HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-02-03, Page 7(
Gish 4.sastl• and roller* all tits tr.ubl.m toot
dont to a bilious stat• of the system, such es
Dizat..m. Neu. . Drowsla.as. 'nativism after
satins, Vain Is /bs i;tdo, so. while their meet
to t*A*blea.osaolas bees altowaLaunsung
•(sloth(, ret Carter's UM. Lever Perk ars
e qually raloabt•to Constipation. curing .0 1 prw
veatloa Ottomans/iv ins cowplalaLubin. they alae
eorrertall dianrdMuf thea(emacbttlasuleta 11•
hirer and resin tete the tweak. Saes u"logy ace
ache th.y wenle be almost penal sae to tbneo who
suffer trots Il a distressI n g 4'o, u p las. C but forte •
stately thetrsoolaese docs noteud here,aad thuss
w ho once try thorn will nnd these little pills rale•
able In .o many ways that they will nut be woo -
hats to do without them. Ifut after allslkI teal
T1 the bane of to rosily lives ,het b.•ra Ie where
•e meke our great luaat. Our pills cure It whits
other.. do not.
Carer's Little Liver Piste aro very small and
very easy to tali. U,,e or two pills mikes does,
They 1(e.Iriomy vegetable and do not gripe of
purse. but by their gentle action please all 'aha
zee them.
CatTn ¥2TI:I1/2 CO., Oita YOU.
t aU m Small hos Small irk
Largeness of Heart Is Held to Be Better
Than Big Brain.
(:1(d gave Solomon wisdom and the meanest of mankind. ;lit you
understanding exceeding much. cannot cultivate the graces ..f the
and largeness -if heart, 1. Kings heart aithuu( making a man good
as well as great. Nobody impeach -
ea the intellectual power of ,..e de-
vil. On the other hand, the hest
portrayal of God we have is in that
wuntlerful phrase that tells us that
he is full of compass- ." And
it is His "largene+s of heart" that
draws us to Hint and makes us
worship Hint.' And that isa
the Bible says: "Keep thy heart
with diligence. for out of ib are the
issues of life."
if the heart i, full 01 gull inten-
tions, it is easy 14) speak well and
tells is the stony of his life reminds to do well. If the heart i+
u; that he hail sumethiig hes owl A NEST OF I•:1 -I1. DESIRE.
these things. The greatest of (:ad's wickedness is the natural and in
gifts l I man is lint a mighty brain, tenable outcome of it. We drill the
iv `L9.
'1more varied
:� ma cyte had a l t 4 tet J
endowment than Solomon, whose
memory it cherished by Jews.
Christians and Mohammedans alike.
He had such unbounded wealth
that we are told he made silver as
the stones of the streets in his ca-
pital city. He had u wisdom that
so amazed men that they curse from
the ends of the earth to hear him.
He had such skill in ruling that he
left behind hint world-wide fame
that will cudnrc to the end of time.
But this singular historian who
14ot a full purse, nut to have his tnint{s of our children in kueu
name• on everybody's lips. but to
have a generous spirit,
a. it is called in this text.
1111.1:\'1'f"R1: 11I111 1.1117.11. Y. The Bible has a great Jeal to say
• about a ;art's heart. 'Lite taint of
.1 Trapper's \arroe Escape 11 till than is not ignored. 1%e use told
a 11lige hear. 1 Cod 1 all mind, bat
di tl t { •f n 4'l ,• man({ uml th 1 K Ih' IllaICS heart cannot be preen, ►
Thy uill he (lane, Guarding the
l''' (ling maiden fr.,nl u,isinte,.
PI1tati01. Gal, kingdom 4.11(1 he
established wily a, 1111'11 (111 earth
de his. Vi III as a1•."lulely as t114'
angels in heaver,
11. (i4 r us . earl While
111 press 1111to ,Ile 811 111181i. sllirit11
al goal v.e have present physical
needs. A comprehensive prayer
for food and all things essential to
physical well-being. Luxuries nail
unnecessary comforts are not con-
112. FurgivP bs . '1(4 we . .
hate forgiven .1s'king (1md for a
clean sheet presupposes that we
have given others the tonne. 11'e
reed forgiveness; fur if we believe
t:•81 Owl's will should h,• supreme,
and his kingdom le. a re ably, 1(•e
must, through faith awl repent-
ance, tear ourselves of the false
edited. which results from (the
daily) 4iodation of his perfect will.
The reason tie must forgive others
i= that it i, inconsistent we should
ask fel• hoe, if we do not show it
toilful of rho ► ,eJ celery, one cup-
to others.
1 I1 1 caul 1(111' cupful of pineapple juice,
Practically 0144' petition. with fol of peanuts. 1IIi\ with 111ayon :add one pint of (team, three -quar-
te'. parts, asking for de1iteraim,,. noise Jressiug' 'i• 4's cupful o[ sugar, whip light
free.. those perilous moral hit tiat.iui, \Pater Cres, Salad- t' hop Or fill mold to overfle-viug, (ever with
i1( ttllieh it is easy fur an unpru ,•111 fine 10 4 n.• hunch mf cr(•sse•s )hitt"red paper, lie ''over, nnJ bury
trot II mast l(4 lose his said, but,
"1°.quart," 0f a ..null' sized Bah- i 1 salt and ice for four hours. (fl -
flints for Busy Housekeepers.
