HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-12-12, Page 7OTARIO SWEFT THE BOARD
. Won Honors in Sheep at Live Stock Show
at Chicago
despatch from Chicago says: The
ate nag of the sheep claeises at the
lanolin! Live Sleek Show way
lied on Thursday, the exhibits from
tlt Province of Ontario sweeping the
field. The total entree: in Ihi\ depart-
ment are 1,199, as against ti91 ill I9ti6.
Reprc:,4-ntatives of the Japane•se
Government attended the eli(nv on
Thurs(luy making arrangements for
the p}urcha.e of ( :lydcsdale and 1laek-
ney horses. It is said that 8100,000 ha.s
been appropriated for expenditure ill
this country aid Canada 4_t► hopes of
heavy bone Biel m►uf3_le.
The Ontareelure•) grand 'tiampiun
steer (if the Intt'enati4✓eiul Live Stock
$hazy, the most horiarel ratlin►al of ali
tho thutr,am.l- that ar • Se•img exhibited
at the stock yards thk week, scold at
uuctien on 7'hur.'4i ay for 24 cents a
peurd on the hoof. 'rhea price ie much
lever than dies.. of former chows. Roan
King is Zhu premier beef -hearing beast
who was ktex•ked (keen al this price.
'Ph( Shorthorn calf that swept the Ileld
went to u packing coIIIJrany 4-.1 Buffalo.
The total sunt pail for Iur' was 3J.51.).20,
lila weight 1,ting 1,080.
Tice gran,! champion wa.s folleeved at
11.e auction 1 Hock by the blue ribbon
t r -lot of steers, exhibited by Claus
krainbeek. They went at s cents a
p,4,und. the a►tei•age per animal Leung
8122.16. and 111 ' total for the load being
$1,1432.40. A • a' age Ilse grand chum.
ii• n car -1.11 v.. re at 17 4('5516 a 1)oun(1,
netting $3,6(J.eu.
BM:F:It TO 1'.A1' Fo11 lo-t7'1-:'tWAV.
1'ropoNed Dollar 'Tax on ":eery Barrel
Brewed in United Slates.
A de>pat4.l1 from 1Vaahingtot. say.4:
An annual tax of $1 on every barrel
of Leer brewed in the, United States fur
the creation of a "peniiun•:nt invest-
ment fund" of $3(1,ot3),n)0 yearly for
the develoiment of the c.. untey's water-
ways is the prof osal carried in a joint
tion int
iur•d in Itlo Ilou. a by
Mr. Ae'chee,osi of Pennsylvania. The
preamble assert►: that the htadequacy
of railroad trackage to handle the coun-
tryl5 fast grooing busiuess potents to
waterway.; extension as the vital pre-
requisi'.e to Stale and national develop-
ment of resources. and recites that the
revenue fry, un propoaei high license
tax o,l Leer should be applied annual-
ly "not as an ordinary expense, but
as a permanent inveatnient."
Five Years in Prison and a 51,000 Fine
for Wife-Reating.
A de:spaleti from New York says: Five
years in prison and a fine of ono thou-
sand dollars is the penalty John Na-
han moat pay for wife -beating. The
senteri: --the maxinsum provided by
the Iaw---was imposed on 'Ut►ur.duv
by Supreme court Justices Dowling. It
appears fr en the testimony that Nal -in
asiaulio4f his wife with n shovel after
she lied refused to give him twenty-
five cents to purchase lamer. She wars
seeri4iitsly Injurer. and was obliged to
remain in a hospital nearly a month.
.. -
SI::1001. 1(1►:1R11 \i1.ST I'.1Y.
:1 V `rtlie t for Damages From the
Ilnchclat)a Fire.
A eteepat(_h flora Montreal says: .1.
t•. Anderson. fattier of a six-year-old
child µ110 periehed in the Itochelagn
&hoe! fire last winter, was awarded
$300 danrnges on Thursday by a jury.
It was found by the jury that the ch11d's
death was due c la the a
t fault and n li-
genie of the Protestant School Board
to falling to equip the Heeheinga Sciro.,I
with fir, escape, as is provid(el by the
civic lay -law, And also In not protect-
',IIng the fresh air fro -in contamination
4 by spoke. 'titre trial was a test case.
li It k likely that sixteen other actions
wilt follow, brought on by parents who
lost their children In the fire.
':110K l : 1 1 T 111'1' 1:•41. 114:.
1►e,llre;`lir4 in 1,'rlph 1i,►r, 1 ‘Vere Hes•
rued by Firemen.
