Exter Times, 1910-02-03, Page 6FARMS VOR BALE.
The Attest posi-
tion and one of
the best terms
in Lenin.. and
Addington ad•
iuiniug th'e'y
rout... 150 At res
in a good torte
et cu:Ils.an.n, ample buiidu,gs. 1 houses,
batik barn, the. p shied and s'ublea, pletly
of water and conveniences, magnificent view
of bay and river. Must bo sold at •e•
Thousand down. balance spread over 10
years. Cculd wc17 bu divided b. ttcell tau
Ir tends.
■ Beautiful 1.2 section. 12 miles north
IV�- of Hatka'.�,u, Sask., close to Cautw 1.� ���� �, ,-'.-..w.....w.•�
doth Northern Ratlwry and elevator, �,,..,..
An Ullexpe1ed Coufessioll;
Or, The Story of Miss Percival's Early Life.
K:3). tots hip 13. HS west of S. airier askcrl ..�
tt;x Makn beet bad and do it (1011 , t'11,11"!'!:It \\.l'WlU (Cout`d) ft cling +•f mingled irritation unc
this be sold. di�al'll,•iutuu tat pursoasing hila.
t hoer 10 eorpor.ltion of Remit. �350G t t electric I " \l,' 'lir King, this is Very ]lu ►, by no menthe satisficc
ton, 26 tarred, on line o e tie 1 - 'F tku a
f:ulway, suitable for ►u•aches, peers, up- (,_i1e11 e.f \en, I aril sure.
that, Harold Irvington was 1llltU-
i It
plc:, etc. Beautiful situation. � i (ale but
- Norfolk County, choice fairs et =o'at, W111 you?" alio invalid Ub' cent regarding
bather's '
e. cordial tour, the
into us Mini-
roll r +c
sore. "You'll have to fxeu8ti f uilt3, was simply super,•
for awilkeeping still, as this beastlytdoubtless caused b the kuotvled e
y K
ankle will not allow me to stir. 1 that he hail so successfully cever-
a quick, searching lock Snto her
companion's face.
"Yes, Jemnie't4 integrity is unim-
peachable, but she will return with
me to London, to remain with Mrs.
Kimg--she is so heartbroken over
the lass of her friend she utterly
itf lees to remain herr," _,1r. bin};
"1 Wunder if )ou tu,uld let urn
stay for a while, and keep Elsie
with u►e fur help and company Y
the housekeeper here timidly in-
quired. "i have no place to go to
—1 would see that everything was
kept in good order, and 1 would be
stilling to remain for half wage
while looking about for some other
"\Vhy, yes, certainly, Mrs. Bel-
lows; I believe that is a very good
plan. I should feel sure that tits
house would be well eared for, and
if you are satisfied with such an ar-
rangement until you can do bet-
ter, we will regard the matter set-
tled," the gentleman cordially re-
sponded, and 1 poking greatly re-
lieved to have the truublcsultlo
problem so easily salved.
And so all the servants excepting
ty 1500 SED aerrt, 10 mils south w t ,.•eyed n, a curt]
Of Fimeoe, solid brick resideuee.10 rooms' I ITrI-t' l taus shown 1 1 h Ine� The Illdll a hill►g f 1, { 1 weer
ample barns. al•undant water, also tenant ] 1t Nab
n,•u•o and barns. Terms easy.
.1ONN N. LAKE, or WM. E. DYER,.
114 King West, Toronto.
A + Stove Plate Floor Moulders.
Steady work throughout the year.
t:nod prices.
TME D. MOORE CO., Limited
ilk \111;10`S.
i)n you want to earn r, valuable ',rem -
him? We want boys and girls to do plea•
sant and profitable work for us which can
be done in u couple of hurry of your spam
time, and for which we aro giving a
choice of some valuable premiums. We
do not require you to sell anything.
Write us at once for lull particulars.
