HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-02-03, Page 2E FINANCES OF OTARIO
Statement of the Treasurer Laid Before
the Legislature.
A despatch from 'Forbad.) says . ' compared with $:1:,0,000 last ye:tr.
Ontario's) revenue for the fiscal I 'from rorporntiu(: there was cu1-
) wu• of Ii$$) which was only In, ll vied in taxes $719,1.18.09 as coin -
months, totalled $7,-1 7,t9.L91, while , parte witlt $+i9..ls•s.:II last year.
the expenditure was e7,sI5,510.40. (Iva government for the past tis -
The changing of the distal year to dal year bf ten month, cost g4:',7, -
end legislation, ttt
,;.ra .,., s+l.t.iu
cod on October 31 asst , ear that: 1,b4 , 1 Q •
cutting out. the duo chief rc)cuue-i,lraliu) of justice, '*5:19,151.19;
Producing month: „f the. year is rt'- I etlnc:►tion, $1 ,4',2,102.11 : public in -
St ilution tnaititI flee, a!ti)0i,311.W;
Central Prison industries, $1',1'11.-
_'_ . ctluniration and immigration,
$3;,_tu::.til: agriculture, 'ia:1,110.19;
bont,ital, and catar:ties, •::t0,:,••:1.93;
sportsi1,1e ft'r this deficit.
Thr chief items of rev eitne Ort'
ttnhridi,s from the I)oininion (;ov-
eritimait, $2,128,772.04; intetcst Ott
investment,. . $
00111 -
sst't'ENI\Gs PROM al.!, OYES
Telegrl/pale Briefs From Oar Oar
.iad other Countries el
Recent Lactate.
York Comity t'ouneil propose to
reforest waste landed.
.Ayrshire hreederrl say cattle are
needed in the west.
:1 new radial railway from
lir. to Toronto is proposed.
Tho Manitoba Legislature tuts
been summoned to meet on Fon-
t -nary 10.
'file `•ab`lttiu-from•nleat" move-
ment has been inaugurated in To-
Mr. William 1,. Grant, son of the
10? 7ti(c.L3 as ,tinted
pared with $ii1,931.6S lust )ear,c„{„ni�ntt•,l4 road:, ft9,_09.ht1; late {'rinripal, bus been appointed
crown lands Sa0:1,2110.- to the new chair of colonial his -
Prices of Cattle, Grain, ('br•ese and
Other Dairy Produce at
Rome sad Abroad.
nus:. 1 »TUFFli.
Toronto, Feb. 1. -Flour--Ontario
whelp 90 per tient. ptttent•N, $4.30
t•, $i.:i:, in buyers' Hacks on track,
Toronto, bud 11.0 to $1.t,'5 out-
side, iu buyers' sacks. Manitoba
(lour, first patents, $5.70 on Track,
Torontt • second patents, $5.70 Ort
track, Toronto; second pa1rnts,
$3.50 to $3.80. anti strum: bakers',
*5 1n track, Toronto.
1lunitoha Wheat -No. 1 North-
ern, $1.1:1, Bay ports, and No. a
Northern. $1.11'.,, Ray putts,
Ontario Wheat- No. s mixed
8I.,s7. and No. . white' and red
salsas outside:
Despatches From London and Paris Tell of
Fearful Havoc of Gale and Wind.
.Si despatch from London say%: Veveryone, and is plainly' written in
Partial rt turns ret•eivt•tl out Thur.:- the faces of all.
day from European seaports show Every subway in Paris and Paris
Haat fully' 200 vessels, mostly 51141111, ica''' more underground
dishing croft, hove, been lost in the eat sort and another, Everybody has heard the lrhruse, the
stoma of the last Is hours, anti that city in the wnrltl-is now t1"telt d. ,.)thesis, but w11e,t b int
there has been loss of life in the This is the cause of the t•It,rtnou, nebula hyI
sinkingof at least half of these damage, a damage that ' lHl1 ar y offnuebew worts 1b11s"is'1tee
et eariln
alone is likely to run over s
e sun.
Italy, Spain, Germany, end Ihr 000. '!'hose subterranean rivets scares Outlets and
tante allfthe inconceivably
that is lu them
Scandinavian countries all report 1 have c ins+ 41 the collapse
tremendous loss in prope►ty and to streets, and are responsible for remote
ud e(pastcatvast jIMOS o chaotic,
life, with a greatly increased death tilt water that, now stands iillu.81) ca descen g achiness orcloud riin
r'111 feared from the isolation of int; depths over nearly '1t begin with. the first conception
Know, towns by high watt i and City. that science bas dared to matte.
snogu bluekud(•.r. The! situation is ! ret drelurpd on t h,n .. erre takes us bow -
the most appalling that Kilroy(' has
knows, in many years.
One of the Most interesting Prop-
ositions of Science.
That the 8un. Planets and All Matter
Were Once a Vast Mass of incan-
descent Gas All Jumbled Together In
an Enormous Chaotic Cloud.
Lauds, forests and chine;, sees,• ch writ s ow
te2:,22eve 45 compared ttith 82,- )(1 : commutation toluntet r toter- tory' at Qt►t'eh s L•nigrrslty. Harley .. \o, ,.c outside;�o. 1'.Altlti l'.\N'1'I.Y .11'1.0.1'1'.
