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Exeter Times, 1907-12-19, Page 3
IL A T Iii-- ,.........„(......1 HEALTII 1 1 , 1/441N44*i *••N*'•S* 1$9 WOUNDS (W THE S(ALP. A bump on the head is one of the commonest Of accidents, but lite skin which (X)vers the cranium is tough and is protected by the hair of the scalp, so it it is o,wj,ur.,tin•:y rare that the tAtm results in anything more (skit- ters than a bruise. Thea is fortunate, Iv all open ov.,und of oho seaip is a flier didIlcull ether to manage at Al tes, and Its conipUcatiotls aria se- :ewes e-:quels are likely oct:asicuully to give Iuore or Ices trouble. A severe bruise, such as may be c:lieed by striking the heed with con- siderable force against a blunt paojec- here-say the rounded edge of a table, uoually results in more or less boggy swelling, due to the effusion of serum of blood tender the scalp. Ordinarily this g ves no trouble, except that it n:ay le quite lender for a few days. '1lle effuse," scrum or blood is' sooner or later absorbed and the bump be- comes a Using of the past. In Bone cases the fluid becomes full of pus, owing to the inflammation of the bruised tissues. This kind of a wound must be opened and the mat- ter washed out, otherwise It may bur- row quilt .. distance along the skull, and possibly result in the destruction of some of the bone. An ordinary bruise of the scalp doe.s not call for much attention. if the swelling is considerable, the scalp and lair should be thoroughly washed, and then a lotion should be applied of bor- ic acid dissolved in cologne water, or a wash of witch -hazel. It the hair is eery thick it had better be cut short over the bruise. so that tho loUon can more readily reach the part, if the suf- ferer is a Fay; but if she is a gi:1 the lotion will have to reach the spot as best it can—the hair need not be cut, unless it is really a case serious enough tc call for the offices of a surgeon. When the scalp is cut or torn, the matter Ls more grave, both in Its pre- sent state and its possible consequenc- es, and had better be left to the doc- tor to treat. A blow hard enough to tear the scalp may have been of suf- ficient forcer to crack the skull, and even if tee tone is intact, --and the fracture may occur in another part of the skull from that struck, through the opera - lion of what surgeons call contrecoup er a "Counterblow,"—the scalp may become inflamed and slough away, leaving the bone denuded so that it may lose its vitality and give riso to tremble calling for surgical interfer- ence; or It may become the seat of an erysipelas. AL any rate, the wound will need washing. and possibly a few stitches to bring the cut edgcst to- gether.—Youth's Companion. SLIPITNE TRAMPS P�1Rt1►DISEoopENTSP�j - HAND RIPPED OPEN vrreankilf.lei AS MEDICINES. watercress is an excellent Weedpurifier. - Lettuce has a soothing effect on the nerves and is excellent for sufferers frorn ins4Inn1i '1'o:na:oes are goo 1 for a torpid liver, but .hou!d be avoided by gouty peo?le. Celery Is a nerve tonic; unions also are n tonic for the nerves. Spinach has great aperient qualities and is tar better than medicine for suf- ferers from constipation. Beetroot is fattening and peed for �-. t: M-bUK STOPS i PAIN AND IILLLDiNG KFF.P ZAM•lit'I: HANDY," is a Nuund motto, for dist ntiahaps teats !AM BUK a defy need. It can 1 c used with remarkable soothing an,l healing effect from the oluest number of the fancily down to the newborn babe. Mr. Ben. Haar, Edmonton, Alta., has recently had occasion to teat the remarkable healing p„wcrs ot ZAM BUK. Ile -ays " When opening a can of Pineapple Sauce the other day the Can 0, true, hist its grip and my hand was ripped open by the rough edge of the half opened can. It made a gash in my hand about two inches lung. Thi- pain hipain was fearful and the blood simply gushed assay from me. I had a boa o' ZAM-Brig handy. and I lime, ately apFjili.l some. To my surprise the pain sudd-niy crived and the blood stoppNd. ZAM WOK'S quickness in belling ut tiores, Cuts, Bruises, etc., is a great puzzle to noes" ZAM-BUK CURES kitno l poison, cuts, brui,es, old ,.o,t ds, running sores, eczema, ulcrri, s, eruptions, scalp sores, itch chap. t hands, burns, scalds, and all skin juries and diseases. ZAM-AUK is e best cure (or piles yet known. 