BRAUN a CO.. 52 Colbor.,e St., Toranta
$5000 for my 15 acre fruit ranch. in the
beant til Relate Valley. not excelled in B
dry, mild, healtlsy climate, three
ways, near ('.P.ft., 1-4 mile:
and social advantages: seven roomed
wodnru conveniences: good build•
E. J. PA1NTOv. Columbia, B. C.
Maple Syrup
he was baffled.
you have came to talk l iii, t rat•ks that nu tough
over that such affair at Irvington—,
„Ii,icion could over be fastenedet course, I have read all about it alien him.
in the }rapers. What is your alienlite King hada hint good clay,
theory regarding the mystery of ► ' if f the roam
my fair sister-in-law's disappear•- 1 rt
+ince l"
"Well, sir, I am here to speak
my mind freely, and my theory is
that you have had a hand in this
oncxplieable disappearance of Lady
Irvington," Mr. King bluntly re-
turned, his shrewd eye•, fastened
upon the face of his c+.il'i::u+ion.
"Yes, that was a natural infer-
ence, 1 suppose, under the circum-
stances," Harold Irvington re-
sponded, without the slightest ap-
llnw can you rcasonatly expect to make
!teal a fair quality of syrup using out-of-
date pole and kettles and liana for boiling
your Staple Syrup. Write for booklet on
the "1'hanipion" Evaporator to
• ss Wellington St., M
pcanine° of embarrassment, or
I should hull
lnr anal tl after the!•
and bowed himself outo 1
feeling more thoroughly die Iea Elsie were dismissed, the co»tly
toted than at any time since the I furniture was draped in brown hot -
di -appearance of kis ward, while land, the pictures carefully cover -
the moment the door closet after the khihebrie-r transferred-brac ackCed to a saway,
him the invalid gave vent to a'
voiceless laugh of triumph that `nabs caro is, and then ug the t.Ite rl place
euwfs (opt
gave him the look of a fiend. ,•. KingPlacing' it where the cows may help
g 1 Kingwas very able widow, after which M
I31wt Humbert longt
expe with, I and Jennie—rho torte r . having, � themselves.cessityTifcy c cows taro that salt
shrewd. Itis 1 ltu ! ta•i h tears, laid Esther s Io a n
a in
I evelation Tea Goodnes
EO 1AA$OR.---
Reginald Geary set Out to Bs Chief
Executive Many Years Ase.
The success of Mr. Geary in that
recent Toronto mayoralty contest Is
the victory of a young Ulan who has
steadily set his face toward a certain.
goal with a calm confidence that few
individual possess. 801110 years ago
when he first decided to stake politics
his profession --and it is worth te-
nienlberiltg that politics with the right.
man can he a clean, decent, and
honorable profession CansdentCl`! V7l'r
had been ut lip}
with hint met hits on the street au:t
1 see you are running for alkr-
"Yes," said Geary.
"Why should a man like you both, •r
with municipal politics?" said hi4
y fr!eod, w•ho had some disdain for the
is a delicious and fragrant blend cf the finest Ceylon Tea. wvers a alderman.
Geta package from your grocer and enjoy its excellent qualities. o f I 1 d rt an. said (:(wry. "and
-- — I',n going to boss the whole job some
H+++++•++•♦+1+i11t••►4+N fur the chlorine in the milk pro- I dayl►e headded.
smiling to
j 2 ducell It is recommended from r himself ie the went
The + this experiment lie that dairy cows in "Reggie" Geary. That was only about
♦ \\ i given at least one
♦ r us mistakes—there seems
Good dairymen advise giving
cows all the salt they want by
and knowledge of, hunl'tn nt re t mane
had glade him quick to take ail -1 V.tirdre,I►0 awin the
J ieLest )).)e -
vantage of every possible device to sible order—returned
gain a point. and salt when they think of it, of minting R paint pot
So now ho reasoned that Harold CHAPTER XX XIX. 1 tell no 7110T0 frequently than once 1e3slylscrape out the old p Hall on Front street.
