HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-02-03, Page 8Tuesday afternoon and t)ven!ng,
February 8th.
Mr. Cooley, 7nstteetor of ltigb
Schools of 4)111 :trio. was in town on
Miss Mary Davis left for Londe/
Tuesday morning where she w 111 r-
etain for some time.
Miss Carrie Dyer. returned Tome Suits for
Inst Thursday after visiting M:st Car-
fie Knight at Ilderton.
Mr. 'I'tws• Tapp. of 'Virden. 51 int
is visititg his brother, Mr. '\fill MI
Tapp,Mrs. Data 1<ocbler. of 'Zurich. told
Dire. I. Hall and daughter Bertp.a.
are visiting in Detroit. $6 and $5 Trouserings Compare Your Razor
The hand at the rn
rink akra a gr, !
improvement• skaters from Centra i t. for $3 and $2.50
Crediton and Henson attended Mon-
de)' night(
Mr. It. Quance. tt ho has been laid We ,a ill a urcty p'r:uc you.
up with quinsy for several days. has
resumed his position with W.'3. Ilea-
nlan. •
Messrs. Eldred and Xerxes Elliott.
nT m /k �/r /k 'AT Get the Carbo -Magnetic. It will
who accompanied two car -loads of �/�/ 1 17.1TlAlr last .!onto -it call give you a quicker.
l' W. smoother shave.
horses .0 Mat herons test steel; rc-
(urned home Monda •< Mcrchattt Tailor.
Try it for 30 days at our exprna:"
ONTARIO. then you will know wbleh is the best
\1 r. and Mrs. E. 'loopy r visited for P.l'F:TEII - or the :tura test of value 1s corn -
leu days in Stratford. 11 r. 1Iodrer , parlson. tooxrramisrw+Ot+!MARK
returned beau on Monday but -Mrs. '!Ilght tempering". la the sore( is 3
Hooper will remain for a leo weeko ;;Ai.!; til' siI.')1':i .,1 1',Itbo-NI.s,gnette raiiti1m)ty- 'f1,•! o .K.z
•'t•arho edges Is securaa by nn 1.11. a .. �' •••
lly clearing out alb of a manufac. . x
Mr. \Ye}dcnhamtncr. principal of ) electric heat of ^ .on e• •ser Fahrrn
thr Exeter school was called to EI, turer's samples nnu paying spot cash heir -a process of earbontritlon aunt- earl[- � Car60
mita Friday )net owing to the deathf the entire stock was bought at n ri- S lar to that by which dtartxtadc
of his mother. Ills room on* closed
aiculous fore vice and nil be placed
an sale 'ibis Neck, at the 1lxeter Par -
gain Store. All tb.• gootla are the
newest spring shapes and abodes. and .
,aunt be seen 'to be appreciated, Come
snick and get your ehoicd 11. W. F.
Beavers, (successor to the late J. W.
'::o lerich.t
'1• Jai I .X 1 Lt tt. •1' 1 M. t!, S FEB 3rd 11,010
+++++++++++++++.4444-14444444444444+4444.444.4Market Report. -The followin; la
♦+++++++i•++++++++++i'+'M+++ the report of Exeter market*. •or-
• rcct. d up to February 3rd.
3T�WART':3 Wheat trout 51.01 to (31.07.
():ed 34 tq :lac.
;Pens 80 to 435 cents
Marley 48 to 60 cents.
PHONE 16 shorts $24.10
WE SELL WE SELL Itran 1122.00
Star flour *2.90
Beresford Shoes King Hats Rheedutter. flo'21ue.r $1.50 to $1.55.
For Dressy Men For Particular Men Kegs 'tic.
Haas. lives vial.. $4.05
Hay OM. $10.110
Now Is the tittle to get your Spring Sewing 1'otlltot•s .5 to 90 cents
done nu11 DOW 15 the time to bay your Staples at Coal, $7.25 a tots.
the old prices. Letter you will pay More for them Turkeys 18e. dressed
(geese Ile. dressed
and will not get the saltie selection as you can !lucks 12c. dressed
Chickens 12c. dressed
now. Foul 9c. dressed
New Goods Arriving Daily Dried)lpples 5r.
