HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-02-03, Page 5MIMEO THE EXETER 'TIMES, FEB. 3rd 1910 •••••••••••••••••••• ; l SAINTSB(II(Y Brand Send 1l'ARE11'El.L PRES1:NTATION Mr*s. \Milson, i. . 1'it• t+aintabury. Jan. 20, 1y10 son of the Lakowroadfe,of and JnsmotGher\of To hiss Minnie D:Iv;M.--We the Mr. William 1Vi:son, or the 4111 curt - members of the Girls' branch of the is •salon of Cab + ' Woman's Auxiliary of tit.. Patrick's home onMithtdttiyn ldied The tfunerral church, arldinhury, do leant with re- took place !Wednesday.g g your removal (roto The death took place last week of our midst, not 'becauseof the course Mrs. South, wife of G. 11, klrnitb, you have decided to Pursue in ,hang- blacksmith of this place. The funeral her your mode o6 life to an th thus bel , The Molsons Baiik 1866 CAP TAL (pdd up) RESERVE FUND ..,. •8 500.000.00 tett $8.500.000.00 Has ffS Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the your deporting (rrout our eomtnuni1y. Ellmvllle 8 Principal Cities in the World, 1'e embrace 'this opportunity of rx-i Our Missionary Campaign work on General Banking Business Transacted. presing sto you (our beartfelt ,loixet :linit'ii:e circuit came to a c,wve Savings Bank Department and appreciation of 'the many valuable services rendered ley you. not only in the \\'omen's Auxiliary, but also in the church rued Sunday schools You beve proved yourself to ,be n devoted And u ►emmtzroand zealousworker k*Sun nday eicho(ji work. We ask you to accept This present as an expression of the above) sentiments, and when you look upon it you will see in your mind's eye,or a haudsuuro sural. hf entwined around it the loot oriels aat of tinny happy AssoCitltione. 11'.• Mr. Devis cue day Iaat week slough• pray God's richest blessings •.•w br'tered his huge for hie winter suppIy wtm,l.ed on 1 and in going to his woodshed he wits surprised to find that part of it had diappeared through the night. M all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager INNNNNNNNN•••8•Nd*NNNNB•••NSNN.Nae • E CANADJAN BANK OF COMMERCE BEAD OFFICE. TURONT,, �• ><. WALKER President I Paid-up Cdpital, $10,000,000 DER LAIRD, General Monnet Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England ISTIL'11SULD 41347 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards ere received and interest allowed at current rates. Accounts may he opened in the names of two or more persons and withdrawals made by any one of them or by the survivor. Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager Branch also at Crediton. 124 't-k•1^F-f•4-F�•-J•-h.}i•i•-1•-)••t•i••p9.•d• Winter Tern },+, + A number from here attended the Irink at Exeter on Monday. They all report a good night's skating. e house in Exeter after spendingeleh returned ta few January 3rd I weeks in town. I Miss May Bertrand returned home 11 after spending a Month with relatives and friends in Detroit, Miss Carrie Kuhn is on the sick list + Ibut we hope to see her around again very soon. - F' Miss Gladys E ssery of Centralia wets ti in town one day last week. Mr, Charlie Eilber, of Mayville, •0 i Stich., is spending a few days visiting + I his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christie ' Eilber, Mr. and Mrs. William Gould of the North West spent a few days in town visiting friends. Mr, and Mra.,Stienacher are visiting friends around Stratford for a few weeks. Mrs. Preeter, of Zurich, spent Tues- ,( 1 day in town the guest of Mrs, 8. + Braun. Business The sewing circle met at the borne +:of Slias Ella Link. They all spent pleasant evening together. College - Miss Mildred Braun returned home • after erending a few days to London, ✓,• Miss Mildred Either, of Exeter siesta Sunday in town visiting her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson, of Exeter, 'h!