Recipes and Other Valuable lnfornsatton
of Particular Interest to Women Folks.
SALADS. just ley it. 1 action: 'Ilio eater
('bees,. :3alads. - On•• cream I intuit he boiling, the washer must
cheese, or two Neufchatel; add be full tf water, and blood spots
four tablespoonfuls of milk, onc-
r -
1 "
t one-half a 1, 11[ lea -
spoonful paprik•t, five drops onion
1►K[►SUA1. Ria'(I'i S.
jnige, and stir well. Make into a
roll; Put on Ice to hardt•11. ('tit juice and the grated peel of un
iv slices anti place o' lettuce
orange l0 apple bane( which is not
leaves. ('over with strips m1 pim :sweet and serve with wild or tame
ensu and serve with hrenelf dress -'duck.
ing. This is a very effectit•e hal- Pineapple and ()range Loaf .--
ad, the white, red, told green mak- Place blanched almond,' in bottom
i11F it so, arid delicious. of a chilled mold, cover with li-
('ab1)age' Salad. )
n4' bread of (16714;1
uid orange jelly made with gela-
cuhbage (•hopped time, 0114' pint lin ; set uti ire' till firfn. Sold and
must be welshed out.
New Apple Sauce, ---Add 'orange
in.,stnnt•h us motel test is the ;it l,a're•. 'Clue tray(.. of erese5 eta , mold on a lace paper napkin.
ledge; we train their han/ls to :1 m •sphere ,if ('Iii '(1an progress, i away from the sten) : cut fine one- I parsley ,Jelly. --A del icious snip
trade ; but too often we let Ow 1,,,,,iiia fur inuulluit)' front 11i,ra1 1 ightll of :t small gree„ In''I'Pe'r.
L•earl take its ran wa}'. Some 1:a-tr0pi.e (the apparent :weaning anti a small sized. onion: pot all to 1ofipstrslevr, reit sctandake six
ev,l (
Led.v has said that if an inhahit•uit die evil nn.•). u'the r 111 a ba -4'n 4'.f col;, water
;water, then place in a dce•p kettle
of another world-houl(I %1'it 11'11' la. 11 .ve forgive not . neithe,. `tamding (4.1 ult..ut .,1(e butt' hefure with just enough cold uater to
and study the calal„s ne; "f our Ai!! ,,.iir Path( r forgive Not a de >trying to make It nice :cul crisp; crane la. the tet of the parsley when
schools he w.ul'I ce11elu'le that (4111 spare principle of tip for tat,. (led drain off the water, add in to taste !
1•resse(1 dawn tightly. Let this
race Inas no heart, moil pr,.vis wilt vomit forgiveness to the loan "Inc nil, lu,egar, salt, awl pelt
ti „me t•. ► boil and sin11ncr s4ox'iv
„•.•, ,curl se. plrl,ulr( 1(r it, ,n far half an } take out the
is s4, i 1111rre). rrr..r, te•ethrr tate :, tier flavor.
1 1 1 1'
Heart Troub/e COO.
Through one cause or another a large
majority of the people are troubled with
scale furor of heart trout►le.
'fhe systema becornes run doxn, the
heart palpitate.. You have weak and
dizzy spells., a 'mothering feeling. cold
clammy hands and feet, shortens..» of
breath, sensation of pine and ueedlee,
rush of blood to the head, etc.
Wherever there are sickly people with
weak hearts Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills will 1,e found an effectual tnedicine,
+♦♦♦.♦♦♦♦ Mrw. Wm. Elliott,
• lit with ((8' gnat-
♦ Heart Trouble♦ O,It of pleasure 1 write
+ Cured. - ),,,,, stating the ho'ne-
♦♦♦♦♦♦i♦ using
tin hav'r received by
r gHlb rnsHeart
and Nerve Pills. 1 suffered greatly from
heart trouble, weakness and arnothering
spells. I used a great deal of doctor's
medicines but i eeivtvi no benefit. A
friend advised, me to buy a bot of your
pills, which l did. and soon found great
relief. 1 highly n•cornrnend thew pills
to anyone suffering from heart trouble."
Price 51) Bents per bot, or ;i boxes for
$I 25, at ell dealers, or mailed direct nn
receipt of price by 'I'Ise T. Milburn
Limited, Toronto Ont.
used to sing nearly all father's
Quite apart from his connection
with Scotland's pert, %Ir. I'. rkea,
"Sammy." a1. lie is known in the
factory, is a little man, with not
very touch of the Burns stamp
abont hits is au, I'lU-emely inter-
( -ting old aorkuan, his particular
past of tett urn making being one
t • which Veit' few younger folk are
turning their attest• , for new -
eve eU( eel► 1 a our min(, ,il
11.• cue can read the'time with rot i,•i is nmde f.,4' the lr•un111g of iii. i I 1 f lint „ r.and seta the •vhlrag and
heart ►+l (angled b l!1' is 1►11r i Ig ) 1
t'aptain Williams, ab via -time
trapper, who voyaged a14'He in a
frail canoe for hundreds of guiles
'•11 the great rivers of the interior,
had many thrilling adventures,
i • ' • 's - ti ►4t. t to
disci is its c• lie• e1( ee t li ,.11(• heart is (l8111f(.(1, if 111()' pert', (y :111( let the juice simmer " -
1 i 1 t Ti ti 4'i fur (.1 far it lvhu has nut forgiven his ('cru Salad l'.ce cupfuls tet feu to fifteen minutes longer; after jo111 brown, hand -hammered tea-urn
nut of fashion.