50: Inc. all druggists and sexes, or ZAM- BU K Co.. Toronto. 3 I uses $1.215. yyp•!gTRtAT 10E...tcn r.triptM L• ,Ma 4ea$ that eourG1 t� isa� 1) 5 ,_v . Toronto 1r L 4 7AM- BUT{ / Men and Women of On:arlo This APPEAL is for. %%Hint: \\i:tai \\'11.1.11: \\.\\1.4 1-oa NJT111\G. New Zeal:tutt the ('.t •nlry Where Ile (i-ts His \L•als and 1st !tten...is as a Ilitjlal. New Zealand has teen called the "Working Mans Country," and it cer- tainly is heaven for tramps. Plenty of really decent food aid a night's Lodging 1.0e to be had there for the: asking --to le deu'anded, in tact, as a right. And when one remember: that, atter ail, LI. majority of us nutke little more Than that out of toiling hard week In, week out, all the year round. it is no wonder that one's mouth begins to water for that happy land, where There are no November fogs, and where beds and grub are tree. The reason for it Is net tar tc seek. New Zealand is a land of big distances, and outsde the regions of the towns is srar'sety populated. There is no network of railways there to make travelii:g easy; the only meats of locomotion for the ordinary workingman is Shank's pony. saonnd iiiito.. niiiiii shrdlu mifwyp shrdl • On the fauns—or "slatious'—a certain amount of casual labor is always re- quired for the repair of fences or stock- yurds, or thee titling down of trees, and in breeding, reaping, and shearing seasons. Some means must, therefore, be found of securing a "constant sup- ply," arid that is wtiy 'the squatters make a practice of giving FUEE QUARTERS FOR CNE NIGHT to all applicants for work. They know teeter than anybody that 90 per cent. of these "swagrnen," ase hey are called— after the blanket or "swag" In which their belongings are rolled—would die ss.oner than work; but as it is just that odd 10 per cent. of genuine workers that they need to hove al hand for emergencies, the custom continues, and will continue, despite its abuse by the "deadheads." Arrived at the "station," you begin by demanding work. Of course it mai have offered you, and, if that is so, you ti choose between accepting it er going away to sleep in the open, unless there is another "station" near. Rut the odds arc in favor of all the week having been snapped up by the earlier applicants, and in that case you sigh loudly when the joss shakes his head, and march off to the cook and ask for a ticket, which is always forthcoming, You The Great Provincial Charity, The Hospital for Sick Children, Calls On You For Aid. Remember that this Hospital is not institution, hat Provincial. It cares for every sick child in tho Province of Ont- ario whose parents cannot afford te pay for treatment. Busy dollars are better thou idle toars. The ',ym- pathy that Weeps is good, but the Hospttalhastohase the sympathy that "r Llr.a rimurt}a" Works. Last year there were 1093 patients ad. witted. 0. these Sia orae from 251 places outside of Toronto—all were children of poor people who could not afford to pay for treatment of their little ones. Hach child was in the Hospital 47i days at a colt of 1I.:11 each local a people who want to put on flesh. lr day, or Parsnips poseeas the sane virtues a,, per f or sarsaparilla. the • 7 e days Coulter -ries correct the liver. stay. •sSaup!I( Mil Sale}nuq'is snare:arivy It yet" ould r Bananas are beneficial to sufferers dollar front chest complaints. Celery contains sulphur and helps to were off rheumatism. Ilsley is a good sutslitute for cod liver 1 The jni'-e of a !omen is excellent for tore throat. but should not be swallow- ed, but used as a gargle. HOME CURES. Neuralgia Relief.—Ginger poultices ,rete. instead of niusterd, prepared in the names. seine manner you would prepare mus- last year. Out of the 79, about 50 were lard nnnlllrces, will pglleve nelirmlgia from the eouruy in once and will not baster. Ronst Lennon for (ougha.