••6•t"t"F+++-H-4--++• ++•1•++++•.• spent a few days in town last week visiting Mr. and Mae. ,1 Wnodall Crediton OPENS ..Seadents may enter any day of the school year. Individual instruction. Our graduates get the best positions. Mail Courses. We train more young people than any other tnomagewent in Can- ada! ARilated with Coit,mercial Educators' Association of Canada. Write for particulars Geo. .potion, Principal. lust Lord's 'Day when Rev. A. .E Jollies, of Auburn, and Mr. 1V. '11, Johnston, of iiippen, preached. in the interest of Alisslorts. �'e already bee good results 'frokn Ibis campaign The interest of the People bas been stirred more than ever, and we are e\pecting ti substantial increase in giving*. 11r. West"y Jacques disposed of his fine young gelding to Mr. Mills Wood- )ou pat /map .hrotigh life, and 'that. you and your 'future husband may be 'long spared to t' t-1 Joy this gift and may peace happiness Mre, 1•. ,oats was tlse guret of Mies and prosperity 414• closely :Isscl,iultd Dic•keue lust 1'ueeday; ( For cramps, flatulence, diarrhoea and with you 'through your life's journey. MIA. Jauneachildren disordersrs. bottles used every year-fift • • of rho stomach mid bowels, me Signed o,► behalf or the Girls' Aoki!- ! uk _ Kat helydtw1)14..�*a h�.asre 1 Nvrvillno knows no equal -ono million 6 visiting tarsi. Urs. N. 11. Davis. Pres. t • .v pleasant event took ,p'ne' t. ...e residence of Mr. and Mrs. \\'rel, Davis, of Ida intsbury, on 1Vcdnesdayti Jan. 26th, at high noon, when their daughter Minnie E., was united in marriage to Mr. Alexander llacdon•t'd of Lemuel.. The bridal procession r n- teree the parlor to the sweet strains u( the Iliehland l}arch played by .h . Macdonald ane Pa:.men mus:cite:. of London. Rev. 41r. ltaces.. cc liirk- ton, performed the ceremony tender an arch of evergreens and flag$• The .,ride looked bean tiful. dressed in white mull• trimmed with !ace and insertion. She carried a b:ra:it!fui bouquet. of a; bite carnations, and en- tered the parlor !caning of qty. urn: of her father, who rave her away Miss Sarah Neil, of London• aura, of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. was dressed in *t bite In ten. and carr: Deathly Cramps, Stomach was Bloated A Bad Case That Proves Cramps and Stomach Dis- orders are Cured Fast by Nerviline. "The dlstrene I suffered from cramps last summer was ,to severe i thought it meant death," writes 1'. It. Emerson, of guys 11111, P. 0. "1 was doubled up with pain and in such bad shape I couldn't walk a hundred feet. I re- membered having Nerviline on hand and took half a teaspoonful In sweet- ened water. In flue minutes I was well and my stomach derangementu disap- peared entirely." NERVILINE AN INSTANT RELIEF . Iter youngest son was taken i the market, that's proof enough of itsill and Doctor Emig of Granton was merit. Large bottles, 6oc., trial size. calledagain, in and he is able to be around 25c. All dealers or The Catarrhosoaa Some/an). Klugston, Ont. There was quite a bit of excitement caused by the dieappeerarlce of ll,; Gregory's dog on Wednesday last, arid returned again in a few days, hitt in a few hours suddenly die:appeared again, there was is nand dug passed up this 11441+ a short time ago, and mos_ of the dogs amps -treed to b .vis been bitten were shut, Mrs, Dinah Elston, of (t,tyug a, was the guest of Mrs. Parkiueun for a few days Inst week. Mr. Charles ,Jacques arrit.vi home on Saturday after spending about two months in Stratford, Mrs. W. Nielson, of Manitoba, is ep,•nding a few days visiting Mrs, 8. Pym, white carnations. The ,froom was as- lie PaS•nCI' Pk►brie sbeen 3 o t } rrecovfr- sinted by his brother. lir. I). Macdon- nt . old. of J,ondan. After congratula-I While Mr. Frank Lindnrd, was out flags. airtime tiiraid •':ne.•rli The one all entered the dining-roee^gldeepxercising his high spirited horse. the which was tastefully decorated with animal stumbled In a • deesnow I yount; couple were this recipients o: twiny costly prevents. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald it i:: take upCbeir resid- ence at Hanover. Their many friends wish them a happy and prosperous, wedded life. , lir. Fred %liege. of Miffaie. salted - -} 'at the .borne of Mr. \1'iiliam Ste el: Dashes cod the past wee!:. flee. L. K. Eidt who •attended 'week.Reeve atlen on the me'tit was in nglof las all,. funeral of Mr. Wagner at Lisbon. County Courted. returned on Saturday evenings The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical 11r. Sam !ley. of Exeter, spent Stun- Church mot on Tuesday in the Church day with, friends in town. The meeting was in the interest of Miss It abner, of Crediton• called on friends in town on Frida yo"nr women. A specialprogramprogramq' was rendered by the Aid. Miss Irene Lipphardt, of Zurich. The "kiddie)," in t it rooms of is visiting with friends here at pre- the public sehool had a he:f heriday sant. on Monday. and it ••was nearly four Mr. and Intra. Fred ltickb:el, who arc o'clock when the principal eget him - spending the winter with friends in self shoveled out IV She Stamey now Exeter visited at Mrs. Dirks on banks Miss Keyes whores home im al - Friday. AO in Stanley Mies Ida Goetz visited with fr. title nom". managed to get in about in Exeter a few days of last it. lir. :and C\irs. Otto Soldan, of k, s 4r- Show hereat ClintonHur1nCounty7o 20. rnanagli. Mich.. are visiting at th •'.1. \1 60" rat nton Jan. j, to t., home of Mr. .f. N. Grt•tz, U5twir of 7inusa9. (tots, ilius Milligan'n"ed 15 birds, winning 9 firsts. I,an and Miss Mr Or s -IJ seconds. 1 third and 3 specials. fr., h r spent Sunday with Creditor' The exhibits were• Whit('Whit('1'- -. . r,'.4. 111: NSA 1.L Alias lItimeston, Of ! guestofMrs. Jas. Dick.London load, North. for a few ,days 'th:s week, Considerable grain and produce ck all kinds is 'be.n., brought into mar- ket and meets with ready demand and Food prices. Ala John Elder from the Agricultural r o:legned e, s Gue- iph. where he has 'been taking a couple of weeks' course. Mr. Elder Le one of those farmers who wants to take advantage of all the aids to succseseil fanning. • Mr. A.. lietchen is visit:ng fri••nas and relatives in GoderiCIL Mr. Harry Caldwell has 'keen horse from the west for the past few w e• ks. visiting his j,arcnts. Mr. 