HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-12-12, Page 8E X E TER '1 1. M k 8 DECEMBER With 1907,
A It E %V.. are prepared with an immense stock of good, useful
Chr.'t twos presents. Come iu and take your time looking through
the beet atr:eot•ted and most natty `tock in Exeter. Come bring
your friends with *u. You are always welcome.
25s, 35e, :>t►: for three lovely
pure silk handkerchief plaits
cent res With silk embroid-
ered edges swell presents.
45c. the waist end. Very
'nett y A rues ican opera flan-
nels; cieant grounds with
fancy floral and polk effects
and dark grounds with
dresden patterns.
t1225 each, Ladies Silkett Un-
do t.kirtt:, beautifully made
trimmed with narrow frills•
and knife pleating, Hear
theta t ustle.
li 7.(:It Ladies Isabella neck
Ruffs full length tritmned
nett ural heads and tails.
$19.00 Ladies natural (;trey
t4etnir•rel Ruff and muff, the
prettiest set we have seen
ibis season.
$50 0) Ladies navy fur lined
coat, lined with choice
►gnirrel and collars and re -
1. res of choicest natural
grey squirrel with muff to
tuatoh $50.00 buys the out-
fit. It's a Beauty.
$l.00, $1.'2.; for two sample
lines of Ladles pure linen
lawn handkerchiefs with
)sand made Battenburg lace
trimmings, the finest we
have ever shown.
$45 01) Ladies finest Electric
seal jacket with American
Fable collar and reveres,
best satin IininK and silk
$50.00 Mens natural coon
coat the best we have seen
this season only 0 to sell
come quick.
$10.50 A lovely full fewi-por•
celean china dinner set pure
white body decorated with
wild roses and traced 1vith
$12 50 A swell 108 :piece din-
ner set pure white body de-
corated with dainty pink
roses and stippled and
traced with gold.
$15.00 For the swellest 108
peice dinner set you'll see
this season called the Cor-
inth It's a Remits'.
$15.00 and $10.01 For two
new Crown Derby diluter
secs 108 pieces to the set the
sweetest decorations we
have ever shown, See diem.
$3.75 A lovely 10 piece toilet
set decorated with wild
roses and traced with gold.
$4.51) and $5.00 For two lovely
new toilet sats in lovely
shades pink and brown ef-
fects they come to us direct
from Great Britain.
31)c to $2.75 For twelve new
fern pots and ,lardiners
' you must see them to under-
stand their real beauty
splendid presents.Q a s
25c to $1.50 For the lovely
range of fancy China cake
plates useful and beautiful.
85c and $1.23 For two new
Mojelica china vases lovely
shaded body with natural
rose decorations.
If you want to see the finest and choicest lot of Chinaware
Western Ontal io at prices that are easy to reach then
loosing for you.
1Ve believe we are the only
hrnse in Exeter handling
may Ise:path Sugar. It costs
us a lot more than the other
brands. But then quality is
khat tells, don't be jollied
4. don't take any old sugar
because you are told that it is
Jest as
good becausea you
know it isn't.
we are
The chance of the season. The
last call on trimmed Millinery
ti.50 trimmed pattern hats
for 3 50; 4.00 trimmed pattern
hats for 2.50; 3.00 trimmed
pattern hats for 1 98;
Nothing wrong but the
price the Hats are all new the
trimmings are new the styles
are new, but the season is
getting late and we w
any hats oyer, Come and
get a nol:by new hat tor a
very small price.
We want a big lot of Dried Apples.
++++++44++++++++++t++•t•+++4 .+++++++++++++++++
We arc showing a )arkc
range pf Watches and
Jewelry -- newest de-
signs of different manu-
We shall be pleased
to lay away anything for
you until Christmas.
Come early and make
your selection
!Ugh igh Grade Watches at the
lowest prices
-For Quality and Quantity
your dealer for the stew his plugi
of "Bobs," "Stag.' and (Currency
chewing lob iccoe.i.
-Mini .1. 3. Allan, Eye Si.Yht Spec-
ialist and Refractory Optician, will
be at t)h Commercial Hotel, Friday
Dec. lith. Hour.. 1) a. in. to 9 p.