\ d' pit h from Guelph says: Fire
br•)k.o real at 3.30 on Thursday after-
I:oon In a stet a,„ant in the basement
of the Itoynl l:ut.'1, and Lefore it was
put ell; some damage was dome to the
hnsenient of the building. Volume. of
smoke spread throughout the whole ho-
tel, and the escape of several of the
domestics was eut off. Two of them
worn taken from the upper steres by
the firemen and enrri4' l in safety to
the ground, none the worse eseeit for
the fright ihey gel. The damage
amounts to nnly Mout $2.000. The
hotel proper will cumllnue in working
ardor. ns the ground floor and 11:4' up-
per portion of it to unlou••hed
Undesirable Hordes are Pouring in on
A cle.patch from London says: Ac-
cording to u Berlin despatch, Ger-
nrany is tremendously alarmed over
the eoonomie consequences of rho emi-
grant rush from America. A corr•e-
:locdent says: "It is roared that the
tens of thousands of ltusslun 1'•�les,
Lithuanians, Hungarians, Greeks, and
Italians, landing at Hamburg and Bre-
men, after having spent their lad c,irrs
on passage money back, may tee arae
stranded in Germany, and put the al -
toady overcrowded domestic taL4ir mar-
kdL in a. critical posiiion." The im-
perial Government k being urged to
consider "whether Germany should not
immediately resort to the vigorei s pro-
i:ibitive measuri:s enfor.'ed by the
American immigration authorities and
arbitrarily put a►p bara against the tor-
rent of homeless uu.i.•sirubles."
ONE YE.11t FOR I3IG.1,.iIsT.
J. F. Lavergne Sentenced at Otlawa-
Reasons for Light Sentence.
A despatch from Ottawa says : J. I'.
Lavergne, who posed here as a million-
aire and created quite a sensation by his
apparent wealth, was before Magistrate
O Keefe on Thursday morning charged
with committing bigamy by. on Septem-
ber 11th last, at Ottawa, marrying 1ties
\tart J,areai Foran, of this city. when he
already had a wife Jiving. tie pleaded
guilty and was sent to the (ventral i'ri-
sun h r twelve mouths. The court. inti-
mated that !he sentence was nueto light
so as to give Lavergne rt chance to
answer several other charges pe'mciing
against him at Ogdensburg, New York
and possibly elsewhere.
1111117'1511 \1.111. 111•:.11'1J:11.
Increase of 16' Per (tent. at Canadian
Ports `:ince May.
despatch 1 (114.h front Ottawa say-: 'The
tnerea•5e in the {Jrilkll mails oath Ca-
t►ada on account of the reduction In
iostago on magazines, periodicals and
newspapers, has been phenominal.
From May 1 to Oct. 31 last, the num- $':3; half har'rcls.,.$11.75 to $12.25; clear
lser of British mail bags received alt f,at i,ark. 823.50 to $24.50; lung cut heavy
Canadian forts was 10,591, as compared
with 6,288 during the ~:erne period of
1906. or an increaca of 10.303 bags.
This was an In•►rase of 165 per cent.
The lnerense of British mails by way
ri New York for the same six months
was 15 per cent.
Prices of C.altke, Grain. C -:tees• aw Telegraph Drkls Front, Our awn and
Other Dairy Produce at Hoath Olbert Countries Bol Recent
mild Abroad. Events.
Toronto, Dec. 10. -- Flour - - Ur:tario CANADA.
wheat 90 per cent. patents are quoted at
$3.73 in t►uyere' sacks outside for export. 1'intoaburg will be annexed to OG
Manitoba patents, $6; second patents, latwu.
$:'.30, and saving tethers', $s.20e \Vusniyrg:s total taxes this year arc
as heat-- elanik.ba grades quiet, wi'h $c,325,0uu.
price'~ steady. No. 1 hard quoted at $1.1', 'There are four ca..c s of smallpox in
lake (Karts; No. 1 Northern quoted a1 he}levillo hospital.
61.13, lake ports; No. 2 Northern al $1.06, The net assessment of the city of To -
hake ports, and No. 3 Northern, $1.05, ronto is $206,383,152.
lake ports. The G. T. H. is to build un extensive
Ontario wheat --No. 2 quilled ut 95 to terminal at St. Lambert.
96c outside. The C. P. R. has secured a lease of
(gats- -Outride whiles selling at 15 to 46e the M ,reh'e'ar cants market.
ot►teide for No. 2. They are gt.oted ut hitt e'ou received 15,732.526 bushels4ec on track, Toronto. b
Corn --No. 3 American yellow is quoted c \11,f grain Ibis i<eatxrn.
at 66e Toronto freights, and Nc. 3 mixed Building 'emends in 'Toronto to the
at G?'/.,c. New No. 3 co[[[, G.5 to GGe, end of November totalled $13.618,785.
Toronto delivery middle of December. Five plans for new legislative build-
ltuckwltcat -- \1arkct dull and un- ings in: Regina have been received.
changed at 60 to 62c outside. London had twice as many marriages
Barley -No. 2 quoted at 66 to 67c out- 111 November as in November, 1906.
side; No. :3 extra at 63 t(. Gtc outside, and A J►iio of 35,000 tons of coal is at
No 3 at 62c outside. the e[itratice to the Sarnia turu►el.
Bran --The market is 41011 at $19 to 820 The report of the survey of the
i•n bull: outside. Shorts are quoted et Georgian Bay ship canal is ready.