Come In and See THEM. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
,t Rev. C. W. Andrea of Sprint..
{ field. was a pleasant caller at the
1 Times an Friday last.
51r. and }Mrs. William Cot itis are
visiting in Thedford and Arizona for
:1 t ooplO of w•e,•ktt'
`.1rs. \"r, per and daughter -Miss T.
havo returned hotne after visiting
friends in Clandeboye.
Miss Mattie Willis. 'eft for South
Rend. Ind., where she wilt visit 11:•r
sister Mrs. Percy Luxton.
!sirs Monroe lett 'on Tuesday I -or
Tot out tr. (there she expects to spend
the winter
Miss Mary Welsh returned home
+ Friday last after spending several
+ days in London.
Mr. Dasid Moss. of Edmonton. re -
1 ern •d to tow a on Tuesday. after
visiting fr:ends in Dunnville.
J. G. Stanbury was in Clinton last
Thursday where he conducted a cou-
p'e of cases in ;he Division Court.
Armour Sergt. Cross. of the Ordia-
ance was in town Thursday last re-
pairing the rifles of the local com-
in tenets in : iris subscription ;o the
Times alr Ceor.e Sehoe•lli{t• it; Rot•
cold. N. S.. hays We would nu' like
to he ttithou, this paper."
25°i, Discount Is what, we ore
giving on every For in the
store ineinding Ladies' Fur-
linerl (`oats, Men's Fur Coats
and nil small Furs, You will
par more for these goods next
year an take advantage of this
big hale.
We Have it number of Girls'
and Ladle's Colts in good
styles left. We do not want
to carry these over. Now is
your time to get one at a very
low price. Ask to see thele.
Dress Goods
New Dress (foods are here
all the newest weaves includ-
ing plain, stripe, check and
diagonal stripes, in all the
latest colors.
You Will Feel like wearing
away one of our Overcoats
when you see what we are
Felling sod at what prices.
Any boys' or Man's coat in
the store at a price that will
suit your po ked.
10 and 12 I -2C Etnbroderies Sale Price 5c.
Alt oar new E1116roderies for Mil are now in stock and a lovelier
lot you never saw. special quality and good patterns.
Alt widths. See Centte Window.
1000 Yards on Sale for 5 Cents.
37 In. Wide Flannelletes to
all newest patterns. These
goods are all advanced but wo
houtiht early and will paha
theist on l0 you.
37 ins. wile, $pec:al l2te.
Toilet Seth
We have about 40 Toilet Sets
10 pieces to each set. all kinds
and all prices. ('all and see
them, you can save money.
$2, Si 50, $3.5o to $5.50
Every One is waiting for the
New Prints. They are here !
Everything new in stripes.
spots and fancy patterns. All } f
at old prices
to and 12 t -a cents. +
Dinner Sets
Here's a Chance to get a
Dinner Yet. You needn't buy •i -
a set at once, buy any piece
you steed said keep adding as
you feel like it. Oenoe Bose
pattern, open stock.
Complete Set $15.00
blia. Kid Davis is visiting her mob- Church Directory
er near Mensal*.
Mr. 11. '1Velab sbippcd a carload o[ i JAMES STREET
horses to the NV e$1. btu'ud.ty. I
Miss nitre )laward spent Tuesday METHODIST CHURCH
evenig(1 in Ailsa Craig.. 1
Miss Gerrie Kemp returned to her{ Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor
home in Toronto 'Tuesday► I Bunchy 1'ublio Worship -10.30 a.tn ,
Mr. .t. G. ,Jones was in (.011(1(111 011and 7 p.m.
h.,...o. ss'1'utAar. Class Service -Sunday U.•'.0 a.m. and
Mr. K. 'Martin spent a few days after Morning Service and Wednes-
thit. week In Toronto on business. day night.