--R0asti a lemon carefully without burning 11. When thoroughly hot cut and squeeze the juice into a cup over Iwo table- apoonhils of powdered sugar. Dose, a tableepoerifnl. To Step Coughing at Night.—Apply n cold towel sattirak•d with cold water around the neck and over the chest, and on top of this apply a large, dry ehildren ? bath towel so as 1) keep your clothes A great !nine of Mercy or peen teem getting wet. You will - -the mining stock that tenon cease coughing and go to sleep. slew pays dividsnds— I l•,W to Ilandte Ilot Compress.—'1•o is bought with the money prevent burning hunks in dipping blare that helps The Hospital kot. in boil rig water for application for Sick Children to ex• tract the Gold of Life 1., rely pail of the body having !pain, frorn the Quartz of straighten the feet of a little boy srabeaut or girl with club feet, you would gladly give it, and your dollar will do that 'There were 79 rases of (lull WIN ` NEW YORKAl TME NEW EIWEPROOP HOTEL NAVARRE 7th Ave. and 38 le at. 300 VEET WEST 0 I BROADWAY, mail, maul ot Lusuii et Minimum Cyst Aceessihte. quiet and Rtegant. within Flve Minute,' Walk ul'1'r.atree, St-,p.and Cul hs. New Hutch (hill R. ins Largest in City. Cable r ar, 1's+3 H •tel to .ell lt.tilr• ads. ter'pean )'Ian. 511.) per day with art bath, eY.W upward'. ar day w Senlith� fur iotJ. SU uk.et & 1) 11. Props ItE:\•1V%I. OP TIIE: GILT. Glusiinij 1) iaad in London fur High Land E:seuiug (tress. When in Scotland the: King is a rege- lar wearer of the kill; so, too, ss the Prince of Wales. The general revival of Itie wearing of the kill may therefore be doe to the force of royal example. "i'wenty years ago." writes a cones - pendent to the Times, "the kilt was prac- tically unknown in Atenlcen. It was indeed held up to universal ridicule by lha townsfolk. That has quite changed, end on my last visit to Aberdeen 1 dis- covered that even the schoolboys have returned to kilts. 1t has become a recog- nized article of- everting dress, and, %vhgt is more strange still, ninny of the yc:ung men of the better -to-do chuses are learning to play the pipes." In Lon- don, too, that/ is u growing demald for Highland .evening dress outfits among the large body of Scotsmen who belong io the various national societies. Tire Soottisll evening dress Ls picturesque, hot has the disadvantage of being costly. An outfit would be cheap at $150. the overage price ranging from $200 to $115. But In spite of this aid the proverbial canniness of the Scot the vogue Ls in- creasing. Of course the King does not sport his Highland dress in Landon. GETTING AT iT. 1t is well known that it Judge Halt- burton, the author of "Sum Slick," Nova !Ocala produced a famous humor- ist, but the neighboring colony of New- foundland had a humorist in the late John H. B._one, who, it without the dame gained by Haliburton, was quite as great. Boone was a banister, and FOR 'TIE SWAG\IEN'S HUT. This is usually a long, low wooden erection, with a fireplace at the far end, and rows of bunks. on either side, simi- lar to those on board ship. Appropria- ting cno of these, you sling your "swag" into it, and, laking your soap --if you are particular—go outside to wash. Then you return, and smoke and chat with the other swagmen till the ringing of a Lel' announces that supper is ready. Supper is served in the station dining - room, after the regular hands have been fed—another long, barniike place, with a trestle -table in the middle, and forms en either side. The lavishness of the meal would strike our tramp dumb with aniezenlent. A basin of boiling hot broth is followed by a joint of beef or mutton, with two vegetables, and then collies a pudding. the lot topped down with bread. huller and cheese, and as much tea as you can drunk. All this. mark you, of the best, and for nothing ! Afterwards YOU SMOKE iN IDLENESS until you choose to turn in. and in the morning you are provided