Mr. A. W. Campbell, Deputy 3 extra, ear: . ,2 ;1 ut 50 lute
92t *94'9.::•`, from llren-r,, 77!. , an. Iarld t; •delint•, `t,,tt10
- 771.11 Payment, on town accounts Minister of Public Works fur On- A despatch from Pori, a)s:
f5f..t:11, ;Ir eot,,i,a„,f ttith •.•,•..•• lafU - i. r, has hien ;eppoin(od Deputy
fled, tele .,. 2 t' 'With the thermometer het•,',: frees-
t,,, vs::, were: Hospital, for lusunt, $ ecu Oats Xu. . Ontario white, ::' to
last +ear : (r. !t law slam 11ini ter of NailNa)•, at Ottawa, to hag point and the relent(, - river
1'.4.:,:r a, .,•usl•arcd with 1 1 . is 9011.55: \lereer I:ef"relator), Kti,- ;;,b uul,ide, nuc! 40 to 40!.4 1411
:f,:,:.,.01; sneered ,\1 r. M. J. Butler.
Seine etntinuing its devastating
last ;cal ; f r, m1 game and toilettes 056.47 • fent sal Prison, ' track, 'Furontu, Canada. West oats, 601110ss toward the top of the re
a4'.:;:, as compared with ?tial.- (ehi ,1s*. 111111, 1.1 : i5.g' Normal 4s2 to 4l':_e G.r X. 2. and 11 l0 41 4e
tatiuulg trolls, Paris awoke on Public belle, churchc•,,, srl„"'1 deeds, much more rarefied than the
rt antro. �1(L:CA::.2 as 'schools, *:,7,111.1S; -Agricultural t'\1T1;1) sf.\'fl':fi. for \u. :1, I1ny purls. tenting
to what may prove the
t1f hui{tliu:s, and even such hrlKnili highest vacuum we can °Mein now by
with " ,,�:!•-5•tl:, la�t L,':11'; lands,
51•.,•51X1.511; common sl'11UU1 .1,11,11 Buffalo women captured r'ell a 1'Crc----r+:, t2 Vi; to te;,ie. nii'st terrible 1(1iy 1n leo- 111,tu1'y, ►
c'• m -ti I tfight.tilt gawps. From this state to the
•rl•.nit�.tr. as lands, t.a77.;6: criminal incestsBuck he aside from the crisis; presented by teal structures and
ev the l *nth- 1, arc
front -ue, • "i.•n dues,e;1 tit10.1 + aid to railways, burglar Itafter u fierce _► esti to r;7r oulsidl ' nebulous state lot theory has a mise -
I etied with $1,1:14.s'►ssis; T. gallons, Eleven acro lacy )beenng ( indicted
Buckwheat :,fr high freights, being converted into refuges for the
compared • war. l ,our. Tctures the a operatic,►t of Ing 111,6, ono tent cap only be satistltrl
and N. O. earnings, .:,:,u,tHat as >3:fi,,INlt1• int Chicago for conspiring to defytud and 54c Iva freight;. •Mika of her hou•1 surds, oat of 1
turn \eN kiln •bird. ',e; It :7e, the police. soldiers and Bel Cross
b supposing divine command, for it
tau• est)' uu a civic improvement y
the city's chief paints of pride, hrtyc , assumes, in the words of Professor
• - po,imet . and \t. 3 hitt yellow sclrct n been washed away'; haute of the societies the thousands 1f ,Irstilute '
1{111- til t11"1's COMING. Till: ('111'1' OE LIVING. 7.S _r, 'reroute fr,iKhts. are being fairly well fed. Owing Todd, that "gradually centers of nt-
Lightning :truck a barren spot on. r ) most, n„taise sirut•tur,•, i( the ways coffee and on formed and these centers pull•
- , Compared With ; a 'Pisan farm and re' ruled an oil wan,
let, •2I in 1b*g ,Tor to and to sec which trayt1rrs hay,. 1a•crl to the scarcity of food.
114-111,•1', of British Organization to 1 rues tot "1'o day { well that has a flow o! :list barrels
snorts, >s•Sa.fiO in bags, 1'urumt,,, rolls are the principal items in the ed In toward titetn8Plt'es other part -
Fut.ly•five Years Ago. _- _ wont to come from the burut'rs „f ration:. Huge coffer boilers are Iles. As s result of the inward fnfl-
1'ay { isil In 4•3 11:141a. { a day. the earth, luttr already sufferedand
• made, :\ despatch t !cool '1 'or„1111 says:l etiou are in the 1►t•1cess of clam -
heavy )1 \'fact' 1'K011I 1'1': beavv lust and are in eJ:utfrr of cut- atcnminf on many ,f the `t''''it•co�lisionot of Itsatter t particles owanl se,'enters, the
eir [de-
1 ratigenicilt: erre beinf, , plctiun for 11►e mention of a copy carni r�.