He can boast That nhilst his fa-
ther had worked at the same trade
fa' :.11 years, he himself has been
Oft 1 1 1•• 1e;t1 . 1P • , 1' "� reoat lfh•,, are narrow. If our inter
with ununistaka11les cleans -..b eta,-, brother.
the snpretnnet of the heart 0,1.1 t11" 1,0 in the net ,Is of people al cul
I •sin. e41111 811(1 dead. there is but tone
k 11 • Creator ,•(
: (01 it' need to lhi :1 surill head of this take cup fur cup of juice and
leabl,age• one eilp nl ..t sitar, mus
II S' 11 .r
Lid, and •a.. t. taste_ Also add gr:umlated sugar and buil until it
one 11f which is related 1)01uw, t a)-' ten•dv . we tuner .►, ,t 1 ) I. pr pp' r. 1•• taste. t ,.ver tt
I You mac train the intellect and DISCOVERED 1\ I111l1, , fording to taste.
fair, 1\'illiatna :►Ixays took the per 1 not make a malt n mite better. !t' 4'.e• he rt t •help us and make s _ laid' vinegar and 1111.5 sell. 11(t Clove Apples. --Clove ti , ►Iry for leaking lea -urns ever since he was
caution at night of tying his; canoe 'tit' said f car of the 4'r:r r- of tend' r ,'i smlrlt and w4' u►ua e"' `only lehirrewrnlc mf Stixnrr Der. Its :dove anal let the shute Iceld meals. three-quarters of a' II yenta olJ, and has been with his
io the shore with n piece of raw ! other -
Englishmen n that he was neer colt ','s the leek rt by helping 1((11. r r lcanned
im� fel about lweut}1 minutes. (f fmund of sugar, two cupfuls of present employers for over 10 years.
,'tide shoot twenty fret lung, K , 1 Itlb' Peal liar. 1(b u d this will 1 ee l a lung time
the wl.est an: 1 • blest hit al Irl:1'. I'R.1Xh I.. (:1)OI)c'HII.In-water, ant) buil In a syrup. 1►rop Still, though on the verge of thre4'-
((((1, let the canoe swing from the S••i4114 aha1ed n.1t Sijot in its Trip Top Salad. (1m ••il,fu{ of set,reand ten, and ++ ,t s hi'- I its
R { in /twirlers of apples, pared. and •
bank that distance. In cure of al• pregre*s during the wonderful , 4.ef gar, tone tahlc•po„11(111 •.f Inas ' wlteu ihry •err r",krd lift nut rnrr the brat of health, he Jnr. Iris daily
tack from Indians, he could rut the *1
turd that bound him to the' shore, 1 i,
jells s. Add 48811la extract ac -
the' 11(1111 iti return both 1h" rc44ar'l Months of 414459, Ptard, 11111 cupful of sugar, 4)„,• tea ' full) with a fork 'Allen all the ii'c'rjt x+111 14 will, :11x1 has never
"f this lit,• and those of the ser'') 111 191441 Sir withal,' 11:►lusay an spoonfal of hull, a (lash of a:11"1181
• •
and glide off without noise. Ile aI•l., come. ner,n'•0I that he had snc•cce.led in
ways slept in his canoe. Z. 1•e shall not he Has I)e 144'r1tr:osemit1ing four differeir sill)
One night he was roused from ( of :a 1.„atnand. 1 stances into carbon 41-4•eniu11a,
+'‘e • by the ' tramplitig of Some- . thurinm• hvdrolluosilicic acid and
ling in the bashes on the bank. hisenit'i. 1)r. E. S. 1134)1,). of \1'w
'tramp' tramp' tramp: sounded Orleans, a 1114)111 11 earlier than tile..
the footsteps, which were ap-perfected 34 substitute for radium.
1\ tl:It'.1'I'10..11. 1.1.SSON.
FED. 6.