it out into the barn ••\\tall, Lyon," said Mr. Shaw, �'I
t ' keep healthy and give milk and painting of ma tr
it. Some dairymen are i of buildings, } ogr even chile Stewart Lyon, el that time obs. feral
lots of tanks, fences, etc., re porter of The Toronto Globe. The
careless in this respect, however. olio houses, painters Lhougnt ' Fevre was the corridor of the old City
six 'tiara ago, and to -day be is mayor
lie 1
»c n
ounce of salt per day, exceptional I of Toronto. It he keeps clear use `
ly heavy milkers requiring tnor n
•(1c1 doubt that he will do so—and p`e-
The uniform results obtain
with all the cows in the trials in-
dicate beyond question that salt in
addition to that obtained in the
food is absolutely essential to the
} i fdairy cow
serves his health at., stmuoin the
will be a , permanent figure
public life of that city and afterward
of the province.
Mr. Geary is not quite so young as
he looks, but the attitude u( sonic'
Continued health h a }Dept- toward him until quite recent-
ly recalls a little conversation that
occurred nearly twenty years ago.
LEAD POISONING. One day in the lute aututnn, Mr. John
Fh:ew. M.P.l'., then an alderman and
chairman of the executive committee.
the most powerful post in the council
as formerly constituted. met Mr.
poisoning in cattle usually
takes place during the remodeling
a reek, an c timer
would have been perhaps a lou r Irvin+rtes. bcheving ge Our roosting, shortly yard where cattle have access to, ACC that the young comedian e „e
have said, if I had not happened to himself alone, would be trhruwis1 Kings were once more settled in! I?xnorintents have been made at the result being that within a city council is talking of running tor
have been laid up several dad's hl- betrayhso off lila gu he and th ' rho Wisconsin Experiment Station 4
occurred. You Il al- 'their city residence, Miss Percival'
` short Lime ono or more animsll� "Yes." said Mr. Lyon, "and the
fare the affair o betray rind. something therefore the real utas 1' called at their dour and inquired by Professor Babcock to aseertllu�; are noticed to have n loss of apt young comedian will probably be
low, I suppose, that it would be (,f his mind. He L+ rn if Miss Wellington was at home. I what influence salt has upon artite. shortage of milk, n depress- ale cleete(t!"
rather difficult for me to walk off back, and, without the slightest The butler stared curiously at the ht oath and milk producing ability
her ln(1 shill, and only i , c,{ "earning, reopened the , a and informed her that no (�; coma. He fi,llnd that in every ed leak, and later excited condi- "Nonsense," l u_hrd Mr. Shaw, and
bodily with y sound 1 woman, n,tion, (went his way.
one foot capable of movement." 11C 1 tl,,r blit a moment or two after such j►Cr6Ull resided there. ease where cows had been depriv i i f permitted to run loose they
The "youngs comedian" ran and -.-
concluded, with a note of rn ckery closing it, thus catching the !„{ Snit they nru apt togo around in a circle, elected. His name was 8. J. I hese
schemer just in the midst of his "l knew better!”
the s ►roster 7 l.,• • exhibited an abnur inq. As a matter of tact the outcry
in his tone. sharply retorted, a,l' hho rreri. „ ;+1 npl,etitu for f . the
in no cane moan, press the goad against gene against the youth of n candidate some -
"Well, yes, if it could bo proved , Inockila . brtxat ing KI''.' ! that the works, and sometimes miscar-
th } • t 1' j, utl It• hands. "Tl 1•s \0 1 I by the general appearance• l gratetina their teeth rtes. It
for the length of t t1 has ! , t I r (, r Street, ten L t e. Int weight. and t as if they w
fi easy until { lead execu-
tive office [ 1 h he w.l wholly
flu Gen-
go cololti•
eel Hindu 1cr
.}set, a bar- never puri, in an appearance, I.
emple, is ides- net .rtheless, congratulate myself
oolir. Ile is regarded that I had, for several days, been
er" i s regarded in Caro- a prisoner here before she vanish -
a, an the British Government is ed so strangely."