'and Mrs. William Cadwell. of play. Mr. Cadwell is one of the'Huron boys who are prospering in the far famed west. fa nli :••U, t: r^w• him a considcrabl0 Mr• Gilbert Dick has been makintf d'stance•, bra; unhurt and re- .in e- shipments of ca: J0 and togs flOm mounted and proceeded Leen". a station durinrt .he past week. f--__ Mr. U. W. Foss has purchased lir_ ah ZURICHjulep 11•eismiller's storehouse at the rear of Mi. -1' ' premises. Mrs. F. ihisch i"a cel'ed to Bruce- offield this week °win 710 <• illness At a relative. Show ills oelzry at Cli Ton J.r%V_ on County mutein shot - cd 15 birds, winning nine first. two secondll. one third and three specials. The exhibits were White hocks. !tuff 1Myandot10R. Silver Laced "11•yandot- tcs and White 1Vgando::es, Miss Annie Wren left • here ;ac t meek to visit her brother, lir. ,itl5n 'S. Wren. in Toronto. The held a.' e!a!t' iAidheoechos).a rooCarml mlron Tuesday evening. Mr. and :Mrs. Char:cs ltcAl:ister. of the Parr Line. very 14'-.santly enter- tained a *sleigh ride party from the vicinity of liea:orth on 1••r:day eve/t- ine of last week. At the recent ;wintry show in C;i•1- ton. Mr. Fred Bengo,lgh. ,,; the 411: .t.(c. won the fo.lowin:g prizes: For t1'hite Weeindot, •.• ins.. entries, he won tato firsts.,hn•.• seconds and one tbird; Sit ver Laced '11•yandottes. four entries. won two *seconds and one third: Golden Laced Wyandcttes. two 071,1-1,4. ,von :WO thirds. This two netrie3, wen two thirds. This makes a total of t hit sen r•• g:,:::r prizes and four specie:,. which is an excellent showing. and bah Mr. ort. `ee•:n and Mr. 1teneough are to tit• con_ gratelated on the excel:,•nl showing they mode at •he /thew. The annual Sabbath School enter- teinment. held in th' Methodist church on Friday evening. wax very tar:e'y at.endcd and much enjoyed, and an excellent programme. fur- nished principally by the children. at Is carried out in splendid atyle. The friends of Mr. Joseph Ellis a retire. .0 learn that he bas been quit poorly for RAMC week, but we hope moon to ace hint in the enjoyment of his accustomed health. :.lis. Ilnwdtn. of Clinton. was here during the the l Mpast "'* ek vieitin brothers, .. her ra:McDonnell. cUonneli, 51re. Itoht. .Meere and $Ron. of Pig- eon. Mich♦ h. :teen vlsitin_t .heir relatives, Mr, and 31re. Janiee Moore, of this village. to Atlas e last meek spend)rattriot'.hsleft !cation with relatives( and friends in Roston. New ilamburg, Tavistock and London. A1Ise 1st, •Fee, of neer 'enrich, end Miss J'ollo; k• o: the, :i tub'.• Linc. were the guests during the peat we of Mrs. �ir Stirling, !c Mrs. McKay. of London, was in the vil!:a•re this week vi.sitinu her 1'*r• 0nts, Mr. and •Mrs. Thomas fear!. Itev. Mr. Ili him t, o: Thorndale, prenohed mieeionary sermons; in the Methodist church on Sunday. ;ear, 4'yandottcs. silver Laced \I' i' $tuff �- White 1\' yandot,em $'1'A EVAy:uatiot reds, 1r. 1 . id. a Mr. and ',It... Simon Waiver of • ho has been visiting the Cariedian West are Mrs 4',, Petrick. has returned home acquaintanccq in this sectional tlMr. to limerkilss, t',alprr %%I' :it one titer proprietor Mrs. 1'. K. Bluets received word the A• goodly representation of *helot' the old Huron hotel. now the Do - other day that her father, Mr. Wo„de shareholders of our 'tura/ Te:ephon • iminion house. He has pnApered in of Forest, was dead, '1'hey- All attend• Co. el tended the annual me eine at t he *tem. and physically his six foot IS BUT O ed the funeral. 