HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-12-19, Page 4pippoppompow
Call and see our large assort-
ment of
Perfumes, hair Brushes
Cloth, Nail & Tooth Brushes
Satchels, I'urses, Pouches,
Cigar Cases, Case Pipes
Chitdrens Books & Stationery
All suitable for Christmas
Drug Store
Smoke Doctors Prescription
Best 5c. cigar in town
The Exeter Times
Exeter, Ontario.
Terms of Subscription $1.00 per
air in advance. $1.50 ;lay be
urged if not so paid. To Unite1
cited subscribers, $1.50 strictly in
f►ance• .No. paper discontinued
Edit all arrears are paid, uniess at
Ile option of the publisher. The
Rte to which every subscription is
Rid i3 denoted on the label.
Advertising rates on application.
'he Vacancy in S. Huron.
The eiuestiun its to whether there
111 be a ' by-election in South hu=
in is one which has been consider-
ey discussed during the past week.
'ony have expressed l.bo opinion
tat t Ire riding should be saved this
lis unnecessary expense and turmoil
pecially in view of the fact that the
Iliticians will have an opportunity
,fore very long of measuring sleet
a general election. Mr. M. Y.
,bin, of Seaforth, has been before
lC electorate since October as the
Voice Candidate, but his opponent
not been chosen and it was not
tain that the late Mr. Gunn would
e been the choice of t he Censer -
it'. Convention. Other aspirants
openly talked of. Now a choice
have to be made among these
made quickly if an election is
be held. But the suggestion has
made by not a few that the
servatives would do well not io
se elr. McLean in a by-election.
an old war horse who has re-
cd some hard knocks from. his op-
nts and Tel to -day his straight-
ard manner and independent
esty have Made hint respected by
rank and file of both parties.
c are indeed many Conservatives
would like to see M. Y. 'McLean
n seat in Parliament and would
'lighted if the partyt)
!d make his election now unani-
In this iway n graceful thing
d Ire (tone and the riding saved
► expense and disturbance. Both
would then save up their
leth for the general elections.
• • . • •
• euestiou of taking caro of the
in the toe ships, is one which
ii the ulfici Ile tts well a.s the el -
s considerable thought. South
n has the distinction of having
.tit roads in the province which
(eine. true of the Township of
tie. In Stephen t he concessions
in excellent condition oven at
time of the year, but the sides
t. the ones most travelled, acro
tri z(wd as they might b:.
ite often ati :teil.ttion is star is
o do away with the pre rent teys-
of 'loin; •itatute labor and in-
iMpeee a tax on each 100 acres
Land for the purpo4.e of
n c for road work. It
t thought, however, that the
ut method will be abolished, at
net until .t better method is
ed. ,1 few years aro the 'l'ow'l-
of Fullerton arta Illanshard
ted the sy,Lein of taxation in -
of the -t itut,• labor, and is is
the r. -ults have been r -au un14•at•
ory list these townships .ire
in set sou+l)' of ;oine back to
Id 4)' -tern.
present ,,Iatute labor system
Ir an owner- of 109 acres to do
days/ 1'bor (•n the roads in each
end L( lie wishes c.rn ,lo Alae
in a lit( le more than two d.sys
;lit hours tach, if he urce hie
1 and itaton, 1L.t Dine for Bo-
the work being laid out by the
1111 tier 4, who are appointed by
rnuncil4. Tb • work i+ divide 1
For that
crc is one thing that will
e it-Ayer's Hair Vigor.
a regular scalp -medicine.
quickly destroys the germs
ich cause this disease.
c l:nhe:athy scalp becomes
rushy. The dandruff disap-
rs, had to disappear. A
!thy scalp means a great deal
ou-healthy hair, no dan-
,no pimples,noeruptions.
*et kind of a testimonial -
ter over sixty year.."
of a. C. yin c. , t o t$, bta•s.
