HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-02-03, Page 3*1.001111.011100000411416 e YOUNG FOLKS ..raooe+>,o.00 0000000 ooh '1'OO'Tll t'It'K\ I LLL SCHOOL. Juanita cameI:aek from the 'eitl•helt with her :trill) of things that she h.,.1 lee;;_•:l from 'filly. She looked them user with bright- . ming eyes. "1'11 have a lately scbeu!," site of s:iiltping. ileally, this hl lief is told herself. si, 1, :aid faint r tit tl:• ;,igllt of ! ,.a',ily understood -the sou bolds She tuck there tuithpieks from meals; but as a rule every meal is s> ,dally, seersets. St Pie du Guile!, 1'a►naska Co., their hue and stuck thew into a 1°1 llWe by intense pain.3 in the In the year 1899 alone no less alae , Jun. 2.1 (h'peeinl).--That plump red crlutherry. ttnrlburn, sick headaches, I than 1447 vessels totally disappear- there is one sure cure for deadly "There," elle said, standing thefirsdizziness and shoelaces of breath. , ,I, Sold are to -day registered 14s I►iabetes, and that caro is Dud,s nret13ob1►yaCrunberr on lry table, 't 'yel ludiuc�tuul assumes t'D medicines .Fate nnknown"; and Lloyd's re- Kidney Pills ix preyed once more Cranberry! form beeauso ordinary J' pions reveal the astounding; fact in the case of Mr. Antoine Cotte - forget your name!" only subdue its symptoms --but de The next was Beatrice, Bobby's lister, mid then there were Henri - qtr THE DARK DAYS OF STOMACH TROUBLE Obstinate Indigestion Can he lard by a Fair Use of 11i•. 11 illiame' 1'iuk N. trouble elitist's more wide spre�n) suffering and disee ]fort than indigestion. The ailment takes serious foyers. Some victims art• els ene is for food: ethers turn "11OW\ 1'\DI:It." t1 [ AN l:Xl'1:1.1.1:\'1' RI:M�:DY. II E I S I I I A N t ►1 tl !, Mw. Llk. 8u.ln.a. Many !').vele+ Entire') Disappear ' 1' 1: ill Ilreak 1 (1 a !laid fa '1'weuty° The lien+e lallru railway systems Eters Year. ItE TIE;1(�ll OF Tlll.t�l art now said to be willing to put up Sailors, whose stiperi tit'ons pro serbi;illy out le :her et ht r pc.•- 'I fl t'1•'S 11 HAT t \'POi \ I: ('0'1'. 1,1e consider that evert' lest yes JJ;\(!lilt: S1 0)' III111U'!i -ei from which no ss reels ie • i:+ re• 1 eye•t•ed }rice to juin the great h I1) \E:1' 1'1).LS. :true of ))hant.'nl vessels that, like the Flying Dutchman, for ever 1`.• armlet', captain, crew, pas- sengers, mid all, to the danger of honest seamen 111:d the detriment ton• flours and Care Any lough 'Thal is l'utvlble. The titles iiig mixture is often l,rescrihell and is highly recom- mended for eeughs, culls and ether threat and bronchial trou- ble: Alis two (lances of Glycerine, ,t half mince of Virgin Oil of P1110 compound pure, and eight ounces a halt mental each toward the cosi ut the Selkirk ('eeteninul if the event is postponed until 1913. '1' hat looks inure like business. it also looks ue though the railways has' held 447 until they found tut whether the Fed. oral Government could be let in tut the )whole cost 01 the spree.—EumoD- tou 13ulletiu. '111ey Cured Ills Diabetes After the Canada Is Only Beginning. I►orlorP Had Felted to Give 111111 4't pure Whisky. These can be bought in any good drug store and The United States 18 cutting down Relief - 111)111 huddle liida''y' easily mixed together in a Targe ilea+� expenditure by $3.3 OW and !'ills D) mud Why. bottle. 