with breakfast on the sane hospitable scale before you start away again for another day's tramp 10 the nest "stulicn" in search of "work." This is no highly -colored picture; it Le jest a plain statement of fact. in the wintry districts of New Zealand, 1f you don't like work. you can live like a fighting cock for nothing. so long as you are prepared tc keep on the move. You sr ualler never knows when he ace:, feet trea'ed may find 'Ome f In a hole for labor. A mon may leave, or something may hap- pen phut necessitates the hasty engage- ment of n dozen hands; and it is there- fore as 'moll to his interest as the swnpmlen's that he should always have r, certain number of potential laborer's available for any emergency that may iris. Not 1i11 railways mike quick sup- ply of labor possible will the system die out.—London Answers. 4 If you know of any child in your county who le sick or has club feet, and whose parents can not afford to stay, send the mimeo) the Hospital Secretary. The stock books ate open. Won't you let the Hospital write your name down for a few shares in Heaven's own work of healing little take one end of n blanket in each hand and 'vont same light. (hen dip in hot water. not pulling the ends you are h..iding in, and in bringing it out play.• hands far npnrt, which squeezes blan- ket .try. I'luce dry blanket on bed, then hal r ne, having patient lie down in it ae hot as he can stand 11. wrap- ping around the logy where pain is, also plating hot water battles. Keep patient in pact for fifteen or twenty minutes. Splendid ter stomach in ewes of Indlgestion. -- ('. ' is a cenitennt!on of cash end Pet alt• chem!cally uniting to make a sten on office holder. "You told me your husband had "Walt a minute or two t!11 the milliner to•:res along with my new hat and the Milt" ell:'- do 7011 stlpp0!e ll.et' have all the telephone -versa so high In the strt" Ile -"Oh, that le so theta they can keep up tete eanversa+.ton, 1 sup- pose!' f RTt Caa1a. Death. Please send contributions to J. Ross Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas David• r i eon. 4oc.-Trois., of the Hospital for Rich Children, College Street, Toronto, Mr. {r;iplita�j's r'trtadian 'Tour. Ontario and all Eas'i in Canada ks deeply disappointed that \Ir. Kipling, upon the occasion of his recent visit to Canada, should have only seen "The West from a Car Window" and the East not at all. The older provinces are always proud and never jealous o' the West, into which they are send- ing (heir shekels and their sons. With all his powers as a word painter, It is hardly to be expected that Me. Kip- ling can do justice to all of Canada. Ile has not seen the thriving cities and towns of Ontario, with its ..)lendid railways, mills, and manufacturing In- dustries. Ile had only a fleeting glimpse took a malicious delight in mystifying of Toronto, and saw nothing of the tete Iteneh; In which attempts itis hu- score or more other industrial centres mor was often called into play. or the Dominion. It is too bad, Cana- dians believe, that he should have spent the most of the time which he was able to give to the study of conditions i:1 the Dominion to the troubled shores of the Pacific. With no desire to mint• mize the seriousness of the labor dis- turbances out there, or to disguise the fact that Canada Is in sore need of more men to curry forward the work in hand, Canadians would have been proud of some pen pictures by Mr. Kipling of the industrial East, where the people are prosperous and happy. This oanviction is by no means local —it is widespread, universal. ("Cana- da;' London, Eng., Nov. 10th, 1907.) At one time an Italian, who became dissatisfied with his position as a tele- graphist. went into trade, gave too much credit, and came to grief. He engaged Boone in order to Le declared insolvent. "My lord," said Boone, "may it please this honorable Court to hear me on be- half of my client, \ir. TarduccL ile comes from sunny Italy, my lora the land of romance, science, and glorious jftcrahu•e—the