Exeter Times, 1907-12-19, Page 2AFFAIII ••----....---- COBALTISITUAT1ON IN IRELAND'TNE WORLD'S MARKETSCONDENSED NEWS ITEMS! A SAD 9,237,091 IN ESTIMATES SAVINGS GROW APACE 91'1' LAW REPORTS I (t011 TUE LEADING IIAIPENINGS FROM ALL O►.--; THU Two Children of Mr. and Mrs. 4.; Hewitt Burned in Bed. A deepatsh from Cobalt goys: On Wednesday ni- ht ab;,ut 10.30, while dr. and Mrs. F. Hewitt were absent froom their hotno the house took (ire and their two little children, May mei Evelyn, aged respectively throes and five years, were asleep in each other's Arnie !n bed. The) Clouse was a board one, /sheeted with tar paper, and burn- ed very rapidly. \Vi1Lng har.dsw•ork- e,! heroically in great danger, but one of the children was dead before being carried to \\'m. Juhnt;ton's t►ouso near by, and tho other died very . h')rtly at - ter reaching the house. L)r. Hare tins c.1) hand early and a.ln►iui,tered restora- tives, but to no avail. Neither of the children was badly tooled and 'death appeared to have been caused by suf- tccation. The beetle was most pathe- tic when both parents arrived soon after the fire storied. The children were two pretty Little tots and ,great fevoritas with everybody in town. A oollocaion ;s being taken up on behalf of the sue fercrs, and Ole citizens aro responding literally. 1'llE INGENIOI:S JONES. Ile. Figure , tint a Rego It'sine's in Hannay Cars. A despatch from Winnipeg says: 1)r 5. E. Jonas, Unitoe States Consul, \Vin• nt.j 'g, rep.orte to the Departu.ent of State at Washington that "Canada has in operation 21,500 miles of railway and but 88.000 curs are available for handling tilafilc. or only four cars a mile. 1t is estimated thnl double the number is needed to handle all the freight. Thutt means that ( int to will be in the enarkot for 130.000 additional freight crus. 1f the new roads under oonetructdun are figured in, 100,000 now cars will bo needed. At the cost of $S.50 each the business will bo worth 885,000,000 der new equipment, besides the replacing of old cars. That Ls a great ninny morn cars than all the car shops of Canada con supply In time for use. The need ought to mean large Canadian orders dor the Ainerican car factures." \1IL1. SCPPIIFGS PIRACY. t3rltnin Has Undertaken Iho Policing of West River, China. A despatch tarn Pekin says : Great Britain on the third of this month as- signed four more warships to police the West River, and on Wednesday ten ves- sels, under tine command of Vice -Admiral Sir Arthur Moore, are patrolling 150 miles of the river to the limit of the Wuchou ocneession. Great Britain is prepared to take whatever steps may be necessary, if China does not suppress tot, piracy, to protect shinning on the river, and she has notified the Chinese Fcreign Board that she will patrol tho river until the Chinese police boats aro !!)laced under rho administration. of the lieperiel Customs Department. This Is the first time since 1900 that (treat Bri- tain has undertaken such military mea- sures in China. TWO CHILDREN PERISH. House Took Fire During the Mother's Absence. A despatch from Montreal says: Two children, ono aged two years and the other a baby, belonging to Mrs. Belle- ville of Bushervillo, near East Clifton, were burned to death on 'Tuesday night. The mother left the children in the house while she went to a neighbors on a message. When she returned the house was in flames, and the (ire had gained such headway that all efforts to save the oohilJren were futile. Tho mother made frnntle effertt to rescue her children, and was seriously burned In the attempt. R70sEvuurs LAST TERM. President Announces 'That He Wilt Not Run Again. A de.spat/.•h from \Vnslrington says: President R.ononvett will not bo a emen- date for a Thud dorm. All doubt on the; point was on Wednesday night (Its - pelted by the authoritative statement of the White House that Mr. Roosevelt still a %herrn to the declaration of ree- nincialinn 'made on the night of the ei,cti-n three yenme afro. In the state- ment isseed on Wednesday night Pre- te lent It o-cvcll says he has not chang- tr' and will not change the decision cemmmtnicatC.t to the American pceeeple in W04. -.i. Cler.INA .\'hT.\CIWI) In FEVER. Trouble (:mused by Dieting i'reseribed by Specialist. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: Fin►pre s Alexandra, who for a const 1- ernh!e time ,past has been suffering ifrorn a light attack of tnruenza, was stricken woih a high fever on Wednes- day and was order. d to remain in bed. The ErnprA t9 ra'enlly called in a speel- oleel aqui sulenittod lo a severe mgt. men bt r••tee•• her welet,t. mel her pre- sent [11' • -�..,,. WI:ST':RN GRAIN CROP. Worth Twenty Millions More Than Last, According to Estimate. A despatch from Montreal says: Mr. F. T. Griffin, C. P. R. irrutugralion agent at Winnipeg, le:egraphed to the nianagtlnent on Wednasday, slating that as a mutt of latest inquiries tnade by the railway and quilling interests, of was now c»nvputed that Iiia year's grain crup would be worth twenty nill- lions more to tho Three provinces of Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan than that of last year had been. This Ls largely dere to the increased price Medi coarse grains commands; No. 3 wheat yielding thie year as rnucilt as No. 1 Manitoba Bard formerly did. MANUFACTURE OF ROBING. Montreal Man Find Two Hundred Doi- kirs for Imitating Butter. A despatch from Montreal says: Joan Keisktder, remanufacturer of "borino,'. was on ee'ednesday prosecuted before Pudge Pichv in the Poiice Court on a charge of infringing the law regard- ing butter, in so far that lie manufac- tured the preparat' on "borino." which oouki be mistaken for butter and was not butter. Government Inspector Mac- Pherson testified that he sent two sam- ples of "borino," procured from a gro- cery fine in the city, to Ottawa, where the Government analyst, Mr. \'glen, found them to consist' t cotton seed oil, beef fat and a small quantity of ,milk, with coloring added. Ke!skidor was finest $200. . THREE BABIi.4 AT ONCE. . But Father of the Triplets is at Present Out of Work. A despatch -from Toronto sayts: What between suddenly being made the fa- ther of 'triplets --three bouncing baby girls -and being out of work and with his finances at a low ebb, Mr. Jake Finkelstein of 50 Nelson street Ls not sure whether ho is happy or not. The bird that delivers the bablea brought three little ones to Mr. and Mrs. Fink- elstein just in the early hours of Thurs- day morning, and when the neighl•Or.s heard of it they pressed about the proud parent. tendering him congratulations. Mr. Finkelstein accepted the good wish- es and shook hands, but he shook his head and (spent the day looking with renewed eagerness for work. ile is tailor by trade, but has had no work for two months. PAY FOR DEAD CHILDREN. Uochctaga School Commissioners Settle Suits for Damages. A despatch from Montreal says: At a meeting of the Protestant Board of School Commissioners on Thursday morning, It was decided to pay the parents of the children who lost their lives in the llochelaga School fir.; Iasi winder the sum of 8300 for each child. Thea means the outlay of $4,M00, e' elu- sive of the expenses of the Anderson suit. The Chairman, Rev. Dr. Shaw. announeod that the three new schools' that were being erected by the bonnl were not only fireproof, but were being equipped with fire ascapes. TOOK POISON F011 MIEDiCINI;. \lies Durham, of l'e•Irolee. 1'Irtlni of n Fatal l:rror. SA (lespnlch from Petrotea says : Vias Mand Durham, daughter of the tale E. J. Durham, died nn Tlumrs•lny mooting iis n result of laking carbolic need the pre- vious night In meetako for the dose of medicine which she was in the habil of laking before retiring. She was [lone In the house At the time, and was becov- •red to an unronsctoul condition. from •, filch rite never milled. TIIIRTY KILLEP I RACE AR TI ollble l et yv eeil Whites and Negroes in Alabama. A despots': hem Columbus, Miss., Says : 'Thirty uegroes have bon lei bet, five whites and many negroes wounded, and live negro lodge Poems burned in Prkens County. Alnlorna, just nero:s the Mnssissippt border. The race rk>ting broke e••ut in tot. ale !trent part of .he county, and the first rouble began euddenly Sunday night. kering hos been Incessant elite then. nd negrocs are fleeing for their lives. Ing to the discovery of a plot by .es fo rise against the whiles of the every black is In danger. This , n'pirncy was cnrrted en by means of n sorrel eerie;v. which hurl lodge rooms 111 remote districts of Pickens County. Flfteen ne,•mt's were burned to death in a k lgs room near Reform on Tues- day night when whiles attaekett the plaee. and finding repeating rifles and shr.tguns, fired the