11:si llem Lill. of llensall. v:s:led Young Men's Class and Cataclunnena
P Sunday at 2 p.m.
51.8s Arnold Tor a few data this week' Sunday l`ehool and Bible Chases 2.30
Mia. Lovell and child o. London., tt,t a.
are visiting 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Flynn. Epworth League -Tuesday at 8. p.m
Master Toni. J3riutacombe iA learn- Prayer Meeting -Thursday at 8 p.m.
in.: the tailoring with W. W. Tainan. L'eby. (1.h -Quarterly meeting day.
Mr. 3. Taylor returned Saturday Special sermon to )bunt; Arlen at
af!er spending a couple of ne,eks in night.
Miss Wityenta Quante and Mr. .1. /1 a
111 deli are visiting irel.ttivcs in
Ailsa Craig.
All kinds of Produce Wanted. We will pay the highest
prices for Butter, Eggs, Poultry and Dried Apples. They are
jest as good as cash at this store.
\. :he Myth School Hoard Nleetinrr
week Mr. P. Gardiner former:y
ul Exeter. was elected chairman for
the current year.
Mayor McCallum. of Seaforth. has
issued n proclamation re110irintt all
dogs in Nenfortti either itt be tied
',p or Muzzled.
Mr. A. E. Wood. manager of the
Ilotne Rink at Ilderton. sprat Sunday
I. ids his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Dr. and Ctrs. L. L. Follick. of St.
Marys spent Sunday with !Hr. Fol-
!trk's parnets. Mr. and 5Irs. E. Fol.
++ Pick.
M's .li J. A11111 i{ye Si•rht Speen!.
tt i 1 be at Commercial hotel, Este -i. 1. Hours 10 n. 1n. to 0p. in. r.n
++++•: •t'(•'("f+++++ +++++++++++++++++++f l.1ay, February 12th.
•+++}+++r•1•++++ af•4f •+++++++++4+++++++ The hisses Huston entertained ti
%� uutnaer of young Indies on Friday
d evening in honor of Misses Gert:ar'
Kemp and Lottie llyndtnan.
On Monday Mr. T. E. (landlord
;}lipped a car -load of horses to \Win•
nipeg. This makes the seventh load
shipped this month. t'bich beats all
pie.iois records.
Mr. and (.Mrs. John .larrott. of Exe-
ter. and Mr. and Mrs. William Sher-
ritt. of 13eaburn. Man . visaed Mrs.
.forrott's sister. Mrs, 91ud-on. of
Egmondvire :sat %leek.
7/7/e Wiiscvms
here ecyuiiro'/Mfe/Wes/ mead/ten //Sm.:Sheu//5emJlfelt of /he nrcr/O,
av account of/r*efi`etr/rfu/ mm lirc/ure on9 /estrd yuo%/yes.
l ry nunrrcus owartls of U/siMtP d/ f_rhi//»Dns Area c'o/, mrd
Meir su error etre //tore, s.•r. ons Mese oet1to's , miq/S/ Dc sore e'/iy
mrntic;ned.' 5 G R A N D S PR 1 X
ANVERS 1885 - PARIS 1889 - BRUSSELS 1897 - PARIS 1900
r - MILAN 1906
A. MARCtHAND, Jeweler, Exeter.
44MMMttrM MtntntMMMMtrrtM:;:
You Take No Ghance8
When You (let Your
Fall and Winter Suits
from an 1)i(1 ('stablish('.e1 and reliable house
like ours.
Tim( -tried Reputation is what ensures you
Merchant Tailor
Exeter, Ontario
totter Exeter Canning
into c ntract!' withh
HRavin purchased the fanners for groting ,the different
aving 1 asecrops for the Canning 'factory. for the
Bus flail i)rtly b11si11P88 season 1910.-8. M. Sanders. Manager.
from Wm. Arnold, I b0 -
licit a share of your pat-
ronage. Orders left at
the Advocate Office.