home, ray lord, of the Illustrious Micisael Angelo and the di- vine Itaffaelle); birthplace on '1'as.o, Arioslo, the immortal Dante. and the humorous Boccaccio; the prolific mother of art and science, birthplace of Gal- vani and the martyr Galtlet Galileo." After Bootle had ep .ken a little more in this strait the judge began to get restive. "What has all this to do with the case. sir?" he at last gruffly inquired. "Merely a few preliminary observa- t:ons, my lord," was the solemn reply. "My client from sunny Italy, home of the painter and the sculptor. begs this honorable Court to apply to him the very lowest form of pic'nrial art. lily lord, he prays to Ix- whitewashed." HUNTERS KILLED IItY ROH(. \Wtrunskid Animal A'sails Pursluers, A ing ret De Fr 4 nn 1r to ov th Fr ti. MONKS GIVE IteNQI'I;f. In Itu'.ian Nena'ler) 34,400 Pound. ul Food Consumed. To celebrate the feast of their pa- tron saint, the orthodox honks of the monastery of St. Alexander, Russia, gave recently a monster banquet. 'Deere sacra fen guests, so ho Occupied tables in a great hall. The monks, however, dined oa'h in his eon (411. At the feast 33,4(u pounds of food were eon- surned, with 4,300 bot!les of wane and 11 beer. ,\thane the totes were 4,000 e pounds of caviare, 700 pounds of pre. served Galt, 1100 (pounds of trash Ask, besides tone of meat. The menu'a'y, ebbe of the rteehest 1n Russia, has an Sit- coms of *150,000 a year. The property of the orthodox church i• eatlrMted at 5,351011.60°400, which makes the Stand- ard Oil figures leek pi3P4. a v a el ot lh to d• "Now that you are Inert Ad. my son, listen 10 ate." "What is it, dnd?" "Try te be a husband, not an ex -bachelor." Dad (severely): "And, look here, Ethel, you mustn't encourage that young man to stay so late every night. Its dis- graceful t What does youre mother say about 1(7" Ethel: "She says men haven't altered a bit, dad I" Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator c'oes not require the help of any pur- ntive medicine to complete the cure. (live It a trial and Ise convinced. "Tootledy is a eo,,ector of antiques." "Oh, that explains 11." "Explains what?" "Explains why he rnnrrled the antique Miss 'lankier." TOSS ew t i10N consume I each year In melt• sine. to "Ferrori;n." the heat' t"nfr, he is so tleperly manipulate that 0., we.tk and sickly set all possible ausri.btnent and tuneat trop IR Two frogs strolling one day fell into the other was an optimist. The pcssi- Ilieo titer was an optimist. The pessi- mist began to squeal, and after one abortive effort declared "There was nn way out," and thereupon threw up the sponge and wag drowned. Tho other, tcnrorking that "while there's life there's hope," paddled and dashed around and around the pail, until he ever -tinnily foetid himself sanding on a pat ref but - ie:. Moral : Don't he dee nhearhvl. Piny inherit weak hinge, end as Ise usually nostrils the weakest these persons aro continually -d i•t nttnrks of cold and pulrnnn- turtnnceS. 'Tee-i.trdy use of ti Cointuntpl:sr. Syrup swill The Demon, Dyspepsta.—in olden times it was a popular belief that de- mons moved invisibly through the am- bient air, seeking to enter into men tend trouble there. At the present day the demon, dyspepsia, is al large in the sante way, seeking habitation it Ilu)se who by careless or unwise liv- ing invite hint. And once he enters a plan it is dililcult to dislodge him. Ile that finds himself .o possessed should know that a valiant friend to do bat- tle for him with the unseen foe Ls Par - melees Vegetable Pills, which are ever ready for the trial. etngist•ate fto prLsoner): "It's some time since 1 saw you here." Prisoner (virhtonslyl: "Yes, sir; I've been quiet an' late-abidin' since the lard time i was up before you, end that wer' '!.nut ex months ego." Magistrate: "Ah. yes. 1 remember, I gave you six months for stealing n ham. It's n year this tirne." ALLRN'S LINO BALSAM Isespecially Intend. ed to break up nealected c•,uphv and many hoppe.