*1',• 4••Atgoers of
tiersCURRY Pf.CTOLte.
into beater each beat con-ist :l; set ut the said Municipality trill be taken
the *ix lots 011 a concession between un the said By -Law on the slaty and
two sideroad4. The owners of the at the hours and places therein fixed :
six ct•utcr lots are supposed to AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICI'. that
take circ of tho concession, v% bilk) airy one desiring to apply to have this
the owners of corner toes look after Ily-Law euashett must take his or
the work on the sideroads, .which hr r application for that purpose to
have the west traffic and aro not iu 1Lt.• high Court of Justice within
as:rood Condit ioa as the conceessietus, Three months next after the 'Third
au'I are not touch Inure than lanes publication of this notice ill Clic said
leading to dbo property of those liv- Netvspapw•rs or )w or she v. ill I. too
ou them. late to be heard iu 1het bel :1f.
A sugge,tion i, offered whereby JOS. SENIOR, Clerk.
the eideroodt can receive better care. DATED at Exeter this Ninth (lay of
but whether /such a suggestion can ilecember A. 1)., 1907.
be carried out remains to bo sicn,
but it look: feasible. Take for in-
stance 1 he Town.3hip of Stephen.
The Lake Road at (ho North has to
' be taken care of by the Teeviiehip of
Stephen and play and coup be done
s w al hose
the 3 h l l
b • labor icm Ito
livru, on a certain beat could juin
together and do what repairing it
nese Mary on the concessions and put
the bulk of their work on (ho 'side•
road 00 the South Boueelary of their
beat. The oe ner3 on the beat 'soups
of them could do the Balue and in
tilt way .take in the whole town-
ship Ina very :satisfactory manner,
and at a smaller cost.
By -Law No. of the Village
of Exeter for the Year 1907
A By-law to authorize the 'Muni-
cipal Council of the Village of Exeter
to pay to W. A. Gibb Company of the
City of Hamilton in the County of
Wentworth. Packers of Dried Fruit,
the sum of 4500.00 for the purchase
of the site and land now used and oc-
cupied by the said W. A, Gibb Com-
pany for their Evaporating process in
the said Village of Exeter.
\V11EI1F.AS at a meeting of the
Ratepayers of the said Village of
Exeter it -was resolved that the above
By -Law should be submitted to a
vote and if carried that the said sure
of *500. bo paid to the said W. A.
Gibb Company on the terms and con-
ditions t o a s c
t forth and contained in a
preliminary agreement made and en-
tered into by and between the said
Municipal m
D u 1 Il Council and the said W.
A. Gibb Company.
ANI) WHEREAS the said Municip-
al Corporation deem it advisable to
give effect to the said resolution of
the said Ratepayers.
AND WHEREAS it is necessary to
appoint the time, places and officers
for taking the votes of duly •eualified
voters upon this By -Law.
ANI) WHEREAS it may be neces-
sary to levy and collect the said sum
of 7500. by ,special rate upon the
whole rateable property of the said
Vilingu during the year 1908.
AND WHEREAS the amount of the
whole rateable property of the said
Village according to the last revised
Assesstaent Roll is *554,451.
AND \VIHEIREAS the amount of the
existing debenture debt of the said
Jlunicipality is not More than $21,000.
the Municipal Council of the Village
of Exeter as follows: -
1. That for the purposes aforesaid
it shall be lawful for the Reeve and
Council of the said Municipality to
pay to the said W. A. Gibb Company
the said sum of $500. upon the terms
and conditions expressed in the said
preliminary agreement.
2. That if necessary for the pur-
pose aforesaid there shall be raised in
and during the year 1908 by special
rate upon all the rateable property
of the said Municipality the sutn of
3. That the votes of the duly
eualified electors shall be taken on
this By -Law on Monday the 6th day
of January A. D. 1908 between the
hours of nine o'clock A. M. and five
o'clock P. M. at the several places
within the said Municipality herein-
after Mentioned; by the several Offi-
cers whose names are hereinafter
mentioned: In l'ol ling subdivision
No. 1, at the residence of Silas Hand-
ford, Main Street, by It. N. Creech.
Depety Returning Officer and Fret
Hector. 1'oll Clerk ; In pulling subdi-
vision No. 2, at Weekes giros. Marble
Works. Main Street, by W. 1).