Market Report. -Tse following is
the report of Exeter markets, oor-
-11rs. !Nike. after spending the
past few- months at her cottage ail
Petoskey. Mich., arrived )sere last
Thursday and will spend the 4%)44(er
w itlt Ile father Mr. '1'ttouas 1)eeritig.
-Rev. W. M. �1;trtin \vent to
\1ourt1 forest 1 his week 10 accotu-
parly Airs. :Martin on lien ref urn
home. Her many friends hope that
title frit) may have proved' beneficial.
-The 5t.' Marys Argus says the.,
work on the survey of the prolI(el d
extension of the St. Marys and Wes-
tern Ontario Railway would begin
fast Monday. and by next summer,
the work of construction. it is s:41(1.
will be under way.
- Last week we matte an error- in
our market reports ill looting Star
Flour at x2.25. 14 should have read
x2.75. $o popular is the Star brawl
that items sent in orders for the
flour at the low rate, only to find
that the error- was made in this of-
- Christmas will soon Ir. here. '1'h,
-rush of l'hrist ir►a. buyers w ill soon
begin. Novi is the t itis for the w i51'
NEW buyer to nt•:ke purchases. Tit the
early peri of the (I.ly. especially.
. there is not 1111101 of al crowd as yet
• • in the ;;toren, :and people cern have
Fall 8 time to pick ant. choose what they
want. ill a few- dak-s the re di hl,.
11 ill be 0m, std it will hmore ers' dif[i-
cult :arae) 1e ss ple:aa1rtt for Christ 410444
FashionPIateTttEt Don't forget to look over ourmtock of Christmas Novelties
before purchasing. ‘Ve save
lots in and more corning.
Jots flrrlvcd housands of Post (`ard, all
kinds. Our Xmas Cards are
beautiful. (`menders front Sc
up. No trouble to show
Ask to see our Perfumes
and remember this is the only
place you can get Enjoyme
Cosmetics, Nameless Cold
Remed y and Purity F Iavor-
i n ge.
(',til .1)111 Make
;1 Se,,,,;tiou be -
foie 'he rush.
Merchant Tailor.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
AONEV to loan at loereat rates.
North west )mels for Sale.
Office. Main Street, Exeter
J. %Vltl.lt4 PO1VEt.l., Mgr.
Watch the Window. Can. Exp, Bldg.
Hold only at Howey's Drug
Store. I3ig bottle for 25c.
*vete(' up to . Urce•rubcr 12th., bili;. --up our Christmas Presents at this Store and save money, A Big stock
1Vhcat. 90 cents per bushel.
Oats, 90 ccnti per ousbel. Rot suitatl a mn goads for Christmas gifts, at lower prices that) can be purchased
Barley. 50 c -tits to 60 cent elsewhere. We welcome you. (-all and have a look through. We want you to
because they are right
Teas, 75 cent+ to 80 cents.
'Iran i'20 'WI- cwt.
Feed Flour, $1.30 to $1.:35.
Blended Flour i i I'AItt �2:, 7
see what we are doing, and get our prices eau .
Suitable Gifts Suitable Gifts Xmas Xmas Xmas
Hugs, liv'eweight $5.00. 1 Our Bleached Tab-
)le,ss, dressed G.Su w $7.U0. tinge cannot be beaten.
I l•►y, 14 .t net 1 l5 p�' r scut. I Ask to see our special
Clover seed. $s to 510 per bushel.) Bleached Linen at 50c;
Potatoes, 15c. to floc. per bag• warranted all pure lin-
Iluttcr. 2'3 rents, en. 50c.
1':_;=, :21 relit,' p, I' dozen.
Dried Apple:: 6 c ,tit < per ',sound. 'rable Napkins, spec -
Coal, $7.25 a ton.ittl at 83c dos; Table
1 Napkins special At 31.25
••••••••••••••••••••••••N a doz; Table Napkins
s tial at $1.7;, doz; Ta -
LOCALS b Napkins special at
• $2.00 dor.,
•••••••• - - .•••••••
enormous showing of
-'1'w o %seeks to Christmas. ; Sideboard Scarfs. Dyes-
serN ma 4 (►y =leis at 11 l rely's. '• Covers, Stand Cov-
ers and Shaine, linen
--!)oily for Xt►a4 at 4ollick'•1. and muslin prettily em-
-11011 Iintt; :tt Foilick'_t for Xut:as. broidered. Doylies 5c
to 25c; Linen Covers 51
-License Inspector '1orr.ince was int to $3; Shams 50c to 51.
to n on Tuesday. .
