HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-12-19, Page 81 kiL N;XEINE, '1'1DLL Lhl JVEUEMLUSISIJt ivu ++++ 1+1++4+++++++++ STEWART'9 A rlerry Xmas. Yes! that's the wish which goes out to all our ('ubtonlers and Friends. We are doing our best to make it possible for all to make some useful present. We are showing an immense stock of Fall3y Goods suitable for the holiday trade and at prices that are easily reached. Cclue in and look through our big stock; you won't be asked to buy. 25c. 4Oc. 50c. each for a Beau- tiful lot of fancy China Cake Plates. 75r. $1,I0 $1.25 for three very tine lines of Fancy Plates - lovely presents. $1 25 $1.51) to $2 50 for Japan- ese hand decorated 5 o'clock Tea Set. 500. to $2.00 each for Fancy China Biscuit Jars Very pret t y. 300: rale. for the newest lot of fancy Fruit Dishes you will see this season $1 (10 $1.25 8.75 for a range of Majolica ('hula Cheese Dish- es that will surprise you. 2:ic.l3:7e.50e.75 . for a swell range. of Ladies fancy Col• tats; all Itailor and hand made. Boxed one each in fancy Xmas boxes. 50e. and 75c. for Mons fancy and Black Neck Mufflers. - Very useful. $7.50 for Ladies Isabella Sable Neck Ruff long and full, $18.00 for a swell atone mart- in Fur Set, Long Ruff and full Pillow Mufi'. $05.00 for Ladies' choice Fur - lined coat. lined with choic- est Canadian Rat and trim- med with Sable. One best. $12.50 for the finest range of semi china Dinner Set we have ever shown; 108 pieces to the set, Pink, Blue, Green -and Brown decorations, and finely traced with gold. $:t 15, $3.75, $ (.50, and $5.00 for a range of new 10 piece Toilet Sets that will put you wondering.11Will you take a look, :it costs nothing. t.::32 50 Gents Fur -lined ('oat; good shell, lined with nat- ural Baby Wallaby, collar ar,d reveres of German At - ton. it's a bargain. We sell Redpath's Sugar, and no other. It's the hest by by teat. A car just in. $10.00, $12.00, $13.50 for three great lines in Men's Black Overcoats. The values fairly talk. Drop in and see them. $5.00, $5,50 for men's separ- ate fur collars. They go well with a new overcoat. S A. STEWART +++++++++++++ ++++4++++++4-1-+++++++4-164-a++++++ +4-1••f-a++'f••!++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++9. ++++++++++++++++ Watches Jewelry We arc showing a large range of Watches and Jewelry - newest de- signs of different manu- facturers. We shall be pleased to lay away anything for you until Christmas. Come early and make your selection high Grade' Watches at the lowest prices A, MARCHAND CHAND Fall NEW -The Bert Lane Minstrel Co., cont - posed of Ailsa Craig puisne artists, tvhich showed at the Exeter Opera House last .Thursday evening, was the best company 1 hat held the hoards at the playhouse during the week, but that isn't saying much, as they were the only ones to xhotw. The performance didn't enthuse the audience worth a cent and it was some time before anyone could get up enough courage to give even a hand clop. The chief characters had assumed the names of minstrels who have made fame as black face artists. Chas. Thomas, the little Englishman wasn't too bad, and neither was the singing in the opening chorus. The principal soloist of the evening. Mr. Fleming, had a nice manner on the stage, but whoever told him he has a , good voice couldn't tell II. flat frotn the %vind 'whistling through :1 key-hole.w Tho Ilat dialogue bytwo d g of the teen got so tiresome, that the audience told them to cut it short and "skidoo." The after piece. en- titled "Ill -Treated Trovatore" didn't bring forth even a snicker. The interlocutor sang a song and was fair, while the Japanese song by the (elbow nssutning the Raine of Al. Fields w'ns good compared with the rest of the singing. it is not ex- pected the company At il 1 play :1 re- turn engagement Here. The BGst TfflU000 Suitings the Tree Nothing in the way{ of a Christmas AND gift will give 83 I11it11 pleasure to so many for so long a time as an E1118t1N Pnovonn.tptr. The enjoyment it at - fords is the kind that lasts and the kind that every utenll•er of the fancily appreciates. lreciates. s agiftnot0 Plate tri f r the Fashion11 time being. but for all tiute, taking on a new interest with every new record. The Phontogroph sings, plays 01 talks. It is aeifted iti ►and oper-• as in minstrel fun. it means as mud to the little folks as to the grown folkt- Just now the eternal question is. "What shall the Christmas present hey" The answer is, Just flrrlvcu Call and Make a Selection be- fore the rush. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER, -- ONTARIO. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected OYEY to loan at lowest wee. Soma west Lands for Sale. Office, Main Street. Exeter 7 tin Edison rhonopraph For your home or for any 110111 a Phonograph means the beginning of a long term of genuine enjoyment. THE PURITY ). '.Vit tis Pow ):Lr., Mgr. • DON'T MONKEY WITH T11.\T CO17011 use HOWEY'S SYRUP WIiiTE PiNE & TAR Hold only at Howey's Drug Store. 13ig bottle for 25c, Market Report. -She following is the report of Exeter markets. cor- rected up .o December 19tb., 1807. \%'bi t. t:0 t:,•tat% per Ltuhcl. Oats, 40 cents per eushel. IJa(ley. 50 cents to 60 cent Pt :IA, 75 rents to 80 cents. Bran $20 per cwt. Shorts. $22. Feed r'lour, *1.30 to `.31,35. Metaled Flour (SCAR), *2.75. (logs. Iiweweight "5.25. Ilurs, tlresse•d 11 iv, S14 and h15 ver (eel. ('lo%cr seed. $8 to $10 per bushel. Potatoes. 75c. to JOc. per bag. nutter, 23 1e1t F:„ 21 cent; per dozen. Dried Apptea 0 ceuta per lion lel Coal, .7.25 a tort. ••••••••••••••••••••••N • •• LOCALS •• • • •••••••• .••••••• -Xutaa oydcrs at llardy's. 41111110"-- anseamilma CHRISTMAS BARGAINS nts at this store and sage money, A Bitstock j T OLD RELIABLE Buy your ChristmasPreee of suitable goods for Chriattuas gifts, at lower prices than can he purchased elsewhere. We welcome you. t.'all and have a look through. We want you to see what we are doing, and get our prices because they are right. Suitable Gifts for Ladies Suitable Gifts Our Bleached Tab - lingo cannot be beaten. Ask to see our special Bleached Linen at 511c; warranted all pure lin- en. 50c. 'table Napkins, spec- ial at 85c doz; Table Napkins special at $1.25 a doz; Table Napkins special at $1.75 doz; Ta- ble Naeklns special at $2.00 doz, FANCY LINEN -An enormous showing of Sideboard Scaife, Dres- - Miss Annie Weekes, is visi hog ser Covers, Stand Coy - friends in Guelph. ere and Shams, linen - Mr. Rich. Welsh returned Sa ur- and muslin prettily em- broidered. Doylies ac to 25c; Linen Covers $1 to $3; Shams 50c to $1. day from the west, - alrs. W. J. Beaman entertained last 'Thursday evening. -Mr. W. .1). Sanders attended 1itt Christmas Cushion Winter Fair at Guelph last week. I ('overs and 'fable Cov- -M r. Elijah Iliggins, of 'Toronto, is et's. in Tapestry and visiting at the home of his mo her Silk, eery fine goods, bought specially for -Mrs. John McInnis left Monday Xmas trade. Price 75c to visit friends at Lumley and other $1.00 and $1.50. places. - For nice box of bon ion; ca 1 at E. 1:, lIardy's one door atortIt sr ver- (14.1 flank. -Mrs. Going entertained the Dim, triol ministers and their wive4 on Monday eve .• g. -Oraoses 25e 30c. 400. 50c. Oqc. z (10800 at E. E. Ilardy's, oft,; door north Sovcrei.,t hank: -Mrs. Win. Statham, tvho has .been .suite sick for the past Week is ;tato able to be about again. - Mr. .1. 1'. Clarke, of 'Winnipeg, a former bu.itless man of E;teter. here. The utast beautiful showing of Dainty Col- lars we have ever dis- played come and see them. Price 50e. 75c. $1.00. KID GLOVES -- Al - moat every Lady appre- ciates a pair of good wearing Kid gloves and theta the kind we sell every pair guaranteed In Black and colored Price $1,00 $1.25. FANCY BELTS- in Silk, leather and elas- tic in all the Popular shades. Price 2.1e. and 50c. FANCY LEAT1111t HANE) BAGS - Also Fancy tartan Silk Bags makes it nice looking preeent as well as a use- ful one. Prices 75c. $1.00, $1.25, $2.00. FINE SILK SCARFS In Cream. Pale Bine, Pink, very fine quality 72 inches long very po- pular. Price $1.54) $2. for Gentlemen Men's tine Kid Gloves in Mocho's, Swede and Dressed kid, lined and unlined. Price $1.00 $1,'25. NECK WEAR -- A bright showing of Bows Four-in-hand; Knots and Strings in all the new shades, Price 25c Tapestry Curtains and 'fable Covers in all colots ranging from 82,00 to 50e. $0,50. Tapestry and Embroidered Cushion Tops with Cord to match. A SUITABLE GIFT Ladies hemstitched and Fancy Embroidered handkerchiefs in eitk, linen FOR GENTLEMEN.