'l'hc enuino fir •in Oil of navy eel 15 Oturc 'y $ *iOIi ),1t1. ill: K 6 shows a wino uppreciaUuu 01 A tor- 7'ine compound pure is prepared tupelo position. Our neighbors art only ill the laboratories of the too strong to fear uggression, amu Leach Chemical ('u., Cincinnati, should b e too just to pruetice it. - and put up for dispensing in half- t ""alto Globe ace viols. _____'N - - ---,k-- Always Serviceable. -Most pills "!Where is the girl of long ago'?" lose their properties with age. Not se with Parmelee's Vegetable !'ills. The pill mass ie so coln- not cure. fin -called )reel )veil 1haaa, kill the average, sixty ships noire a well known resident of ! K with Cheer entire crews. are annsl- this place. sings Joaquin !Miler. \Vc saw her fuudt uD!y nlnkc the difiestion more ally blotted out from human k, le the other day Joaq. But she eta and Mabel and Egbert and sluggish, rend ultimately slake the "I um thankful I over heard of isn't a girl nit; lucre. She had pounded that their strength and lack and Lorraine, all belonging trouble take rt chronic furor. - IHistorieinstancesabound. In May. Dudd's Kidney Pills. M r. Cot- o the sante family. She now stuck Dr. 1\'illinms' Pink 1' Its cure in IMO, the Ludy Nugent left Madras t noire states, •They cured me of env hair, and a wart on her nose, effectiveness is preserved and the berth •10;) souls on board, never to Diabetes. 1 suffered with Back- had no teeth, and worn specs. pills can be enrrie�l anywhere the toothpicks into raisins. These (hgestien because th<..• go right to without tear of lush p ailsthe root of the trouble. They le ted of again. The City of actio. I always telt drowsy, 1 had'A euas•n oafs ones anean..uad•n mnewl. t, their ot- Liro Virginia Raisin, with her two (.:11191{Uw, earry'lllg 550 people, met severe hl'AdaehPe Arl(1 any limbs I'a'''k'Iter i` all 15.14 Is nesds.t to ward Lott envy. '!'bis is a quality that few brothers, . "leery and John, be- atake new,weakened ke uletlllr organs, invigur I a similar fate in March, 1854 ; would crash). I had a dizzy feel- •u�t.t taw..I there lisbut one )• Painkil r.• ''--Perry p1Its 'possess. Some pills lost their Itaisines llttle lwins.uttlThen and lauline, the e1413)0 three K tiye Syateill wlnle in the January of '41 the ing and felt tired in the region of D•rb'. 'y power, but not so with 1'urmeleP, s. sticngthcuing the di t 11'alnut children, two Prune boys, s'> that the stomach docs its own English :lmericiut liner I •resident tit kidneys, with a dragging heavy J work. That is the Ur. Williams' left lluderia fur Liverpool, but sensation across the loins. images Fig end Arabella Gum- N•ay-11)0 rational way -to to cure lit- never arrived. The stories of all "I was treated by the (lectors, civet, -whose home had been in Til- Y- these human beings united to- but o it's apron pocket- This cunlplece11 tl''-,.-10 on 14114! the ailments that got no benefit from them. Then getber in ono last hour of agony 1 heard of cures made by Dde's the list of echolars- erl.e 1011)11 It. This has been prov- ed n>y• rt'.iy, well be imagined, but can Kidney fills, and made up my Juanita ranged them on the table, '')limo after linin in the published I -king at thou with chaos wrought I Dr. \Williams' ; never be known. mind to try them. 1 took in all ggreat antis- , !'ink I'd's. elms Blanche \Wallace, The ships have 1 gone ; that re all. three dozen boxes of Dude's Kid f e ti at. • I .ti'tmouth, N. S., says:- "1 suf. .'`' "I guess the tjoughnuts are dune t1 ver! - LACE r by this time," she cleeideJ, and ran ere:illy with my head and CLEANING CURTAINS. AINS. down -stairs to the kitchen, stele;1('11, and often took fainting Lace curtains will not bear rub - '!'hey will maintain their freshness OATMEAL C'OOKIL••S. and polenev for a long time. Oatmeal C'ookies.-One cupful of lard, or one-half cupful of each LOVE. lard and butter, one cupful of "I know a man," said Uncle brown sugar, two eggs, seven Eben, "dat says 1.' lovers nature. tablespoonfuls sour cream, one But he never goes out in de woods teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful wifout a shotgun. Oat's tie way some folks lovt s deir neighbors." Free to Our Readers. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago, ")'es," answered 'Idly; '•he !'e 1' 1 rcneld •nut retain anything lulfi. :111 Cm work must b0 dune /nr <apa¢e illustrated Eye Book Free. 1 my stomach and while I setae-, carefully and gently. I suffered for twenty -nye years." chopped nut (Dents, acid oatmeal R•rtte an about Your ern Trouble and )liar• by the ,entry window. Hcy Pills. To -day I nm frco from t 1111hlmen, one-fourth teaspoonful Kidney trouble of all kinds. nutmeg, one cupful oatmeal, two "Dodd's Kidney i'ills also cured cupfuls flour, salt, ono cupful me of stomach trouble from which chopped raisins, enc -half cupful ee, -last Lpcookies; they well educe) as to the Proper ADPliea- I`u t he a handsome fellow 1" its; ally crated food I really dreaded! e'er two pairs of curtains ..nlf Diabetes is ono of tile most they are drop dol tion of Oto Murine Pyo Remedies In Your mealtime with the pain and die- 'fill a large tub with warm water deIIdly iorms of Kidney 1)18ense, not bake lou qui klv. Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you Jn;Mita hrougt►4 out the fat brown Ky 3' Another Recipe. --One I t cake. "He'll make a fine tench- , comfort that. followed. I tried a •'and add to it half a sand of But Dodd's Kidne • Pills cure an ('•-One cu ,fol of 1 hat Murine Relieves Sure Eyes. 8l400the• p form of Kidney Disease. They al- sugar, one-half cupful of butter en• weak Eyea, Docent e. Tr, Hcx,tbrs number I remedies, but Rot nu 1 soap, which has ix en shaved fine11 F.yr Pain. and erne for 501. Try It In C1 relief. Uy mother was osis 1)r.so by luting the Kidneys cure all tine -half cupful of lard, two eggs, Your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes for Sealy "But. Tilly it isn't he!" cried; , , g and dissolved in two quarts of boil- one-quarter teas Eyelids and Granulation. Juanita. It's fining to he Miss 1lillituns' fink I ills at the lune ing water; add also about. a gill of those diseases that curve from die- q teaspoonful of suds with so much benefit that she in- huusrhold 'tmmonia. ordered Kidneys, such as Itheuma- dissolved in two-thirds cupful of Doughnut -lei In! see, Miss Vic- dueed ale to try them. The result tism, Lumbago and heart Dls- .milk, two cupfuls of entmcal, one teria Doughnut •." Let the curtains soak in this "Oh, that's it,is it l" said Tilly, tuns thin soon the trouble bud over night. In the morning alp ease. cupful of cheeped English walnuts, "All right ! It's light as a feather' passel aw•:be and 1 have Since en- ; them well in the water and squeeze d' Ioyel. the best of health,'' ' it till 0111, but du not wring the you'll find her.'' "Why, Tills, I'm not going to Dr. Williams' Pink fills are Auld rnrtui4 eat her --not now, anyway ! She's going to teach the To.,thpickyille ACCOMPLISHED. . llleeker--"Your wife is a college bt all medicine dealers or will be, Put them into another tub of graduate isn't elle?,, sent by mail at50 cents a jus 4,rr %liter, prepared with soap and ant- 4leeker--'•Bathe'•. She can give six Luxes for $e ao by N• 't' 8 • '1'I me pierce of her mind in three lan- coe guages." before; sop aF ekeuL 11481(1 y�uurpcant) toe 11i� 114 tell Dr. Williams' Nlcdic iletll all, + men, astthemtgentlyl tits ertihott water, and they look aNfully cote± Aunt Huth llruckville. Ont.then. after squeezing out the water, put them in a tub of clean w:11.111 Nater. for this!" site dile:(' back, and :1 traveller relates a singular Continue to rinse them in fresh then skipped on, to convert 'Mee. and unpleasant experience he hail tubs of water until there is no Victoria Doughnut into a srhu .1 trace of soap; next rinse them in R one occasion when, in a district water containing bluing. teacher that cruld properly stand. •, ;known to hint, he strayed from It took four toothpicks to make the right, path. To snake matters - i CURED HIS RHEUMATISM. het stand, for the young lady was worse, a heavy rain set in. He IY•rmonth, N.t: , June 2n1, 1904. plump as well as feathery. wandered en through the wet and "Now'," began Juanita. "Bob- darkness, and finally' in a narrow' i"t thhate hero bothereandd havewith Rheumatism „ nr e pest year taken a gond •y WHO (':\RED. and I played it wh;n she was here, and it's lots of flu]. T lank you Cranberry, you may spell cat. 