-hiss Annie .8:anlet,,
London last week.
visited in Christmas Cushion
Covers and Table Cov-
ers. in Tapestry and
- Schools close:t 11 eek t rota next Silk, very fine goods,
Friday for ihi' Xmas hoildays. bought spetial1) for
-Mrs. 1'oe ell 194101 1 44111(1 a limn- Xmas trade. Price 75c
ser of friends lass Friday evening. $1.0) and $1.50.
- Mr. Hugh uglt Chesney, of Seaford.
visited) relatives its town last week.
-\tr. Iain. Ren(1lo is home front
London for :1 visit with his parents. -
- 'Cite problem -. It:ti, to get for
Xriaas." solved at• Cole's 1)1'ug Store.
-The rains of Sunday and Monday
deprived us of what lit t11: sleighing
we h::(1.
-For nice box of butt bout call at
E. E. hardy'- one door north Sorer-
(i;n Bank. And our stock pleases all purchasers.
visited her t;ratid-lyeretlts ,here part purse to buy something which is sure to please your friends when
for Ladies
The moat beautiful
showing of Dainty Col-
lars we have ever dis-
played come and sec
them. Price SOC. 75e.
most every Lady appre-
ciates a pair of gold
wearing Kid gloves and
that.s the kind -we self
every pair guaranteed
In Black and colored
Price $1,00 $1.25.
Silk, leather end elas-
tic in all the Popular
shades. Price 25c. and
Fancy tartan Silk Bags
slakes a nice looking
present as well as a use-
ful one. Prices 75c.
$1.00, 51.25, $2.00.
In Cream, Pale Blue,
Pink, very fine quality
72 inches long very po-
pular. Price 31.5() $2.
for Gentlemen
Men's fine Kid Gloves
in Mocho's, Swede and
Dressed Kid, lined and
unlined. Price $LOOand
Christmas is near at hand ! What are you going to .vantr No
doubt there are many things you need and a lot more you will buy
that you do not need. We have things for the needy. We are
now stocking up with a view to big trade. !fere are a few lines we
are offering
Pure Damask Bleached Table Linen with Napkins to match, sizes 21V
NECK NEAR A and 22122. Japan Drawn Work Tray Cloth and Doilies. Damask 1)ra
bright showing of Bowe t,Vork and Henletitched Towels at 50e each.
Four-in-hand; Knots
and Ktringe in all the Embroidered Linen 23c, :35c, and 50c.
new shades, Price 25c Tapestry Curtains and Tattle Covers in alt colors ranging from 82,00 to
to 5(k'. $0.50. Tapestry and Embroidered Cushion Tops with Cord to match.
A SUITABLE GIFT Ladies Hemstitched and Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs in ssiik, linea
FOR GENTLEMEN.-- and lawn. Choice line of Fancy Collars and Belts.
A Fancy box contain-
ing pair fine braces, 1 A very choice line in Gents 'Ties, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Braces. Gloves,
pair Armlets and 1 pair and Fancy Seeks,
Hose Supporters all for
7 5ct s.
In black or colors, large
Pize, beautifully fine
goods. Price $1, $1,25
Mufflers in silk or satin
(shaped) fancy colored
lining. Price 50c and
Xmas Presents
are in
D A I N T Y I pe Sovereign Banff
Is the word that describes our
select line of Christmas and
Holiday goods. Everything in
ebony such as
Ebony Hair, Cloth
and Military Brushes
Mirrors, Toilet and
Manicure Sets, Etc.
-:1iss M:try i{uight. of 11de•rtou,
It does not require a fat Christmas
of leis' weeek., buying at our store. Come and inspect our stock of Perfuines from the leadiug
til r. Charlie .1)yer, of the llolsott's perfumers as well as high class
Kink Staff. AndierstImrg, is 1•isitit►gWatches, Chains, Clocks, Jewelery, Beautiful imported Roods in beautiful
itis parents here.
-M1. Geo. o. ,ilrownlee 11145' moved
into one of W. .1. Mallett's houses
oil Boron St rept.