incapable of protecting him against •'Humph 1 you argue the case
the treatment which in a less civil- very well; but it docs net, follow
ized place is the natural result of that you may not have had accom-
such a view, says the Saturday Re- pli(•es to do the work for you,"
view. Mr. Gandhi first went over curtly observed Mr. King.
to South Africa to conduct an im-
portant lawsuit in 1E03. His earn-
est experience was to be turned out
of a first-class railway car and or-
dered into the "van compartment,"
and when ho took the stage coach
he was knocked down b the driver
(:L Dutchman). He was not admit-
ted to the (;rand National Hotel at
Jeliannesbnrg, and was kicked off
the path in front of President Kru-
ger's hou50 Ey the sentry. In Na-
tal he found the Ministry embark-
ing on a campaign of disabling bills
against native Indians, and here he
started on what may be called his
political career as the leader of the
Indian community in fiouth Africa.
I)n his return front India, whither
lie bail proceeded to fetch his wife
and children. a mob of three thou-
sand persona prevented the ships
for some time from landing their
Indian passengers at Durban.
During the war Mr. Gandhi or-
ganized the ',Arps ret Indian stretch-
er bearers, which render( Al fine ser-
vice at Spicn Kop and elsewhere.
This Rplondi 1 velenteer work might
well have been the beginning of
better relations between colonist'
and Indians, but the new English
adnsinistratots were not sympathe-
tic. Thr, inat,lting registration law
ass passed and compiled with
under protest. ,tall the promise to
rt•t1eal it was then broken.
Ihlrieg the. plague outbreak et
1901 sial the Zulu rebellion of 1906
Mr. Gandhi and other Indians were
(,f great assistance, but they did
not receive any better treatment in
censegnenee. They have since en-
tered on a campaign of "passive
irsistance." This has cost Mr.
Gandhi two sentences of two
tl molls imprisentnellt among the
need ruffianly scoundrels, white
ilh'1 black. which the colony Can
produce, Some of his experiences
in prison will not hear quotation.
Whet must be thought in India of
such treatment by a British colony
of a refined and well educated man
wlurse father. grandfather and
(7n010 v ere Prime Ministers at Da-
tive (•(47)17S nail who is only resist-
ing a law imposed contrary to the
seleonti promise of the High Com-
missioner 1
A pc .,r (-sense is better hiss I the ern King f my nneesters.
t , n step of ,,aper which ahc h . i the health o t e an nl ,, „r walla, lndlratlng tis LIIIWO w
at you have not left your room Hem -
A. !„ 1'I tun ler ":'+t '' •. i' 1 , , ►ants. lis ..,,t -n brain is effected, has )w' n Died to railroad
time Oa,. 1 •,••d •,1 t. 1.. ,-t (.it t" ` t or the 11(11(1 of (re mad. many 1n old jellyfish into an excel-
'ruscenu ac• • • f ice or which •
been stated," the lawyer replied. grew wit to and blur the a took ..1 • star}n. toilk appear to he n c While the treatment, or unfitted. 1ltost of t11c- mcompc en
"That can easily be . ._.. _ ..i mingled 1,g.etialitt aiige. +..,,....i
\'i•1 •Hurnbert King, Es ; , is they had been deprived o[ salt ,,.ironing is very unsatisfactory, it ail(} du -nothing mayors a embers
I ihs ,•:, ser of the premises, isn't' longer than two or three weeks.. l „old be advisable to keep lead of Parliament—the political 1
dozen or more people," was the; •
te --41-1,tartled eyes. "By 'Ili rind of immunity carred t. of the reach of cat -so to speak --are highly respected cite
tens who are irreproachable on moral
grounds but hopelessly at sea when
dealing with a question which re-
quires any mental grasp. This year
the electorate was fortunate in (lav-
ing two candidates whore intelligence
it could respect, to chose from -14
condition by no mtcans so frequent as
it should be.