� less case, hate been eared by it, use. Coatalaa ao opium Ire any furor. 1 r Brick's Tasteless" REGISU FD is an extract of fresh cod livers, containing all the virtues of fresh cud liver oil without the nauseous grease, the compound syrup of hypophosphites, nut:ieuus extract of malt and tt.e fluid extract of wild ciiciry bark. purifies the blood. • makes the week strong. is a spe: trio in sure throat and lung diseases. is so prep..red that it can be assun►lated without the least digestive chert. is sold under the positive guarantee that a decided improve- ment will be felt atter taking one bottle, or your nitney will be refunded by the druagist from whom yuu purchased it. Can we be fairer? Two Sizes -8 ounce bottle 50c; 20 ounce bottle $1.00 FACTORY ---,—WITH Flower, Heat, Electric Light, to Lease for a Term of Years. Central location. About ten thousand square feet In four floors and basement. Exoeltent shlpp faotlltlos Standard Hee Sprinkler System. Low Insurance rate. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Adelaide 8t. Wost, Toronto WHAT'S TEE USE? What's the use of contradicting people rudely, even if you are sure you aro right? 41 /bat's the use of being inquisitive about the mini's of even your most in- tonate friend? What's the use of underrating any- thing simply because you don't happen te possess it? What's the use of believing that every one in the world is happier than you are? "Marquis, Ls it r.ossible to confide a sceret to you?' "(=irtainly! I will be as silent ns the grave." "Well, then, I have absolute need of two thousand chilinrs." "Do not fear. ll is as it i had heard nothing." A Medicine for the Miner's Pack. — I'rospeclors and others gr,ing into the mining regions where dieters are few and drug stores not at ell. should pro- vide themselves with a supply of Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric Oil. 1t will offset the effects of exposure, reduce sprains, and ashen taken internally will pre- vent and cure colds find sere tllmnt. and as a lubricant will keep the muscles in good condition. "Of reuse, doctor, German measlrs are sekloln serious?" "I never niel but one fatal case." "Fatal!" "Yes; i1 WAS a Frenchman, arta when he discover- ed 11 was German measles that he had iriorlilicalion set tn." ITCH. Mange, Prairie Scrntrhes sn 1 every farm of contagious Itch in human itnnle cored in 30 minutes by Woe senitery le -tion. Il never fails. by all druggists. LiKE WATER. A little three-year-old, whose mother was making a simple cough medicine for him, watched the process, and asked if it was good. Ile was permitted to taste, and exclaimed: It's awfully good, mam- ma. Let's keep 1t all for papa." ItIS IIOPE. "But," said the clerical visitor, "do you know that even prison may have Us bright side?' 'Suref' replied the convict. "i know it has." "Alt you can see that, then?' "Not now, but I Lope to souls day. i mean the outside." d.Freom ton honeymoon): "1 have - le slightest objection to your giving )ur time to the dog. my own, but 1 you had made 11 quite clear, when suggested bringing it, whether it you and 1 who were going on our t•nlrxtn, and were bringing the dog. hether it wac you and the dog who Cringing IHC." 1 01 a m ;S`3CB NO. 50- 07. Teacher—'Thames, I saw you laugh just now. What were you laughing Rime, Tommy—"l ss -as just tllink- I ng about somothing." 'Teacher—"You have no business thinking din ing school hours. Don't let it occur again.' The no er failing medicine. !lotto - way's Gum Cure, removes all kinds or ' corns, warts, etc.; even the most dif- ficult to remove cermet withstand this wonderful remedy. It Is often more satisfactlnn not to know things and have people think you do than to know them and not have anybody Lelieve it. LAZY 01.n ROARS. :WO and dl.aterlee' will not Heger lona atter treatment w it Weaver a Crate baa bees begun: Also, t.eanse the blood with wearer's Syrup. "It's all very well, mamma, for you to draw terrible pictures; but did you never flirt when you were a girt?" "Yes, my dear, 1 dtd once." "And were you punished for it?" "1 was; I married your father.' iF A Magic fill.