1111111114 on e 'Wednsday. Mr, James Cockerill is spurting A Mrs. A. A. ('olortnhc,n (4/ten,- a as fl lightly hashthey ired rtirhlt:` eniy-five farmer should now that rho horse formerly owned by Conrad "eek at her former home, at offered by the dealers for cattle, Kiihn, Jin* Always hag a fine outfit. recently, Norwich, or mora years egos Ills friends aro Mis a fair nae. IIow can eta We are sorry to re port the death of Mrs. J. Nagle and babe. Dublin, pleased to ace him and his eetimah:e Oils 1f he does aot take a farm Mr, Michael Schwartz whn died at stere guests of Mrs. P. 31. Hamilton Mr. Jacob 1Weido made a ver• paper( What doctor or law. Mr. J. Schwertx's horse Sunday morn- on Thursday. y hal • Or business man would be without ing. The tonere, wan held Tuesday atat- id recovers frau, his injury and is bwiaeas paper! There L but one ; the Crediton cemetery. ("114011 a dance at lrnrquh'r oast r:d ay able bMrt nnrf Mrsbe out n valentine (:,subs r. of farmers' business and market raper, that i 1)n Thursday evening one of our old evening. ki The Weekly Sun. Start 1910 right byI llnneerq pa„„Pr1 "wayin the person of MiT.eaoln. are via t n3 relatives and k eeribing. • i i re, Kerr, the wifof the lateJohn't'\ter 1i ('kplc'trd to !earn that 11ra. friends in this section. They nrrire1 Kerr. She wan taken to Exeter on 1• convalescin•e. 'setts- on Sitarioly evening and alit via:t i Sunday fur interment. Hie leaven f.e . n, ,`. iron. 11'r r='• rat i, ray:.. n Oniario for n few weeks brfor. lone daughter tonal four sans. /� l ,, ret ur14ing home. Mr. Albert .Torlo.k isv h Ci T e :l V r ,Are You Weak,getting his FOR FLETCHER'S `ice in this week preparing for next summer l0 treat his ft lends, All CASTOR 1 A Bloodless, e�w shine around Albert, - �►a7►7p Anaemic? Mre. J, CIArk ig s.•rinnmly ill rat pees- eat 1,441 hope nhP will noun r,cm•et j; Medicine Mie„ Clara Clarke and Mr. Fred. Toa Can Be Cured of Poverty of a (!lark, of Dewberry. Alberta, come to IS Breathed 1 the Blood Just Like visit their mother who ie seriously ill. Word has iseen received that Mr. Everett was. (lhris. V'oelker, of Detroit is ill at prem �•� / ' ens, The !Alter mereage rep ►$ted that FUI.i.A IITON Mr. George rrqubert. one of the early sertlera of l"II Iarton. tans called to his reward on .fan. 2Rt1, at the ripe old age of P2 tear's. 7'rnorlths and* it days. Ile lied been failing in health for /tome time. Ii .• was bort in Lan- ark township. Lanark County, end in hit youth at orked et the carpenter • Have Ton a Cold? -It Can Be l'arl�, in 1P,,A he married Mins ,Tans - 'he was a little better. Hit many I I ark. anti the) )novo4 to shy /arra Since the early ages, 10 all countries ; friend& wish hire a speedy tecovery, Completely Cured By on q itch he died in 1P01. and bre r0• amoarr all classes of people, anaemia Ind br recently bought 159 octet ad- Completely conditions one of the moat pernlciuur Catarrhozoneloinin;f rbc 100 norm on which he met•tuW It i na that affrcl manklnal( fist. A It bor2h he ue,cer took n r Wilting front her home In Paisley. •Centralia Ill Ile)at part dh public affairs, 1 ro Mira. 1•:verett rays: -• -"My daughter I he was had lust pas led her sixteenth - - a *tell read and intelligent observor. year. p It Quickly e. Liberal in politics anti nn a:der it' ttrlwrn she Ligan to rapidly lose color Add rent Alin Centralia. Q y Cures Whooping the Presbyterian ,beret►. His w idnw sand strength. serious compllcutiony Jai"s i.;r i)inada'r•. of Iii * .e g r Spee Bronchitis, 104 tett children survive and net in fatal made her (shells and !Sequel n is vis - stet In e on ami Cough, art y U 1) a daughters are lira tonic tit the M0thoebmt g I -. Th friends, must anxious. We were rot' bliss M. �,r. Parson:we. Catarrh, Hay -Fever, oat. Ihlmseldnl0; arty ?serried on account of hor Ill' , oaand re Mitchell. i is vie- Robert. Colohsny• Bask.: IiaChurch Andr, t� /wattle bat b.eauee she was likely- to siting friends and relatives in flee Asthma, and Colds. ,nil rt. •.t___ ,•'tion !:•:r y::art' wnrk lit the ill gl, vicinity. outiicott, of Exeter, visited at ach•.'tl. where site was preparing fo th- yr ,fc :r 4 .