'C -a -t," squeak* d a little voice. "Yes, that's right," Juanita re- veled. 'You may stay at the of the clans. ,' rabella Gum- drop," addressing n very red lit- tle scholar, "spell cow." "K -o -w," came in piping tunes. 'No, that is very wrong," and Miss Doughnut was rnade to shake "Well, what do you want 1" a toothpick whip in the face of the "I would like to stay here all ignorant A rabella. "1f you don't night.'' spe.l the next word better, I shall '•\fell, stay there, then!" And eat you up! Now try cap." the window fell with a hang. "K -a -p•" --- • road cattle to •t house, which wag many kinds of medicine and found no re- in darknies. Ile thumped 10ud1y lief for it. o'i the door. There wee ne answer, ills day •friend advlerd rn,' to try ails Pil',, u, 1 did, and after taking ^sly nor so he 1rit,1 again. This time a hos of them, 1 felt like a new man. window we rat tip. "1 thought i would write you a few lines "!!lett, %11e is it!" came in a to let you know how thankful I am fur the relief they wave me, and would advice growling %eice. all sufferers from Rheumatism to get lain "A friend," the Detwiler re- Pill*." WM. CONTI% ))lied Hample free if you write National Drug & ('hem. Co., (Dept w' 1 ', Toronto A11 Dealer, have Oin Pill. at :he. a los 6 for E2 50. -e - 11(I\ 110.000 1\ 1.01"11 H1. "No, that. isn't right "' dcclar- eti the teacher. "You don't know '111%11144. and 1 shall do just what 1 esti(' I would. And i hope your and cross it is a suer sign that eriginishinteit will make the rest of the"" net well. I'rebabl the the scholars study their lessons. little stomach or the bowels is out Ferthwith Arabella Gumdrop disappeared, leglovs, in Juanita's of order, or the child may he suf- molth, and the spelling proceeded without further 14,s9 of pupils. For a time the reciting was good. Af- ter that came numberA awl un- lucky Tort \Wal tut, neon seeing drugged sleep „( •e., thing" meth that toe and three Linde Six, cines, but the natural 811 011 of promptly tanisheti in the way u[ health. MrA. Edward Sienrd, 1I,ss Arabella ; and ',newel Fig, who kinongc. Que., � says: - l have used found that. the Stun of four and Baby's Own Tablets for indigeA- ur were til, left the schoolroom lion rand other troubles of child tette like the others, although she de- hood, and they nlw•ays work like It parted in a more leisurely fashion. charm. They always keep my lit Theitnisin cleildrtn, file ]Vel• llc one well.' Sold by medicine Healers or by mail 8t 25 cents n hex 111119 and the !'rune buys met the from The Dr. !Williams' Medicine same happy fate, till the ('ranber (u , flnneks- !e, Ont. r3 girls and boys• '•vers all that ,! were left to Mise Doughnut's The part of the nverage man's shnrge. Finally Hubby, the treed life that isn't spent getting into attractive, also di,appe'►red. And Melillo. is spent trying to. get out. his brothrrs Anti sisters soon fel- CROSP, SLFFPLEFS BABIES ARE SICKLY PABIE4 Wit n little tame an sleepless Three Men of )'oielivre Drew the 11 inning 'Picket. The first prize of .040,000 in the second drawing of the French State lottery was won by a baker, his assistant, and a barber, of i'uictier9. :1 ticket hall barn bought by the tering from teething troubles. (live three, who had agreed