building. The blacks were penned ;n by the continual shoot- ing of the whiten and ilexes who were not killed in attempting to cscnpe were toasted alive. So far as has been learned Inc burning of the tether lodge newts were without tatalltle.3. LESSME. $ BI.II.H7•rl Tlilr LAND. TRADE CENTRES. The Landlords Cell their Properly, anJ Go Abroad with their Money. One reservoir of stored up gold seems 1" have been overlooked in the recent crisis. This is Ireland. According to a return issued by the Irish Department of Agriculture not only are the savings of the people represented by the bunking and Government btatslics higher than ever before, bet more matey was put away in 1906 Ilium in any previous year. The bank deposits on Juno 30 of this year amounted to $240,3:15,000, an in- crease compared with 1906 of 811,1015,- Iw)0. The post -office savings bank depos- its amounted to $53.M,00)0, an increase of $30,000. Government funds amounted to $195,955,000, an Increase of 811,195,- 000. Under the ahore four heads invest- ments Increased in twenty years from $121,7:,0.00 to 8501,955,000. Irish rail- way receipts in 1907 aro also the highest on record. A LAWLESS WINTER seems to be in store for Ireland, says a report from Dublin. The machinery of the law appears to bo at a practierii slandstel and the police chiefs think that things will be worse before they aro better. Cattle drit ing has spread throughout the country, and the mischief done is so great that priests are preach- ing against lawlessness and urging the people to not take Hart in ranch clearing. Arrests of the offenders are futile, tis it is impossible to secure a verdict. The nt.lhorities brought several batches of cattle drivers to Dublin, hoping to secure ncnvictions by a metropolitan jury, but though the eases were proved and no de- fence was offered the juries always dis- agreed and the defendants were released 011 their own recognizences. Hitherto tlto ranch -clearing campaign has induced about a score of graziers to surrender their farnis, and on the other hand it has inflicted heavy expenses on tht counties concerned in the shape of extra pollee taxes, while tho oompensa- tion to be paid to the owners of cattle will run into thousands of pounds. The country gentry are fast leaving. Landlords who sell their estates are al- most invariably wing to England and the Continent, and this throws many laborers and others out of employment. Fine mansions and houses in the country parts have been given over to small farmers who can only cccupy a room or two. This has already been made plain to many who have purchased farms out- right, and they have abandoned tjlinge its unprofitable, yet have not stocked their farms for want of capital. Indus- trial progress hns been set back, ns capi- talists are afraid to invest in Ireland. THE FOLLOWING 1NCiDENI' well illustrates the condlticn of the country. Pierce, a caretaker, was evicted from a farm near Crusheen and shot about 6 o'clock 1n the evening on a pub- lic road. H.i was hit twtce and lay for a considerable time on the ground, as the passersby refused to help him. After about two hours he struggled bleeding to a nearby house. Tho owners refused to admit him. Ultimately a small farmer named Tobin sheltered him for a couple of hours until the police came and took him to the hospital. i'revieuely to this Tobin had been very popular, but sono days utter an imitation of a grave was traced on the ground at the e.etl from which the Tobin fancily got their wafer. The signelcance of this in Ireland does not need pointing out. Tebin'A only offence was that ho sheltered a wounded man ter a couple of hours. 4 - "TASTING" TIIE C7 WS DINNERS. Every Dish That Goes to the Emperor's Table be "faded." The kitchens in which the food of the "Groat \Vhtte Cznr" is prepared aro extraordinary for the elaborate pre- cautions taken to prevent any of his household tampering with his food. 'Inc kitchens themselves present the appearance of a strong -mom of a mod- ern bank, guarded by a regiment of soldiers, rattier than the culinary de- partment of a !loyal palace. Even the chef -M. Eugene Krell. - who presides over the inmperial kitch- ens, enjoying a salary of 820000 a year, and social privileges equal to (hose of 1 general of the Russian army, is not t be envied in his peculiar position. As soon as dinner or luncheon is ready to be placed on the Enmperor:s table n very elaborate system of "last- ing' has to be gone through; and when the Czar is In residence nt Peterhof, not only M. Krntz hinnself, het also his under -chefs and certain high ofiicials of the Imperial army are called In to taste every dish that goes to the Em- peror's m- peris table, after which experiment n reasonable time is permitted to elapse to see whether or not the "festers" are poisoned. 