- and lawn. Choice line of Fancy Collars and Belts. A Fancy box contain- ing pair fine braces, 1 A very choice line in Gents Ties, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Braces, Gloves. pair Armpits and 1 pair and Fancy Socks. Hose Supporters all for 75ct s. Xmas Xmas Xmas Christmas is near at hand ! What are you going to wanti No doubt there are many things you need and a lot more you will buy that you do not need. We have things for the needy. We are now stocking up with a view to big trade. 1 fere are a few lines we are offering Pure Damask Bleached Table Linen with Napkins to match, sizes 20x:10 and :32i22. Japan Drawn Work Tray Cloth and Doilies. Damask Drawn Work and Hemstitched Towels at 50c each. Embroidered Linen 25c, 35c, and 50e. too FANCY MUFFLERS In black or color's, large size, beautifully tine • goods. Price $1, $1,25 Mufflers in silk or satin (shaped) fancy colored lining. Price 5Oc and 75c, SNELL & ROWE Xmas Presents are in Demand And our stock pleases all purchasers. I: does not require purse to buy something which is sure to please your friends buying at our store. Come and inspect our stock of CARLING BROS. TELEGRAPHY pie Sovereign Bads The Pathway to success of Canada The 1' Telegraph d (allil( tall tin HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. Business Colleges WW Up Capital: • . 33,000.0 Of St, Thomas, Ont. and Aylmer, Ont. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: O2408 JARVIF, Esq., - - - J'.' LPH !MACDONALD., I;sq.,st ALLAN. Esq.. :.+d free -Pr have the Grand Trunk Dispatchers wire running through their class room and guarantee to place every young roan graduate of the Telegraph De- partment with the Railroad Company or refund tuition fees. Telegraphy a fat Shorthand 8C 'Typewriting when Bookkeeping New terra opens Thursday, January visited in town front Friday to Tues -1 1005 Call or write for particulars clay. Watches Chains, Clocks, Jewelery, Beautiful �r ') W. ,I, Menton and son Clyde S ,,1th portion of the ,,:tat "eek Nand Painted China and Cut Lon Mir. and Mrs. \V m. Beaman. Glass. Loudon. LOST, STRAYED Olt STOLEN -A fox terrier pup, white, with brown ears and brown spot over one eye. WeddingRingsSpecialty. Issuer of Marriage Licenses Finder kindly return to A. 11. Going. a 8_ 'rrTON" - Reports from Ottawa state that Hon. Clifford 8ifton will decline to • be the candidate for Brandon at the us -Miss Evelyn Gill, of Toledo, is next general election, but will devote 6IiRISTMtIS visiting at her hoe here. his time to private business. -At r. Curt Harness, who was very -Last ae0k the \hitt tltt Unitedtral R[S[,ETS tato tvilh pleurisy is mcovering. paid their ewployecs in th0 t'uil0dStates with Canadian Currency. This -The Misses Chesney, of Kippers, is the first lime such n thins; w•asspent n, few days this week the done in the history of the road.guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. McDon- -A1r. It. N. L'ruikshnuk, w'ho for The kind that brings cheer to the ,,ld. several years eras butter -maker ,tt heart of one who gives as well as the --\L•. Norman Ilodge•rt, hardware the Creamery, left last Saturday for one who receives clerk for 1'. Hawkins & Son, has been ('r:utgeville, where he intends tak- Dainty, Artistic, Useful and i confined to his home since last week a course in the Business College, Ornamental Gifts - 011 account of a severe cold. that place. in choice ebony goads in Toilet and I -On account of next WednesdayllR, OVENS EYE AND EAI( SUR- Manicure Sets, Hair Brushes, Cloth i being Christmas. we would re latest t;eon. will he at the Commercial Brushes, mirrors, etc. I our advertisers to get copy in not Betel. Boras 9.30 a. tn. to 4.30 p, later than !Monday and correspon Ill. Glasses properly fitted and die-' Fine Stationery cleats not later than Tuesday morn - eases of eye car and nose treated.' Perfumed Soaps ( ing as we intend going to press earl - \ext visit on Saturday, Doc. 28.1,1t ler than ,usual. Kodaks, etc -C. E. Hackney's auction sale of farm .louts, of London. former - farm stock and implements advertise.Special attention to our line of Y ed for last Saturday, was caned off lv of Exeter. has been getting hint- ' I Christmas Perfumes :wit in the limelight in London. A The! • � e storm. t