that if they Baby's Own Tablets and see how WOO less than 1:2 They should spend quickly the child grows well seri le 011 a Christmas Eve banquet. happy and sleeps w,nmdly-- net the Thr hairdresser only started lei sirens right meat 19 age. *hen he married the daughter of a police sergeant. He suites that his first care will be t.. pies ill^ liberally for his aged father for the rest of his days. The baker's assistant, an ex -sol- dier, wits extremely excited by the g4,e1.1 Ilew9, and rushed off to his sweetheart to propose they Ah0uld be married at once. op Mothers, 01.e the Children • Chance. Spanking docs not rune child en of hed• wetting. There is a cunst1Wtiunat cause for this trouble. Mr.. M. Mummers, Ros W luw'C(1. ,fisc Yleterin was travel- ;2n, 11'ind,or, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, Tllly'A P11.119 CURD° IN a TO se DAYS. with full instructions. Send no money, ling the carne ren('. when } PAZO Oi'T>IR74etc', r. rsrante.el to e.e 8117 but write her to -day if your children face P-119 thrust in at ILO half -open Geo „/Itching. Hipn1trash,, or Protruding trouble you in 'Ills way. Don't bla .tme the ier. Piles in 6 to 34 days nr lame) ref•nd•A 60e. 1 )hold, the chance• are it can't help it. "O, Tilly, who' didn't von carne I fhi% treatment also cures adults aid aged quicker 1" cried J in 9114- A GENTLE HINT. 1people troubled with urine difficulties by den dismay. "I tulll (hose rLil \'Titer (at the tnbl,•) - "(4 y(,It1da or r.ight. 111011 FA Pat, them ,u) if thes duln t art- :t g„ell little girl. Mand'', and The man who docs his hest will I,,sse their lessons. and ..1 cenrse rile es,. 0111!(1 mnnlnln. yrur '/111)14 held his job longer than the man 1 had to keep 1113' weed! They Iia,..,” Nle enitld du better, but doesn't. y.. al,ttl't steely, or anyth'itg:" \lamie ((11 the proud conscious- ile '1 suppose if I kissed you, •>ai- '!'lite. lau \ rid rs the �Junni-her tress of virtne)- 'Yeti'. Ihir; the v weeild never speak to Inc kelg• K told lee not to nth for nnnlller ng,iltl '-' She -"Why do you al- -II half (- (9ed hand. pir•tli o' pie. nmol 1 ain't rle, ,./.done i .'11'1...'" An8we,-(:d th•: 1111nbasl8- it ' .41 Juanita,. ' she hart to follow tie• libelers to !.cup track of them. If -~---, - ---�_ yen bud Conte. it 11:111' ruiner, ' tic Constipation ------� We are told that two heads are better than one, but we believe lidded. generously, 'Til hese let 14 an (nem! rsithfn the camp it talc 49 better than a (107011 of 'elft) ;;ell have some of the sehtlnry -it will nn(lermine the etrongrrt corn Plastron and rain the most v, nr- i)ratl(19. vas a deliCi011S sClle(l ! e•rintll 9 /,n• health It (rads l0 1ndiRraRin.- f.'•itnpnHirrR. biLnnsnr+<, impure blood. bad row4Tnny a man 19 apt to to e I that pletinn, sick heed,cher, and Is ono "" ar"weile...... of the mn.t frequent veneer ,.t ap• you ere not treating flim right 1-1)1.414A i1(38%TOBS 1\ F1) 11.. prndteltis. To neglect it to •flrw81)- when you )leer hi►n up ngainsf a eidc. Dr. Morse's Indian Root tens " pnar .tivrly (e (•^netipatten. T5.•y Rodin fountain. I; seas viten, 9air) a neither are entirely vegetable In eempesI. ---- er, •• of her Ch1111ren, "Nis.' pili lion and do not atelier+, weaken, nr 'fhe power of ail argumenttn8', it tido your head to pull LI'ie a taking Pr^•,•nr your health by depend on the compre9sed air back ':lir. ' of it. ' P' chaps it wens," replied the L7 r . Morse's --_ • tali "b:tt, kicking her chins 1 n d 1 a n Root P 1 1 1 s Ton many eye openers are apt to S: Iny 0110 "ICA. crake a man sec douole. ways leek '•n the dark side of things?" UNCLE 1:ZItA SAYS: who used to suffer from this terrible "They're just cz good fish in the Ailment, but found a cure. The sea cz they is In the market, an' a