`22 outside. The King Edward Hetet Company of
COUNTRY PRODUCE. IMn�lon, Ont., will build a line new
Apples -Winter, $2.50 to $3.2'.) per bar- heti;l.
London customs returns allow an in-
[•ei((Tease of 813,466.51 over November of
beans ---51.75 to $1.S0 for primes, and last year.
n•. $1.90 for hand-picked.
Honey -12 to 134 per ib for strained,
London Council unanimously decided
incl ut !>;t.75 to $2.50 for cc[nl, to submit a Niagara power by-law in
Ilay---No. 1 timothy quoted at $17.50 January.
1•, $18.50 Isere in car Juts. A new iron manufacturing company
Straw ---$10 to $11 a toil on track here, leas been organized et. seekn(oon. Ca-
1'otatoes--(tar lots are quoted at 85 to iila!, 850.000.
99e per Eng Orn track. 1iurniilon polico have unearthed a
Poultry -Turkeys, dressed, ►U tea 12e Black Hand plot to blew up an Italian
per Ib for choice; chickens, alive, 4 to 6e boarding house.
per Ib; (tressed, 6 to 9c; ducks, dressed, Ontario and Quebec havo entered into
h to :h: per ib; geese, dressed, 8 to tic. an agreement to prevent the pollution
01 the Ottawa River.
The steamer Monteaglo has arrived
Butter -Pound paints, 24 to 26c, and at Vancouver with 189 Hindus, 83 Chi -
Dirge rolls, 23 to 24c. Creamery rules lit nest, and 45 Japanese.
2S to 29e and 64)11(16 at 25 to 26e. The Bell Telephone franchise In
Eggs-fip Id storage are quoted at 22c itroekvillo mils this year and rnuniei-
and upwat'ds. red phones are talked of.
Cheese -They rule at 113, h, 13Ne in a ► The increase in wages to engineers
jabbing way.
and firemen of the Tei iskan►ing I(zatil-
i10G PRODUCTS. way is 20 and to telegraphers 14 per
iBacon, long clear, 10}, to I0%e per lb cent.
case lots; moss park, 1119 to $20; sheet Several C. N. R. employes we're are
cut, $21.50 to $22. rested at Port Arthur on chargee of
Ilunts--- light 10 medium, 14'x; to 15c; stealing from the freight studs.
do, heavy, 13•'4 to 14c; rolls, 111 to Ile; Neild, the Regina mail clerk, who
shoulders, 10 tc, 10%c; backs, 16 to 16';c; (►leadod guilty to robbing tho mains,
breakfast baicen, 14y to 15x'. was sentenced to five ye -ars in peniten-
i.ard--'Pierces, lt'ac; tubs, 12c; pails, tansy.
123ic. Unemployed Englishmen in Kington
BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. refused to carry bags of cement from
5fontrenl, Dec. 4.--(Special).-(;rain-- Q teasel for 25 alts an },our.
Owing to the largo supplies and punt The longshoremen s strike at St.
denland the price of oats declined le to
John hale been settled by tho men ar--
l% (s'r hustle] to -day, quotations now cepting 32X cents an hour Instead of
being: Manitoba No. :t, 5:, to 55%c; On- 4o.
t;trio and Quebec No. ;t, 54's to 55c; On- At the annual meeting of the Bank of
lario nmol Quebec No. 4. 535 to 54c; Montreal Sir 'Phomas Shaughnessy and
Manitotn rejected, 5.2X to 53c; Quebec Afr, David Morrice were added to the
rejected, 51% to 5':,'. Figur---Choioo directorate.
spring wheat patents, $6.10; seconds, 'Tito Fiddler Indian, sentenced to
$5.50; winter wheat patents, $5.75; (',cath at. Regiale for slaying a relative
straight rollers, $5.50; do, in bags, $1.60 has had his sentence commuted to life
to $2.65; extra, 82.05 to $2.10. feed- Intprir►onnteent-
Alanitoba bran, $23; shorts. $:a; Onlario Berlin's municipal water -works shoes
bran al $23.50 ki $24, middlings al $27 a surplus ref $14,000. and for eleven
to $29 per ton, including gage; nailletd mantis' oi,• ration the power Firings
metallic) at $28 to $32, and pure grain p
mouillte at $35 to $37 per ton. ('rovi- Surplus Is $3,5.10.
\;ons -Barrels short cut mese, 321.50 to Reports from many correspondents
received by the Department of Agri-
culture showed a decreaae in the crops
mesa. $21 to $23; half barrels d4,. $10.50 of the Province of Ontario.
ter $11.25; dry salt log clear bnccon, 10% Two Queen's stvd('nts listened lo the
to 11%c; bat rcls plate beet, $13.50 to $15; appeal of two ne'gtecte'r1-looking Kin:, --
ball barrels do. $7.25 to :7.75; bnrrcls stun children t., bel11 their on with
heavy mesas beef, 810 to $11; half leurelo their mills and ft ,w the good Sainuri-
(1o, $5.50 10 86; compound lard, JI) 14. 11c; tans bath have 111e itch.