'This curious survival of other days Domes Irani the time of Ivan the Terrible. When the meals prepared for ills v 11 Majesty era s rvice M Krn z hhnsclf begins. to taste; end niter the strange "t oi•oning'' interval has elapsed Inc o. s nre placed In nn electric Me- , .tor with n closed shaft, info which the military ollicials are locker!. and uh goes the lift to the ante•chnml'er o' the imperial dining-ronm, Dere again the major on duly samples the dishes under the eyes of the C.mnr. af- ter 6ter whie'i the imperial Fnrnily sit d-•wn 1( dinner. \o dish ever served on the (*oar's eal•le is permitted nre^esa to the dining room rove through the elevator ehnff. Thus the food can in no way be tam• perrd with save by the rocket there. selves and the military oniellis en duly. It hoea been sold he an n'tilt.'rlty that the tniji'rtnl Family of Russia in bygone times sat down to their meets in n dining•. oom constructed of cast- iron and steel. for all the world like a bank vault. This. !rovever, is not the case now; but elol-orate !ereegtlbk,ns still have in to orale to prevent the enemies of the (:i i• enr•tying out their Plots again/11 his life. ' t Prices o1 Cattle, Grain, (-terse an -i Other Dairy Prodt:,•e at Bowe a,1d Abroad. Toronto, Dec. 17. - Flour - Ontario wheal 90 per cent. patents aro quoted at 8.3.70 ie. buyers' sacks oubide fur expx.rt. Manitoba patents, $6; second patents, :•.341; and strong baker', 85.20. Wheal---Munibobit grades quiet., w.th prices steady. No. 1 Northern n quoted at 1.13, lake ports; No. 2 Northern at 1.08, lake ports; and No. 3 Northern at 81.65, take ports. Untnrio Wheat -No. 2 mixed is dull tet le3c outs►de, and red and white quoted J5(. outside. Oats- No. 2 white on track, Toronto, titrated at 473.c, and oubido at 443, to 45c. Corn -No. 3 American yellow Is quoted nt 703V, Tortnlo freights; and No. 3 mixed at 70c. New American Dorn, for delivery at end of month, tit to 64eec, Toronto freights. Buckwheat --- Market 411111 and un- changed at GO to 62c Gut.ide. sidoPeas-No. 2 quoted at 83 to 84c out- , Barley -No. 2 quoted at 66 to 67c out- side; No. 3 extra at 63 to 04e outside, and No. 3 at 62c outside. Brno -Tho market is dull at 819 to 819.50 In bulk outside. Shorts' are quc:ted at 322 outside. COUNTRY 1'RODUC::. Apples -Winter apples, 82.50 to 33.25 pet barrel. Beans -$1.75 to 11.80 for primes, and at 51.90 for hand-picked. Honey -12 to 13e per lb for strained, and at 81.75 to 32.50 for combs. Hay -No. 1 timothy gaoted at $17.50 to $18 here in car Tots. Straw --$9.50 to 810.50 a ton c.n track hero. Potatoes -Car lois are quoted at 85 to 90c: per bag an track. Poultry Turkeys, dressed, 10 to 12c per lb for choice; chickens, alive, 4 to 6c per lb; draeased, 7 to 9c; ducks, dressed. 8 to 9c per Ib; geese, dressed, 8 to 9c. 'I'IIE DAIRY MARKETS. Rutter -•Pound prints, 21 to 26c, and large tolls, 23 to 21c; do, inferior, 20 to 22e. Creamery rules at 28 to 29e, and solids at 25 to 26c. Eggs -Cold storage aro quoted at 22o and upwards. Cheese --They rule et 13y. to 13 ec in a jobbing way. Hog Products_Baccn, long clear, 103., l0 10/.c per Ib In case lots; tress pork, $19 to 820; short cut, 822. linens --Light to medium, 14% to 15e; do, heavy, 13y to 14c; rolls, 103.4 to Ile; shoulders, 10 to 10!4c; backs, 16 to 16%c; breakfast bacon, 143, to 15e. Lard--'1'iem•ces, 11%c; tubs, 12c; pails, l2yc. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. • Montreal, Dec. 17. - Ontario No. 2 white oats were quoted at 54c; Mani- toba No. 3 at 53 to 53%c; Ontario and Quebec No. 3 at 520; No. 4, nt 50e: Manitoba resected at 50c, and Qumel>ers at 49c per bushel, ex store. Flout -Choice spring wheat patents, 86.10; seconds, 85.50; winter wheat patents, $5.75; straight rollers, $5.50; do, In bags, $2.66 to $2.65; extra, 82.05 to 82.10. Feeed- Mnnitoba bran, 823; shorts. 