cool reply; "and don t you
it l l
,p; n way," he went on, "1 thuuKht 11i• ! e pe 1 thud pntrlts on
would have -"ser a bit"- would say to you that as I sill -Yes, maim," repeated ale im t"ith 'individual cows frmn less; ale, ruMer then permit thein to
ling pec work for me to fit' consider ►myself the guardian of 1, ►tmrahle functionary, without re -f one mouth to more than a come an contact will. rt and ex-
under eircumatancra' 1 1.ndy IrrngUol'a interests, the , t,,iuq his glance from the face u[ 1 year. peet to save cattle this afflicted.
„sidering that I ala the only; prop€ ray will remain under 111 the eccentric visitor. In t•tcry case where salt was —Dr. David Roberts.
person who could possibly be
tn.carr, x11({ 1 sturll at once clow Ir -"Well, then, this is the plat(• withheld a condition of low vital -
vingtol Manor, leaving ono or two.where I was to come." she retort its was finally reached, in which a •f•
tcrest t1 in Lady irrngton's re-,llddon and complete breakdown
nuuciatiun of, or removal from, , servants in charre, until all legal ed with an air of triumph; tl)e'n
her }x)ailiont Suspicion would lit',tuestiutl» are finally settled. Good- � added, "ls your mistress at ,,tcurred from which recovery was (:RO\1•'1'11 Or co-:R.ITION.
once have fastened ripen mc, and day." 1- 1" meld if salt W71a supplied. This y Soeieties Doing fi30,:,t0,11i10
placed Inc in a very unconlfortubho i Ile shut the door again, without ` The dignified butler was upon stage was marked by lois of apps Il.
position. While 1 usucanrp. fart to giving Harold Srvingtun an tipper- the pint of saying that Mrs. King tite, a general haggard appear- Business in England.
feel that she ens n usurper of my u►ity to reply, and went his way : way not in, but something in Miss uses lusterless eyes. a rough coat
rights, and that 1 nm justly omit but, his [nee was not quite au ; 1,t rcical's manner warned hire and very rapid decline in both live The vitality of the co-operative
"Ler, in" rose sea gloomy t+ 'reci unprepossessing ] yield (f milk movement in England, which took
( an RIICCerd jl
Somethine .About the Mainspring
and Care of it:itches.
When on one of three
cony as a taw moments ) - that. llegpi(e her u p weight not 3 to ►
. ahpl'aranee clic was /1(>t a ]1rrRhll The breakdown was most likely Its rise matey years ago 111 a unc :f tit s last week thin ail ea
"I have caught the rogue'" he who would be imposed upon, and t , occur at calving time or mune- way at Rochdale, continues node 111 S his watch he broke the main
muttered, in a tone of conviction : evasively ubaerving that "Ire would diately lifter, when the svEt,ln Nna • ntiniahed, says Zion's Herald. 'the spring; and then he took the watch
"Ile is at the honors of the whole , i weakened and the flow of milk !growth g by the fact that in to the jeweller's. ie took
rowth of the movement is shown
see," }resented, with an rm rtes- . - 71as he handed the t':ntch over that
affair, as I at first surmised; bol • sive sir, a handsome. salver kr her forge. In general the cows gtv i strikingly
rent Hcavct►! what has he d.,1„' card. incl the largest amount of milk ie there
soci t societieswere
bum0:; of he supposed mere mainsprings
g Miss ] t•rcical coolly dcix,sitrd wire the first to show signs of die- : broke in winter than in summer.
with ofhs our
1 What has been the
, •But the jeweller paid no ; that
fate our par 1?Rthrrl" upon it a small square of phhle tr :g. ThOv all suffered 10ss in }>6�8Q,4Ati at I►rofit. of $43,9t9, +n i
pasture thou when confined to the 1906 their were 112 such societiCS contrary to the general impression
•']) him!" burst forth board that was yellowed bytime, atahl,. 1 doing business of $11).510,000 at a thought more mainspring!'