(-stere lard, 123 to 13c; kettle rendered, Stanley Burton, a Pert !feta, ratan,
13 to 14c; hams, 12% to 13%c; break -the
• � � \\'in(1�4�ir bacon, employed. as (•.1erJc in Bank o►
r .
as bacon, 14to 150
hist co . Afonfrc.tl at \\'hur(pe►, and troy R.
14'% to 15%c; fresh killed abattoir Dawson. teller In the Crown plank at
dressed ilegs, $8.50 to $2.73; alive, c5.50 Burford, both committed suicide by
to 85.75. Butter --September, 28 to 29e; mho ,ting
fresh receipts, 27 to 28c. Cheese -Wes-
tern September, nominal ; lute fall
makers, i2e. Eggs --Selected stock at 24%
to 25e. and No. 1 cold storage and iltned
at 21,0„ to 22%c per dozen.
UNITED) 8'1.1'1'1'.8 MAitKF:1•S.
It1:1:1:11'1'! I'utt \(►11:\1111•;I1.
Or:lau•iu Ravished x+11.252 "'rant series-
lati es-
rie►n Ihrlir..
A despatch frena Toronto says: The
receipts of the l'rovincal 'Treasury from
611CCessio11 duties during the month of
November amounted to $31,252.23.
This wns slightly less than the revenue
collected on the devolution Of estates
during the saline month in 1906. when
the total was 813,308 26. The gar ss re-
ceipts for the year so far. however, ex-
ceed the estinuttc' made by !fon. Mr.
Matheson to lits hit,lgt'I speech Inst 'Toronto. Dec. 10, Trude in nearly
February. ile a::peeled that from this nil classes of crillno was active at the
nsr►ure'e $700.n00 would be collected. Al- Western market to -day. l,ioht is ugh
lt1 ,4.411 11%.4 I:I N1'(►1\ mit
Putt the grossrunonnt rtreceivedd hasstockerstockers were about the only o'tass
reached $863,905.36. which did not sell well. A few k►ada
of cattle were of fairly good quality,
and (hese brought patty fair pricer.
St'henir to Igloo 1 p 1 ii per.ar. lu1p: i 1 11 1'1.111:1 11 I:Its 1411.1.1:0. and
greater ruin her, however, were
Pal;er0 anal theme. - light, and not well Ilnielied. Sante
1 d..spa►;ch ilial i',: a� -:e� - t 1.,', ,.►taa►tn o' owe in 4.l s 114' s (tuns might to described 11.5 having no tin-
Ile►e is mel en Laborers. isl at al). 110, ► were anepia .I. 'I h,�
Lova despatch reeek ed Le. v o '. _ tientg- g '
the police have dis•ov4're• 1 a 111; -:inn I\ \ . • epata'ie Lem (;la1/4i•►w saye: A deliveries wet.. 171 cats. eontalrang
ftsr•r.�rtst plot to aSsas•inal.• 11..• Em. }.:1,.. 4•f nate 1►lutelat}er- was run down 2.111: cattle. 3.739 sheep :and lambs.
peror, blow up the Imperial Pele-e ('11 \Vcdn, \day 1•y a 14•e'omotive on the rase help:, ate( 11? calves.
and the 1)utnia. and pillage the (int•e't -al i (elasgcw-p'arsle'y litre. Gwen of the Of those 35 circ were en route from
Bank •,f Rt.s=.ia, torso' nrrrst has 'wen i Men wren' VINO (outright. They were Chicago to the seaboard.
(J made in tonna'.•' ..'. a itt; tl,e : !'. ce.l s•. terribly mutilated that their bodi(wt About the only business transacteel
�� plot. had In he gathered up in sackc. it, r\)44'arters' cattle was the ea145 of one____
lir_ ..,...
Minneapolis, i)eee. 10.-%Vheat--U(•cem-
La r. $1.01%; May, $1.06%; No. 1 hard,
fit 06: No. 1 Northern. Simi; No. 2 North-
ern. $1.01% to $1.02; No. 3 Norlher n, 97'1
to 99Ne.
Ten Railway Men Contribute at the
Ottawa Hospital
A despatch fr.:r. Ottani a said ( her a t El n:npulate the lllnb and crippler iter•
darn railwa Inen atte!'n(1tsJ at St. Luke's noide ice itte, skin grafting waa decided
ijoapital on We dilos Lay tr, asotst in sav• upon, and the o ration was auccer-
C tttp JIM) of one of their feliceva. On Lilly performed tar Dr. K1dd on Wedne`
t, lith, ilei bcrt Ne •nolde. cng�l1ne day of n. Fourteen stropping
vfor Vie t;. P. R., is lnjt:re4l In a ('r0ers,�en and oonduolors attasnd-
Trrssrk at Plantaanet. 11• has been ot) cd to mak* the willing i00r1flos of a p ei'
Rhe broad of book rver strut, but Bon of theft au clo. an Is tura1�e Wilk
*title rwpwered ht; bri:i.ss the was applied. ThIs Is meted opera•
wound fn his leg would not 'nca 1. f to Cher1 t:on of the kind In Otis
lead, 1.450 porins\, for 84.80 per cwt.
t l3i''!)• r. ' cattle, 1e_!, 14.50 to 81.75;
fair to good, keels of, $4 to $4.25; me.
dium. $3.225 to 8.2.50; export craws, $3
50 to $3.75; good butchers' cows. $3 to
83.25; medium cows. $2.50 to $2.75:
Minnion, 62 to $2.25; canners, 75e t4
Mc per ew•I.