825; Onlarto bran, at 823.50 to 324; middlings, at $25 to 826; shorts, 823 to $24 per tort, in- cluding bugs; milled nmonelie, at 828 to $30; and pure grain mouillie, nt 334 tc 85e per ton. Provisions-Ilarrcis short coil tints, $22.50 to $23; halt barrels, 511.75 to $12.25; clear tat back, $23.50 to $:4.50; long cut heavy moss, 821 to 323; Calf barrels do, 510.50 to 311.25; dry salt long clear hncon. 10% to 11};e; barrels pile beef, 81:1.50 to $15: half barrels do, 87.25 to 87.75: barrels heavy mess beet, 310 to $11; half barrels do, $5.50 10 36; compound lard, 10 to Ile; pure land. 1215 to 13c; kettle rendered, 13,'!, to 11-c; hams, 12% to 13%e; breakfast Nicoll, 14 to 15c; Windsor bacon. 14h In 15yc: fresh killed abattoir dressed hug,. 58.50 to Set.75; neve, 35.75 tr. $6. Butter -Sep- tember, 28 to 29c; fresh receipts, 27 to 2r"e. Cheese--\Velsfern September, 13 c; lata Fall snakes, 123, to 12%c. UNITED SPATES St. Louis, Dec. 17.- Wheat -Cash, e5'„e; Doc., KV; Ntay, $1.003.. Toledo, Dec. 17. -Wheat -Cash, 07c; Dee., 97c; May, $1.02%; July, 07%e. Corn -Cash, 57c; Dec., 57e; May, 580 ; July, 57; c. Onl 4 --Cash, 53c; Dec. 53c; N.11114:54%c: July, 45 c. Duluth. Minn.. Dose. 17.--Wheat-No. 1 hard, $1.03"/.; No. 1 Northern, $t.O35 No 2 Northern, $1.00%; Dee., 31.01%; Mtny, $1.083;. i.1VC STOCK MARKETS. '1 )ronin, Dee,. 17. --Thr run was light considering the season, hal the inmproved gt.ality of the cattle r,.-ulled in a more satisfactory trade all round. Extra choice steers were net mono lou?, but wool ordinary butchers' were much nose plentifmil than at previous market., A few load: wore bought for export, $1.90 being pall for one kind of about 1,3110 pounds. (fond exlx,rt bulls eonitnue in steady demand at 83.25 to *4. The top ;.rice paid for Chrlslnins beef was 85.50. Only about half n dozen 1. 35 murk but a �� v the . td a 5. rR� c•'nr:e etahle nt,mber brought 51.50 to ordinary butcher.; .veld armed yt i.'.n: medium to good, !33.7e to to medium um-ilianged ni. Itt,'a0 t 8a.70. Cotes, choice, 83 to $3.e00; aunnu.n c ' so 75. Canners, 75c to 31. Choles • .• were in demand nt 52.75 1. - ••• ea ordinary light tellies enceinte` t. int from 81.75 to 8.2.61►, Milker te firm at 510 to 355 for et.e!Ce -:ui•i eel to $35 Inc myelin». Seringers, 330 bt $40. The supply of chives 'ontinned tight, and prices heli Silently ns' 3e to 6c per px.tuul, t prom ewes dsnid nt 53.75 In 34. a:'h bucks and culls firmer al 83 to 4:1.141). i.nrnhti were unchanged al 51.25 In 85.25. 'the hog market continued lire. Buy - 41'9 peel 85.40 for selects, with good lights reel ink at $5.15; rough. 34.51) to 81.75. The 'Pollee ;.riven In New 'i, rk is Se: ' mtvde.t tent In some cells prl on• ors hotve to take turns In sleeting In the singe bed provided. • GI.OUE. Telegraph Briefs From Our (11%% 11 and Other t.ouulries of k t,•nts. CA NADA. female. 4,adwa's demand hall Recent Sl. Thomas Canadian Club members Su tt(zrd buildrmit ing periods for the year k•tal $(i52,938. Toronto's percentage hest month tram 1h, street railway was S22.55'. Bails for the Canadian Northern exten- sion have been laid into II.•giva. The Northern Navigation Company will build a sister ship to 111'3 Moonie. The City. Engineer estimates that en- derground railways in 'Totemic: would cast 31,500,000 a toile. Thus. McFarlane was acquitted at Sault Ste. Marie of the d►urgo ut mur- dering William Dixon. A number of Toronto bakers were fined tot selling lightweight bread, and cases are pending against otherme l'eterboro' will again ask the Legisla- ture for permission to elect its council for two years. Work on over three miles of sewers ie to be commenced at once to relieve the IuLor situation in Toronto. Arrangements have been made by the Beard ct (Control to give a certain amount of work to the unemployed of 'tc-ronto. Traffic through the Sault Ste. Marie canals the year amounted to 58,000,000 tarts, an increase of 7,0x10,000 tons over lust year. Brantford Council will limit the num- ter of pool rooms in the city to six, and will exclude all youths under eighteen. Toronto City Council decided to tisk the Legislature to amend the municipal act so as to give married women votes at municipal elections. Dr. ilodgetts, Secretary of the Provin- cial Board of Health, estimt►tea that within a decade smallpox has G st the Province of Ontario $2.000,000. From figures presented by the ilqutda- tot, shareholders of the Ontario Bank may be called