-- Dyspepsia is a fat with wileeh nen are constantly grap- pling but cannot exterminate. Subdu- ed, and to all appearances vanquished in one. it makes its appearance in an- other direction. In molly the dipeslive apparatus le as delicate as the ineehnn- isno of a watch or scientific lustruntent in which even n Lreath of air will make var,alto,n. \\ rel► such persons dis- e rders of the steninch ensue from the mast trivial causes and cause much AnL'cring. 'fo these Parmelees Vegetable Fills are recommended as mild and them got ready the meet. Half an he er sure. hoer the doctor had arrived and had eel the little limb, and lire diehets wee ready to start again; but, before doing an, she gave instructions that news as to the child's oondltkm slinuld be foe' warded to her. and to -day the little girl wear; en the mended arm a pretty gold tangle, a memento from het 'loyal nurse. Make a Frame House Look Like Ston© By fat the ,t-nt durable, raiz ait11:17 assists (ineh ler say house- makes it wa,ro.t wi,liers, tier+,mien-..'rather-Woelsit-help teaks it r•ptoef too -that's PEDLAR A8 RT STEEL 1 N 0 Hundreds of patterns. to suit an/ idea You have.- perfect;airatism a( brick, rut .iow tough stone, ere. Cost ks. ,has you'd think for such taus. Seed lot the hook about westing metal bsiait. fa all loads d "rucwres. It's I RES. Addt.r sof The PEDLAR People 'ausn Oshawa Yentrsal Ottawa Torose Lan an H•tnHp.J FEATHER DYEING Clem:des end email' and K14 mouse el.ane4 Time cam be soot by pest. 1e OR ea tae but orae 1. BRITISH AMERICAN DIEING CO. MONTfSAL. Ero Worms Y>a sad Le w MAR E1.1Whirling proy She sew l..t t • It eleesssa Lest consse- .nt. try. i re.atatfcr i'atei,s. se awa.-idi t4 r it etvae OmarStreet:0as tar RliTLw CO.. 7►Lwese �ytt r. Out. eseaerat Assess ter Ctuastda. — Ill'CIIESS 'MIMED NURSE. Sang to the Child While the Mother Got Ready the Meat. The Duce and Dec .P;i of Argyll ssent for a short motur:ng tip Hol very long ages, and, in order that (herr should be no unnecessary delay, they wired inlructIons that lunch should be ready for them at one o'clock m1 the only hotel of the little Scots vil- lage which they cloned should be !hely first stopping -place. But when they arrived there they ((Auld that. the meal was not reedy. 111e little daughter of the holed, had broken h' r arab, and the hotel-heeper had ridden ref to the fleetest Lown for medical aid. The another. ir,eantime, vote devoting ulI her attention to corm forting her ,.mffrring little one, and had successfully banished from her mind every other thought, including the preparation of the ducal luncheon. The duchess. lossever, was equal to the emergene:y. Taking the child in her arms, she sang to it white the re o - "How did you know it w'is time to gr: up?" 'The baby has gone to sleep." large, fine eyes. f :firin't notice it." RR 8t'1tP. YOt' (IET 1lII h IND YMi DAVIS alaV.1YK IIAit, ,"9 he 1)tt1.•' Atenthd Plater. Ir'or rheumatism Mads volt' by Dovit t L$rinsg Is b.tter. ,S c.(h. W Ith:'s FOIL BUSINESS WOMEN. (te' patlent with cranks. Ire polite with kaisers. lie plea?rnt to all. Be partial to none. Be positive for principle. Be persuasive in argument. Be peacably inclined. De broad. Be personally interested in bt;siness. "Harem, Badger," said Thrope; "mel a friend of y. -urs the othr day. d 1 lel e's leen Iniking about you.It my duly to tell you 'shat he slid.' "Ah, well. 1 dent care to hear what he sat). 1 know it. we, something tits- egtw'nble," replied Badger. "Ilow do ; Q V 1LJ i C o• n • > e-- Ae ti r,rlo chesty men are narrt)W minded. SIiILOII'S Quick ease our the wort o.'ugh q' ick relief to the headset road --and SAFE to take. eten (or a child Cure That is i'hiluh's Cure ( Sold under a gnarantee CrOtlfi 1!1 to cure colds and coughs p, r�Old� rhtlrker than any other u \ Medicine --or your money Far k 14 } es rel pf success comtnend Shilc5's Cure 2.7)c. know that7" "Because . 10c SI •ms are sr. It ar,xiu'rs to tell Oooe1 rto►9f4 ge