stove to the severe t sold a taccountot \V' had II of Mr. Wilson f cc ext not + •' I take sal next were t t- •o• +11 t k eats sale however, 1, I 1 � The finest selection anywhere tom- Jones and as payments Saturday at Phos. llruldtord's old sales' stables. i prising all the most popular odors in made in accordance with the agree - bulk, forth the leading perfnutes as meat, Wilson replev'ined the stove. -Fire Chief ,i:uues Weekes hos re- I well as .tones had him arrested on a charge eeived the usual notice from t he Can-' la tCd Perfumes of halving forcibly entered his house Underwriters' Fire iderwriters' AssociationIOr p but when tho Ca80 Cagle up for trial calling attention to the dangers from in beautiful boxes making very suit- at London Inst Saturday Jones failed Christmas decor:itions, displays, etc. able presents at astonishing low to appear and the defendant w.is hon - which a re freruently made n1 this prices. Drably discharged. time of the year. -Air. .1. Lewis Thomas, of London. Times Christmas Calendars - We COLE'S DRUG STORE Civil Engineer for the townships of have this ,year issued a very hand-` Stephen ntul iIay, is mourning the some calendar, at a considerable ex- Ions of his iustruutents and plan.+ of 1101180 and which we are giving to, -The Main Street I{pwort lt League the proposed ,1)ashtvood Evangelical subscribers paid up to January 1909.was entertained by the League of church. which were stolen or lost Those wishing calendars trailed send 1 James Street church on Tuesday from his sleigh near 8t. Jolliet last 5 cents for postage. We Have lubes l evening. The preerain was given by Friday, Mr. Thomas and assistant. ec 'on c u10 tl t were here n1 r for each calendar. Renew at once as the members of Hie farmer length. with the ,Dashwood church and left they are going fast. and was of a missionary spirit. let- -Mrs. Patrick McPhillips• one of tera and characters sent. by Err. F. F. Exeter Wednesday night for Lucas. london's best kkitoeit and respecied Allan. missionary to China for the Thursday they remained at the tat - resident 4. died there on Tuesday, last Exeter Epworth League District, Is'- ter place and on Friday morning con - week. Mrs. McPhillips was a for- ing read. tinned their Journey to London. At mer resident of Exeter. having livedSt. Johns they went into a livery -The funeralj of the late 11. II. stable to look at a horse. They re - here with her husband and family Gunn. M. 1'. Walt hold Inst Thursday turned in about ten minutes and over 24 years ago. She is survived by afternoon al Rr:ifolib :0x1 tc,.s one of jumped Otto the sleigh without ascer- five sons and throe daughters. Thi' the largest and •most impressive ever twining %whet her their property had remains were buried in London. held in \Vrstertt' Ontario. The floral been tampered ttith. After driving 8 -An order w; 1s Blade by Chancellor offerings were riagnificettt and rep- mile or so towards Loddon it %%tts dim- resented ts- resenl d many 1)alirs, polilirtl and covered that some of the instr tits facial, with tvhich the deceased was and the plans of the church were connected. taken or At lost. JIM Boyd at 'Toronto Iasi I.rainy to wind up the Kurtee & Mct.ean Co., manu- facturers of gas engines. Mr. kurtze will be remembered as the gentleman who was here a year ago last sum- mer frith the automobile carry all, 11hich he ma:tut:inured for Reeve lio- bier, but which was returned 38 un- satisfactory. --'fhe roadway in front of 1 he Times office was the scene of an Up- set last Saturday afternoon. It wan not a 0189 of us kicking someone out of the office for violating the rules of our . met um sanctot um. but a gentleman who calve out of 1 he Ce•u- ttal yards and tried to take the turn ,forth at too swift a gait. The driv- er, vehicle utd horst' were thrown in w'ha t a promiscuous heap in a . s u° tk which our P. 1). had very convenient- ly thrown off the sidewalk in the morning. Helping hands pulled the occupant of the buggy from his peri- lous position, tthile others extricated the horse ft'otn the harness which en- tangled it. An int entory taken nf- tertwnrd showed that no da011go had been sustained. AN EXTRAOItDINAI(Y BARGAIN SALE at The Exeter Bargain Store. Chrisltnas ('heap Salo of Jewelry and aa dainty a display as Exeter ever Fancy Goods suitable tot. Chris. 