upon to pay from 30 to 51 per cent. of their double liability. Canadian immigration agents In Eng- lund will be instructed to warn the Bri- tish public that This is an inopportune titno to go to Canada. The Dominion Steel Company has pur- chased the Cow Bay oral areas in Novn Scotia, close to the steel plant, and will probably develop therm immediately. Arthur Jackson, who was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment at \\'o dstock on a robbery charge, told Judge Finkle that he would have something to say to the whole community when he carne out. For this he was called back and given an cddittomal two years. GREAT BRITAIN. Lcrd Kelvin is seriously Ill. The Crimes Act may bo revived 1n Ireland to stop cattle -driving. Sir Thomas Sutherland says the steamers of the alt -red line could not carry enough coal for an express service from N.:w Zealand to Vancouver. UNITED STATES. Tho Missouri Board of Railway Com- missioners have cut express rates twen- ty-one per cent. I'mnhibition workers In Dos Moines, La., hate begun a campaign for State wide prohibition. Mrs. Rte sell Sage bus given away nearly $15.000,000 of the 375,000,000 lett her by her husband. Lynn, Mass., hos voted to close the laro, and ,hns elected Thos. F. Porter, Republican mayor. Three brothers, 14, 12 and 10 years cid, sons of N. E. Carnal, were drown- ed while skating at Tama, la. The mnnuger of the Banco Agricola rel Lima, Peru, took his life because he was 81.0.000 out in his accounts. Tho negroes of Philadelphia own 1102 pieces of property, valued at 82.433.675, which is an average of $3,040 each. The United States army will shortly call for plans for n practical neroptane heavier than air, to be used for4nililary purposes. - Seven men were killed in time col- lapse of a new bridge that was belilr lied over the Susquehanna River near It!oe'nmsburg, Pa., on Tuesday. All through New England, miles and factories which shut down when the financial stringency became acute, aro re -o, enhtg. llenry Youtsey, serving a life sen- tence for the murder of r'.•eelet to Ken- tucky, gave Cvtienee on 'l i:enlay which Implicated ex-Got•cr•mier Taylor. in n cntss divorce hill tied at Chica- go. Mrs. Annie 1. Prior declares that h.'r hmr,bar,d. Themes W. Prior, drinks from twenty to thirty glasses of win's - key n day. I'rnshyterien prea.'hers in New York and New Englund nw•ive nr► nvi'rage eatery of teas than $5100 a year. and the New York Prn.bytory will invest!. gale the cendilione. Among the provisions of the wp11 of henry Graves. of Chicae.% is one That n f mmtaln mid monument shall be erect- a' in memory of "ike (.-(ke" a famotis treeing horse. in the early ','efts that be- longed to Mr. (;roves. GENERAL. Thr family of Garibaldi are quarreling moot the poste -bion of the patriot's tomb. The Parliament 111itding, at \Vcl!tng- Inn. N.7.... were completely destroyed by fire. 'three ii-loinpr v" 1:, will: crews ep 1?0 omen. whieh left M quelon on Oclober 1st. are given up :e; 11101e has 111 /IIT OF 1\011 il'iClhrD. :ntllle.h Stonecutter .al 1►tlrrt(a Sae - towed Poison. . A despatch loam Ottawa says: John ;tooth. en 1•atgit.e11 stonecutter, abut hi, nct if to the nitie of Lis boiu4 ( e Tlinrsdny and swall'owe'd eynnf:e of f,nlasth)ne, 11,' died Inter. in the 1.:i. era a of itis wife and chill. lie had le - come •elesponeent ix•at:ie? ! ht.t hi•t nc work Mr it month. Hon. Mr. Fielding's Provision For Next Fiscal Year. A despatch front Ottawa says : The nulin estimates fur next Ilse.' year, end- ing merclt 31st, 111(1, laid on the table .e( the Commons on Wednesday after- noon by lion. Mr. Fielding, provide for a total expenditure on both consolidated buil and capital account of 811.1.237,091. un increase of $2,)52,36t over the amount tetra last season for tho current fiscal year. The total estimates on consoli- dated fund aecounts amount to 876,871,- 471, an increase of 82.355,795 as com- pered with the amount voted last ses- sion. Of this increase, 82,309,100 is c?targeaelo to the larger 'mounts the ('totincos will rcr'cive in sul>.stdies. The total of the capital expenditure asked for is 812,365,620, of which thirty millions arc for the National 'rranseentineiitat Railway, and $4,327,250 for the Inlet canal Hallway. 'the total amount ti. en capital account last session was $_. 