Harold Irvington, in a furious and was then conducted to the 1 Although in the
tone,as the door closed, for the spacious drawing room to await The behavior of the cows in the • profit of es8,ti90. g in gununl m surd that
trial indicated tint their ford con- I last five years there has been a de- tot► brokeoin a weer. Heot ai a as
second time. upon alio visitor, the pleasure of the ulrt,tring main -
(wicket and laid it on a cold marble
"end myself fur an idiot." he nil- She was not kept waiting 1"nap tamed sufficient chlorine to main- cline in the number of societies
e.1 ht impotent for Mrs. King at once (ante doNn geed 125 froin slab it might break the mainspring,
Iain Chien in g 1 health while
dlry increase in the volume has 112 there business been 1
transacted and in resulting pro but he thought that more springs were broken by electrical
fits. disturbances in flet air in summer
In 1906 there were three tenant
societies with a capital of $4917,125, than by reit' in winter. He athled
which in that year expended $''249, that a new mainspring might break
033 on building, while in 19os the 1 the day after it was put in, a tnain-
numb(r of these concerns had treb- spring being a very fragile, delicate
led and the sum of $"+49,999 wan and sensitise thing. If a watch
were allowed to run down it inig
Harold Irvington smiled serene-
ly' he remarked,
"My dear King,
• „ 1 dcd, with a scowl
wrath. "I might have known that .t,, reefs", her. for u7) Inde finite pence,
regard for the girl has made you deride. probable that under condi-
Rurr,icnn►s. i canned, lie would pla,� sante trick of the "1 have heard Esther speak "f h' n» existing wonder, either, that yet f the • ao many times. mins i'crtival,•
of her, for
sesamoid in the norma
Willie kr
to an indulgent t r t f fear your
ler, ►a 'stir in Wisconsin a dry
ea certainly
niarknbhy beautiful we
t aro ton kind upon me—hr. la our n nu
was a re- ' his pro- she remarked. as she cordially er. (.,,w or steer would suffer no great
�tnan 1
keenest, brightest
men 1n
inconveni,,lic(. i[ given n}, salt cx,
Willie h 1 Heaven -- I at weed "h••11,,lnph!, then 1i haven't made a l e l' that
h that
really found myself Rtnittrn
tier manifold charms, a while ago,
and would have been glad to tnar-
ry her. 1 suppose elle told you
that." our coward-
Yca, and also of y
Ii threats against her, for reject-
ing your snit."
"'Ah ! well, don't be too hard up-
on inc for losing my temper in my
bitter disappointment," the man
replied, with an apologetic wave
of his hand. "Anyone deprived of
his as I wag by a little
vehad111111ReenmeIn t ++
ail the world." mistake. niter all ,•' the mouton o1►- rntiol•1'rufosRtir lint,fock entrap
S too late then to be- served, as silt glancehied that the
But it Nn t room, and with '►nests chntniued chlorine
f around the elegant ,•x},en
1 critically
ration given in the
wail t►in indiscretion, and itanything
reallysay ,turvalent to nbmlt•::, tit an
might never amount, 1 atFr�nnl sheaa hadRout expected !'t�1 find her ounce of salt per day and he as-
emoreusp there to confirm t 1 youngfriend amid quite such lux- ,listed flint this is the minimum
71uapicruns of ier, lawyer, lie' uamount of salt required per 1,0000
ht and and hr end to gain what' nri,`s •710 iroideari Eddie lois made peunde of live weight to sustain an
comfort he could from this reasun-
Hc was very sure t
her hurlte with 7771 ever sing(' she animal that is not producing milk.
came from America," replied Mrs.
nig. that there was If this anemia la not present in the
single tangible point of evt- King, a tremulous sadness in her food it should 1'c' supplied directly.
not a i g i In addition to this a cow should
donee against him, and if he could' tones. have c nought salt to compensate
"But your man t'.'d u,r them
t' ncc v t•'
to j hot ]possess his 770111 ►n paw ' wee no Rnrh person lit nit! h' r
American girl, stay 1►o I the coveted wealth of the lrvinR' I R did t recognize the name,
feeling and
be aggrieved.
t, mR would yet be his. A ft's days
Miss Percivel that was all. He
tat' r Mr. King repaired W living• � skid for
Miss Welling-
for cc log !