Weekes Deputy Returning Officer
and Junes Weekes, 1'ol1 Clerk ; an
Polling subdivision No. 3, at John
Mitchell's Office, on the North West
Corner of Hain and Wellington 81s.,
by Alex. (7. Uyer. Deputy Returning
Officer. end 1t. G. Seldon, Poli Clerk
In Polling subdivision No. 4. at the
Tosyl 11111. Main Street, by J. .1.
White, ilepuly Returning Officer and
It. N. Taylor. I'oll Clerk.
4. That the Reeve of the said
\lunicipal Corporation shall attend at
the Council Chamber in the Town
Hall of the said Municipality on
TI ursdny the 2n(1 day of January A.
I). i!tU!( at the hour of Two o'clock
►r. iu. for the purpose of appointing
Agents end persons to attend at the
various foiling subdivisions and
pinces aforesaid and the stn ulling up
of the totes on beleilf of persons in-
terested in, WI omot ink: or opposing
the passage of this Ify-L:tw.
5. That t he Clerk of the said Jd un •
icipalily shall attend nt the Council
Chamber in the Town pall aforesaid
on Tuesday the 7111. day of January
A. D. 190;( nt the hour of 'Twelve
o'clock noon and sleall t hen and there
Stan up the votes given for and
agninsi the said Iry-Law end grant
the requisite cert ilien t.'.
6. Tint this Sly -Law shall take
effect and come into operation if car-
ried h)• the totes of the elector:-
nforesrid on the d,1y of the final pass.
Mg thereof in nccord•tnce with the
nrotisit,trt of the. Ontario Municipal
DATED at the Town Hall. Exeter,
this 9111. day of D,'cmilwr A. 1)..
NOTiCE-The above is a true copy
of n p.reeosed .Ily-Low• which has
been taken into cort!ichersation mai
which 'will Iw• finally pressed by the
Council of the y of the
Village of Exeter (in the event of th:•
a.sent of the electors Nems obtained
thereto) after plot' Month from the
first pubiicntion thereof in the Exe-
ter Times • Newspaper, the said ily-
Law to be published in the said Netve-
rap>,er once a week for Three succerre
eve weeks commencing ors the twelfth
day of Decetnlw'r A. D., 1907, and
bat the votes of the • elec(,nrw
The Clinton Business College en-
joys a Provincial reputation for
adopting the Most modern office
work. Their latest tic 4uisitiort is
the Looe Leaf Ledger, now used by
up -to -slate Wholesale houses. A
very interesting; advertisement of
this high Grade School appears ott
page 8,
Trial Catarrh treatment ;tee being
mailed out free, on reau.st, by Dr.
Shop, Racine, Wis. The, toots ora
proving eo the •people -without a
oenny'.3 cost -the i;rent value of this
scientific prescription known to drus.
rgiett everywhere as 7)r. Shoop's1
Catarrh Remedy. Sold by W. 8.
When the Stomach, ;Heart, . or
!r scary uorvee Bret weak, (bon those
organo ai'.vaye fail. Don't dru; the
Stomach, nor (stimulate the !Heart or
Kidneys. That Le simply to make-
shift. Get a prescription known to
Druz_ist, everywhere as Dr. Shoop'•
Restorative. This Restorative is pre-
pared expressly for theca weak in-
side nerve?. 8trenttlien these nerves
build them up with Dr. Shoop's Re-
storative -tablets or nettle_ end
see hue- etuickly help will come. Free
teat scut 'wt re;uest by Dr: Shoop,
Racine, Wis. Your dwelt!' is surely
worth this /simple Lest. For sale by
W. 8, 1 L owey
To check a cold quickly, get front
your druggist home little Candy Cola
Tablets malted L'reventice. 'Drug.
gists everywhere aro now dispensing
1'reventic3, for they are not only
safe, but decidedly effective and
prompt. Trey, ntic3 contain no
•;uinine, 110 laxative, uothity; harsh
nor sickening Taken at the •'4netze
stage" 1'reventics will prevent Pneu-
monia, Bronchitis, La Grippe etc.