Stand and pea.4 'Elie posture •'f
prayer, in the-4nngegtars :old in
the ...triter, ..1 the street.. ,,:i,
standing. with iineoiered head. a2,11
preaching the canoe. fare turned tuxal,1 the '34nc(t131 . • ltadliothor," as he call, it, is
The captain's first fear was of Lr.,nu 1 I. t1uia,i4iu1 and Pra)er. This ga,e the play-acting Iypectit'•' laude 4)4 pitchblende and is not
Indians, but reason told hire that their " , reruutily. They. would ,h merely cheaper :rad In iter than the
Mall, 6 1 -1st. s.oltlee "I"xl, 11 I
no Indian bent on mischief would liberate,, sa arrange it that the rare element it replace., but is
approach the canoe in that cane- %1811. 1:. 1. boor of prayer might find 1h1.111 at xbn!ly larking :111 ..f rndiunl }.Ile
leis fashi.,rr. Peering intently in- the (hie( place, 44 public Bal*- fol effect-. O.t l.•l.. In Cleveland
to the darkness, Captain 11'1tlI- Verse 1. Your righteousness 1lF5e, and there they Mould spike scientists watched the operation of
ruts watched the shore, and soon Ctntrasted with that of the -'•rib(¢
their ennspi,•nuu44 attitude of dere. an oat gen :Well terse torch, xhirh
•1150nvered a griizly )»'ar coming and Pharisees (see Matt. a. ''4'l
Th'.:(ien. Or, in the public service. radiated s brut of .Biot li 34 W) dl
1, ward hien. its head upraised as "exceeding" righteousness ••aj.•iii0(1 rite'. would recite private prayers 14re•e• suliirir•nt to cut the"ugh n
it sniffed the air. by Jesus include, right ,••1111, at- ,„ 1 tone 1 1 enough to attract
The captain snatched his ax. principles and practice. He is ,,,,til •. their whole idea of prayer
that the best %eapun to about to exhibit the limitations of : I,e inn that it was an orf to 14' .ern'
efen,l hirttsclf from such a foe, the Jews in the matter of alinsgiv- ! „i ,nett.
arid stood will. it uplifted, ready irg, prayer, and fasting. their Enter info thine• inner ri.:u,.,ei
t , strike the huge aggress(r. chief shnrteutuing being that th•-• The upper roam of an Oriental
The hear canny on, arid placed did these things before sten, to be
seen of them. All three of these' )mu.,•, for gnesf, ..f rrtirrne nt
performance, the .lees recognized! lhll pryer is met proscribed.
as acts of worship. of about equal1 Ilul there err 814.44911- in setter
value. What .le,us inveighed I l•lnyer, when the (1o4)r iR .hilt
against a peering wor111, ihr 1111
worthy nm,lives that tempt a roan
in public worship.
Else ye hair 110 rea a rd Imply- ' Thr Father alto sr4'th in s4' 1,•4'
ing, whet is prnlili+ed 1" 4cr4rs 1, Since he ate+, 11 Is not needful
6, and 18, that reward may be es that „ren should
peeted for (oll,n ire the right
• player 3 Inuit 1+ nee e•ssarih at 1,i5
With our Father It l5 his ap 7. Vain repetitiuu• 1'or :le •• •
pineal. and 11111 man+, that iv 1e amply. read I kings 1, a•. '1 L .
he sought in all arts .4 worship. .enllliull is not against 1, 4.1.1112,9)4
„ c( ni .n1),l„ 11'The1)tr:' /ice.l deeds.
tin. same
fur ,,esus himself 11,1'.1
(•ae,IP, severed by that d ughty 5n»le 44"1(15 thrice ..4er in tin
blow of the trapper's as. They to ter acknowledged along the ,hews garden of (leths(etnane. Prayers
,,-ere fondly preserved as trophies es One of eho ess•eeti:Il .b-ervaliel' are 'ai„ "it") they ale 01.•1.e41
e' the adventure. awl were fll'4a\a .41 religion. a matte, to be attend again ane, again :1s If there „ere
exhibited when the captain 14.141 1'•i to av fastidi"u-1 as pea>"1 teeefficacy in therepetition.
the atmy '.f his enr(uet(r with the fasting. I R. Your hither knowelli ti.•.
gti',1q. 1 Tramp, I Otic was 11.1.11 on lair1 torr to ask Explaining that oi.t,
- ! n11- rel':1,m,llz 111 the .e•) tm'N 1)1 111'• 4'1' i5 not intend, II, by a n*111111•l.r1
synagogue. Here, hnw,•yer. the lien 401 tvnr11s. 11( n(gf'ninl 1..,11
44(11(1 seems to ne entillnt'ed figura- with e'er ile(e•,Vti's. That .0, lee,
1114'11', for loud display. I It enjoined shows that the Moble.(
By Working
its fere paws upeu the stern of the
• (3411ne. and nearly upset it.
I.ike a Nash desf•ende(l 1114' ex
14pnn one foot. which was instant-
!) withdrawn; but the bear held
on with the other foot.
The captain rained the nx again.
awl brought it dews on the ani-
tnal•% head. Instantly it let go the
canoe, end sank, stunned. int,. time
.1Irbeugh ('apt»ib Williams
watehot intently for the grizzly's
1Oapp4':o•ance. nothing more was
seen of it. in the interning leu of
Do bear' • claws ttrre found in the
against was 11111 the acts hal 1114'
itltent of winning a 113111e for piety.
.e4'. Irl 4 '. • r.• I
Caught Cold
Ilypocrites-Originally, a -Ing, • ('11(1 .4 piayer is to set the heart
Ostia . meaning t.1 set n part. from 1 inlet w oh (hod.
W which it (3Ule to Mit.11.4'1111 "giving •
I n
Water. self out to be what one knee '"r'•
ought to hr, Inst itael 4'o list' ntlen
of Icoming." 111 fhi. :einien. In
'! Distressing, Tickling SoaBa• p„cr•isy stand' fur what lb 1(1,1.(„11••
tion In The Throat l t.. the kini41em of heaven. and ,1
denial of it. Here the llyp"rlilr is
i tier.