-'finis is the last week to pay your
t1 Nes. lidless you care to pay an
exi ra five per cent. Wedding Rings a Specialty. Issuer of Marriage Licenses --Richard Seldom, of Ingersoll, vi resents
iced his son It. G. Seldott severaI days
last week and this. -lV
-Miss Kathleen Stewart returned . -Mr. Frank tWeeekes, of Listowel,' -Mrs. i'opplt'stone returned oft ShotilU be selected at once,
last week after a month's visit withwas ere attending the funeral of his Tuesday evening after a two week's while otic Stock is unbroken.
rel•ltives in Toronto. { Is
grandfather, the late Ad:ttn White- visit with her son, Mr. S. A. Pop- Many sundries in
-Oranges 25c 30c. 40c. 50c. GOe. i i ford. plesto►le at 'Myth. Kodaks a[ld gupplies
dozen at E. E. liardy's, on.: :ioorl -Mrs. (Collins. .Mrs. )toss, Miii -A large number attended the as-, Fine Stationery
n01 -11t Sovet i;it Ilank• litnthron and Miss Bettie Collins vis- senility given 1►y the Bachelors and
--Car of new McLaughlin Cutters ited friends in Mensal) Saturday attd i lienedicts in McDonnell's hall last. j rerf 1Cfie(� Soaps
for sale`. 1)S0� :t couple of second Sunday. S 'fhttrsd:y evening. 1 S clletsI Etc, Etc.
Land ones. -W. G. llissett. .
-1t r. and bars. (Seo. McLeod left
-Mr. It. 6. Lang was in town this , -Messrs. William and Adam '
11-eck looking after his apple business.. `Whiteford, of Virde►1, Math, aceorn- Everytllhsor at tittonishinglow prices',
on Saturday to visit relatives in Fg- 1 r
111•,n(lville and Seaford'. Ile was accompanied .rt Mr. It. M. , vowel tht� remains of heir fattier
Shaw, of Glasg&W, representative of here, and will retrain fora month or U
C. & .11 Allan, pf that cit y. so visit ing old ac tuaintnnces.
Hand Painted China and Cut Glass. The Finest Selection
8_ P:Error oi\T
Anywhere at Popular
Prices. Inspect them.
--Isaac 1loiit, of Manitoba, :t for-
e •r resident of Exeter, is visiting
:riettis at the north end.
-Another stock wi11 arrive at the !•••••••N••••N••••••••••••••••♦♦••••••••O••••••••••••O••••N••• O••••••••••••••♦ 0•••••••••1•••••••••••••••i
of Canada
Up Capitals • • $3,000.0
LICA jastvIS, Esti., - - • Pr
DOLPH MACUo1 ALP, l;ut. ni 'wt.
ALLAN, Esq.. - - l,rd Vice -Pr
ARCH. CA.mrHELf., E M.P.A. 1 . DIM i sT, Esq., M.P.
W. K. McNAt oHT. Ssy., M.P.
ALEX. Ba..:CE, Esq, K.C.
G.IaM1d6TT, - • - Genera/Ma(fd
CASSEI.S, - - •• Ass!. General --Ma
Savings Bank Department
Inteere:t at best current rates paid (uuteds.
-Miss May Armstrong; is expected-
xpectedhothe from Willow City, N. D., w -hero
she has been engaged for sotnts
months as milliner.
---Owing to the 1(trge amount of
advertising in this week's issue eo
have been compelled to leave out con-
siderable good reading )natter.
-The friends of Mr. Alfred Coffin)
now of Pet rosea will be sorry to hear
of his serious illness which nec'.s,i-
tales his acing to ;t sanitarium.
-Rev. 1)1'. and Mrs. Hannon, of
London passed through here: on Tue:s-
d:11. The 1)r. had been preaching an-
versary sermons at Kincardine.
-Miss Anna 3fartin was in Sea -
forth, Swidny, esalsting the choir of
the Presbyterian church there at this
nnniverte:try aetvleres. At the Monday
evening entertliritnrent 1111e gave arv-
craFzongs and recitations.
Exeter Bargain Store nett week and f
wadi (01" the big bargains. 1 •
-Mrs. D. .Mack and sister and; •
ttiece spent Monday at the JIOtIto of`
Mrs. Laurier Cook, Meisel).
-Reeve holier retort►, rl last Fri-
day from attending 1 h County Coun-
cil meeting at \Vintthant.