•f teaching. The doe- -°- Methodist Parsonage last week. for %eel it w.. • n ll r• •• It' A ser ie r ala.' int I know Colbert tt h. n! been ma- ins- It• r l t . remedy was !tering • ' I4 t Y 1•'errozn t r n -- s. our c an a acv d +ere attack of "cin- ma•f- ra) e:aagatet talar two leen-emote flea,. 1 with evt ry metal. The firs: The Miescs :1Cii,on have suffer el • d tittle more than inereare het Bet woe th' 1.'rnnd box it notify stetightfnl 1 • watch the g renting health. Anule'r ! sOrt of n )•eflnw•Ist, at .!sadly whiteness decan- t it wasn't Ione hereto n eras i:'re •ptlht' to h, r ',',:f !von,' color returned. tered r$ t•er.• C:art i --she mg- rt,,ornux-- lit 14 v In end i-•iol:a the picture o1 sore bereavement in Rhe death or le heeled, their sitter. Mrs. el Kerr, of Cre' ter EweIf you are subject to throat Irrita- • tion or have n tendency to consump- Dr. Ohne. who teas been a very tion you should tree the "Medicine that highly r,•„pectcd citizen of our thief- fe breathed," 17 village, is moving this week to Thoueande who have used It tc•11 of Credit mi. \1c regret very flinch the It. merit. removal of this Doctor from our rnidtf but wish hint every auccemv in his new field of labor. Mrs. Catherine 1'yet. relict of the lase Wm. Py►n• died on Friday last at her horse in Lonthai. M , . rt Ism wee t'ntarrhozone in not like other reme- Inns and Cnrrir nC ll, )t, ('. ; llc!en, dies. but Is eo healing and soothing Delnhurn, Mask.: Alp; nlI r Baan d Geo. thnt when h n Ita 1 breathed through theIrat homes e . inhaler 1, r I t kills this e rrnm R that !test diseases of the throat and lungs,ause i7'11yt nnllinffrl nndsr'th 3 tabor it l no l'ntarrhnzone quickly soothes and 1 more, • )' will toil no heals the mucous nurfnces so that In a A faithful father, 4rue and kind,, short time the whole mucous lining 1 No friend on 'earth like thee we'll find. I li'' remains mere followed 10 itoy's rhnrch cemetery on Ttresdcy ley :* 'nfge nit r,,her of syrnpalhikinlg fiends rano( nei{thbortt The dread messenger came . -.Fp lip, ' f,P y e arm old nn 1 far „01110 (1100 she .1... a.',•.tl. s,:..7..4.., V, !lived in Cc'ntrnlint Sip:, carne in Ih:s country frost' Devonshire. England. f: -..r , W1 when n yonng girl. She is survived .) q42i (i B10041 'John three eons and two daughters, John of i.ondon. Edward and Luther 1"'`a of caze•o rf snarl»lo. poor 0' Toledo, 11r1.. \Ven. (huller, of 1.on- :••rf a.1 nen....diesrderr, the dot and 111gq 'lfary rat borne.• The Lon- ! :sires --they leave !reed cured 1,•ner;) a as he'd (root 4he Grand rr••i.-roo701: t•t:rt, silltd•n)r't?+, Tit fine e,Tr,il: at al ion at P:xcler .Tuesday ,al: norma^ interment Inkier', place :at At.at i4.: mono 4,;v.. 1:in,stoo. Canada. lily, Exeter cemet ry+. and nnexz "lanenty Air witch you breathe through tko , oa pectedly to Mr. 'Wm. Irvine Catarrhozone Inhaler carries healin of !est Fullerton. Il Tart gone • evrnintg to the very east affected, and thereiford as equal tohattend gto someEibu^'. Is no chance of ft -allure by going to the nes„ rind in to wrong place. That 13 why It cures, PPosed io have collet gel H(from heart failure while going up the stern at the residence of Mr, It. /i. i�o"planrl, fR Etiet Gore etreetr Catarrhozone BHUCKFiE1,1► Approved by Doctors. Druggist., and lir• C, '1V, Gibbons i : rest tied h s thousands of Canadian people who`''re":tion with Mr. Fea . C. W„Iron of I have used It. fettle