\ , 111, r$L.:,U to $1 per barrel, (ion upon Pact: Other dile mnterlal
, , - Pile Isaohat Daily flail, by The Grocer of January 21 t has a'lapse ; fifty thousand are bona les- }.;aril to Thursday the poli,!' mashes grew butter and hotter. �ebu-
'artich•s with tit' ),tie.•; which will control the en- I1 i
number ..f boy scouts will hist of •!K merger, and subsisting on scant protirions
b.. h .t!„u[,ti ;► woman. driven its :s ate' 1')' tae seeming to all the entire beacons
it Canada during charged for three by lhr wholesale � tiT.! teapot „f copper in the! ; al1.70,ns (`nr Itll l antsier. at
(e1 furniPhed by' the cit)-, lo• sides the tluoli, and her five small (hit
�.• bnnblrel to tl I t (-oiled Stairs. were formed-tum:nova fire mist, 1160
the e p stn tyof r, unci 8 lour- eltarge )) 1�11t;1 and the prices --- $1.74) and small lots herr nt $1.90 trial life bf the city i- , ,u1p1e1`'1) *114 041410 fn,zeu ve the cup of
t ' $a the filmy objects still seen In the sky,
Ihr op (1' 4. ni(y 1f practising scout- cluarl;rd haw's From this list it is suspended, and the ane thought '+' tilt Butte Chaumont in Turk (till. though vaster and 0US fire in nuttier
ham,' GENERAL. Honey • ('.)tabs, dolens �s3.45 to the • ds of the people i, the ut+
int tint!, i. conditions which geiittttl it ¢�,luuttutt! lrsL':ani all spire have H••r cast it but ental of ark 1 ills ons.” This prrxPtts is supposedsten
h• impossible in t.. country' K ,,ernbh', whilst all flat urw Imperial Legislative
>jfn: extract -d. in' .b per lb. minence of a staggering caL'nt„) of other+. 1 bate „one on for countless ages.
n sans will he employed to lay t;onr up c'"" ' , e same o, 1 „uracil .,i ludin met for the first Baled Bay \.,. 1 timothy. $1't. that may yet come, if the solar tun Elitiled• provi+ion for the time
in some regions than in others. Many
1 d
s and also to teach the boys other sullen•. :tielh and : tun” on Of lilbtt. S0 1.. x11. sale �o. 2 at $15 te. Ill:. tholes to rigs.
ulae were
troll scale gland. to nth' besot Sugar, salt
• tot •t '1'h- Newfoundland l;uyerluue°t � 5Q..."1, t rat•k, Toruulo. 1•'ur once 1'nria haat hien ,•'brit d. , sun,l� who have been rendered rr,- mtntlounarouud their .)wn nt:Ps� sTh s
the art 4.1 tracking k.nKtense.
! fled in England. ten have besot dll,rrtu"u It reduced Nil!. draw a substantial rese111.• Mte tit . $7.a+► to trnrk, 1+' 'file Qty mood that permitted the t solute dtstitui,. ht the f {
t•ru1,1 not he 1 (1 ((1 Car (;err e1 points out
x n ,and folloNi,slt the i„ paler• !rout tilt island's henullifr mine-. i r„alts people lir look ..n the close in its sent, a serious economic pr,,hle•m, happily can be Psplalu
s d4,rr will RI.0 fo►(1 that. t •c1 raua,•r base {r.l t., the in -�,e, Potatoes- -17 l0 50 peer hal; oa iarl, stages ar a sptctarlt• fur Uu•ir though just ntw tart uaticuriii(.s are R'henpscr particles aro attract .
w1/t of tilt w t.t
scheme. Nhiefl is a sr ,toasd in piled, of (,. altiblral t:T "1•• 111' 1910, track for ()Warms. featly stages
haw dtacle fo and though
wholly a'itll the piesc•ni, ward a center rind are kept from fall
:tart of the sc•ht r
Poultry- 'Fnrkryc, dr,•asrd, 17 to. Krim frac is now int the henrtS e,f It ix » ,;ues(iuss l,t sug'imf; .fie n'+"'. hsnfc�rnssvlS rotating Incenter
one airectfon.
quPl to the lute rrhrlislt/ of the ,1, uuub d. ruin the :e aro til,• . y,rllr(t ("111) Au example to this. though bumble
its between English and (suntan faeilite.• for -hipping to f(ritrtit, 7• ,
year. Nh,•te Thor,. i :141 alas.) -t urlin,i111 Nn•,( X01 Ile l'tnfiiard With Nal•; I.wtl,°tat l;�phink*tIs131st,(!'St1Ie�'unet
boy spout, last ,
he 1111411 r the s1•m;uul f„, the l'rinaelt:en pruJtlet.. ley t' l'anu'1• f„tel,;, l0 to lie. s, !lin► :►t $:;.1:1. �lilkrrr and \t ('lu i,tmas, fur the fir,1 tiuu• and not exactly analogous, is the rota -
bby�, who willwhose _-. :.It u,4er were steady at rereut in the history of Scottish 1',•i be tier 1s pulled out of theµbottom. Orethe il-
of `eotit-masters, and for anti then Ile'le I, the,11,111 tb1r11`r;•;tt�' .A dt,}Iatl'h fttlll `11a11fhN1 ,atm :
,reei.e arrange- of the home bon•"'wt 'elle uta r,rnrt digs og-std in do ty attracts the wafer lmmedlntety
fHf: I/.\(ft1' J1.11LK1:'1's. i ynotati„ns, reties were firm.If►ce affairs, the season's trtfti• Kr-
t,rrtfare the most 1 '; stadia .\frib3 winch is ' Sheep and lanes sit stic, with a herrn (.lasgow and Edinburgh w•R. *5 a the hole, which starts Hewing
t't.nts ,+i11 be made. will he selected growth of ttclpul:lt:,,n. }t:u►u*.sl"'rc• Butler 1. 1'usutlt prints, S•. fu I . abo thus leaving a apace rtto be filled.