-Misses Winona )toward and 11i1 -
lie Martin are in (;oderictt writing :tt r •
the t1odel $ehool exaunnati0Is.
-Mr. lied 1Vhite left on .Monday
to take a position with the houkit
\1'estern 'Fraction Co. of London.
•-Mrs. \\'. 1lilt acc0tip:lnie(1 by her
daughter ile•:itrice were the guests of
Mrs. 1). Mack, of town. this week.
-Lowclubbitl; rates for the. 'rime;
and other papers for the balance of
the year or from new. until January
"Bobs" and 'Sts z' Chewing 'fobaccoeer
in bi; pluzs. Quality :.)ways the
--Owing to the Wiles. of Mr. Flem-
ing. Principal of the 4'iO,lic school,
the pupils of Porta 111 in the High
School Depart 4nett4 had :t holiday Olt
-For any _lefects of Vision or head-
aches consult. with Miss .1. .1. Allan.
Eve SightSpecialist and 1(efactory Z
Optician at the Commercial lintel. I •
Friday. Dec. I Ith. } •
-Tito Tax C0110cto1' 11.11 be al tl►t: !:
'1'(411 41 II:1I1 0;1 t'acll )'1141 iy from '.) to
12 and 1 to r. o'clock for the col- •
lection of f x,•-', :e1=0 0;1 Dee('mb:f
121 h., 1:11 II., :11141 11th.
-The Laadies Aid of Caven Presby"
teriat) church announce their Itnniial •
Bazaar to be held nn Dec. 18th in Mew •
ior's hall 'I'ea will be served from 0
to 8 o'cloc k. Admission loc. •
1)It. OVENS EYE ANI) EAi( $1111-
geon, will he at the Commercial •
Hotel. )lours 9.30 a. rr1. to 4.30 t►. •
in. Glasses properly fitted and dirt- 1 •
eases of eye car and t10se treated. •
\ext 1•I:►it 014 8114ur(lay, 1)00. '2R.th •
'Time's Christ torts Ca lentaLs - WI: •
hale t lois year issued a very loin t_t
some calendar. at a considerable ex I
pens,. and wLich 11•e are giving t0
subscribers paid up to January 19119.
'those lvishitig calendars mailed send
{i cents for postage. \W0 have 101)r4
for each calendar. Renew at once es
they are going fast.
--'flee foll011111 • Exeter week e lie
:ire t:eking the ex:i initial ions :at the
1 o1.'rich 'Model`;. Iia ve obi :sineO
schools :-Misses \Vitinie and Martha
('(rlintr. I)asttwood : Mies i):,isv 11ocig-
son, llrit:den; Miss Morgnret ('owa1d,
Siran11(1eld; Miss Ida Artnstrot►s,t.
Sodom : Miss Mary Murray, Grimsby
('entre : \1' to. I.. Treibne•r, 81eph•11.
-'Co It. \. Bowe. Recorder. Exeter
Council No. 91, C. O. C. I'.. also
Grand) Officers. Dear Sirs. -1 beta to�
:irk now ledge receipt of clic pie No.
39i'6 for one thortslnl dollars ($)(lila)
toy in odeceasedt w i(,,inAltttlieCe` 1)o' . 01 heartily thank the members of soul
order for their kindness and s1•t► ,
pat 11) show t in niy 1:110 t moble.
Wishing )•:x1•ter Cou11eil No. 91 tilt
your noble order at large every site
res", lle„!.e'ct fully lours. Aloe. Doe .
Et, te•r. Ontario. Nov. 29.. 1907. ••
\V, cater to the warts of our ('u< -
totter. We find out what he likes
then put in stock his favorite brand.
We keep our cigars fresh. Von al-
ways get :► good cool smoke from
011r. case. Christmas cigars a SpeCial-
Cotte in and see our line of hand-
some pipes. "dies wake nice presents
for 111011 and our pricey are a111'ay'3
down. Some are plaint and some h:►cc'
beautiful go1(1 ttti►untings.
Articles for the Man
who Shaves
Shaving mugs, singly or In case
shaving mirrors. brushes and razors.
Get one of our razor strolls :til(' 54'1
11 hat a fine edge it puts on the ret -
zor. They are matte of the best
of leather and will last forever.
Prices from ,25c. to :x2.110.