Buyers hot' the country were en-
quiring for fe 'dors nn11 stockers. tight
rough nnirnats s(,101 at 81.50 to 82.40
per cwt.. and good steers were more
in demand at $2.50 to "IAA per cwt.
\tllch cows were firm at $40 to $70
each for chci.oe and 825 to $14) each
for medium ones.
Calves were steady in price at 3 to
de per pound.
Sheep and lambs were brought for -
wan/ liberally. Priee 4 were iunchang-
eed at $3.75 to 114 J'rr cwt. for export
e:v1., 112380 to $3 Ter bila• ks and culls.
and f4 to 15 for sheep and lambs.
Hogg!,- Se1ct s end fats eMt111n'ii'd to
nett at $4.75 to $5 per ewt., and saws
were wort $.3.50 per cwt,
Illinois 1oreiurn, tho British 1oord
Chancellor, was Married On Tuesday to
Miss Violet (licks -Reach.
The (sora crop of the 1'. S. this year
i; worth $1,:350,000,c»s.
The se'eond trial of !tarry 'I'hnw• ha;
{,nen 1)54•.1 for (heel!' of January.
President Roosevelt. in his message to
Congress asked for a repeal of the (fitly
on wood pulp.
1)r. Torrey claim; to have male 3,006
converts during his eight weeks' eam-
pr;i1iit fat Chicago.
1.:41%%;1111 '/.a+mt41t, 13 years old, a Cbi-
(ago schen' hay. died from blood poi-
s4.ning following vae'cinatken.
P1a•,ident !toesevelf has ordered Fed-
eral 'rower lo be he'd in readiness to put
I down riots amt nJ,' 11).' miners ail Gold-
11e1d. Nev.
in a drunken y:1ur rei at i:arnl.., 111.,
Th„1118.5 (..►odn)an }:tlleel 111 I••roller by
striking tem will) a lya(tt oar,
George ge lb n. re Krownsville.
t..('nten to denlh by rejected suitors of toe
Wide it few hours after his wedding cere-
The Mosier (til (:omiany. (if Butler,
Pa., 1•011,p(he41 entirely .,f has
taken 1111 n large sto4 k (a1 le i -es in
Franklin toe ',ship, Pa.
J. lin A. Steele, n madmen, 51)0? two
lator le'aderc iir4 11)1' \lnssn,:husetl, `tate
melee at Iitts!nn on '1 hart -day. 1 m of
the men will imbelly die.
The bodices of thirty-two miners have
leen recovered Iron the Naomi mine,
war Pittsburg. where the explosion
r. curred on yun'iay night.
'rho lot r(1 fypo,graphieril union et Kan -
gas City, Mo., will Halt Congress to lake
action against the paper Ir nst end se-
cure a removal of the duty.
Because of a temp (,f (rir-;' of live
stock of ('. E. Das is of Savannah. \to.,
blew (,ut hie t'r'ains with n sheat ;:►m in
the presence •,f his family.
Manus Slovinski was nrre teal nt
Homestead, Pa.. for beating tris wife cn
the head with a dishpan anel three •''g
hi 18-,nontlsss'•old baby out Ante lee
.,scal•e from her hu'1and. „hal
i•a:rsmirlg her milli an axe. Mrs. .1ntin
Messenger .Surprised Two Burglars at
Work in Montreal Bank.
A despatch firm Montreal says : A
desperate gang of burglars is infesting
Montreal, and their latest exploit w tie a
particularly bold one. At a late hoer on
Wednesday night Mr. Atari(', tate mes-
senger at the central branch of the
Banque d'Itochelaga, on St. Catherine
Street, was alarmed to hear the buzzer
his room go off. Ifo knew that sumo
one must havo entered tho bank, and
hastily dr.es-sung himself, he rustled cut
frau his house, which is at tho end of a
lane behind tho bank, and entered by the
door at St. Catherine Street.
Ile saw a light burning near the
outer door of the principal safe, where
thero is, as a rule. no light. .et oi►7'e ho
entered the manager's office, and taking
his revolver front a drawer, eraw!t d
caotlously near the light. '1'eee men
were trying tho coml,inuti4,n of the outer
door of the vault. \Walking on lip toe to
surpriso them, lie himself was surprised.
The robbers lied detected his presence,
and a revolver shot was fired. Tho nt(es-
se'ng'r's escape was marvellous, for the
turglar's bullet passed through his hat,
rand then, crashing thrv;uigh the glass of
a window, flattened itself against a brick
wall In the lane. Alario fired back, and
immediately one of tate burglar, switcleal
off the light. Before the messenger couht
cut off their retreat they had found their
way out by the open der. The messen-
ger quickly followed, but there was no
trace of the robber's.