,rtitie,n. The trip will he` _ -'.__,e -_. , known +1 Comet \ et 1910,- and ':P ut t duh: and largo rolls, 21 t•r', tend -wry to weaker prier.- for Snpplem(sst,.,l by motor tuns• '1'be rest of1e the water rushes In from
1,•; roust lavnhs Hugs unchanged at 1ib.25 .1lthougl, the .rlrluati ,n of rluile ire, of „'.t to Ole pa rti, ti,'s' h11,1.1a1 ON THE N. T. RAI1.11.11 , b • maw ha,, horn e• uFltsrd sesta' ', : safe rate, !`c lu 'Ik ; creansiry, , all sides to do tilts, and the wbirlpt►ol
11.illr.:'+ ctnne(, Near • rghted b the - tut :�.•. au+f solids, li to.210,1,,'f •o.b, »wd :$8.50 fid and watered 4 hriattltaa in Scotland
til, ni a ds.4 not oof is the result.
tor-. _ $ / uhr as big 3 t
—� - Nr. IlI*'Iu 1i Brine- Nuhn Ihd Its „1,-• rgsstory here us 11'tdnrstltty „ r lb. fu► selrrtr' the penpal aS is the• ease a r.,rs clue Tow each of these whirling nebulae
It VIII' l.ttll 111: OI'1'' turn of Falai \vbidr111., 14,4117. It Was -ape about Anle hour t Eggs -rase lot, ..f new laid, ear.! i border, the im"1114' sr,, of it grows 1,ctslne ettceedhlgly hot, and Pact+
114,1 iii'': minute- h,•f•,rr the appear e I dor.+n, tu•l( storaf(e, Y:►+ pts ,
yearly. I formed gout is known ns a s!n
an, •' f the planet 1'rnur n f ROM BONNIE SCOTLAND K amu, ter sun Leine one. TI ,res t
Prupr,.;,l h, it,.uhtp '1'ran•t ut •A tlen.11:h from am.e Wed
e dttrn. 1 1 tigttirt by the l'lc:fi .foal
_ lctfi lit Cainada. 1 return -tattled._ ill the ('unlucns----�•� ('her..• 1S`► per Ib. fur large, mrtttd Soviet.) u! Engineer,/ f.'r u sad other p1an1•t4 had Ont sero come
r ;. Icon. ll P. Graham. on 11'd•1
1)rla,ea sats: and at la+ for twine. reduction in working hours from into separate CS.intenre, of enur. . •
Platt INDIA•
1 de-pat„h frown 11. •44 It. s' east aith reaper! til fatal a,•.n t► NEW 1►1�1. �(O'fE:!i OF E�1'/:Raaf 1'NOII :.t t., .,:1 withmlt, any .14,dueliolc of 1t Is supposed that !bey were chetah
ire t., `rase' 1 sit Ott the National Tran,r..Will NI KI 1'It(11►['l'Tti oK Inter from the Qua.
\I c•..tr f t, `,q1:g R.k\h A�0 RR f,t:B. Nato ha• been refused by the 1'.ns-
I sal Railway during the pn`t the. r• 1'unrpir:Klnr+ Planned to i:.l44hli•lh pluyerr' Association.
Ot• - stun 1n its nebulous term and ro-
)II lav t . : '' '' ' ” '! :11 r{low- that elt•rPll 1•e r -•,Ila a liniernment. I I(aeon- Long e'l.;l1 r, 11'• 1•' 1:'t • , ��
lut4 un, rr.tli tcrrr killed in district \. ''t1)riurh: lots; Ihr-s pork, a$t!7, In cunse,thrnt•4, of hneu►p1l,tmtw( tailing saittty on Its ails grndnall
nag t 'rl,•r\ derpat,•h from Lahore, pet lb Jill dn,. in the island of Hide. dile Marquis ttsttrued at Its poles un a,couni of
of indig'idl►„1 t,India, ,ales: It developed st the to *r7 •:d1; short ,•ht, a1'St4 to $29.50., tubal Is (.alai Aa la VIP Ai;Masts/e
CR 11011:
tr/•n in dirtribt "iS, hitt Aln •li will incn•a,e bis -toff 4 f ,'tats centrifugal motion. This pbc.wtlnenv»
bR r r ' •'t•c"! any i ren tui • t t ,., 1.• .. and se.. 1st , 1 nt g Ham- Light t,. medium, l.i' i to
e..illeipalil) Ntel+ trial on 11'edne•eia, of ern aIle ed �•
and Lowlands of Auld workers. There hA; also hit n*(art is entirely familiar to those
r,,;;;,;, . dt.tet t • F, a tot.({ 'd o,l• Iwo 11 d:au tbutpirntot that the plans, le,,• : .I., , 1,. 1g) . t t to 1:11; roll :Faiths. e 1 k r'TI•l There
1 twig guild to deal sten a ball of :•lay on a 1
:*11131•.,; ,. , l,l.„1,.1,i;i„n for u•• r Rrldttally flatten. The motion tens so
l, deed and forty-four. The 1.:.'41 bf die Conspiracy infanta, the lith 1i r„ 1f' +•' 1„..,11,e,,t hat'.tn. lie•' 'IA ilia C of of ,hal ivie
I, >•1,le 1, .. 1/t ,•,,,•ptlege c, 'hug: twat the can,•• .' the u:. ;,lent, The Stuck of r.'i d• t r in Seotland i 'pelt death a1* :•carred at .1b�•l sNflt and the rungs so nebutouY that
nil. /1 , ,.ss ane( •1•:11,• }taper tsil lrtdlarl (;lot s• rllltt•1tt Im•lllti/*1 file 1„ 1..e .