Albert %taeIbee 4'hignecto Mines,, the man aim makes an unreal pre
s. writes' .• In (her Patti, I caught I Iel►se of religion. and (special) of
cold by working in a ler. and hada g,'eer(sity, for the despicable par
very 1,11.1 tough and that distressing, wise of gaining (dory oh men.
tickling sensation in my throat so I cvllag,1gurs sl reel s no re
• u night, and 1(,y lungs . were sevctnl ml')11 (s •'f collecting
could not sleep R R 4•h41;10dr gifts (.9. the 'lima. Sono
were so very sore 1 had to give up work.
limes baskets were lla•'e11 ahus,t Ili"
Ihir'looter gate Inc medicine brit it (lid sheets for IIte p,e.er ..f all classes.
'. .\(t'•r Chir' manner . . prat
Following the Jewish 111.l101, , f
learning fry heart a 4(.nsi4141.44,11
untidier of lir:ft•'rs, this form
given as a suitable petition I„ 1.,•
',sea at the Burl of the e4'(1indl.v
Ina41(5. ill,' a- 111,14 ill our f.ubli .
'4.1 -ship. '1'11,• I,rayei bus •4',411 ,li
visions. im•(n(nrlr 111' a(blr0s-. till, r
petition`' whitUe to (:e11 • 'Ili, '
mime.- '1'114 h mutt, ern. l'bc
will-) and 1111er Irl:hint; I. t,.,
111at1 beet) (''lured." .`11. la-.
' .Iemplat11.11"t. 'flew- it is r pat
tern prayl•r, 1(i, it t a empty' ohm,
sive statement ,f teneltin1
me no Ru sl -0 1 ger n bolter of f)4'. 1YorAlA Theo ,1x•'04 '4
Jcw „r(;(nti1e. I teen there %%ere , about Clod and individual duty, in
S r'tay Pint Syn,p and by the time 1 ' regular „racial, ')11. aril from a simple. intelligible arty.
ilad mrd two bottles I was entirely 1,,,,,,e to heave gathering menet• for I ather •11 sus'. cowmen ,l4'-ign:a-
eired. i ata Many' iecomnirnding it to indigent Jett... 1)11 the Sahli:tthe tie,, for Owl, bringing h"fere tar
ends." :14m, were 1411 i1.r11 at ihr s:yna :Hind his snpreti1 nutherity a- ',,411
Wood's'sorway Pine Syrup coin- gt.gtte• as his paternal rare. '4'o 4.11' !.::m
he potent healing virtues of the Verily 1 say Special en,pliasis'.n (4111 father is le admit a Unitrl.al
pine leer with other nh=orl.rnt, Illy f1111r•
e1 that the by 1,.,ii1. - ha, e gnome! of br,thuri,ot1I
(4 t1I(na his
,rant and soothing medulla... of received the slot tet tcxard they true Children. The ndditie11411
1.•rr41 4,011)1. and is nh.elusrly harm. sought. in the praise of ,nen, but , phrase, alio art in hi'o (n. is, not
prompt send •aft for the rare of have forfeited the fame of the meant to isolate, but 10 describe
iglu,. ('01(1. Bronchitis. ('roup, Sore heavenly 1'ntlier. I '. incomparable majesty.
'mat , Pain or Ti henrys in the . Sore :1, \1'hcn ih0» dn"sl elm• Sltolt' [{n{luwe(1 be
tett name :1 fer-
g ung it is bel rhe art hal Ihr 11141144' vett) wish that (hod may be 10,0r-
and 41( throat :sad bung Troubles. which ,1.-1(• , eu(1"nul'• enc.(' among Hien according to his
Ikyare of imitations "f hr. 1%0(810 Lel ma the left hued 1,11e14 This worth, "name" signifying. in the
Norxst Pine Synq•ki,k for it and is snppes(t( to be a cure( lit prover,, Jewish c4'fter. the whole Person.
insist "n getting shat v0a ask for. It i. t„ e51,„.„ (5(4)4 5(((CO, Olt ung with- 10. 'thy kingdom came lsra4l's
pal ftp 111 a yellow xropp•r. three pint ant shoot or leaisting was in keep- unceasing prayer. With wider
teres the tra.le 11'1ik, and the prier 2?i Mg with the hest Jewish spirit. Rope, we are f.. prat for the com-
mits. .1. The sunt of till i4 that the Inst- ung of that dot' when the divine
ifania-aerated milt l.v The T. Milburn ter ,.f ;lln.•si4 ung is one betwerrl a will shall be the iytiversal rile of
4:v. awned, Toronto, Out. Lunn : t.cl itos,hather, who wi') give life. '
fl•ui1 ten• bee , 1'..+k"d deo , ..,ase of been known to grumble.