drops of healing 1 he London Road and is now enjoyin;e for weak pintas In the throat and Hasa) 1 ew ho!iday.e. passages -that's Catarrhozone. ' lr. i)an :Mil Three sines, 25c., SOc., and 11.00, at :. Hien. our genial hunch er drug/Vets or by mall, pnstpnld, fund tre,l a lot of ice in his cb".d "tor - The C'aterrhozene Ce , Buffalo, N.Y., ' r Aloe - ted t h s week and Kfmgaton, Oat, Jliaa 'lfnbel• Turner visited 'n ifen- e.i'1 last week, 111 S `. No. 1 i'SDORNE The following is fbe resort of 8' K. No. 1 ('„horny for the month of January 19410. dark:. uenot.' her_ centrage obtained on examinatietie held i h t during r to er• gtt month rat b n rad proficiency. V. Jennie Stran ge n .149. Gordon Oke 77, .1(Qin St eine 72. Gro nlntchford 71, Nellie floe -elate 52. ee Doe 43. Sr. 1", Tena 'hewer '9r ,lathes Dougal 111, Archie itoucliffe 50,, !toy 1Vhite 55, Itngenrl Down 52, Karl !tell 3'j. Mr. 711. 1\'i:lir• Strang P7, W. Dougal P:i, Elva Harvey 60. Iiaze; (town -10. Oliver Itortc.'if;e Xs. Jr, 111. Cecil Barris. ilnrv0v Neil. (loss Dick. Haase, Neil, Geo. ;Afair. Gladys Voir. Hr. 11. !Maggie Strang. Elgin Itowoliffe, John I)oltgal, !lira Dew. ('rank Jarrett, Katie Sanders.. Jr. 71. 11a Mitchell, Alire Dick, -Vern )]elle Learn Neil, Lorne Oke, Clifford Moir. Clogs 1. Ilona .Muir, Clara Neil, Malcho'm Dougal, Inez '.Moir, 'Vi ii. Pedal'. teacher,! CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Do Kid You Hays Always Boogbt Bears the Signature of Grand Bcwl. Depaimenial tore JanuarySale NOW 111 Full Swing Now is the time for some big Snaps all along the line, It is only for a limited time, Do not miss the opportunity, Come at once, No trouble:to show goods. The opportultity will be a pleasure,' r'or Ladies Mantles $1.2.50 for $10.00 Mantles 10.50 for 8.00; Mantles ,7,60 for 6.00 Childrens and Girls Coats At prices that will save you money Fully 25 per cent discount on these Natural Wool Underwear-.�..6f) lines. All up-to-date styles and differ - suit, for era a per eat patterns. These goods will be sacrificed to clean up. Now Is your chance Snaps in all other lines of Underwear. For Gentlemen Shirtings,/: ottotls, Sheetinga Prints and Gingham At old prices These goods have ad- ab25 These will be redoc- youred well tot t buy nowr eat. It will pay ed from 2.00 to $3.00 per suit in order to clear out. Odd lines in Ot'ercoets at about; off regu'ar price. The hal. ance of our Men's Cape at 25% die• count. Special Biu'g tins Of small odd lines c•lueting daily in preparation for stock taking. Space will not permit further details, All we ask is for you to come and see for yourselvt:s, Bring alongjyour cash and see what it will do for you, Produce cf all kinds wanted at highct•t prices. W. T. .AMOS, - GRAND BEND WIIRT! A seven wire, all No. 9 beet Cleveland steel ready woven wire fence cash on large quantities. for 291-2 cts. per rod. Yes! that's what it means and better prices for Some Reasons Why it is the Best Fence Built in Canada. 1 It is built by, one of the best companies of America having Instal. led new machines that build a fence which stands plumb when erected. he ONLY all No. 9 wire fence that does.) 'If 'there is any bow, your move�1r{;r.. +e cDcer(tlay refunded. '2 Uitr lock is not iven directly over 'there the btay and strand wire cross but is klriven a ' angle of 20 degrees to the strand. This assures us that no pressure has ''"•'n put on strand and stay wires to dent them and thus weaken them at a pot here strength is most necessary. (Did you ever notice a broken wire( 1435 1 ' t broken where the lock teas driven!) 