M. Begin jumped from a second -storey
balcony of her home in Mfinneapoolis,
receiving injuries which may cause her
Lord Kitchener is to remain for two
years more ill India.
Att.Str'alia'S µ•treat crop 1s 30,000,000
bushels lets than last )ear.
The birth tate of 1•i•nn0e for 1906 was
li:e lowest in tho history of the country.
Twenty -ono have been sentenced to
death at Vladivostok kr the recent
A general uprising of Zulus is feared,
1(11(1 the militia and first Nerves have
been called out at Durban.
Salt sntugle'ss at Quirssan defeated a
fioot of (:hilleee war lwites in rt I,1004
battle, and captured nineteen of them.
Foreign Minister Hayashi of Japan
lois given lion. R(,d4olihe Lemieux ver-
bal assurances that emigration to Can-
ada will be limited.
A Ixorrrb exploded under the'carriage
o! 1'resident Cabrera of Guatemala, kill-
ing the coachuuirn, but not : crio)tsly in-
juring the {'resident.
Yuan Shih Nal has been isolated by
tlto other rnentbens of the ChineseGov-
ernment because of his altitude on the
concessions granted to foreigners.
fifty thousand nnllishands at St.
Petersburg xvaiked out on a one -lay
strike on 'Thursday to show their sym-
pathy with members of the second flume
who are being tried on charges of high
Desperate .%ttempts of OW to gave
Iler Brother.
A (t.'si;11ch from St. John, N. R.,
snyis: f/t ills limit skating fatality sn
New Brunswick two lives were lost on
\\'ednrsday in the river at Jardineville,
Kent county. Willie and Grace Orr,
children of Richard Orr, went skating.
The bay, who was SOV( 11 years old,
broke through the ice, and his sister,
who vas but two years hi,; seirient
pluckily ntt•'ntpte 1 to rescue hint, but
she, too, also fell into the water. She
managed to scramble out, and again
hied to save her brother 1 life, only
to fall in again and both sunk. The
tragedy was seen from the opposite
side of the river. but no help could be
given. The bodies were recovered.
i.1It1:i: '11111:1:i1 11111.1'
1t Had a Set of 'l'a'th Nttl Unlike n
Combination Lock.
A d(spat,'h from \\'ntigoon say-:
The largest wolf ever .hot em the North
country was secured he \Ir. Millard
(land, proprietor of the t,siywrial ilo-
tel, of this plat'('. while Ituntine •111 the
rnengo of mountains back of \Vabig(on
Lake. it was an immense limber wolf
of tho Ihtrs.vinn species, and measured
six feet from head of nose to tip of
tail. Iii; powerful Jnss t were 11iick-
ly studded milli prodigious teeth and
fangs. whieh gripped together like the
secttens of a oombination lock. Ile
appeared In be the ferocious lender of
a nurncrotts b►ti7d of wolves which
w•ot•e ',allowing and,destroy!',' tho
HANGED :1'1 KA11L001'.S.
Sam Lock, a Chinaman, Killed Man
Who Mole 111, Money.
A despatch from Vancouver says:
Stile bock, Chinaman, was execuled on
\V4dnesdey morning in the jail yard
at. Kanilectps. Groaning and very
Er.orniour Su s o1 moue) • Would bo
Require") Finance These
Whether tile scheme put fora and re-
cently fur the construction of u canal
tiu'uugli the heart of (:unade, to connect
tl►e wheat district t ttt► Uw sea, will
ever get beyond the stage of plans and
become an accornplishocl fact, remains
to bo Beth. At any rake, we are told
that them; is every probability of the
canal being son..,triiclecl. This canal
would cost 0110 hundred million dollar.*
Of 80, taut --or ro the promoters slate --
the advantage to Canada weulct be Ire-
rnendous, and the canal would soon be -
(0050 a paying concern, says London
The curious thing al4)ut this sche'a►e
i; that, like many tither great e deities.
it wa.s but forward eev••ral years ago,
but never matured. It ie at 1.•ast twen-
ty years since this Canadian canal wile
first mooted. At that time it was re-
garded as ton expensive a matter to be
Liken in hand, and 5o it wit_, allowed
to (trop. Since then, of course. things
have altered. Canada has been boom-
ing of late years, and it may well be
that the development of the •eantntry
calls for ri canal, and ,Hakes its lin;ut-
cial success more assured.
11'cr7•ou., the aged Cltimamun walked to t4: connect the Forth and the (:Nile
the balluws. Sant Lock, wild was fier 1 has. frequently been suggested. This
years cook for J. E. Hobson in Ca►ri would provide a bllort cut for bailie
boo, last April killed a countryman ishiJos in cusp of war, auld, alt(x,ugh
who had stolen his savittgy. '1'h4; slur- (he wort: would cost over ihirt;•1Ive
derer had been forty years Ili the 001111- !million diallers, it Is said that the ad
try, and up to that time had borne a ad-
vantage to the nation should Inc out
good IE•iutatson• weigh any consideration of cost.