111;18 shows. Xmas Stationery cats. All goes nt half price. Also a. st k of Clothes, Tttecds andColgates Rodger & Genet Stationery for a holiday gift is grow- Ite:1ds-tuade Clothing and 15 men's PitiersTaylors ing its popularity vett by year, Select Overcoats, goes for half price. This Taylors Stearns only (ood Stationery and here is will he a rattling Bargain Sale and Handsome Packages 25C, 54k. 75c $1 where you get it 25c to $1.5''. will continue for three d:1ys. Setur- and rip. Lowneys Chocolates ..•Ertl and 21th December. r. 7 h. bat- Sachet Powders These are HOWEY'S Christmas Suggestions Holiday Hints of Merit, Beauty, Utility and at Prices that Spell Economy Study -,this list. it will simplify' your Christmas shop are Av.'', ing rtpidly. Wide Attendance Students attending our chain front almost every county in Ontario; many from Manitoba, Sask- atchewan' Alla.' to and British Columbia; some from the United States, Eng- land and Scotland. Vc train nlot'e young people than ant, other manage - form and that novel fall to delight recipients Note the went in 1Vestern Ontario. . Avewe invite cow- prices- every petit a heaping moneys worth. Paris -m rain dividnnlge )linstructiotaken n,)trUr Kyaett'11t students attend tiightes is not �classes free• ,tn•l Christmas Perfumes Xnias Cigars , may take ell the above courses, E. 1I.13HST, Manager. - Airs. HoN. I). MCMIII.LAN, ARCH. CAMPBELL. E M.P, tit, E. 1)1M1'NT, Esq., M.P. HON. I'Ll:.it AICLAR£N, W. K. Mk. ALOtr2', Esq. , �f F ALEX. Its' cit, Esq., K.C. • :o. j*MMEIT, - - • cewrsrN CASSE LS, Asst. General -Ata Savings Bank Departme$ ltlterc i at best cut -real rata paid quartette. Why Not Give a Pipe for Christmas? It would be a perpetual reminder of the giver and a source of continual satisfaction if you get an 4740eGi'! This brand on a pipe is equal to the sterling mark on silver. The bowl is filly guaranteed against cracking or burning, and everything about it is fully first-class. For Sale by W. S. COLE, Phm. B. - Exeter. Loose Leaf Ledger System The only Commercial School west of Toronto using the above Modern Office Work of Actual Canadian Business Procedure. , Greatest Canada's G I housecallings daily for rad nates of Ca a Wholesale h Y g Chain of High grade Business ('olleges, because our students "Learn to do by doing." Each student has loose leaf ledger,.bill' and charge system, card system, bank book; fills out scores of notes, drafts, deposit slips, cheques, statements, leases, mortgages. receipts shipping bills, etc., ctc Our students do actual business from the first day. Oregg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting taught by the most widely experienced teacher in Ontario; she is also a grad- uate of John it. Gregg, the Author, and highly recommended by him. Last year our Stenographers were all placed within 10 days of graduation. Many of these young ladies now drawing $7111 to $S►M1 per year. It is freely ad- mitted that we train the most rapid and accurate, Our Telegraphy 1)epartnlent is (111 equipped. Railroads aro ., and tt11:u u'a Operators, f short ping. It will enable you to snake selections appropriate and acceptable. It tolls of articles of beauty and utility; of ex• Unit) acceptability, of Christmas presents always in good ttowey'e line of Perfumes., represent Nice line in $1.01) Packages, ! W I N7 I R TERM RM BP O I NS JANUARY 6 Write for Catalogue. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEG OEO, SPOTTON, 1' (INCiPAL. day 21st and Monday and Tut sdaP - o ) ('andies th it. the most 1 critical can pick no flaw in. Big Assortments Exeter, Ont rice of the stock ► 1us be cleaned ' 'Big Assortment of Odors in 1 oi, out. The shore will he closed for , two days ,110' week Thursday and Friday and the big nate will eonn- Illaatnrday morning , bottles Od 10 Ws S. Howey Phln. 1 o'clock, J. W. Broderick, -Tao public ,'cl►oois will close to. ..... tnonott for the Christmas holidays. In (• 14.111 of the rooms entertain- l 0• !wants 1%111 be given in the afternoon tr to which parent and friends of the do p0: • pupils are invited. SII members of Exeter Lodge 1 are re attested to attend t11 ting on Friday Dec. 2701. Ele • of officers and business of int ince, G. E. Anderson, Mee'y•