hull he fresher." Co.lnie ---"She told too you told her that secret i told yott not to DISCOVERED. Too Skilful Palmist -"This deep one cupful of chopped raisins, two line of destiny is most remarkable. cupfuls of flour. i)rop in pan and It shows that something connected cook in slow oven. l with the sea has made a strong im- pression o11 you." The Subject -"You are right : that is the scar trent a gash I made when opening oysters." EASE F O It i' I I, F S. "1 Used To Stiller. lith—'r This is the experience of a laity writer is Mrs. E. Noxell, of 97 Scott street., St. Titian's. She 'says: "I consider it my duty to write of the benefits derived frorn using lain-Iink. For sum:.• months tel) her." Gladys -"Tile mean I seas a c(tlMtallt muff( ler from thing! I told her not to tell you bleeding piles. I used a great I told her." Connie -"I promised many ointments, but got no relief her I wouldn't tell you Abe told until I tried fern-13uk. It cured me, so ,lon't tell her 1 told you." me, amj I have had ne return of - the trout►td: Since my cure I have FIRE 1)I:S1'It111 S 1'.1311 .1\11 advised nevernl others suffe -ung 1":1 11 .1 ULi:S. from piles to use Zam-Buff, ancP •D each instance have had satisfactory Quito frequent►e' a heading such results." 1 Modern Maid --"Am I the first O 1 c't Canada. at the above strikes one's n n- If you stifer from this ailment girl you ever loved?" tion in the paper,`. How foolish apply 211111 Luk at night In fore re lfodern Youth -"I cannot tell a, CAL 1/,£8 eels• 1h•klw 18.ut •n• it is of people to keep money in the tiring. and you will be Aatisf ed lit . You are not. You are %its ly rt'.5,5,,4 Co. Ltd., Toroai•,,lo.e with the trial contributory p 11011SC that may be destroyed by ! t I the best of the OPE FOR THE DEAF IN Acousrlcols unexpected fire. ('Alike of piles IA 111(011 constipation, �_ ,.ne .1 Ibe warts!' .d the electrical its. and a mild laxative will read aid 1-. err• tbuni¢buut lbe world Nrit• bur ata - I ler, is net the only wAt In which greatlyBiekle'e Anti -Consumptive syrup tine General Aeou•tie Co. of C&aala I.11 your money may disappear if kept the operation of Lain -lick. For ( 1 •6.treaa•as,,.iToroaW. in the huuso. Thieves may break fistula. inflamed patches, and sores ii the result of expert chemical ex- threu h and steal nr►d there are (tile to Wed poi°('Hing• ete. Zam- perirnents, undertaken to discover Inerws• Your nett) et sap and aarl•y. R + Geo. K. ath A H.me, Herd Mer,),, o-. T., numerous Ways in which your hard; Ilk is equally effeetlye'. a preventive (of inflammation Of rotate, uti,r S.-olih grown. i!••,t••n.•rarcd h urny belas 'l.Am-Iiuk i. al91, a cure tor the lungs and consumption, by de- stroying e- Banner Oats and 0 A. C. 7., .-: v:.iid earned wish t to you for- I At reyllIg thegerms that develops*1mm Barka in 5 bushel L.tt i.a.t . free., Pt pr, PCZernA. ulcers, CUto, burns, at El -i5 per bushel. Pend Rr ,ani,:-. :u.d The 'fradrrA Hank of ('nt►ndn, b1113949, rashe9, chapped hands, these diseases, anti fill the world see for you-.elvr.. Alp, catalogue with over One Hundred Branches frost bite, cold aures, bad leg, rte. with •pitiable subject9 hopelessly All druggist's and stnre9 sell at b0c stricken. The u«P Of this Syrup LEANING in Canada, offers Apr cial facilities KR to Savings Bank Depositors. ileo- box, or post free for price from will prep( nt the dire consequences p1" who live in the country or some lat►n-Iiuk Co., Toronto. of neglected Colds. A trial, which distance from n Bank may easily + costs only 25 cents, will cony ince transact all their lousiness by mail. A man who is serving a life ',en - Write that this is correct. Write to :Advertising Department, tenet. in prison has written 11 book The Traders (tank of Canada, To- • pn,bal►I}' to demeustrnt,, the ALi, SHE NEEDED. Tonto, m(nlic+ning tide paper and power of the pen. "I love you! Will you marry they will send you a haidsone, -- — me?" b(,oklet entitled, "Banking by Ono trial of %tether (:raves' "ThiA is au sudden '' Mail," explaining 'stow sett may j Worm Exterminator will convince "\Yell 1" easily do your banking safely and !yeti that it has no equal as a worn] "Give me n little time:, promptly through the mail. 