Pepper. tone l:ablespnonful of their, 114' skin- it, thesyrup with oar- 1 He is looking forward 1.. the
'ate small letup of butter, 'Cookggs. half dozen chole,. frock about hope of an old age pension. to
well. 'Then add hunt to sits eggs. twenty minutes, reutn41 the skirls„ xhirh often he good-humored') re
Itemdd eggs light with egg beater. •1)111 pe111 life• .vrup with the rimes ,'narks: he will hreo„,r entitled at
\del 1'i ringd 1(t plain
rlr:uu he
seer the 1(l p14'. in x jar. a1141 euver 1 just about the same tine- as King
fere serving. til, Thi• is iuexpe u+ivr and b4'ats Llix'ard
himself. who is his eller
Spanish Pepper Solari. i14s,olti• all kind• of ('It l l . { 1)v a booth, Needless to say, he
11111f hat gelatin in half 4•1141 cold i if it is desire,( t, have (1f- cur„ 1 is still a kern euthuxinwt i11 the
aster and half cop linegar. .111'1 tains a light -cru shade rinse them! 444.01ry and '"e4"lege• the :.pith o'
half (11p l( sugar, juice of ,enc le- in weak „mo . rued if yul, want a •en`(• and pride 1. 4vn1.th, of his
sun, wont wean/moral tet .all, outs dark shade nese strong cali. great-grandfather. :111•.1 attends
cup .4 boiling water-. Ilia withterry 'car the }turns rtlrhrttioa
aux 41511110(4 4111111'11("4'v, 1440 011(15
''i,1t;;'';n*livi nal fits tlal.'rser : 111 ' (DFNT ON BURNS
at the Melt Hall.
. I • NOi)(1: 1.\1( [•11'111' 1t1•"t.U,
iug on Irtture leaf with 11usyon• , • -
uaiw• dressing. Thi, will serve
414iivev.ple are I liable
ire in 1114' Porgy.
184' inell ...dial steel plate in :d1 .4. tttelse g1(. vii.
enc:'. 111 to arid alutuil,lnu, Hereto-; -
fere rrgar,:••(I Ne. imp(. -11.1c. TH1-: SI•:11'1 NI; 11111111.
The 1104 1'shot leip.•.lu, with .
al.ieh Er»11(r hag made recent Ile Saving 'fine• Sewing. 1)ne stn
hurtserali.I. 1" her (1111 ,atisfae galla.. by hand and 1,34.11. a1 the
' tion i" a lead, dr:slung .l4', 1, 4 e.f same time In fallen ung this 1':144)
4411441. '('wicc the sire tot the old 184)141.41: Suppe%c v"i, plan to ga-
Whitehead. and charged midi near the 1 tee a gauge ..f mire and :1 half.
1, laws) peiulds of high espl'wit4•.
it i+ tmllt tm1led Ir. 11.•) 4/181) 4584 es,
r. ilhmut n. :1110'11 a, a thread 1'.
cten11141 it 44 ilia it• lit'' slat. ort
,11111.1.. 'I'i."se a Ito 1111 e 51 rel it in
e(1erallntl ,tate that 1t :())':1114x• (n
rerunm.itr. the he -tile 44',14'( in
de 11111llller 1,1 a miniature sal)
tacrine, peen(, it. harasses it, :nil
prrf1.rms elolutirons 8b"1(t It,
• e s' e5 s 4.i animist
el th II n
rilrentl n d xl g
e.1 In 1111 inlrlligen04 of its 1,w n
guided all floe while by the ibv ,'•11,1.'
1111 chaotic.
We hate a1.I' ie I'l4l11 the \I:t\in
sileneet for 111L•- .111.1 nn English
carn••n also le.•
- -
Koff* What S't• Was Doing.
i'»at"r-1 watt 4.orrr fnr your safe
during the s0r1808 lois nmer„trlg, doe.
tor. she haul s1(• h n drpailful ill of
coughing that the eye" of the whole
congregation 44014' flied noon her.
Doctor- Wool you h0 unduly *10(81011
She was ','.coring her new hat for the
WUftft... I\ 1 I.f1\1►o\. 1.\t.=
1.1\1t. 1'14 •1'111t1'. : The 111'1.0-'11t ,t 111:11 ••111.• p,• .Ile
feel for 11el-) slit 1",*oiling•{ nal.
Inl•IltInrrd ht if fa0n'.11- ,prc:adis)
i,l 1(jtlillj{ s Ine,ll, 44! e\l►lanatiton of
'Ihr 4 beers Illd t ctpperstnilk is a the rase of !Mlle Hut•at•e 1'ollilts,
Descendant of the •.ruteh 1110 here,, nm•.s0mger low, says the
1.011(1111) hall%. (tail. The Ind. al-
P"''t' through able to gratify every wish
1 its :1 piece of ear•ihecrd 11111. 81111 a- the quest of Lord I.anad0w1r at
1.111. -half 1111411..1„11g, with Si nick \ ci.rrrt 1(1 i r..pprl•nuth. bent
at the rad of the inch. %Vitll .vent 1. ith half a r.•ntrir) of hearse labor 11,'ood- H"t,so. has nla►trri14R
needle galhri 1141 one awl „Hello( i1 a L(,1„11. Kali.. tarter,. but lunging for the hustle and light o1
Mete • .4 geed 4. dials the either% -till hright-rt ea and vigor..11•. Is rhe L1.ndin streets.
now• 111 he added to the eiriem,lt- "1t i, a 'ter'''. Clear ea 41 of Ir•„t:ll-
up into an inch 'pact. ae,l .rt a .