f a
ulnrl• , a '• ' • 1141 individual t” na r+tabli it w [tt 1( nn intep p's . Lard Tier Ia',c It'.Ua, lei( :' .
1 riL•, 1,:' ,• k tS well u♦•rr 2eM►,(N)1►. ; 11r*.n of �l r. 11 illiaul Ogilt ir. fur As time wind e men to be a out ek ttbehe sout'ropllra ne-
bring 1, i , ,s,,l i, Ihr ann,urll "f .nit o1 ,"•nb,•ito ,:. i e:•'t ' Ittn• , kiugdo►►s eat u K. an :to Int { t 1.: :1 notaries chap h44a born palm cu me cool and somewhat tb. of rigid. whales
,f lit).,r! 't e dgwau"1' • 1 teI li;i} of fa a Nous*. of 1 stn tnat►y ,+ars a well-knoen Cah pro
fits gallon. for hi, Own use f.ej1'in't off as half -sovereign* Qil'{e 1 lu priitot in the city. Ile claimed 1'.
is 44Ar•111et v\btptit.n in favor 1,*. -.)aces,• r-. Ill �1\1;�• \T \11)�Tltt•..\I. the caner tiara continued its cooling
enableliquor t , ' and a Iloilo. of 1'omml.n+, the ' bile*. si♦pences.
he the utd-st cRbman int .11,(•1 1 " and conrrabtln, . 'I .:•a the inner port
l'sks it►or, t'•.ale1 _ - i tel Ia Ilei a of Ce r• en of dill...
•ere: of government was t •)". Vuntrrnt. P,'h. i. O1st. \„, 1 "Pure ~eaten is dwindling away having plied his tucatioll as 'e” 1 drew tea) from the uuhe leer P a
test• n in asst .ale nadir medical i } Th n,:u:el ri the
,, {„r industrial par 1{11, �1.1/I It l' 1►I f 1 tt�. ! 1'Rnadi44n (\', .tern, 15 to I'd No. ih Kirkcaldy,' says Mr. •1• C. ;fur Rhnut. :Ni year-• tin of twitter whirling .'.
pre-, sir ti: n` 4 :nes I r• 'i,,.2. t outside. '1'hls I,rrnl int off of 1 o ib.
tl I tt',• IlnUtrio \u. :. Nhitc smith, inspector of `t.lols• { 1n intl,rr attr funeral took 1'1: •'
1".• Ihr theta! 1 s:.,' ; 11,1ta' l„ \ '. :: Nhitr. 1:0 . Ott :A large quantity of freeet.rle („r a nt KilhuN 1 . iu r4 11111 ion vt •it It l h,' 1a c'(e. Ti to 1,e kihntro f t the ring
♦ ilndspn'. Ifs) f ••o, .>' { "f
lied 1 p ..t IIIl.1o.r. �i \11 III 1:N Ill 4 111 ({1 N. tart” \” 5 Hilt.. 11e. "bide+ ' the addition of ltethr�ay Academy. burial of "•ivi•nni' m.110osll• settle, of the .)bride to avert th tae
1 fl 1 Int. 1 II \t I I II \ ft 11 t„• _•. r. It C,ftt• : 1inuit,.b:, (o. ,1 is ilei..! supplied from tiour,,'k l lydrlrsnk slaws. Three htuul''t'll adrift mottos of the central lurks, l,MA
\ dp I,.tt,',, t•• ;,, ' t. r a saloon• flour \tuutt„ . elunrn . r persona followed the remains. Fite on account o[ the slight cobt•►Ilon and
�,.I Na)nr'. I'nnislsns,'!ct tut hurl, (u :,.,e
\ nota': t.11't \ Iid�•'11 Ib II:It,• 111.! Ir1QN•'.1 ,• .. ,,r ,.t 1, • :Ni,, t Nh,.li IUtt(`!1(a, Ilt,t •. •'f .)bads' blindttest afflicted 11 of ll:Infer were present, while Kir cep
of the centrifugal force. Itat the; t,r>•.
%.,,,,.,4 1•rcl,r 4 11 tin 11 1, I.aN' of the
Beeler part of Ile ar„e It*i has hoe
1 +ri le 1 .ether's (fuiblittee. wade in (!!saws toot. 1• •,r,. ..bund ctt.►•art Wolter i}s,• /;r;7 1►. r -un, who yunght advice Rad Vile funis ..f chi that bnrr•la,n►u
\ ,l,*l,at 4. 111(1 1,. 1:.11,.11•„1,•+.