T. G. Creon
Mr. and Odra. Jas. Atkinson . at -
eluded the fonernl of their Gran+icon.
Arnold Shoebot tont. near London on
Tuesday. • •
Vas Iferfha Itustell. (Infighter of
Mr. Thor. Mussell of town. has been
moonrued supervisor in 1h•• ope•ratint,^
teem (,he Ilosp dal a: pat•Tson \ew
room of the 'hospital at Paterson(,
New Jersey.
blrs. V. 1V, Taman will r •cciye on
$24, $22 and $20
The fact that the Times is still giv-
ing out their calendars to subacrib-
ers who renew has been a 'pleasant
surprise to many. We have a few
left and in order to get in on tits
it ti ill ire necessary to renew at one..
11 you bare any property for rale,
a farm or house to rent : if you are
holding an auction Mac it you nave'
lost any ,valuable articles. or if 300
want any help don't tail to place an
ad in our }Want Column on pate I.
.fns; look over it.
A Ill iti••h team of fawn , bowlers
hitt .cave England about August Pt h.
for a month's lour o • Canada, ,e
watch st:. h hese ::ort ratan on 1?Ye-
tc•r's two green would prove of great
interest. The bowlers should Ret
their invitation in early.
Mosier ltonbie Fleming enter.oin,•d
about thirty of his litt'e friends and
srho0lnratet at 11 8 noon• Friday even.
ing Inst. The young fo'1:s repot.; f1
the evening of the season. nod sly
that Robbie is a firs; -class cnter-
ininer.-Clinton :\ est s -Record.
One step 1,0n3 take you very far
-you've .col .0 keep en walking :
one ttot•1 ,., rl't Iii! fo'ka what you
are -yo .'1• 1.01 10, kr eft 011 talkiiltt;
enc 111(11 0t011'1 aril.•• 3404 tory tall
-you've got - 0 keep on growing .
one liege ' ad" won't do at it 1 -
you've got to keep 'oto going.
On Hominy. Feb. lith. Het'. P. C. 1,.
ll:lr rim. Mena .ing Direr! or of 'Toron-
to iturisa10 110c:sty and See'y of Fed-
eration or Canndian Ilntn.Inr a0rietit w
preach in Exeter occupying the
I l ;lit of the Presbyterian Church n
the morning and of the %Iain a..
Me. hodist in the evening. A :)lags
Meeting of all Jntcrested in 1111
woik will be held in the Town Hail
after tour o'clock the mime day.
Rev. I'. C. L. Harris n ill address
:his meeting il'so. and an offering in
11:(1 of the 11 or l hill be taken.
Me . .. '1'. :Royle. 11. Coned. E.
.Tunes and A. 'Taylor skip. iiml ti
Sanders. .1. Grieve. ll. HOston and
G Anderson skip. went down to Park-
hill on Thursday Inst 10 take part
in the Lonapiel being held there. in
the first round the rink skipped by
Taylor defeated a rink from llenanl:
skipped by !t. Ilonthron. the score
bienfr 12.11. The rink skipped by An-
derson was }titled ntainat an Ailsa
Craig rink (,kipped by A. Mallet and
11 ere defeated it to 5. The :ram, a
Dere 12 endo. In all there were 10
rinks entered. 'The neither was soft
and part of the time the curlers play-
ed in water. On account of thio the
bonspicl was; potlporn-d until Wed-
nesday of this week.
Children Cry
Watch This Space
for Our
With the New.
Carbo Edge
Don't be satisfied with the razor you
are using because you .tuerely think
It is the best.
been produced. The rel„lt 15 the
hardest rutting edge Liman to science
-a blade that you r ver have to
hone or grind.
Don't take our word for it -the razor
troves ttseJt-e•otnu i.1 today and get
one on 30 days' trial -free.
lliss 1). Itickbiel. who bas been in
Ili talo for Arnie time. spent 51on-
d:ly eve ' g with Miss .1. Ilard,v..She
sins on her way to her hotne ; at
Mr. and Mfrs. John .Kelleher, o".