sinal' 1,4-1 int; stitch Th„, .e1( have diminielIing list 41 the actual legi- gli• said the ,l4etnr, "1 person
11111x11 "III. ••mwe :toil a half-' in- 'titrate descendant. 4)f the l,.,e•l suffering like that has lost 1 w')
t ,ihr proper .pose and ha‘.. ,lour 'turns.•'t.•rt((11' friends, as: it were masa
tour ha -ting all with one tutu of .\, is x(11 kiln%11. there still sur and light. It is entirely dor He the
1110 w tier, .0 In ..peak. Intervals vises :, ',muralgrami,s11 .f the In l t.-. Our nervous syst4'tu gels
int, a proneuncesl groove in all.
found l port in 114' James (ll4'ncnir+l oaf -
of :u+ Inch 44 (1) ter "*(ll' close
cm"( gl fa'r ,• din1,, basting, If 'l'llonseu. w•1u.4' hale old age is Itie•e xith the everyd14 ("n'lit.ion
t 1, , K `
net, .,'raw three s";11th. .'f »n Mel) ,'wing tenderly eared for in tile, andel which x1' Iter. 1 sudden
Imre :1 h011 inch .11;11.0 . 14.44 tel fecal Seettelimen. 1)111' a change in living throe'. the Hort one
Sewing on I1u11.•n". nut 1.1115 1.11ldy of ‘,,,,I1, ago the chit list ill- .t stem out of gear. Beth light and
bine .111.11 4114 u1(f.,1(4111314' t'.,, "f (lulled grant- to 11r", Sit I -Ili Hot 44) use are »4'1.40115 '.(,'roti li Io people
pipping off the gllrlllrnl • 'whale. '')•1115"11 11nt1 Mls, .\Iltli' Burns .4 alio lite :amid liaise andlight. Talks
int; 111 1Ile little bilk at the must in. t heltenhln), beth •'Behhie-,, ' away the comradeship of noise and
ep(1tt•tune tune, and when tens,• (41.nel-daughters. Hilhcrtn, a• it fight. and the nervous system 1,1,01
'.e. • 1011.. Leaden leas been unable tat.,t1m111a111• necessary to 11, well
needier% are employed ill 11 ctei1111 • 1 1
14'.5 numb, r .4 ditties that any + ' (Ini111 it lititipt heal will, ,lir per; 1)e Ing and suffers in consequence.
"ilupliftcatien is acceptable. I r4'- ,14 freedeul. 'With the boy Collins the b34et
Wernher full boon delighted 1 was New. how et••r, there prm,. II, (hal he dues m.t •04' poli14'141rn
alien the di'4'e'(14 was bade that h. living and working in the heart tleuhI.'i. hire, beeau.r policemen ('1
in .:0"ilg on hn'1'tcs if the knot .•f the city. unkne4n awl inhlnur- l•im bite 1•(('1111' an important part
of the tht•••a.l i- 1,11 the right ,id'' 4,1 e I sate for his own leerily. an 1111-..f the natural srhemr ..f things.
rl,nbl.••1 great grand -too of Ii'Ie,.t. ' .\ vert similar ra•e "((erred
the article 1ini.'ln of e„ th.• wring '41111 It 1,1.11(10» h"n.4'k4'cprr "f
e.it:.•1 under this 'intone and if af• Horn` himself inn direct line ilia
Canada's Power Wealth. 't •l '1►e 1)44414o% is ,ea ed ••8 secure-
ecure-('an»,1st • 3V/11I41,1v %Ater paste, re 1. the Ihre•nrl is vmin'I :wool,' it
pre.. nt a emehin••,1 energy ''iii'' 1. 1 (4 4 I. or four lime•, the buttons eel
maintained by stream four gr'„14','••' (1'•111 come. off until the 1'11/1 111's err
(loth e4',: %cold involve an »mn11•' worn nut. Hr.. Semite: .I. 11 111)(.1.
Clad Ben• Auld Ina of :34;12.1:,:e,l;:14 tuns i
His Friend Said
1.. END11\.
'allies i'in Hint,. 'fit lerttin=
•• If They Don't Igelp or •rl.1lhes pin• in ihr .r% 011 1111111
Cur* Yon I Will Stand ' i,• , g4'1 real het : .•o east) (1:1
Bur titin' 1; will 1)14.1 111 ((lel
The Price while putting out a 1111144' 44:,"hinu.
mane i I:relge 44 •,I,:on• Nikes. mine. She stn+ seal awn% to tlot
His ,n"thee, .\„m' I:1110-. was the ",1(,114. 1411(1 ylmisly 14)1114) nal en
.114, .butghir)' "i Il.,le•1t Il,trn,, '1"r• tie lite there. ihr mi•yrd the
.4,-., the burl'. 11de t ,,11. yah., 1',11111/11111111.11111 ,f 111i•e• 5o 111111-11
In hate marlirel 111 Lo811doi. that she b:,,1 to I,e brought back t•
Slue i. catered as 1411.11 its the regi.- l.''11 again quickly. for her health
was beginning to ,11ffer.
11 r ••t tit. James'. in l'lnrkruw•cll.
41)1. 1,' she via. horn in 1519.
WI' \ 'r.1',KEIl.
Was Troubled
The old fellea for he i5 mat t�-•
tear*, tet age has taken so lift''• With as.