909,051, or 8396569 less than the amount asked for this year. Time supplementary estimates, to be brought down late in Ila session, will, of course, increase the above totals. least session the total of the main estimates was 8105,089,000, GUELPII'S WiNTER FAIR HON. MR. MON'1'LITU MAKES IM- PORTANT ANNOt \(EMEND. The Sessions of the Oal.u•iu \Vomten's Institute Were Largely Attended, Walnesday is always ounsidered the banner duy at the Provincial Winter Feu., at Guelph, and the reason there- at was tua:le quite obvious what the u.ty was besieged by thousands of farinct.t and agriculturists, who had driven in from alt portions of too ooun- t•y to.attend the Fair and the conven- tion of the Women's Institute. Proa:dwtt Faic-nter was the guest of honor at the civic luncheon. That in this secllon, on account of the high ,price of feed, cows had been sold at a figure which would scarcely pay for their hides, was the statement made by Mr. W. H. McNish, of Lynn, Ona. Prof. Dean, of the Ontario Agri- cultural College, again spoke on the supply of dairy products, and claimed that it would be better to carefully study the milk and meat supply than to ge. in for oonsirtnptivo sanitarims. The millings of the Women's Institute were crowded, and some interesting facts were brought out. President Falconer elated that Guelph would be known all over the world for that wonderful institution, Ibe Ontario Agricultural College. As n university moan, he could state that no great uni- versify could survive unless it had a strong. whol(s;iee rural country popu- lation from which to draw its students. GOVERNMENT WILL HELP. Hon. Col. Matheson, Provincial Trea- surer, spoke of the great advance in the elate of farming throughout On- tario. 'The Provincial Winter .air was doing great work, and he r•aw lime ne- ocssity for more room and enlarged burikttngs. It was up to the fanners to propose S11110 schcome where they would be taking their part, and the Provin^hal Government would be only too willing to help. lion. Frank Cochrane, Minister of Mines, slated that agriculture and edu- Catk)n were the two et -sings most need - co in the province. Mr. A. W. Campbell, Good Roads Commissioner, slated that Guelph had made wonderful p'hogress in utmost every line, but (hero was great room for improvements in Jts roads. Mr. Duff spoke of the far-reaching results of dhe education at the Ontario Agricultural College and of the Winter Fair. WOMEN'S iNS"1'ril TE. Five hundred women attended the first rneetutg in the morning in con- nection with the annual convention of time Ontario \\'onteree Institute, and the Maysey Hall, at the Agricultural College, was tilled to overflowing when the lion. Nelson Monteith, chai,ammr, called the meeting to order. In his cpening address Mr. Monteith referred to dime great influence worsen hail is the borne. and by their efforts iii,, could improve the slnnding of citizen- ship in Ontario. The Deportment of Agriculture, saict Sir. Monteith was ready with financial assistance to mid in the work oI the \\'omen:s Institute. Prof. G. C. Creelmon, jneuldcnt of the college, extended n welcome e) the delegates to the oonventinm, and spoke of the ;gent progress which had leeen made in the upbuilding of Ilio homy life. Mrs. James Gardner, of Ke• itee, re - peed to the relieves, slating That too notch in the education ut children seas left fo school leacltcr.t. The Irene in- fluence was what should lee cons:der. ed. Mfr. 0. A. I'.•te+rrn, of Toron'o. se.: ictend.'nt et Woolen's instiitile.c. Kee e a contpr.ltett to rev'•e'v of the to clone hv tee t aro:t: I .•a:!. ire's of lb , l,m<!itiit.. .!ur:n. 1t:.• it:: -1 ) e:' r. 1'\filum:!'. 1 NI IT -() r;' WO, tory of individual hills, taking the best frau each for the seed purposes. see Icotion was also very useful In snak- ing potatoes disease resisting. FOR GOOD ROADS. "Good rowels right now," WAS tiro subjcul of an address at the Minter Fair buibding by Mr. D. Ward King. of Missouri, the originator of the spilt log drag, who said that seven donara would keep a tulle of gravel road like a rasa drub It for a year with simply method. Mr. A. W. Campbell, good roads c<onmtissloner said ttte whole pnobwn of good road snaking was a question t,f drainage. The people might have to resort to dila draining for lulls. lie was also a firm believer In the grading ntachine. Satisfaction with Oho results attain. ed by the practicable work in testing cows, and re_x>nrmendations that more take advantage of the Government grant, was the keynote of the address of Mr. E. Hawthorne, of \Var.saw; Mr. A Dunn,otl'ngersoill,and 514. W. S. McNsh, of Lynn, Ont., members of the Dow -testing associations. Mr. Frank Items, of London, (frit., dealing wiih ore -operation l.