,• 40 stand ontfthearialnwr rn,.
.f)a.* la 1'14 • br•:d;tt nu'rnine :+' tie I i it+{inna, 44t the Ihunharton Eye Ili- e4,nrnr `Y_ tion true,
! Y Surntrun(1•tl els, collie. i Int
a: The fomrietsl.,T ttlt••n 1 II -;.., ,-, I;:un•• !• .eddy,• t11i,1te *h.' ,14•.Itg eitbl►rll,'strong 1Q.,bakers.50 to q.l.td)85`10: 144,4 teal. "ollie.__.__ :
lit.. M.'. •.. • a I• . •,llflse;t;r,l .t asst:,' 1 ,�, ,•, , ID IIIC S11.1•1'4.0. -f4 alajl•e Of the °Un'e
of 4lrenfe Ill 'l' 1'. he••' •1) rollers. s::,.lU Io 3:,.•10: SENTENCE til:It�ll)\S.
)ea, .' -t•1'u„1 41 !1tl,trrer. 'Pie 1..t.• • 1", r will be eompello* t" straight r Ile►• The rbc' to landslip at (WI•till'`, lion fact true.
Ihir tau/'c•:a was repeated
ir111Q111 ro{{rl <. 111 hags. fi•., ill toe 1t1`a,' Nr`Nt4lt•tI,•(r,ll, 1, more -dl ton t
lett. :e Iurm, r 1.11 the !•lair, 1•iuht ire- y,. •r ' g ( over and over agnln, mita several
from 44 prea,h +'.tell. Feet' Ontario stun, than at first til„u ht. It will lake ihll*.s duly he tutor• info :rine+ ring” were whirling ar/1n1d Ise central
ha. L •. n r f'' '11"1 :r”•ri fur-, ,•f all .i. •'•1"1..nn
t , ,.i, r � ,• r=alnoil” bltcbe( etuti.l thee ,
utiles flour bels'' f,e It11i .'.I oa Icuod ;h' Hct( 1 esu i.lodn,r n letter fi1.:?•„,,,,,„6:.,“ to re ruin it. ides. charged .,al, burui[,g her , f ,, rrrtif•iwq K1 orbs They would uPbbtsurlis be ht
til 1 • f11n' t''►ilelul11 114 rte
,• ni;:)tt 1::1•, l oh,1•.tut as 1 lcouoe +,•tiles tilt, lut"'tasnm4*) :,t to ilSlt: \I ►lnitt'halshtuuirtlt42: 1i.' :\ mpumrinl Niw,lott tut!. been } ri*.tda}►it, it ufl•'tl :I !tctere t''`t . the same plant. Now. theses (legs. ne
eN1,4/1/ ut .1 ,•t,•'u•• i , I.•,nel„( TI”' •lupan••nt dust- ou , Irurbl, on at l•a•t ' ,;;: ,sur stun outs ' of jute. .
..r .lannary t.►. : .,. Nhi1b •tris•:+d it' Ill 1 K (Ise and ►n tly111 Parish church 1.,
1;,.,rnihtt and remained tbrouul►ottt lsstohal �Itort`- :43:1 Insure( nr•uillr,
This would hr a fools -ll ""rid but !being uuifurt„ in toasts or tlticl.n
';r.. 1 1„ ••c„trt•e) in this �trinily. 'i: „t,n-.Lay ntorttiult• 1 ti.. _et-, tee, `lush was tSe nkittin, 32 , k:s{ I”14'o'trrus. the 1'tr Al S( .lama+
Arntuur, a furmould each l;r*dually Aecumusutc ore
ince provost of the burgh. •
fur its f,tt►Is.
\I .e •,, Samuel 1i'ths :hank in ►t 17 1., a•t1. 1 •i,ers'' [„ The shipbuilding nolo-try was \uthirK shu^ka the big -1111101 ward the densis: portion until they.
wurac than little rine. i tette, noted form a ball whloh (,tale
en Weible+,111, . Hr 7n- 11. • t.. 1.C, anti ,•:1 -terns• 11''.un
that he would t• al ,. ith 11',1. Ihtst••► 1'huirc•t creamery. Ohl doll in Dundee Iwo goat.
' ,• , - in 11,1• =sin” ,+ 1., .. 7 • "'' . and flesh receipts. `4Ionly 11 moamers aggregating '+,:,71+ Confession is the hart( -t half of iu nee conte uHidintlhulcui and ten. and if the
the bail
t+,- •.:,,. Lag.. Si.Ire test new {aid. tons erre Inunch(d, til•• r'art' ..1 some faults.
re lraisr, t.r saes larges enough Ihr, wua'd also
Ise tee : v {bode+) \”. t `t""k :n' Mr..1. M. Itos-, golds manager, �,•\t •
t r (lt'Srrvit*g 1 slough rings.