1 ruuhle to bring himself int.. poi.
lie retire Ihat a 11.8 4.np4'r lel..'• For Years could Get No Relief
ails', Wit all 1Ile •8,:111 ):i4''''', .11111 ct'mlati'1', w•hu "Iliset.t•,'rcll' 11in1 Until Sts( 1,10.)
♦�1���♦*♦ Mr J. A. itulk, a nt►pkiu• en(1 k.1(„Ikrrchief•, in 11 et .beet. Halton (Sar114'•,1., Still'. faclary In ('hnrle• Burdock �ilo0d !litters.
• (.Iver (+►aaltrtdle. Iglt . , h:l l: •.r pill•,w ease and pin "n 1(lard-ii. found that
• Complaint + antes... I had been tine : it -8, es SI Iin the a1 a1, even old J'4 Ekes' mates at the
Cured. work• karat nothing 4,f an nuc••.
� �♦�♦ \1:,.hi,t lu'ily Ione. \Vast' 114 of whiell hr Ili='ht 4ee1l l'• .
nru e:l•iI, and quick,' den.. fill . premier than any I'1:111Iageic I of
ten bnll••I s 11411f fall of soft, eater. his "Norman blmell...
C111 u)+ ,1111 1.8 r, Witt it, west, '.r ante Nene the hoes, 4(1)1.11 asked nhuut
g' 011 Intt1111ry oat'', put into 11 VIII` the platter, the eld man attested
Irouhlod with In
pepsin and I nor
Complaint and tried
many (1ifteitnt r(•-
nokliea tent obtained little or no I,rnr•h/. A
friend advised m0 to give your Lass 1 r'1•r
P ili. a trial, 1,'1( 1 tolyl Inns I had tried r,
many '• eat* Oa" that 1was tired peerag hn )iiig and fir rot. IYhrn ihr
out 1,101M• for things giving 11,0 is. benefit.
He said, ' If they dots t Itrlp, e4' cmc yen, water IS 10.'11111R 4)111 - soap and
1 will stand the price.' So 0(01158 his fn1111 w a I • r into the an.11i„u ,mlxht11r
ie for Pills. I I,eueht too 4ia1.. and I tuts anti pal in e11411s e.luita11.m1 f1.
not (twelve(' for tries weft the hest I r -':'r five .beets. 1 11 111 w-a•i.c•r ten mitt-
uswd Ihr, air 4'01 0f ta'i')' has �lI a mfrs. wring out. rinse throughIe
mora kb/WI I effect than sffv 11•01 wine
1 have ever used, anti 164 I r4l,))' nhn1;1, "n• cold. water .1111d blue. Year
thein it they are small s,,,1 .,.y to take. tl. the are steam washed and :Is
1 1-etlev• thews to be 1110 1 r.: Inrdirme
a . ,tell ;is. time .1(111 1•,.111.
for I.1 ver Troutele Ih(•re ,n 'a be folio(' '
Pnca 26 erntw a :aril nC for $1.00, at
ail (healers. nF will be rent diroot by tn»il
' oe receipt of price.
-I he 1 . H,Ihurn 1'v., 1,intited, Toronto,
011114' 11. .11044. Yeti 'lith ti ash
rave washers full if vett 4411-44'-leael•
and keep the machine tbard s.' the
enter will 11(1 set (eel. Nine out
of len who read this will say the
boiling water will s't the dirt, hut.
his origin with nu smell sense of its
44erlbi„tss. "I run•tell yen this.
said he, "that tI my grnni1faI1,.1•
was llllrn•' eldest wilt, 341141 10, ire
flier tins :in Bolt 'laughter her
br.ther had no ehildre,t I real!,
♦••••4.••♦ \I r-. Ilerm.:,n
• ♦ (hekenson. neaten
• • Can Fiat + \.I4.. writer: "I
• Anything + hatused Itnnlerr•k
• Now. + Blood (filters an,l
O 1111(1 that fon 1•
♦ • 11
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ dirint+ cul Y,111ivel.
call ;eller in 41•:-
rpep•i.l and 110 marl troubles. I mill
trouble'( fat 1 un•''brt (1l year.. with
.144prp•iin and could get 110 relief until 1
!lied 1)31.1.).•), ItloisI tatters. 1 took
timp 1101lr- and hers•".' tired and 1 con
now eat anything widiout it listing me.
1 w'.11 highly recommend it to all who are
(1en't know any '.1 the (tires fanny tmuhtrcl 41,14, ,Ismail: iroul.l0.''
it. ,the •henlrl 1,4. 115)0. lake 1110.1 flord„••k Bloat Niters has a11estaldi4l)-
twit,'(( of fur.
• \ly methrr,- he (1,1(1 bed,
"whom 1 remember nett. was the
vele image ..f limns hitn..')f. with
hi' tln,hieg dark eyes and j141 hl:e•k
1',i mputuHmn, e\10nding 04er :1 1 veil%►
as :4 'ire•cine fur 11r•f'rpsia in all its (armor,
NMI :111 drsaors :iri*tn4 from this cause.
1'"r silt. by all (hilers.
11 1st:e (,•r •Irr,I only by The T. 11d1►urt
hair. She ('(.111:1 sink, too. Site ('o.' tri nisei, 'termite. not. •