•otween milk producers and owners of cheese factor- ies and crenrner.00 said small factories did not pay. Cheap equipment led to a leek of stability. The annual meeting of the Canadian White Plytnotrth Rock Club was held In the afternoon, when the following oflicer:s w+oreo olet)tct: President, Geo. A. Roberlson, SI. Catharines; 151; \'ioe- ['restdent, Joseph Fortier. Quebee;171•1 Vice-Prasident, Geo. W. Robertson, Ot- tawa; Socrotary-Treasurer, Rev. es''. C. ?Billson, leingsvilto. Ii. 1'. Schwab was appointed judge for the next Win- ter Fair. A discussion was hell on rho While Reeks at the \\'inter Fair, and the results of cultivating the I,roci. -_,I.- TIuu:F: MAIMED \171)011:9. And One Tho usaud Orp:tans -Left .g 1louogah. A despatch from Monogah, \Vest \';r- ginia, says: The excitement of the lied few (lays toilet\+:ng the terrth'.o die:ester at the Fairmont Coal Company miners here has about subsided, and the sad - anon has settled down into a steady, systematic searc:i dor tie bodies of the victims. Two lundral and twelve) tadtos have been brought to the sur- face, and with large additions to the resetting force it is hoped to have the ;Tint's clonrcd very .soon. Half n &ne:a retk.( stations oro now Its operntior, and su,pplies of all kinds nre coming t -t rapklly and being as quickly dLsbarse4 . The cash contributions to dale total 840.000. The relief committee estimates that there are 300 widows and 1.000 or - destitution among therm will be very great. - er- INI)I AN WILL NOT RI: 11.\Nlila). Member of Fidili r 'Tribe to E rni : Gat - bons for Strnnglint Squaw. A d.• pal:h Iran \Vinnipepi soy ! seph Fiddler will not hang. Such i• :t.•+ decree of the Dominion Gov,•rnnuent, r'••'oee of which reached the city on Tete . -day. The lndinn hod been tried for the murder of an insane a irl. n mow. lei of the some tribe, near the .1 • t, , . f Uudsen tiny. Ire was sentenced to ,i, ,t, by Commissioner ferry, of tee Nee West Mounted Pollee, who, with spe' s'1 powers. presided ns judge at the time. The depth sentence was to have been carried out on the morning of January 7 at Norway House. A W.tNl)I:IltNli .11i►N.:I;i 1!. i.ord !'neon E\pres..e, Itt. \•i tt, Ct the Coming lotprriuli•m. A despal:•h filen London 1. I C1/17^•,. .t'< ng on trio h., i' o to Orals and 1::114). -sial Trot. 1'. .\. %nvd'z. of th' 1).:1.1:., sp,,,os; :g At 1110 meeting in '+enr,•t,i t) with th^ Win- ter Fair. ti lien the question et s'•eda \enc d ruse a. have iii ..•:s'.•.,1 in pro. dusl.'un. I.ut pasture land.. he lw,inted brit, had not been as good in the past ten years. Thi+ 1me attrildulc.t t., a nem. !tor of CaitV'S, \Ir. J. \t. ♦I ('a?!rim. e,t Sh'mk,'Ifr''re. sreaking on the a Itanfages of !h•- soe•eint seed plot, eTeldins.ze 1 the ttrce5- sity of not sowipo too ihi••kc. and in Iho• selection of the treads et harvest t m'+ those sho•i'd only to ptoma trcrni 1!:o healthy. vii+.r.';, plants. Mr. T. G. enyie r. of O(pawn, nd- vt-o.1 the (:,liners !o look more. care. fr.!'t• atter "e'e• ser•1 and see that it tet nt')lerpt' ire,,Infl. Mr. Raynor ted the ,4;w -11.-.'','t on hl1 set. lion of seed po- tie n 1v14ed farmers to select t:11• : end keep the lost t rn.ii,ii$ of r, •lt h.'1, c,:rel illy following tho hts- 1 un ran \Vedn. -e, r' 1 tot ward to 1 ,.• _,: would visit alt i + i , r • :,,'t•. and hnl,l ' ,, t 1 1.>•i'(0. 'r)10 +.,1 ,,. ,�. 1 onc!on. bit? r4 :tTlo)i[ry nl,I'r n (.0(19 NEWS relit Iti:l' t -1 ::'!t 11 Ili. 0111111 hummer ',' .'1,! :'r ,tn 11 HI founded. ,\ .;patch Leen Ottawa • Fc rgc (Cltartev(ut) tins given gier•y as h) whether Iho \t Finance has given nn intintntt.,ir !•. Dome -Ion drinkers' Asroc, mien that will rntse the rale of interest on C. prime -tit And Pe•stoftlee Savini:s Itaim deposits flan 3 to 334 per r• ml. ile.ls Sar -a r 1?. It:e tree l of Bulgarian bawls, \.:os shot ate at Sofia by n Mir.e•ik,uk,n. The Japanese ollir:isle have lel make good their pts i iw'♦ to H•e delplmo Lemieux, rind I:oe cn ig questk:n is no nearer NMI...moot t. was on the day of InsN. m.rriepl. 1