Bence the " name (Proventics, Good
for feverish children. 48 1'reventics
25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 cents Sold
by W. 8. llowey
A very fashionable wedding was
at St. James' Church, Claudeboye.
Wednesday, December Il, at 11
o'clock, when Miss Ethel llalnche,
second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cob-
leigh, was united iu marriage to D1r.
Charles 11. Coursey, of Lucan. The
ceremony was performed by the Itev.
A. Carlisle, sit the hour appointed to
the strains of Mendelessohn's Wed-
ding March played -by Hiss .Myrtle
Simpson, Clandeboye.
On Wednesday last a stranger, 25
years of age, giving his name as 'blur -
ray, hire(/ a horse and cutter from
McFalis and McLean's Livery, saying
he was going to Prospect Hill three
utiles east of Granton. and would re-
turn the same night. He failed to
do so Wild a ►n 1la was sent
ier him.
At Prospect Hill it was learned Mur-
ray offered the outfit for sale to dif-
ferent parties. but. did not succeed in
disposing of it. The sutitnal is a bay
mare, 14 hands (sigh with the ler ter
S. on hip. The cutter has a. high
back with it dark green gear.
A tickling cough. from any cause,
is :quickly )stopped by Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure. And it 1+ stn thorou;hie
harmless and safe that Dr. Nhoop
tells (withers everywhere to give it
without hesitation, even ;to very
young babes. The ;wholesome ;reen
leave,' and tender items of a lune -
beeline mountainous i itrub, furnish
the curative pr"o::erti^s to Dr. Sbonp,t
Cough Cure It calms the cough, and
heals the sore and sensitive brow-
mcnlbrsw,'4. No opium, oto /chloro-
form, nothing harsh used to injure
or (.oppress. Simply a resinous
plant extract t•h;at helps to heal
achin_ !nag 4. The Spaniard•/ ca11
call thls 'shrub which the 1)octer
use:, "Thr Sacred herb." Always de•
!nand Dr. 81toett's Cou;ll Curo. 'Sold
by W. 8. Howey
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
ryas ob!erved in Carmel church last
Rev. attd Mrs. Toll attveiled the
lecture by 1)1. Cleaver at Exeter. on
Monday night.
e1 r•. T. .1. (terry has disposed of his
fatuous stock horse Southport to \lr.
loop•! Cock -iI, of Crediton. 741r.
(ferry imported 1 his horse when ;e
leo year old and exhibited him at.
Toronto when n three year old tak-
ing second phare out of a class of
four. After taking orae serason out
of pint sold hies to the Irate EtIntrd
)tell, of Lunlesboro. This gentleman
kept pins for four years proving hien
to be a number one stock horse,
averaging over one hundred colts
resell year. his progeny Lek Om first
prize et i;e:aforth. Blyth. Dungannon
and Weirhaut faire and second at
Teeswnter fair in 1901. fn Peri his
progeny took first at Sea forth first
at Myth aril :also 1 wo seconds and
Is A Constitutional Disease
!Whatever organ or parnage of the
leely it affects, and requires a consti-
tutional remedy for its permanent cure.
It depends on an impure, impovcr-
i:'bed, devit*11zel condition of the
hlnwxl, which keeps the mucous mem-
brane in a state of inflammation, and
ceis!ce adebilitating and generally offen-
sive discharge ; also headaches, ringing
noise!, partlal draftiest+, weak errs.
llttl s Sarsaparilla by purifying, en-
riching and revitalizing 1) . blood, re-
mit%ea the rano` and effec t9ermaa;t nt
cures of all forms of catarrh.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
a a Constitutional Remedy
Sold by druggist.. everywhere.
110 Dose. One Dollar.
��+8111III •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••........
1 The Molsons Bank
Established 1855.