,Proctor. Minn.. aro visitors at 111••
Monte of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parstfpt
Mrs. Kelleher is n sister of the Par-
REM. tiA\( t�MALI.
brothers of town. Ileo. Sam. Small is to return to
'1r. and Mrs. J. A. Gregor return. Exeter and will give Lia fainous leis-
tore "From Ilan-roc�n to pulpit" in
e. .. after
to .\ortb 'll'atttcfoon. the James street Methodist church oat
=:r .. atter visiting relatives in Lon the J)' night. Feb. 111 h. One of, the
!o1. and the formers nnnther Mrs. (e.Iit1,*
Fridtcst treats of your life for theen
'1ho•. I:rstor). of tenon• Don't rnias it.
The firs[ operation for apprndicitea -� -" I
to int performed by a local phvaitian in I fMLawrence spent Mon -
the locality of High River. Alta.. was day at the borne of at r. A. E. nod -
the r•r••ntty performed by .1)r. Iii• E. gent
Mr. and iset
Ituswel!. The patient is now aluin6� b1 n. Herman Prior. of (Portage la
10,PH. OVENS EVE. AND EAIISUI1aiJ'rnirte.. !(tan.. is expected home this
I week.
goon. will be at the Commercial hotel. al'ss l.nura ialiott, o: i.ondon• is
Moura 9 a. tn. to 1 11. m. Glasses ..tsiti11{r h,r A'at+r. blest J. \\'alpee,
properly fitted and diatoms of VS''• of Ezeter teeth.
ear and nose treated. Next visit iia• \eraIt. (L Beldon and sister ']lis,.
turday. Feb. 5th. all day.
\Ir. Slratham. of Crosaw•ell.'Mich. !ferry. are visiting relatives in Lock-
.ts %rising bus s oder. 51ra. W. Fletcher, not. this week.
The aliases Mary and Margaret The following officers of Court
Ross. who have been visiting their Rxeter 1'23, 1. O. F. acre iostall,'d
brother. air. 1). A. itosa. left Cot on Friday evening last.C. D.. I).
:belt borne in ►}'inn/pr,;r on alct+'d1$,
Milli; P C. It.. .Ins. Yellow; C. 1t.
It. N. ltutte. V. C. ft. Chris. ir.uk-
er : It. 14. Geo Anderson ; F. R. A. (i.
Mrs. Norman Jarrot I who under -
%tent an operation in the Loridon U ei. TrrnA, ti. Dtartin. K. \Y. \,
hospital several weeka ago. 1%as abe "ser Tn. s. \5. iI8rti Luker; b.
to leave on Saturday .134. She :a r •
remaining several days in London and 11. Hee. Pissett : J. 11. L. Robinson.
is expected home this we,•k. Mr. Nor- I. 'lt. Dickson and T. fl. Carling
man Jarrott was doors on Saturday, Sere appointed auditors.
Mr. D. Ilart'eib oho attended the Itev. A. J. Thomas. of ilirgden.
llam,1.011 (lull Curl, shoot nart slleceic.. preached too excellent s'rmont in
fill in petting insid„ the money. "1i • the James etrect cloarci: on Sunday.
stria in the list of miners for iblr•1 About eight 3•ears ago this a A111 -
Pace in the Grand l'anadirn handl• dent. he etipplied the Janis at reet
cap. shooting 27 but of 25 live birds. church fur two,$uc.at(Its or Dr. Hem -
11r. fere) Tom. late of \Vel:wool.. (nun. lie is s 11il!iant )u u1,11 wan.
Van. „rad tun of J. Elgin To('n. of 'lith good ilativery :rod l+rotui°••` well
0 1.cli i- t s (ul air turd 131,s. to the 3lelho-aist Inrn'atry. iter.