Then, after I kora her and became
t' n 1lnnor, to arrange for closing sold you n
fond If her, 1 was almost beside
t rl " raid the huxleete
Myself over the failure of my hopes
and 1 confess I forgot myself, and
used seine harsh langlinge•
would have apologized liter. if I
could linve had the opportunity."
The attorney had not the slight-
est faith in these explanations,
but the man was so cool, and so
matter-of-fact in his arguments,
while he did not exhibit a Bien of 1 rhe
guilt or 'fear, there menet to he cheeks, "and Lady Irvington seem- er 1 nuke 1''
nothing tangible to work upon in cd{ s i sweet and agreeable, I
connection with his suspicions. dear!erY hnlrp i ow 1 shuliltI have 1 been
"I suppose you realize that you the place to he ervil1g vacated 1s t
have a long sea71an of waiting 1►c 11• , Raid 111 r. King, "altar
fore you," ho observed. •after an would be airy bud policy in that
awkward pause; "either Lady Ir- Tesxet1 1 ry end I oreturn
vington's (heath trust be pruvc(1 or one or two servant+1 roust r retain
the prescribed lisle elapse, and 1 house aired and the furniture from
certain formalities be c4)mphed dusty an(.
with before you can claim the pro -
h�"Yes," Said his compnnion, with
a would -Tie prltient sigh. "I be-
lieve aueh is the law. it doenot
the house indefinitely. e,,•t)f course 1 did-- ciBr 71houltl
He end an interview with Mrs. i 0 ask for!" detid-wt the spin-.
BrlloN"R, wen appeared to be in st0r, in genuine surprise.
grist grief over the probable loss "Surely you knew that slit was
u[ he r position. mnrritd 1" Mr:. King returned. nu
"[ was R,► sure that 1 had fafte leas astonished at her guest's igner-
a comfortable home at last -rafters 1 unc, of the feet. The child
all my troubles," she remarked, • Surely 1 did not'
:ip0r1 the tears fruit► lira i married 1 When. for mercy'a!
gettingsmear•. I'rr laps
you will recommend those whom
you regard as most reliable."
M rs. Mellows appeared to consid-
er the Rubject for a few Inomeut7,
P00111 to inc to ho quite right o , "lilt Hannalsie h, one thetlowaitre ser•
fair that 1 shook! thus he uuld0, and 14' honest
the especial football of fate. for so I maids flare both ng,00 ,not fest
long ; hut I suppose I shall be , g►els, g
obliged to submit with what grace like being left ,alone
to 1 ' with s 11111)1 1, assure o) tg
1 chop it o will at lento is something plie 4'- - vit 1 K,
to hope it there is n proSf+cct ahc ••1,� ,," ,1 thoughtfully. "'lilies York City, and we wishto n
p come into 1'' io- sic• Burt, Doty Irving- them tlt$it they will receive by re -
1w is turn mail. absolutely free, a "Trial
that 1 toss ,•t'•nhlnlly :,nnihn „{ ,•„lu �••
" she t•oncl;,'l, (1, t,itli 'Treats •11t.”
(To be continued.)
(;0011 NEWS Foil THE IIEAU
A celebrated New York Atirisl
has been selected to demonstrate too
deaf people that deafness is a di:
ease and can be rapidly and (17Fil\
cured in your own home.
linproposes to prove this f having
by sending to nn•y p
trouble with their oars a trial
treatment of this new method n11-
solutely free. \Vc advise all peo-
ple who have trouble with their
oars to immediately address 1)r.