Toilet and Manicure
if you are thinking of ttakieg )tsc-
ful presents as well as orn:a11tt•tits,
you should see 0111 lines of Toilet :111(1
Manicure sets. Prices froth st2.o0 to
Hand Bags and Pocket
Save yourself money by b114Ing
here. Our prices on either goods are
down to heat -rock and the lu:ilei y of
1he goods are 11tte (willed. The new r
styles. (test 0f leather and 11 ork•
rninship. Ile sure and get our prices,
11'c know eve can 511•e 3011 money.
Lowney's Christmas
The,.' are candies 1 hal 1 lie Imust
frit 10.11 cd111(1 pick no flaw in. I':1' Iy
woman knows their 1vor4)i els X In:is
:rifts -they are received \\ Olt -1 liuhe.
\1:Ike delightful Xmas gifts. \V0
show a good variety of Kodaks And
Cameras ranging in price from S2.110
10 :420.00. \V ill lne pleased 10 .-t)o11•
you )tow to work therm.
Merry Xmas.
Nearly four years ago IIOWEY'S DRUG STOCK came to Exeter
Since then we have had to enlarge our stock many times to accomodate our
rapidly increasing business; a business founded on the rock of square dealing,
good goods and reasonable prices. It has always been the policy of this
store to give its patrons the very best for their money.
By hard work, push and energy we have succeeded in giving the people
of Huron County one of the most complete and up-to-date Drug stocks to be
found in Vcstern Ontario and right at this time we have on display a hand-
some line of Holiday Goods.
The people of Exeter and vicinity have demonstrated by their liberal
patronage that they appreciate a drug store where nothing but c'ependable
articles are sold, where ccurtesy and good service is given every one. A store
that deals in ncthing but the highest quality of merchandise.
Fountain Pens
The Moore's Nott.Leakable• is one
that you eats tie to no dirty, fingers.
always ready, never gets out of or-
der. The most satisfactory pen on
411,• m:1,ket. Ask to see Moore's
\We tike pleasure in s11014Ing them.
1 rice' from X2.01) up.
it is wit 11 much 1,10:,sur' Mat WC
call your attention to our perfunto
department. !fere soar 44i11 find the
largest assortment of perfumes. fly
careful study and strict :11 tetnt ion 10
1 lie 111tits of our patrons 110 are able
to offer you the best selected Iin:y of
perfumes outside of the tante cities.
Our lines of perfumes comprise all
the welt kilo.. ti brands. 'They may
Ise had int bulk or fancy t►ac`kageq.
Good perfumes slake very acceptable
i'ris'es f roll) 25 cents Irl4.
Ask to see our Perfume Atonlixels
lin AMOK
A complete line of tablets, box pa-
pers etc. Warwick's. Gage's and all
the best makers. See our assortment
of fancy box papers. The 1,1 est.
st yles and best prices are here.
11'e corry Exeter view pads
'We c-arry a 1e•ry superior line of
trusses. All sizes from infant to the
stout mill. \Ve• fit them and guar
nt1(e0 to give satisfaction. Our prices
aro right.
Gold Spectacles and
Eye Glasses
1'e44 1 110s )take 1;,e very lr,•st of
�n►a I're.enis. `-1'e can give you
t;0ld (ratnen that 110 guarantee 20
ylears 1111' friends will
remember you 1 Hies into. ('Rn
you 4411L'L'e st '110'1101W better than
W it !Milt eluextiott (Mr lane of !lair Inrushes :and Mirrors is tftos, corn -
We carry no►►.• but the c1•r1• hest atO :at price.4 14 itiel, Inake t heir
((4511-a4410. Notllitt! is more desk able than :a 11:4l1(1sotn(' latish. COM)) :1r1(1
mirror. We can match t here up in (11f' r,•01 woode4. ebony. rosewood. (•t e.
\V1, tike BreEmit 09)'' in ae1('Ctinc 0111 hroshes and itrors and will Leave
no4lting but what iv absolutely ileo finest stutlity. F:ver7thing is 5'14. No
odd stock.
.ask 10 sr•e 0144 Brushes. One of our hand mirrors /stakes an
00'1.1:able WI( 1. A114:ays •ercice:thlc. i'rv•nch Plato Ghee and beautiful
ewe!. ► 1 •
W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B.
Chemist and ,optician,Eeter,