Last year two aid schemes were re -
I'L.%NS Fort NAVAL BASE. vived in Englund, but neither of theta
were approved by Pediment. Oqe was
Wait Will Soon(:omme'nrc at Rosyth, a proposal to construct a new raliway
SCollaml, round three parts of London. WholeA (ii \patch from Glasgow, says: The •streets of houses were to be swept
flans for bite great new naval base at away; the Parliamentary estimate of the
homy 111, Sr•.,tland, have been ampler- cost was enormous -and Parliamentary
ed, and 1 h' work will cornnlfnce early eslImates have n kneel: of always being
to 19i . The basin will cover an arca largely exceeded. As a matter of fart.
u' fifty' -six acre's, with a depth of thlrty- this -particular proposal had bseii ate
six feet nt a!1 bales. Access will he ole proved of by Parlament, and the lino
refile(} through 0 leek 850 feet Jong. nuthorizod some fifteen years before,
The basin is to be practically square, but 110 ono had sufficient faith in its
with quay uceOnamulation for twenty- raying capacity to construct the line.
two war.shipos, although tilts may pe nivel so the powers were allowed to
doubled. The plans provide for the con- lapse.
structi,)n of a graving (1)03 to accotn-
inodate the largest of this amount of
As a rule chesty men are narrow
And the woman in the case mac be
a case herself.
It's the things you don't say that
cause the least regret.
A plan seldom speaks lightly if he
stops to weigh his words.
The wise small boy laughs best when
the teacher laughs.
ft makes some women awfully happy
k, bo sorry for somebody.
It's n good thing to avoid people who
tconsi lar you a good thing.
Some of tho charity that begins at
home never gets outside the house.
A successful man is one who makes
his mistakes when they don't cotutt
against him.
Clean up the little tasks of to -day
and you will be ready for the big tasks
Most of the splutters in the banister
of life are unnoticed until we begin to
slide clown.
Don't get the idea under your hat
that other people think as much of you
as you think of yourself.
Probably there Ls no s:.►ci ifiee so
great as that of the misguided woman
who [harries a man to reform him,
Every time anything disagreeable hap-
r•.etts to a mried mala hw
busy and remarembers that shise. toldife himacts
s(-, in advance.
\li Iw•atrk('e, Dec. 10.--\Vhen t- No. 1
N'.rthcrn, $1.09 to $1.10; No. 2 Northern,
$1.05 to $1.07%; May, 81.0(I% nslesi.
Rye- No. 1, 81 to 82e. Barley --No. 2,
81.02; sample, &ii to 41. Corn -No, 3
cash. 61 to 62c; May. 5G;' -,e asked.
Duluth, Dec. 10.---\\ heat --No. 1 bard,
$1.03 No. 1 North'rn. 81.02%; No. 2
Nr;rlh('rn, 99%c; December, $1.(X17;; May,
St. Lawi'enco Waterways Made Record
for the Season.
A despatch nom \1,antt•eal says : With
the departure of the steam barge Nicar-
agua nn Tuesday of la't week the t►usi-
nees of the canals here iney le sold to
have closed for the season, rifler the
most sucs'e sful year in the history Oat
the St. Lawrence system.
In 1h.' number '.f \ •'. i'ke p,ass:lig
tl,rs.ugh, ins the amount 4.f genital me r-
chandise (allied. in the !mintier of pas-
sengers travelling 4)11 rivet' stenmeis, and
most particularly in the amount of grain
transferred from the \\ est l0 the hnrbor
of \tonreal, his sen -on Mail:. a tremolo
incrsa'ee over the ii)3i1Os (•1 any
previous yrur. Last year .1tow•rdl ;t great
inCroase over the sut,1t►t(r of Itut'S. but,
only decreaise.4 in Iotals were in barley,
end (`aur, and these were very
email in proportion to t116 whale amount
of each cal rie(1.
The I '1s.riss for passenger traffic are
r nlrw hat slIrj►rising, in wits of lee Intek
(soiling ' 1 the ekilinner weaititet• and the
givers! in'•letneney which pro.ailed. 1t:4i
ecu•e►t1:•. wlt!e•tt wrrr (5) „led to :'alae'
s► d(•cr'ett.•'' 1114Steati 4.1 that, how eVer.
the figs,r • 4,f In•l. summer are la'Itevtd
by uiw atrd- .,f fifle'e•I, thousand.
in totel t•,1111:sg-'4` 1I1 ill '1'eai'�.' nnS 11111ti
lu nlme,•t (;' 4. 1s)indre(f tl)(.etaa►!ef tons.