'We have over come this danger. 3 The from slipping ds o orcoating 'loose f lock are twith orough usage$ is 0.hicb willk1ae of No. 9 steel ire. rust quicker and break easier Ir Y n ks, • its weakest part, 5 Our fence is new wire manufactured this than fence that hie h.•en out to the w••ather f 'Before buying your fence be•sur,• to ask for 191: of the Canadian Monarch Fence. 12 0. gates 184,75. Made by `sold to prevent lock by Owen Sound Fence Co. Be M. FRANCIS Owen Sound. Winchelsea. These prices Rood far orders given before Feb. IStb, only, NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN thYOUNG MENrANDyI MIDDLE -ACED etionsnd MEM r••esert. who are failures in life --you are the ,•n0swn esu restore to manhood and revive the spark of energy and vitality. Iron't give rap in despair because nn have treated with other (beim*, 41.0,1 electric belts and tried various drug store nostrums, our New Method Treatment has snatched len.•ir•1. from too brink of despair, has re- store" bra, piee•st to hundred*, of homes anti herrn ...,..rea4ful nt'•n of 1ho:e who were "•I"p•., .1...l i.:it." 41',• prescribe specific rem. wiser f• d• each individual sate according to tho symptoms and cotnpt'entions-we have no Patent n,*dicines. Ibis ig one of the secrets of our wnn•lerfutaw4eesgss our treatment can• not foil. f..r we prey ri)w, r••nn.Iieq adapted to each thin; idnal ease r loll. '•arable cases ac- eeprrd. We have dons &mineee thrw,ehouu Canada for wet 20 Years. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY 1:1b you rt 1^ree,'t .ore you to marry: • ns) ,, .r blit. I heel dtra...l t Have you any . freak,,•-, ei l)ur New Method Tr•atnent wi11 cure you %%11.1( ,t I, ,s I , ,,' for others It will • do for toll. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated yo , pyrite for an honest "pinion Free el Charge. Beek, Free- ••)A,yherp 1, )fanhn,,,I I':a1'., r:,rxol." (lllustrat 0d) on Diseases of Mete NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. ages. Everything CoafidenYal. Q.eetion Lie. and Cost a4 Treatment FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. FADER DRS.KENNEDY&KNEDY Cor. Mich:an Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mkh, nrilb NOTICE All letters from Canaria must be addressed emaimgoommina to our Canadian Correspondence Depart. set' las personally call at our Medical Institute1011t in inDetroit ,as t. w� S e desire to at no patients in our Windw,r oifices which are for Correspondence sec and trent I,*laeratory for Canadian bn4iness on1y. Address all letters�ascfollows: DRS, KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Oat. W;it,, r..- ern. privttr e,41re sr, 1! es_ DARPLF.Y i CO YEARS F,XPRHIRNOS OF AN 31iss Annie and Mims itusell War_ OLD Nunes. ser 01 the '18th "pent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. John Love, A number of young efollke and school children gathered at 31r. Hick- ey's hill on Friday night, and accord- ing io the noise made "pent an enjc>♦- able time. Airs. Joseph hickey is on the trick flet,. A number from here ntt0nd0d Mia. Winslow's Soothing . rup Is tfemae le physicianmtion oandnnur of .ho best United States, and has been used foX fifty years with ncver.failin,T eneoep by nt for their children. It relievesnthee child trona pain, cures diarrhoea, grlpina !p !talent! of the toe um. smitht at % the bowels and wind collo. Hy y7lving health to the child, It rests the Grand tient, on Monday, mother. to_ mats a pttbi •