11 1 I \Its i\ i'ltl�ll‘. I(irrat Kotlh of lit'ntland Railway go rat privilege i4 to give it. Of course ih'r !chits tet sue dlxtaed•
to a4.`, and \„ 5 cnn,llet 37 l•, v- \1, matt has the gospel unless
,rr 11',/ell
atty. Aberdeen, has resigned Pd tale re m:+ the planets. gt111ch, .t1
li• . ,) nlen,',' no 4 Ont n 1 at t owing 14) Ili Lenl11►- los neighbor•: are glad of it. riqutrrtl by tare theory, etre �;1 very
Belden. 11;tiutnfl:e. nelrlr to the came plane. . 'f 1; every
,,; nt n master t, l••
] l o)Cl]'tlol�atfa . \ 1 I I , �' \'Ila �L ,,..,, '� (her
.\yr 'wing to the severe `t 1kt\,wsts,to'lcingaof the ohlig1(111s of ilt,cta formed T e 1.00,0
Wee] 1!j l�l��lers• p 1 �• „esus \i l„ Harr theft' hh, born nn latera r 111 1
�Vl11,, that the p'
There Hee Fe i, , 11, :rune I)I 4 1 L' at sprg'ith moan( err salenlle•s. 4) we tic dr' *10
:,�, I. \tl(4' n eriminnl Nh• a rht numbr`t of applientiln• fort beside Will runfirul im to ct144nodo Batt our run at ore time
11 4 .•. .1 x.
Here h`�ij]] Llsewl]ere. ( robbery
\Ah,;ti \,. „ork by' uttnlplotrd teen. t
Nothing 1 al ,rotii i 1
H been „1t 1,14,1{ o - i i •.h, 1 µmar} priuril,lr list 1 1 ,( f. rah, ,i Violet Pt I I ..,e
/, ,Lk it shlprart last �rar htn(c11 +.. filled all the rp'rc from Ids •erten
r,n,e including r l,brr• tact \.•stltertt• 'RI . r+ gating a ,561' fat them.
l ales +I.I i • e,l sax ves,elr al,g f K i Position to t' :
,,, stat who -fugue,' hi tate r a1 \• ,r �! o „c:l :thread in The `rouble nal' many N1t1 l,... , µ,gym
I .,'. 1., \„ �. of vessel, oils! 1 eolar
li„„- it,. 1\hila e1i lists Igo ul an 4,f(ort to 4,s ,, 1 I. I s'' ...hills of 1Min: sonar.. i, {hat Ihet' lr1,r.
\ ! • t. 1 .. ' SII„ ,Prom Ih!y theory :;:ere is a:,••.! cr
r• ., 1•;nel.lr.'t .• .1.11 lu the ;pieced,. :h -1t
la. a; t;ernlant. t et r., , ,.t V. 14, on tsar -enc 1111,4, tent we Woe to believe. mid
Il l,lleln It. The treat to tlo 1't' "1'K7111l/041 4) fltn!I4 a!1)1t1'S•
Ir, ‘1, di, ,•liras^t. :h• 1'14 :11111 Wales. 10 It) 11 4 • tr:•••'. ,,,itr(ti:tit far r to stn of ten 1 tiurirty ,.,. ; , is the potter to pot tgvo Is On( ever” slur lit the Iwo ens til
\1: f;,'•' 1;,•lyinm. i+:. I ! .1 �1.,e-e'
;la. ie (1I11ng„N 1)i, l' o 0 f t
I,,, ( illi• vow), Is "u, S'ht(h 11 'Oils! TS Is (ever;h thst rime . .)cam+ ,u
„, t.,,.od 1.11'1: and tee t ,Arlhdr and make twenty 1, \t. ,. t., f„rn, •r f•rr•iel• ul ..i t t Isar„• lige.,
♦ 1 stns given 4 boutO in the (Std ![all.
♦ �1, ♦111111, N 1lt`+11!!'., a `(acct 4,INNI hog's and girls were five oust of them, h,:'<s family of 1,111111.t,: f:11 ::
1 \ 1itn,rrtrl, F^tr. 1. i 1tu' h ,ye•A dollar ..pent for the formationI it, j'rt a• cur :.urs has '`e1',.1
[' I hit rt -it,. :,,,.1 ry \n 1,;e-•.1 r, au 1 ,.,;,„1• l o(.rl („► 1 t!” • 1t a there.
:Ott no: 11 pr••itnr 1 sale at 3% to tic per 11'•: prettys often a'otth n that Inlpns,lble to see Ihi=e plr.n•t{.
(Iul 1.• 1;1'rn„1 nt and fin••;*. 1' ' 4 of cia144 , af•(t
r.•.• io' ' 4”" •• "1. !:•',C that the world i'• ie :' I.r•'.11 Britain'. �at441 {rlimlal''r good 44nim»la, 1 to alb :print,[[ hr. Katllrlii►i S. ('lark. daughter
� meter i
1;1'11, r dank/ 1 414 1 ,,
t,hIle ling !luta it the
re it . , aside (.arse 1ddilions. ' �' appointed Cl assistant 1»nt \ man as ref rotni to n alslnd• star, etch with the fiterlc:i tiles, , rs r'••rtll' nl;elel••r. Inn, 1 c stock, 2', to le per Ib. ; large milc}t of the lair 'i'v. John ('lark, leer. ..and nn its reformation,
4 course., for Ii i+ in 1'c'a'•flt 4taro.
coir . 1 )
f,, other cows, San f has been '
owl►o t„ • in tui. ,uhnt,t. He liptr that in the, hturr it will frets Poll -mouth rbw5, $ . Cary of this nets.