'medicine. flue- it bottle and see if "How 'midi timet" By erletng the Nerves with opium you m'y stop a cough, but the u,0.•m(aatiun goes rom 5. 1 1' wore,. Allen a Lung Resent. containing .• opium, go.; tie the rot ul the tr..elde and enc• deep-seated affections rd throat and longs. GOOD ENOUGH. George -"Do you think that 1 :u good enough for you. darling 1" Darling -"No, George; but you're too good fur any other girl." TO CURL' A C01.1) 1N OSP. HAY Take IS tmkt 1111 ,Ni Quinine Tablet% n,arrkt• rerun 1 m .n., 11 It flit. to cure. R. W. (3)101' 0, 8 signal urn a on a,rh b... 2;.. $.tTISFYIr�iti'N1'It. ' For Asthma, Bro all Throat Troubles ISS' CURE DE SIM NE01I1NL T t f dtaaso.Cos The relief is as quick as it is certain. Pleasant to take and guarentecd absolutely free from opiates. AU Dna/stets. 25 coeds. 'IlliE BISHOP'S HAT The Bishop of London sea: , ;t1I- iny, a few days ago at the house of a friend, and after he loft the hostess explained to her little son something about the duties and the honourable post of a bishop. "Is not tate bishop a very poor man, mother!" inquired the little buy, "Certainly not ; why should you think so?" "Because, mo- ther, 1 noticed that his hat wus all tied tip with string,, When papa wants to get an ex- tra ltalf-henr's sleep in the morn- ing some of the children are sure to Fite a voluntary in,i!ati,,+: •,f an alarm clod:. LA GRIPPE Arrested, and Consumption Cured Mr G. D. Cal,ril,of \Valkervd1..,OnL was els ken down ...:h 1.a (x.ppe in 19(X, and a left him in very badcordtioo. He says: 1 was anion down and borduing on Cnnsumldion. I could not sleep atnigho, had a,. f.il ',A eats, and coughed neatly the whole time. 'Ike u how 1 was when 1 began to take Psychine, in a low nsrvow stale ; but from the first b tee 1 began to improve. hoed mane!: for me and brought me hack to health in no time. making a new man of me. It fortifies the body against the attacks of La Grippe and is a sure pre- ventative. 1 always take Psychine if 1 feel • co!d coming on and it puts me right in ao lime. Nr) HHO".1'. siten_a_r, t3!? WI rHOIJT PSYCHINE: PM Sak br .11 Urvrrvls aa1 Draken. $0r A 11 pee bride. Dr. T. A. SLOCUH LIMITED, TORONTO PSYcHINe AGENTS WANTED. I`.. ANTED — RELIABLE PARTIES To do machine knitting for to. .11 house: E7 to 210 per week easily earned; wool. ere.. furnished free; distance no hindrance. For full particulars addreas the Dominion Kntttirg Co. Dept. W. Orifi lla. Ont. .,MI4ITIOI'S representation wa:•ted Ia every locality to sell ••Slodorri" spec p. 9.rure your terrltorr now. ••Turn ~ "stn gold:'. {5.00 to E10.00 • day can he early made. rites -11.40p., '11e R7 on, > o ofanal a. Owen Hot n4. Out. it does not please you. "Enough to go into the library It lin • Many Offices.--li"fere the 1 --- and ask papa." Cermet soldier starts 011 a long! Kindly mention the name of This march le rubs his feet with tallow,! paper Ia tinting to adtertisera. we Mels me gntghaue atat•ssant that "1h. for IIIA first care IA to keep his feet ' 17 & I." 51.ntb.-1 Pia -ler •111 .I.. in •re t., relle.• KThere ate lots of happy )y married •sur*Igt*. Ler, I.aek. pluml•sg'. 4n.l \listed in nod condition. If he knew ' p (- triable+ 1 an an) otMr hater. its tin. end EI that lir. Thomas' Eel(clrie (►il people, but they are seldom heardyd• tolls. All'Iru•ataI.