%ameba: is a unique yet perfectly natural treatment for Injurtet, skin
diseases, burns, pains, etc. leis If KALI SOOTHING and ANTIS': Mk'
- In the ca,e of a burn, a scald, a deep ulcer or an eczema eaten surface
'Lam ltuk causes new skin to grow over the part like new rows of bouscs
erected by an expert builder. Zam-Huk is absolutely pure, made of the
saps, juices and aromatic oils got from medicinal herbs, and absolutely frc,.
from all animal fat, mercury, sine lead or other Injurious ingredients sn
common! used in the making of salves. To treat ones skin trouble+ with
this pure healing halos meant speedy relitf from chaps,chatlriga, cold sores
r.t-hey, eruptions, and all forms of skin diseases. KEEI' ZM-IIL'IC HANDY.
• Zam-Ruk can be obtained from all druggists and stores at 50 cents a box or postpaid
on receipt of price from Zam•Buk co., Toronto. 3 taxes for Sim.
FOSTER -In t'SLornt•, on 'Tuesday,
December 17th, 1907, hurray Mau-
rice Footer, infant son of \Villiatu
and Lottie Foster, of Toronto; the
grandson of James Handier'', aged
2 years 6 months and 9 days.
The children of Grace church Sun-
day School, are working hard prepar-
ing for their annual Xmas tree enter-
tainment which takes place in Iiil,bert
town hall on Xmas evt'.
Friar's Cough Balsam
Oue of the good, old-fashioned things that has
never been improved upon.
Infallible for coughs, colds, bronchial and lung
It is the largest and best lac remedy for coughs
and colds. Prepared, recommended and guaranteed
by the largest wholesale drug house fu the world.
If your dntggist does not handle it, let us know.
NATIONAL DRUG & CHEM. CO , Limited • 30 LONDON, Ont.
CAPITAL PAID UP •••- •- •••- •
RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• •••• x3,000'00000
Assets Over $33000,000,00
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savi�gs Bank Department
• $1.000 ns an Account and Interest added FOUR
$1 .00 O ns an Account Interest added FOUR
Times a Year.
I Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
j •♦N•♦•NN♦♦♦♦NN♦••N♦♦♦o♦♦N•NNNN•••♦♦•♦♦♦♦••
Highest Price Cash
all kinds old iron., cop-
per brass lead zinc, pew,
ter, rubber, rags, wool
pickings, horse hair.
Steel stone boats, ;Joule -
yarding, iron posts.
Sell or exchange for the
above goods.
M. Jd6I(s011 S011
near the old market
Main St. Exeter
Headquarters for
Skates, Axes, Saws, Razors, Stoves, Pails, and
We have on hand a number of Mitts and Gloves which we f.
will sell at rock bottom prices.
Don't forget that we install Furnaees and keep on hand the
largest supply of all kinds of Ifardware and Stoves
to be found anywhere.
IJy giving a better course of
'training than that Given by
any other similar institution in
gntario. we ,have beoomo one
of the leading busittoas train•
in.g schools in Canada. Our
;,radttates are in demanl 'a3
office aseistanta and bu3inese
college teachers. Dur
beiu; the best our graduates
succeed. If interested in your
own welfare •writo now for
our catalq;uo; it is free. We
baro three ,departments, Com-
*mercial. Shorthand and Tele-
nolu GittSHag65t1011814.+44+++++++++++++++++++++
Winter term opens •January
Suitable Xmas Gifts for Old and Young
stock of ever variety for ladies, gent-
lemen and childrens use from 5c to 50c
TOWELS -Linen, huck, hemstitch-
ed from 1.21 to 25c each,
TABLE NAPKINS -All pure linen
and beautiful designs $1.50 to $2.00
per dozen.
MENS NECKWEAR -Bows, four-
in-hand, ready made ties, a swell line
at 25c each.
BOYS nW EATERS -All wool, red
and blue /nix with blue sleeves 60 & (15c
variety, no better assortment any
where, 2 for Sc.
FANCY CHINA -A large stock of
pretty and useful dishes at an extre-
mely low price.
STATIONERY -See our fancy pap-
etries at 25c each.
e cannot tell you in a small space
of all the good things we have in
stock. Choice Fruits, Nate, Confect-
ionery and groceries.
SANTA CLAUS will be at the store in person on Xmas eve at 7 p. tn.
and wishes to meet all the good boys and girls around Farquhar. Send the
children to see Santa Claus and the Xtnas tree.
