tench of all. Send to ns for Catalogues the joint -stork company that formerly Ito -day. trade the owing th had a large! The Purity J Willis Powell • ♦ excessive O/C • cc. rt C tactx u w1n to ! ie h t o tr a1 (, t ' is prices of• ,• rice k and o of ha„►int frisk an ! butter during' the }ear jest previous, -�- to its cbaneiog hands its business bad fallen off eonsiderab:yt It is to the ctredil of the patrons that they have rallied to the hep of the creamery' which in a sense is still then as !; servo... thein the satire as formerly. If the business still intreaacs it trial be necessary to enlarge the pros .11t. building and the intron•% very sever. AND needy voted a fair price for man't- facturing so that every one within the scope of the crenmery's operation.. rung feel sure Ihnt their cream will be handled to th, best ndvanta;t•• t e •1 reaches the secant •ry 111. !twit excessive cost to anyone. After th- business part: of the meeting a got/, programme of speeches took place. Mr. J. 11. Scott. of th • Exeter Cream- ery. Mr. A. 11. Doupe. of kirkton and '4r. holt. Gardiner appropriately ad- dressed t he meet ing on su bJect s re• letive to .Dairying'. 'Plast discussions by the audience showed their interest in these addresses. Mr. Iiarriron. o! the Bank of Commerce. Exeter end Mr. Driver. of the Molectie Ilenk. i:irkton. ,.ileo briefly tiddres•^d the neer: inn. lour eed anti treat the hoe:- seam 8 to 6. A; Gen, Anderson Jinni Iles, S. 1', sharp half time the /more was 6.3 in Exet• t'• by demi,;, SP' (Ind 1113"-11. liould 89. favor. Sandy J)alcden was reser• ltml (torn C. Snell 9.0 G. Anderson Cornish Pl. Alice 'I':'y.nr �larguer- from N. D. Ilurdon 1 10 3 : .1, letyl r RICK'S VORECASTS -t'- Parker'( 70. Lillie ,Wicker 75. _T from Rev. Collins 7-5: C. \atthrotl Prism: Mildred Hardy 74. (:dna .loons from H. \\'alcor t+G, Semi F,nnla -- e \'iota Welsh 71. Mi'ti' Welker 79, A Reactionary Sturm Period on ••n 1 11. Gould won from 0, ori two t 9-1 Mery i)ay 69. Millom Kydd fair. Grace tourhinu the Iltb. 1111, and 13th. "fill .\ii'l. i•nn from .1. 'Taylor 7-6. Finals t'.'Hine 63. Wm. Jacobi Gl, No. oil t„ : :11. merle, • attend:race 30. 11. SI. kinsman. tenches. ROOM \'li. Jr, 11, Honore; Alnre:act Sher!. 82. Ilaru'd Hoyle 81, Vera Marsha:l 79, Pass ; Alvin Cornish 7:1, Willie Brown 67. (:tar Darnel... 07, Ilrucc (Steers 07, Vera Sw,•rl 67. irene Ea.tcrbrook G:t. Leon Dearing 62. Clnr•nco Mortey tit, 1)elcm Chariton 60. I'risei:ln Collintt ,wood GO. Mary Morlock 60, Sr. 1't, 11. Honors; ItIndys Harvey f•'8. Vales Jones 8R. Mahe! Hackney 85. lirrtha Jackson 8:. %Veani knight 71, Irene Patefle 79. fres; Mildred Marl oily 71, Mildred Marehenrl 72. Violet Mar. lett 70. Norman Nutty 70. Arta Delve (14. Fred IIrimecombe 60, Charlie Ford 60. No, on roll 43. average attend - enc., 30, A. 1., Hleeth, teacher. 1t'00M \'111, Jr. 1't. 11. Honors; Verdi Hill 91. Thelma Connor 82. Ernie Welts 81. .Trssie Howey 76. Earl Mager '75. Wil- bert (Iille.pie 75. I'nss ; Josephine I13ris 72. Elmer 'rny'.or 67, I't. 1. llonors: Mildred Harvey 80. ('!}de lleeman 81. Philippa ilarnees 76. Pass: Edo nrd Yellow 72. May Web• rater 69. Wench.. Senior GI, (lamed krait! 61, No. on tie' 50. average attcndnnc, 30. 11. G. Pennock. teacher. Moon on the celestial equator and in 1.0n;11 6, Anderson 1. perigee on t he 12i 1,. eromf.e. •om : very severe morins. blains tht:ndr 1'14110 t\li ('O1 N('ll5th.. . \' and tierce wind. sou thtward-snow•. Council tact February gleet and high tures northward. Se . the menthes were present. Minot, s if your haromrt'1 4Intsn't warn }n^ of ,I:anrnry meeting rend and iip- ei this lime. 11e ready for sever,' proved. cold behind the .forms. Threntening lay -Intl• No. 1 1910 confirming the eouditione trill be pro'onged by 1 h appointment of elunicipal Officer. Slcrcery influence at this tiler. -\ nn.i fixing salaries was pissed. signed Iteeillar Storm Period covers the 15th and s••nled, to 2(It11. being central on the 17th. 