( \ •t -pa:, '� ► rd per 11. ;int ti,•111 officer larder F.dinl►ralt .s,l; with h : think- he orc•ul,irs an essvept ns n mr+'e I,ah,t +
:i al hllnr,idr is fort, three . hrtfl•t than it is to (1at•l hent that tae (rel nformrd n,o •,1 oircics ES;,S each. Calves, �/ to
snobs. ! „h111 !(onr(l Wesal position in the universe. I u'a5;rypothesis''ofl(oleos `! ramal he
tie, • _ leaded in the 1 nited states in answer to the argument p �1 iµ mole that the asst Brit Sheep. about 4/1c per file , ue•ti„is of woman's right- d,,r:e. Rat evert thew t' ; .:s to It:: ars
1t• 1e, s. 1... 00
than .1. 1'anadu, Nhilo it is ,cg, a punishment of Trim im oes• nota{1le In ,_ los owing » stirring one. fort F \til. 4 11:111\1:'f llN \ 1111:11. j cheesed. 11.tny ovs•ll'a, ,
rR et 1',an iu 1(1•lui1un. Ills prime. ht gave t t 1 left naval Dreadnoughts, pro%.) ,red Ahon( 9(' p.r lh flood lots of fat 1ie” „w, t;•►urock, and now Urrolt• now r,m114 the •:nr:• s'' tee
time. r i , -"tat mil -.or mu d 1 four then in g 1 ! I;ht-g
nisch 1111.
• , ott•lel• t•, '1s t, •! ''bull "It'll , lY e, . ,rel 111 once by the !! 11,,) an•,•red (:Irl I: rd} 44a I:ulrr• going rhmufil► the do!: • • 1 ....••.-• of
twenty-four cur elet bo»t Toronto. hobs 1. d ..t Ln 1 hotel' „ k, are !caging the ettes1ion plate
r fin .,'.' ,1� 'Ills tthul, \tory l 11 rltll�,'t`• far picked •cert 1f 111,',11..1• th6
t t'\' 111 i.tlref• vr`t4,1 a1 of those ftllnt rat sl tugergs ten submarines, and t(,• price pale p $5 V5, and these' 1• pal) before tll(ltt. ,t„r.!,bll l•1'nl, world forming. .�i', •i1:'e,
{,111 -e, h+ttitntN of .port CIAjs wait In!'T t •tt our ea'n Fu'aY !t .le In ? :11.•
ins!. its• ot.uun.o,l r,••. M►0 ad,litionitl men. 1t Its, Gla.Qow Savings Bank fen•(- leo% 1 [`,:
1)r. White had little ant
t 1+11• a(ilrt . were bought for total killing : hr”. set' I1,r4'c Hist•. ^ it'''f tet• 1, '1'1'
cn ,r;,t • of :rInc ,ears. rt„ . 4, t•aat+l Kir-^-•---•-1---' s' a:non(: fo noel dove': :nilli.nt acst,stsl, from 1.1u,so: sal s :
R tpa,ab,, e ' •,n"••I 1/r►fhv fat what h flb,SA tR344 the prevailing It11(0 the mot ...tiled (hal the 1,"r l of t '1: ,:e,'a.,.
oat o•et of 11,1y dr••:rine•t1 f1 Itns4, Its tin otnP
1.•.otelu stir htilid clotty data! + ri 3). Many n man who think~ he is edit- to ante}iers' p.•tnda, the luta] •twin► t ssl,. 1 I ,. t:rc)
,..1 n the • tan• New Jerusalem `1V11o's Iv' gond to chnir4, hrillg an int►eu:- r;r•Qlo►s t• iIe r.,,• opti.trht of were tlrl,t 1 .1.
hr lentil f \\l strong. nt., eepnsi) r 11"d[we to \!"t 1•
'HiemtmLer of fel„ni.u1• lion . n •li ea '' ,rime is crime and t,\ere will fent) bis (,uta name not $tncker!t and feeders deer,. ter nes. } fll.ttiS.1(i5. r' Go•vernor t:oneral v! t :two .t. • ,rlt'1'elbu:a.
• ( ot1P straight luau averaging Om {►>s. � to!, the y'rar .
vitt s per r••t per million of p1), natter I1 that there at all.
o 'tattoos cvuntrid,l it, :t� ti°.••n:1r ►• ,lisraac, he said. vitiation for
slay one step further bac
ale waters iuilliediatcl) su):- i 'Without mentioning the origin of mat -
side, it will tall, two ,puts to re ter itself scicnc•t conceives that In dila
pair the damage done in Paris' nn beginning all matter was uniformly
tlerground world. distributed throughout space - that -
Police and soldiers are liter:'il)t there
nt thatstars,
all no plcean st !hand
(hiving hundreds ..1 the poor from
their houses in the inundated se,• with the platter we now hare divided
ti its. Scores bf these houses have up into very flue particles some Ms -
already tumbled in. i Vance :apart. The consistency of such
materna was perforce terry thin In-