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
the family of four colts prize at Sea- rare merit. Mr. Morton has also sold
forth. Ills colts took first primn two year old entire colt to n Mr.
three years in succession at Scaforth Itrandor, fro.0 near Forest for *285.
and owing to Mr. Hell's health fail- This colt took 211d prize as n year-
iug hits. Mr. Ileryy purchased him ling at London and Exeter shows and
back again in August 1906 keeping thin last fall ,he took first in his
him till the present time. Mr. Cock- class at London. iloth these colts
well is to be congratulated on pur- were sired by the imported horse,
chasing such a profitsable animal as "Siberian," owned by Mr. N. Morton,
he has proved himself to be a money of Ilarpurhey. Mr. Brandon also
maker to everyone t lint has handled chased from 'Mr. Brock four filly
him and the vicinity in which he foals, for which he paid $125 each.
goes will be profited by his enter- Three of these foals were sired by
prize. "Siberian" and the fourth by a horse
51r. .las. 'Morton the veteran horse owned by Mr, Alex. Dow, of Exeter.
man, of Lumley. recently sold •a tato These foals were purchased to be Auction Sale
year old filly to Mr. Brock, of kept as hreedin nil res.
Usbornc. for *275. This filly took -ref-
first prize and diploma last fall at IAltel STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS
the Western hair, Loudon. in tIle Messrs. Iiossenberry and Cameron
heavy draught class and a year ego have been instructed to sell by Public
Look 1st nt London as a, yearling Auction at Thos. llandford's old sales'
and the same year look first at Elie stable, Exeter,
ler, hensall. Sea fort and Kirk'0 -on-
shows. ib will thus be seen SATURDAY, DECEMBER 121st., 1907
Mr. Brock ham secured ;a roar At one o'clock rtbarp, the following
IIOItHES-1 heavy mare 4 years old
with foal; 1 draught horse 4 years
rid : 2 draught horses 3 years old ;
1 draught colt a year old ; ! driving
Hare 6 years old with foal, and foal
'y her side ; 1 driving tnarc 12 years
)Id with font ; 1 driving more 8 year
rltl ; 1 driving mare 6 years old : 1
(riving mare l' years old; 1 pacing
torso 4 year old : 1 aged pony.
CATTLE AND I'iGS-3 cows ; 1
t ser 2 yea r old : 1 brood sots : g
dung pigs.
IMPLEMENTS - Minder; tnowe•r;
,ay-r.tke; seed drill; menu re spread -
r : side delivery hay -rake ; disc har-
ms ; iron harrows; roller ; scaffier ;
ulky plow; walking plow; two fur -
o" plo; 1r,uek scales, Cap. 2000
: •s ot"/' r t rough ; lamb holrle r Hud
ruck : vices : cream can . sausage
.1 Older ; car pulleys and rope ; fork :
parte : scythe : )tooden pomp; shovel
•row bar: ,2 !eta team harness: 1
of light double harness ; n number
1 collars, 8 sets light single harvest
'.anon ; sleigh ; .hay rack ; wegol box
libber -tired buggy ; top buggy ; cut-
er, rope pulley: sire et ret cher:
sand wire stretcher; machine for
sultrier on fence slats: augurs nod IlouRr ednlot for salt^ 1't. lot 11:6
revshnrumer: ;Batanhes; whiffle- Cou. 12 Usher ne, 1.2 acre teed %Tend
res!; neck -Cokes : : hdsaw•: horse t„ick cottage and eta lee. Must Ire
red .peppy Thee. Cameron. Auction -
Xmas. Prcs6nts
5. MartIn & Son
Pianos, Organs
Sewing Machines
Fine Stationery
Children's ,
Slei hs &c.
D11. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 5., D.
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury's
Main street -EXETER.
DR. 0. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8.
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling'•
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0
sA • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un
verelty. office and residenence. Dominlon
Laboratory, Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
s Civil Engineer & Architect
(Late Department of Public Works, Canada.)
Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County
Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and watersorky
System Wharves, Bridges and Ire -enforced Concrete,
/'hone 2220 London ()ntart0
We have unlimited private funds for invest
anti upon farm or village i:roperty at 'owes
aces of interest.
arrester. Solicitor. Notaries ercnve aaoere
Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsone
Bank, Etc.
None! to Loan at lowest rates of hi berate
t CARLING H. A. L. 8. Dicrijpl!
We have a largoamount of private fund.
aan on farm and village properties ab Iowrate
11arrl,ters Soliolters,I3ltio SelExeter
Licensed auctioneer for Oountiele
of Huron and Pertb.
Special attention given to farm
stook sales. Town and village prat
party sold by auction on moderate
Orders may, be lett at the Thule
office or at residence, Ellmyjllg,
Charges moderate,
synods of the coDodiall Norm west
N1' even numbered section of Dominion Lands i0
Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting
5 and 20, not resents', may be homesteaded by
any person who is the sole head of a family, or soy
mite oyer 13yetrs of age, to the extent of one-quar-
ter section of 160 acres, more or !ear.
Application for entry must be made in person by
the applicant at a Dominion lands Agency or Sul).
agency for the diatom in which the land 9 situate.
Entry by prosy may, howeter, be made at an agen-
cy on eertaiuconditions by the father, mother sOD,
daughter, brother or mister of an intending home-
The homesteader is required to perforin th(►
homestead duties under one of the following pisM:
(1) At haat six months' residence upon and colli.
cation of the land in each year for three, ears.
(2) A homesteader may i1 be so desire,. perform
t he required residence duties by lit ing on tanning
land owned solely by him, not Less than eighty (60)
acres in extent, tit the ticinity of his homestead.
Joint ownership in land will not meet this requlre-
(:t) If the father (or mother, 1f the father is de.
ceased) of the homesteader hall permanent residenCC
on farming land owned solelyby him, not less that)
eighty OA)) acres in extent, In the ticinity of the
homestead, or upon, a horneuead entered for by his)
in the ticinity, such homesteader may perform his
°a 11 resittenceduties by living tttth,lhe father Or
4 The tern '•ticinity" in the two preceeding
)aragraph• is drilled as meaning not more than
nine miles n a diret line, exolusi'.e of road snow -
awes crewed in th.i measurement..
A homesteader intending to perform his resi-
dence duties in accordance w ith the above while
tiling with his parents or on taming land caned b
himself must notify the agent of the Il'trict of retch
Aix months' notice h, writing should he given 10
the Comrnissioner of I'ominion lands at Ottawa of
intention to apply for patent.
11•. w'. COIR 1',
Deputy of the Widmer of the Interior
Si. It, -Unauthorised pnldicatinn of this advertise
ment will not be paid for
tlo,i'SI': AND LOT 1'OII SALE.
On Andrew St root, ;torr v ,tort a
11411 brirk hones, Tool 4f 0111,' lard
and soft water and 1.3 of an 'tere
of lend. Fur particulars 'pply do
Livid Itowcliffe, owner.
Pasture Farm for Sale
East half lot 8. South llountlary,
Ray, 60 acres. Good pa•tune farrn;
river tounis's corner rand •good aha:te.
Sale by auction will take place at
Cotnmerciel hotel, Exeter, on Sat-
urday Nov. 23rd n t 2 o'clock. John
Gill, Aries. Civet. 11oc, Prop. Glad•
rein & Ntanbnry, on!initors.
House and Lot for Sale
pea W's
eer Farquhar.
1 The move are 1 Int of erred Medi- -..-
!Ileitis and '.'iii ir• !old "1111011i re- s credit will he Rivett on furnishing Op-
t nerve s,11 the proprietor has soil Illy' ' primed joint notes nr a tii•cot'nt of
Mantle property stud ham err fanning i 6 I...r cent. per annum off for 'avh.
land. i EI). IioSSF\BER It1. T110.4. (',AM -
TE It \IS-- All !time of $5 and neper E1U)N. Auetione. r*. C. Ie. JIA('K •
F: ca!L: aver Ikat amount 10 'onnth•.'\)I;74, Proprietor.