'Two crises of need requiring mi- lli, Mercury dislurltnnce will he n: in,d,nte relict were' reported to the its culmination during :fns period. council. with Venue. Fart awl Mars • 1 in The Peeve and r 1ler'n t On were r '1' d het the •. c ens , . n period t .. eats t , force". htr is r, t tt.ti f r I .tl { n.nt 1 n ut 1. imrnnle;er A113111 11 be **-itched and tiles. 1'awson at Lumley with author - cautiously herded. If it ai"s veru It to relieve if necessary. low $en''raliy. 1orna.lic storms will C„m.nlelvn{t the urgent need or Ire prnhab!c southward. and b'iexards• ne.,te'iiate 11,11, the seri of 816.00 ens followed by n (greet co".1 wave north- n.lvant•ed to 1)r. Orme. of Crediton. to 110s,.1 fa 11' 1'' 3l'l 1.1r. 111 - (thea.. wnrd. Dangerous ire jams end floods eel provide nursing and rare for 11eitolia 2111. Vern ...it her. .1 r. 111 The rrgulnt meeting of th \\'o ici11 demand carr in centra? states. ales. Richard Colbert until t he ca.'' Heatrie, '1'ernhnit 745. 1 imili Iles - m.tn's InstiUrte was held nt the Imine owing to \'orbs rains. 1t 'hie Stec eau br invrslignted. n , ., of \li1'11131 . ('r, (:onttor ort i'ridnc lest. sten 11)1151 be ...coveted at th:' and ,\,'mania oillei Miall In $318.47 wore n►3nrt 16_. 1•:Ihcl O It'r 1n1, \\"attic the {rrr•vion. ,rind. The Mars r•r- Q fischrr 31!1. hr•,1 Nhiinrt '112. (toe After the regular lunares,. the.• .,.dies P 1 peesed 11111 1,111.•x. issued in payment. !;Inn's lie 1!11 He. 11-Itnsahel n 1'f iff twee• pb`nsa:itty mate rt tin d to 1••0 inti i!i fat enough progressed nt this Council then ailjour•ned to meet I:r6..lohriny 11eekninnn !r3 Jr, 11-.\I- by %lies Comm:. period to indicia, the ge►trral ton:, 'leach 5:11 ai um, O',,orl:. of 1,1or0. amt ii eel her i:ntil alter the F. NI011Li.'z . C:: tlls 1'rr1 Tischer. Ado)' ke?'en. Si Pt. Thr Quart eriy'(lflici:il hoard of 1T--\Wil!ir 1'ischrm. i.connrd fichro,•. .Tarnos St, alrlhodist church on bit's, - middle nl Aird•. \Ve believe that - - d r. .1 r. 1't. li-Borman Fischer, A. day nigh: test. {'ranted short, ry wining cnhditior's toil? h, rprime rril brinier. ex limier,. n : Ind 'weer... Do not h^ surprimed sol i( Children Vey Tomb III Seel,, TurilbW' Peal Fe' license to the following Wee! fee t; storms nu an�e the .outs. t ler. Sr. 1'r. i --Minford Leth r. VetDr, Rolls)en. leanest tinsoe':. Rut i-. fOR FLETCIIER S li,. I,el!er..lr. Pt. 1--T arms '11:r:t. Wilcox. Melvin 8owtheOtt. ►tags.• 1 coal err amts at and nhrrit s'nnn C A s T 0 R hall. NI, Che:lew. Teacher. • May and Victor Sweet. periods tae last half of February. 'The following iv n correct report for the pupils of 5. H. No. 3. Steph- en for the month of January. IV. V. Degnrill; A. V. C. Parsons: .1. \Wil;is. Sr.i'- lis; 11. i'ar'ons. Jr. 11I. 1.. Sanders: C. Treibner; G. Staulake. Sr. 11' M. Tleibner; 1'. Sanders: 11. I'reszratnr: Sr. Par: 11 A. Ilam.lton : (•., Ilnnli'- lnn Jr. Part i1 A. Shapton : It. Par- son.: Et Ilovat 11,. Sr. Part I. lis l're•ecator: C. l'i nt akr. Jr. Par.: 1 .1. li:nnilton: 4'. \\•il'i.; V. Itoitar;ti. . %V. 1.. 'l'reibner. Teacher. 5 .�•i. .►. 15. '�' HAY The (oi!o t in 7 is ,h • report for \o 111}• and Stephen for the month of (,raters for growing Jhe different ,Inn•,n,). Sr. IV -"."1,1„I'' Schroeder erops for the Cauniiig factory, tar the :473. .I r. 1\ --Glad}s 'Turnbull ':r1. season 19111.-f4. ;M, sander., Mani:;er. All Good Kinds of Flour and Feed kept on hand Bran and Shorts Sold 1►y the Ton. %\ heat taken in exchange f;•r !':cur and Oats taken in exchange for Oatmeal. . '. i•:x 1:I'Eit. Rivers ON IA 1110. ✓moi 1 FARMERS 1 A Til �\ irl CONTRACTS The Exeter Cannin;t Co. is now pre- pred to enter into contracts with