The (print :I ., t 1.11 ►n t, l - •.; the .rason
ere a, f4,1'',t1, :
lrrl;e as the margin `In-• it IV" 114,1 at \\ in ill. I•tc,liel= 1G.444; •.;:.
ell ritual to titr' di(f 'r lice 1 r'tw t a (lr•' ; I writ, I,us1,,'t. 't ; 7n,)i,'t
bt asuns 4,1 latoli and 1:+1)7. fres, Lustc,•is a.G�t
The 1i anspx,rinlion (,1 le heel. 4,1 1 - ( oats, hu-hrk.
'l.: I',.:,4iJ
staler iln(srertatt4Tc iii1lse rret,i'iL « 1 ihr 1llnrl.e . I.s.str•is 4 :.',I'1
5t. (.aw *011 ,41 caltnl rcveltuit' 1. t:n 555, Ity 4 , b,►•ii• I s t+l .(J',
r( ached a total of 01nx►st ik►uhtr• the Flax-e(d, 1 usti t, I,77,!5M4
nuna�r of bushel: carried down last Flour. Lairc'� 16,227
year, wl[ii . the total for ererie !hellish { Eggs. (Bs -.l l.1
r:ol SC great, was almost triple la•1'e:1r { l Itettter. caste ... 4.ixt
lilt,rt ,. Under lire grain heading the Ce( tee. trot,^K 11' :1141
4 alt.lt6
'HIE (:11:\NNE1. 'TUNNEL.
\Vhat with schemes 10 burrow under e/
the channel, to bridge right over it,
at a cost of one hundred and fifty mil-
lion dollar, and 4) make ferries for
the trains, Father Neptune has been
often perturbed, and these \cherries are
certain. to be put forward again perio-
dically. That a quick route to France
is desirable can hardly be doubted; but
the et:orntous cost of a tunnel, and they
1ntallnes5 of the revenue it w'0uld
bring in, makes this scheme unlikely
to be carried out.
Taking it all round, the Tiber is pro-
bably the most fatuous river in the
world. Once it was the subject of a
big scheme. Garibaldi, who was Merm-
en at The dangerous floods to which the
Tiber wa5 subject, wantea to have the
CGurso of the river diverted. This was,
o' course, for the protection of itolne.
One of the most famous English en-
gin()ers was asked to undertake lhe
wcrk, and the idea was only finally
abandoned when IL was proved that the
cost of the scheme would be simply
enormous, and far out of proportion
to the benefits. If any, which would
bei derived.
13ut' the
most daring; scheme of all,
and one which is unquestionably ate
surd, was ow' to construct
�fltl:••r :•
WALL n uNi � .\ rJr 1 rA I. .
A \\A U
The cost would bo $1.000,000,000. '1110
top of the wall was to have hem made
into a nice wide road, but what use►
the whole thing would have been no
one seems to knew. And yet the
scheme was revived in all seriousness
within the last ten years.
it is doubtful it one billion five hun-
dred million dollars would be sufficient
to complete more than a small frac-
tion of the engineering schemes that
have essn proposed during the pre-
sent generation and abandoned. t i3
quito certain that a man with this
amount of money to spend would have
eneugh to do. Cranks have small no-
tion of finance, and the mere a s^herns
costs the better they thtnk it is.
French Government i'se'+ 1t to Keep in
Touch with St:llina in the Congo.
,1t'.ailing the establ1ehment of wir.eass
telegraphy the; F're'nch (iuv4�rtlnoCnt teat.;
fallen tort^k on pigeon (x)511 to 10('0(1 up
C4.n►n1um,•:/1N,n wall aotno of 1Is outlying
pests in central Africa. Especially 11a4►
it been Heed in the case of Iflo expecte
tion under Dr. Martins of the Pasteur
Institute. who 1s in Iho Congo region
stt,dying Ihi• .I'ping sickness which h
ravaging; that pati of the Unrk Co,,h-
'TI►e heatdqu:lrkN ref the (►ig(in$ has
Leen C4tnhli'hcd at 10(1/70'.ille And Iho
birds are taken out by parte sterling
t) 0t1co 11114, lIse f(,i ('ct, 1►r('at difilcully
hu'• becc'n touni. in tnainfaiiung; eonimutt•
l.-utkrn Ly telegraph. The notivea steal
the wire. the elephants break the, free;
and the climate interferes in all 'orls of
way'. Stringing long lines of Iiei(i tree.
ge nph h 'ir'pty hop" le.•.
Uisexp"cic'd'►y i•.od rrstiil- have be.,1
rr1;(•heel with the pigtv►n+. 1:umnitinirn•
1:(.55 otri• a rh 414' r► 1"'' 0(1(0 360 mile's'
1 netini 15 rrgii'nrly kept i;p,. \1nMail rt(>t
Lir el- hrtte 1'iotl i4,-1, \tiny slati(otre, aie
t ,► it1-Iii1:..' one w high Lieut. f:re•millet
lt. ielo •a.1'.4.ned 120 miles fr',n Bram-
floe of supplica in till. w•ny. Wilco Ihi
.ti'•tnncP ei4 ei not eCxceed 1.2(10 lrrai,�
tiieSSelges Cali lx' esrllanged }n a day by
a system of relaytng.