.1, Tom. Ur. Tonw has e,t'd h a pr:lc. It. 1101)1.1, preached anniversary Aer-
mons 81 llrfaden and detivt'r,•d h s
t r at '1t'c:lwood and tri I take n !tetre 'Thr Triangular Man"'Mon-
poat•grad0ata coma,.
Lcf(re 110,8i:„da) uevrnin(A
Sad indeed was the death of 11.11• Applientiorls have barn made for re -
Arnold Shoebottonl, the 7•year-o d cmtn.s of .h votes c:lat 011 1(10 lo.n1
son of 'M r. and Mrs. James 11. Shoe- igrtiou bylaws in the ruwnahipt of
bottom. lot G. concession 7,, London ('ollrotrnc and Tuckeramithi. .budge
ton nship anti .!landsorr V4. .1e. .la.. lloy:c of Gtdrrich bat untitled , he If pa
A,k nson of toots. wlelch took pace an Plirationt. hu; 'hay not fixed a (lac,
Saturday afternoon of las; steels. for , he hol.ling sof the recounts. It bleb
Whit,. nsgialing h a eider 110,her4 in Hoist take 'dace in the reapecti%5
nr.n ci ralit'es. 1.. F. }lancet•. of
Vetting lfoin ee.do111 for the olgIt h.! (ialcrich. is snot Mg for \t'.Iliatn
foal his (a:110 t)i enn;' )hoorrgth98 (1.117:0d. the D','op hot.'.-kee t •r. in
trap 11001 to the crme•nt floor hr ot1. 1
Be :slighted on bit head and sho r.. aII attcnlp, to ups,•I .the Coibrtrne
dors. receiving elicit Injur:,a that 11• township vote on the ground of 01-
d!rd Its n couple of )o,n:r. ('.-•d irrtg't'aratica its the stoking of
hs Friday evening Inst the Jordon „h' roe Mr. Dan c) teas n'fornn o
Munro (Veneer. C.... 0: tion• I.cn 1. • 11 Inst week to sneer his eaiat In th
forth in the Exeter Oper I 110:,. , 111 'h ('0011 o.' .testi e
They hail u theta some good sob. R. It. So allows nos at Grand 'lend
jrcta in (notion pictures athirh inlast %trek taking some 1lielureo in park th•
: ,ark o inch has been establish •d
eluded the Iludaon•Fniten ce:elrrat' r
of `-, w ork. I.0 Tosco. n 1'n•nell here by a 80.1 (P1) London nin.
d::una. „ud several t•xce .I n ! , There are several at -res fenced in fol
cortical productions. Thrpet, r• 1 this ricer air, seer •. and th • h n,l at
tt err interspe reed with ii:.:' t r 1 meson; contpr'ses Wm. an'rnata. (T11
owl elcuactel motet. b1 Ernes: I):. .alhis trip '51r. Hoot:nos made some
anal .1% E. Jordan. The al1end.. , l0.11er int. reatintr nh..orv:tlion . lir
was fair but should 51r. Jordan d,•, i.l•• eau• two men taking each a load rt -
to conte %: lin to our tow11 we heti,•., ro
ier atit to mark, s n; Exter.
hr t.0ald be hettel listeons,da ief(wren them they had ono hundr.d
ushes. raised from 1w ens y neres oA very pretty wedding was 0.'-sot.seed 'the nmmint they reaprated on Mcdneadnv. Fe1r,iir 2rr1iara the hnnrlred •hnahe;a was th•
1410 al }Vest Lorne. "hen N1(0` 0.,.111, mutt sum of $P00. The :arming hn-i-
11 Q r d nab er o' Mat Marg.etre , 1"' 1 11
Here is ttron; proof of how
Zan-Buk cures tong -standing sores,
or chronic wounds. Mrs. J.
Mhtnett, of 192 Thurbers Ave.,
Providence, Rhode Island, says:
" When a child of eight I was
bitten on the leg by a dog. The wound never heated up soundly.
and 1 have suffered with an ulcerated leg for over 60 years. At
one time, I was an in-patient at the East Suffolk Hcspttal for a
long period, aril for three ysar3 I was in and out of hospitals
with it. I was continually in pain, and the sore would not heal,
but continued to discharge.