Edward (hardener, Suite 914, Nn•'
0 \Neat Thirty-third street, New
expended on building. Through ,
these societies mechanics, artisans'
and clerks are enabled to procure
homes, and at the same time the
habit of thrift is strongly inculcat-
Ws almost as easy for some men
to keep a proniise as it is for some
women to keep n secret. �,
A Raveling used the
hsumas le iia or
Il dissotvsna granulated
adding Machine, a delirious syrup is made and
• syrup tetter than maple. i1apleine Is • - Id by
'moans. If sot send 5(r int 1 of. bottle era
r , ;vc book. Crtpc cut M.(q Co., Seattle, We..
arise none—if it nurk7•
Mr. F( leave
t`an 1.c' handled very e4.117. TbrPlitt are 1.1-4.1 and all (Amer.'',
parr• 1,71n.tna e''',71:11 1141. U 1 13TE$ry'!ter haw "e krat t hay tag
(toe ha
ter ton can or In fee:f. A't• 4•n thehl.,••d ant ...1w1' Nnne of all
t•rme of 41.1"rtwee. th,r bottle r..aranrttrt to rem nor ea. e. Me
and N a Mule: b and IN drrxr.. et draaa1.14 and harse,g
I deal•,. 00 *tome how to pm.1•Iro throat^. nor tree booklet
1 rive. 4,.rribtne• t.arte'1 ,44018 t^• -e reined, In rostenos-
4 ant.', fear" Msta1attnaat ea wt�•tt'o!lhe lad.. U.S.A.
s•,tp•e11Y ?it 1tICRl CO.. Cassias sae asetrrl.teafil..
Semi -Portable
or Ski1 Engine
Enutnned wit's 7 4afwr•tt, r Tank
Resigned es.,•i;l 11 for F.nrral Farm
I molt to 5 and „ 0 t' •
Specially 11 .pied for Work In
Cold Wc�ther.
1 MP Perot -Portable Y.ngine with
The'' ):ngic:ea are the gams as thetainl17 iithitaas'. 1 Vrtorntor
rd •in
Tnse'oftthe enginehwhereeItlI. welleon rreter ted. snaking a very host, compact,
self-contained outfit. as rem be seen from the Illustration above of the 8 5 p
nasolltin Engin". Pend for catalogue W. COMPt-im)tgd.
MONTREAL, 1T. .1014N, II. ••
•••••,...�r.. •••••
on Wing w'nnel up again keep a
little different time, due to some
slight variation then in file spring's
As he stns going to have a near
mainspring putt in this watch the
owner thought that he might as
well et the same time have the
watch cleaned. it hart not been
;leaned, he Paid, in shout year
and a half. '1'htc jeweller Alt
watchmaker's glass t•' his eye and
opened the W111 eh and looked in,
remarking then that the watch wan
last cleaned tau vents ago. in
January, 1009. It 10011)71 that when
a watchmaker cleans h welch he
nlnrks upon it the date of the
cleaning in an out of the way place,
liehtly and in characters so small
that they arc not discernible 0xcert
with the rid of a mollifying ging"•
This hatch, the jeweller went (.n
to salt, had kept in good'eontliti•1t1,
I thought it bed not been clenne') for
two years, but it 1101,1(1 he well te1
have it cleaned now awl it was -)wive
to look titter n watch at the en
1 sear. 'There is a watclime
'-acing that a men who neglects
eateht d•,e.; FU nt his t,et'n
int ening that thong() the cit
thus fancy 1litnschf •invins.
tet In the end it inns, cos
f,'r repairs.
(ltd 1,adv--"Poor man!
It:ty' you ,1,.710 to ya)1r hand 1
mplosab!e hlruke my 1(7101
noon, ku'
(kin' at people's de,•.
errkiit' fop
"Do you know that your dos
ens sonic over hitt, my ge' •len
"1 t!iv'i .iit. Caey Intlst h0 dkittilt
t1,:'t • \1''`s d t 34)77 think
'lie: :"+11 :e theJ 1►.'"