• W0111(1 be of much better service he of because of the noise made by triol(' throw away his (anew and the unhappy bunch. 4)EFINF.D. peek a few bottles of the Oil in Iti9 - - Teacher- ''What is a barbari- kna (sack. There is nothing like it. telan►s u Balkh." a4te, • "^"•110* remit an ?" 1 K *1.•e an uh.lin tin pails,. c.wcb hal been drive., 1, -� -- away by Allen's Lung 14a1.wtn V ...plum in it. 1111,11 - :\ ,11831 s' ho cuts hair, "Pa, what does 1t ir(•atl to l..• Tti• g est effect lasts. Tak• a bottle home wilts Air Irl lou tail •IAy. tried by a jury of mile'', perr9, ' "It menus, my sen, that a men is People wh( Gel that nothing is: ard end snit �cnrns cannot tried by a jury coomposr(I ..f sten loo gaud for them are ratured% Nihthstdnd Holloways ('urn Cure; who are hie eg11(1111, er on equality dissatisfied where they get nothing. it is effectual every time. Get n with him, so that they will have -- no prejudice against him." "Thene it is Wise to Prevent Disorder. pit, 1 9'p(•9r you'd have to be trier) -Siany causes 14-11(4 to disorders of "What's this matter, dear?" by n jury of baldheaded men ?" the stomach and few are free from asked Ur. Jnstwed ns he came in them. At the first manifestation to the house and found his wife dint the stomach and liver are not crying as if her heart would bottle end In happy. I I!S1 L \/1. performing their functions, it break. "I am so discouraged," coir-'• of Parinelee's Vegetable she sobbed. "What has bothered Pills should be tried, incl it will be my little wife i" "1 Narked all found (lint the digestive organs the afternoon making custom's. be- will speedily resume healthy lie- cause I knew you were se fend of i CZnd,,,eseere, P,vtrProxiA,Duerto nen. LnxftiVee and sedatives are . them. and-anl1-- " here she be-! ��/.[L!A11.111S7ORYstatists so blended in these pills that no ; gait weeping hysterically again. ether preparation could be so of "And what, darling?" "And they feeliye as they. turned nut 10 be sponue rakes." She (sighing) - "Oh, T met mob n! H O A S E O W N E !R $ 1 1./SZ hncly polite man t0 -env." lie Govasrlrs "Where was that?" She ---"in the CAUSTIC st"(•(•t. I inset have been carrying rl. BALSAM. to. umbrella enrelessly, for lie wwaterws AD I ES' • • a410 OR .;, as be Mee psrees49 by err IMO& ►res•s► Tap a Mn'1SN AMf1RiSAa RODIN OR. MORi1aA1, troao•t`5 Siena wa • wallas U re. van trap or b.y 1 , i r, ]amt „e.1•;a'4 targrti dealer, !pay h•g iest{•rice-:. 5 011? rhteinen•e 1 p■y mail ;and re pt,sseharrr.• remit promptly. Also large.t denier in Hceili.des. Sheepskins,et.- (Iiotattonr and shippit:g tags sent free. 6 JOHN HALLAM. TORONTO Marlatt's Hair l'rotnoter Grows Hale en any field Head On rale at the 13,1•1 S.rn! Canada. rr (4.• 11-.rb.11 lair Promoting e'o.. Toronto, Canada. IODINOL The famous este discovers• of the age, positively. quickly. romp(.erely rrheves and cures Goitre. 11.trk Aeck, Sciatica, Swelling., ilunions, Quincy, etc. =r. on. e' 6 'in S 5.rm. mailed on rr:-cir t Wrier. h, Lyle Medicine Co., rt! Queen W., Toronto. A GREAT DFNIAP4D POR PAPEI STOCK %VA -TI: PAPER OF ALL ORADF.v Also Rag Iron, tleta's. !:.,:,hers. ►.tc. E, PULLANt Adota i and o,^; rhoor for oarttcularr. 610.n 1'' 1 O1. .,,.1! •t•4 t. . bumped his eye into it. 1 solid, c' I. •••1'E1.;;, • '1'nrdon me,' and he said. 'Don't ', "•"° '' p 1 1 have another Pye+ : -' I ?Hr. I,Awks,He1 tvt:.p �• • . tnention it ; left.' " tVh , i• ,I.i11,a thro llf1:: or ••liters (rens Rbeuu•tl••.1'nlns. ,err gk�e•t, I.ulnhago, Tnnth aeM�!feoral fa. Beton .•A. 1 pp 1111'111*, rn1..Il MOO arnmatfoal of the lirlmctual T1tt.ea, now e)• or tomes. cramps. Born weeks, nr es,n• of any j, 11.1. use n.Aw:(r's ties ty Net: f. • !.•ration the nano. of 11111 it/ ..‘14‘C;-iis'.1.,