"Twelve months ago I came out here to my daughter, and
as soon as she saw how bad the leg was she sent for a doctor.
He gave me some ointment, but it did me no good. Doctors said
my leg woul4 Hover b: healed.
"One day my youngest daughter brought home a box of
Zam-Buk and induc:d me to try it. With the first application I
seemed to find case. I kept on with the Zam-Buk treatment,
and soon saw that the wound was getting better. I persevered,
and, to cut a long story short, Zam-Buk healed up the sore!
It is marvellous to think that, after suffering for sixty years,
Zam-Buk hu been able to heal the wound."
Zam-Buk is superior because it is natures own healer,
posed entirely of pure herbal essences. For eczema, ulcers, cold
sores, chaps, abscesses, pilo, burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, tushes,
etc., it is unequalled. All druggists and stores 50c box, or post
free from Zamk Co., Toronto, for prize.
(Photo of Mee neaten)
Ladies you will soon he thinking
about your Spring tiering and how
about your sewing machine, will it (10
r nen a - erasthe fine work that to tequircd of n
to not .sosn •ezec a. 1 • good machine?
11r(luren, became the held, of Dr. .l.leayo-Godt•rich Si ;lot,.
E. Vc(alliclddv. of loon. The cere-
mony stns per formed n f the home of
Why not exchange it tis part psy•
UICK't4 FORE.CAST:4 meat on an np to dale machine? We
the bride's num. air. and Mrs. Dan.( are Riving to the people of Exeter and
surrounding country the htafgeet, votive
in a sewing machine that was ever of.
tered. For $22.75 we can give y1 it a
machine guaranteed for 10 yearn.
McKillop in the prrsenee of the im-
mediate relatives of the contracting
partly. The bride and groom ;ter
•in1*tended except for Miss Daisy
3!c ' Mop need• of the bride. is ho set•
ed as ;flower girl ()r. and MLA Me
(ii1!tcnddy altermerda '.eft for t
abort honeymoon trip to Detroit. Chi-
ca••0 and other Vices, Mr. McGilli-
cuddy is in partnership' with Dr.
11vn,lrnan and enjoys n void Inac-
t ie,• $inl+e commit to Exeter he his
made many nano friend.. who he'd
hire in hfch • ate,'m. and who wish
him and his ),ride many years of hap•
ltiness and p14eperityt
A re,r•'lar Morro period. preceded by
('ear. 11'41 ti en l her front 1)1 2nd to
the -Ilk etlen,k froth the tth to the
th. The storm diner:1m shows That
th0 period bads into 1 combined
period or Mirenry. Venus I :.rr h t• d Quarter cut oak finish, high atm. au-
\lars, Fenn, this Iline for" aril Feli- tomstic lift, full set of attachments,
ruaiy will bring many norma and hall bearing and everything that goes
urlch severe and diaagrceable t1, nth. to make up a high grade machine.
er. General rain. snow and a e •1 Call and let us demonstrate their
,. els will mark the period 4th le wonderful value to you.
Ile %with h►iaxards trona }tie 'orth
, e..; and change to ver cold nf, er J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent,
'he 'cn sloop onIlhe 9t Aeciamic martin
D. period covers the Ash to 12th. central s or write J. . MCDONALD, Unios
1n the 11'tb. 1 ' If . -: Deny. Toronto. Oat.
1'!.xit'o, toroth), Calplot r.i-i
eine ('oast l'oints. (itr•t d Tit
way 1%ftoto is t 1e 1'. p ala
titan all points east 1hit nplh
vi•. Chicago.
Double track, Etat Service, fit e.t
rosdllyd. modern lquipmrmt. Marin tai-
ri (el -
led Mon g rat set 1110. All c'e•u.t nes
of ssfet, mat comfort.
Round •1'1 ip Togruts fit in Is't•t. sale
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